Build for the Kingdom of Whykin

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Build for the Kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

The Independent Kingdom of Whykin: A Bastion of Human Supremacy on Rifts Earth

The Kingdom of Whykin.
Formerly known as Poplar Bluff, a city in Butler County, southeastern Missouri, Whykin has transformed into a stronghold of human supremacy and an ally of the Coalition States (CS). With a population exceeding 140,000, of which 40% boasts years of combat experience, Whykin stands as a testiment of humankind to unite and overcome.

Geographic and Demographic Overview

Nestled close to major ley lines and nexus points, Whykin's location is a mixed blessing. A curse because it makes the territory it a magnet for demons, Dimensional Beings (D-Bees), and mages. However, these shared hardships have united the people and made them stronger.
Thanks to supernatural predators hunting them humans come together and sacrificed for the whole. People are stronger together and they had to be strong then ever to defend themselves from demons and monsters, supernatural beings, and spell casters.
As a consequence, the people of Whykin have built a strong military and cultivated a self-sufficient economy to support it.

Political Climate and Governance

Whykin's government mirrors the ideologies of the Coalition States, embracing human supremacy with zeal. This ideological alignment has fostered a close alliance with the CS, reinforcing Whykin's military and strategic capacities. The kingdom's populace is inundated with propaganda urging them to join the Coalition States, further influencing the rappor between the two nations.

Health Care and Medical:
- In WB34, avg life expectancy in Whykin is 50-60 years (pg 38)
-When their local born and raised developed psychic powers. They immediately began to use them for healing and defense. The acceptance of this meant a postive opinion of human psychics and psionics in general.
-Given the proximity of the ley lines and their utility as a power source for psionics. It is a common practice for psychic healers to treat the human of Whykin territory at these locations; free for children, seniors, and active duty and retired veterans. The rest the
-They don't have the level of wealth or technology that Chi-Town does when it comes to health care.
-They are not opposed to cybernetics but the state has put its money and resources in defense.
-If you have cybernetic you are either special forces, an officer, or rich.

-Due to the people of Whykin's feelings about self-reliance and community the average Cyber-Doc and cybernetics facility are quite REPUTABLE. They work on a lot of veterans which if they botched the job would be extremely bad for their career. While those who are rich enough to afford them are often rich enough to afford a lawyer to sue them for damages if either the cybernetic are bad or the operation.

-To make the most of what they have to work with they use holistic medicine for both prevention and treatement. It is the most immediate choice for the poor.

Military Might and Strategic Importance

The Kingdom of Whykin boasts a formidable military, specialized in countering supernatural threats and magic. With a standing army of
30,000 troops
2 Battalions of Psi-Stalkers
64 Glitter Boys
120 combat robots

Whykin's military prowess is undeniable. The kingdom's strategic significance was further highlighted during the CS's siege on Tolkeen, where Whykin's advisors played a pivotal role in teaching their anti-magic countermeasures.

The Whykin Army:

A. Sponsorship: Government of Whykin.

B. Outfits: Specialty Clothing. 20 Points
Provided are: Standard uniforms
Medium mega-damage body armor
For Officers and special forces: Heavy Armor

C. Equipment: Unlimited. 50 Points
A high-tech military equipped with quality electronics, computers, communication systems, sensors, optics, cybernetics, bionics and all equipment needed for the operation and logistics of the army.

D. Vehicles: Unlimited Vehicles. 50 Points
All vehicles are of top quality, heavy-duty construction and constantly maintained (ten million credits budget).
A team of mechanics is employed full-time and includes:
16 Operators (with robotics and weapon system skills)
24 Mechanics
24 Assistant mechanics.

E. Weapons: Basic Weaponry. 10 Points

F. Communications: Superior Communications. 40 Points
A Staff of 54 plus a department head run the secure communications for the army of Whykin.
Operators: 12
Communication specialists: 12
Assistants: Soldiers trained in Comms, Computer Ops, and Electronics: 30

G. Internal Security: Impregnable. 60 Points
The people of Whykin fear possession, magical illusions, and shapeshifters. With this fear to motivate them, they use effective methods to detect if someone is under the influence of a spell, an imposture or possessed.

H. Permanent Bases: Whykin the home of its military. 40 Points,

I. Intelligence Resources: Infiltration Network (6): 300 points

- In WB35, Whykin has access to the Lazlo database of demons and deevils (pg 189)

*48 squads of scouts (6th Level)
*24 squads of special military operatives (7th Level)
*24 Master Psychics (8th Level) : (12 Psi-Slayers and 12 Psi-Nullifiers)

The Psi-Slayers are trained as Demon hunters:
They have Advanced Training as a Demon Hunter and Martial Expert
Psychic Powers include:
Anti-Demon: Prevent Teleportation, Anti-Demon: Spirit Slayer Blade (30), Bio-Manipulation, Psychic Body Field (Super), Telekinesis Super

J. Special Budget: Large Loans. 1 million credits! Cost: 30 Points

K. General alignment of personnel: Scrupulous and Principled. Cost: 10
The majority of service members are lawful (with regard to the laws of Whykin) and conform to the military standards and expectations of their leaders.

L. Criminal Activity: None. 0 Points

M. Reputation: 5 Points

N. Salary: Pittance Salary: 5 points
Even though the nation state of Whykin is "self-sufficient" they are NOT RICH.
They have the resources, skills, tools to meet their basic needs.
Wealth creation, however, is something else.
The military and service in it is the great equalizer in Whykin society.
Everyone is expected to serve. Again the exception are medical, mental and chld bearing woman.
Although some are given wavers after all firefighters, paramedics and such are needed on and off the battlefield.
They try to maximize their human resources and raw materials on the territory they have.

Their trade deals and ideology put them on favorable terms with CS Chi-Town.
Sometimes payments are made to Whykin in the form of energy weapons at cost.

Regardless, Whykin gets a lot of its weapons and armor from trade with arms companies
like Golden Age Weaponsmiths and Northern Gun.
They are always on the look out for deals and don't object to the trade
purchase of previously owned weapons as long as they pass a thorough inspection and the
person who is selling it is human; who does not use magic.

Total Points Spent: 620 POINTS

Societal Fabric and Challenges

Whykin's society is characterized by their beliefs, in their nation, in supernatural threats, and themselves. The kingdom's close proximity to ley lines and nexus points subjects it to frequent attacks by demonic forces and D-Bees, creating an environment where combat readiness is a way of life. Despite these adversities, the people of Whykin remain unwavering in their resolve, bolstered by their significant combat experience and their nations history. All 16 year olds (exceptions made for certain careers and medical reasons) begin their service in the Whykin national guard for five years.

Special Note:

The culture of Whykin has a special reverence for Glitter Boys and Cyber-Knights.
In the past Glitter Boys defended the people from demons and monsters.
Same with Cyber-Knights.

Their art reflects the heroism of Glitter Boys. Human Glitter Boy pilots passing through or doing work in Whykin will often get repair work on their Glitter Boy done for cost. Likewise, a lot of the cost of living expenses will be covered for an autographed photo with them.

Notable Figures and Leadership

Sir Jaspin, a middle-aged (10th level) Cyber-Knight, is seen as a heroic figure in the Whykin community. Born and raised in Whykin, Sir Jaspin was found and taught by a Cyber-Knight who died defending Whykin from supernatural predators. He took up the mantle his master left behind. Now he stands as a symbol of courage and wisdom within the kingdom.
Seen as human, powerful and by so many people of Whykin over so many years it was impossible for the fearful and jealous to get rid of him without looking evil. So instead political figures have closely associated with him to improve their image. The king gave him the key to the city and appointed Sir Jaspin as his adviser. As counsel to the King and a champion of Whykin, Sir Jaspin embodies the ideals of honor and human supremacy that the kingdom holds dear. His expertise in combat and strategy makes him an invaluable asset to the kingdom's leadership and its people.

Name: Sir Jaspin "The Treasurer"
Level of Experience: 10th Level Cyber-Knight
Race: Human
Alignment: Aberrant

Sir Jaspin has become an emblematic figure in Whykin, embodying the spirit of a guardian and a champion in the eyes of its residents. Over the course of 15 years, his valiant efforts have fortified the safety and well-being of countless individuals.
His battles have pitted him against a diverse menagerie of threats: from the fiery wrath of Baby Dragons to the cunning of D-Bee bandits, from the malevolence of Demons and Dyvils to the relentless onslaught of Gargoyles, Undead, Vampires, and the insectoid Xiticix.

