Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

In the spirit of the conversation going on in another thread, I've decided to post the stats for the character/persona I've recently created for use on the Lazlo board. This character was made strictly with what is available in BTS2.

Real Name: Unknown at this time.
P.C.C.: Natural (you might say that Nemesis was a born killer).
Alignment: Anarchist with leanings towards Aberrant. Could maybe be swayed to Unprincipled, someday.
Attributes: I.Q.-13, M.E.-12, M.A.-14, P.S.-19, P.P.-25, P.E.-15, P.B.-16, SPD-18.
Hitpoints: 30
S.D.C.: 76
P.P.E.: 3
Height: Tall Weight: Average (extremely athletic). Race: Human.
Disposition: Brutal; a rough neck who gets things done with intimidation. Enjoys combat. Cold, shows little emotion nor mercy when on a job.
Environment Growing Up: Population center/Big City
Land of Origin: United States of America.
Family History with the Paranormal: None!
Reason for Paranormal Investigation: Recent encounter with the supernatural/Hired to kill a Succubus-mistress of a senator.
Level of Experience: 1st.
Occupation: Criminal: Hitman/Assassin
Common Skills: Mathematics: Basic-78%, Language: English-86%, Literacy: English-86%
Occupation Skills: Boxing, Hand to Hand: Assassin, I.D. Undercover Agent-50%, Munitions Expert-55%, Prowl-40%, Recognize Weapon Quality-40%, Sniper, Streetwise-35%, Streetwise: Weird-45%, Tracking-45%, Undercover Ops-47%, W.P. Handguns, W.P. Rifle, W.P. Knife
Elective Skills: Seduction-32%, Pilot Automobile-70%, Combat Driving, Climbing-50%/40%, Swim-60%, Kick Boxing, Gymnastics, Tailing-40%
Secondary Skills: W.P. Archery, Aerobic Athletics, Pilot Motorcycle-60%, Wardrobe and Grooming-50%
Special: +1 to strike with handguns.
Natural Skills: Wrestling, Acrobatics, W.P. Shotgun, W.P. Sub-Machinegun
Abilities purchased:
2 additional physical skills
2 additional W.P.'s
+2 to strike in melee.
+2 to strike with ranged weapons
automatic dodge
+1D6+10 S.D.C.
+1D6+3 hitpoints
+1 to P.P.
+1 to P.E.

So there are the characters mechanical abilities spelled right out for everyone to see and taken from the character generation of BTS2.

I'm still working out the characters background but for now I've got that they are a successful contract killer. Their last assignment was to kill a senator's girlfriend. Nemesis figured it was to send a message (in a way, it was, but more on that in another post I think) and set to work. After trying to orchestrate a car accident, using poison and finally attempting to drug and strangle the mark, Nemesis finally realized they weren't facing your typical opponent. The job was finally completed but along the way Nemesis learned about the Lazlo Society and figured they might as well offer their services.

For purely practical reasons, Nemesis is considering getting out of the manhunter business and sticking to monster slaying.

The character is cynical. They honor their contracts partly to ensure profitable future work and as a mark of pride. Nemesis doesn't beleive in the concepts of good and evil, just getting paid. That isn't to say that Nemesis is amoral, a conscious does lurk beneath the surface. But it is deeply suppressed.

I haven't worked out what resources the character has yet. I figure the only contacts they'd have would be criminal in nature. This character probably will have an arsenal but it will all be illegal stuff that they'll have to keep from being found by the authorities. More than a few weapons would be linked to some unsolved murders.

Even if the character does reform, they've done things you can't just walk away from. If Nemesis is ever caught by the authorities, that'll be the end. Fortunately the character is meticulous and isn't currently being looked for. All the jobs so far have been written off as accidents or mysterious dissappearances.

This should be an interesting character for me to play. I usually prefer to play the straight up hero. A murderer for hire will be something new for me. I do want to play this from the anti-hero perspective. We'll see how reformed the character becomes, if at all, over time.

So, thoughts? Comments? Questions?

