Fan Races!!

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Roscoe Del'Tane
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »

Hello again everyone, and a belated Happy Humbug to all! I had an ambush of ideas that translated into a pair of semi-allied races. Be warned, they are a bit wordy and rough in places, but I hope you enjoy!

“So, you’re a ‘human’ then, what does that mean? What do I mean by that? Well, I’m an O-Rogg, translated for polite company it means ‘the cursed people eternally doomed to suffer, while being defecated upon by the heavens and scorned by the Gods;’ what does ‘human’ mean?” typical O-Rogg introduction to humans.

The O-Rogg:

There are all types of people out there, from those who could fall into a mud hole and come up clutching a bag full of gold bars and missing Renaissance artwork, and those who get hit run over by a leaking sewage-pumping truck while helping an old lady across the street. This race is all about the losers in the previous situations, the O-Rogg. They had the bad luck to have their first contact with deities when they were in the middle of their Industrial Revolution (and they had never really believed ‘in Gods and demons and all that rubbish’ to begin with). The O-Rogg are a species that managed to get on the bad side of several of the prankster/mischievous deities, when they flat out refused to worship them.

It was a set up that had worked like clockwork on dozens of worlds before the O-Rogg home world; a group of ‘demons’ show up and cause problems, then the God selected for that world would show up and stop the ‘invasion’, the populace would normally then fall all over themselves to please their ‘saviors’. The O-Rogg were incredibly skeptical about the whole thing, they saw through what had happened and began asking rather pointed and blunt questions to a group of beings that were used to near blind obedience. If things had ended there, the O-Rogg would not be what they are now, but they continued pushing the envelope, and said that they would NEVER worship beings that would so recklessly and foolishly endanger the lives of their would-be worshipers.

Of the nine gods there, only Raven wasn’t mortally insulted by this (he was insulted, but more impressed by the moxie the O-Rogg had shown in standing up for themselves), so when his compatriots pooled their power to curse the O-Rogg, he used his power to mitigate certain factors, and limit the severity of others. The original curse was meant to turn the O-Rogg descendants into metal statues one randomly piece at a time, while simultaneously attracting the most absurdly lethal bad luck imaginable.

Raven altered the curse so that while their flesh would be transformed, they would maintain the normal use of said flesh; and the luck, while fowl, would not normally be lethal (if you were lucky and kept your head, you should survive). It was not much, but one god (even a powerful one), can only do so much against eight others working together. So the O-Rogg now vehemently and regularly curse the name of eight gods, and grant a bare token lip-service to Raven, all the while having living-metal bionics and cybernetics.

Over the next 2,000 years the O-Rogg managed to nearly completely destroy themselves over a dozen times in spectacular accidents, but always came out ahead in the end (even if it was in the ‘well, we’ve learned what NOT to do’ category) before managing to get an established presence on the Galactic scene. Most species have made it a point to stay as far away from them whenever possible, but others have noticed how useful they are to have around. Most O-Rogg children are more safety conscious than an OSHA spokesmen, and are more level headed and capable of detached reasoning than the average career bomb technician, due entirely to the fact most O-Rogg children see more potentially deadly accidents in a month than an exceptionally busy EMT would see in a year. This constant exposure to danger and near death has long since inspired the 8 P’s, essentially the motto of the O-Rogg people, ‘Proper Paranoia and Prior Planning Prevents Pathetically Poor Performances!’ The slightly less well known version (and far less socially acceptable) is, ‘When life hands you lemons, grab it by the cajones and SQUEEZE until it coughs up something you can use.’

Many people and companies hire them specifically to have a ‘lightning rod of luck’ around to protect their buildings, equipment, and other employees; others because they have the knack of surviving anything the universe can throw at them, and will do everything in their power to save others. Either that, or the fact that there will always be people who like to watch train wrecks, and having an O-Rogg around will grant plenty of wrecks to watch! “Oh, dear me, I seem to have spontaneously combusted. …And the fire extinguisher is empty, well I guess I’d better grab that sheet of asbestos insulation and beat it out, can’t have a fire in the records room after all.”

Physiologically, they look like anthropomorphic sheep, wool, hooves, long curling horns (plus goat horns) and all. They are a relatively small race, most of them top out at 4 foot nothing, but they have a very dense skeleton and musculature, so end up weighing nearly as much as most professional linebackers (250-300 pounds). While they are mostly herbivores, they do have scavenger teeth, allowing them to eat meat and carrion when and as it’s necessary. While most of them are naturally white (65%, give or take a bit), several families sport natural mutations in their wool, leading to several clans of black, blue, red, green, and yellow wool that breeds true, plus there are others that can have differing hues that don’t get passed on. Some families even have splotches or patterns to their wool, ranging from tiger and zebra stripes, to Holstein and Army Camouflage blotches.

Evolution has been kind to them in two regards, first their skull, neck, and horns are extremely sturdy and heavily reinforced against kinetic impact to the extent that they take NO damage from any melee strikes not done with Superhuman strength of 30 (or better) or magical weapons. S.D.C. bullets do 1/4 damage, extreme heat, energy weapons, explosions, acids and bases, and purely psionic or magical attacks all do normal damage. They can do a head butt attack doing 3d8+P.S. S.D.C. damage, but counts as two attacks, and can only be used once per minute against an opponent and must be their first attack of the round.

Secondly, while the O-Rogg are a race of hermaphrodites, they are capable of self-impregnation, essentially able to make genetic clones of themselves (it will, of course have a separate mind and thoughts), allowing them to rapidly replace losses. This is not usually done except in dire need, as it is seen as somewhat selfish (“What, you thought your gene’s were too good to mix with others?”), but does happen if there aren’t any companions deemed suitable. There was one space colony of 1,500 people that were all clones, all the others had ended up dying when they accidentally extinguished their sun (not turned into a black hole or triggered a supernova in, extinguished). Clones tend to die their wool different colors, shave or braid patterns into their wool and horns, and add decorative inlay to their horns as a way of differentiating themselves from their clone-brothers, as they tend to have births of between 1d4+1 lambs at a time. Lambs are physically and sexually mature at around 20-21, but stick close to home until they are ready to start their own families (though most do end up paying rent/taking on more chores to pay their way).

They tend to live in large family groups, with several small families (3d4 to 2d10x3) banding together for protection and assistance, eventually growing into one actual family through gradual intermarrying. There tends to be a lot of ‘that’s my sisters husbands fourth-cousins third-aunt-in-law’ going on in these gatherings, but the important thing is, they are family. And if someone is family and in need, you support them to the best of your ability, period. Once they reach 2-3,000 adults, they form into small family units once again and set off to another area to settle with groups from elsewhere; something that has served them well in space, after getting all the infrastructure in place, they tend to grow bored and/or paranoid VERY quickly and decide to move on to other (ostensibly safer) pastures. This migratory behavior is also partly explained by the fact that are descended from herd animals, too many in one spot will eat the vegetation bare very quickly, not to mention all the predators they draw.

Their home planet, while poor in naturally existing metals (their commercial airplanes were originally made out of ceramics and leather), was situated very near to a series of asteroid belts, and it was a thrice-annual free-for-all event when their planet would swing close enough for meteors and comets to be scattered across the worlds surface. Whoever could find and dig up the fallen materiel got to keep it, though most was simply auctioned off to industrial companies or the governments. If there were competing claims, if there could be no one clearly in the right, the parties would split the bounty, one share going to each claimant, and one share going to the elders who arbitrated. Even with this bounty from the heavens, they tended to be very frugal with whatever metal they had, using it only for things that they couldn’t use other items for (or at least, not cost effectively), meaning they tended to use lots of metal spear, axe, and knife blades, with bone/stone arrow heads and swords, and wooden, stone, or bone nails.

The role of blacksmith (and later engineer and architect) has almost religious connotations, as they were the one person (or small group) in the village that was practically guaranteed to have metal. Their advice and wisdom were frequently sought out, combining working class ethics and wisdom with Elder status. Having a blacksmith/engineer/architect in the family was a mark of high regard, and people would often pay for custom work with metal ingots, allowing the blacksmith and their apprentices to further expand their skills. When they finally cracked advanced chemistry and metallurgy (about 300 years before they had deep-space flight), they’d managed to make a fair approximation of kisentite that they promptly put into their vibro-weapons; each is good, but having BOTH is even better! Metals have slowly become more common due to orbital mining and off planet trading, but it is still common for a proposal gift (wedding ring for most humans) to be several large ingots of various metals or stock in one of the corporate controlled metal stockpiles (think Fort Knox or the Federal Reserve).

Most of the O-Rogg have never gotten into the whole ‘impressive size on buildings/statues/whatever’, simply because they prefer their important items to be small and portable. They would far rather have a small but high quality (and sentimental) item than one that’s so huge cannot be easily moved (like a house, or a commemorative statue, or a monument, etc.). Personal items, upon said persons death, are distributed amongst their closest friends and family first, then any items are made available for the community as a whole to pick through. However, before the items are released to their new owner, they are indelibly engraved/marked with the name and a brief history of the original/previous wielder. Some of the family heirlooms are works of art in and of themselves, so covered with carvings and markings they have become over the years. Once they cannot be safely used without compromising the markings, the item is ‘retired from service’, and displayed on a wall or stand in a place of promenance in the O-Rogg household. The oldest known O-Rogg artifact, from before the Eight Gods Assault, is a shovel, and literally every single inch is carved, etched, inlaid, and/or died; it now hangs in a museum on one of their agricultural worlds, as a historic monument, as it is the last remaining physical evidence of one clan.

The governments are generally a Constitutional Gerontocracy; those Elders who are no longer able to serve the community easily or safely by working put their names forth for consideration. Each ‘district’ or large family group will compile the names put forth and choose the three they feel would best serve their needs. Each district will then send their representatives to the open Council meetings to vote for their families/districts, with the titular head being chosen from all the representatives. It should be noted, that despite the Elders being of unsound body, they are required to have physicians proof that that they are mentally sound. If there are conclusive signs of dementia, Alzheimer’s, severe PTSD, etc. they are given ceremonial positions, and another representative is brought forth.

Most of their land mass was taken up with rolling plains, grassland and rivers, interspersed with forests and small mountains. They had what was essentially one ocean that ran the entire length of the equator all the way around the globe, but that was universally avoided, as there were above-wolf intelligent, amphibious, pack-hunting sharks that would stage raiding parties up and down the coast line. Some of these packs would even grow so bold as to infiltrate villages and towns, which would eventually lead to reprisals from the O-Rogg; for many of those who lived near the rivers that fed from the ocean, they made a dangerous and tough but extremely profitably living off finding, killing, and processing the shark analogues.

Alignment: Any, but most (85%) are Scrupulous and Unprincipled.
Lifespan: Assuming that some accident doesn’t snuff them out, 150 years old.
Size: 3-4 feet tall, 250-300 pounds.
Gender: Hermaphroditic, with option to self-impregnate in emergencies. Carries 2-5 lambs at tonce
Physical Appearance: Four foot tall Technicolor sheep walking on their hind legs, with ram and goat horns, and a Billy-goats goatee. Thick muscles, and very wide necks, and dry fluffy wool.
Attitude: Very big on community pride, not the ‘we’re oh so better than those idiots down the way’ type of pride, it’s the ‘my dad built that building, my grand-mom taught at that school for 90 years’ type of pride found in small towns. Exceedingly big on helping others, their family first, then their town/clan, then their friends, then total strangers. It’s not uncommon to see an O-Rogg bring their car to a screeching stop to run into a burning building and help people out of the inferno. They’re the kind of people who set up soup kitchens and food drives in their spare time, or pick up litter on the sides of the road and public parks, paint over graffiti, etc. They try to avoid fights where possible, but once violence is unavoidable, they fight without restraint, mercy, or hesitation.

Physical Attributes:
P.S.: 3d6+2 (considered superhuman)
P.P.: 3d6
P.E.: 3d6+6
P.B.: 3d4
M.A.: 3d6
M.E.: 3d6
I.Q.: 3d6
Spd.: 3d6+5 (legs are strong, and built for running, even if they are short)
I.S.P: As Normal
P.P.E.: As Normal
Hit Points: P.E.x1.5, +1d8 per level
S.D.C.: As O.C.C. dictates.
M.D.C.: Threem limbs will be M.D.C. in the appropriate settings, otherwise it’s as armor and magic determines.
Natural Abilities: Sight, smell, and hearing about twice as sensitive as a normal humans, but nothing to write home about. If the horns are used as a headbutt attack, they do 3d8 + P.S. in damage. Otherwise, see 3m and Epic Criticals below.
Magic: Only 2% of the population are magically endowed, and they aren’t exempt from the Threem transformation.
Psionic: They have about 10% population as minor psychics, but the Threem interferes as normal.
Bionics and Cybernetics: Extremely good for their tech base (about 15% better than current CS level), even without their Threem ability.
Available O.C.C.s: Any that don’t require magic or psychic powers, prefer to choose those that will allow them to help the rest of their community, or help others (doctor, janitor, social worker, police officer). While they do form their own minor armed forces, they try and avoid being in anybody else’s official military (being mercenarys and adventurers fine, because their paying themselves to cause trouble).
Skills of note: Any O-Rogg that survives to adulthood can roll/choose one of the following for free (they’ve essentially learned from experience during childhood), at 75% skill level.
1) Basic EMT training: can diagnose, set, and splint a variety of broken bones; clean, stitch, and bandage cuts and lacerations; diagnose and bandage (but not actually heal) bullet wounds; deal with a variety of burns (whether thermal or chemical); knows how to transport someone with neck/spine damage; and identify a variety of ‘normal’ illnesses and diseases.
2) Combat Driving for one of any of their applicable piloting skill.
3) Demolitions OR Demolitions Disposal.
4) Basic Maintenance + one form of specialized maintenance (car, plane, spaceship, electric, plumbing, etc.)
5) Fire Suppression Basics: How to combat and deal with most house and brush fires with the tools at hand.
6) Wilderness Survival and Land Navigation skills.

The correct term for a small group of O-Rogg (5-10) is an Accident, larger numbers of O-Rogg (15-50) is a Calamity, and more than 100 is a Cataclysm. The O-Rogg are like Ninja and Moose, the plural and singular are spelt and pronounced exactly the same, Herd of Moose, Slaughter of Ninja, Cataclysm of O-Rogg. They have a traditional riding beast they call Slurgh, basically a scaled up cross of Kangaroos and Pangolins (roughly the size of large ponies or small horses), that are primarily scavengers (prefer spoiled or rotting meat and vegetation). Slurgh take long bounding leaps, or short rapid ones depending on the terrain, and are possessed of nasty claws and powerful hind legs (3d6 and 2d8+2 respectively). There are smaller variants called Tho-Slurgh that take up the ecological position of dogs within O-Rogg society and settlements, acting not only as work/burden beasts, but also pets and companions.

Met up with the Qreth’Tchka, well actually they crash landed on their planet in a trash hauler, killing the leader of an invasion (then the misfiring escape pods nailed the invisible demons that were about to resume hostilities and gauging a furrow that can be seen by the naked eye from space), but that’s just semantics. Then the O-Rogg formed a loose alliance with them. The O-Rogg will teach them science, engineering, and the politics of the 3 Galaxies, and the Qreth’Tchka will teach them about magic and psionics, as most O-Rogg gain their Threem before they have a chance to develop any on their own.

Meat-to-Metal Metamorphosis (3M or Threem)

When they reach the appropriate experience level, the character tends to become a bit grouchy and irritable, as well as eating and drinking 5-8 times more than they normally do (but without the necessary ‘outflow’, if you catch my drift), display serious out-of-character opinions and decisions, and have serious trouble relaxing or sleeping.

After 5-6 days of this, they feel the urge to find a secluded and quiet area, and essentially collapse into a light coma lasting 1d4+3 days. During this time, they meditate on their experiences, and how to most effectively use the gift they are granted. When they make their choice, the excess ‘material’ they have been storing (and the affected tissue areas) are transformed into their metallic counterparts.

At level 1, 5, 10, and 15 the character can roll twice from the following, and multiples can be chosen (save for the limb, only one can be converted at a time). They automatically have the organic equivalent of a full body skeletal reinforcement, at no cost as an implant (as a direct result of Raven’s interdiction in the curse).

1. One Limb replacement (if applicable, they can have two hard points for later weapon or implants).
2. Four Cybernetic or Bionic Implants (non-weaponized items only).
3. Natural Looking or Retractable Enhancements, things that cannot be disguised like weapons and protruding mechanical parts are retractable, takes two actions to extend/retract. Choose 4 items, they will look like they are still flesh and blood.
4. Two melee weapons (any) or one ranged weapon (natural ammunition for energy only).
5. Five points for Spd, P.S., P.P., or P.B. enhancement equally spread to all 3M limbs.
6. Enhance S/M/D.C. of one 3M limb by 50%. Each limb can only be chosen once.
7. Enhance S/M.D.C. repair rate.
8. Faster Recharge for weapons.
9. Integrate non-3M implant/limb/weapon (Up to three implants or one limb can be brought in).
10. Roll Twice more, cannot get this more than once per level up.

‘Limbs’, for the purpose of this ability, would count as the entire limb, so it would be fingers, hand, forearm, elbow, upper arm, and shoulder blade, and hooves, ankle, shin, knee, thigh, and hip. Tails and wings cannot be chosen, as the O-Rogg race doesn’t naturally possess them. Unless #3 is chosen, the limb is an obviously mechanical replacement, albeit one that looks like it was custom sculpted or cast from a model of the original limb (even has moles, scars, and ‘synthetic’ hair). It will have the normal P.S., P.P., Spd, plus the full range of motion and sensitivity (as applicable, the crushing, slicing, or multi-tool hand may impede normal use). Replaced limbs heal at 2/3 the organic healing rate, and will eventually replace any damaged, broken, or missing pieces (1d4+3 weeks for an entire missing limb). If option #7 is chosen, the limbs and implants heal at twice the flesh and blood rate, and replace lost or destroyed limb and implants in 1/3 the time.

Close quarters weapons can be any type that is not designed to be removed or fired, they can be energized or not, and will fully regenerate if damaged, broken, or destroyed (3d4 days). Ranged weapons have their own independent battery that will exceed the normal Rifts Earth equivalent by 50% AND have a magazine well to insert E-Clips. Any energy weapon used (ranged or melee) will regenerate their charge at a rate of 1d4 shots per 15 minutes for laser and ion weapons, and 1d2 shots per 30 minutes for particle and plasma weaponry. If #8 is chosen, laser and ion weaponry gain 1d4 shots per melee rounds, and plasma and particle beams gain 1d4 per minute. Please note that this function will ONLY charge the internal battery of the weapons, not any E-Clips, and that no charging can take place while in combat or other high stress situation.

Please note that even though these implants and limbs are living-metal, they still count as implants, so the entire species is essentially slowly turning into a race of living-metal cyborgs and robots.

Epic Criticals (or Lethally Bored Lady Lucks Eternally Undivided Attention): Increase the characters critical hit chance by 50%, but it’s also mirrored in their critical fail chance (18-20 critical hit would equate to 1-3 critical failure), and whether it’s a fail or hit, it’s going to be BIG.
Once per gaming campaign per odd character level (or whenever someone taunts Murphy), the G.M. can choose one of the following.
A) Announce that the next skill or combat roll used by the O-Rogg is going to be an Epic Critical and do a coin toss for Hit-or-Fail. If the character ends up with an Epic Fail, it should not be immediately lethal to them, but something that puts them in a situation while dangerous, is something they can get out of (though worse than what they were in before).

B) OR they can inflict 10 minutes per odd character level of the O-Rogg and all companions and allies having to make unmodified combat rolls at a natural -2 and all skills at -15%, while the enemy has a natural +3 to strike, dodge, and parry. These are the people who can fire a warning shot into the air, and have the shot go through a major power line, off a news chopper windshield, and kill the endangered national bird which will then land square on their head, and have the news chopper film the avicide, while broadcasting who just killed the power to the hospitals and old folks home.

