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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:47 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
answer #4 is kinda Offensive... you know how scary it is for us Black guys in a Ritzy White neighborhood... "My car is stolen... that black dude on foot must have stolen it!!!!!" *Gun shots* "oh... I parked it by the Pool house... sorry little black boy... i only Wounded you.. stop bleeding on my Side walk"
thou i did Vote for #4... any time i encounter more then 3 GB's My PC will Wet him self... then Run for his Mommy....

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:53 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
me? well, I'd just send a couple friends with the mutant power of Invunerability and let them deal with it.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:00 pm
by Colonel Wolfe
K20A2_S wrote:
Colonel Wolfe wrote:answer #4 is kinda Offensive... you know how scary it is for us Black guys in a Ritzy White neighborhood... "My car is stolen... that black dude on foot must have stolen it!!!!!" *Gun shots* "oh... I parked it by the Pool house... sorry little black boy... i only Wounded you.. stop bleeding on my Side walk"
thou i did Vote for #4... any time i encounter more then 3 GB's My PC will Wet him self... then Run for his Mommy....
Just out of curiosity, where do you live?


Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:10 pm
by Shadowfyr
Um... a horde of GB's..... uhhh

Bend over maybe?

LOL :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:14 pm
by Guest
Where's the poll option for "Destroy Glitterboys and sell parts"?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 6:49 pm
by Killer Cyborg

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:00 pm
by Mech-Viper Prime
the hands up in the air

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:07 pm
by Dead Boy
Against a full on "horde" of GB's? I think I'd follow my sure-fired five step path to victory.

Step 1) Fill my Spiderman-underoos with my cowardess.

Step 2) Flail my arms about in the air and panic, running in circles.

Step 3) Run like a little sissy-boy and find a good place to hide till the threat is gone.

Step 4) Follow them from a safe distance and wait for them to break for camp for the night, stretch their legs, and get some real food in their bellies.

Step 5) Use a sillent weapon (laser/vibro-knife/MD hand to hand...) to kill as many of them as I can in their sleep, and then get the heck out of there before sunrise or discovery.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:27 pm
by grandmaster z0b
Hard to answer without a scenario:

If I had my own horde of GB then fight!

If I was Thor or better yet Thoth then they would be the ones screaming.

If your talking about me the guy sitting behind this computer, then I would probably pass out from shock.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 8:55 pm
by Wildfire
dang it starting to smell in this thread.
Now are we talking about a mixed hoard of GBs from La Belle Province or just run of the mills (like that is any less threatening)

If your characters were able to smoke the GB-10's (as hard to believe as this is) with a small party (please remeber a hoard is a lot more than 6 or so GBs) I doubt if you faced the mixed bag of tricks you would fair as well, unless you live in munchkinland, and if you do can you get Gilda the good fairy of the north's e-mail addy for me cause she and Dorthy are hot :-D

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2005 11:49 pm
by Kalinda
Look unimportant and hope they have better things to do. (which they probably do, the only kingdom that can field a 'horde' of GBs is free quebec, and they don't deploy them outside their borders unless it's pretty darn important.)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:39 am
by Wildfire
Zerebus I haven't played Phaseworld in a while but the Cosmo-knight it is only nearly immune to energy not kinetic damage right. If I am correct the evn an Uber Cosmo knight would fall to hordes of Gilterboys

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:06 am
by Marcethus
depends on the Character I am using.

My VF pilots that are on Rifts Earth.

A) Fly the hell out of there at Max Mach speed.
b) if A is unavailable. Panic Button with all Missiles fired.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:12 am
by Sentinel
I wait until they all need to get out of their armours for rest room breaks and showers, then take care of them.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:52 pm
by Comrade Corsarius
"He who fights then runs away, has wasted valuable running time"

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:17 pm
by Dead Boy
Comrade Corsarius wrote:"He who fights then runs away, has wasted valuable running time"

I like that so much, I'm tempted to sig that line. :-D

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 7:39 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Personally, I'm kind of curious why so many people would throw their lives away in combat rather than surrender...