Sir Jaspin's legacy is not merely a tale of survival; it is a saga of triumph and resilience that has woven him into the fabric of local folklore. His deeds have not only safeguarded the populace but also inspired them, elevating him to the status of a folk hero whose exploits are recounted with reverence and pride. This widespread admiration has caught the attention of politicians, who seek his endorsement to bolster their own reputations, cementing his influence within Whykin's societal and political spheres.

In recognition of his invaluable contributions, Sir Jaspin has been appointed as a supernatural security adviser to Whykin's leadership. This role grants him unique privileges, including the ability to communicate directly with the leadership and their constituents, ensuring his messages are received within a day. Additionally, he is entitled to prompt appointments with leaders, typically within one to four days, where he can discuss matters (2d6 minutes).

To support his ongoing missions, Whykin is given Sir Jaspin an expense account covering the costs incurred in his service to the state. A law enforcement liaison further aids him, documenting his achievements and navigating any arising complications. Despite the occasional controversy, particularly with his confrontations against shape-shifting demons, possessive Entities, and manipulative vampires, Sir Jaspin's efforts are universally respected. His few shortcomings and past mistakes are overlooked in light of his overwhelming successes.

Among Sir Jaspin's nicknames have been "The Treasurer."
Some think its because he is a treaure.
Some because he has found, rescued, and perserved many books on human history.
Some because he finds psychics and teaches them how to unlock their psychic potential. Some he even trains and has begun the training of potential future cyber-knights.
Still others think it has a personal retinue he has recruited. It's comprised of a Cyber-Knight apprentice, a Psi-Druid of the sixth level, a Psi-Slayer of the ninth level, a Null Psychic Psi-Stalker, and a Psi-Warrior of the seventh level. These individuals, were discovered and nurtured by Sir Jaspin, benefit from his guidance in honing their psychic abilities. His commitment to the psychic arts is further evidenced by a small, secretive psychic school sponsored by the government of Whykin.

Thanks to Sir Jaspin and his team's unparalleled success, Whykin has maintained its sovereignty and security without the need for military assistence or intervention from the Coalition States.

Disposition: Charming, empathetic, and kind; to fellow humans.
Believes Earth is first and foremost the home to humankind. Any non-humans have no right to a place here. If they ask first and live by humankind's laws there may be a place for them. That decision should be made on a case by case basis NOT to be decided by the trespasser.
Magic is not evil but people are corruptible. Sir Jaspin doesn’t trust everyone with a gun and magic is a lot more powerful and dangerous. People who have the power to cast spells shouldn’t live with those who don’t. He believes it breeds dependence, envy, and fear in those who live next to them. While those who can cast spells believe they are better than everyone who can’t. Of course, this is human nature and common when it comes to good looks, smarts, and wealth but magic is a drug; and demons are the street dealers of it. Life on Rifts Earth is just too harsh. There is always going to be someone who is too weak-willed to resist making a deal with an Alien Intelligence for power or abusing their ability to cast spells. The lot of humankind is better off without such temptation.

Over the years Sir Jaspin has acquired a few insanities. Some he got over some he did not. As a human being, he is functional and quite capable of normal social interaction. With regard to his stories and advice his insanities begin to leak out. Specifically he maintains the importance of defending against invasion. Also, he believes the CS are another kind of invader that, if Whykin joins, will take over.
Sir Jaspin advocates that the state of Whykin should be independent, like Free Quebec, and do things their own way. Why do things according to the agenda of a foreign emperor when they are self-sufficient? We don’t need them but now that they recognize Whykin’s valuable they want to own us so what’s in it for Whykin? The CS did not help Whykin when times were tough, why join them now when we don’t need them?

-Neurosis: Paranoia toward D-Bees that look extremely inhuman, alien invaders (Xiticix. minions of Splugorth), Entities, demons, monsters, and shape changers - especially beings who can possess others.

-Obsession: Coalition States: proving them wrong or corrupt, etc.
Sir Jaspin’s criticisms of the CS have more to do with its politics and policies than their position on human supremacy and magic. Sir Jaspin believes in literacy, perseving an accurate history and people bettering themselves.

-Obsession: Magic. Won’t use it. Believes the majority of humanity will never have the moral fortitude to use magic wisely or opportunity to learn how. The only meaningful life they can have is by challenging themselves to master their body, mind, and technology.
Last edited by darthauthor on Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Whykin Continued

From the Juicer Uprising: page 103

Whykin is populated MAINLY by humans,
Taken literally the Whykin territory has non-humans in it.
I imagine these are humanoid and mostly human looking.
I figure, in spite of prejudice, some D-Bees are tolerated out of a history of loyality and service.
This may or may not include Psi-Stalkers.
Psi-Stalkers are accepted in their military.
Also, the CS accepts Psi-Stalkers.
I don't know if Whykin considers them human but I know they are accepted.

Then the quote, " . . . most of whom are rabidly opposed to magic and non-humans."
So NOT ALL whykinites rabidly oppose magic or non-humans

"Trade between the two cities has existed for over two decades."

I wonder what Kingsdale traded to Whykin?
It had to be something they needed.

Quote, "The people of Whykin saw no point in picking a fight for no good reason, so as
long as neither nation posed a threat to the other, a state of peace."

So people and government of Whykin are not aggressive expansionists.
Nor are they determined to exterminate D-Bees and magic users whenever and wherever they are.

Whykin seems to be more about defending their own people and territory.
They are more concerned with trade and independence.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Historically the army’s training has been in fighting demons, entities, mages, and the supernatural.

More recent secondary priorities have been preparing to defend against an attack from Kingsdale’s army of cyborgs, power armor and robots.

Sample Whykin Scout Squad:
The Comms Expert is typically the squad leader.
It’s not about who is the toughest or strongest.
It’s about planning, the trust of your teammates, and having a clear head when the fighting starts or things go wrong.

6th Level:
1 Communications Expert: To accurately, securely, undetectably facilitate communication between the squad and from the squad to Whykin HQ.
1 Headhunter (For cyber eyes and ears, strong man, and tech support)
1 Nega-Psychic or Psi-Druid or Psi-Ghost (Mission Specialist)
1 Psi-Stalker (Senses the supernatural)
2 Wilderness Scout and sniper (trailblazing, map making, living off the land)
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Political System

The Kingdom of Whykin, operates under a political system that reflects its challenges and strengths. Despite its technological limitations, Whykin has cultivated a society that thrives through ingenuity, resilience, and a trade network. The kingdom's governance, economy, and military policies are intricately interwoven, to create stable way of life.

Government Structure
The Kingdom of Whykin is a constitutional monarchy with a strong emphasis on meritocracy and civic duty. The monarch, advised by a council of skilled labor leaders, entrepreneurs, and military commanders, oversees the kingdom's governance. However, unlike traditional monarchies, positions within the council and other government roles are not inherited but earned through demonstrated expertise and contributions to the kingdom's welfare. This system ensures that leadership remains adaptive and responsive to the kingdom's needs, particularly its focus on self-sufficiency, defense, and trade.

Whykin's history detail the debates and attempts at government systems and how they changed.
WIth various crisises arising and the needs of the miltiary, for a time the government was stratocracy.
Military Generals tended to become well intending dictators that didn't know how to make make an economy run well. One mis-managed the D-Bee slaves system to the point humans were out of work and their was a slave revolt. After the leader put it down he stepped down. His only request was that he be allowed to serve on the front lines until he died fighting for Whykin.
In spite of the few scholars, around at the time, knowledge of democracy, they viewed them as slow and sometimes ineffectual. Monarchies are much better than republics at navigating periods of uncertainty. Somehow, they also provided a greater measure of stability and are better at protecting property rights; intellectual and otherwise.

In the history of Whykin, it worked. Whykinites starting investing in their nation. They got more resourceful in their ideas and using what they had with them. Outside companies let Whykin buy what they needed on credit. The monarchy of Whykin only works because it's been a tradition in for so long and Whykin has a foundation for it

Today, if a player character were to ask a common person of Whykin what they think of their monarchy they'd say, “It's worked so far. What are we supposed to do? Change it! To what? And what would we do if it goes wrong? I've got a home, a job, my daughter's in school, she will start her time in the guard soon. Like I did when I was her age. We keep what we've got and she'll have her own home, job, and kids some day too. I want that for her. I want to live the life I have while I see her do it.”
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Economic Policies
Whykin does not make its own currency, instead it uses the universal credit of the Coalition states.

