Your Worst Adventure....Ever

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Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by SmilingJack »

We've all been there,

you sit down to play An adventure,
You've been waiting for weeks to play or you've traveled miles to attend a convention to play with other gamers and

Then it happens

the GM has created a Banal and vapid storyline, has no idea what He's doing, or simply seems like they're going through the motions


There's that guy who ruins the game, completely throwing the adventure with his actions, imperiling everybody, and in general is just being a complete nuisance

please feel free to answer any of these questions

1. What was the worst adventure you ever experienced
2. What happened that ruined the game
3. How did you react to the event or person ruining the game
4. What made you the most upset
5. What happened after the adventure was ruined
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

The worst adventure i was in never got off the ground fully. This joker wanted to hire me and a bunch of other mercs for a lousy 10k a piece. I kept tyring to explain to him that 10k credits was in fact, not enough to go take on a hive of bugs. He kept taking it personally and his pet NPC chewed me out as a result, so i cut his head off.

So, the GM was a huge jerk, but i was also being that disruptive guy.

Things got worse when the other players turned on me, so i had to kill most of them too.

Eventually when the argument phase was too much for us all to bear, the GM just started ruling that everything i did failed for no apparent reason, which considering what happened, i didn't blame him. The problem came up when they all collectively decided that I died too. I had to laugh, i knew none of them would take their character death seriously and they'd keep playing them anyway, i don't know why they expected me to listen to anything they had to say.

So this was a bad game, part of it was my fault, part of it was the GM, part of it was the other players. Altogether a great formula for fail.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by say652 »

any adventure where the gmpc does all the combat,disarms all the bombs and of course gets millions of credits. "hey i was there also", "yup here's enough credits to get your e-clips recharged."
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by SmilingJack »

Omg, my story was painful to live through and recalling it know hurts my brain,

Basically my cousin long ago decided that he would use our gaming sessions we held every three months when we went to his house in DC as a way to vent all of his frustrations toward his wife, the responsibilities of being a father, and some apparently latent sexual tendencies

OK regardless of the adventure, the location or the context he would walk up to the first person that He had contact with, attack them and try to kill them. By doing so he basically thrEw the adventure. everything became about him wanting to kill people, mind you he is 40 years old, and when he didn't get his way or could Not kill anything he would get pissed off, And literally start making verbal jabs at us, and descended into yelling at a few points,

The thing that truly ruined it, was every time he killed someone in the game he would cut off its genitals (he targeted males) and put them in the victims mouth

even with power armor,he would do the same thing to robots

He also at one point decided to hire a group of African individuals who were infected with aids to ambush a NPC he didn't like and to gang rape the victim while he took photos which he would later have put on billboards and posted around town (I can't even make this up)

This garbage went on for a whole year (4 sessions of play) and everytime he would throw the game,

the sad thing was that, we ask him repeatedly, to please stop doing this, And even left early one time because he wouldn't stop doing it, and it just kept going on and on.

not only did we stop playing with Him, it Soured our relationship with him, because everything became about him and his desire to blow off steam, and have his way. No matter how we tried to change things he would throw the adventure, and his immaturity, insistent Use of rape, and homophobic remarks, and racist commentS simply drove us away

if he haD been playing with any other group, they would have thrown him out after 10 minutes.

to this day it is the worst experience I've ever had playing the game I love so much,imagine spending hours, drafting up a campaign, designing cities, making different Paths for the characters to take, and all of that gets thrown out the window because he wants to kill everything and cut off its penis, and stick it in the victims mouth.

Worst adventure ever

~my brother and I made a vow ,to never play with him again, and in future adventures to avoid people that display any of these characteristics,

It reminds me of my cardinal rule for role playing games;

Everyone should have fun and have the opportunity to contribute to the story, because the gm and players share and take ownership of the story and when everything clicks, it's magic

My cousin sucks and needs long term counseling
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

I knew some guys like that, though they were relatively harmless by comparison. ...but they did manage to throw one game pretty good.

They were a group of minotaurs, all muscular and mean with scars and huge horns etc. They would pull a giant wagon from town to town (as the beasts of burden themselves). They'd be rude, belligerent, know, minotaurs. That part was easy to deal with.