C) Or cause one important but non-immediately life threatening system on their equipment or vehicle to spontaneously break down in a spectacular fashion. Firing pin on their rifle breaks, their cars fuel line gets clogged, the space ship loses navigation computer, a non-Threem implant shorts out, etc. Damage takes 2d4 times as long to diagnose and fix, but does not impose any further penalties.
Last edited by Roscoe Del'Tane on Thu Dec 26, 2013 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Roscoe Del'Tane
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Roscoe Del'Tane »


For millennia, the world of the Qreth’Tchka sat alone, and unremarked in the galactic scene, that all ended with the Minion Wars. A race of (mostly) peaceable philosophers, poets, and scholars, it should have been an easy conquest, a bulging sack of plunder to be taken, except for a few minor things. One, while there was an abundance of psylite crystals on the planet, they were all under the control of the Qreth’Tchka. Two, while the Qreth’Tchka were and ARE, nominally peaceable beings, they DO use lethal force when necessary (think of Shaolin Monks, prefer to talk or avoid a fight, but will defend themselves). Three, they are tough customers physically, with lots of magic and psionic abilities to back up their close quarters combat capabilities. Four, the Qreth’Tchka had hijacked their planets normal leyline network, and could move the lines around at will, or even cause them to move underground entirely. And Five, they also have superpowers that would prove dangerous even against minor Gods, let alone Demons and Devils.

The Qreth’Tchkas’ home world, hereafter referred to as Glittering Spire (both because it’s the closest the human brain can come to the true wording, and because its appropriate), is a world of fierce, vicious winds, constant storms, little to no surface water (although there’s plenty of acid rain and ammonia pools), bright piercing light from twin suns, and endless plains of crystal plates and dust, broken by enormous plateaus and buttes jutting up from them. The Qreth’Tchka have long since migrated to these Spires as places of safety and isolation from the chaos (and danger) of the Downbelow World. While not exactly isolationist, they usually prefer small communities, and respect the wishes of those who wish to live alone. Glittering Spire is roughly the size of Jupiter (though it technically isn’t a gas giant), and is home to more than 40 billion Qreth’Tchka, 95% of whom live in tight knit communities, and ALL of whom are willing to go to the aid of their ‘extended cousins’ or repel invaders.

Qreth’Tchka tend towards the heavy end of the scale, at an average of 8 feet tall, and 1,000-1,2000 pounds. They have what looks like old fashioned azure scale male armor across their whole body, interrupted with emerald stripes and blotches; this patterning acts as a natural camouflage on Glittering Spire, but imposes a -60% prowl penalty in other environments. Their incredible physical strength and durability, combined with their magic, psionic abilities, and superpowers of Gem Powers and either SEE: Electricity or CEF: Air, make them a serious threat to anything they encounter (if they so choose, that is). And the really scary part? There are things that live in the Downbelow World that chased them into living up on the Spires! Large, vicious, psudo-dragonesque entities that are pack hunters, and whenever you kill one, 5-8 (1d4+4 ) more spawn from their corpse. The only way to prevent this, is for the entities to die from old age or starvation (both of which can take several hundred years). That is ONE of two score terrible foes that live down there, some that can fly, turn invisible, are even worse than the psudo-dragonesque or even more magically and psionically powerful than the Qreth’Tchka!

The Spires, since time immemorial, have been the safe haven for the Qreth’Tchka from the predators of their world, as well as offering magnificent views, access to the massive deposits of psylite crystals, and the ability send and receive messages to other Spires. The smallest of these Spires that can be considered habitable (and more importantly, safe from the predators) is 500 feet tall, and nearly a quarter of that across at the top (115 feet). The tallest (Spire Prime) is more than two and a half miles tall, more of a mountain than anything, and it is also the center of what can be loosely defined as a government. The Qreth’Tchka don’t have a formal government, more along the lines of a series of non-aggression pacts agreed upon by the elders of each Spire, inter-communal marriages and agreements to avoid one another. All of that is documented and housed at Spire Prime at no cost; it is also the one place that neutrality and hospitality is guaranteed on Glittering Spire, most places are friendly enough, but like any city, there are ‘bad areas’ and malcontents looking to stir up trouble. On Spire Prime, if anybody disturbs the peace, they run the risk of being thrown off the top with their abilities suppressed as punishment. Spire Prime is where the central figure of their religion first discovered how to manipulate psylite and control their psychic abilities, and as such it is regarded as holy or sanctified ground by nearly the entire planet. Anybody needlessly disturbing the peace or spilling blood there will find themselves in blood-feud with the entire Qreth’Tchka race (whether they see it as sacred ground or not is moot, it would still be defiling the greatest repositories of learning and knowledge on their planet).

When the Minion War flared up, a strike team of demon came through a series of Rifts and attempted to steal all the psylite they could get their greedy claws on. In their attempt they triggered a major reprisal, as they came through onto Spire Prime, and tried to cut their way to the crystal mines. The response was violent, brutal, and extremely effective, immobilizing the entire strike force save one, who managed to flee to the Downbelow World. Once there, the demon called for reinforcements, and got them. Then those reinforcements got eaten by the natural predators, with the same demon surviving. This continued for nearly a month, before a full blown invasion came through a series of Rifts across the planet. This was a huge disaster, as during those three weeks, the Qreth’Tchka had alerted their entire population and mobilized for war. Between the natural predators, the lighting and other weather, and the magic/psionic attacks used by the Qreth’Tchka, the demon army was essentially routed in a three day battle with little loss of Qreth’Tchka life, and the shattering of the invasion forces back. The demon in charge, and most of his lieutenants were captured, as well as a plethora of magical items and weapons (the Qreth’Tchka are most interested by these ‘non-crystal items’, they’d never seen metals of any kind before).

There were a significant number of demons that managed to escape, so the Qreth’Tchka sent out several parties harass and drive them farther off into the crystal wastes. In what would have been the only successful action of the entire war on Glittering Spires, the demons managed to lay a quite neat trap for the Qreth’Tchka, only to be interrupted by the arrival of the Trundling Scrapheap literally right on top of their main force. The O-Rogg crewed vessel had suffered a serious engine problem and had to crash-land dead-stick with no instrumentation other than Mark One Eyeball. It was only after the Scrapheap had landed, did the escape pods work, jettisoning with enough force to kill a dozen of the surrounding (and invisible) demons. The Qreth’Tchka were quite impressed with this feat, suffering under the impression that it had all gone according to plan (they had yet to understand sarcasm), and hailed the O-Rogg as heroes from the stars. The Trundling Scrapheap was more or less destroyed in the emergency re-entry and landing, so the O-Rogg headed off with the Qreth’Tchka to Spire Prime to negotiate how to get home (or close enough).

During the trip, the Qreth’Tchka grew more impressed with their diminutive new friends, and bonded rather well with them (it helped that the Qreth’Tchka were the first species both stout and stalwart enough to withstand the constant misfortune that plagued the O-Rogg), admiring their lack of fatalism and how they constantly looked out for one another. One of the O-Rogg was swallowed alive by one of the native ambush predators, and was cut out of the corpse, as the beast was swarmed by a Calamity of O-Rogg determined to get their friend back. Few Qreth’Tchka would have tried, as those predators , while rare, are incredibly vicious and nasty. The O-Rogg didn’t care one whit about that, their friend was in need, so they were going to help. Other such acts were common, including several of the hale and hearty O-Rogg going without water entirely to ensure the sick and wounded had enough, or going nearly/naked in dust storms so the wounded had clean bandages. The entire Calamity of O-Rogg who survived the crash and battle (113) made it to Spire Prime, and entered into negotiations with the Qreth’Tchka Elders Council. While the Qreth’Tchka couldn’t help with the repairs to the Trundling Scrapheap, they could get the O-Rogg to a planet close to one of their colonies via a Rift, and they were willing to do so in exchange of knowledge

Before the O-Rogg had departed, they left a communicator with the Head of the Council, so that when they returned to collect the Trundling Scrapheap, they could ask for volunteers to travel the stars and learn “firsthand knowledge of the wonders and horrors that abound in the depths of the Great Black” as put by the Captain from his cobbled together wheelchair before wheeling himself through the Rift. Over the next 85 years, a semi-formal alliance has sprung up between the O-Rogg and Qreth’Tchka, with both species having a strong liking of the other, and their abilities and skills complimenting each other nicely. The Qreth’Tchka have even started using their hard earned credits to order custom built space ships (only 2d4 per year, but that number will soon grow by leaps and bounds), so that more of their friends and family can share in seeing this new world opened up to them. Ironically, one of the items they insist on having installed on each ship are combination life/boarding pods loaded into cannons to SHOOT the Qreth’Tchka into enemy vessels if necessary (if they miss, they can just teleport back to their ship, and with their Gem Power Invulnerability, there is little risk to themselves).

Alignment: Any of the good, though roughly 5% are evil.
Lifespan: Unknown, though one claims to be more than 2,000 years old.
Size: Big, 7-8.5 feet tall, averaging 1,100 pounds.
Gender: Not Applicable. They are a gender neutral race, when they want kids, they can push one hand INTO their partner to leave genetic information. 2d4 children (referred to as Shardlings) will result 1-2 years later.
Appearance: A tall ‘man’ with a face concealing helm and scale mail armor made out of blue and green diamond. The forearms and lower legs tend to be rougher in the ‘scales’, the better for catching handholds and turning blows. Eyes appear as a slight indentation in the ‘facemask’ area, but they actually don’t need anything in their head to survive.
Attitudes: Very curious about the galaxy, they had only done a few tentative explorations of other worlds via Rifts, they very much prefer using ships. They see life as something to be enjoyed, but not at the expense of others, and that everyone should be the best that they can be. They loathe slavers, pirates, and people who deal in bad faith. They tend to keep their opinions to themselves, but will tell the truth as they see it when asked directly. A lot of time is spent on the arts and meditation, with discussing and arguing philosophy taking a near second. They like making friends, but have a hard time doing so with ‘jelly beings’ (essentially anything not as physically tough as they are, O-Rogg excepted).
Physical Attributes:
P.S.: 3d6+10 (Supernatural)
P.E.: 4d6
P.P.: 3d6
M.A.: 3d6
M.E.: 3d6
I.Q.: 3d6
Spd: 3d4
I.S.P: As their class.
P.P.E.: As their class.
M.D.C.: 240+1d6x10 +2d10 per level
H.P: Equal to one third M.D.C.
S.D.C.: Equal to two thirds M.D.C.
A.R.: in low magic/tech circles, they would have a Natural A.R. of 16, but SNPS is needed to do melee damage to them.
Natural Abilities: All Qreth’Tchka have Gem Powers and Circular vision, with one half having SEE: Electricity and Flying Force Disc, and the other half having Control Elemental Force: Air, and Gravitational Plane. They don’t need to breathe to live, but does to speak, feeds on background radiation. Destroyed limbs/head will regenerate within 2d4 weeks. Also ability to see infrared and ultraviolet, as well as recharges spent I.S.P and P.P.E 50% faster.
Natural Weaknesses: They get ‘buzzed’ and ‘stoned’ off of commercial grade microwave emissions, and take double damage from military grade sonic and microwave emissions. Poor sense of touch, -10% to all skills requiring a fine touch/delicacy.
Magic: Can choose any nonexclusive magical category.
Psychic Abilities: Major/Leyline Walker (60%), Mind Melter (28%), or Erupter (12%).
Available O.C.C.’s: Any except those requiring cybernetics or Cosmo-Knight.
R.C.C. skills: +15% to climb, and can take HtH Marital artist or Assassin at no penalty (alternatively, can choose Shaolin Kung-Fu from Ninjas and Superspies)
Cybernetics and Bionics: None, their bodies reject any attempts to graft them on.
You'd be suprised at what the G.M. will allow with a little blackmail and bribery...

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Re: Fan Races!!

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(aka ‘Blanks’, ‘Alabasteroids’)

“I HATE hunting Blanks...damn things get uppity working the mines and we gotta go hunt them down when they misbehave. Governor NEVER should have brought them in. What was he thinking?”
“Maybe he figured it was cheaper than shipping in flesh and blood technicians who had to be fed and watered?”
“Hah! Should have bought repair drones, then, not those creepy mannequins!”
“ Well, the Gov has connections and some of those female ones are easy on the eye...”
“#snort# If you like making out with plastic dolls! Look, you go left and I’ll go right. Keep your eyes open and sing out if you see ANYTHING.”
“Ah, I found something...”
“What is it?!”
“Hatch Seventeen.”
The guardsman jogged over and joined his colleague who was standing beside a hatch to the outside. The one already there pointed to the floor. There lay the bright orange jumpsuit issued to servants, pooled on the floor.
The two guards then looked through the still open hatch into the howling blizzard outside, some of the snow already drifting inside.
“Looked outside already?”
“Not a track, but the stuff’s blowing around outside and he’d have to be brain-dead not to realize how effective his white skin would be as camouflage out there.”
“Oh fargggggg.....we’ll NEVER find him in that muck out there!”
“I HATE Blanks.”

The Myatel are a race of sentient androids from another dimension. Sadly, their homeworld is apparently firmly under the control of a Splugorth Intelligence. Almost all Myatel in the Three Galaxies and on Rifts Earth are either Splugorth slaves or escaped slaves.
The Myatel skirt a line between being true robots and organic beings; their humanoid construction is more akin to advanced bio-systems than hard bionics, although they are definitely machines in regards to most of their ‘biology’. Physically their performance is fairly fixed, but they CAN gain strength and agility through exercise(though not as well as true organics). Mentally, they rely on fixed programs(though they can adapt within the perimeters of those skills), but they can learn new skills and improve their performance with experience. They can work around the clock without rest or sleep, but in the long term can work best with periodic rest and downtime. Myatel can be driven mad under enough stress and trauma. Interestingly enough, Myatel also exhibit a faint PPE aura(this is used as evidence, by some Myatel supporters, that the androids are living beings in their own right and not mere machines).
The Myatel can say little of their original culture or history, owing to their long enslavement under the Splugorth. Some xenologists speculate that the Myatels’ creators were originally human, given their physical resemblance, and dismiss other theories that the Makers, the same race who created the Machine People, are also responsible for the Myatel. The common belief in xenoanthropolgical circles is also that the Myatel are a ‘young’ culture just newly emerged into sentience, the evidence being the definite ‘programming’ that makes up so much of individual Myatels’ skill set and persona-orientation.
The Splugorth have begun selling Myatel as slave stock, with the androids being offered in the Three Galaxies and on Rifts Earth. They’ve discovered how to effectively lobotomize Myatel so that they are capable of only performing their programmed skills in docile, simple fashion. However, lobotomizing them cuts their performance proficiency and takes away their personalities, and most of the Splugorths’ slave-buying clientele appreciate having slaves whose fear and futile anger can be relished. Thus, only about 40% of Myatel marketed are so ‘pruned’, and the threat of such left to terrorize the others.
Sadly, the Myatel suffer the same discrimination as that endured by the Machine People. The Human-dominated parts of the CCW have treated the Myatel with the techno-xenophobia typical of the post-Automaton Wars. The fact that the Myatel can be so easily ‘dronified’ is used to declare the Myatel as non-sentient and an excuse not to extend aide to them.
Worse yet, there are a number of Myatel of evil disposition who have found profit in collaborating with their Splugorth and alien masters, becoming overseers of their fellow Myatel. These collaborators are even more feared and hated than the Minions, as they exhibit even greater cruelty and less compunction about exploiting and abusing their fellow Myatel.
This is not to say that the Myatel are without allies; sympathetic Machine People have encouraged an underground railroad-style movement to spirit Myatel out of slavery to sanctuaries on more liberal-minded worlds of the CCW, or the dubious safety of the TGE, and there are a number of humans and independent organizations who have extended aide to the Myatel.
Greater New England on Rifts Earth plays host to several hundred Myatel who escaped during the Great Escape, the androids having come to Splynn courtesy of a slave ship of a rival Splugorth having been pirated by agents of Splynncryth and the slaves brought to Atlantis for sale. A number have also immigrated to the Silver River Republics, where they don’t stand out so much in populations such as the Amaki.

Alignments: Any, but most (80%) are Principled
Lifespan: 120 years before their internal powerplant runs dead and systems degenerate. This can be extended by certain chemical treatments, although the upper limit of life extension is unknown. Through the use of their suspended animation function, they can be around for many hundreds of years, ‘sleeping’ through large blocs of objective time. Constant hard work without periodic rest(as many of the slave Myatel are subjected to) can reduce their effective lifespan by as much as 80%.
Size: Human-sized; 5-7 ft, 90-250 lbs.
Gender: Have definite Males and Females, although their reproductive means is yet unknown. The Myatel speak of both massive ‘birthing lands’ (assembly lines?)on their homeworld, but also speak of individual ‘breeders’ carrying new Myatel to term. It is possible that the Myatel possess latent(but dormant) reproductive capabilities, but require special means to activate them.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Myatel are identical to human beings in appearance and musculature, save for the fact that they are bleach-white; skin, hair, nails, lips, are all stark white, Even the inside of their mouths and other soft issue openings are light gray or very pale pink. Their skin is smooth, soft, and warm to the touch, despite its stark white color and almost plastic texture. Only their eyes have any color, and those exhibit a full range of color. If cut, Myatel bleed white, even. They have varying features from individual to individual, although many may share a common (or generally identical) appearance as a result of being part of the same ‘family’ or production batch. Myatel are invariably physically fit and attractive in appearance, aside from their monochrome skin, a fact made abundantly clear by the fact that they have no nudity taboos, preferring to wear clothing only when necessary(for work or disguise). Free Myatel sometimes paint their skin and dye their hair to better disguise themselves or fit in among other species.
Similar to human beings, exhibiting the full range of fear, sadness, happiness, satisfaction, love, and hate, and even sexual attraction, but most Myatel in bondage are docile, submissive, and obedient. Even free Myatel tend to somewhat more deferential to others. Myatel tend to be followers, not leaders. though how much of this is their integral programming, as opposed to inculcated cultural tendency, remains unknown. Many Myatel form ‘family’ units on the basis of shared experiences or mayclaim ‘kinship’ with other similarly-featured or aesthetically similar Myatel as a result of being part of the same production batch.
Evil Myatel can be as cruel and corrupt as any human being, and are fully capable of torture and murder, though even then, evil Myatel tend to take their cues from stronger, more assertive beings.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: (Female) 3d6(Robotic)
PP: 12+1d6
PB: 13+1d6
PE: Not applicable(see below)
SPD: 3d6
(PPE): 1d4
Hit Points:----
Armor Rating: 14
MDC: By body armor and technology only
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
*Basic Robot Audio
*Basic Robot Optics, plus Nightvision.

*Shutdown Mode----Myatel can shut themselves down, assuming a deathlike state. They can also lock themselves in a fixed position, statue-like, conserving power. They can remain in this state effectively without limit. The Splugorth have taken to forcibly using this ability to store and ship slaves, or to pose them for display.

*Regeneration--Similar to bionic nanite repair systems, Myatel can regenerate limited amounts of damage. Can regenerate up to 50% of their body SDC at a rate of their P.S. per hour. Anything greater and they will require ‘medical’ attention.

As androids, Myatel do not need to breath, regularly eat, or require environmental protection from normal extremes of heat and cold. They can assume the background temperature of their environment very easily and without harm.

Myatel DO need to periodically rest and recharge (ideally every 72 hours), going off-line for 6 hours and sucking an electrical socket. They may also have to ingest special chemical supplements to replace expended or degraded volatiles, and to facilitate their regeneration processes. They can override their fatigue and go for longer without either rest or a recharge, but for every subsequent 48 hours they go without either, they suffer a cumulative degradation of performance; -1 to strike, parry, dodge, and roll, after which they will require an additional 6 hours of rest/recharge, and supplemental nutrition/replacement chemicals.