The state grows it own food and enough of it to export. The military, as a part of its training and between rotations performs farm labor in its busy seasons. This tradition has lead to plentiful and inexpensive food which raised the standard of living.
It heavily exports wood and related products (furnature, paper, and even pancake syrup).
The state of Whykin's forestry industry includes more than 400 primary wood processors, such as sawmills, stave mills, and cooperage mills. Also has about 1,000 secondary wood processors, including pallet mills, flooring producers, and furniture and cabinet shops
The kingdom's commitment to sustainability is evident in its reforestation efforts, ensuring a continuous supply of resources for its primary export.

Trade agreements, are strictly honored with those in and outside the boarders of Whykin. Inspite of its fears and misgivings about its Kingdale in 20 years the government of Whykin honored its agreements and never failed to expose and punish those who infringed on it.

There is a 1% in the Whykin territory who own and make considerable more than most.
As well as, the poor who are jobless and homeless. Most, in Whykin, do not consider them helpless. Their issues have to do with criminal history, medical issues, psychological issues, and substance abuse. They either have no family or now who can or will take them in. Institutions of worship can only accomadate so many and they have rules to regarding behavior and liquor and such.

Foreign Policy and Trade
Whykin's foreign policy is characterized by pragmatism and strategic alliances, with trade at its core. The kingdom's diplomatic efforts are focused on securing favorable trade terms and military support, as seen in its relationship with the Coalition States. By fostering strong diplomatic ties and maintaining its reputation as a reliable trading partner, Whykin navigates the complex geopolitics of the Rifts Earth with dexterity.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Defense and Military

The Kingdom of Whykin's military strategy is twofold:
maintaining a formidable conventional military and integrating psychics into its defense framework. With a significant portion of its population consisting of psychics, Whykin leverages these abilities towards healing, prediction, and protection.
Because of limited resources only 10% of the military have bionics or cybernetics.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Nationalism and Psychic Integration
Nationalism is the cornerstone of Whykin's society. It is their belief that many would be dead if people did not participate and cooperate.
The integration of psychics into various aspects of society, from healthcare to military, exemplifies Whykin's inclusive approach to its diverse population. Policies are in place to nurture psychic abilities from a young age, ensuring that these talents are honed for the kingdom's benefit while also respecting the individual's autonomy.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »


Education in Whykin emphasizes the kingdom's proud history of defending against supernatural threats, instilling a sense of duty and resilience in its citizens from a young age.

The school are run like a military academies

Those raised in the public education system and graduate will have:
History of Whykin
Literacy: American
Lore: Demons and Monsters
Math: Basic
Military Etiquette
Physical Labor

80% who graduate will serve their military service obligation for five years.
This will move them out of their home.
Ensure they have a job skill.
Show them the life on the front lines.
Work the farms on the busy seasons.

Again their are except to service depending on medical conditions and need for specialist.
Although, many a doctor began their education and career in the Whykin military.

Over time many human pyschics were born in Whykin.
The use of their powers to treat the wounded without the expense of medication or cost of procedures as well as the speed of getting people back to their duties created a culture that is very pro-psychics.

In education, when a child is determined to be a psychic they are separated from the classmates a put in a school for the gifted.

Those kids who graduate Military academies for those gifted with psionics receive a different education:
History of Whykin
Law: (Whykin)
Literacy: American
Lore: Demons and Monsters
Lore: Psychics and Psionics
Math: Basic
Military Etiquette

Amongst the psychic curriculum are the development of the psionic sensitive power of Sense Evil, Speed Reading and Total Recall. This is engineered to accelerate book learning.

Note: In Whykin society, there are additional laws that apply to psychics which is why their education includes the law. They have the duty to report psychic flashes and suspicions about people being possessed or influenced by psionic powers. They have the freedom to perform exorcisms wherever and on whomever they want. A lot of the laws are specific about the use of telepathy. There is also a special division of law enforcement to investigate crimes committed by psychics and to psychics.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

The Kings of Whykin

The reigning ruler’s typical rise to the position is along the lines of a distinguished career in the military. Which includes at least
2 years infantry duty and having seen combat.
2 years in intelligence
1 years in supply chain management and logistics
7 years in Law Enforcement, prosecution, defense and being a judge.
3 years in command

After a minimum of 15 years of service and an honorable good 20 before retirement the service member is eligible to run for government office. Meaning no one under 36 can be the ruler.
Although in the history of Whykin it has never had anyone younger than 50.
Prospects are also indirectly judged by who their children turn out to be.

Candidates for the position are voted on by the existing ruler, the heads of the divisions (military, intelligence, commerce, education, economy, etc.), and the other applying candidates.

They rule for 5 years before another election. IF the existing ruler's 5 year plan is not finished they may appeal for one more year. They must argue why their plan is worth finishing and why it will succeed in a year or less. A ruler may also stay in office when they are in the middle of a war or crisis, until it is over.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Quote from page 142 of Rifts Book

The predominately human kingdom of Whykin (formerly Poplar Bluff).

Its population is over half the entire Missouri Coalition State at about 140,000.

The kingdom has been bombarded with propaganda to join the Missouri CS and enjoy the prosperity of
the Coalition.

The CS hopes to win over the kingdom, because it is a completely self-sufficient lumber producer and industrial site.

It is also coveted because the people are militantly anti-magic and a powerful military force.

The kingdom has been beset by countless demons, DBees, and power hungry mages for decades, due to their closeness to several major ley line nexus points.

This also makes Whykin of strategic importance in the Coalition's fight against the supernatural/magic.

Whykin's military strength comes from generations of warriors (40% of the population has years of combat experience) and expertise in combating the paranormal.

Their current army of 20,000 includes psychics, operators, psi-stalkers, a division of 42 Glitter Boy power armor,
over a hundred other robot combat units, and miscellaneous military hardware accumulated over the years.

A middle-aged (10th level) CyberKnight, by the name of Jaspin, is counsel to the king and a champion
of the kingdom.

Rumor has it that the CS is considering to offer Whykin official membership as a new and independent Coalition State.

Quotes from Source Book

Page 49

"Year 109 P .A., the use of cybernetics as a means to contain
and neutralize practitioners of magic is much more widely
known and is being used by the CS, Free Quebec, Whykin"

Summary of cybernetic effects on magic users:

Half P.P.E.

Victims can't drawing on outside P.P.E.

Magical healing is half

Cybernetics are used to torture

Most are implanted in the head, neck, and chest

Typically 3-6 implants but 2 will do to impair a mage

implants can be turned on and off by a tv remote control

Northern Gun book 33
Page 217

NG NMBS-11 Bio-Sensor Mine
has been purchased by predominantly human communities like

I presume they use these mines around ley lines to police them.
As it is considered, "an anti-monster mine developed by NG
for its CS allies."

"is harmless to human beings and many (not all) D-Bees, but at the same time is
highly effective against monsters."
because of a sensor that can tell if someone is a human.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Exhausting all the canon material I can find on Whykin I continue to make guesses about the kingdom.

I must acknowledge the ways Whykin would be like the CS.

While as a fictional kingdom and to have it's own identity it has to be different in ways that matter otherwise it is only a copy of another nation.

Obviously it is not Tolkeen or Lazlo

It is an ally of the CS.
In some ways it is like the CS but it is not the CS.
It is not Free Quebec.
It is not the New German Republic.

It is Whykin.

I feel to make it different:

The CS:
Distrusts Psychics (but uses)
Prejudice against D-Bees (but uses as cheap labor/slaves)
Hates Magic
Hates Supernatural
Adv tech/pro cybernetics

Free Quebec:
Hates Mutants
Hates Psychics
Hates Magic
Hates supernatural
Human supermacy
Loves Glitter Boys and bionics

Distrusts Magic
Adv Tech / Pro Cybernetics
Prejudice against D-Bees.
Hates supernatural

So Whykin:

The biggest differneces I can see making are:

1. The love their own HUMAN born and raise in Whykin psychics.

2. They don't fear human evolution and adaptation. So psychics with mutations are okay. Mutant animals like Dog Boys scare them. The idea of puting human DNA into animals feels like an existential threat to the human race. Dogs have a right to be dogs. Humans have a right to be human. Evolution, like in the case of psi-stalker, is natural and accepted as an advantagous survival trait and humankinds adaption to the environment of Rifts Earth.