What i didn't see coming was, at night (and these guys planned this so well i have to give them props) they do some rearranging with their wagon, it becomes a stage. Then they all come out, minotaurs dressed in drag with huge wigs and lipstick...and they do a dance routine (badly) and sing Spice Girls songs (oddly not as badly as the real thing).

I couldnt' stop laughing, honestly, the other two guys at the game just got up and left. :lol:
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Grell »

Alrik Vas wrote:Things got worse when the other players turned on me, so I had to kill most of them too.

This is one of the best lines I've read on these forums so far.

On topic: I ran an adventure out of original ROBOTECH in high school where my friends were all playing female pilots that were also related to one another. One incestuous, same sex orgy later, our host's dad banned role playing games at his house.

This was the end result of all of my players opting to be disruptive to the point of no return, but probably made worse because I was inexperienced as a GM and (A.) couldn't keep the group focused and (B.) probably didn't give them very good plot hooks (or an actual plot for that matter). On the bright side, my games have been orgy-free since 1995! ;)
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by ZorValachan »

I've had 3 that go for a tie, although they were more 'campaigns' than one session/adventure.

1) HU (1st edition). My brother was GM we were all basically a good and decent group without a-holes, but we were young adults 18-19, except my brother who was 2 years younger. Our -superior- university edumacated selves would come up with plans, etc. that of course had to work, because hey, we're college students and he (my brother the GM) was still in High school. Adventures were fun (for us, but probably an annoyance to him). Our group as a whole was just starting (though 3 of us had been playing since 12 or so), but ultimately my brother the GM got fed up with us as a group/party railroading -him- the GM, and the last adventure was "You fall into Hell. Satan is there with Pepe (Pepe was my parents evil chihuahua), and you all die". Our solution? We impeached him as a GM and only let him play. That was about 1993 and he still hasn't GMed anything else.

2) One of the above players had us do Warhammer (the original RPG), but in his own heavily detailed world and modified the rules to become really his own system (we called it Stevehammer). In actuality the world and system were really unique and solid. He spent a lot of time thinking things through. But at that time (again we were mostly 17-20) it was his first GM experience and he was a railroader with a great big o' conducter hat. If we went to a town he did not want us to go to, it burned down. He didn't want us to have a wagon, so ended the road. We took it apart and made multiple trips through the woods and assemble it on the other side. We made it water proof and used it as a boat/raft, when he threw a river in our path. Also there was no plot that we as players or our characters could comprehend what to do. I still to this day have no idea what our goal was, other than 'save-the-world', and no idea how to do it. All hints were obscure and we couldn't figure anything else out. Finally our characters had the chance to save the world and we as a group decided to just sit down and let it end, because "damn it".

3) I was GMing a 1st ed PFRPG and at the time, which was the 2nd campaign most of the group had ever done (before the above 2). One of the players wanted to GM sometimes, and as I wanted to play, after some time I decided to let him. We would alternate GMing after a session or plotline. A few mistakes we made. It was my 'world' and probably was too focused to not let him do anything to mess it up. He on the other hand had the newbie GM urges of a) not letting his major villian die when by all rights he should have, b) canceling out his character's death by GM fiat of 'rewinding' time and saying 'well that is not what happened, this happened instead'. I think we both had some major GMPC problems. Ultimately I just had to bring the campaign to a half-satisfying conclusion. That and our Ars Magica 'everyone can be GM/storyteller' game turned me off to participating in any long-term serious toned game that has multiple GMs trying to run it.

Bonus) My first group experiences in Rifts (I had 'tested' it by myself before) in 1990. I was a PB nut back then and had everything except Recon (I went to GenCon that year for the sole purpose of meeting KS). I went to GM Rifts and had each of the PB setting in their own stack. Told everyone to 'Pick whatever you want'. Secondary Vampire, REF Supershadow Fighter (can't remember the name, the 'Zentraedi Buster' one), HU (1st ed.) Hero with invulneralbility, and a great horned dragon hatching. I couldn't get GMing Rifts down.
A year later, with a college group I did a HU game with a different group that went half good. towards the end, they followed the villian through epcot center's ball (back then I remember it being a 'time travel' themed ride) and when they exited it, they were in Rifts. I allowed people to keep their characters or chose Rifts. Everyone kept their HU ones except one guy who liked the concept of dog boys and another who went for Ley-line walker. So we had all supers except a magic user and a dog boy. I couldn't work out how to keep it fun and challenging for the heroes without stomping the other two. It luckily was at the end of the semester (and I was transfering to another university) so it ended fighting a VI. I don't even recall if they won or not.
I stopped playing/GMing Rifts because of these two failures until 2008. That one went good, but I had to shelve the campaign as real-life got in the way.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by DevastationBob »