Psionics: None
Magic: None
Myatel CAN receive cybernetics and bionics, but any more than 5 implants will result in a cumulative loss of P.B. of -1d4 per additional implant.
Available OCCs:(Special)
Myatel select skill programs just like any Neural Intelligence android, and can select any of the skill programs from Rifts Sourcebook 1 or Triax 2.
The vast majority(95%) of Myatel encountered, however, focus on domestic and labor programs.
Less than 5% of Myatel possess any sort of combat programming.

RCC Skills: As above
Skills of Note:
Besides their programming, Myatel can select eight secondary skills at level one, and learn an additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, and 12
Note: Lobotomized Myatel have only HALF their normal actions per melee and perform their skills at HALF normal proficiency. They have NO Initiative or bonuses of any kind, and move at HALF speed. They are essentially mechanistic drones.

The Myatel have some sympathy from the Machine People, antislavery groups, and independent worlds/organizations.

The Splugorth and their monstrous clients primarily. Slaver owners in general.
The Human Alliance is generally suspicious and dismissive of the Myatel, while the TGE sees them as potential recruits in their ongoing war with both the Splugorth and the CCW. Ironically, a number of Machine People regard the Myatel with disdain, seeing them as soaking up sympathy and charity, on account of the Myatels’ more ‘human’ appearance, better served to the Machine People.

Myatel have little in the way of a native culture, aside from a few oral traditions; they end up adopting many of the customs of those around them, such as their owners or co-workers. The Myatel admit that they know little of their original culture, but all signs indicate that at some point in their past they were the servants of a human(oid) culture, before some sort of collapse led to their creators going extinct or otherwise abandoning them.
For the last several centuries, however, the Myatel homeworld has been under the thrall of Splugorth. Few Myatel can describe their homeworld as other than gray, cold, and drab, having never been allowed outside the massive industrial complexes where they were ‘born’ and indoctrinated. A few of the older Myatel, however, whisper of a time when their world was bright, green, sunny, and open, though whether this was before or after their abandonment and the subsequent occupation by the Splugorth, or is a hopeful myth, remains unknown.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Dor' Naturi

The Dor' Naturi are a war-like race of Mercenaries. They are frequently tapped by planetary governments to carry out clandestine bounties across the galaxies, as they will finish any contract they take, or die trying. They hold themselves to a very high code of honor, at least where their business is concerned. The thrill of the hunt is like a drug to the Dor' Naturi, The only thrill left in life for a race whose planet was destroyed by constant civil conflict, civil being used in the lightest of terms.

Aside from their fierce loyalty to the current employers, Dor' Naturi are the best friends that a person can have. If you have made a comrade out of one, you can bet they would lay their life down in an instant for you. Gods forgive you if you are the target of their contract. Because of their code of honor, the Dor' Naturi are always either Abberant Evil or Unprincipled. They will try at extreme length to avoid collateral damage and harming the innocent.

The Dor' Naturi are 8-9 ft tall, weighing between 300-500 pds. Black or dark color hair that grows into dreadlocks when worn long.
Milk white to charcoal colored skin, heavily muscled. Two arms, ending with three-fingered hands and an opposable thumb. Two legs ending with a four toed foot. Feature Red eyes with no pupil. Males are only allowed to grow facial hair after their first successful honorable kill, then the let it grow long and will adorn beards/mustaches with beads or style them in elaborate curls or designs. Females will typically keep their adornments to a minimum, feeling it is a waste of time and draws undue attention when hunting. Both sexes commonly enjoy tattoos and peircings.

Most are arrogant and cocky, walk with a perpetual swagger, because they feel they are the best at what they do.

Dor' Naturi
-Pronounced Door Nat-or-ee
IQ- 2d6+6
ME- 3d6
PS- 2d6+10 (supernatural)
PP- 3d6+10
PB- 2d6+2
SPD- 3d6+8
Alignment- Unprincipled or Aberrant, due to their code of honor

Size- 8-9 ft tall, 300-500 pds

MDC- 3d6+PE, 1d6 per level (most are fond of wearing at least partial MDC armor)

Horror Factor- 12, 14 when in a pack of three or more

PPE- 2d6 + 1d6 per level

Life Span- Normally live 80-100 years, If they can survive that long. Death in battle is a glorious one.

Natural abilities- Infrared/nightvision, 100ft, Prowl 45+5 per level, Bio-regeneration 1d4x2 or 1d8 per hour, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Paired weapons, Shadowmeld(as per spell, treat as 5th level caster for this only)

Magic- none, Feel as though magics are "cheating the fairness of combat"

Psionics- Minor, 1d4 sensitive abilities at first level

OCC- Any military, bounty hunter, mercenary.

+2 attacks per melee, +4 initiative, +2 strike, +4 parry, +6 save v horror

-2 save vs magic and psionics.

First crack at a homebrew race- hope it's up to snuff.

Scrapdaddy, Over & Out
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Re: Fan Races!!

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The O-Regg thus far get my vote for 'Cosmic Rodney Dangerfields'.
They actually make a good living being on the rump-end of cosmic karma.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Some really cool races. I will have to create another one when I have sometime.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Any chance of doing pdfs on them ?
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Wow, cool! Just found this, and yes, a PDF of all these would be cool!
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Alpha 11 wrote:Wow, cool! Just found this, and yes, a PDF of all these would be cool!

Ah, grasshopper. you have many more such discoveries to make! :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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“Don’t expect savagery from the Naidians because of their ‘cat origins, nor laziness. Their hand to hand combat styles are what they deem ‘scientific’ in that if they have a chance to study you as a problem, they’ll figure out just where and how to hit you with that godawful strength of theirs so it will put you down and out in the first real exchange of blows when it comes. And when you think they’re napping, they’re simply up inside their heads running through calculus problems or some other intellectual challenge they’ve set themselves. You DON’T want to be regarded as a challenge OR a problem, because they’ll grind away at the problem before they grind YOU away.”
---Messo Ayan, Wolfen Sheathed-claw Adept Armsmaster

“Wyall, my human son! Heed the words of your mother! Marry this woman! Make her part of our family, her honor to be restored and protected by our Family’s own! On this, your father the Fourth Primarch, I, his First Wife, and all Senior Wives, are in agreement! Make of this girl our daughter!”
-Packel, First Wife of Fourth Primarch Mogann, arranging an on-the-spot marriage for her adopted human son.

Naidians are a sentient species of leonine humanoids native to the planet Celsa. They preside over a small star kingdom(the Celsian Primarchy) in the Thundercloud Galaxy.
Naidians developed from their felinoid ancestors to have a conventional humanoid physiology, with an upright posture, backwards-bending knees, and only vestigial tails. A puzzle to xenobiologists is how Naidians, in the 1.1 g gravity field of their homeworld, and no ambient magic, developed a supernaturally-strong and dense musculature, that makes them megadamage beings. The tradeoff, however, is that Naidians are so tautly strung that they are not as flexible or agile on average as other beings, such as humans, which lends a certain slow deliberateness to Naidians’ movements. Once they get moving, however, the same powerful musculature, coupled with their efficient internal organs, allows them to run very fast and for prolonged periods of time, likely a holdover from when their ancestors had to run down prey. But evolution did not neglect the Naidian brain, and their large skulls house and protect powerful intellects to be coupled with their considerable brawn. Naidians are very perceptive and contemplative, making their actions all the more effective, if they have time to study a problem or adversary.
Despite having a violent past of internecine warfare, the Naidians settled their personal hashes and had a golden age several centuries long presided over by wise philosopher-kings, during which they developed their sciences, began exploring their solar system, commenced terraforming several promising bodies in their star system, and sent several slowboat generation and sleeper ships to explore and colonize nearby systems. The Naidians never really put down their weapons, however, and when the greater universe turned out to be a hostile place, they quickly dusted off their martial traditions and rebuilt their military forces.
The Naidians were quick to offer refuge to several alien refugee and colony fleets that entered the Celdesa system, allowing them to settle on Naidian worlds, provided they followed Primarchy law, which tended to be scrupulously fair and tolerant. The majority of these colonists would eventually swear loyalty to the Primarchy and become integrated into Naidian society. The infusion of alien technology, particularly FTL drives, allowed the Primarchy to more effectively communicate with, and reconnect with, their extrasolar colonies, and to rescue and expedite several of the expeditions already en-route at relativistic speeds. The faster opening up of new colony worlds also allowed the Naidians to open up new territories for their new family members and reduced any tension that might arise from competition for resources. FTL also allowed them to connect with the greater galactic community, and commence trade with their many neighbors, among whom are the Botwani Union, the Golgan Republik, and various Golgan breakaways. They’ve already had several small conflicts with the Republik, but have also made peaceful contact with several other star nations.
While the Naidian military sticks to its own indigenous and traditional(abeit upgraded) equipment, they recognize the many shortcomings they face against over more ‘modern’ species. Thus, many of the non-Naidian troops are assigned such gear as combat robots not normally piloted by Naidians. The Naidian military starfleet is also built up from imported starships(most supplied by WZTechyards), supplemented with locally-built designs.
The Naidians have often been confused with the Shing, although they have no biological relationship or cultural ties.
Alignments: Any, but most(80%) are of Good alignment
Lifespan: 180 years
Size: 6-7 ft tall, average weight 200-300 lbs.
Gender: Heterosexual, and tend towards multiple births of 1d4 cubs at a time.
Culturally, many Naidian societies practice polygamy or polyandry.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Humanoid felinoids, with muscular builds, bronze skin(darkening towards the extremities), covered in short, light fur. Eyes are wide-set and tend towards gold, brown, and red colors(start as blue when young). Hair is a variety of earth-tones. The ears are small, triangular, and set towards the rear and top of the head. Males tend to sport lush manes, while females tend towards short hair or braided ponytails(current fad). Their hands and feet feature retractable claws, though their legs have a more pronounced human-like knee articulatiion.
Naidians remain physically active well into their twilight years, with advanced arthritis a common ailment afflicting elderly Naidians. Alternately, their taut musculature may become ‘unravelled’, leading to increasingly weak, jerky, movements and loss of balance.

Naidians are a boisterous, friendly people who hold themselves to high standards of personal and familial honor. They cherish intellectual pursuits as much as they like physical challenges, and philosophy and physics are as avidly studied as athletics. A ‘sound in mind and body’ philosophy pervades Naidian society. They are also very tolerant and accepting of other peoples, and it is not unknown for Naidians to adopt or incorporate non-Naidians into their families and society, granting them the full rights of Naidian citizenship, including holding political office(if deemed mentally suitable for the tasks).
Naidians regard humans as clever, agile, and adaptable, if not always wise and introspective enough. Wolfen are seen as strong, honorable, aggressive, but lacking, again, in deep-sited wisdom. Ogres combine the human and Wulfen strengths and failings.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 5d6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d6+18
PS: 5d6+12 and considered to be Supernaturally strong
PP: 1d6+8
PB: 3d6+1
PE: 2d6+12
SPD: 5d6+32
(PPE): 4d6
Hit Points:---
MDC: 1d6x10+20
Horror Factor:---
Natural Abilities:
*Powerful Jaws---Naidians retain powerful jaws capable of doing 2d6 SDC/MD on a bite, though it is rarely used in combat(it’s seen as ‘gauche’ and unbecoming).
*Clawed Hands---Naidians also have retractable claws that add +1d6 to hand to hand damage.
*Bold and Fearless---Naidians are +1d4+2 to save versus Horror Factor and +1 to disarm and entangle, thanks to their keen minds and introspective attitudes.
*Quick and Alert---+3 on initiative, and +1 to dodge. Though not particularly agile, they do make what they have count, by being very aware of their surroundings.
*Advanced Hearing---Can hear with great clarity; +1 to initiative.
*Nightvision---Can see clearly for 1d4x100 ft even in total darkness, and 2,000 ft in dim light, such as moonlight.
Psionics: None
Limited; only a small number of the population have any predilection for magic. The Naidians recognize the existence of magic, and the dangers it poses, but have little formal ability with it themselves, and those few who can practice it are both revered and watched by the people. The Naidians have shown a great interest in acquiring technowizardry from outside sources to bolster their defenses.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Given their megadamage constitutions and supernatural strength, most Naidians look upon cybernetics and bionics with curious disdain, and will only get them for medical reasons. They have no problems with non-Naidian citizens getting them, though.
Available OCCs: Just about any allowable to a high-tech society.
RCC Skills:
The Celsian Primarchy advocates a strong basic technical education:
Computer Operation(+10%)
Math: Advanced(+5%)
Language/Literacy(Three of choice, typically Naidian ‘Standard’ and two languages of the immigrant populations, +10% to each)
Skills of Note:----
Naidians are very family-oriented, with large extended families, typically based around a male patriarch and a retinue(NOT an harem, per se)of multiple wives, children, and adopted children. A male Naidian’s social standing and wealth may be discerned by the number of wives he is legally married to, though in more recent centuries it is more an illustration of his personal charisma than his personal wealth, as Naidian society grants full equality to women to own property, run businesses, and serve in the military. Thus, the wealth of a patriarch's clan may be because of what his many mates bring and contribute to it.
While male patriarchs may govern and run the military, females rule the social scene, raising and educating the young, approving marriages, and running businesses.

Solar System(Celdesa)
Number of Stars: 1
Types of Stars: Yellow Dwarf
Number of Planets: 6
-Terrestrial(Torgan)---small, light gravity---Mercury-like and uninhabitable without extensive habitat modules, Torgan is nevertheless home to a large number of scientists, miners, and fringe-dwellers(the latter who like the sheer desolation of the planet), clustered around the planet’s twilight zones and nightside.

-Terrestrial(Anagea)---large, average gravity---A hothouse world in the latter stages of terraforming. The planet is still on the warm side, but an impressive orbital array of solette-shades and upper atmosphere shield-gases have cut the atmospheric temperature down to tolerable levels, and the reducing atmosphere is now breathable without extensive modification gear. Anagea is being opened to large-scale colonization.

-Terrestrial(Celsa)---large, average gravity(Life World, Celsa)

-Terrestrial(Malgrea)---large, high gravity, cool, earth-like atmosphere. Malgrea is also in the latter stages of terraforming and is open to colonization, despite its 2.1 g gravity field(not considered a problem for the supernaturally strong Naidians).

-Planetesimal(Voracea)---Nicknamed ‘the Messenger’, this eccentric dwarf planet dips near the inner solar system once every 600 years. It has been colonized by a clan that offers its use as a deep space hotel and travelers’ stop. Many Naidian ’belters’ living in the system’s two asteroid belts use Voracea as a midway point when bringing cargoes in-system.

-Terrestrial(Katuc)---Miniscule---Not discovered until the Naidians began using large telescopes, Katuc is a small icy body that is considered the last of the Celdesa system’s planets(though there are hints of larger Ort and Kuniper Belt objects farther out). Katuc is home to a deep space observatory and communications complex, and, like Torgan, sports its own small population of eccentric fringe-dwellers looking to experience the isolation and solitude of the planet.

Type: Terrestrial
Diameter: Large, roughly 23,000 miles in diameter.
Gravity: Average; 1.1 Earth g.
Temperature: Temperate
Unusual/Special Features:
-Strange Orbit; Celsa’s plane of orbit is offset from Celdesa’s ecliptic by 40 degrees(from the perspective of outsiders; the Naidians would claim the other planets in their system are off the established Celsan ecliptic by 40 degrees).
-Moons-Two moons(Brahmont and Edasa)---Both of these bodies have been colonized, and serve as Celsa’s major starports.
Atmosphere: Terrestrial, and breathable by most human septs.
Two terranes predominate; open plains and mountains.
Notable Mineral Concentrations:
- Columbite
- Cobalt
- Sapphire
- Fluorite
Hydrosphere: Badlands. Open water is concentrated around oasises and mountain foothills.
Biosphere: Verdant. Despite the dry global climate, Celsa is teeming and rich with life, similar to a large savannah plain, with regions of low forest, courtesy of large aquifers.
Population: Approaching 8 billion. Offworld migration to the colonies has been drawing down population.
Advanced Space Age, with contra-gravity and FTL propulsion. The Naidians are experienced terraformers.
Industrial; Celsa remains a manufacturing center for the rest of the greater Primarchy.
Although the focus of economic life has shifted to the colonies and the homeworld’s economy has slipped somewhat, Celsa remains an important trade hub for the Primarchy and remains robust financially. Effectively Wealthy.
Celsa is run by the Primarchy, a nested series of aristocratic clans presided ultimately overall by the First Primarch.
Law Level:
Some would regard the strict law enforcement on Celsa to be Overbearing, but the Naidians consider it Lawful.
Popular; the Naidians, and Celsan natives in particular, like their government, and, though the growing star nation has put some strain on the homeworld, the future remains bright.
Most notably, many Naidians of traditionally lower classes, that have in the past served the entrenched aristocracy, have immigrated to the colonies and the opportunities for social advancement, leaving something of a manpower shortage in the service sector for many aristocratic clans. This manpower drain has been plugged somewhat by immigrant labor.
Dynastic; the current First Primarch’s family has been in charge for over five generations with nary a blip(a few scandals, but no serious crisises of government).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Hawk258 »

I love homebrew races, While I am working on something I couldn't exactly call it a race, more of a cultural idea for an area in the northwest (Working on a minor (Major) Nation state). here is the basic idea

Northwest U.S. is largely forest area and one that has left that development and exploration open for the GM and gamer

Now the one group of HUMANS there are the Native Americans. Both Traditional and Renegades, I have been working on making that work for a larger area.

Basically Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho would be an ideal setting to set up an empire much like the New west.

With the divisions between the 2 "Cultural" natives is largely tech vs Nature. And I plan on easing that gap as a right of passage for both. The renegades setting up homes and building a nation in the many small ruins of some of the cities and towns decide that when a child turns say 15 they spend a year with the spiritualist to learn of their native ways. This lets the individuals learn and decide for themselves (This also eases conflict between the nation and the spiritualists)

The nation has also expanded allowing dbees and "European's" into the fold to better develop their area. And with this many of the non-native citizens have picked up on the tradition (Many that have been there multiple generations) and builds both into an easy alliance and gives both reason to help their brothers in need as well as to remove animosity, As The renegades respect the others choices have limited expansion to only farm land, city growth will be vertically (The cities are large enough (1 mile to 10's of miles square) to allow for growth without messing with their neighbors, Raiders, thieves and monsters are dispatched in mass and without mercy if it attacks either group.

The standing rule is that Those that Stay in the city respect their spiritual elders and to protect their lives from ill, (As they teach a good lesson in both survival and help the next generation appreciate what they have)

This is a Work in progress, but it might be the first "Cultural Character class" as they are still human, there is just a different skill set to start with than some other classes.
When I post an idea, game balance is my only concern. For rules see rule zero and for canon look at RUE PAGE 372. Only 2 questions need consideration is it fun? Is it balanced?

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Aramanthus »

I am thinking of a ferret like race. At least for a start? Has anyone done anything like this?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

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Not a new Race, but an addendum to my Grahl: Tattoo Magic
Those Grahl who had made it to Center discovered the existence of Magic Tattoos, unfortunately for them. A volunteer got set up, and was given a Basic Weapon Tattoo: Sword. Nothing fancy. Nothing survivable either.

The tattoo was made by first shaving the forearm in question, then work went normally until completion.
Then the Magic of the tattoo FRIED the poor pup (barely an adult). There was only the tattooed flesh part, and charred bones left!

The conclusion? Grahl CANNOT gain Tattoo Magic. Ever.
I never said they were as versatile as Humans, I just said that they got along with many of them...
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by GaredBattlespike »

This file was stolen by Resistance Members:

File # TGE-II 9821979-5X

New Aggressor Species

Name "The Hunter People" (Can only be properly pronounced underwater in their language, or via Magic/Telepathy)
Called by TGE Forces "Shark Folk".