3. They lack they are last comparesd to the CS, Free Quebec and the NGR in cybernetics, technology, and wealth.

4. Unlike Free Quebec (isolationist), Whykin is BIG on trade. They are not a very open society but they are open for business. They fear losing their identity and even humanity if they practice the ideas of outsiders. They are stubborn and want to make their own way. The little good it brings is that their human trading partners don't find knock offs of their products made by Whykin. Unlicenced gun runners are arrested and their wares are reported to the manufacturer. This remarkable commitment to business integrity and keeping their word on contracts has made Whykin a most favorable trading partner.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Whykin continued:

Popular attractions, which include:

Mark Twain National Forest

Mo-Ark Regional Railroad Museum:
Sweet little museum full of train memorabilia of the area.
Staff is full of historical information and insight to the bygone era.
Model train set up.

Black River Coliseum

J p's Bargain Barn

Whykin Historical Society

Whykin also has mines nearby:

-Aden clay mine

-A half dozen iron mines

Hooper Iron Mine
Dover Iron Mine
Missouri University Land Iron Mine
Deal Iron Mine
Smith Bank Iron Mine

There are other mines that have been mined out.
What remained, in the past, was not considered worth the cost mining.
Many abandoned mines Whykin turned into storage space and bunkers.
Their existance, location and condition are a state secret,

In context, there are more than 1,000 former and abandoned mines in state of Missouri.

Whykin is located along the Black River.
The Black River is named for the black tint of its water.
Missouri's Finest River
The Black River is a crystal clear rock bottom river that is one of Missouri's cleanest river ways.
Yes, the Black River in Missouri is considered safe for swimming.
It's considered one of the cleanest riverways in Missouri because of its clear water and rock floor.
It is also good for bass fishing.
The Black River originates in the Ozark Mountains in Reynolds County, Missouri, and flows southeast to Whykin.
It then continues southwest to enter the White River near Newport, Arkansas, after a course of 280 miles.

Whykin farms:

Primary Crops:

Beans, cowpeas, corn, squashes, pumpkins, cucumbers, watermelons, gourds, and sunflowers

Root crops: Carrots, radishes, and beets

Other vegetables: Asparagus, beets, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, eggplant, herbs, kale, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onions, peas, sweet/hot peppers, radish, summer squash, fall/winter squash, pakchoi, pattypan, tomato, and zuchinni

Other crops include:
Corn, including sweet corn and corn for meal
Rice, including long and medium grain varieties

A lot of their crop seed and livestock are acquired in trade with the CS and contain the genetically engineered touch from Lone Star.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by Dustin Fireblade »

Interesting stuff.

I recall when I was doing my write up years ago, Whykin was a hereditary monarchy. While initially it was the "Whykin" family, they eventually died out and it passed to the cousins. However by that time everything was "Whykin" so they kept it to honor/remember their founder

I had Whykin as sort of a home for Nega-Psychics. Basically the feeling was that psi-powers were accepted by the people living there. Nullifiers were present, but not near the numbers of the Nega's. Psi-Druid's were common too.

D-Bee slaves are huge in Whykin. I seem to recall reading somewhere the slave population was pretty high. That might have been in Aftermath? Sorry been a long time.

Interesting your education piece as well - I think I wrote up something to the effect that kids went to school and such, with Post Rifts History as a "free" skill. Not sure I gave more than that though.

Military wise, they had "strike battalions" for a offensive unit - whatever military action needed into the Magic Zone. A company of robot vehicles (about 12 or so - I treated these like modern tank companies), a augmented infantry company (half power armor, half cyborg), and two infantry companies - mixed Nega-Psychics, Psi-Stalkers and regular infantry.

Also "guard battalions" that were responsible for the defense and law enforcement. The Deputy OCC from New West was used extensively in the guard battalions.

The standard Whykin infantry I had equal to the CS Naval Infantry. The only difference was replacing Pilot Tanks/APC's, Sensory Equipment and Weapons Systems with Demon Lore, Optic Systems and .....something else that I can't recall. Probably a WP? They also had the options for special training to (the RPA and RLT Commando).

The Privateer OCC was the primary OCC for the Whykin navy, which used the Black Eel and Triton ships from the old Rifts Mercenaries books.

Whykin apparently controls from where Poplar Bluff is all the way to the Mississippi River. According to the MercTown book, MercTown has easy access to "Calm Waters" - formerly the town of New Madrid.

Then they had an Air Corps and Artillery support. Don't recall much, fairly small though.

When I was doing my write up, the Black Market book hadn't been released yet. According to that book, page 30, the Chicago Network runs circles around the Whykin military/law enforcement. They also talk about providing slaves there.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Dustin Fireblade,


I'd love to read what you have (what you can find or have left).

I think your ideas are great.

I completely missed the D-Bee slave thing. Didn't see it.

Most of what I remember drawing from was Juicer Uprising and what someone posted
I believe it was KIRNOS who started a post on Whykin.
Thought they wrote they had written a book for it but couldn't find the computer file.

I give credit to him
He posted the page numbers and books to find Whykin material.

The rest I made up with best guesses.
Forcing it to be different than the others so adventures there would be different.

I like your ideas too, about Nega Psychics and Psi-Nullifiers.

I could use some more ideas and feedback if you have any to share.

Very Respectfully,
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Had to type from my friends book.

Black Market. Page 30

The state of Whykin, on the list to join the Coalition States,
is an important base of operations for the CS and the Chicago
For one, it is another predominantly human nation.
For another, while it is relatively secure, the ISS and Coalition Army
have yet to set up shop in Whykin, and the Chicago Network currently
runs circles around the local cops and military.

So the Black Market doesn't seem to have a problem fooling the Whykin law enforcement.

Whykin even maintains a significant number of D-Bee slaves (You CALLED it Dustin Fireblade), and
while Coalition representatives discourage the practice, the Black Market is
happy to help out, with its more sinister members providing the
slaves and others making a profit off of smuggling slaves out.

Chicago Network's operations in the Missouri region.
From Kingsdale, smuggling shipments are sent to Whykin
where they blend in with the significant amount of trade
conducted between Whykin and the CS.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Credit to Dustin Fireblade and his good memory

Quote from Book 7 of the Tolkeen War.
Page 144

Most of it is a reprinted variation of what is found in other books.

But here is what I found that is unique to this book (Aftermath)

"Their current army of 24,000 includes a variety of psychics, Psi-Stalkers, a few crazies (avoids Juicers ever since the Juicer uprising) and a power armor division of 42 Glitter Boys, 11 Ulti-Max, and more than 190 other robot combat units (mostly Titan and Norther Gun 'bots), and miscellaneous military hardware accumulated over the years. . . .
. . . use D-Bees only as slaves (a number roughly equal to 10% of the human population)

. . . Whykin has friendly and preferred status as a trade partner and reliable ally. Over the decades, both have come to each other's aid."

So now we have some CANON numbers for their military.
We know they don't use Juicers.
We know they do practice D-Bee slavery.

They have a FEW "Crazies" in they military.

What is a "few":
“not many but more than one.” So, a few cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.
Not trying to be "crazy" about it myself it is a word used to be deliberately vague.
I would NOT say in all the Whykin's military there are only 2 crazies.

At least 1% which would make the count 240 crazies.

A company would be 160.
A battalion would be 640 (or four companies)

I feel the Whykin military would make them by them in large numbers for the cheapest cost per unit. Sort of buying them by the dozen so to speak.
640 crazies is 2.67% of the Whykin military service member number 24,000.
All volunteer.

I'd probably round it up to 3%; so 720.
Unless I was to say, story-wise, that is how they started; with 720.
Then they died on mission or went too CRAZY to operate effectively so they were medically retired or ran away or something; MIA (Missing In Action).
So, roughly 89% of their battalion of crazies are fit for duty.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Slavery in Whykin

Estimated number:
14,000 humanoids

The slaves Whykin labor as lumberjacks, as deckhands on riverboats, and in sawmills, gristmills, and quarries. Many slaves are engaged in construction of roads and railroads.

Most slave labor, however, is used in planting, cultivating, and harvesting corps. On a typical plantation, slaves work 10 or more hours a day, from dawn till dusk," six days a week.

When they were not tending the crops, such as corn or potatoes they cared for livestock; and cleared fields, cut wood, repaired fences and built cabins. All working together in gangs under the supervision of a slave driver. Typically, this is another slave who would rather crack the whip than be whipped; they also get better privileges.

