moral officer occ(need help)

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moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by abe »

a morale officer would make a LOT of sense for the collalition :clown:
I am just not sure how to make it as a workable occ. :?
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Military Specialist or Technical Officer with a focus in social science skills. High MA (11+) as a prereq.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Library Ogre »

Actually, I did some work on alternate MOSs for Technical Officers. This was pre-RUE, but it never got picked up, so I like sharing it.


The CS Technical Officer OCC is perhaps the most diverse O.C.C. in the game. It can cover everyone from the Combat Engineers to the CSNET cybercops to the speechwriters in the Ministry of Truth. While the front-line fighting force is made up of grunts, if they can still fire their weapons, they're going to be thanking a CS Technical officer. Almost every non-combat job, and more than a few combat jobs, are filled by the Technical Officer O.C.C..

The key to the Technical Officer's flexibility is the wide variety of M.O.S.s (Military Occupational Specialties) that he can take. Each M.O.S. represents an area of special training that the Technical officer has had; carried far enough, one could almost call the Coalition Grunt O.C.C. a Technical officer with the M.O.S. of combat infantry, or a RPA pilot someone with the Piloting M.O.S.. Members of the Technical Officer O.C.C. go through basic training just like everyone else, but they are recognized, both by their drill instructors and by the battery of tests that they undergo during training. Those who show aptitude for technical fields are separated out during certain portions of the training and given additional tests. Those who pass are sent to advanced training after basic, where they learn their M.O.S.. Those who fail wind up having to work twice as hard during the rest of basic training to make up for it.

The training for each M.O.S. varies, of course; the training methods used to teach engineers probably won't do much good when you're trying to teach psychics, after all. However, even the most basic instruction usually requires six months to a year to complete, and the more complex fields (such as training doctors) will take at least four years, sometimes more. However, each M.O.S. has at least two training centers; one in Chi-Town, and one elsewhere. The medical M.O.S. is most commonly trained in Lone Star, and the weapons and engineering M.O.S.s have their training schools in Iron Heart. The Computer Specialist M.O.S. recently took a large hit with the secession of Free Quebec; the higher literacy rates in Free Quebec meant that they had a lot more hackers, and thus had a larger pool to choose from (and more of a reason to train cybercops).

Each M.O.S. has a lot of variety within it. Someone with the Communications M.O.S. could be a television anchor, a radioman with a forward unit, or commanding one of the Coalition's laser/microwave communications relay stations. Someone with the Medical M.O.S. could be a Doctor, a Nurse, a Field Medic or a psychiatrist. What level of training someone gets is based, in a large part, on the wealth and influence of their family. While Officer Candidate School is, by law, available to everyone who qualifies, those with connections find it much easier to qualify, and are more likely to be aware of what's needed to get in. Low-levelers who show an aptitude for medicine are more likely to be stationed on the front lines, dealing with trauma cases before being sent back to the doctors (who are almost, to a one, Lofties) in the M.A.S.H. unit or back home. While the Lofties are more likely to be better prepared for the rigors of medical school (since most of them are literate before entering the service, and may have something of a science background), the Coalition also loses a lot of talent to class prejudice. People with great talent but little influence occasionally rise to the more skilled and challenging positions, but more often they become glorified wrench-twiddlers instead of engineers, or a talented researcher might be relegated to data entry. It's one of the many flaws in the Coalition's current system, but those in charge see little wrong with it; after all, they're not being discriminated against.

The selection of five skills normally allotted for M.O.S. training is not enough to cover all the requirement of some of the more specialized fields, of course. For example, while a doctor can get by with Medical Doctor, Biology, Pathology, Chemistry, and Advanced Mathematics, other skills might be needed for her particular field of medicine. She might want Entomological Medicine and Research if she's attempting to find an antidote to Xiticix poison, or Field Surgery if she's going to be working near the front lines. If she's going to study Bionics or Juicer technology, she needs even more skills. Thus, in addition to the 5 M.O.S. skills, a Technical Officer may opt to spend some of his or her OCC Related or Secondary Skills on the various skills available to their M.O.S.; this is usually encouraged, especially in highly technical fields. All M.O.S. skills, taken with either the five selections or OCC Related Skills, get the +15% bonus (Secondary skills do not, as always). Again, the sons and daughters of the powerful have an advantage, here, as their parents may have been able to get them special tutors for their classes, or even gotten them some training before they entered the military. The poor are usually not shut out of such classes when they are in the military, but finding out about them, and registering for them.