Alignment: Aberrant Only
I.Q.; 3D6
M.E.; 3D6+6 (Very Resistant to Mental Effects)
M.A.; 1D6+2
P.S.; 4D6+6 (Extraordinary)
P.P.; 3D6+8 (VERY AGILE)
P.E.; 4D6+3
P.B.; 1D6+2
SPEED; 2d6+3 On Land-SWIM; 2D4 (X 10)

Hit Points; Standard +2D6
S.D.C.; Standard +6D6
M.D.C.; By Artificial Means Only

Natural A.R.; 6 (Shark Hide)
Horror Factor; 10

Natural Abilities: Electro-Sense (Sensing all electrical impulses within 300 feet, allows for sensing living beings and electronics. Also makes them sensitive to Tasers and similar weapons [X 2 Penalty and Duration]), Breathes Water and Air, Depth Tolerance; 1,000 feet, Communicate with all Shark-Type Lifeforms (Telepathic within 1,200 feet at No I.S.P. Cost), Can survive out of water for (P.E. x 2) Minutes before "Drowning Rules" apply.

Combat: Bites for 3D6 + P.S. Bonus + 6 S.D.C., Power Bite (2 Actions) is TRIPLE this!. Claws Hands cause 1D4 + P.S. Bonus S.D.C.. HTH is as per Class & Level.

Bonuses: +2 VS All Mental Attacks (Psi/Magic/Drugs), +2 To Hit on Bite Attacks, PENALTY: -4 VS Saves on Electrical Attacks (Tasers, Stun Blasters, etc).

O.C.C.: Treat as Space Pirate O.C.C. + Swim at +20%, Treat Land Navigation as Underwater Navigation as well.

Habitat: Underwater (Salt only) and recently Spacefaring (Last 500 years?)

Allies: NONE
Enemies: All Encountered (So Far)

Notes: May stop to try to eat enemies!
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Zenvis »

I would love to see this as a purchase in Some of the great ideas that have spawned here are just a joy to read.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Zenvis wrote:I would love to see this as a purchase in Some of the great ideas that have spawned here are just a joy to read.

Thanks, but for now, enjoy the free stuff presented here :D .
I really got to get back to creating new species, variants, septs, and phylla.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“There are many forms of courage; raging courage, suicidal courage, pragmatic courage, self-improving courage, demonstrative courage, and the like, to be found in quantities great and small across the worlds of the megaverse. In my personal experience, though, I have found no greater depths of quiet courage than in the modest demeanors of the Vinobe volunteers of the Greater New England Civilian Auxiliary Corps. I have seen these women venture into firefights mere yards away from horrible death and destruction to attend to the wounded, bring comfort to the dying, and save lives that might otherwise be lost. Is it all the Blessing I hear they have? Or the result of curdled genetic implants put in them by callous slave-makers? I think not; they themselves have chosen to tap deep their personal wellsprings of courage, and, being the gentle souls they are, share with the rest of us.”
---Vinus Karthage, Squilb combat-journalist.

“A clear misogynist plot, creating ‘cow girls’. If you find the little mucking bastards who created these people, let us know, so we can be in on the kill.”
---Marla Ansal, North Star Legion(Abolitionist Irregular unit)

“I’ve seen catgirls, beegirls, foxgirls, ninja rabbits, minotaurs, dogboys, molemen, apemen, mermaids, tengu, turkey commandos, batmen, talking rocks, alligatormen, snakemen, fishmen, slimemen, elephantmen, bearmen...a whole howling menagerie of every possible combination of human and other....a few bovine characteristics? Hardly registers on the ‘Odd Scale’. What stands out about these people, though, is their kindness and hospitality; you don’t often see that in a people who were, by their own account, deliberately engineered to be slave stock and later freed.”
---’Wander’ Atchison, Megaversal Traveler

“Do I seek revenge on past gene-meddlers who altered my life and destiny? Do I rage against a megaverse on the supposition that it somehow has a personal animosity against me? No, I seek to live well, in spite of what others think I should feel. I mean to make a good life for myself and my family. Living well and long is my revenge, and sharing my joy in life with others my way of guerilla warfare.”
-Etha Carson, Vinobe owner of Etha’s Home Remedy Emporium

Vinobes(Vee-no-bees) appear to be the sad result of an alien species’ attempt to engineer literal human ‘cows’ as slave-stock. It is largely believed that one of the Grey offshoots or other ‘Abductor’ species is responsible, given that some Vinobes remember lives as normal human beings. Some xeno-biologists disagree with classifying the Vinobes as a ‘species’ or ‘race’, regarding them as human bio-borgs, the result of eugenic engineering, while others want to grandfather the Vinobes into species recognition, citing that the Vinobes are able to breed additional generations.
Vinobes appear to be deliberate attempts to engender bovine characteristics into human beings. Vinobes tend to wide proportions, muscular builds, elongated ears, and thick, suede-like skin. Their nails (especially toe nails) tend to be thick and hard, and they sport short tasseled tails. Although not as extreme as some ‘furry-forms’, Vinobes can be classed ‘near-human’, and can easily disguise themselves as normal humans. or, with their ears, as particularly buxom elves(one genetic engineer has noted that Vinobe have been rather conservatively engineered by their ‘creators’). Vinobes are also slightly stronger on average than unmodified human beings, have a much greater endurance, and have a rude good health.
Mentally, Vinobes tend towards placid, patient, domestic, non-aggressive personalities. They work well in groups and at the extreme end can be considered to have a ‘herd’ mentality. However, they are NOT stupid or easily dominated, and if threatened, can prove extremely stubborn and surprisingly aggressive. And anybody who has dealt with a group of Vinobes can attest that ‘herd mentality’ can also translate into ‘we will trample you’.
It is particularly telling that all Vinobes are FEMALE. They retain interfertility with baseline humans(a fact which complicates, in the eyes of some, whether the Vinobe can be classified as being a true separate species or simply some form of bioborg), and can produce normal, healthy, children, but there is an eighty-percent chance that female offspring will inherit the Vinobe genotype(which swings the argument for recognition as a species back in the other direction). There are rumors, fired by accounts of the older Vinobes, that the same parties responsible for creating the Vinobes also created a male counterpart, minotaur-like ‘Roatnims’, who were extremely muscular and aggressive, but none appeared among the slave populations of Atlantis, so whether the male versions are being sold elsewhere in the megaverse, or were an experiment discontinued by the creators of the Vinobes, is unknown.
Vinobes appeared in the slave markets of Atlantis, apparently as a result of Splugorth trading with the parties responsible for creating them. Delivered as a group, the Vinobes were noteworthy in the slave pens for their mutual cohesion and for their efforts to help not just each other, but prisoners suffering in adjacent cells, sharing what little they had with their fellow captives. Their appearance in Splynn was beginning to raise interest, and much was being made of their profit potential both as slave labor and a new source of meat and skins, and the Vinobes may have been headed for a sad fate as just another slave species but for the prayers of a number of the original bio-converts, who prayed for succor from their household deities. Apparently their prayers were heard to the surprise of many, and by their own account, deep in the dark slave pits of Atlantis, the goddess Hathor (Ancient Egyptian goddess of love and fertility) appeared to them, and conferred upon their number her blessing for their faith and compassion towards each other and their fellow slaves, that kept them sane and provided them with a number of special powers and attributes useful against their enslavers, as well as bolstered their spirits and kept them organized. Several Vinobe were able to use these powers to escape and become involved in the Underground Railroad movement off Atlantis, seeking allies in their efforts to free those left behind. Shortly afterwards, before the Vinobe could be herded to the auction blocks, The ZOT(an alien pantheon infamous for its oddball members and brazen behavior) hit Atlantis, and forced a slave mass-escape exodus, and the Vinobes were among those better organized to exploit the opportunity. Several hundred escaped Atlantis, many of them making landfall in North America and heading for the civilizations there. They have since established themselves in a number of communities and businesses, often forming enclaves of a dozen or more ‘sisters’ who stay in close touch with one another and aiding other traveling Vinobe.

Reports have surfaced of Vinobe being sold in slave markets elsewhere in the megaverse, suggesting that their creators may still be in business. Tracking down other still-captive Vinobe and identifying their sellers/creators is a priority of several Vinobe groups and Abolitionist organizations.

Alignments: Good and Unprincipled. Anarchist and Evil Vinobe are virtually unknown, owing to their losing the Blessings of Hathor.
Lifespan: 100 years
Size: 5-6 ft, 100-200 lbs
Gender: Female
Physical Description/Appearance:
Human(oid) females, with a tendency towards muscular, curvaceous builds, large breasts, and wide hips(the classic ‘Earth Mother’ build). Ears are long and motile, and hair tends to be thick. Skin is soft and suede-like, but tough. Toes sport heavy thick dark toenails. They also sport a short tail with tasseled end. Priestesses of Hathor and other magic users acquire small horns that can grow quite large over time.
Gentle, placid, patient, and pacifistic in general. They fairly exude good health, vitality, and a quiet charisma as well. Most have a spiritual bent as well, owing to the ready evidence in their history of the existence of at least one Goddess. Priestesses of Hathor can become quite aggressive, in keeping with Hathor’s dual role as Sekhmet(Goddess of War). Vinobe take most minor indignities in stride and tend to be calm and collected, but take ready umbrage at the suggestion that they are ‘domesticated’.
Despite having an inherent docile, domestic attitude, Vinobes are NOT stupid. They are intelligent, observant, empathetic, and resourceful, but tend to channel their energies into domestic, healing, and artistic pursuits. They can be incredibly stubborn and willful, and even fierce if backed into a corner. They also work very well in groups, and the escapees of Atlantis have stayed in touch with each other, making it a good bet that anyone bothering one Vinobe is likely to draw the ire of all of them and their associates.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 4d6
MA: 4d6
PS: 3d6+4(See Special Abilities(Endowed Powers) below)
PP: 3d6
PB: 3d6+4
PE: 3d6+4+2d4 PE(See Special Abilities(Endowed Powers) below)
SPD: 3d6+2
(ISP): By Psionic Class
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. + 2d4 per level of experience
SDC: 5d6+20
MDC: See Special Abilities(Endowed Powers) below.
Horror Factor: None, although some humans who know that the Vinobes were engineered/converted from normal humans may view them with strong emotion.
Natural Abilities:
-Thick Nails---More pronounced on the feet, where they give a +2 to damage from kicks.

-Exceptional Hearing---Vinobe hearing is twice as acute as normal human hearing. They cannot hear in the ultrasonic range, but can hear more effectively in the lower subsonic tones.

-Group Strength----If 4 or more Vinobes are together, within line of sight or earshot of each other, they get a +1 to save versus psionics, Horror Factor, intimidation, and interrogation/brainwashing attempts.

Special Abilities- Endowed Powers:

-Milk of Human Kindness (minor)(modified slightly from the Minor Power by Stone Gargoyle)
This is one of the mystically-endowed gifts bestowed upon the Vinobes by Hathor. Vinobes can produce a milky fluid with healing properties from their hands or mouths, and the substance can be projected, spat, drooled, or delivered with a kiss. Rubbed or poured into an injury, or ingested, the fluid has incredible healing and anti-disease properties.
1. Requirements: The character selecting this power must be of Good alignment, either Principled or Scrupulous. If a Vinobe chooses another alignment or is corrupted, they lose this ability. If they again assume a Good alignment, the power is regained.
2. Healing Water Bolts: The character produces bolts of healing fluid from the hands, or can spit llama-style with great accuracy.
Range: 40 feet, plus 10 feet per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks: Uses one melee attack/action to shoot a water bolt
Effects: Heals Good characters 3d4 points of damage (SDC, Hit Points, or MDC), heals Selfish characters 2d4 points of damage (SDC, Hit Points, or MDC), heals Evil characters 1d4 points of damage (SDC, Hit Points or MDC)
Bonus: +2 to strike
Taken internally, this Gift of Hathor also gives the recipient a +15% to resist Coma/Death and a +5 to save versus poison and disease.

-Extraordinary Physical Endurance(Minor)---Another of Hathor’s gifts, this power transformed the relatively fragile (compared to their monstrous enslavers) Vinobe into megadamage beings. Note, that like the Healing waters power, this applies only Vinobe who walk the path of Good; at worst, a Vinobe can be Unprincipled, but slipping any farther down the alignment slope and the Vinobe loses their megadamage protection.
*Fatigues at 1/10th normal rate
*+1d6+5 P.E.
*Effectively becomes a megadamage being with 4d4x10 MD +2d4 per level of experience.

-Impervious to Control/Possession(Minor) ---Thanks to Hathor’s Gift, those Vinobe who walk the true path need never fear being controlled or dominated by magic, psionic, super ability, drugs, or other means forced upon them. They are also immune to possession attempts. Splugorth attempts to force Vinobe slaves to break and turn on their fellows, and reveal their escape plans, through psionic or magic probes, proved fruitless.

-(Minor) Superhuman Strength---The gentle, soft-looking Vinobe have been gifted by Hathor with great reservoirs of strength, such that their physical strength is in the Superhuman/Supernatural range, though they rarely exhibit it, and tend to modestly and demurely shrug it off when they do(“Oh, moving those sandbags? Just a little elbow grease was needed.” “Oopsie! Did I drop that girder on you too hard, Mister Horune? Sometimes I don’t know my own strength!”). Like the other Hathor-bestowed powers, this applies only Vinobe who walk the path of Good; at worst, a Vinobe can be Unprincipled, but slipping any farther down the alignment slope and the Vinobe loses their super strength.
P.S. is now 20+2d4, can lift 300 times their P.S. in pounds, and carry 200 times their P.S.. Punches and kicks can do megadamage.

Psionics: Standard
Magic: None, unless a Magic OCC is taken.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; Vinobe shun artificial augmentation and will only get bio-systems for medical reasons, but given the opportunity, prefer holistic, magical, or regenerative medicine.
Available OCCs:
Vinobe gravitate towards ‘civilian’ occupations, such as homemakers, professional cooks, farmers, herdswomen, craftsmen, and healers. Bodyfixers, Scholars, and Operators are common among Vinobe. They avoid Men-at-Arms professions(but are not above taking weapons skills or hand to hand training), at most taking positions as corpsmen, field medical, or support personnel.
Those Vinobe who chose a magic occupation tend towards ‘natural’ magicks, such as Mystic Herbologist, Sister of the Hearth/High Cooks, and Mystics. The majority of Vinobe interested in the pursuit of magic become Priestesses of Hathor in honor of their patron goddess.
Master Psionics are not unheard of among Vinobe, but exceedingly rare and have emerged only among second- and third-generation birth Vinobe.
RCC Skills:
Regardless of their OCC, Vinobe will possess (at least) three Domestic skills with a bonus of +15%.
Skills of Note:
+20% to save vs. coma/death
+10% to all Medical and Domestic skills

Engineered slave-stock attempting to fit back into ordinary, free, society. Vinobe tend to form mutually-supporting groups and gravitate towards service roles as caregivers, healers, artists, and homemakers. Many volunteer their time to charities and humanitarian groups, or work in community-oriented services.
About 75% of Vinobes are practicing vegetarians; they may have no problems with handling and preparing animal flesh, but they prefer not to consume it themselves.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
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Re: Fan Races!!

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“Dealing with Grelfi is like dealing with a hive intelligence; there’s a lot of bustle and buzzing about, but there’s only one main intelligence at work directing the whole shebang. The Grelfi may talk to you through one of its organic drones, but don’t get attached to that particular mouthpiece; best to address the big mountain at the center. ”

Grelfi are a species of large, radially-symmetrical, d-bees that have begun to appear throughout the megaverse, courtesy of the Rifts.
Mature Grelfi have a large saucer-shaped body topped by a turret-shaped head equipped with a ring of eyes and a crown of sensory tendrils. Around the head, on the top of the body, are two respiratory orifices and two mouths, supplying two sets of lungs and two stomaches respectively. Around the endge of the body are several dozen muscular tentacles. On the bottom, the Grelfi is supported by six muscular tentacles; these latter atrophy over time to become little more than supporting stumps as the Grelfi ages.
Grelfi start out as smaller and much more mobile, but slow down and become more sessile as they mature. Under such pressure, Grelfi will seek to establish for themselves a secure location or domocile. In the distant past, the barnacle-like ancestors of the Grelfi might have grown shells around themselves, but modern Grelfi will seek to build a house or castle around themselves, and acrue resources and supplies.
Over its adult lifespan, a Grelfi will grow additional clusters of tentacles along its edges. The nerve ganglion directing these clusters develop into primitive brains, and the cluster eventually splits, head-last, from the parent body to become a polyp, a subservient moble drone extension of the Grelfi. Polyps are spawned by the Grelfi to serve as servitors, hunting and gathering food, removing waste, maintaining the Grelfi’s domocile, and protecting their spawn-host. Polyps also serve as mobile gametes, traveling to other Grelfi. If another adult Grelfi likes and accepts the qualities it sees in the polyp-gamete, it will fertilize the polyp, injecting it with some of its own DNA, causing a transition to larval Grelfi. Thus quickened, the former polyp and now sapient Grelfi will seek to find its own place in the world, find territory to stake out(typically fighting with other young Grelfi to hold new territory or claim the realms of elder Grelfi), and settle down to spawn its own polyps.

In the past, pre-sapient Grelfi fought for territory and resources, but the evolution of sapience, culture, and technology has allowed greater cooperation between Grelfi, with even some Grelfi sharing common domociles and working closely with one another. More efficient use of resources, food production, waste management, and communications allows Grelfi to work with one another in closer proximity. This isn’t to say that they aren’t still territorial; the same advances have led to Grelfi becoming even more volent or cunning in their warfare with one another, and combat, as well as assassinations, still reman common among the more traditional(or desperate) Grelfi.

Grelfi have generally split into two types; land-based and sessile and water-based and boat-mobile, though some xenoanthropologists prefer to classify them as domocile-based and ship-based. Domocile-based(be it underwater or ashore) Grelfi will establish themselves in a static residence, typically building an estate or holdfast around themselves. Such Grelfi typically become resident farmers, craftsmen, warehouse managers, bankers, and the like.
Ship-based Grelfi came on the scene when the species first started building boats. Grelfi choosing this path will typically build a large boat around themselves, their tentacles providing motive power to oars or paddle-wheels, and their polyps managing sails. As both master and motor of their boats, ship-based Grelfi become merchants and mercenaries.
Compared to humans, Grelfi are massive, cumbersome intelligences crippled by their own size and weight. However, beyond being able to produce a small army of mobile polyps to serve as their hands and sensors, adult Grelfi are expert multi-taskers.
Grelfi skill selection may appear problematic to more personally ‘hands-on’ species; but adult Grelfi can learn many skills that their ever more immobile bodies would apparently restrict them from fully practicing. However, Grelfi can memorize and even work out some skills mentally, and imprint these skills on their polyps as part of their ‘programming’. So an adult Grelfi may be unable to practice most of the aspects of an acquired hand to hand combat skill with regards to dodging or rolling, but those aspects would be applied to their more agile and mobile polyps. It must be remembered that polyps act as a EXTENSION of the spawn-host Grelfi. This allows the Grelfi to continue practicing skills even after its adult body has ceased being able to go through the moves. However, the Grelfi also tend to suffer from a certain skill bias with regards to some skill-types, such as piloting, since their bodies DO limit their abilities. For example, while Grelfi may practice driving multi-team wagons, few, if any, would learn how to pilot hovercycles(if available), since such small vehicles would only be usable by polyps.
On their homeworld, Grelfi were just starting to develop steam power, were experimenting with chemical batteries and dynamos, and had even sent a few polyps aloft in hot hair balloons when the dimensional shockwaves from the Coming of the Rifts on Earth swept through their world. A number of Grelfi have appeared over the years on Rifts Earth, mainly around the Adriatic, and the majority of the strandees have settled in the New Venice area. The Grelfi have learned quickly the need to adapt to the local conditions, including trading with the locals for megadamage protections(weapons and armor).
Initially, the Grelfi had some misunderstandings with the local humans and other sapients; the Grelfi mistook them for the polyp-form of some larger master sentience. With time, however, the Grelfi have managed to wrap their brains around the idea that humans and those like them are intelligent, and stay both their current size and keep their mobility the majority of their lives.
Grelfi in New Venice work much as they did on their homeworld. Grelfi craftsmen run small factories and workshops from within their fortfied domiciles, farmer Grelfo run plantations worked by their polyps, and merchant Grelfi operate their own boats transporting goods. The presence of non-Grelfi mean that Grelfi can now hire and direct additional workers or mercenaries. Computers and industrial robotics mean that craftsmen Grelfi can now run much larger factories. Modern ships mean that Grelfi ‘captains’ are no longer limited by muscle power, wind and tide to power their vessels.
Another change, thanks to technology, is that two or more Grelfi may share the same habitation, a previously unheard of(indeed, inconceivable) degree of trust and cooperation. And whereas adult Grelfi perviously drove off newly fertilized young Grelfi to seek their fortunes and stake out territory elsewhere, so as not to compete with their parents, modern Grelfi may keep their offspring around to add manpower to their projects, in return for using some of the profits so reaped to assist their progeny in establishing themselves(or to inherit the elder Grelfis’ territories upon passing).