Anyone want to share their own character here?

(Editted to clear up misunderstanding regarding how powers were purchased and to not show how many points the powers cost. Total abilities come to 30 P.P.E.; feel free to confirm with your own copy of BTS2)
Last edited by Cybermancer on Mon Jun 23, 2008 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

your supposed to use the PPE in the "Character Build:" section to add permanent stat bonuses at character creation. plus i don't think palladium will be too thrilled with having the options posted here on the boards.

in terms of arsenal, pick an MO (Modus operandi) for him and work with that. does he prefer close up? then pistols would be his main choice. especially smaller ones that can be hidden in a pocket or jacket.
sniper? bolt action rifle, or perhaps an M-14
covert? a selection of knives.
i doubt he'd go in for the flashy explosive methods like you see in movies. (but a working knowledge of demolitions could be a useful skill)
odds are he has skills for a all of it, but he should have a preferred method.
in all cases his prefered weapon(s) will probably have some modifications and extra features to make it more effective.

for my guy

"MR. E"
Edward Davion

Edward Davion grew up without a father in Pheonix Arizona, in a family with a history of psychic abilities. at age 16 he witnessed an attack on a homeless person by a supernatural creature from his bedroom window. after that day, he would often have dreams predicting the future or flashes of knowledge after touching something. this opened up a facination in him with the supernatural, and after graduating from high school and finishing his general studies at ASU, he enrolled at The University of Chicago Center for the Study of the Arcane. there he not only learned to investigate the supernatural, but to exise limited control of his powers. he graduated with Degree's in multiple subjects, and finding no agency willing to recognise his training, he hired on to help run a rare bookstore he used to frequent in pheonix.
a year later, he inherited the store from the owner, who was rather elderly and decided to retire. Edward was surprised to discover the back room he had not been allowed to enter was filled with books on the arcane, supernatural, secret societies and more. this wealth of research was a major boon to his studies of the paranormal.

Edward, often called "MR. E", a nickname given to him at college, has often helped out the local arizona investigative teams, as well as travelled to assist old college classmates in their investigations. this has put him in contact with many groups, and some professional ones, across the country. its quickly becoming known that if someone needs advice on a difficult case, "Mr. E" can often help.

Lv. 1 Psychic Parapsychologist, Rare Book and antiquties Dealer

Alignment: Scrupulous
Birth order: Illegitimate
Weight: Thin
Height: Average (6 ft)
Age": 35
Age Psionics manifested: Late Teens
Disposition: all around good person
Enviroment growing up: Pheonix Arizona
History with the supernatural: family history. several generations, no one bothered to keep records.
Reason for Paranormal Investigation: witness to the supernatural.
outlook on being psychic: sense of duty.

IQ: 28 ME: 20 MA: 8 PS: 10 PP: 8 PE: 8 PB: 6 SPD: 26

HP: 12 SDC: 28
ISP: 7 (x2, x3, x4, x6)
PPE: 9

Sixth Sense, Medical Hypnosis, Object Read, Meditation, Advanced

saves vs. psionic attacks at 12
Save Vs. Psionic attack +3
Save Vs. Insanity +3
Save Vs. Horror Factor and hypnosis +3
Save Vs. magic and curses +2
Save Vs. posession +3
Save Vs. mind altering drugs +2

Skills: Parapsychologist
Recognize real psychic abilities vs. stage magic and trickery 74%
Regocnize mind control and possesion 64%
Principles of Magic 64%
Read magic 46%

OCC skills:
Anthropology 69%
Biology 69%
Crime Scene Investigation 64%
Computer operation 89%
Creative Writing 56%
Lore: Cults and Secret Societies 55% (Specialty)
Lore: Demons and monsters 64%
Lore: Entities and Ghosts 64%
Lore: Magic Arcane 49%/69%
Lore: mythology 64%
Lore: Paranormal and psionics 69%
Lore: Aliens and UFOlogy 69%
Parapsychology 74%
Psychology 74%
Research 69%
Sensory Equipment 64%
Language: English 98%
Literacy: English 98%
Mathmatics Basic 96%
Appraise Antiques 49%
Art 65%
Business and Finance 65%
History: Cults and Secret Societies 89%/69%
Recognise Weapon Qualities 54%
Language: Latin 64%
Literacy: Latin 54%