M.O.S.: Communications
It is this character's job, not only to maintain clear lines of communications, but also to repair any fouled communication equipment in the field, and to deal with any interference (natural, paranatural, or artificial) that might be fouling communications. Those with high M.A.'s and P.B.'s may also be considered for various "news casting" jobs with the Ministry of Truth, be it delivering the nightly news, field reporting from the front lines, or man-on-the-street interviews. One of the Emperor's speechwriters is often a member of this M.O.S..

Available M.O.S. Skills:
Communications (any)
Basic Electronics, Computer Repair, Electrical Engineer
Disguise, Imitate Voices/Impersonation
Mathematics: Advanced
Computer Operation

M.O.S.: Computer Specialist
The Computer Specialists of the Coalition States maintain the Coalition Intranet, and serve as programmers for the various robotic systems within the States. Because of the Coalition's strict literacy laws, many are engaged in programming graphic and audio interfaces for the various Coalition computers. Since few are allowed to read, but many need to be able to use computers, most computers make use of simple icons and verbal prompts to guide the user through the system. Move the cursor over one icon, and the system tells you that this icon leads to the audio messaging service, or perhaps to the central consumer catalogue. Still others stay active in the Coalition's Intranet, keeping it free from hackers and cyberjackers, or even monitor the internal security systems of the megacities.
Because the Coalition doesn't maintain enough control of the land to keep a network of land lines, most of the Coalition intranet is maintained through laser communications towers. These communications towers are, obviously, the responsibility of those with the Communication M.O.S., but there are usually computer specialists at these towers, as well, to help keep the systems running.
Cybernetics Note: More than 95% of all members of the Computer Specialist M.O.S. have a basic headjack installed; the Coalition military provides these free of charge. Those who wish to purchase additional cybernetic devices can receive the following at 25% of the normal cost (the military pays the rest): Optic Nerve video Implant, Fingerjack, Computer Virus Carrier*, Computer Hacker Encoder*, Computerized Telephone Jack*, Internal Comp-Calculator*, Signal Booster*, or an Internal Computer (see below).

M.O.S. Skills:
Literacy: Techno-Can
Computer Operation
Computer Programming
Mathematics: Advanced
Computer Repair

Available Other Skills:
Cryptography, Laser Communications, Surveillance Systems, T.V./Video
Basic Electronics or Electrical Engineer
Artificial Intelligence
Cyberjacking, Research

*From Rifts: Japan

M.O.S.: Engineering
These men and women are the gearheads of the Coalition. Not only are they the boys in the motorpool, trying to get another patrol out of a cranky and near-crippled SAMAS, but they're also the men and women who design new weapons, vehicles, and equipment for the Coalition States. Once their period of enlistment is up, many go to work in the private sector, working for companies which have exclusive contracts with the Coalition States.

Available M.O.S. Skills:
Electrical (any)
Mechanical (any)
Mathematics: Advanced
Jury Rig

M.O.S.: Medical
This M.O.S. is common to doctors, nurses, and medics within the Coalition military. Medics are stationed on the front lines, usually part of an ordinary unit, charged with not only emergency field procedures, but also with setting up blood donation systems when artificial supplies run out. Doctors, of course, are the surgeons who work in the rear, either in a permanent enclave (such as the many military and VA hospitals in the States themselves) or in M.A.S.H. units. Nurses generally assist doctors, or deal directly with the patients on a day to day basis. Note that the modern-day gender bias which assumes doctors to be male and nurses to be female is not present in the military of the Coalition States; while doctors are automatically officers (and usually come from Lofty families who could afford their schooling), nurses do not have the same privileges. Many with the Medical M.O.S. also work within Lone Star. Those with psychic healing powers are often funneled into this program, though others wind up in the Psychic M.O.S., as well. It is worth noting that few with the Medical M.O.S. begin a private practice once out of the military. They are not prevented from doing so, but the health-care system of the Coalition States is state-run, leaving little room for independent practice (save for those who are willing to work illegally, or have contacts in the upper levels of society).