It was a hodgepodge of HU/N&SS/TMNT/BTS and the last time we'd played the characters had been stuck dimension hopping, and we were pretty excited to play these guys again. Unfortunately, the GM hadn't been a part of that game, but promised he could improv something from there. Our characters wind up in another strange dimension where apparently a supervillain took over los angeles by threatening to set off the fault lines under the city. So it had turned into a supervillain hive of scum and villainy. So far not too bad. Then the GMPCS showed up and for the next several hours we sat around while the GM told us what his pet characters were doing. So long as we didn't get in their way nothing too horrible happened to the PC's. One character got a little fed up and was smacked down without benefit of die rolling by the GM. I think at some point the mighty GMPC rangers opened a Rifts and took us to Rifts Earth but the game blessedly ended at that point.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

It was a Pug and the gm wanted to do a diceless game and w/o even looking at my char sheet....10 min and I left.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Incriptus »

Well there was the first time I ever played, I was 8 and I finally got my brothers (12&14) to let me play with them . . . they killed me. That was pretty bad.

The second time I played, their friends didn't like they way they treated me ... So they let me "watch" the game ... and last minute introduced my new character who then killed off my brothers ... awesome!
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Nightmask »

DevastationBob wrote:It was a hodgepodge of HU/N&SS/TMNT/BTS and the last time we'd played the characters had been stuck dimension hopping, and we were pretty excited to play these guys again. Unfortunately, the GM hadn't been a part of that game, but promised he could improv something from there. Our characters wind up in another strange dimension where apparently a supervillain took over los angeles by threatening to set off the fault lines under the city. So it had turned into a supervillain hive of scum and villainy. So far not too bad. Then the GMPCS showed up and for the next several hours we sat around while the GM told us what his pet characters were doing. So long as we didn't get in their way nothing too horrible happened to the PC's. One character got a little fed up and was smacked down without benefit of die rolling by the GM. I think at some point the mighty GMPC rangers opened a Rifts and took us to Rifts Earth but the game blessedly ended at that point.

Sounds like the kind of game that you go 'oh yeah that never happened to our characters, it was just some shared nightmare some villain inflicted on us but we're all great now and over that'.
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It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by say652 »

my then gm considered himself a master warrior knowing all styles, blah, blah ,blah. so melee combat turned into a weird slow motion wrestling match most of the time......fed up with this tub of tater salad i said "yes you most certainly can dodge and kick somebody at the same time." response "show me" he punched fast and hard i dipped my shoulder spun and....blammo heel kicked him in the chest*airborne...........booof! hit the fridge. clang crash ping ping ping*stuff from kitchen falling over his corpulent warrior form* stands and says "that wouldn't work in real life".......again very hard very fast punch at my face dipped spun and hooked kicked him in the ear*flump!* down like a ton of egostical gmpc well i cant swear but you get the point. i grabbed my stuff while he fought to regain consciousness smiled and said "guess it works after all." oddly enough i don't consider that a bad game experience.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Incriptus wrote:Well there was the first time I ever played, I was 8 and I finally got my brothers (12&14) to let me play with them . . . they killed me. That was pretty bad.

The second time I played, their friends didn't like they way they treated me ... So they let me "watch" the game ... and last minute introduced my new character who then killed off my brothers ... awesome!