Alignments: Any, but most (60%) tend to fall in the Selfish category
Lifespan: 300 years
Size: A young adult Grelfi during their still mobile period(their first 8-15 years) will typically be between 5-8 ft in diameter, 4-6 ft tall, and weigh in the range of 200-500 lbs
Adult Grelfi can grow to roughly 30 ft in diameter, 10 ft tall, with tentacles reaching up to 100 ft, and weigh up to 8 tons.
(Optional: PC Grelfi can gain 3d6x10 lbs in weight per experience level to reflect their maturation growth)
Gender: Adult Grelfi are effectively hermaphrodites
Physical Description/Appearance:
Young adult Grelfi are fat upright cylinders of leathery flesh, banded by thicker armored skin, and walking on six muscular tentacles, with a thick band of about a dozen manipulatory tentacles around their midsection, mouth and lung orifices and immature polyps growing like cactus arms from above this belt.
A mature adult is a large saucer-shaped lump of elephantine armored flesh, topped by a sensory turret ringed by multiple red eyes. Four valved orifices sprout from the upper side of the saucer main body. The edge of the saucer is fringed in multiple(1d8x10) tentacles of various lengths, plus, at any given time, several paler clusters of shorter tentacles that will grow into polyps and detach. Grelfi start out as gray or tan in color, and gradually grow to match the predominant color of their surroundings as they settle in and age.
Grelfi are mainly concerned with their own well-being, and cultivate relationships with others to further that end. They tend to be contemplative and planning, with a vivid mental life and imagination akin to running computer simulations inside their heads. They are most often doing four or more different things at once, mostly through their polyps. If a Grelfi is giving something or someone their FULL attention to the exception of all else, that only underscores how serious the situation is.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+6
ME: 2d6+6
MA: 2d6+12
PS: 5d6+12 and considered to be Supernatural
PP: A Grelfi’s tentacles are quite agile; 2d4+18. The same Grelfi’s main body is less so, and can be considered to be 1d4+4
PB: 1d6
PE: 3d6+20
SPD: Polyps are quite fast and can run at 4d6+20.
A newly-quickened young adult Grelfi can move at about 3d6+5
(Optional: Grelfi PCs can lose 1d4 points of SPD per experience level)
A fully mature Grelfi can still crawl, albeit at about 1d8. while truly ancient Grelfi(250+ years) are effectively immobile.
All Grelfi can swim at roughly 3x their running speed.
(ISP):(Major) ME +4d6 +1d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 5d6
Hit Points: 6d6+P.E+1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 400, Armor Rating 16
On Rifts Earth, adult Grelfi are considered to be minor MDC beings of their P.E. +20+1d6 per level of experience. A tentacle will have 1d4 MD each. This means they would be wise to acquire MDC protections, such as custom body armor or the shelter of megadamage structures.
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities:
*Omnivorous---Grelfi are equal opportunity hunters, scavengers, and grazers.

*Amphibious---Grelfi can survive both in and out of water, though they prefer moist environments. Depth tolerance of 900 ft.

*360-degree Vision---It’s almost impossible to sneak up on Grelfi, due to their panoramic vision. +2 on initiative when ambushed and CANNOT be surprised from behind.

*Reduced Need for Sleep---By rotating consciousness in various sectors of its large brain, an adult Grelfi can go without rest and remain mentally active for far longer than a normal human. Grelfi can go without sleep for as long as their ME/2 in days before needing a full 22 hours of sleep. They can go indefinitely on as little as 8 hours of sleep a week, but do need periods of meditation to recharge their ISP reserves. During their downtime, they rely on their polyps (or other companions) to protect them.

*Regenerate Tentacles---Grelfi regrow lost tentacles at an accelerated rate. A single tentacle can grow back in 3d6 days.

*Spawn Polyps---A Grelfi can produce as many polyps in a month as HALF their PE rating, plus an additional 1d4 polyps per level of experience.
---(Special) A Grelfi can choose to sacrifice one or more of its skill selections to focus on producing even more polyps. Using a skill slot in this manner allows the Grelfi to create 1d6 extra polyps per month. As this means that the polyps will have less access to skills, this is a question of quality versus quantity.

*Polyp-Link---Grelfi are linked to their polyps on a telepathic level, so whatever a polyp senses, the Grelfi immediately knows it as well. The effective range of this link is the adult Grelfi’s ME x20 in miles. Polyps beyond this range will continue to follow their last instructions or, once those orders are fulfilled or frustrated, the polyp will revert to its instincts, until it gets back within range of its parent.

*Actions/Attacks Per Melee---Adult Grelfi have a number of APMs equal to their IQ divided by 2. They can use these in direct action, or use them through a proxy-polyp(s). Grelfi typically multi-task; for example, a factory Grelfi might spend three actions in a melee operating a computer, tabulating inventory, and writing a letter, and use its remaining four actions dispatching a polyp to a storeroom to fetch materials, and directing two more polyps working on lathes on how to properly turn furniture end-posts, before letting them work automatically on their tasks, like factory robots.

Adult Grelfi are considered to be Major Psionics; select eight powers from Physical, Healing, or Sensitive.
+2 to save vs possession
Grelfi did not practice magic on their homeworld, due to low ambient PPE. In PPE-rich environs, they have the potential to acquire magic, but as of yet, none has.
Grelfi are still trying to decide about this type of technology; they will not use it to enhance their polyps, because they are either expendable drones, or the implanted systems could do serious harm if a polyp is fertilized and begins metamorphing into an adult. Some older Grelfi might consider a minor implant such as a headjack or sensory enhancement, but such systems would have to be specially configured for the Grelfi physiology.

RCC Skills:
Select 4 at +5%
Select 4 at +5%
Math: Basic(+10%)
Skills: Select 10 ‘other skills at Level One, plus an 2 additional at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Espionage: None
Mechanical: Any
Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only
Physical: Special; normally Grelfi are unable to take any physical skills, but for Hand to Hand skills, to reflect how adroit they are at manipulating their polyps(this is particularly true of those Grefli who specialize as mercenaries).
Pilot: Grelfi piloting skills are limited by what can bear their increasing weight, and few Grelfi bother learning piloting skills limited to use by their polyps. Few Grelfi bother, for instance, with skills like Beast Ridership or Pilot Motorcycles(if available).
More modern Grelfi can learn Pilot: Ships(Modern), Hovercraft, Spacecraft, and even Robots, provided these craft are modified to accommodate the adult Grelfi and/or a polyp crew.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: None
Science: Again, Grelfi will be limited by their setting.
Technical: Any
Wilderness: Any
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Any
Secondary Skills:
Can select 5 secondary skills without benefit of bonuses
Experience Tables: Use Full-Conversion Cyborg Tables

Grelfi tend to be solitary and territorial, staking out secure locations and self-sustainable resources. The advent of technology has led to a growing culture of cooperation, closer and smaller territories, and an emergent community-based culture with Grelfi fulfilling specific roles (manufacturer, farmer, miner, chemist/pharmacist, merchant, mercenary, etc.).
On their homeworld, Grelfi had just begun to experiment with electricity and steam power and already had gunpowder. Since coming to Rifts Earth, they have taken well to high technology, especially such things as MDCarmor, advanced weapons, powered ships and large transport hovercraft.

Grelfi Polyps
Grelfi Polyps are often mistaken as larval Grelfi. In fact, they are more along the lines of mobile gametes. Until and unless the polyp is fertilized by another Grelfi, it is doomed to a short lifespan of 2d8 months. Adult Grelfi consider their polyps to be disposable tools or labor animals, and invest little emotional attachment in any individual polyp.
Polyps start their existence as a growth-bundle of tentacles on the flank of an adult Grelfi. The nerve gangelion controling them becomes more complex, developing into a basic brain, and the polyp eventually manages to wiggle loose to begin moving independentally of its parent-body.
Polyps can be controlled directly by the spawning Grelfi, but not always. When the Grelfi’s attention is needed elsewhere(such as in a business or mass pitched battle), the polyp can operate semi-autonomously, using basic skills ‘downloaded’ into it when it was created, along with basic instincts.
Alignments: Same as their spawn-host.
Lifespan: 2d8 months unless fertilized
Size: Roughly 4-5 ft tall, and weighing 150-200 lbs.
Gender: None, unless and until fertilized into an adult form.
Physical Description/Appearance:
An upright bullet-shaped mass of flesh, supported on six long tentacle-legs ending in large pods. Six long tentacles ring the midsection of the body, and eight red eyes ring the top of the head(these will multiply and grow into a continuous ring if the polyp is quickened into a Grelfi adult).
Grelfi polyps act as an extension or avatar of the adult form. The Grelfi adult can speak and act through a polyp, possessing it as a subset of itself.
By itself, a Grelfi polyp is essentially an organic robot, with no personality of its own.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d4
ME: 1d6
MA: 1d6
PS: 3d6+16
PP: 2d4+18
PB: 1d6
PE: 2d6+12
SPD: 4d6+20 on land, swimming is PSx3 in yards/meters.
(ISP): 2d6+M.E.+1d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points: 90
SDC: 180, Armor Rating 14
MDC: Grelfi Polyps are NOT megadamage beings, and in order to survive in a megadamage environment, must be equipped with MDC protections.
Horror Factor: 6
Natural Abilities:
*Enhanced Arc of Vision---Grelfi Polyp eye placement isn’t as all-encompassing as their adult forms, but they can still see a greater arc of the world around them; +1 on initiative.
*Amphibious---Grelfi can survive both in and out of water, though they prefer moist environments. Depth tolerance of 900 ft.
Psionics: Grelfi Polyps are considered to be Minor psychics, with two powers from either Sensitive or Physical.
Magic: None.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; the adult Grelfi consider it wasteful to spend valuable resources augmenting a drone that will expire in a year anyway.
Actions:Attacks Per Melee: Starts out with 3. This is static unless the Polyp is 'programmed' with an equivalent hand to hand skill by its parent, whereupon it advances as normal.
Skills of Note:
Polyps can be ‘programmed’ with up to eight skills from the spawn-host adult, including any hand-to-hand combat skills.
These skills come into play if and when the adult Grelfi is not directly in control of the polyp and acting through it. These are what the polyp has to ‘default’ to when acting on instinct.
A fertilized Grelfi polyp that has become an adult Grelfi starts with the full range of skills, beginning at first level
None; an extension of the spawn-host Grelfi.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by gaby »

Great Job,Taalismn.

Any chance you send any New Race to Rifter?
People send New Races for Palladium fantasy and Rifts,I hope in 2016 Someone will send New races for Phase world.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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No. You can read it for free here.
If I had something tighter and more knock-your-socks-off-and-punch-your-teeth-in like a whole well-edited mini-package of related material, or a pocket campaign that I was sure wasn't derivative of others' works or just copied general genre. I'd consider submitting to the Rifter.
This stuff? Lightweight stuff from my fluff folders. Unrelated odds and ends. Like the meat ends you get cheap at the grocer's.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Sandancer »

Has anyone created rules for the Highlanders? As in Connor McCloud of Clan McCloud.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Sandancer wrote:Has anyone created rules for the Highlanders? As in Connor McCloud of Clan McCloud.

Converting characters that are IP of others is prohibited.

And this is the fan RACE topic.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Fan Races!!

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This is a SDC monster. And is more for AU then for rifts. But there is no Monster topic in the HU forum far as I know.
The core ideas for this monster came to me from my waking-up dreaming.

The Steyl Collective

The collective appear to be large alligator like animals that individually are not that smart. However they have been genetically modified to be bigger and faster then the natural core stock. They are used in many forums of blood sports that pit them verses animals and sentients.

However, unknown to their makers they were infected with a particular form of nanites that spread through the during fights between the individual animals. These nanites cause the animals to be linked up altogether into a techno hive-mind. This hive-mind has steadily spread through out the population of the Steyl Gators and has observed those around them and has come up with it's own agendas.
While it has discovered that it can infect carbon based flesh and blood sentients with it's nanite components after having bit them. The collective has also discovered that it can't take over them. The infection does provide a form of cyber-pathic link that the collective can communicate with the infected individual.

Using this link to the humanoids and other sentients the collective has come to manipulate those around it to forward it's agenda. Through promises & threats and other manipulations, it has implanted in it's pawns what actions it wants them to do. It is not very wide ranging in its plans and plots for it is more cunning then smart. So sometimes while it's manipulations will provide what results it wants, the results themselves act against the collective's ultimate goals.

While spreading over it's home world it discovered that the range of the links is not very far. Only as far as the wi-fi networks go. The collective also knows it cannot maintain control over distances more then three light seconds. At distances over that a new collective forms around a core of at minimum of 20 individual Steyl Gators.

Alignment: each collective will be an evil alignment.
Collective Attributes: IQ: 1D6+5, ME: 2D4+4, MA: 3D4+6

Individual Attributes:
PP: 1D4+12, PS: 2D4+12, PE: 1D4x10+10, PB: 2D4, speed(ground): 2D4+4, Speed (swimming) 1D4x10.
Hit Points: 6d6+PE
SDC: 4d4+44
PPE: 1d4
Horror Factor: 15
Damage: Tail Slash: 1D6+3 SD, Claws do 1D4+1 SD, It Bite does 3D4 SD.
Bonuses:(in addition to attributes bonuses) +4 init, +3 strike, +2 dodge/+5 while swimming.
Skills of note: swimming 90%, prowl in water 75%
Average Life Span: 6 to 18 years per individual.
Value: Hide: 1200 credits, as a fighting animal: 10,000 credits.
Behavior: when the collective is hiding itself it will let the individuals act like normal animals, which are much like those of terran alligators. (see PF Monsters and Animals page 239). the individuals will act much more intelligently while being controlled directly by the collective's thinking mind.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:This is a SDC monster. And is more for AU then for rifts. But there is no Monster topic in the HU forum far as I know.
The core ideas for this monster came to me from my waking-up dreaming.

The Steyl Collective.

If you can remember and retain the sense of wonder from your dreams....those are some of the best forms of inspiration for wild flights of fantasy. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by SpiritKitsune7 »

Hows this?

Rifts Celestial Hopper Race
Hoppers are genetically enhanced marsupials that are created from kangaroos. 5000 years ago two rifts had opened and demons came out of one and started killing large herds of kangaroos for sport and forced many of them into the other rift.
The kangaroos found themselves on another world in the Milky Way galaxy on a large continent similar to a high-tech Japan with faster than light starships. This world has a lot of humans and dimensional beings.
A cult of evil magical scientist’s found these kangaroos, which looked a lot like their false god. These cultists captured many of these kangaroos and genetically engineered them into sentient super soldiers and sex slaves, using the DNA of humans, were beasts, and angels.
A Temporal Ninja discovered this secret cruel act and went to the superhero guild he belonged to and brought many of his guild mates and freed these Hoppers.
Hoppers look much like kangaroo furries with a second knee and have the feet of a kangaroo. They have kangaroo ears that can turn 180 degrees. Hoppers tend to have human-like hair on the top of their heads. Hoppers tend to have fur, hair, and eyes that only come in the colors of metallic gold, silver, and platinum. The fur and eyes are always matching colors and their skin matches their fur color. Hoppers are all extreme bodybuilders without trying.
Hoppers have a lifespan of 6000 years. They become adults at the age of 18 and tend to marry at the age of 100. Once the Hopper becomes an adult he or she stops aging physically. Hoppers have invented certain nanomachines that pass from parent to kid that makes a tiny TW-implant on their reproductive organs that are a magic contraceptive that is locked on until the age of 100 then you can turn it on and off at will.
Hoppers tend to love immoral clothing. Many Hoppers are Mystic Ninjas or Temporal Ninjas due to the advanced Japan home. Married Hoppers tend to let one or sometimes two of their mates go adventuring at a time. Hoppers know a series of secret runes that most sentient beings can’t read; they use them to link any doorway temporarily to their homes. Only family and friends can access their homes. Hoppers have found a dimension with many worlds made out of rare gemstones and jewels with glittering mountains, and other features beyond beauty. Hoppers tend to build their homes on these worlds. Hoppers sell these rare stones to Techno-Wizards and Stone Mages, these stones are magically 20% more powerful and makes TW items just as powerful.
All female Hoppers have huge breasts and males will have huge male organs. Hoppers will marry into a unit of six adults, two males and four females. They have no concept of adultery and will sleep around.

Alignment: Usually good or unprincipled
Size: 9 to 10 feet tall.
Weight: 300 to 400 pounds.
Hit Points (Special): PEx2 +120. Like were beasts, the character is invulnerable to most weapons, including mega-damage energy weapons, explosives, bullets, fire, wood, steel, poisons, and toxins. However, weapons that have at least 50% silver content inflict double damage to Hoppers. Thus a silver-plated dagger, which normally inflicts 1d6 S.D.C. damage, inflicts 2d6 points of damage directly to the hoppers hit points.
SDC: PEx2 +150
Attributes: IQ: 3d6, ME: 4d6, MA: 3d6, PS: 20+ 1d12 (Supernatural), PP: 4d6, PE: 4d6, PB: 4d6+4, SPD: 500 miles per hour. Hoppers can jump a distance of one mile in length and jump 3/4th of a mile high. Hoppers are very precise jumpers and have a 20% chance to miss a jump target that they can’t see and hit something, a wall, an apartment window or a car. Hoppers can increase or decrease the force of damage they do when landing. The damage caused by landing can be anywhere from 1 SDC to 2d4x10 MDC.
Awe Factor: 10
Natural Abilities: High-speed Prowl 60%, Swim 40%, Acrobatics 80%, night vision 600 feet and bio-regeneration: restores hit points at a rate of 2d6 H.P. an hour. Females have the Magical pouch power.
Limited invulnerability: See the hit point description. The creature is vulnerable to magic, psionic attack and weapons made of silver (double damage). Powerful mega-damage attacks and explosions that inflict great amounts of damage may knock the creature down or stun it. Same Knock Down/Impact table as for vampires.
Immunity: Immune to all diseases and falling damage.
Magic: All Hoppers can cast the following spells, provided they have enough personal P.P.E. to do so: Tongues, chameleon, repel animals, armor of Ithan and heal wounds.
P.P.E.: 2d4x10 +10, or off of magic O.O.C. if you took a magic O.O.C.
Psionic Abilities: Sixth Sense, see the invisible and mind block.
I.S.P.: 5d6 or off of psionic O.O.C. if you took a psionic O.O.C.
Power kick- 1d6 MDC
Running kick attack- 4d6 MDC plus falling damage.
Head kick-1d6 MDC plus stun.
Racial skills: Pilot star fighter or starship +20%, Navigation-Space: +10%, Sensory Equipment +10%, Weapon systems +10%, and Zero Gravity Movement + 10%.
Bonuses: +1 on Initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +6 to save vs. horror factor, +2 to save vs. psionics, and +2 to save vs. magic.
Magical Pouch: Female Hoppers have a magical pouch that has the magical effect of the spell Dimensional Envelope. This power is permanent and only female Hoppers, their Joey, and those with dimensional powers can see it and access it. The Joey has its own separate space to keep warm and hide. Anything placed inside has almost no weight and is light as a feather.
Waters of life: Waters of life is an extremely potent natural potion that comes from any female Hoppers breast milk. Female Hoppers will not tell anyone how they get it unless if someone caught a female Hopper extracting some. At puberty, a female Hopper starts producing milk at a very fast rate for the rest of their lives, and must extract milk four times per day. One ounce of the waters of life will cure all diseases, neutralize all poisons, and cure all insanities, heals a person of half of his health, regenerate limbs and organs and can resurrect the dead up to half his or her health. This breast’s milk can resurrect a person that has been dead for up to one month! The milk never spoils and will look like ordinary cow’s milk. Everyone will think this milk taste a 100 times better than any grocery store milk they have bought.