Available M.O.S. Skills:
Medical (Any; Holistic Medicine and Sea Holistic Medicine is rare, but not unheard of).
Science (Anthropology, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Chemistry: Analytical, Marine Biology, Mathematics: Advanced, Xenology only)
Computer Operation, Research
W.P. Knife

M.O.S.: Psychic
This M.O.S. is substantially different from the others. First of all, while other M.O.S.'s have psychics within them, every member of this M.O.S. is a major psychic. Rather than learn a host of skills centered around a certain activity, they instead learn to harness and make use of their psychic abilities, developing them into something of use for the military. Many of these people serve in the "Astral Patrol", flying over and around Chi-Town and interdicting against those who do not belong, or serving as messengers to forward units who are beyond the reach of conventional communications (by using a combination of Astral Projection and Telepathy to pass on information).
Members of this M.O.S. automatically gain the benefits listed for Coalition Military psychics in Psyscape, just like any other military psychic. Unlike other M.O.S.'s, they do not have a list of skills to choose from. Instead, they receive Lore: Psychics and Psionics with a +15% bonus, and have none of the usual penalties associated with being major psychics with an OCC; their energies are put into learning to be psychics, instead of those other four M.O.S. skills.
In addition, their training means that their Base ISP is equal to their M.E. plus 3D6+6, and they get 1D4+3 ISP at each level of experience (instead of 1D6+1). Also, instead of choosing new skills at levels three, six, nine and twelve, the character may instead increase his psionic potential (he can, of course, choose new skills if he wishes). He may learn a new psychic power in one of the three minor areas where he already has existing talent (i.e. someone with only healing abilities could only learn a new healing power, but someone with both physical and sensitive powers could learn either a physical or sensitive power) at the cost of one skill, add 10 ISP to his base for one skill (in addition to the amount rolled for increasing a level), or he may choose to add a single super-psionic power in exchange for two skills (the Coalition tends to funnel these psychics into powers of broad use, and tends to frown upon those who learn powers like Psi-Sword or Telekinetic Acceleration Attack; no official punishment, but they tend to find their advancement slowed slightly). The character will never be more than a major psychic, no matter how many powers he develops.

M.O.S.: Technician
Technicians cover a wide variety of people. For the most part, they are the administrators of the Coalition, keeping humanity running smoothly on a trail of electrons, or serving as personal secretaries to the Emperor and other high-ranking military and civilian personnel. Others work in experimental fields, performing experiments at the behest of civilian scientists at Lone Star. Many more work in data analysis, research, and even teaching military history and citizenship in state-run schools. The Coalition even employs some to locate and run mines to provide them with raw material.

Available M.O.S. Skills:
Cryptography, Performance (trust me, teachers need Performance).
Basic Electronics, Computer Repair, Electrical Engineer
Basic Mechanics
Read Sensory Instruments
Science (Any)
Computer Operation, Computer Programming, History, Language, Law, Literacy, Lore (D-Bee, Demons and Monsters, Faerie, Juicer, Indians, Magic, Psychics & Psionics, Religion), Mining, Mythology, Photography, Prospecting, Research, Salvage, Writing.

M.O.S.: Weapons
Weapons Technical Officers are the people who not only keep the CS running, but are also likely to be in charge of any crew-served weapons that the squad might be carrying, as well as being responsible for many of the jobs usually reserved for the Combat Engineers; emergency bridging, demolitions (when an EOD specialist isn't available), defensive fortifications, etc.. Unlike Engineering Technical Officers, who share some of these duties, those with the Weapons M.O.S. are far more likely to be out on the front lines, dealing with problems as the occur, rather than in the rear with the gear.