There is a tendency to think of slavery as an economically backward and inefficient institution. In fact, the plantations of Whykin are the most innovative economic unit in terms of labor management and organization. They are a factory system in their reliance on such as close supervision and division of tasks.
Slave masters extract labor from virtually the entire slave community, young, old, healthy, and physically impaired. D-Bee children as young as six are put to work (it would depend upon their size, strength, and the type of labor), usually in special "trash gangs" weeding fields, carrying drinking water, picking up trash, and helping in the kitchen. Young children also fed chickens and livestock, gathered wood chips for fuel, and drive cows to pasture. Between the ages of seven and twelve, D-Bees boys and girls are put to intensive field work. Older or physically handicapped slaves were put to work in laundry and janitorial services.
Because slaves had no direct incentive to work hard, slave owners combined harsh punishment with positive rewards. Some masters denied passes to disobedient slaves. Others confined recalcitrant slaves to private jails. Chains and shackles were widely used to control runaways. Whipping was a key part of plantation discipline.

But physical pain was not enough to elicit hard work.
Some masters gave slaves small garden plots and permitted them to eat or sell their produce. Others distributed gifts of food or liquor at the end of the year. Still other masters awarded prizes, days off, and year end bonuses to particularly productive slaves.

Whykin comes by it's slaves in a variety of ways.
The first and cheapest is they are stranded within Whykin's territory by way of a Rift. They are considered abandoned an as far as Whykin is concerned its finders keepers.
The second, they wondered into Whykin territory or were caught smuggling.
The third, they were bought from slavers (the Black Market, etc).
Fourth, the salver owner allowed and even encouraged them to multiply. This last one being the most time consuming and resource costly but after 6 years they have an entry level slave. Additionally, they can use the child to control the parents and the parents to control the child. They will even provide health care to keep their slaves alive and useful. This is also part of the slave's indoctrination process.

Of course, under Whykin law it is illegal to set a D-Bee steal another man's slave and set it free.
Crimes commited by a slave must be paid for by the owner of the slave.
Failure to do so may result in the slave being sold at auction to cover the costs of the fine/damages.
D-Bees that maim or kill a human are put to death.

Over the decades, the art and science of "labor" management has improved significantly.
In addition to using some D-Bees to be the slave drivers over other D-Bees. They have refined a process
among their Mind Melters to assisting in orienting newly arrived D-Bees to the situation they find themselves in.
Mind Melters, mind wipe select memories of the D-Bees through the use of empathy and telepathy. Then using powers such as empathic projection instill a combination of fear and gratitude into them to make them more compliant. While at night they use audio hypnosis messages to program them while they sleep. After 6 months they are so brainwashed they think Whykin is great or at least is the lesser of all possible evils; better the devil you know.

In certain ways, Whykin is not unlike the Splugorth Empire.
The BIG ways in which they are different are Whykin's preference for humanoid slaves and those that are attractive by human standards.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Kentucky Dairy Products:
The biggest milk products industry in the region, the company supplies pasteurizes milk, makes
yogurt, cheese and cottage cheese. Its products are sold in Whykin.

The company, Kentucky Dairy Products, is owned by Dane Haversome (Scrupulous), who serves as its
The company is located on the outskirts of the city state of Merc Town.

So Whykin has this to eat and acquires these products by trade.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

MercTown is no farther than three hundred miles (480 km) from the kingdom of Whykin.
MercTown Book Page 8

To the north of MercTown is the Coalition State of Chi-Town, northeast is the
Indiana portion of the Magic Zone, with Whykin only 100 miles (160 km) to the west.

"Whykin only 100 miles to the west," when above it, another quote
says no more than 300 miles. Maybe the there are a lot of turns and you get lost a lot?

"posing as hired guards on a merchant river barge from Whykin to enter the
city (MercTown) without raising suspicion.
So one can travel between Whykin and MercTown by boat.

"MercTown is located on the banks of the Ohio River right
where the Tennessee River branches off to flow south. Less than
30 miles (48 km) away is the Mississippi River, which provides
easy access to the Whykin port of Calm Waters (formerly New
Page 18 MercTown
"From the port of Calm Waters are overland trade routes that connect to the states
of CS Missouri, Chi-Town, Arkansas and Lone Star."

So these are the Whykin trade routes, and can have the opportunity for plundar.

Page 20
Refugees from Whykin come to MercTown for their liberal attitude and status of equality and protection under the law.
So some D-Bees must escape or flee or just be allowed to leave Whykin.

Page 21
"The two main axis of trade are north-south along the Tennessee River with
Golden Age Weaponsmiths and east-west along the Ohio/Mississippi with Whykin and CS Missouri."

Page 21
Golden Age Weaponsmiths (GAW) trades with Whykin.

Page 22
"The Missouri territory is another maj or trading partner of
the city-state. MercTown imports many of its raw materials
(timber, metals, etc .), foodstuffs and even some processed goods
from the various communities in that region, including Whykin"

Page 22
The CS considers Whykin a Client State.

Page 40
Blackman Intelligence Resou rces (BIR), also known as
the Blackman Agency has infiltraited Whykin.
Infiltration Network (Note: See description #6 under Intelligence Resources
pg 16 Mercenaries

Page 41
Whykin is a regular client of the Maritime Protection Services (MPS).

Page 45
The company Insider Traders sells to Whykin.

Page 114
Dragon's Head Brewery Beer is sold to / in Whykin

page 141
Larkent's Legion. To back his planned takeover of Manistique,
Jacius Larkent has been building a secret army.
Those who are accepted to train for his armry are transported to a secret base
camp in the forest southwest of Whykin.
At the military encampment the mercs train under the watchful eye of General Doanza, drilled to
become a cohesive fighting force ready for battle.

SO there is a secret base in the fores southwest of Whykin that has a training camp.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Whykin's most famous locally produced business for food and drink.

King David's Winery, Meadery & Brewery

It is not the only bar in town but it's the finest.
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Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

Post by darthauthor »

Slave culture.
Slavery re-built the nation state of Whykin during the decades of the dark times after the cataclysm.
Amongst the many methods Whykin slave drivers employed it ultimately relied upon those it repeatedly had success with.
Whykin denied its slaves their native cultural identity.
Torn out of their own home dimensions, D-Bees were expected to abandon their heritage and to adopt at least part of their enslavers' culture.

This has led a majority of the D-Bee population to believe what Whykinites believe:
    All misfortunes, including enslavement, were caused by magic.
      American is THE language. All others are considered obsolete and redundant.
        Work for the good of the Whykin and Whykin will work for your good. Technology is a good thing.

        What D-Bees have kept:
        Slaves crafted objects of wood, according to their old world origins: art, games, religion, and written language.
        Music. Slaves sing and dance and engage in rhythmic hand clapping.
          Folk tales
          Slaves uses folk tales to record their experiences, and to pass coded information about meeting places or escape plans. Folktales often include elements of freedom and hope, and may feature central figures such as cunning tricksters.
          Slaves, also, perpetuated a rich tradition of parables, proverbs, verbal games, and legends.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Whykin Culture:

          Sports and Games:

          Summer biathlon: A combination of trail running and rifle shooting.

          Target sprint: A combination of sprint running and air rifle shooting.

          Biathlon orienteering: A combination of the navigation sport of orienteering with rifle shooting.

          Modern pentathlon: A combination of running and shooting. In the individual competition, athletes start with a handicap start, running 600m to a shooting range where they hit five targets.

          One laser run: A running and shooting event.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          The cityscape of Whykin

          It is common between buildings and homes for there to be community gardens:
          These are intended to keep the sight of nature in an urban envirnment, keep agriculture skills a part of city dewellers consciousness and remind everyone that farming is where civilization began.
          Thus these community gardens are a civil collaborative project to connect people to collectively grow fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
          These gardens provide fresh produce to the community, promote self-sufficiency, and offer opportunities for education and community engagement.

          An added benefit is that it relaxes people and is consider another form of meditation.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »


          City Build

          -Benevolent King: Honestly concerned about the welfare of the citizens. The laws are fair, but harsh, and the members of the military/police are usually given only a slap on the wrist if they commit crimes. Cost: 20 points.

          B. Natural Resources: 80 points
          -Forest. Whykin relies on the timber industry as a source of income and most inhabitants are experienced woodsmen/trappers. Cost: 15 points.

          -Agriculture. Whykin farms a lot. The surrounding countryside for miles devoted to growing crops and even where there would be parks in the city are instead victory gardens. Cost: 15

          -Large Rivers. The Mississippi provides on shipping routes. Cost: 20 points.

          -Mineral. Whykin has the good fortune of being located near a large mineral deposit. Whykin relies on mining for a large chunk of its revenue. Cost: 30.