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:11 pm
by cornholioprime
Do what many if not most of the Posters in here do almost anytime a difficult Challenge is proposed:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: CALL IN THE MARDUK FLEET, THE SDF-1 MAIN GUN, OR ANY SUPERWEAPON FROM THE ROBOTECH UNIVERSE..... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:23 pm
by Guest
Azrael wrote:Tha phrase: "Running will only make you die tired." Comes to mind. I'd stand and fight it'd be a glorious and honorable death.

But I must say Horde right? FQ only has what 200+ Glitterboys? (correct me if I'm wrong). Though I'm thinking of the 3rd armored division of the Tri-Galactic Military Services merc unit from phase world who actually fielded a "horde" of Glitterboys....1200 boom guns *shudders*

FQ's got 15,000 GBs of various types.

Then there's New Republic of Japan, which can field roughly 12,000 G10 GBs, 8400 G10A1 GBs, and 5000 G10A2 GBs.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:49 pm
by Mike Taylor
You left out an option for "Summon Kid With A Bag of Rocks."

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:55 pm
by Guest
Mike Taylor wrote:You left out an option for "Summon Kid With A Bag of Rocks."

Little Timmy's busy laying down cover fire so people can't shoot back over on the Cover Fire topic.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:59 pm
by Killer Cyborg
Gheralt Hellwalker wrote:2 points.

1. If I am not mistaken I read somewhere a tactical Nuke would only do the equivalent of what 50 MDC damage if that? Am I wrong, do they do more damage?

2. I read in a book somewhere not sure which about Robotech armor if it came to Rifts. It said that it was faster and more advanced but in comparison to other Power armor it was essentially inferior. I think most of the Robotic armor only had like 300 MDC at most and there weapon systems did barely more then average. There huge advantage was MASSIVELY maneuverable and fast. I could be wrong but /shrug its how I remember it.

Yeah, you're mostly wrong.
Robotech stuff does have less MDC, and is often faster, but the firepower is often at least as good as Rifts stuff.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:17 am
by chaserone
Most of the mecha stand a chance against a glitterboy in a one on one fight, although, one boom gun hit to a veritech will more than likely trash it enough to impair it.

Excaliber on the other hand would rock against a glitterboy.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:24 am
by Killer Cyborg
K20A2_S wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I'm kind of curious why so many people would throw their lives away in combat rather than surrender...
B/c it's not "our" lives, and a new life is but a sheet of paper away.

That seems like a lack of playing in character to me... your PC doesn't know that he'll be reincarnated...
Uh, reinpaperated... whatever...

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:30 am
by Killer Cyborg
K20A2_S wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:
K20A2_S wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I'm kind of curious why so many people would throw their lives away in combat rather than surrender...
B/c it's not "our" lives, and a new life is but a sheet of paper away.

That seems like a lack of playing in character to me... your PC doesn't know that he'll be reincarnated...
Uh, reinpaperated... whatever...
I'm talking about moving on to a whole new PC all together.............I don't play this way, but some people do.

I know...
The PC would be the body, the player would be the soul... the new PC would be the same soul in a new body....

Either way, it still seems like lack of playing in character...

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 1:35 am
by Mike Taylor
Kuseru Satsujin wrote:
Mike Taylor wrote:You left out an option for "Summon Kid With A Bag of Rocks."

Little Timmy's busy laying down cover fire so people can't shoot back over on the Cover Fire topic.

Little Timmy's a badass. I gotta give him props for that.