Erotically Clumsy: All Hoppers will always draw unwanted or wanted attention to them by tripping over attractive or popular people that always ends in accidental squeezing and touching. Plus tripping over furniture or bending over will have people staring at their crotch. Hoppers will have wardrobe malfunctions at bad times, 80% guaranteed while competing in school sporting events like volleyball and swim team and will not notice until the event is finished. Plus their swimsuit will end up on a flag pole and have their clothes stolen. But a friend will save your purse. You will have many people trying to gain your love and fight over you. Friends and people you like will always find your erotic clothing is strange places and will have a 40% chance that they will steal one and show their friends while you come around the corner. This power is just like weird things that happen in animes.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by gaby »

Great,I hope to see more.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Anga(Psiun Angarchy)

“It is only the respect with which I hold Lord T’crysan, and the confidence I have that he has other plans for you and your miserable kin that prevent me from crushing your skull right now and slaying everyone I encounter in this place for the slavers they are! But do not push my forebearance by obstructing my mission! I have both the instructions and the authority to remove this individual from this facility; I will not have either questioned by the likes of you!”
-Sargeant-Marshall G’dek Allae, Head of the Anga-Shunal Guard of Altess Lord Azura T’crysan, heading up the protective custody extraction of a inmate at a ‘Status Reorientation and Realignment’ facility on the rim world of Kyhota III.

Anga are a race of muscle-bound simians. They are sometimes mistaken for Kittani, but aside from a few similarities in appearance and warrior mentallity, the Anga are unrelated to the Kittani.
One thing ALL Anga hold in common is a abhorrence of slavery; even the most evil Anga is more likely to be a serial killer than a slaver. The Anga ascribe this hatred to their distant past and The Ship of Pain, that supposedly brought the Angas’ ancestors from parts unknown to the Three Galaxies as slaves. After seeding several planets in the Psuni Sector with slave colonies of Anga, the Ship of Pain proceeded on a regular circuit, harvesting the results of the forced labor of the Anga communities, and moving slaves from one population to another(both as punishment, by breaking up families, and as a way of maintaining minimal population numbers, as the harsh conditions on the slave planets tended to kill off Anga). Somehow, though(and the Angas’ own legends are unclear on the specifics), over the course of long centuries(accounts vary from anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 years)the Anga were able to form a resistance, overcame their overseers(the legends only describe them as ‘demons’), and apparently were able to set a trap for the Ship of Pain, destroying it, and freeing their people.
Using crude spacecraft and salvaged equipment, the Anga were able to make contact with a few of their scattered brethren in the surviving slave colonies, and were looking for more, when Wulfen prospectors stumbled across an Anga world while exploring the Psuni Sector. Since making contact with the rest of the Three Galaxies, the Anga have made a living selling minerals from their worlds, and hiring out as mercenaries and enforcers for causes both legitimate and illegal. They have made a minor reputation for themselves as fierce, proud, fearless soldiers who get the job done.
Much of Anga history and society is a secret, or at least not discussed with outsiders. It’s been hinted that the Anga were not the only species enslaved aboard the Ship of Pain, and that others were put down on the same slave worlds, but these others died/disappeared...possibly because they were collaborators, or because the Anga exterminated them(ate them!) in the struggle to survive in the harsh conditions there.
Some in the Three Galaxies have pointed the finger at the Splugorth as the most likely party behind the ‘Ship of Pain’, but the Anga seem to have no more resentment towards the Splugorth than any other race of slavers(though that’s a LOT). Others see the Demonstars as the most likely culprits.
Whatever their origins, Anga will not have ANY dealings with slavers. They even find imprisonment and forced labor to be intolerable. This makes law enforcement a prickly matter when dealing with Anga; they do not do well in captivity. Ironically, if an Anga peace officer assigns the punishment, such as supervised work-restitution for a crime, the culprit(s) will go ahead with it uncomplainingly, but under any other circumstances, an Anga will be violent and well-nigh uncontrollable, or will committ suicide.
The downside of this is that in combat, the Anga will NOT take slaves...they either take prisoners of war(who can expect varying degrees of hospitality on the part of their captors) or they kill defeated enemies outright. Only the most twisted and corrupt of Anga will take prisoners for the purpose of slavery, and these individuals will rank among the most cruel of slavers.
Alignments: Any, but the most common are Scrupulous(20%), Anarchist(30%), and Aberrant(20%)
Lifespan: 75 years
Size:7-8 ft tall, 500-800 lbs
Gender: Hetereosexual
Physical Description/Appearance:
Hulking muscle-bound humanoids with gray-green skin, little body hair, and heavy bony growths on the head, shoulders, elbows, and knees. The shoulders are broad and towering, the head sitting low on the neck and shoulders. The head sports an oversized jaw with large, sharp incisors and heavy bone-cracking molars. The eyes are small, gold, and set deep under heavy brows. They like wearing armor, from patchwork animal skin and bone, to modern high-tech types.
Anga are fierce, proud, aggressive, and very demanding. They subscribe to a dog-eat-dog social doctrine where self-assertiveness carries the day. They respect and honor perserverance, as well as courage and determination. They regard sloath and idleness with barely disguised contempt(for example, Altess Lord Azura T’crysan is one of the few Altess the Anga unreservedly respect, since the Reserve-Armoria officer has shown no problems with joining his troops in the field).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: 4d6 (considered to be supernatural)
PP: 3d6
PB: 1d4+2
PE: 4d6(considered to be supernatural)
SPD: 4d6
(ISP): By Psychic Class
(PPE): 1d6
Hit Points:----
MDC: 3d6x10 MD+5d6 +2d6 per level of experience
Horror Factor: 12
Natural Abilities:
*Natural Megadamage Beings
*Powerul Jaws with Sharp Teeth: 2d6 SDC/MD on a bite
*Reinforced Knuckles, Elbows, and Knees: Thick bony growths adds +2 to damage from punches, elbow strikes, and knee-kicks

Psionics: Standard
Magic: None; no potential. Furthermore, Anga tend to be suspicious of magic-users. Many regard the practice of magic as ‘unholy’.
Cybernetics/Bionics: Anga distrust bionics and regard those who rely on them as weak. If an Anga needs a prosthesis, it will be a basic, crude, one....and those Anga who continue to succeed in spite of a missing limb or organ are highly regarded indeed.
Available OCCs: Most Anga off their homeworlds gravitate towards Warrior or Adventurer professions, and there are large numbers counted among the ranks of Space Pirates, Planetary Scouts, Freedom Fighters, and other rogues.

RCC Skills:
Wilderness Survival(+10%)
Hand to Hand: Expert(can be upgraded through ‘other’ skills)
W.P. One ancient and one modern W.P. of choice
Skills of Note:---
Anga technological level can be considered equal to a Mature Space Age, though the Anga still rely heavily on imported stardrive technology to meet all their needs. Their few native-built ships are government-owned and are general purpose; the largest of them is roughly equivalent to a large transport with the armament of a star frigate. However, of late, they have been withdrawing these cantankerous and generally unreliable vessels in favor of imported designs.
The Anga inhabit eight worlds in the Psuni Sector. Five of these are the original slave colonies, and are barely habitable under even liberal definition; Cokac is a scorching, near-waterless world, Jemac and Henna are frozen hells, Holmek has a barely breathable atmosphere and still very tectonically active, and Laar is lashed by violent storms and home to a particularly aggressive form of fast-growing vegetation. As soon as they were able, the Anga laid claim to two rather more hospitable worlds in the sector, Clemka and Adusrul(Picro IV), in the latter case invading and driving off a small colony of the Catyr that had already been established there. The majority of the Anga populace have moved to the latter two worlds, but the former slave colonies still have sizeable populations left behind to work the mines and farms on those worlds, generating much needed income for the Anga.
Anga are known to have an elaborate culture of ancestor worship, with the current generation striving to be worthy of the accomplishments (or to overcome the shame) of previous generations. Some of these distant ancestors appear to have been canonized in the Anga religion, raised to the level of minor gods. There is also evidence to suggest that the various colonies evolved their own religious sects, and once contact was re-established between the various Anga communities, there were minor wars of orthodoxy, some of which may be unresolved to this day. One of the emerging religious trends among the ultra-faithful is to make a ‘Great Circle’, where Anga will spend a year on each of the original five slave colonies, learning and enduring what their ancestors did. Though this practice claims many in its course, those who survive living in turn on Cokac, Jemac, Henna, Holmek, and Laar, are highly regarded and respected by their peers.
Anga are led by a strongman-style tribal leadership, with the strongest leading the planetary governments, and a Council of Commanders ruling over the eight worlds and coordinating their economies and mutual defense. Each world maintains its own defense forces, consisting of a standing army of professionals( roughly equivalent in training to the TGE’s Legionnaires), reinforced by seasoned mercenaries(the Council authorizes and licenses return for letters of commendation and job searches, the sell-shields are required to spend some time with the Anga planetary militia and respond to emergencies) and a general populace levy.
The Anga are currently considered Neutral with regards to the other powers of the Three Galaxies. They trade some with the CCW, but their treatment of the Catyr colonists on Adusrul has tainted relations with the mainstream CCW, because of threats of legal attempts to claim compensation. The TGE would like to recruit the tough Angas, but the latter have heard enough about the TGE’s treatment of many of its client species to not trust them, and have shunned attempts to woo them. The Angans are perhaps closest to the Altess, because the Altess pay them top dollar for mercenary services, but aside from a few individual Altess, the Anga generally regard their employers with contempt. Hearing of the Angas’ efforts to modernize their military and spacefleet, Naruni has made several efforts to tempt them into become clients, with discounted military hardware, but the suspicious Anga have failed to take the bait, and mainly buy NE hardware in small batches. Similarly, the Anga have carefully bought from Hartigal, and seem to be moving towards closer relations with the softer sales tactics of the Naruni-split rogues.

Psiun Angarchy
A. Size
Modest: Eight worlds
B. History
Ex-slave colonies established by imported slave labor.
C. Level of Technological Sophistication
Mature Space Age
D. General Attitude/Culture
Warrior culture, with a strong theme of religious ancestor-worship.
E. Racial Composition
99% Angan. The Angans are not intolerant per say; it’s just that they regard their worlds as rather sacred, and the generally harsh conditions on most of them as a test of their character. They thus don’t extend much assistance, if any, to immigrants(if the Angans’ ancestors didn’t have any assistance, why should these newcomers? It’s evolution in action).
F. Government
G. Administrative Control
Restrictive---As much as the Angans hate slavery, their own government keeps a tight leash on its citizens. Given the Angans’ aggressive strongman governance, both citizens and government employees are kept in check by harsh penalties and aggressive manangment.
H. External Trade
Military; the Angans train and hire out mercenaries and, to a lesser extent, laborers(though the latter are never called such, always something more elegant and face-saving, such as ‘contract task managers’).
H1. Commodities
Exports: Mercenaries, Minerals
Imports: Spacecraft, Advanced Weaponry
I. Status
Struggling; the Angarchy is just about breaking even financially, and stabilizing their hold on their new worlds. They’re making just enough to start modernizing their space fleet with imported technology, though that tends to be lower end(the cheaper commercial designs and second/third-hand military vessels). They are continuing to look for other Angan-settled worlds, with an eye towards uniting all such worlds under the Angarchy, but admitt to themselves that if they found more such worlds and they were crisis-zones, aiding them might break the Angarchy’s economy.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by zexsis »

Once upon a time, I thought a fun superhero would be using gravity manipulation, so I did that plus added some PS and PE boosting abilities. Then I decided to see what the max of that would be and I came up with the following(I used the alien race generator, chose stats, added mega hero on top, and picked immortal monster as a kind of optional power choice.. all in all mostly legal though you could drop super burrowing, hyperdensity, and alter physical structure stone. the last one is basically how I envision his skin though, more akin to an earth elemental. Also gravity manip. has had its lifting/carrying expanded for the str to more accurately represent other races than just human. The character is representative of the maximum possible str, gravity manip I could make mostly book legal. Added side note, I did actually roll 97% for mage capable race but haven't touched that as the rest i find to be enough.. be creative with gravity manip and he's literally capable of killing a planet, not actually intended):

Groknor is the last living being of his race. They lived a peaceful existence on their homeworld, content to keep to themselves. Their homeworld was a massive badlands, with no water or vegetation of any kind. This did not bother them as they were part elemental and did not eat as most sentient races did.

Their planet was massively active with magic, however, it was fused to the earth itself and not actually visible. As beings of earth, their physiology was changed. Unbeknownst to them, they were the last planet in their galaxy on a collision course with the galaxies supermassive black hole. Due to their planets size, it took millennia for it to reach the event horizon.

Though it was destined to be swallowed, they were unaware of the increased gravity as their planet already had a huge gravitational pull. Gravity so strong it would crush lesser beings, and in fact had done so to the planet's previous inhabitants. His kind, however, were tied to the planet in a way no other race had been and they had the ability to mold and shape gravity around them.

Completely oblivious to the events transpiring to the planet itself, mostly because being alone was simply how they viewed life, it's all they had known. Over the years the planet became increasingly unstable as the gravity increased. This was obvious to the last inhabitants but there was little they could do. In its last death throws the planet began to break apart, spewing previously unseen magic energy to the surface. Rifts were seen for the first time and many were taken by them. Being thrown to worlds of unknown origin many of the survivors died tragically. Groknor alone happened to hit a rift that connected to Rifts Earth giving him a chance to live on...

(lvl 13)
iq 3d6/18
me 4d6+6/23
ma 4d6+6/20
ps 5d6+10 +2d4 +1d4 +2d4+2 +6d4+6 +2d4+14ps +30+2d6 +2d6+10 +20/208-304
pp 4d6+6 -2 +1d6+1/22
pe 4d6+6 +1d6+5 +1d6+1/48
pb 1d6+3/6
spd 5d6+10 +1d6+2 +1d6+1/50/25 (x3 on normal worlds) 1/2 spd double speed when growth

mdc 2d6x100+1d4/lvl +3d4x10 +4d4 +2d6x10 6d4x10 +4d4x10sdc +3d6hp+1d4/lvl // 1966 +20 sdc per ft of growth increase sdc by 50%
wt- +50 +6d4x30 wt tripled 25410-54210 +50lbs per ft an extra 2k lbs for each 8-10 over 20ft tall
ht 9+1d4 +6d4 //37-133 +2ft per pe pt(96)
ar 8 + 6
HF 9@8'+1 per 6 extra ft// 13-29
lifting- 104k/152k
(if lunar 124800/182400- 12.48 mil/18.24mil)

ppe 1d6x10 +1d6+4 per/lvl

-4 dodge (when growth)
impervious to disease, resistant to fire, heat, cold(half dmg)
+1 atk
+2 initiative
+4 pull punch
+2save poison
+2 vs possession, +1d6 vs HF
supernatural being: +1 save vs magic, +2 vs possession and HF
enhanced healing, 1d4+1 x's faster(half duration to debilitating spells, drugs, disease, etc
death blow 16-20(must announce)
+2 pull

Incredible Supernatural Attributes: Add 1d6+6 to any
four attributes, and 2d6+10 to P.S. and Spd or P.B.; P.S. and
P.E. are considered to be supernatural.

Supernatural M.D.C. Being: As above, but base M.D.C.
is 2D6xl00 M.D.C. plus 1D4x10 per level of experience.
Rocky or crystalline appearance.
Natural body armor 3D6x 1 0 S.D.C./M.D.C. Color varies.

High Gravity: The gravitational force of the race's homeworld
is greater than the galactic average (0.9 to 1 .2 G is the
an average of 80% of all inhabited planets). This has given the
race greater mass and physical endurance, but the character is
much faster and lighter on normal planets than on his homeworld.
Typical size is as follows:
Average Height: 4 to 5 feet
S.D.C./M.D.C. Bonus: 3D4x 1 0
Bonuses/Penalties: Add 2D4 to P.S. attribute, -2 to P.P. Increase
normal speed by three times.

Stocky: The race is exceptionally broad or husky, about
twice as broad as the average humanoid of the same height.
Add 50 lbs (23 kg) to weight, + 1d4 to P.S. and 4d4 to

Superhuman Magical Capabilities: The entire race is
mage-capable, with the abilities of a mystic or ley line walker
(or a magical O.C.C. of the G.M. 's choice). Magic is a natural
part of everyone's life, and casting spells is as normal to the
race as flipping a light switch is for members of technological
societies. Conventional sciences and technology are likely to
be at low levels, because interest in them will be diminished
by the fact that magic offers so many shortcuts and different
avenues to getting things done.

giant powers 1 pg 28 9+1d4 ft tall, +1d4 @ lvl 3,5,7,9,11,13. +1d4x30 lbs @ each increase. +2d4+2 to PS, & +1d4+1 at each increase.+2d6x10to sdc+1d4x10 ea/increase.AR8+1 ea/increase. +1d6+2 spd bonus is half.

super burrowing pg 43 powers 1
hyperdensity powers 1 pg 31

extraordinary PE +1d6+5 +4d4x10sdc +3d6hp+1d4/lvl
alter phys struct stone: +2d4+14ps, wt tripled, radiates no heat, 1/2 spd
supernat strength +30+2d6 to PS, carry 300xs ps, lift 500x +2 pull
gravity manipulation
growth 2ft per pe pt, +50lbs per ft an extra 2k lbs for each 8-10 over 20ft tall, +20 sdc per ft, +1ps fer ft, +1d6 to pe, HF 9@8'+1 per 6 extra ft, +2 strike and parry, double speed, -4 dodge

mega hero
supernatural ps
increase sdc by 50%
enhanced healing, 1d4+1 x's faster(half duration to debilitating spells, drugs, disease, etc)
increase range 50%
supernatural being: +1 save vs magic, +2 vs possession and HF.
tremendous physical strength +20 supernatural ps, death blow 16-20(must announce)
weakness (earth bownd-half powers to minimum 30% when not on ground or god syndrome)

Monster immortal:
impervious to disease, resistant to fire, heat, cold(half dmg) +1d6+1 to pp, pe, spd, +2d6+10 to ps, ar 1d6+9 ht 1d4+6 hp 2d6x10+pe +2d6 per lvl, 1d6x10+60. HF 1d6+10. bonuses +1 atk, +1d4 initiative, pull punch, and save poison, +2 vs possession, +1d6 vs HF, Immortal power pg 181 HU2. max education high school or 2 yrs college.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

1) the race needs a name.
2) the text needs to be rewritten so other players can use the race.
3) there are too much clutter in the stats section.