Hey, sticking it to your jerkface older brothers is a good time. Plus you were 8. I don't count anything until i'm at least 17. If I take away that qualifier, all those games were total crap full of circular arguments, threats of ending friendships, hurled objects and the occasional stabbing with a pencil.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

say652 wrote:my then gm considered himself a master warrior knowing all styles, blah, blah ,blah. so melee combat turned into a weird slow motion wrestling match most of the time......fed up with this tub of tater salad i said "yes you most certainly can dodge and kick somebody at the same time." response "show me" he punched fast and hard i dipped my shoulder spun and....blammo heel kicked him in the chest*airborne...........booof! hit the fridge. clang crash ping ping ping*stuff from kitchen falling over his corpulent warrior form* stands and says "that wouldn't work in real life".......again very hard very fast punch at my face dipped spun and hooked kicked him in the ear*flump!* down like a ton of egostical gmpc well i cant swear but you get the point. i grabbed my stuff while he fought to regain consciousness smiled and said "guess it works after all." oddly enough i don't consider that a bad game experience.

Tell me about it. I was the guy saying "That's not how a real fight works" constantly in games. Then i got over myself (sort of...mostly...kinda) and realized the rules work with themselves, not reality.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by say652 »

Alrik Vas wrote:
say652 wrote:my then gm considered himself a master warrior knowing all styles, blah, blah ,blah. so melee combat turned into a weird slow motion wrestling match most of the time......fed up with this tub of tater salad i said "yes you most certainly can dodge and kick somebody at the same time." response "show me" he punched fast and hard i dipped my shoulder spun and....blammo heel kicked him in the chest*airborne...........booof! hit the fridge. clang crash ping ping ping*stuff from kitchen falling over his corpulent warrior form* stands and says "that wouldn't work in real life".......again very hard very fast punch at my face dipped spun and hooked kicked him in the ear*flump!* down like a ton of egostical gmpc well i cant swear but you get the point. i grabbed my stuff while he fought to regain consciousness smiled and said "guess it works after all." oddly enough i don't consider that a bad game experience.

Tell me about it. I was the guy saying "That's not how a real fight works" constantly in games. Then i got over myself (sort of...mostly...kinda) and realized the rules work with themselves, not reality.

thats how i feel, its a game. in my old age i realized we should have asked him to dodge paint balls, to show the proper technique of bullet dodging in real *mental image of a paint welt covered jack wagon saying "no, hey you guys aren't shooting right, so thats why i can't dodge the bullets yo."*
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by keir451 »

Mine was my first Open House game. I was running an "experimental" game for RT and things went fine until the last run in which I, the GM, flubbed by letting a player send his character off to attempt to assasinate the commander of the newly resurrected SDF-1 and didn't stop him. :thwak:
Some of the players got rightfully PO'd at me and walked off. :o
On the upside I learned soem very valuable lessons from the run! :lol:
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by cyberdon »

I've just had a host of boring ones:

"hit, miss, you hit, roll damage..."

Or where I was the newbie, odd person out, and everyone else was great friends in real life. They'd already have characters interwoven into the story and made few attempts to get me in. I'd leave at the end of the night -while they were all making bbq plans or other for the week- and I'd drive around in my car alone and feeling sh*tty. :(
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

cyberdon wrote:I've just had a host of boring ones:

"hit, miss, you hit, roll damage..."

Or where I was the newbie, odd person out, and everyone else was great friends in real life. They'd already have characters interwoven into the story and made few attempts to get me in. I'd leave at the end of the night -while they were all making bbq plans or other for the week- and I'd drive around in my car alone and feeling sh*tty. :(

People can be like that. It's tricky to get in but it can be done.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by DevastationBob »

Nightmask wrote:Sounds like the kind of game that you go 'oh yeah that never happened to our characters, it was just some shared nightmare some villain inflicted on us but we're all great now and over that'.

Pretty much hit the nail on the head.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by ZINO »

It was an epic kill !!!
we were getting allies to fight the war in North America coalition wars
but we had to fight our way to find the most powerful mage in the megaverse
and we had a epic battle to get to him
when we did
the first thing this mage said was was " why have you summon me "
and we had a guy who just say the wrong thing at the wrong time but he can fight and can be a team player a REALLY great fighter and team player REALLY
but before we can tell him to shut the hell up
mind you we just had an epic battle
he yell" to kick your sorry ass of a mage and help us win a god dame war for us!!!!"
now minded you we were in front of "THE"most powerful mage in the megaverse
As he finish saying that
"THE"most powerful mage in the megaverse said back right away " so be it"
minded we just fought an epic battle we were not ready to run for it
the GM said all you see is a beautiful tunnel with many light and lovely sound than darkness and you just die all of you
epic kill of the game no one live to tell our story !!!
and just as this happen
i heard like three slap in the back of this guys head and my left ear had a ring of how strong each slap was and the three who slap him were three girl that play in a baseball team
trust me
it can still be heard the slap he got was worst than his mom slap him in the face!!!
he earn it IMHO
it was just dame EPIC
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