Elective skills:
Medical Doctor 84%/74%
Zoology 54%
Botany 64%
History: Middile Ages 84%/64%
Excavation 64%
Streetwise: Weird 56%
Automobile (pilot) 80%
Truck (pilot) 76%
Cook 55%
Advanced Mathmatics 79%
Basic Electronics 50%
Land Navigation 56%
HTH: Basic

Secondary Skills:
Body Building and Weight Lifting
WP: Staff
WP: Hand Guns
WP: Rifle
WP: Shot Gun

One year old Honda SUV, Minolta Cellphone with built in Digital camera, 35mm Camera, Pocket Tape Recorder, 2 radiophones, a high quality digital camera, Laptop computer, note pad and two black pens, small pocket knife, softcover briefcase, backpack, duffle bag, binoculars, magnifing glass, large flashlight, penlight, pocket mirror, portable toolkit (set of screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, hammer, scissors, icepick, duct tape, selection of nails and screws, hard plastic case.), pair of sunglasses, jacket, three suits, some personal items.

personal computer with monitor, printer and scanner, highspeed internet connection (office only), sattelite TV, TiVo, Microscope.
Weapons: concealed carry holster with Browning 9mm, pump action 12 gauge shotgun.
housing: two bedroom apartment above the store.
savings: $15000

"The Sitting Room"
a small bookstore in Pheonix, the sitting room presents a nice relaxed atmosphere and a freindly face to customers. its shelves of new and used books strech from ceiling to floor, but are spaced and alternated with tables and pictures to lessen the oppressive feel. in the center of the store are several highbacked upholstered chairs and coffee tables, for customers to relax in and perhaps thumb through a potential purchase. a door in the back leads to a short hallway. on one side is a closet and a set of stairs to the second floor, on the other is a door to a room filled with dusty old tomes and thick books dealing with paranormal subjects. these rare books are not for sale, and rarely do customers even see this cache of the arcane. the most dangerous books and grimore's are kept in a steel safe, locked away to keep them out of the hands of those who could misuse them.
up stairs there are 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, small living room and office. a small hallway connects them.
the store is open 11 am to 7 pm, and Edward has 2 employee's, although generally only one is at work at a time. Edward often calls the other in to take over the store for a bit, when he's working an investigation or visting freinds.

i'm stretching things a tad. (usually arizona cities don't have the whole "apartment above the store" bit, but it makes for a more interesting setting... :) )

i rolled him up at lv 1, but for NPC purposes feel free to bump him up to lv 3-5 as needed.

he's an avid fan of Sherlock Holmes, along with most other A. Conan Doyle books. he see's himself as the sort of "paranormal invastigator" version of holmes. which works well with his preferance to tend the store and research, and let other investigative groups come to him with stuff. between word of mouth and school contacts (i just had to use Todd Yoho's wonderful university from the rifter), he is likely to be called to help out with investigations just about anywhere.

i had actually joined the LS forums before getting BTS2, i liked the user name "mr. e" as a pun. going with a bookstore running parapsychologist was just playing to my strengths. i love to read, and i could give the character skills i knew a bit about, so i could do some real world research and then sound like i truely was an authority on the subject. the sherlock holmes thing is partly me, partly the fact i was reading a collected works volume of holmes stories at the time...
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:your supposed to use the PPE in the "Character Build:" section to add permanent stat bonuses at character creation. plus i don't think palladium will be too thrilled with having the options posted here on the boards.