This looks more like someone posting their character then posting a race. Requests the poster read through the other races posted here and do a full rewrite.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
Reading and writing (literacy) is how people on BBS interact.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Here's a handy template:

Alien Race/RCC:
Alignments: Any
Lifespan: years
Physical Description/Appearance:
Physical Attributes:
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
Natural Abilities:
Available OCCs:
RCC Skills:
Skills of Note:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by AntyCrist »

I've been playing with a npc race I use hatchling stat blocks and TM, TWar, PA, and TekW. as classes. there from a neighboring minor gallery and come in heavily disrupt the three galaxies. They shatter the TGE and CCW and play counterpoint to the species of AIs behind the Intruders.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by 13eowulf »

AntyCrist wrote:I've been playing with a npc race I use hatchling stat blocks and TM, TWar, PA, and TekW. as classes. there from a neighboring minor gallery and come in heavily disrupt the three galaxies. They shatter the TGE and CCW and play counterpoint to the species of AIs behind the Intruders.

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

Alrighty, Started these guys as a random roll up in Phase world, they didn't give me much to go on :? so I had to kinda wing it...I mean they were totally 100% down the line average until they hit tech level...I present to you

The Avaree

The Avaree:

The Avaree are similar to a humanoid duck in appearance however they possess a splendid tail plumage similar to a peacock, but in even brighter colors. The Avaree have long abandoned any form of natural reproduction instead relying on cloning and memory synthesis to create a form of immortality with only a handful being lost to retrieval errors and a slightly larger number added every few centuries. The Avaree were originally a dedicated and highly driven people, placing heavy emphasis on loyalty and dedication to their goals. Over the centuries the Avaree have become a cold and calculating species, still dedicated, still loyal, and focused entirely on their one racial goal. Revenge. The entire remaining Avaree species is composed of the Avaree Imperial Guard, a fanatical legion devoted to their empress. An empress lost due to the actions of a spacefaring race that made contact with the Avaree Empire.

The Avaree were an incredibly advanced race however they had never sought to explore the stars. Instead the species developed their planet, creating technology that folded and shifted space to generate more room and using advanced technology to tap into other dimensions for sources of energy. This combined with their love of the imperial family led to them never desiring to expand. Thus the complete development of their planet turned it into a paradise. However this led to an unforeseen consequence, the Avaree had cleansed their planet of danger too well. No remaining disease or illness could be found, and with time the immune systems of the Avaree weakened, though unnoticed due to the lack of harmful microbes on their planet.

Thus when the first spacefaring race made contact with the Avaree disaster struck. Within a matter of days the first Avaree fell ill, their treatments quickly cured the disease…but then another struck, and another. Waves of disease destroyed their populations, thousands dying from even the most minor strains of off world disease. Chaps struck their planet, the Avaree struggled to survive and only the imperial family could keep order. Finally they too fell ill, the Avaree in a flurry of ingenuity and fear struggled for any way to prolong their beloved ruler’s lives, eventually developing a method to clone their bodies and retain memories. They had succeeded in finding a way to save their rulers, and their race.

Though devastated by the first traveler’s accidental exposure, it would be the second spacefaring race to encounter them that would push the Avaree over the edge. No records remain of this species, the Avaree erased them entirely from the galaxy, launching suicidal wars to purge every mention of them from any galactic record. But it is known that this race coveted the technology of the Avaree and so attacked in their moment of weakness, the details are unclear but it is known that these beings are the ones responsible for penetrating the defenses of the Avaree Imperial Legions and then slaying the final surviving members of the Imperial line. The Imperial Legion and Normal Avaree were kept separate, an act intended to protect the Imperials even should the other storage sites fall, instead only the Imperials and a few key members of the government and military died in this attack. The intent had been to behead the Avaree and break them. Instead they released a monster.

The Avaree went berserk, they had failed their ruler, they had failed their goals, their race, their honor, their everything. On that day they’re race wept, on the next all remaining Avaree swore oath to the Imperial Guard and revenge upon those who travel the stars.

Creating an Avaree

Creating an Avaree:

Most Avaree baring new recruits (fresh cloned bodies and new minds) are at least 7+1d4 levels from centuries of genocidal warfare. Due to gene restructuring there is almost no Avaree with less than a “peak” body, though some minor differences do occur between cloning’s. It should also be noted that all Avaree are sworn members of the Imperial Legion and dedicated to the total genocide of all spacefaring species, for non-spacefaring species they simply ignore them

IQ 12+ 1d6
ME 12 +1d6
MA 12 +2d6
PS 12+ 1d6
PP 12 +1d6
PE 12 +1d6
PB 12 +1d6
SPD 12 +1d6
HP: PE+ 6 per level
SDC: 30 + Physical Training (Double SDC from physical training due to chemical treatments)

All Avaree Have the following skills or Avaree Equivalents at +20% :
6 Weapon Proficiencies
Pilot Hovercraft
Pilot Jet
Pilot Space Fighter
Pilot Shuttle
Pilot Jet pack
Pilot Power Armor
Pilot Robot
Body Building
4 Languages+ Literacy
and 10 Others of Choice
6 secondary’s

In addition all Avaree have a Supercomputer built into their armor or carried with them in some form that has the sum of Avaree knowledge on it 90% to know/find information and directions on nearly any skill related to science, cultures, computers or technology (about the only thing these computers can’t do is think for themselves and perform physical tasks) though most Avaree only have a 45% chance of performing the task correctly if it is a matter of talent/practice

Avaree Equipment varies widely, most are loners who develop their own methods of raining death upon the spacefarers. Anything from poison, to genetic mutation into monsters, to robotic armies, or personal equipment from light stealth ware to super-heavy war machines all of it is used by these avians. But it’s known that even the lowliest grunt of the Imperial Legions is equipped better than most spacefaring races greatest elites. Avaree technology besides their super computers and cloning techniques is usually at least 50% better than the next best items. Unfortunately all of their tech self-destructs when used by other races, a fact made possible by their dimensional tech and super computers allowing them to monitor each individual piece of gear. It should also be noted that Avaree due to this technology have near pinpoint accuracy teleportation tech, allowing them to come and go nearly anywhere and retrieve their gear at will.

So a genocidal race with technology well beyond most galactic civilizations...its a good thing that there arent more than a few thousand of these guys floating around. Their space folding technology makes them hard to follow, hard to trap and hard to find, while sheer technological superiority lets them level cities alone. And don't forget even if you kill them they just load their mind up, self-destruct their body and equipment and are reborn elsewhere.

A final cautionary note, an individual Avaree is dangerous mostly because of their experience, dedication and technology, but of course that alone wouldn't be enough to stop the powers of the universe from erasing a single race if they put their minds to it. However the Avaree homeworld has become an impenetrable bastion held by the original legion, any attacks must first find the planet hidden in folds of space, penetrate to the pocket dimension, and then go toe to toe with suicidal fanatic who fear not death nor pain while they wield technology that surpasses anything they send out to fight on the front lines. Just something to chew on for anyone wondering why this small yet murder happy race is still kicking.

I left tech mostly up to the GM as an individual preference for the Avaree you run, mostly because the few pieces of tech I did feel were cool and fit these guys just don't stat very well (space folding tech? super computers with links through subspace so they all work together? Clone rebirths? heck I'm only human! its like asking a cave man to tell you how a car works)

What I rolled in Phase world
Galactic Average Attribute 3d6
Sdc/Hp normal
Humanoid Avian
Earth like World
No Special powers
Amazing Civilization tech 20-60% better
No Magic
Genocidal Xenophobes
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Excellent start there..
Yeah, you can start out with a preconceived notion of a species, and toss in stats as you like, or use the random tables to prevent yourself from going munchkin on stats("MY TINY MUSHROOM PEOPLE POSSESS SUPERNATURAL SUPERTUG STREEENNNGGGTTTTHHHHH!!!!"), or you random roll and then try to create a plausible people from the results("I have 25-ft tall reptileans with high megadamage skin and 1d4 for P.S.. They unfortunately discovered television early in their evolution and now do nothing but lounge around watching it. The vermin in their homes are contemplating killing off all the lounger lizards and taking their stuff.").
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:Excellent start there..
Yeah, you can start out with a preconceived notion of a species, and toss in stats as you like, or use the random tables to prevent yourself from going munchkin on stats("MY TINY MUSHROOM PEOPLE POSSESS SUPERNATURAL SUPERTUG STREEENNNGGGTTTTHHHHH!!!!"), or you random roll and then try to create a plausible people from the results("I have 25-ft tall reptileans with high megadamage skin and 1d4 for P.S.. They unfortunately discovered television early in their evolution and now do nothing but lounge around watching it. The vermin in their homes are contemplating killing off all the lounger lizards and taking their stuff.").

yaaaa...I mean normally I roll some crazy stuff in phase world but the Avaree were 100% normal until "super advanced tech and genocidal xenophobes" were rolled at the end. At that point it was like well...drop a bomb on a canvas of blank. They ended up becoming nasty little super soldiers that are fanatical about exterminating other races. So no teaming up with other space faring or even dimension faring races, they're the guys a cosmo knight and a alien intelligence both would rather not have around and though an Avaree is not that dangerous stat wise, remember these guys have tech that makes most anything else in game look like childs play. Plus they never really die, lose to a cosmo knight cause they have only energy weapons? next time they'll have an answer, alien intelligence seals one in an magic circle and tries to extract their soul? better hope that circle can stop their dimensional subspace network (hint: almost certainly can't) or they'll just self destruct and return for revenge, oh they need resources to restock their robot legion? better crack open this planet and extract its core. Lets not forget the one who spent centuries studying your species so he understands the best way to destabilize and cause your government to self destruct.

and they're doing it all as penance

They're race has an inborn instinct to be loyal to the leaders...who were nearly a different race in level of stats/abilities, they kept the flocks alive and safe and so the flock followed them loyaly
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

The Ixyallee (Ix-yall-ee)
Alignments: Good Only
Lifespan: 300 Years + ME x 10
Appearance: 8-10 foot tall beetles usually black though colors may vary. they do have finger like appendages and may stand upright using four of their hind legs (two pair of legs press together and provide support making an appearance similar to a two legged two armed being). They are incredibly heavily armored and resilient.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3D6
ME: 2D6+10
MA: 3D6+10
PS: 3D6+30
PP: 3D6
PB: 2D6
PE: 3D6+6
SPD: 5D6
(ISP): 3D6x10
(PPE): 2D6x10
MDC: 300+ 3D6x10
Horror Factor: 10
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 1000ft, See the Invisible, Turn Invisible, Dimensional teleport 35%, Bio-regen 1D6x10 per minute, Magically knows all languages, They may travel through the earth at spd X 10(this includes all minerals extracted from the earth even processed ones), Telepathy 300ft, Telepathy to Queen unlimited distance, +2 Att per melee, antennia provide radar in a 30ft radius and may detect magic/psionics within that area
Psionics: Danger Sense, Group Mind Block, Psychic Purification
Magic: None
Available OCCs: None
RCC Skills:
HtH Martial Arts
WP Ancient
WP Any
WP Any
Lore: Demon
Lore: Faerie
Lore: Supernatural
2 of choice
4 Secondary

The Ixyallee are a race of beetle like supernatural beings dedicated to their queen. Every Ixyallee is born of the queen and dedicated totally to their goals and protection. The queen of the Ixyallee is a shimmering indistinct being of magic and psychic energy that we perceive as a glowing light. The queens are incredibly powerful easily as powerful magically as an elemental lord or alien intelligence, however the queens themselves are pacifists unable to cause harm to any living being. This is what led to the birth of the Ixyallee as they are today. The original Ixyallee was not a race, but rather an individual. A lone beetle who had acheived sentience on a dying world, he fought for survival ever day only knowing peace when a being of energy noticed him, a peaceful being it felt for this creature who had grown sentient on his own alone and always struggling versus the harsh enviroment and countless predators of its homeworld. In a moment of pity the energy being reached out and pulled Ixyallee from his planet to their lands. The being was one of a rare species, one that was hunted for its power and peaceful nature and Ixyallee was the first to have ever entered its lands from the outside. The being was also the first that Ixyallee had ever met like itself, a being aware of more than just the hunger in its belly and the lust for slaughter. In time the two grew close becoming friends and companions. It was not until countless years had gone by that the realms of this being were discovered by a demon lord. Seeking to seize its power he invaded the defenseless paradise using dark magics to corrupt its land and seal the dimension so that the being could not flee. The being was horrified, saddend by the suffering of its creations and trapped unable to flee, there was no hope. Ixyallee watched as his one friend suffered, as the lands that had given him peace for the first time were ravaged by demons. He realized that his friend could not stop them, it was not their way, but he was not them, he had been born in lands were even these savage demons would be but one more predator among many. Ixyallee made the decision that from that day forth he would defend his friend from that which they could not fight. Alone he was unable to face the endless hordes, but he was not alone. Ixyallee bartered with his friend, striking a deal and binding it with magic. Him as the template, Her as the power, and the First Queen of Ixyallee was born.
The demons were powerful but so was Ixyallee, they were numerous but Her power was endless, the Queen created life as she loved to do and Ixyallee waged war to ensure that none would harm his peace. To this day the First and Ixyallee live within the homelands of the Ixyallee and their queens all queens descendants of the First Queen, all Ixyallee are born of the Queens molding earth and giving it life from psychic and magical energy. Only the first Ixyallee was a true flesh and blood being, but in the millenia since then he has ascended to godhood as a guardian of the queens and the leader of the Ixyallee warriors who bear his name. By this time hundreds of Ixyallee Queens roam the megaverse, everywhere they settle quickly being filled with Ixyallee warriors. The symbiosis between them so complete that the creation of Ixyallee is a subconcious action by the queens, though they may produce entire legions in a matter of days (if focussed totally on production they can create 100 Ixyallee a day) they rarely make more than the passive number that form around them of about one every three to four days.
All Ixyallee wield weapons formed of a mixture of magic, psionics, earth and their saliva. These weapons ussually deal twice the SDC damage of their normal counterpart in MDC. Rarely will they gift these to another being as the process is quite draining requiring a full day of ritual magic and compressing earth with their saliva. This may also produce equivelants of modern weapons, though they fire Psi or Magical beams. The creation of these weapons seems to be the only magic these beetles show any interest in. They occasionally use a similar ability to form an MDC earth shell around themselves, though they dislike doing this as it prevents them from traveling through the earth. They have a light armor with 20+1D6x10 MDC or a Heavy One with 80+2D6x10 that applies a penalty of -10% to prowl, swimming, and climbing. Very rarely they will produce a super heavy 180+3D6x10 shell however this reduces their speed by 1/2 attacks per melee by 2 and -20% from prowling/swimming/climbing.
Ixyallee are one of the few supernatural creatures who are quite happy to be summoned as long as they are aiding in protecting life or defending the innocent. They have a telepathic link to their queen and can return at any time, and she can quickly produce more guards if needed so the beetle have no need to hover over their creators.

Here we go, a race intended to add to the list of things you can summon forth for the good guys. I may have mixed some things up in the backstory so if there is a disconnect let me know, but the essentials should be there, a race of warrior beetles dedicated to fighting evil in the name of peace, friendship and the happiness of the beings of light that spawn them from the earth
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

New living toys!!!!!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Comment: I don't know what i'm doing, that's for realities GM to figure out
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

Just for taalisman, tiny mushroom people with supernatural strength

Alien Race: Mushree
Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 200 years
Size: 3-9 inches tall (Higher PE=Taller)
Physical Description/Appearance: Mushree are a tiny mushroom people that many mistake as a variety of Faerie Folk on first encounter, in reality they are an alien race from a dimension were Fungi are the dominant lifeform. They're appearance runs the entire range of earth mushrooms and many alien varieties. They have two arms and a pair of stubby legs that fold up under their base when they rest.
Disposition/Attitudes: Mushree range the full range of personalities from peaceful to warmongering
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 1D6
PP: 2D6
PB: 3D6
PE: 2D6
SPD: 2D6
PPE: 1D6x10
MDC: PEx2+1D6 per level
Natural Abilities: Regen 1D6 MD per minute, Camoflage as Mushroom 86%
Available OCCs: Any magic, man at arms or scholar/adventurer as long as there are no bionic or major body modification
RCC Skills:
Identify Mushroom 86%
Mushroom Crafting 57%
Skills of Note:
Mushroom Crafting- This is a unique ability of the Mushree allowing them to produce fully functioning magical items and equipment from common mushrooms.

The Mushree are a varied species with hundreds of thousands of subspecies. Most of them remain in their home dimension struggling vs the fungal lifeforms of their homeworld. A few however have spread throught the megaverse and they range from tribal warriors to advanced scientists or powerful mages. Due to the conditions of their home world all of them however are masters of crafting using mushrooms as the base material. Mushree mate by performing a dance that over a few hours stimulates the spores within their body and releases them into the air, if the spores from two Mushree of opposite genders meet they merge and over a matter of weeks small mushrooms will grow on organic matter in the area surrounding the dance eventually developing into new Mushree (usually takes 3-5 weeks to develop) there are usually 6-24 Mushree born from any mating.

Mushree Basic Gear
Mushree Javelin
Crafting: 5 PPE
Explodes into corrosive spores on use

Mushree Spear/Sword/Axe
Crafting: Varies
DMG: 1D6 mdc per 20 PPE
A spear aglow with mystic energy

Mushree Armor
Crafting: Varies
MDC: 3 MDC per 5 PPE
A variety of armors all formed of mushrooms

Mushree Misc
Crafting: Varies 1-10 PPE
This covers a variety of minor items from bowls and spoons to backpack or even tents, these items rarely have more than 1 MDC of durability and some small items may have less than that.

Magic users and others amongst the mushree often have more powerful and varied gear beyond these simple basics, more scientifically inclined mushree have discovered ways to breed and grow mushrooms that have additional effects when used for crafting.

Mushree Equipment
Many Mushree colonies have developed in the way of science, learning of new ways to modify and improve their enviroment. Much of their technology is focused on creating items, vehicles and structures before using the Mushrees natural fungal magic to imbue them with durability and strength far beyond a normal mushroom. Others are more Mystical developing new spells and enchantments to improve their tools. Both sides seek new mushrooms that maintain special effects beneath their natural creation magics. Below are some of the many items they have developed over the centuries.

Mushree Armors
The basic Mushree armor is simply a suit made of mushroom fibers and imbued with magic. The magical nature of these suits allows them to bend and move without impeding the Mushree at all. Any Mushree may produce an armor with 3 MDC per 5 PPE they possess from any nearby mushroom. The following armor is a more standardized one created by group ritual and preparation of materials by scientists. (Note: All Mushroom armor is ALIVE though it is sustained by the magic used in its creation and requires no feeding, It regenerates 1 MDC per hour)

Light Mushree Armor
MDC: 9
Weight: under 1 pound

Medium Mushree Armor
MDC: 18
Weight: 1 pound

Heavy Mushree Armor
MDC: 36
Weight: 2 pounds

Chemical Improvements
Some armor is treated with special chemicals and formuli that alter the structure of the mushroom before being enchanted. This can result in several effects

-Stealth- The Armor now absorbs energy waves emitted at it, this isn't enough to prevent damage but it does render it undetectable to most forms of sensors and adds a +15% to any prowl checks by absorbing light.
-Improved MDC- A bonus of 18 MDC to any standard armor
-Improved strength- A modification to the mushroom armor allows it to amplify the strength of any Mushree inside it, this acts as a +6 to PS
-Cold Resistance- The mushroom armor takes 1/2 damage from any MD cold and insulate the Mushree inside from any effects
-Fire Resistance-The mushroom armor takes 1/2 damage from any MD fire and insulate the Mushree inside from any effects
-Electricity Resistance-The mushroom armor takes 1/2 damage from any MD electricity and insulate the Mushree inside from any effects
-Kinetic Resistance- The mushroom armor is incredibly resilient and shock absorbant resulting in 1/2 damage from kinetics
-Filter Armor- The mushroom armor works as a super filter, absorbing any harmful radiation, energy, or airborne toxins and providing the Mushree with a clean safe enviroment.