          Fear of Kingsdale
          Harbor. Whykin has great trade. Cost: 20
          Ley Line / Rifts troubles

          D. Pre-Rifts History:
          Liberal Arts College: 10 points

          E. Attitude Towards Outsiders
          Reclusive Xenophobes. No cost.

          F. Racism
          Slave Owners. Whykin uses members of other races as slaves. Killing of slaves is legal but a bad investment. Cost: 5 points

          G. Technology Level
          Atomic Age. In this city, the people have advanced to the level of the late 20th or 21st century. Nuclear technology is known of, but not widely used. Energy weapons are almost available for manufacturing and basic repairs might be possible. Cost: 10 points

          H. Magic Level
          Anti-Magic. Like the Coalition, the members of Whykin violently hate magic, mages and everything related to them. Wizards are hunted down and anyone even suspected of practicing magic is watched and mistrusted. Cost: None

          I. Psychic Level
          Rivals Psyscape. Whykin is positively brimming with psychics. Many skills and professions have been replaced by those with psychic abilities. The majority are minor psychic or better, with 25% of the residents having major or master psychic abilities. Cost: 45 points

          J. Military
          Crack Troops. The members of this city's army are known for being formidable. They train constantly, have the best weaponry they can afford, and can hold their own against forces many times their size. Cost: 50 pts

          K. Laws and Law Enforcement
          Sheriff. An appointed sheriff and his deputies are the official police force. They generally act as police, judge, jury and executioner, but must follow the laws of the town, or be subject to an angry mob. Occasionally, this system will break down. Cost: 5 points

          L. Notable Businesses
          -Bar/Tavern. Cost: 10 points for a high class establishment
          -Northern Gun Wholesale outlet (Whykin happily buys previously own/used and returned Northern Gun products)
          -Slave Market
          -Wilks Wholesale outlet

          M. Power Source:
          Coal. This fossil fuel is utilized for the creation of power. Each building still has its own furnace, but the town sells coal, as opposed to the residents being required to cut their own wood. Cost: 5 points

          N. Wealth:
          Middle Class. The majority of Whykin live at this level or blue collar. The people can afford a few luxuries and the town has enough revenue sources to be able to continue to prosper during a bad year or two. Cost: 25 points

          O. Criminal Activity:
          Petty Crime are limited to "mundane" acts, usually theft, the occasional assault, and the very rare murder. Most people still feel very safe and can walk around freely at night and leave their doors unlocked. Cost: 45 points
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by RockJock »

          Interesting read. Thanks for posting it.
          RockJock, holder of the mighty Rune Rock Hammer!
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Thanks RockJock

          I am working on a build for the current "king"

          Lord Protector of the Realm

          A generational Glitter Boy pilot and war hero Cadeyrm was born and raised in Whykin.
          He joined the service as soon as he could inherit his family's Giltter Boy.
          He served 35 years honorable in the Whykin defense forces combating Aliens, D-Bees, Demons,
          Dragons, power made mages, and supernatural monsters.
          His history of fighting monsters has given him prejudice towards such beings.
          During the last 10 years of his military career he stepped up as a lawyer and judge.
          He has seen the good and bad in people.
          Cadeyrm sees a difference between the CS government and the people in its territory.
          He believes the people of the CS can be good and those that are good people are good regardless of their differences and background in the CS.
          While bad people are a fact of life and a bad person is to be dealt
          with as the situation requires.
          Regardless, the CS are human and Cadeyrn will always but humanity first.
          IF he had to choose he would accept CS rule if it meant the safety of his people.

          Name: Cadeyrm
          Age: 55
          Alignment: Principled
          12th Level: Glitter Boy O.C.C.

          I.Q.: 17 +3%
          M.E.: 13
          M.A.: 18 (50% trust [60% trust in military])
          P.S.: 14
          P.P.: 17 +1
          P.E.: 13
          P.B.: 10 (An ordinary unintimidating plain looking fellow)
          Spd: 9 (as an officer and power armor pilot he doesn't get out and run much)

          S.D.C.: 52
          Hit Points: 61
          I.S.P.: 90

          A re-assuring calming presence of quiet confidence.
          He's found the softer he speaks the more it gets people to make themselves listen to what he says.
          The fewer words he uses, the more people remember.
          Decisive under pressure.
          100% Loyal to people of Whykin.
          Instinctual strategic decision-making.
          Naturally builds and maintain relationships.
          Strives for honesty and fairness in dealing with others; disarms them when they would compete or be stubborn.
          Shows concern and attempting to understand the feelings of others.
          Humility in working for the betterment of Whykinites, and in the interest of others over self.
          Dislikes the slave trade and debates people if it is in the best long term interests of Whykinites.

          Major Psychic:
          Bio-Regenerate (self) (6)
          Intuitive Combat (10)
          Meditation (0)
          Sixth Sense (2)
          Speed Reading (2) (Use to quickly read instrument panel/sensory instruments and reports)
          Suppress Fear (8)
          Total Recall (2)

          O.C.C. Skills:
          Language: American at 98%.
          Language: Spanish & Techno-Can
          Basic Electronics: 98%
          Basic Mechanics: 98%
          General Repair & Maintenance: 98%
          Land Navigation: 94%
          Pilot Robots & Power Armor
          Pilot Robot Combat Elite: Glitter Boy 12th level
          Pilot Robot Combat Basic (general)
          Pilot: Automobile: 98%
          Radio: Basic: 98%
          Read Sensory Equipment: 98%
          Weapon Systems: 98%
          W.P. Energy Pistol +6
          W.P. Energy Rifle +6
          W.P. Heavy Energy Weapons +4

          Hand to Hand: Expert 12th level
          # of Attacks per Melee: 7
          To Strike: +3
          To Dodge/Parry: +8
          Body Flip/Throw: 1d6
          Critical Strike/Knockout/Stun on natural 18+
          Damage: +3
          Karate Punch: 2d4
          Karate Kick: 2d6
          W.P. Paired Weapons

          O.C.C. Related Skills:
          Detect Ambush: 98%
          Intelligence: 84%
          History of Whykin: 93%/88%
          Law: (Whykin): 88%
          Lore: Demons and Monsters: 93%
          Military: Field Armorer: 98%
          Military Etiquette: 98%
          Navigation 98%
          6th Boxing
          9th: Leadership: Military*
          12th: Anthropology: 33% (Taken in preparation for senior leadership role)

          Secondary Skills
          Jury-Rig: 82%
          Literacy: American: 98%
          Lore: D-Bees: 68%
          Lore: Faeries & Creatures of Magic: 78%
          Lore: Psychics and Psionics: 78%
          Math: Basic: 98%
          Performance: 58%
          Public Speaking: 48% (taken later in career to be a better speech maker)
          Research: 43%
          Wardrobe & Grooming: 53%

          *Leadership: A character with good leadership skills can motivate subordinates to do the impossible with nothing while smiling all the way. Bonuses: +2 to the M.A. and +10% to Impress/Charm

          Additionally, +10% to Trust/Intimidate vs members of the Military and +10% to Military Etiquette with them also.

          Note: This skill originally appeared in Brandon K. Aten’s fantastic Triax™ Update that appeared in The Rifter® #55. not a Secondary Skill

          Glitter Boy Combat:

          13 Attacks per melee round
          +3 on initiative.
          +11 to strike when shooting the Boom Gun and other rail guns and cannons.
          +6 to strike in hand to hand combat.
          Critical Strike is the same as the pilot's.
          +10 to parry in hand to hand combat.
          +10 to dodge.

          +3 to save vs Horror Factor
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          They Whyking Spy Network.

          Not trusting the whole world is going to be honest or kind with Whykin, human resource managers are on the lookout for loyal whykinites with the ability, courage, and disposition spy. Then grooming them to spy on those who could do Whykin harm.

          Why spy?

          "Because those who mean to us harm can attack without warning. War is so costly to our soldiers and subjects, particularly on our poor. A wise king must try to prevent war or if possible shorten it by acquiring knowledge of the enemy’s intentions and ability. Given that the only way to acquire such knowledge is by using spies, a king who refuses to use spies is completely devoid of humanity.”

          Over the decades, Whykin's Spy Network has infilitrated foreign corporations, governments, and militaries. No one person knows the alises, identities, activities or whereabouts of these operatives.