Actually, that's a common misconception. Naturals can choose to put their PPE to use in any way they see fit. They can add bonuses to Skills, get more Skills, Attributes, Hit Points/SDC, Saves (disease, Horror Factor, Illusions, Insanity, Initiative, Perception, etc), bonuses to Strike, bonuses to Strike with weapons and others. The only limitations are the amount of PPE that can be used. But I applaud you on not getting Supernatural Strength. :ok:

except the use of the PPE is to buy them, not merely to rent them. you get an amount of PPE, which you use to buy from those selections. this represent how growing up, that person focused on particular paths of development.

glitterboy2098 wrote:"The Sitting Room"
a small bookstore in Pheonix, the sitting room presents a nice relaxed atmosphere and a freindly face to customers. its shelves of new and used books strech from ceiling to floor, but are spaced and alternated with tables and pictures to lessen the oppressive feel. in the center of the store are several highbacked upholstered chairs and coffee tables, for customers to relax in and perhaps thumb through a potential purchase. a door in the back leads to a short hallway. on one side is a closet and a set of stairs to the second floor, on the other is a door to a room filled with dusty old tomes and thick books dealing with paranormal subjects. these rare books are not for sale, and rarely do customers even see this cache of the arcane. the most dangerous books and grimore's are kept in a steel safe, locked away to keep them out of the hands of those who could misuse them.
up stairs there are 2 bedrooms, a bathroom, small living room and office. a small hallway connects them.
the store is open 11 am to 7 pm, and Edward has 2 employee's, although generally only one is at work at a time. Edward often calls the other in to take over the store for a bit, when he's working an investigation or visting freinds.

i'm stretching things a tad. (usually arizona cities don't have the whole "apartment above the store" bit, but it makes for a more interesting setting... :) )

i rolled him up at lv 1, but for NPC purposes feel free to bump him up to lv 3-5 as needed.

he's an avid fan of Sherlock Holmes, along with most other A. Conan Doyle books. he see's himself as the sort of "paranormal invastigator" version of holmes. which works well with his preferance to tend the store and research, and let other investigative groups come to him with stuff. between word of mouth and school contacts (i just had to use Todd Yoho's wonderful university from the rifter), he is likely to be called to help out with investigations just about anywhere.

i had actually joined the LS forums before getting BTS2, i liked the user name "mr. e" as a pun. going with a bookstore running parapsychologist was just playing to my strengths. i love to read, and i could give the character skills i knew a bit about, so i could do some real world research and then sound like i truely was an authority on the subject. the sherlock holmes thing is partly me, partly the fact i was reading a collected works volume of holmes stories at the time...

I love it. :-D So few of us actually have floor plans to our character's living quarters. It shows a certain love and detail that I enjoy and appreciate. :D

As for a character . . . I've been toying with retiring Wie and making a new one. While I enjoy Eilonwy a lot, I'm not sure she's "proper" for the boards? (Way too nice . . .)

we need some nice people on the boards if we want to see Lazlo Society improve itself. but if you want to create a second account, and play another character, feel free. just dust of Eilonwy every now and then. ;)
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »


You seem to be laboring under a misunderstanding. The abilities shown were purchased at character creation. They're shown at the end to reveal how they were spent. They're already included in the character build. I've editted the entry, one to remove the exact PPE amounts (the one for the extra SDC was wrong anyway) and also to hopefully clear up the misunderstanding. The PPE used to create the Natural/Genius is all burned up on character creation. There is however an entry for residual PPE for the character that isn't used to buy (or use, as you seemed to think I was doing) powers. Hopefully that clear things up.

Anyway, I like the character you posted. I've always like the parapsychologist but haven't ever gotten around to playing one. An all around interesting and well developed background. I like the apartment on top of the store setting. I sort of picture something like April O'Neils apartment in the first TMNT movie.

I got the impression you won't be returning to reprise the role.

Petite Elfgirl,

I didn't really think supernatural strength fit the character at all. I didn't want someone who thought they had superhuman powers, I wanted someone who was exceptional yet plausible. Auto-dodge doesn't break that for me but supernatural strength does.

