Bringing Chaos Earth to Rifts.

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Bringing Chaos Earth to Rifts.

Unread post by darthauthor »

So I ran and adventure.

A Golden Age city I invented got Rifted into Rifts Earth PA 105

I told the adventurers they heard rumors about a Pre-Rifts city that appeared out of nowhere.
A merchant made them an offer to bring back anything of value he could turn around and sell. 10,000 credits plus a truck to hual cargo.

Skip ahead, the adventures find the city has the people in it from the time they came from. To them 3 or 4 days have passed. There are no roads to drive out of town. The internet only works inside the city. Place is nuclear powered.


Where are the juicers? The city instantly appeared out of 2098

Where are the crazies?

Where are the military grade headhunter cyborgs?

Is NEMA all over the place? In other words, would a civilain city, like Los Angeles have a military base with giant robot fighting machines?

Do people have psionics?

Are they as powerful before the Blue Zones/Ley Lines or does every psychic in town become boosted when they arrive in the year PA 105?
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Re: Bringing Chaos Earth to Rifts.

Unread post by darthauthor »


I try to answer my own questions.

Where are the juicers? The city instantly appeared out of 2098

Juicers, even in the year 2098 are rare. They exist as a military experiment. A special forces squard. Best guess, maybe a platoon size exists (30 is a kind of bottom number sample group). At most I don't believe more than a company would exist.
IF the tech got out (hacking, spies, a leak, etc) the criminal undergorund would try out a handful.
Might be more in foreign countries. Still, my belief is that they are RARE. There is no good reason for a large number to exist in a city like san diego or L.A. So they don't. If I wanted to do some GM hand-waveium I could say one was on leave in the city visiting family or such.

Where are the crazies?

See Juicers above. Although, they might have a few M.O.M. that actual treate insanity without the super-powers.

Where are the military grade headhunter cyborgs?

I believe the city would have bionics/cybernetics for people with organ replacements and for lost fingers and limbs. So no crutches or wheel-chairs. Military headhunters would not exist in the city unless they are like the Juicers.

Is NEMA all over the place? In other words, would a civilain city, like Los Angeles have a military base with giant robot fighting machines?

No. I don't believe they would.

Feels like the city life is REALLY SDC.

Do people have psionics?

Yes. That is the short answer. The longer answer is the science that studies psionics is in its infancy. The Chaos Earth charts show the people are more likely to have psionics but that does not mean that they are necessarily more likely to have mastered them or use them in a fighting manor. Most of the operate by autopilot and reflex. Sixth Sense doesn't go off unless you are in danger. Speed reading and total recall are gimmes. Big stuff like Astral projection they need practice and a teach for or they could hurt themselves.

Are they as powerful before the Blue Zones/Ley Lines or does every psychic in town become boosted when they arrive in the year PA 105?

I believe that because Rifts Earth has the Ley Lines that psychics from 2098 have the same power levels (SDC or MD) as psychics in Rifts Earth.
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