          The most obvious place such spies are located is in Kingsdale as Whykin fears an attack may one day come from them.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          They Whykin Spy Network Continue:

          A majority of Whykin's military resources are used to defend itself from what comes out of the Rifts.
          The nation has built up Forward Operating Bases near known Ley Lines as a defensive position in anticipation of invasion.
          Second, those in Rifts Earth may come willingly to the Ley Lines in Whykin territory.
          These enemies of the State are typically detected and fall prey to Whykin snipers, mines, or assualt groups if they follow noraml routes to the ley lines.

          All of these operations are a severe drain on the nation, and have been and are required to be kept up for years without end in Whykin's struggle for day to day survival and victory.

          Talk and plans of finding a New Whykin and relocating are met with fears.
          Fear of the loss of their homeland and national identity.
          Fear that such a places does not exist or can be held by them.
          Fear of what would happen if another nation or monsters would do in the power vacuum if whykinites left a dragon or tribe of monsters moved in to take their place.
          The whykinites feel that what they have done is a legacy of being humanities Bulwark against the in human and inhumane.
          To leave the territory undefended would be to unbandon their post and humanity to what may come.

          So espionage and spying doesn't get much of budget.

          For security and efficacy, the Whykin Spy Network was given the king's blessing to work autonomously.
          It relies on a few dedicated men and women able to infilitrate and operate self-sufficiently and can go for weeks, and even monthes without communication. As a part of their training and operting procedure Whykin's spies must have an incorruptible commitment to Whykin as such they are given unconditional pardons, by the king, for any crimes commited in the performance of their duties.

          "The strength of a civilization is not measured by its ability to fight war, but rather by its ability to prevent them."
          This is the motto of the Whykin Spy Network.

          So to fail to know the conditions of opponents because of reluctance to spy is effectively thought of as incompetent of a true military or political defender of their people.
          Foreknowledge cannot be reliably obtained from ghosts or even loyal Whykin psychics senstives who clairvoyance or precognition is almost always vague at best.
          Instead, information on and understand of an actual or potential enemy must be obtained from people, people who live amongst others to discover their intentions and ability to effectively destroy Whykin.

          The presumption is that it is asymmetrically configured with regard to proximity to Whykin. The majority of spies being in Kingsdale.

          Note: No one knows the true extent of the Whykin Spy Network except it's own anonymous leadership. Official they Whykin King's commision of the spy network came with the understanding that it should only be done to further protect the security of the Whykin nation. Spying should only be used to gather information that can be used to defend Whykin against its enemies. Not to spy on its own citizens.
          Because of this mandate, the leaders of the Whykin Spy Network and operatives in it feel they practice "ethical" espionage.
          "As spies for Whykin, any actions you take are condoned by the reigning King and pardoned, as long as they are committed for the legitimate safety of Whykin and in accordance with the principles of proportionality, discrimination, and necessity."

          The typical alignment of a Whykin spy that of an Anarchist.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          The Whykin History Museum

          This building is called Mark Twain because construction started the same year Mark Twain died, 1910.
          It is a two-story "H"-plan Classical Revival style.
          The building closed as a school after the 1987-88 school year.
          The Poplar Bluff School District and its superintendent, Dr. Robert O. Moulton sold the property to the City of Poplar Bluff for the sum of $1 to be used as a museum.
          A group of dedicated citizens, headed by Sam Giambelluca, began renovating the building to serve as a museum.

          It currently houses The Whykin Sports Hall of Fame, Whykin Historical Society, Whykin's Veterans Museum and the Hall of Heroes, The Scout Room, US Forest Service and Missouri Conservation Commission, Bowling Hall of Fame, Medical Museum, and Golf Museum.

          The Stars and Stripes

          The Stars and Stripes Library, Newspaper, and Muesum, is a non-profit institution dedicated to collecting, documenting, and preserving materials related to the creation and continued history of the Whykin military. By preserving history of Whykin's service members making its archives available, the museum and library seek to enhance the public’s understanding and appreciation of the Whykin military.
          The intent of the Muesum part is to boost morale of the Whykin people by showing the great victories of the Whykin military versus what to the Whykinites are invaders, instigators, and predators of the human race.
          The library is what remains of books they were able to copy on paper before the work they copied from sucumbed to time. A few origional books are left but 99.999% are hand copied. Most of these books are basic school books on science (astronomy, biology, botony, chemistry, etc), fantasy fiction, history, literature, Math books, recipes books (for cooking), rudimentary technical skills (basic electronics, mechanics, automotive, etc.), and science fiction. Nothing that would make the library cutting edge or whose knowledge isn't available in Lazlo or such.
          While as a newspaper, the Stars and Stripes editor and chief sees it as his duty to keep the people of Whykin informed. Pubilc knowledge of the actions of Whykin's rich and famous is a good way to keep them from abusing their power.
          Since most of what the paper publishes honors the greatest of Whykin's men and women in one in a 100 stories that is critical of someone in power typically find the subscribers of the newpaper on the side of the newspaper for bringing the unjust to the light of day.

          The Whykin Museum of Natural History

          The museum showcases the treasures of Missouri in natural history and historical exhibits. The Museum started as a committee of the Will Mayfield Heritage Foundation in 1998 founded by leaders of the community who wanted to save the beautiful Will Mayfield College buildings for posterity and for a great economic asset to the community.
          A wide variety of content is available (paleontogy, local history, some cultural anthropology) but overall the favorite is the story of the missouri dinosaur. Having a national dinosaur means so much to the children. Their curation team has a viewable lab so that vistors can see all the "behind the scenes" work which most museums are lacking. Their upper level has a great hands-on kids area that any budding archaeologists are thrilled about. Across from the kids' area are life sized replicas of dinosaurs and a wooly mammoth skull that are simply breath-taking. It has a lot of Missouri (and other) fossils, civil War history, etc. Most Whykinites consider it a must see! Free for kids under 16. Two credits for adults.

          Then there is a special section devoted to the monsters who come through the Rifts.
          Here, if they can be preserved, are the remains of replications of the monsters the Whykin military has fought and destroyed. It's purpose is to educate children about the dangers and weaknesses of the most common or dangerous demons and monsters.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Transportation in Whykin

          For civilians and off duty service members 90% of the times they get around to the market, school, and work is by bicycle, horse, and walking. The poorest walk, while the elderly typically take a sort of rickshaw bicycle service. The wealthiest 10% vary with the poorest rich people having motorcycles, to the richest rich having hover vehicles (or cycles).
          The horses eat grass and oats. They also double as a sort of supernatural security alarm if and when a disguises or shapeshifting monster is out and about.
          As a natural consequence of the horses, Whykins has a lot of stables for donkeys, horses, and mules.
          For bicycles they have a sort of bicycle rack parking lots
          While walking is, well, walking.

          Part of the reasons for this as opposed to automobiles (cars), buses, and hover vehicles are the lack of wealth and fossil fuels. The government does not want to send its wealth out of the nation state for oil or gasoline.
          Besides, walking and cycling keep Whykin’s citizenry healthy. They have no car accidents. Their air is clean. They don’t spend a fortune on human labor on roads, space on parking, or refined materials for the construction of transportation and replacement parts.
          Those materials go into the Whykin war machine to build, repair, and replace the tools of their trade.

          So the roads of most of the Whykin territory are dirt.

          Note: With the exception of an emergency, horse thieving is a serious offense and a hanging one if committed by a D-Bee or a human who is not a whykinite.

          In Whykin, One of the supposed worst things you could do to a human is throw them into the slave pins with the D-Bees.
          Note: A Whykinite found guilty of a crime, the judge has choices they can give the convicted:
          1. Service in the Whykin military. Inmate bridgade. Worse assginments.
          2. Execution
          3. Exile.
          4. Labor camp (slavery without it being called slavery. You have to work for your food or starve. You don't get released unless and until you pay for your crimes).

          Whykin does not have the patience, resoursces or time to build a prison and staff it with people to count inmates and feed and take care of them.
          The one and only exception to this is kids under 18.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Businesses and Sights of Whykin

          Black River Coliseum
          A 5,000-seat multi-purpose arena in Whykin. It hosts various local concerts and sporting events.

          Camelot RV Campground/RV Park
          You can stay and enjoy the area or make us a convenient overnight stop. Family owned and operated.
          Full Hookup

          Ozark Ridge Golf Course
          An 18-hole, championship golf course that's gaining a reputation as one of the finest public courses in the Mid-South. Terrific features, such as, large bent grass greens, protective bunkers, tree lined fairways, and a large driving range, just to name a few. There is a fully stocked pro shop with all the latest golf equipment and clothing on hand, and a snack bar where you can get a sandwich and beverage.