As to this whole going out gun blazing thing. That's just stupid unless you KNOW that the other side is going to kill you anyway. If you're a D-Bee facing off with Free Quebec, sure. If you're facing off against the GBs of Tri-Galactic Military Services or a group of merc GB pilots, be smart and surrender.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 2:46 am
by Drakenred®™©
Considering that my group has a Phase drive equipped Victorian mansion with a decent level of firepower, I know their answer would be to go get it and hover 4 miles over them while firing the particle beams, saving the lasers for picking off jets missiles and non chromed items

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:05 am
by Drakenred®™©
(BLEEP) IT! sorry bout the multiple post

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 3:17 am
by Drakenred®™©
Drakenred wrote:
Azrael wrote:
Phase drive equipped Victorian mansion

WTH? Which book did that show up in?
Well, the short version is they thought they were in a BTS type game since the date on the callender was April 2004. . .

They should have payed attention.

Deckplance to the "Haunted" Flying Victorian Mansion a Sentient MDC Starship which is currently residing in the Wolfen Empire. . .

When they first investgated the haunted Mansion, they doors slamed shut on them and the ship started a pre launch countdown, They thought that I had turned into a Killer GM especialy since they were only capable of SDC damge and the doors and windows were all MDC structures.ironicaly their allies in the Wolfen empire dont give them mutch trouble, since would you Realy mess with someone who has a talking Rune House?(its not a Rune House, but its a MDC structure in Paladium which means that its invulerabel to anthing But magic.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 7:52 am
by Comrade Corsarius
Dead Boy wrote:
Comrade Corsarius wrote:"He who fights then runs away, has wasted valuable running time"

I like that so much, I'm tempted to sig that line. :-D

By all means, be my guest.

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 8:40 pm
by Marcethus
I don't see how their weapon is ineffective against something flying at 500mph when the slug of the USA-G10 GB's main gun is fired at over mach 5

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 10:00 pm
by gelidus
As my wearwolf stand and fight...Till I got blown into the next zip code. Then go about my day as normal

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:01 am
by Guest

What am I?

if it's one of my more recent, lower power level, s.d.c. books guys, he'd turn to his friends and say "Smoke em if ya got em"

If it was one of my overmunchkined early characters, he would probably have a fleet of undamaged Glitter Boys that needed a little upholstery cleaning.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:11 am
by Guest
Zerebus wrote:
Wildfire wrote:Zerebus I haven't played Phaseworld in a while but the Cosmo-knight it is only nearly immune to energy not kinetic damage right. If I am correct the evn an Uber Cosmo knight would fall to hordes of Gilterboys

It'd take too long to explain. Suffice to say that the character "Zerebus" is powerful enough to take out whole pantheons, and then let us never speak of this fact again.

That's why you like Nek so much.

Us munchkins gotta stick together huh.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:54 pm
by Ronin Shinobi
Can't really answer. It depends on my resources.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:41 pm
by dark brandon
What you talkin about willis? I AM THE GLITTER BOY HORDE.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 8:44 pm
by Preacher
Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I'm kind of curious why so many people would throw their lives away in combat rather than surrender...

There are things I dislike more than death. 8-)

Seriously fast tacticle retreat is the order of the day.

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:29 pm
by Athos
Since I would have spent my 25,000,000 credits differently, my power armor wearing special forces soldiers outnumber the GB's about 20 to 1 and while I would take a couple casualties, I would down the GB's quickly.

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2005 1:00 am
by Killer Cyborg
PreacherMan wrote:
Killer Cyborg wrote:Personally, I'm kind of curious why so many people would throw their lives away in combat rather than surrender...

There are things I dislike more than death. 8-)

Well, I guess it depends on what they want to do to me...
Retreat or fighting to the death is better than some fates, but since there's no horrible fate mentioned in the scenario it seems weird that everybody's default is to fight to the death.

Seriously fast tacticle retreat is the order of the day.

Good luck getting out of range...
(Unless you can teleport :ok:)

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:07 pm
by dark brandon
2005...5 years ago...I posted...