Available M.O.S. Skills:
Basic Electronics
Mechanical Engineer
Weapons Engineer
Military (any except Military Etiquette*, Parachuting, Ship to Ship Combat, Space Defense Systems)
Body Building and Weight Lifting
Weapons Systems
Mathematics: Advanced
Computer Operation
Undersea Salvage
WP (any Modern).
*Still available to them as a OCC Related/Secondary Skill, at the normal bonus of +5%.
-overproduced by Martin Hannett

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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Tiree »

Moral Officer will need to be a Technical Officer OCC focusing on Communication. They will need to have a high MA and PB. Wear short - short skirts and low revealing top. Be able to tap a keg, throw parties, know how to use a brass pole, form human pyramids, and cheer. All should be female to uplift the troop morale.

sorry - yes I know it is rather sexist.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Natasha »

A moral officer (as indicated in the title) might not be a bad idea for the CS either.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Well I know I didn't.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Zerebus wrote:Am I the only one who just pictured Lynn Minmei in Coalition garb?
I pictured Deanna Troi from Star Trek TNG
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by BookWyrm »

Hmmm, Marina Sirtis, her hair cropped crew-cut short, in CS officer (propotionate) armor, her helmet cradled under one arm.....

In the words of Artie Johnson, verrrrrry interesting.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Dead Boy »

Mark Hall wrote:M.O.S.: Psychic
This M.O.S. is substantially different from the others. First of all, while other M.O.S.'s have psychics within them, every member of this M.O.S. is a major psychic. Rather than learn a host of skills centered around a certain activity, they instead learn to harness and make use of their psychic abilities, developing them into something of use for the military. Many of these people serve in the "Astral Patrol", flying over and around Chi-Town and interdicting against those who do not belong, or serving as messengers to forward units who are beyond the reach of conventional communications (by using a combination of Astral Projection and Telepathy to pass on information).
Members of this M.O.S. automatically gain the benefits listed for Coalition Military psychics in Psyscape, just like any other military psychic. Unlike other M.O.S.'s, they do not have a list of skills to choose from. Instead, they receive Lore: Psychics and Psionics with a +15% bonus, and have none of the usual penalties associated with being major psychics with an OCC; their energies are put into learning to be psychics, instead of those other four M.O.S. skills.
In addition, their training means that their Base ISP is equal to their M.E. plus 3D6+6, and they get 1D4+3 ISP at each level of experience (instead of 1D6+1). Also, instead of choosing new skills at levels three, six, nine and twelve, the character may instead increase his psionic potential (he can, of course, choose new skills if he wishes). He may learn a new psychic power in one of the three minor areas where he already has existing talent (i.e. someone with only healing abilities could only learn a new healing power, but someone with both physical and sensitive powers could learn either a physical or sensitive power) at the cost of one skill, add 10 ISP to his base for one skill (in addition to the amount rolled for increasing a level), or he may choose to add a single super-psionic power in exchange for two skills (the Coalition tends to funnel these psychics into powers of broad use, and tends to frown upon those who learn powers like Psi-Sword or Telekinetic Acceleration Attack; no official punishment, but they tend to find their advancement slowed slightly). The character will never be more than a major psychic, no matter how many powers he develops..

Hey now! That's not a bad idea. :ok: I especially like the idea of the Astral Patrol for security.
From the author of The RCSG, Ft. Laredo & the E. St. Louis Rift in Rifter #37, The Coalition Edge in Rifter #42, New Chillicothe & the N.C. Burbs in Rifter #54, New Toys of the Coalition States in Rifter #57, and The Black-Malice Legacy in Rifters #63, 64 & (Pt. 3, TBA)

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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Jerell »

When I saw morale officer for the CS, my first thought was a political officer like the Soviet Union used. Namely, the Commissar. I could see an evil Lynn Minmay Commissar in the Coalition. :lol: Inspiring troops and the populace where needed, rooting out heretical though, and sometimes, sumarily executing traitors. Sounds CS enough to me... "Run, and you will be shot as traitor!"
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Natasha »

You know why Soviet cops patrolled in teams of three?

One could read and write.
One could do math.
One to keep tabs on the intellectuals.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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There was a great Soviet basketball coach who was constantly being hassled because his teams could never defeat the Americans. So, he sent his best assistant to America to learn the secret of their basketball ability. Apon arriving at the American practice facility he met legendary American basketball coach John Wooden.