ZINO wrote:It was an epic kill !!!
we were getting allies to fight the war in North America coalition wars
but we had to fight our way to find the most powerful mage in the megaverse
and we had a epic battle to get to him
when we did
the first thing this mage said was was " why have you summon me "
and we had a guy who just say the wrong thing at the wrong time but he can fight and can be a team player a REALLY great fighter and team player REALLY
but before we can tell him to shut the hell up
mind you we just had an epic battle
he yell" to kick your sorry ass of a mage and help us win a god dame war for us!!!!"
now minded you we were in front of "THE"most powerful mage in the megaverse
As he finish saying that
"THE"most powerful mage in the megaverse said back right away " so be it"
minded we just fought an epic battle we were not ready to run for it
the GM said all you see is a beautiful tunnel with many light and lovely sound than darkness and you just die all of you
epic kill of the game no one live to tell our story !!!
and just as this happen
i heard like three slap in the back of this guys head and my left ear had a ring of how strong each slap was and the three who slap him were three girl that play in a baseball team
trust me
it can still be heard the slap he got was worst than his mom slap him in the face!!!
he earn it IMHO
it was just dame EPIC

This is funny.

It also reminds me of the time i was playing and we hid from a group of CS soldiers in one of their bases. We weren't technically minded characters so we had gathered a bunch of land mines from their munitions and put them on top of this large piece of equipment and hid behind a door, one of us with a rocket launcher ready to blow up the mines and kill the deadboys coming for us.

The door opened and like twenty guys come in, ready go gun us down, see the stacked mines, but it's too late. My friend fires the rocket at them and i slam the door shut.

My friend rolls to hit, natural 20, rolls damage gets max then says "And boom goes the dynamite"

Our GM rolls some dice, seems satisfied, then looks at us in all seriousness and says, "You all die. The piece of equipment you put the mines on was a fusion reactor. It blows up the deadboys, you and part of the base."

I couldn't stop laughing.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Chronicle »

My worst adventure is the adventure that started out as the best, most epic piece ever......then as it continued beyond a turning point, where the heroes had to bust their tail to pick back up, the players got really irritated and stopped playing....... They started giving up on even the simplest missions. It would seem that some of my local players don't wish to do more then win at everything.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Noon »

I've entered worst game thread before, but these days I can't help but give a contrary responce: Ensure a steady stream of currency of some time (money, XP, both) happens per half hour of gaming. Dial it up if they don't seem to have fun, but if you've hit as far up as you want to turn the dial (cause it'd be OTT and not the setting at all if you were to turn it up higher), then they just don't like the game. Couldn't resist giving a tip instead!
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by slade the sniper »

My worst adventure I ever ran was an experiment to see if I could tie RIFTS into "Pulp" (1939) Call of Cthulhu. The rules meshed, I had the backstory all laid out with three other campaigns...with a plot that ran spanned Dark Ages Europe, 1939 CoC, Modern day super science and Rifts...

...and it was all going fairly well until...time travelling vampires (from the past) attack the CoC PC's in London and the high speed chase ends up on the slopes of the Himalaya's with the PC's getting crushed by a pair of Juicers (from the future) on the Plateau of Leng while being chased by Cultist Ninjas. It ended up being a TPK and that was after fudging die rolls like crazy...

After about three hours of huh???? looks from my players and a pile of dead PCs we just sort of took a break...and stopped gaming for the night and basically rewound the campaign until just prior to the "experiment".

My worst experience as a PC was getting railroaded into an adventure that the entire group did not want to do...and getting caught and put in prison, then a mental institute and ended up being molested by aliens...while the GMPC was able to escape and did not/would not help us escape. That adventure likewise ended up being forgotten...