The Mystics of the Mushree have improved upon their racial magic adding several ways to imbue their armor with various effects.

-Flight- The mushroom armor gives its bearer the power of flight, moving at a speed of 44
-Mystic Strength- Adds +6 to the Mushrees PS
-Mystic Speed- adds 30 to the spd of the Mushree
-See the Invisible- Allows the Mushree to see invisible targets at up to 30 feet
-Mystic Bolts- Allows a Mushree to throw magical energy bolts up to 20 feet away, the bolts do 2d6 MD and may be Lighting, Fire, Cold, Energy or Kinetic based
-Invisibility- The mushroom armor turns invisible at will, though it will uncloak when they attack
-Resistance to X- The Mushree can enchant their mushroom armor with resistance to Electricity, Fire or Cold

The Mushree produce or gather numerous varieties of mushroom specifically for their armor. Most of the effects are negligable but a few varieties of mushroom have startling effects.

-Stone Shroom- This incredibly hard mushroom actually provides a bonus 10/15/30 MDC to any suit of armor used to make it, however it doesn't mold as well as other mushrooms and provides penalties of 5/10/15% to light/medium/heavy armor's climb and prowl.
-Immortal Shroom- This is a rare variety of mushroom with incredible vitality, more often used in medicines and magic rituals when used to make armor this shroom lives up to its name regenerating 2D6 per minute and being able to regrow a complete suit of armor even if reduced to 0 MDC, only by reducing it to -20 MDC on one shot will this armor cease to repair itself. (otherwise it is assumed a piece of the armor survived and will regrow)
-Fire Shroom- Automatically absorbs heat immune to nonmagical fire and taking 1/2 damage from magic flames while regenerating at 1D6 a minute when near high heat
-Chill Shroom- Automatically insulates against the cold and heat, providing immunity to cold and 1/2 damage from fire attacks.
-Mystic shroom- This is a simple mushroom that has absorbed some PPE while growing depending on the armor type Light/Medium/Heavy it has 5/10/15 PPE stored inside it, this PPE regenerates at a rate of 1 per hour

Most Mushree colonies are either scientist based or magical with 1-3 options from that list and maybe a mushroom type or two. The most common types of nonstandard mushroom being Mystic or Stone. Bigger colonies have access to more options and ussually a few more mushroom types. Many of them also having varieties of enhancment not listed here. It should also be noted that mushroom type, chemical enhancement and enchantments can all stack. This makes colonies that have developed both science and magic potentially incredibly dangerous, especially as they are often among the largest of colonies.

As an example here is a heavily modified Mushree heavy armor from a Magic and Science colony:

Stone Shroom Heavy Armor
MDC: 84
-15% prowl/climb
Abilities: Flight spd 44, +12 PS, Mystic bolts 2d6 MD kinetic damage at 20 ft, See the Invisible, Resist fire/cold/electricity, filter

Not bad for a 9 inch tall mushroom, it should be noted that this armor requires 10 different items from the above list and is optimized for MDC and damage resistance. It would also take several Mushree scientists and magic users to complete. Each feature must be added immediately to the armor due to the Mushree's natural magic being the basis of the creation process breaks are not allowed and each Mushree can add only a single effect, and all Mushree must have at least enough PPE to create the base MDC of the armor. This means that a Heavy armor requires every Mushree working on it to have at least 60 PPE or their magic is "Pushed out" by the armor during creation. This PPE is expended during the process, severely limiting the production capacity of such armor for smaller colonies even if they have the knowledge to do so. The Stone Shroom Heavy Armor requires 11 Mushree of 60 PPE or higher to expend 60 PPE each in its creation process this requires an exceptional Mushree or a magic user to fill every spot and likely puts a large dent in their PPE supply. And in many cases it is simply far easier to produce numerous medium or light suits from normal mushrooms, only in the largest colonies will such an armor be common place.

More to come.....

Mushree Sub Species

Yakee Mushree
Yakee Mushree
An uncommon and very dangerous mushroom the Yakee are actually considered delicacies on their homeworld by many predators. The reason for this gap in understanding? The Yakees highly poisonous nature is completely harmless to fungal based lifeforms! To all other forms of life however the Yakee is a terrifying poison that even effects MD beings.
Appearance: Yakee have bright blue or red caps with large black spots and tend to have a slimmer stem
Disposition: Most Yakee are either timid and shy or have developed a cruel streak in response to always being hunted. No matter what class they take they tend to either an extreme in stealth and utility or the most vicious and brutal of methods. In about 50% of Yakee this actually develops into an insanity either a phobia of being seen or a need to inflict harm upon other life forms.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 1D6
PP: 2D6
PB: 3D6
PE: 2D6
SPD: 2D6
PPE: 1D6x10
MDC: PEx2+1D6 per level
Natural Abilities: Regen 1D6 MD per minute, Camoflage as Mushroom 86%,
Poisonous flesh- any creature that consumes the flesh of a Yakee must roll a save vs lethal poison or be paralyzed as well as taking 3d6 MD for one round per two points of the Yakees PE, if they pass the save they mearly take 3D6 MD and convulse for one round. This poison is ineffective vs fungal enemies
Available OCCs: Any magic, man at arms or scholar/adventurer as long as there are no bionic or major body modification, the Yakee prefer classes with stealth or heavily damaging abilities
RCC Skills:
Identify Mushroom 86%
Mushroom Crafting 57%
Skills of Note:
Mushroom Crafting- This is a unique ability of the Mushree allowing them to produce fully functioning magical items and equipment from common mushrooms. Yakee may craft weapons possessing their personal poison this however expends 1 MDC from them per 2 PE of the Yakee this cannot be healed until the day after and reduces their physical stats by half during this time.

Reendan Mushree
Reendan Mushree
One of the more common forms of Mushree the Reendan are sturdy mushrooms with incredible physiques for a Mushree, though many consider them slightly slow minded.
Appearance: Reendan are large stout mushrooms, more barrel shaped than most Mushree. The Reendan are often red capped but they can run a whole range of cap colors.
Disposition: Reendan are often cheerful happy beings who will happily perform most tasks with dedication. They are also brave and determined warriors willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of others.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 2D6
PP: 2D6
PB: 3D6
PE: 3D6
SPD: 2D6
PPE: 1D6x10
MDC: PEx2+1D6 per level
Natural Abilities: Regen 2D6 MD per minute, Camoflage as Mushroom 86%,
Available OCCs: Any magic, man at arms or scholar/adventurer as long as there are no bionic or major body modification. The Reendan are a tough and sturdy race with a preference for Man at Arms classes though there are plenty of them with other occupations.
RCC Skills:
Identify Mushroom 86%
Mushroom Crafting 57%
Skills of Note:
Mushroom Crafting- This is a unique ability of the Mushree allowing them to produce fully functioning magical items and equipment from common mushrooms.

Greecap Mushree
Greecap Mushree
Greecap are generally mystics and magic users, have a powerful connection to magic and ley lines. Even in a primarily scientific society they are often mystics or working on projects related to magic.
Appearance: Greecaps tend to have green, blue or yellow caps that luminess in the dark. The higher their PPE the brighter they glow, when near full they emit enough light to gently illuminate a 3 foot area around them. As the cast more spells this circle of illumination shrinks until they "go dark". This illumination is as much magical as real light and will not be hidden by magic effect or most coverings.
Disposition: Greecaps have a wide variety of dispositions but many are dedicated to their specific magical arts, farming or mysteries of the universe. They tend to be somewhat more philosphical than other mushree, but in an active way seeking the answers to their questions about life and magic at time with a ferocity as great as any warrior.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 3D6
PS: 1D6
PP: 2D6
PB: 3D6
PE: 2D6
SPD: 2D6
PPE: 1D6x10+30
MDC: PEx3+1D6 per level
Natural Abilities: Regen 1D6 MD per minute, Camoflage as Mushroom 86%, All Greecaps are incapable of stealth unless they expend enough PPE to go dark or have at least half an inch of material between them and any viewer, anything less than this is penetrated by the magical light them emit. Greecaps also have a natural ability to cultivate plants their caps providing both magic and light to any nearby plants or fungi doubling grow speed.
Available OCCs: Any magic, man at arms or scholar/adventurer as long as there are no bionic or major body modification. Over 60% of all Greecaps are magic users of some variety
RCC Skills:
Identify Mushroom 86%
Mushroom Crafting 57%
Skills of Note:
Mushroom Crafting- This is a unique ability of the Mushree allowing them to produce fully functioning magical items and equipment from common mushrooms.

Zazee Mushree
Zazee Mushree are healers and caretakers. Incredibly empathic they live to heal and nurture life.

Appearance: The Zazee are one of the smallest and most fragile of Mushree, their caps are ussually whites or blues and form a lace like lattice rather than a solid cap. They are also amongst the slenderest Mushree appearing dainty and as if even a slight breeze may topple them breaking them apart.

Disposition: Most Zazee are calm and composed, even when fired up or enraged they rarely show it. It is a rare and difficult feat to actually enrage a Zazee, only the wanton destruction and reveling in needless cruelty has been know to enrage these creature for sure. It is also known that though the rage of a Zazee is rare enough to be almost a myth their wrath is the work of legends. Once a Zazee has decided you are no longer fit for the gift of life no methods are too terrible, no deed too vile to ensure that you no longer bear that gift as long as it doesn't harm life besides that which they seek to eliminate.

Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 4D6
PS: 1D6
PP: 2D6
PB: 3D6
PE: 1D6
SPD: 2D6
PPE: 1D6x10
MDC: PEx2+1D6 per level
Natural Abilities: Regen 1D6 MD per minute, Camoflage as Mushroom 86%, Healing Touch- heal 1d6 damage on touch (this may be used any number of times a day but only once on a being in 24 hours), Soothing Touch- allows a saving throw vs negative mental states to calm down (long term use may aid in curing insanities) soothing touch may also calm animals or other life forms (in this case roll 16 or higher to save), Empathy- the Zazee can feel the emotions of any beings within MA feet of them
Available OCCs: Any magic, man at arms or scholar/adventurer as long as there are no bionic or major body modification. Most Zazee are some form of healer or doctor, many of those that are not one of these jobs have Mushroom Herbalist or Mushroom Tender jobs.
RCC Skills:
Identify Mushroom 86%
Mushroom Crafting 57%
Skills of Note:
Mushroom Crafting- This is a unique ability of the Mushree allowing them to produce fully functioning magical items and equipment from common mushrooms.

Note: Some Zazee have difficulties handling others emotions, due to the Soothing Touch racial power actual insanities are rare, but in stressful situations, while away from fellow Zazee to sooth them, or in large mixed communities many Zazee turn to artificial calmers, mushroom teas, smoking pipes and other "recreational" items may be used to help them handle their empathy.


Fungal Apothecary
Fungal Apothecary (Magic Mycologist?)
This OCC is primarily used by the Mushree people and they are amongst the only ones who can bring out this classes full potential. However even for non-Mushree races this class still has powerful applications.

Fungal Apothercaries delve into the world of fungi learning ways to turn them into medicines and even magical items. They spend many years to learn the magic and skills to produce these various products, to cultivate and crossbreed fungi, and to imbue, locate and handle magical fungi. The final step of apprenticship involves consuming a specially prepared fungal concotion that permanently modifies the apothecary in a magical transformation.

Fungal Apothecary O.C.C. Powers
1. Immunity- Total immunity to Fungal Poison and Parasites, for the cost of 1 PPE a minute the Apothecary may handle otherwise dangerous fungi without triggering a response, this may be used against any fungi of animal intelligence or lower.
2. Bonuses- A bonus of +2 to PE, +2 to save vs Horror Factor, Magic and Poison
3. Improved P.P.E.- +1d6x10+ PE attribute to the characters PPE
4. MDC Transformation- Non-MDC beings who become Fungal Apothecaries gain a MDC of PEx2 and improve by 1d6 MDC per level after the first. MDC beings mearly gain a one time bonus of 1d6 to MDC.
5. Detect and Locate Fungi- The Fungal Apothecary can accurately detect the prescence of fungi within 300 feet, he may also determine whether the fungi is magical and has a 56% +4% chance per level of determining the exact type of fungi and its effects in Fungal Magic from the "Feel" of the fungi.
6. Accerlerate Growth- The Apothecary may accelerate the growth of fungi and alter its growth to suit their needs, allowing them to grow the fungi in specific shapes. The Apothecary may grow either 3D4 stalks of a mushroom or feet of a mold like fungi, or may grow a single one up to man sized in one use. Multiple uses beyond this double the previous amount. 30 P.P.E. per use
7. Shape Fungi- The Apothecary can shape or mold any fungi into a desired form through magic and force of will. This can only affect a 5 ft cubic area per level. 40 P.P.E. per 20 minutes of use. This works only on non-sentient fungi and any action that would harm or kill the fungi being shaped is reflected onto the user of this power in equivelant measure (if the action would kill a mushroom with 1 hp the user of this power would take 1 MDC)
8. Diagnose Fungi- The Apothecary can identify problem with a fungus with 86% accuracy (+2% per level up to 98%). This is as much a magical sense as it is knowledge. They know exactly what must be done to treat the problem, though means to do so may be lacking.
9. Fungal Magic and Compounding- The Fungal Apothecary can compound medicine capable of healing and treating most common ailments from various fungi, they also possess a magic all their related to varieties of fungi and their effects when treated properly with magic. This is treated as a skill that for the Apothecary starts at 40/65% and gains +3% per level. The first number is to diagnose the second to treat.

Fungal Apothecary O.C.C.
Attribute Requirement: I.Q. and P.E. must be 10 or higher
Alignment: Any
O.C.C. Skills
Fungal Apothecary (see above)
First Aid +15%
Preserve Food +25%
Biology +15%
Chemistry +20%
Basic Math +20%
Languages Mushree and one of choice at 98% another of choice at +20%
Literacy in one of choice at +20%
WP 2 of choice
HtH Basic (May be increased to Expert at cost of 1 Other skill)

O.C.C. Related Skills
The Mushroom Apothecary may select 4 Other skills. Plus 2 at levels three, six, nine, twelve, and fifteen.
Communication: Any
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: None
Mechanical: None
Medical: Any (+15%)
Military: None
Physical: Any (Excluding Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Boxing and Wrestling)
Pilot: Any (Excluding Power Armor, Robots, or Spacecraft)
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+10%)
Technical: Any (+15%)
WP: Any
Wilderness: Any (+15%)

Secondary Skills:
The Mushroom Apothecary may select 4 secondary skills from those listed

Probably Fungal Magic Items, a vehicle, 2 weapons and clothes.
Last edited by Nightmartree on Sun Mar 04, 2018 5:43 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:Just for taalisman, tiny mushroom people with supernatural strength

Alien Race: Mushree

The Splugorth harvest and trip balls on these suckers, don't they?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:
Nightmartree wrote:Just for taalisman, tiny mushroom people with supernatural strength

Alien Race: Mushree

The Splugorth harvest and trip balls on these suckers, don't they?

......ummmm I had not considered it....but considering that they are based on all varieties of mushroom....

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:[

......ummmm I had not considered it....but considering that they are based on all varieties of mushroom....


They might be the only aborginals pressganged into wage-slavery who don't complain that their bosses 'keep us in the dark and feed us $#!+"..or would their work-hell be 'They keep us out in the broad daylight and toss us raw meat'?

Sorry, it's bringing up my fungi jokes.... ;)

Actually, if you really want to do hardcore fungi material, some of their magic weapons could be spore-throwers with effects equivalent to Elemental Warlock (Air) poisonous atmosphere spells or the aforementioned hallucinogenic effects.
Might want to consider a species-specific magic class that specializes in fungi-based magic. Or maybe a mage/warrior-class that deliberately makes themselves poisonous(can breath out deadly spores, their flesh is deadly to eat or even touch, and they can regenerate by touching a wounded enemy and absorbing hit points/vitality via a process of necrotic decay).

Fungi predators on their homeworld? Hmmmm....slimemolds? Maybe versions of the Yboor from Rifts Thundercloud Galaxy?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:Sorry, it's bringing up my fungi jokes.... ;)

Actually, if you really want to do hardcore fungi material, some of their magic weapons could be spore-throwers with effects equivalent to Elemental Warlock (Air) poisonous atmosphere spells or the aforementioned hallucinogenic effects.
Might want to consider a species-specific magic class that specializes in fungi-based magic. Or maybe a mage/warrior-class that deliberately makes themselves poisonous(can breath out deadly spores, their flesh is deadly to eat or even touch, and they can regenerate by touching a wounded enemy and absorbing hit points/vitality via a process of necrotic decay).

Fungi predators on their homeworld? Hmmmm....slimemolds? Maybe versions of the Yboor from Rifts Thundercloud Galaxy?

Such Fungi jokes it hurts to laugh... :roll: :lol:

And i've considered those, especially the magic class being one that specializes in growing/creating magic fungi items and fungal effects. Also a Fungi Scientist, and i actually figured that the poisonous/healing thing would be subspecies (like how we have half a dozen faeries). Though i could see a mystic warrior type developing the ability to generate it himself, or maybe the science side "genetically grafted" different varieties of powers onto them...the science and mystic sides aren't supposed to be in opposition, just two sides of them that developed in different areas.

I might have to make some predators...they are an interesting little race now
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Re: Fan Races!!

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Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Well, for me the classic 'mushroom people' were the coolie-hat faeries from Fantastia
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

taalismn wrote:Well, for me the classic 'mushroom people' were the coolie-hat faeries from Fantastia

always! why do you think I like little mushroom people and consider them cute not super horribly creepy? and we have 2 new subspecies up

Edit: 3 now

Edit2: And now a bit more of the Mushree and their equipment has been added, mostly armor and a bit of a look at how their magic interacts in groups during crafting
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:
taalismn wrote:Well, for me the classic 'mushroom people' were the coolie-hat faeries from Fantastia

always! why do you think I like little mushroom people and consider them cute not super horribly creepy? and we have 2 new subspecies up

Edit: 3 now

Edit2: And now a bit more of the Mushree and their equipment has been added, mostly armor and a bit of a look at how their magic interacts in groups during crafting

Seriously liking it...better than 'Island of the Mushroom Men'(Japanese horror movie).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

4th Mushree subspecies up, this time a group of empathic healers, I have one more group of mushree planed, an evil twisted subspecies. But hopefully i'll have some racial OCCs done first.

Two OCCs confirmed
-Mushroom Herbalist
-Mushroom Tender

not feeling too well so i'll pick them up later
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote:4th Mushree subspecies up, this time a group of empathic healers, I have one more group of mushree planed, an evil twisted subspecies. But hopefully i'll have some racial OCCs done first.

Two OCCs confirmed
-Mushroom Herbalist
-Mushroom Tender

not feeling too well so i'll pick them up later

Better health to you, then, and a swift recovery.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by Nightmartree »

Mushroom Herbalist has been replaced by the Fungi Apothecary! and my first ever attempt at an occ has been added onto the Mushree Race, though don't let that stop you as ANY race may join in the mushroomy fun with this occ. The Fungal Magic has yet to be fully designed but is inspired by the Herbalist from England. If anyone spots any issues with the Fungal Apothecary please let me know. Or if you have any ideas or add ons for the Mushree peoples! or Fungal Magic! I got excited writing that...
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Re: Fan Races!!

Unread post by taalismn »

Nightmartree wrote: or Fungal Magic! I got excited writing that...

Because 'Fungi' is such a fun word. :P
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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