He asked coah Wooden, "Coach, how is that you Americans are always getting the best of us?"

Coach Wooden smiled, but being a fair man decided to share his secret with the Soviet. He replied, "Well, its really no more complicated that speed and agility."

The Soviet Coach was perplexed. How could it be so simple as speed and agility? He pressed Coach Wooden for more details.

Coach Wooden, again feeling pity on the Soviet coach replied, "Well its not enough to have, you have to know just when to use it."

Now the Soviet felt he was getting somewhere. "Please, will you demonstrate for me."

Coach Wooden smiled and placed his hand on a large concrete bench. "Here, strike my hand as hard as you can."

The Soviet pulled back and punched his fist with all his might. Coach Wooden at the last moment removed his hand from the block and the Soviet coach proceeded to strike the concrete full force.


"You see," asked Coach Wooden, "Speed and Agility."

The Soviet coaches eyes lit up with understanding. He rushed back to the USSR to share his wonderful new strategy with the Soviet Team. When he arrived the Head Coach asked him, "Well, did you learn anything?"

"YES!" cried the assistant. "It's all about Speed and Agility."

The Head Coach looked perplexed, "What in the world are you talking about?"

"Here! Let me show you. Hit my hand!" said the assitant while covering his face with his hand.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Dog_O_War »

A moral officer, like a "Commisar" from warhammer 40k? Where they "motivate" officers and troops into doing stuff beyond normal?

That would be awesome.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Natasha »

Jesterzzn wrote:^Nice.

There was a great Soviet basketball coach who was constantly being hassled because his teams could never defeat the Americans. So, he sent his best assistant to America to learn the secret of their basketball ability. Apon arriving at the American practice facility he met legendary American basketball coach John Wooden.

He asked coah Wooden, "Coach, how is that you Americans are always getting the best of us?"

Coach Wooden smiled, but being a fair man decided to share his secret with the Soviet. He replied, "Well, its really no more complicated that speed and agility."

The Soviet Coach was perplexed. How could it be so simple as speed and agility? He pressed Coach Wooden for more details.

Coach Wooden, again feeling pity on the Soviet coach replied, "Well its not enough to have, you have to know just when to use it."

Now the Soviet felt he was getting somewhere. "Please, will you demonstrate for me."

Coach Wooden smiled and placed his hand on a large concrete bench. "Here, strike my hand as hard as you can."

The Soviet pulled back and punched his fist with all his might. Coach Wooden at the last moment removed his hand from the block and the Soviet coach proceeded to strike the concrete full force.


"You see," asked Coach Wooden, "Speed and Agility."

The Soviet coaches eyes lit up with understanding. He rushed back to the USSR to share his wonderful new strategy with the Soviet Team. When he arrived the Head Coach asked him, "Well, did you learn anything?"

"YES!" cried the assistant. "It's all about Speed and Agility."

The Head Coach looked perplexed, "What in the world are you talking about?"

"Here! Let me show you. Hit my hand!" said the assitant while covering his face with his hand.

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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Somehow I doubt "Mandatory Fun Day" survived the Coming of the Rifts.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by taalismn »

Public Speaking,Perosnal Grooming, and Pyschology would be good skills for such a person to have...a stromg ME and MA also necessary, and in the CS, a strong resistance to Horror Factor is also good....THis guy or girl persuades through example and empathy with the troops...whereas a Commissar dictates political dogma and (as in the Red Army and WH40K) shoots those who retreat or show signs of disobediance/mutiny...
Likewise, some means to acquire non-essentials, like luxury goods to bolster troop morale, is a good thing...Not quite a supply officer, but nevertheless able to arrange delivery of more varied food and drink(as well as the staff to properly prepare it) to deserving units, wrangle USO-style live entertainment, and distribute the supportive placards for the troops to hold when some member of the CS aristocracy comes breezing through on a quick review of the troops...
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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you forgot the magic m.o.s. for the magic zone!
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Library Ogre »

There's no magic MOS because the CS doesn't use magic. That'd be like the United States Army having an MOS set up around using pike.