The most bizzare game was where we ended up in a time shift where every two hours, we would shift into an entirely new campaign with new PCs and new was a really cool idea but after about the third shift in time, everyone was really confused and had no idea what the purpose was in the campaign. It was a great concept, but the plot was incomprehensible and even when we were finally told what to do by the GM, our PCs were absolutely incapable of finishing the storyline...the abilities were just wrong for what we were supposed to do. It would have worked better with pre-gen's....

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Dunia »

My worst adventure ever was when i played D&D (1st or 2nd edition) and we were at the GM's house a few weeks after he had gotten his divorce through. Anyway, there we are three players and the GM (the fourth player were not available this night). It starts with the GM offering us a small glass of whiskey and i politely drink it over the course of the evening as do the players.

The gang:
Human Paladin, level 3
Human Ranger, level 3
Human Druid, level 3 <- me

Well, the plot was simple:
1 - Get the job
2 - Travel to the cross road and chose the right path.
3 - Find the troll, kill it, take the magic cauldron
4 - Go back to the village we started in and give it to the old witch to get our reward.

So we get the job, and stock up on our supplies and start to travel along the way, where we met a few random encounters and defeat them/convince them not to fight us and we get to the crossroads. Here we are not sure on what way to go as the GM has left us no clues, so we try to track and find nothing so we choose one direction and we walk, walk, walk, walk, walk...nothing happens, at all.

We start to wonder if this is the wrong way and turn back. The GM gives us no clues, he just lets the days pass and i try to keep tracking but we see nothing, it is just a road through the plains without any landmarks. So

So we go back to the crossroads and choose the other direction (It was a T-shaped crossroad) and suddenly, all action comes, random encounters, everything. By this time into the campaign, the GM has continued to drink his whiskey and is starting to get a bit intoxicated, but still coherent enough to think. So we ask him if he wants to quit, but he says that he is OK still. Anyway we find the troll, the GM continues to drink his whiskey and i start to get worried for how this will go.

We defeat the troll, and we are rather hurt, but we grab the loot, find a wand of lightning bolts, a magic dagger (+3 troll slaying) and a heal potion of the best degree as well as lots of money. Then we start heading back with the cauldron.

Suddenly we get close to the troll cave again, and there is the roll guarding the cauldron...

...we try to inform the GM hat we already beat the darn troll, but no, in his eyes we have not, so we defeat it a second time. We loot the place (again) and find a wand of lightning, a magic dagger (+3 troll slaying) and a heal potion and lots of money. Then we start home again, with our cauldron...

We come to the crossroad and after turning, we find ourselves at the we start looking at each other and try to inform the now intoxicated GM that we have already killed the Troll and that we were on our way home. But no...we see the troll charging us and we manage to defeat him a third time and after taking the cauldron, we find a magic dagger (+3 troll slaying), a wand of lighting bolts and heal potion, not to mention all that lovely gold and silver...

as we are returning home, the GM pass out over the table, so the two guys i am playing with carry he GM up to his bed and we leave the house.

about 13 hours later the GM calls and tells me that he is sorry that he passed out and asks if I can come to the little game club we have and we can talk about it - me being a rather kind and caring girl, thinks that it might be best so i say OK, Ill come.

While there, I see all he players (the forth one is here as well, as he came home early morning). The GM excuses his behavior last night and says that as we did not finish the adventure, we can play it now instead, and this time the 4th player will be allowed to play the troll. We try to tell him that we did play it last night, but he is adamant that we did not. So we start again.

We get the mission (for the 4h time), go to the cross road, choose the right path, find the troll and kill it with our three +3 troll-slaying daggers and my wands of lightning without any one of us getting injured and the GM seems a bit confused that we have troll slaying weapons, but says nothing. Thereafter we take the loot...again...

Kids, this is an example of not drinking and playing at the same time. Do not do it at home.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Hey, if your GM let you keep it all. :ok:
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

PFRGP, i played a mercenary, the rest of the group was a thief, palladin, priest of light and a wizard.

We fought some demon worshiping goblins, cleared them out of their caves and finally killed their chief and the human infernal priest working with them. The evil priest had a lot of religious artifacts that were made of precious metals and the theif pocketed the items, wanting to pawn them for gold later.