And glitterboy2098 is right, the boards do need nice people. Isn't one of the reasons for the boards existance to help people? Now, if you're getting bored of the character, then sure, set her back in the background and try something new for awhile.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Petite Elfgirl,

I can certainly understand that. I don't think I could play such a nice person, especially on those boards. That, I think, may have been what led to the creation of what amounts to a dispicable criminal and murderer.

Wow. Maybe the boards really are messed up...

I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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People change. ;-)
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Given time, anything is possible.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

Someone who tells you what to think is trying to control you. Someone who teaches you how to think is trying to free you.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Tearstone »


If I quote you, you will get spell-checked.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:
Petite Elfgirl wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:Petite Elfgirl,

I didn't really think supernatural strength fit the character at all. I didn't want someone who thought they had superhuman powers, I wanted someone who was exceptional yet plausible. Auto-dodge doesn't break that for me but supernatural strength does.

And glitterboy2098 is right, the boards do need nice people. Isn't one of the reasons for the boards existance to help people? Now, if you're getting bored of the character, then sure, set her back in the background and try something new for awhile.

True. But Eilonwy is a little . . . too nice. She doesn't get riled up by other board members. While that may be a good thing, there are . . . times . . . that I want to take somebody up on their word, i.e., "Can you prove that, peckerwood?"

Petite Elfgirl,

I can certainly understand that. I don't think I could play such a nice person, especially on those boards. That, I think, may have been what led to the creation of what amounts to a dispicable criminal and murderer.

Wow. Maybe the boards really are messed up...


It takes work, I'll give you that. There's been more than a few occasions where I've had to step away because I wanted to use my dad's new plunger on somebody's face . . . especially right after he finished unclogging Mom's toilet . . . :oops:

you know, you could get the more...agressive..type of character without having to retire your current one...

just make the new character a part of the old one.

and i don't mean multiple personality disorder here. :wink: at least, not in the normal sense.

the Tulpa is a bit of mysticism that seems like it might be a neat way to deal with your dilemma. a Tulpa is a thought made physical, and can even have it's own violition, it's own personality and life.

the closest palladium example i can think of it the "living magic" from the rifter, where a spell takes coporeal form... only in this case there is no spell...

for Eilonwy's case, the Tupla could be a result of a little repressed bit of her mind, that grew and grew until it could take a form of its own. the part that tells her to tell people their crazy. the part that wants to ask people "can you prove that?"

basicaly, the idea that Eilonwy is a little too nice, and the mental discipline that makes her so polite, quiet, and restrained is what caused the Tulpa to manifest.

imagine if a person with multiple personality disoder had their other personalities go on out of body experiances...where the others are just as real as the main person. thats a tulpa.

in fact, you could go one step further. perhaps this new character can be looking for her "twin sister", who is a wild, unrestrained person with little self-control, prone to violent outbreaks and decadent living.

the one is Eilonwy's pragmatism. the other all the desires and emotions Eilonwy represses to be so nice.

since first reading about tulpa's, i've occasioanlly thought that idea would be an explanation for Ron Caliburn's "evil twin". the idea being that Ron is a serious but good person, but to be so with his history, his "evil" had to be so repressed it eventually went free as a tulpa...

of course, i doubt that's what Ron had in mind when he came up with his evil twin...
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Sounds like a fun idea, Petite Elfgirl. Hope you run with it.

I've been developing Nemesis' personality a little bit more. The character has become something of a metaphor for how I've come to percieve the boards. I'll just say that last bit again. For how I perceive the boards. Not how others percieve them or how they actually are.

So Nemesis is a mercenary and a goon. A gun for hire. Violent and definitely not acceptable in common society. Nemesis is out for themself and see's others as a means to an end. At the same time, Nemesis will work for everyone without discrimination nor concern for the consequences. The character hides behind thinly veiled pretenses that don't really hide who they really are. Nemesis' parents would most likely be disappointed to see what their child has become.

There is however, some small desire for change, to be something else. Nemesis see's Victor Lazlo as an idealist so fundamentally can't understand him. Yet Nemesis respects his courage and appreciates his knowledge and dedication to his chosen proffesion. While Nemesis doesn't think that Victor Lazlo would have anything to do with mercenaries, there is a feeling of belonging to the boards the way they are now.

