Why I said no response means yes, by Kevin Siembieda

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Why I said no response means yes, by Kevin Siembieda

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From Kevin Siembieda

Why I said no response means yes.

There were two reasons I stated that “no response” would mean “yes” in our Robotech® RPG Tactics™ vote from Kickstarter backers.

The main reason is I wanted to provoke a response.

I do NOT want our Kickstarter backers to remain silent on this matter. If you truly do not want us to bring product to Gen Con I sincerely NEED and want to know that. YOU need to make your voices heard so silence is not counted as a yes if that is not how you feel. And if that isn’t tremendous motivation to respond, I don’t know what is. That’s why I did that.

Likewise, if your answer is yes, it is vital that you post your yes vote so others can see it.

The second reason was something one of the guys brought up: If people do not respond, it truly does suggest that the silent ones do not care one way or the other, and are, in effect, giving their permission.

My hope is that it is all a moot point because the votes will clearly lean one way or the other.

Of course, I’m hoping the majority will will say “yes.” We need to have Robotech® RPG Tactics™ to sell at Gen Con. But whichever it is, I will live by it.

Before that post went up, it was read and discussed by the Palladium crew. They were surprised by my choice to put this in your hands, because they know unless the results of actual votes clearly gives us permission, we will NOT bring Robotech® RPG Tactics™ to Gen Con Indy.

Before it was posted, the question of the day was: “Kevin, after everything we have gone through with Robotech® RPG Tactics™, are you really prepared to not bring it to sell at Gen Con?”

Yes. My answer was and remains, yes. And they know I’m dead serious. I hope you do too. Wayne, Jeff, Alex, and the rest of the crew can confirm this discussion. I just wanted YOU guys to know that.

I have NOT looked at the results of the voting or gone to Facebook or the message boards. I’ve even asked one of the guys to post this in a Murmur for me and link it to Facebook. The outcome will be what it is.

Whether permission is granted or not, I would hope Palladium fans and customers know how important you are to me and all of us at Palladium Books. I would never turn my back on you or dismiss your concerns.

Palladium’s first rule of operation is that customers come first and should always be treated as we ourselves would like to be treated. That’s an actual rule, here.

We are not a big, faceless corporation who doesn’t give a fart in the wind about our fans. I don’t think people realize that WE ARE YOU! We are fan boy geeks who love games, Robotech® and what we do for a living. I think that’s what surprises people most when they meet us.

For Pete’s sake, I’m criticized by some for being too positive in my posts and updates. Sorry, folks, that’s who I am and I’m not ashamed to be myself. Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to sell Palladium Books to bigger companies. I haven’t, because a) I love what I do and the people I work with, and b) it was clear from the onset that their interest is entirely about money and PR. In a few minutes I could tell they did not understand or care about our fans, nor the integrity of the product.

So yes, I am sincerely asking for permission to take Robotech® RPG Tactics™ to sell at Gen Con. I am truly sorry for any disappointment this issue and the delays may have caused. Anyone who chooses to believe otherwise is flat-out mistaken.

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

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