There's no Chaplain MOS because my view of the CS is essentially atheistic. Morale officers (often with the Communications MOS, but it could just as easily be a duty of others within the unit) are responsible for making sure others ARE getting letters from home, are having the ability to talk to officers about compassionate leave, and the group activities are organized to build unit cohesion and morale. In short, they're fulfilling the duties of a chaplain in a modern military, but they're Morale officers, without a religious connotation. What others may accomplish through religious faith, the CS accomplishes through patriotism.
-overproduced by Martin Hannett

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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by csbioborg »

Mark Hall wrote:There's no magic MOS because the CS doesn't use magic. That'd be like the United States Army having an MOS set up around using pike.

There's no Chaplain MOS because my view of the CS is essentially atheistic. Morale officers (often with the Communications MOS, but it could just as easily be a duty of others within the unit) are responsible for making sure others ARE getting letters from home, are having the ability to talk to officers about compassionate leave, and the group activities are organized to build unit cohesion and morale. In short, they're fulfilling the duties of a chaplain in a modern military, but they're Morale officers, without a religious connotation. What others may accomplish through religious faith, the CS accomplishes through patriotism.

While Palladium books choices not to address the CS religious proclivites I think its a bit of a strech to see them as atheists. Even in Communist Russia Christianity still remained I can't really think of a single time when atheisim actually was the prevailing sentiment wihtin a countries poopulace. HIstoricaly calamity has been the catalyst for a push towards religion not against it. since there is no indication from the writers of anything different one would presume hat Christainty would still be the religion albiet most likely altered
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Natasha »

Another CS soldier O.C.C. is overkill; you can get a Chaplain pretty easy with what's already available.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Geronimo 2.0 wrote:
Mark Hall wrote:There's no magic MOS because the CS doesn't use magic. That'd be like the United States Army having an MOS set up around using pike.

There's no Chaplain MOS because my view of the CS is essentially atheistic. Morale officers (often with the Communications MOS, but it could just as easily be a duty of others within the unit) are responsible for making sure others ARE getting letters from home, are having the ability to talk to officers about compassionate leave, and the group activities are organized to build unit cohesion and morale. In short, they're fulfilling the duties of a chaplain in a modern military, but they're Morale officers, without a religious connotation. What others may accomplish through religious faith, the CS accomplishes through patriotism.

Re-read the Emperors speeches, he invokes "God" (probably the CS approved version of "God")... but it leaves me to ask "Which One? Zeus, Thor, Krishna, Jehovah, Baal?".
Is the CS A-Thorist?

Truthfully, I tend to regard those as linguistic artifacts, more than statements of belief. Heck, I say "Goddammit" all the time, and I'm midway between Asatruar and atheist... neither of which particularly embraces the idea of a single deity damning anything.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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Natasha wrote:Another CS soldier O.C.C. is overkill; you can get a Chaplain pretty easy with what's already available.

"Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition"...CS Stance on Religion...
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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A hooker borg.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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the magic mos WOULD work with the armies of the magic zone!!!!
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Natasha »

Geronimo 2.0 wrote:
Natasha wrote:A hooker borg.
Think of the attachments... :eek:

I already did a few years ago, but the thread got shut down very quickly.

That's why I'm just thinking about them :fl:
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

Unread post by Library Ogre »

abe wrote:the magic mos WOULD work with the armies of the magic zone!!!!

Yes, but they wouldn't be CS. Sure, the groups in the magic zone might have soldiers with a magic MOS, but they would, by definition, not be Coalition soldiers, and not be of the CS Technical Officer OCC.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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I was going for a general mos not necacarally for the cs.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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abe wrote:I was going for a general mos not necacarally for the cs.

Cue Morbo:

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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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To be a good moral officer, you need the skills brewing, streetwise, and find contraband. Check out Operation: Petticoat and Seaquest DSV for ideas for good moral officers.
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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"All Coalition States citizens, officers, enlisted & conscripts shall make merry under pain of death. That is all." :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: moral officer occ(need help)

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My poltical officer's web site:


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