Nemesis will be watching those who claim to uphold Victor Lazlo's ideals. Will they act in a way that Victor Lazlo would have wanted or will they pay lip service while carrying on with their usual antics?

If the boards can be saved and redeemed, maybe Nemesis can be as well.

Just my own internal view on the character, who continues to be a challenge for me. It would have been easier to play a reformed villian turned hero, for sure.

Anyway, people are still welcome to comment or post their own characters here. :)
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:Thanks, Glitter. After reading through your post and the links, I suddenly had this idea . . . :-D

shoot, you'll have to tell me what you came up with after you put it into effect. it's so rare i manage to inspire somebody other than myself on these boards... :wink:

just do me a favor and tell me after, i'm liable to ruin the fun by making too many suggestions... :lol:

Petite Elfgirl wrote: I've been doing my best to return it to the way it's "supposed" to be, as in: people communicating their expriences and thoughts on the supernatural, offering suggestions, and support to others. But I guess we'll have to recruit others to our noble cause and see what we can do. :wink:

and hopefully i'll be able to do the same. i have an idea though, i'll need to talk to NMI about it after i come up with things to put in it initially. currently we have forums that work well for the parts of the society. but the more investigative side needs a place to be able to put the fruits of their labor. warstories works great for telling about the exploits of the hunting and such, and there are a few people detailing their investigative stuff, but i think that for the more research minded, we need a compendium. a place where we can take our research and experiance and compile it into a helpful guide.

for example, someone writes up an entry on ghosts. then the others can chip in with the tricks and bits of information that could be helpful. like how there are several types of entities. or that you can use UV lights to detect them sometimes. and so on.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Natasha »

Here's the basics of my character. She has a very tortured past, escaped to Moscow where she attended and finished University where she met some special individuals that taught her the paranormal and magic, and which landed her gommit job with Spetsgruppa V (Special Group V) as a researcher but her insatiable desire for field work lead her to joining an operational team.

Natasha Krilova

Age: 28
Height: 1.78 meters (about 5' 10")
Weight: 66 kilograms (about 145 pounds)
Hair color: Brown, 3cm (just over an inch long)
Eye color: Blue-gray, wears thin black-framed eyeglasses

I.Q. 18
M.E. 24
M.A. 12
P.S. 8
P.P. 10
P.E. 14
P.B. 11
Spd 18

Alignment: Unprincipled
4th level arcanist (diabolist)

Skills: Lore, research, and languages (mostly arcane, 3 modern languages (Russian, German, English))
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

Petite Elfgirl wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:shoot, you'll have to tell me what you came up with after you put it into effect. it's so rare i manage to inspire somebody other than myself on these boards... :wink:

just do me a favor and tell me after, i'm liable to ruin the fun by making too many suggestions... :lol:

Hey, go ahead and give me suggestions . . . it's still WIP. :)

this ought to be your character, so i shouldn't. but if you want ot run stuff by me feel free.

I think we tried the "Bestiary" approach once already? I think the one problem with that is often monsters then become a one time deal . . . but that might be a good idea to give the researchers something to do. :)

I think it would also help if we moved some posts around to the appropriate threads, similar to what NMI and Tinker Dragon do here. :) And then get the different subforums used properly (discuss CONSPIRACIES in Conspiracy Theory, Myth, or Reality?, for inatance . . .).[/quote]

good point. it's been so long since that was tried, i forget why it never worked out...
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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People stopped reporting the posts perhaps.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by vika »