On the way back to town, the players of the Palladin and Priest of Light decided they would have their characters go through the thief's things while he was asleep (player knowledge, also against their alignments). They cited that the artifacts were evil and they should be destroyed. The thief woke up, saw a palladin and a priest of all people stealing from him and an unarmed brawl broke out between the palladin and thief, which woke the rest of us up.

While they were wrestling on the ground i tried to break it up (the theif and my character were friends prior to joining the party as part of our back story). The priest got in my way so i tried to yell but the thief draws his knife, the palladin draws his sword and the thief dies pretty quick.

I draw my blade, the priest starts to cast a spell so i cut him down in a few actions, then go at it with the palladin, barely beating him after a long fight.

At this point, the gaming table is a yelling match, the wizard player is giggling to himself (his character stayed out of the fight), the GM is shrugging his shoulders at the priest and palladin players, they're both pissed at me, the thief is still yelling and frankly i'm surprised no one threw a punch IRL. Eventually the priest and palladin players made new characters (an assassin and mind mage) pretty much with the expressed intention to get revenge on me. Which they failed at, and eventually ended up taking a three month break from RPGs.

being 17 was fun, yeah. :frust:
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Forar »

... I'm just gonna put this out there, but anyone else kind of put off by the violence being glorified in here? Like, actual violence? Hopefully people's conflict resolution skills have improved since those days.

Can't say I have all that many terrible game stories to share. My group had an unfortunate habit of inter-party/character conflicts that turned to combat, but it was often instigated and participated between members who were prone to rolling up new characters every couple of session anyway, so it was less a problem (aside from when it got serious enough for the GM to have to adjust their campaign a bit to fit in the whole new crew stepping up to finish the job once or twice) and more a feature of how they all played. Eyes were rolled, dice were rolled, rarely was it actually an issue. One guy had a habit of making characters but not imbuing them with much actual character, up to and including one whom never actually had a name, so the group just assigned him a nickname and kept going.

Hrm... we played pretty much constantly throughout high school, but it's been over a decade since that era, so the particulars have faded. Some boring sessions, some where the DM was clearly feeling particularly lazy, or we waited for people too long or whatever, but nothing remarkably terrible. Guess I got lucky in that regard.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by cyberdon »

I played in a game where the DM killed off one of the characters in the party. The body building player who owned said character got up from the table and punched his fridge, putting a large dent in it, then went into the next room to go on a rampage.

I said to the DM at this time from across the table: "You realize we're going to have to smuggle you out through the window to get you outta here..."

Apparently, the player cornered the DM inside a Shoppers Drug Mart a few days later and blasted him, yelling: "YOU KNOW YOU'RE A PIECE OF SH*T RIGHT? RIGHT?!!"
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by DhAkael »

Rittilan case who was in my D&D group ages ago...
Threw a fit cuz I said his character was unable to slash the umber-hulk that had his PC in a bearhug (with arms pinned above the elbows; he still could have stabbed it though).
10 minutes of him screaming "You can't tell me what my character can and can't do!!!", putting a dent into the dry wall of his parrents basment rec-room and then storming off muttering and yelling at random shadows. His brother just shrugged and suggested we keep on with the game.

Yeaaahhhhh... :erm:

I pretty much kept from including him in any other campaigns from that point forwards (and it was partially 'cuz of him I got OUT of D&D for good).
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Forar wrote:... I'm just gonna put this out there, but anyone else kind of put off by the violence being glorified in here? Like, actual violence? Hopefully people's conflict resolution skills have improved since those days.

Can't say I have all that many terrible game stories to share. My group had an unfortunate habit of inter-party/character conflicts that turned to combat, but it was often instigated and participated between members who were prone to rolling up new characters every couple of session anyway, so it was less a problem (aside from when it got serious enough for the GM to have to adjust their campaign a bit to fit in the whole new crew stepping up to finish the job once or twice) and more a feature of how they all played. Eyes were rolled, dice were rolled, rarely was it actually an issue. One guy had a habit of making characters but not imbuing them with much actual character, up to and including one whom never actually had a name, so the group just assigned him a nickname and kept going.