          The Whykin Airport is located on approximately 344 acres, on a level tract.
          While the Airport is owned by the City, it is operated by a
          fixed base operator which employs five people.
          The Airport has an Operator who provides a full service operation
          for anyone flying in and out of the airport. A courtesy car is provided,
          as well as help in setting up hotel reservations and catering to visitors who fly in.
          Services Include:
          Airport management
          Aviation fuel
          Oxygen service
          Aircraft parking (ramp or tiedown)
          Passenger terminal and lounge
          Flight training
          Aircraft rental
          Aircraft maintenance
          Aircraft cleaning / washing / detailing

          Great Whyking Furnature Store
          They can make custom furnature but they have industrial machines that crank out standardized furnature sizes.
          They employ a great number of people and export the furnature.

          Whykin Horse Park and Track
          Great for horse races and horse shows

          "Welcome to The Twisted Arrow!

          "Over the years we have been servicing the Whykin with the best archery equipment shop and range in the territory. Twisted Arrow specializes in providing the best equipment in town. We have 15 different bow brands, all arrow accessories, bow tuning, bowstrings, we have bow lessons and even have an indoor and outdoor bow ranges. We are a family owned and locally owned business that brings enthusiastic and high-quality service to our customers. We love what we do and enjoy providing the best services for our customers. We are always open to answering your questions and helping you with what you need. Come stop by and see what Twisted Arrow is all about!"
          One of the owners is a wilderness scout and veteran with an enthusiasm for archery.
          Archery is one of those things were it is cheaper than bullets, quiet and does not need a permit like a gun. But you still need a permit to hunt.
          Many people in Whykin don't have the money for a gun and ammo but do have a bow and arrow (often silver tipped).
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Whykin continued

          Rodgers Theatre Building is a historic commercial building featureing a prominent ziggurat tower.
          It was origionally built in 1949.
          Demolitished and rebuilt over and over the decades.
          It is a three-story, brick and concrete commercial building with Art Deco and Art Moderne stylistic elements.
          The building contains a drama stage and one commercial space and consists of three main sections:
          The facade and theatre marquee
          The theatre
          The office block.

          Movies here typically are of the kind in which humanity prevails against the monsters.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Whykin living accomodations:

          A few thousand people are homeless. Not even Whykin has cracked this problem.

          One in ten live in the rural areas as members of farming communities. They are Whykin born and raised but were born and raised in the country. They find the city to be confining. The food they harvest feeds the masses. No one makes fun of them.

          A third of the residents of the Whykin territory live in motor-home and trailer parks.

          Another one-third live in military housing as service members and the spouces and kids of them.

          One in ten live in tiny homes or stay in rooms for rent or boarding homes.

          19% have a variety of housing from that range in amenities, location, and materials.

          The 1% have mansions and private estates with private security (high level retired military with a sort of retirement home status). The rich persons accommadtion of service members as live in help (with meals and medical assistence) sort of curbs the publics ruffled feathers about the wealth inequality.
          The estates will typically have their own farms/ranches with locally grown food, solar power supply with battery banks and back up diesal fueled generators. A bomb shelter with room for everyone. A panic room. Personal vault. Horse stables. Cellars for wine and cheese. Gun and bow range. Swimming pool. An enormous Gourmet kitchen by which food is prepared for the family, staff, and guests. A private library and study. An astronomy room on the roof. Home movie theater. Garage for land vehicles and their repair and maintenance. Gun cage and shop for gunpowder and packing ones own ammo. Outdoor firepit, BBQ, and cooking areas. A music room. A meditation chamber. A deluxe bar/cocktail lounge. An exerice / gymnasium room. Sauna room. Vast walk in closets. Laundry room. A bathroom for every room and a spare for each floor. And of course, a GAME room.
          The grounds are manicured landscapes and gardens.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          The Culture of Whykin:

          Friendships tend to be very close and long-lasting.
          Teenagers are usually very active and participate in clubs and organized by the school or community.
          As a consequence, Whykin recycles 90% of their goods and materials.
          Their food wastes, when there is any, goes to compost in victory gardens in the city

          Values: Courage, cleanliness, discipline, honesty, hard work, material possessions, sobriety, thrift, punctuality, and a sense of civic responsibility

          The Good Samaritan
          Is the custom in Whykin territory, it grant immunity from civil liability to people who:
          Provide medical or martial (combat) assistance at the scene of an emergency
          Act in good faith
          Do not expect compensation
          However, the Good Samaritan Rule states that a Good Samaritan assumes a duty to use reasonable care. If they are negligent in providing services or if their negligence causes injury, they may be held liable.
          Whykin's Good Samaritan tradition encourages bystanders to get involved in emergency situations without fear of prosecution.
          Instead, the locals will persecute (or at least ostracize) those who are indifferent to the welfare of their neighbor.

          Social structure
          The social structure was simple, with nobles at the top, citizens in the middle and slaves at the bottom.
          A key difference, in Whykin, is that titles are not inherited but come from what people perceive as a meritocracy of distinguished military service or civic accomplishment.
          So officers and enlisted war heroes are nobility.
          Rare exceptions are genius engineers, medical doctors, and teachers.
          While generational slaves or those who save the life of a human come to be treated more like serfs.
          In some cases, they command other slaves or self manage as in the case of the serfs.

          "Legacy Of Service," is a tradition in Whykin (a bit nepitistic), the son or daughter of a service member is given the option of joining the same unit that their father or mother had served in.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Weather in Whykin:

          Missouri has a humid subtropical climate with cool winters and long, hot summers.

          On average, it rains about 100 days a year, with about half of those days seeing thunderstorms.

          The spring months of March through May are usually the wettest, with an average of 10.5 inches of rain.

          Missouri also experiences "extreme" climate events, which are considered part of the normal climate.

          Whykin racial makeup:

          White 78.5% (109,900 people)
          Black 9.7% (13,580 people)
          American, Native 0.72% (1,008 people)
          Asian 0.36% (504 people)

          Age demographics of Whykin:
          Under 18: 31.6% (44,240 people)
          18–24: 28.2% (39,480 people)
          25–44: 22.6% (31,640 people)
          45–64: 7.2% (10,080 people)
          65 and older: 0.6% (840 people)

          Slaves: 10% (14,000 D-Bees/Non-Human)
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Whykin's infrastructure.

          The nation state has a water treatment plant that supplies the city of Whykin with water that is safe to bathe with, cook, and drink from the faucet.

          Coal fuels 66% of Whykin's electricity generation.
          The remaining electricity comes from renewable sources, such as hydropower and wind.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          The Whykin Justice System

          The laws of Whykin are as reasonable as those of the 21st century.
          However, Sheriffs can search any person or place of residence/business without a warrent as long as the law enforcer can explain to a judge why they felt the need to search. The judge can also kick the evidence if they believe it is unjust.
          Trial by jury are common for those who surrender to custody.
          The Whykinites like a good show.
          Judges are appointed by the King, and serve for three years. The King can renew them or not and they can retire from their judge-ship.
          Trials tend to be swift and rarely last more than a couple of days to come to verdict.
          It is more about waiting for people to be off of work so they can come and watch the show.
          Sentencing and punishment might take longer to determine and in rare cases can lead to a dismissal of charges.
          When it comes to justice, safety, and vengeance how evidence is obtained is less of interest then if it is genuine. Very few criminal cases are thrown out on technicalities.
          Judges have a lot of leeway in sentencing and punishment metering out justice in their eyes and heart rather than rules in a book. Sometimes the victims or the families of victims are allowed to decide.
          Execution is common for the crime of murder, rape and kidnapping.
          For theft, return or payment in addition to 3 days to 10 years or exile or community/military service.

          Local Sheriffs (one for every town in Whyking territory) and their deputies, act as the police, judge, jury and sometimes executioner (but their must be witness).

          Repeat offenders of many crimes are executed or exiled or sent to die on the front lines of battle.
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          Re: Build for the kingdom of Whykin

          Post by darthauthor »

          Social classes of Whykin's feudalisitic system:
          Unlike the traditional/classic feudalism mobility between the classes is possible via
          Military service, promotion in law enforcement, becoming a Medical Doctor, etc.

          1. King

          2. Lords/Generals (High ranking officers)

          3. Knights/Low ranking officers (Power Armor Pilots)/Sheriffs

          4. Citizens/Commoner/Foot Soldiers

          5. Slaves (D-Bees)/Human Criminal Labor
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