Name: Mack.
Occupation: Professional driver.
P.C.C.: Diviner.
Experience level: 5.
I.Q. 9, M.E. 12, M.A. 10, P.S. 11, P.P. 10, P.E. 14, P.B. 9, Spd 12.
Hit points: 35. S.D.C.: 31.
P.P.E.: 2. I.S.P.: 18.
Age: 42, Height: 1.78 m, Weight: 91 kg.
Eyes: Brownish green mix, Hair: Brown, cropped very short.
Facial hair: Tom Selleck moustache (and looks in general).
Origin: Salina, Kansas.
Distinct features: Bar code tattoo on nape, origin and meaning unknown. Visible.
Alignment: Scrupulous.
Personality: Loves adrenaline, loves to drive fast, has strange sense of humour, a bit crazy, but mostly sound mind.
Psychic sensitive powers:
    Object read (6)
    Remove viewing (20)
    Sixth sense (2)
    Airplane (98%)
    Automobile (98%)
    Automotive mechanics (98%)
    Combat driving
    First aid (65%)
    Horsemanship: General (40% / 20%)
    Land Navigation (62%)
    Lore: Demons and monsters (60%)
    Lore: Entities and ghosts (60%)
    Lore: Geomancy and ley lines (60%)
    Lore: Paranormal and psionics (60%)
    Motorcycle (98%)
    Physical labour
    Radio: Basic (80%)
    Research (60%)
    Roadwise (56%)
    Streetwise: Weird (60%)
    Surveillance (60%)
    Tracked (98%)
    Truck (98%)
    W.P. Blunt (+2 strike, +2 parry; +1 strike when thrown)
    W.P. Handguns (+2 strike)
    W.P. Shotgun (+2 strike)
    5 attacks per melee
    +2 pull punch
    +2 roll with impact
    +2 parry
    +3 dodge
    +1 strike
    +1 disarm
    >= 10 vs psychic attack
    +1 vs possession, disease, magic, and curses
    +2/+4 perception rolls
    +2 vs horror factor
    Impervious to negative energy
    Resistant to charms
Last edited by vika on Sun Jan 31, 2010 4:11 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Another Diviner, eh?

If I quote you, you will get spell-checked.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Natasha »

Who's the other Diviner?
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

i've actually been giving some thought to returning to LS. however, after Mr. E's big deal about having been lead back to LS and starting that story of why, he stopped posting. real life issues kept me from continueing.

and it has been long enough since then that suddenly appearing again would be hard to explain.

so what i'm thinking is that i can create another character, and have him post for a bit. actually thinking about using Lieutenant Joe Begay, who can finish the story. then either joe, or john, the assistant who helps run the sitting room, can post some information on what Mr. E was researching prior to his vanishment. (maybe even a bundle of papers delivered to one of the other character's on the forums as well)

then let the others develop a story around that, until they eventually manage to save him from [whatever]. then he can start posting again.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Go for it. We were quite interested in the story!
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Mark Skellian: True Atlantean ordinary person/psychic investigator

"Frog" and "Red": ordinary people/bounty hunter
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Natasha »

Have him return and provide a wrap up to the skinwalker story and then you can go about your next story. Maybe Mr E. lost funding or something burned but now he's back in the saddle again. Or just ignore the time lapse and carry on with more stories. ;-)

(Who knows, a skinwalker wrap up might inspire Magdalena's character to return to the scene, too, since she's a medic working with Zuni or something like that in Arizona/New Mexico borderlands.)
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »


This post previously held the character for 'Cybermancer'. Look down thread for the updated version.
Last edited by Cybermancer on Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:22 am, edited 6 times in total.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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I was wondering what Cab's character class would be. Diviner makes sense since that class does not have to go into a trance to be precognative, not a good option while driving. 6th Sense is gravy. Now, what vehicle is he driving?

I don't recognize Kyle Swindle. I haven't been using the boards that long though. What is his board username?

At 13th level, I think Mutant Cybermancer is by far the most experienced character currently on the boards. Anyone got a 14th or 15th level character?

I control the two spiractic characters Professor Ali and Raven Davenport (username RAVEN). Ali is a sensitive psychic who discovered the supernatural and his repressed powers late in life. He came out of Xenocrate's play by post game over at Tank Nine. Raven is a Latent Psychic journalist who now runs the After Midnight News Agency. Raven is a blast to use because he's such an arrogant fop. I almost did not use him because I am sure he will rub someone the wrong way sooner or later in real life. I've been using him in a much more background oriented role as a support character rather than a frontline investigator.