Hrm... we played pretty much constantly throughout high school, but it's been over a decade since that era, so the particulars have faded. Some boring sessions, some where the DM was clearly feeling particularly lazy, or we waited for people too long or whatever, but nothing remarkably terrible. Guess I got lucky in that regard.

For me, the violence is all gone, yeah. I was 17 nearly 17 years ago. Kids can be :badbad:
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Noon »

Forar wrote:... I'm just gonna put this out there, but anyone else kind of put off by the violence being glorified in here? Like, actual violence? Hopefully people's conflict resolution skills have improved since those days.

Actual violence?
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Forar »

Noon wrote:
Forar wrote:... I'm just gonna put this out there, but anyone else kind of put off by the violence being glorified in here? Like, actual violence? Hopefully people's conflict resolution skills have improved since those days.

Actual violence?

say652 wrote:my then gm considered himself a master warrior knowing all styles, blah, blah ,blah. so melee combat turned into a weird slow motion wrestling match most of the time......fed up with this tub of tater salad i said "yes you most certainly can dodge and kick somebody at the same time." response "show me" he punched fast and hard i dipped my shoulder spun and....blammo heel kicked him in the chest*airborne...........booof! hit the fridge. clang crash ping ping ping*stuff from kitchen falling over his corpulent warrior form* stands and says "that wouldn't work in real life".......again very hard very fast punch at my face dipped spun and hooked kicked him in the ear*flump!* down like a ton of egostical gmpc well i cant swear but you get the point. i grabbed my stuff while he fought to regain consciousness smiled and said "guess it works after all." oddly enough i don't consider that a bad game experience.

ZINO wrote:i heard like three slap in the back of this guys head and my left ear had a ring of how strong each slap was and the three who slap him were three girl that play in a baseball team
trust me
it can still be heard the slap he got was worst than his mom slap him in the face!!!
he earn it IMHO

I've played a lot of RPGs with a lot of people, but I've never felt the need to attack another actual player.

Their character, yes, when necessary, but the player? No.
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Re: Your Worst Adventure....Ever

Unread post by Nightmask »

Forar wrote:
Noon wrote:
Forar wrote:... I'm just gonna put this out there, but anyone else kind of put off by the violence being glorified in here? Like, actual violence? Hopefully people's conflict resolution skills have improved since those days.

Actual violence?

say652 wrote:my then gm considered himself a master warrior knowing all styles, blah, blah ,blah. so melee combat turned into a weird slow motion wrestling match most of the time......fed up with this tub of tater salad i said "yes you most certainly can dodge and kick somebody at the same time." response "show me" he punched fast and hard i dipped my shoulder spun and....blammo heel kicked him in the chest*airborne...........booof! hit the fridge. clang crash ping ping ping*stuff from kitchen falling over his corpulent warrior form* stands and says "that wouldn't work in real life".......again very hard very fast punch at my face dipped spun and hooked kicked him in the ear*flump!* down like a ton of egostical gmpc well i cant swear but you get the point. i grabbed my stuff while he fought to regain consciousness smiled and said "guess it works after all." oddly enough i don't consider that a bad game experience.

ZINO wrote:i heard like three slap in the back of this guys head and my left ear had a ring of how strong each slap was and the three who slap him were three girl that play in a baseball team
trust me
it can still be heard the slap he got was worst than his mom slap him in the face!!!
he earn it IMHO

I've played a lot of RPGs with a lot of people, but I've never felt the need to attack another actual player.

Their character, yes, when necessary, but the player? No.

Unfortunately that does occasionally happen, in one of the books for Rifts (Adventures guide maybe) the writer mentions where things almost came to blows after one player's character lopped the arm off another player's character as part of a ruse to save his life and required some downtime for people to cool off. Once you're invested enough in a character particularly if it's something of an avatar for yourself you can get loopy if things of a bad nature happen to it (and don't forget people have been killed RL for stealing someone's virtual gear in online MMORGs). It's a rarity but it's sadly not in the realm of pure fiction.
Fair warning: I consider being called a munchkin a highly offensive slur and do report people when they err in doing so.

'Reality is very disappointing.' - Jonathan Switcher from Mannequin

It's 'canon', not 'cannon'. A cannon is a big gun like on pirate ships, canon is what you mean when referring to something as being contained within one of the books such as how many dice to roll for a stat.

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