It's nostalgia time.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:31 pm
by dragonfett
Ya gotta lock on to the target to hit it, the GB gun is a big, slow moving peice of equipment better suited to fighting tanks or other bots. By the time they fired there short the aircraft is already several thousand feet away. The GB would have to lead the target, and leading aircraft with a single shot weapon is hard. Also if the Aircraft has weapons like missles, they can lock on and fire on the GB's while out of range of there boom gun.

The GB is great for anti armor and anti personal, but it's vulnerable to air attacks.

PS - Now if that boom gun hits an aircraft... bye bye aircraft.

Where does it say that the Boom Gun is slow moving, or even how fast the GB can move the gun in fact? Depending on how the aircraft or flying power armors were moving in relation to the GB would be the big determining factor (i.e., strait at the GB or across it's field of view). It would not matter how fast they move if they fly right at the Glitter Boy. If they fly across the GB's FoV within 1/2 mile at 500+ mph I would agree. And if the fliers are flying across the GB's FoV at those speeds, they can't fire on the GB either (or can't accurately fire on it in power armors that have guns that they can move around like the SAMAS). Also, the only power armors that can carry missiles that can be fired from outside of the Boom Gun's range is the Flying Titan Power Armor with 6 SRM hardpoints (or 12 mini-missiles). They would have to use at the very least 4 Armor Piercing SRMs, rolling 18 or better each time and rolling max damage to take down just 1! Against a horde, I would be FUBAR'ed unless I had a horde twice as big of IAR-2's. Then I would fight.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:50 am
by Shark_Force
actually, with a sufficiently fast aircraft you would have a sufficiently large penalty to hit as to make it near impossible (on a 20 only), and with the right missile (one of the phase world cruise missiles that give no chance to do anything about if you're within 1 mile, for example) you could pretty much destroy an entire formation of glitterboys. so you get a really fast-moving jet, put a half a dozen of them in the air, and give them each one of those cruise missiles... i'd expect the glitterboys to just vanish, pretty much :P

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 8:24 am
by dragonfett
Those are pretty extraordinary circumstances. Not to mention that the aircraft would have similar penalties I would have to say because of the fact that they are probably trying to not get hit by the Boom Gun. If the plane was flying strait, I would say that the plane would take a -2 penalty to attack and the GB -4 to attack at 2 miles out, and double that for every half mile that the plane closes. I don't think this would be a big problem however as almost all aircraft that I can think of (not including sky cycles for the purposes of aircraft, mind you) would be able to carry SRMs anyway, so they could fire from outside of the Boom Gun's range anyway.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:50 am
by Steeler49er
Wow... Old freakin thread.
My daughter just started K-grade a coupla weeks ago, yet this thread was started just days after she was born.
No wonder I never saw this illogically phrased question as I was in the hospital... Begining to wonder what other jems I may have missed here while I was cooing my bundle of cuteness.

As to the OP's question (Thoe late as my answer is) the question is...

What do you do when faced with a horde of glitter boys?
1)fight to the death
3)cry like a little girl
4)soil yourself a run like a scared boy

Atsa Great question "BUT"... Given that there are NO criteria (whatsoever) as to what state you are in when you fight them... I.E.:
► Is it A)YOU, you, just plain old you who is fighting them?
►Or is it B) You as in Your present or maybe a past character fighting them?
►Or is it C) You as in the character You Just created to answer this question with?
CUZ The answer obviously changes depending on which of those three we got to choose from.

A) I'm ME, Me having just been resently thrown in to Rifts. My Only super power is my skills at "Metagaming" and they are Useless cuz I've just gotten Rifted here into The R.E.D. (Rifts Earth Dimension)... Or RED Shifted as I call it :o
Answer: No powers, metagame skills useless, No#2 SURRENEDER!

B) I'm one of my Past PC's and I get to choose which one... Simple enough, I choose my Nightspawn who rifted into RED. He's Got the Morphus powers of "Awesome-ness!" And some cool (yet useless) Talents and only 3Permanent PPE left to use them with due to me going crazy while *Talent Shopping...
Answer: A) I fight to the death!!!
I may win...

C) I get to Choose right here on the spot... KEWL...
Then I choose my Q10! [CENSORED] from my Other Favorite RGP known as [CENSORED]! he's got the powers of [CENSORED] and can [CENSORED] and will do [CENSORED] to the first Glitter Boy (Ouch i know)!
Then I shove the second Glitter Boys head up the third GB's [CENSORED][CENSORED][CENSORED] and [CENSORED] so hard his mother will cry!
The forth and fifth Glitter boys, well I'll just [CENSORED] there arms so hard that they'll never [CENSORED] and [CENSORED], meaning those to will never get to [CENSORED] and that is why they [CENSORED] for voting republican twice!!! that'll teach them.
The Sixth Glitter boy, well I'm gonna use my favorite power from the [CENSORED] Players Guide! Then I use it in the most creative (yet disturbing) way ever by [CENSORED] his [CENSORED] and finally Le Pista Resistance, I'll [CENSORED] his [CENSORED] and that is why he'll never be able to get a date with a human girl again for the rest of his life.
The last few I will give them the choice of death or [CENSORED]....
And boy will they be suprised if they choose Bufu!

*Talent Shopping (or talent burning as known in some circles) is a very real RPG geeks sickness, akin to a womens need to go shoe shopping and ends up spending the whole houses income doing so.
If You or a friend are suffering from the addiction of Talent Shopping or you'd like to know more about this horrid disease,
Please call 1-800-CJMADE-MEDOIT!

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:10 am
by SkyeFyre
As my Cyber-Knight? Run and hope that I distort their systems enough to cover my escape.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:42 am
by jedi078
Surrender (as well as running away) is a valid option for the players in the games I run. They'd be smart enough to not fight to the death because that is exactly what I would give them, character death.

Illithid13 wrote:Considering a zaper and 2 psi-slayers took out 6 GBs together in basicly 3 rounds, I'd say I'd fight, but that is only because that is what we did... And we won! :D

The GM wasn't running the GB's properly. If I was runnning them (the GB's who would have more then just boom guns to fight with) your characters would have died. People need to realize that any GB unit that has survived the Great Cataclysm has probably had a number of modification done to it over the years. Those that are owned by mercs still most likely carry back up weapons or even induce TW mods to them.

In a game I am in there are three GB's the GM regular has to slap naruni force fields on stuff so it lives long enough to actually be a threat.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 4:06 pm
by Rimmer
Throw Wilks laser grenade, sit back and watch the show.

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:24 pm
by Colt47
Targeted deflection and lots of it. I mean LOTS OF IT!

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:45 pm
by Dead Boy
I believe the correct answer is a hybrid of options 1 and 4
► Fight to the death, and
► Soil yourself a run like a scared boy, only towards the enemy.

Here's my thinking on this. The best way to take on a hoard of Glitter Boys is to take advantage of their main two weaknesses: (1) the length of the Boom Guns themselves, and (2) the fact that as a horde they are reasonably well packed together. The sight of just little 'ol you charging their formation is sure to be cause for the pilots to be distracted by their own hysterical laughter, thus giving you your chance to close in to point-blank range. In theory this is so close, and they are so well packed together, it will be difficult to aim their weapons. Also, if you hug one of the GB's legs, it will fall to a team-mate to shoot you off for them. Time this right and dodge with all your might, and in theory, you could get them to shoot each other's legs off for you. Sure, eventually you'll die, but with the right character, a sympathetic GM, and some really favorable penalties to hit on their part, you could get them to take out maybe twenty or so of their brethren. :)

(And thanks, Steeler49er. I forgot we can could use alt-codes here)

Re: faced with a horde of glitter boys

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:36 pm
by dragonfett
Who said that they had to shoot you off? If there is a horde, all they need is four of the to get a hold of a limb and now you are restrained.