Hey Cyber, is Nemesis dead or not?
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Lord Z wrote:Hey Cyber, is Nemesis dead or not?

I take it you haven't been keeping up on the boards. :)

For now, Nemesis is alive.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Busted! No, I have not been keeping up. On that subject, I might be very busy with the Rifter Zero situation for a couple of months, maybe more. If anyone has a message for Prof. Ali or Raven, please put a notice here or send me a PM on the board or shoot me an e-mail. If it's happening on the board, I probably won't notice it.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by vika »

Lord Z wrote:I was wondering what Cab's character class would be. Diviner makes sense since that class does not have to go into a trance to be precognative, not a good option while driving. 6th Sense is gravy. Now, what vehicle is he driving?

He drives a BMW of some kind. It was never really given specifics, just it is fast enough, handles like a dream, and is luxury inside. It is strange a bit maybe because the car would be important to the character. The problem is that I do not know the first thing about cars. Some from my friends have the knowledge but it doesn't help me, so it is on purpose vague.

One thing that is not vague though. :)

He will be very sad when he destroys it in some investigation because it required years of saving to be able to buy. Hopefully such situation can be avoided....
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Name: Ekaterina Mikhailovna Allegrova.
Lazlo Society handle: kalle.

Occupation: Cemetery guardian, bane of any supernatural menace.
P.C.C.: Physical.
Experience level: 6.
Alignment: Aberrant.

I.Q. 10, M.E. 12, M.A. 7, P.S. 30, P.P. 19, P.E. 19, P.B. 9, Spd 28.
Hit points: 55. S.D.C.: 69.
P.P.E.: 1. I.S.P.: 16.

Age: 27, Height: 1.66 m, Weight: 69 kg.
Eyes: Pale steel blue. Hair: Blonde, about to the shoulder blades. Dyed black.
Physical description: Perfectly average in all departments. When operating she wears all black flight suit with various bits of kit including a battle vest, rucksack, and so forth. When not operating she wears black pants and shirts. She never wears make up or jewelry.

Origin: Petrozavodsk, Russia.
Location: Currently operating in Murmansk, haunted gulag sites.

Personality: She is an extreme taphophile. Which happens to fit nice with the fact that she's also high energy, loves demolitions, and fire. As such, she hunts anything haunting cemeteries and anything that is especially vulnerable to fire.

Reason for involvement: Supernasties really go up in flames like nothing else. Then there's the whole cemetery thing.

Insanities: Psychologist offering free and unsolicited (unwanted and poor) advice. Extreme taphophile - loves cemeteries and spends all of her free time walking in them and patroling them at night to keep the bad things away and to destroy the ghouls and zombies frequently encountered there.

Psychic physical powers: Alter aura (2), Dessication touch (20), Impervious to cold (4), Impervious to fire (4), Nightvision (4), Stop bleeding (4), Summon inner strength (4), Telekinesis (varies), TK leap (8), TK punch (6), and TK push (4).

Skills: Automobile (85), Climb (85/75), Demolitions (95), Demolitions disposal (95), Military etiquette (75),
Trap and mine detection (65), Detect ambush (70), Prowl (60), Radio: Basic (90), Detect concealment (50), Lore: Entities and ghosts (55), Lore: Monsters and demons (55), Rope works (65), Swim (75), Running, Boxing, Wrestling, and Sniper.

Weapon proficiencies: Handguns (+3 strike), Rifles (+3 strike), Submachine guns (+3 strike), Heavy military weapons (+3 strike), and Sword (+3 strike, +2 parry, +1 strike when thrown),

Combat (Hand to hand: assassin): 7 attacks per melee, +4 strike, +7 parry, +7 dodge, +7 roll, +5 pull punch, +2 initiative, +19 damage, +1 strike when throwing weapon, and +2 entangle.

Other bonuses: >= 10 vs psychic attack, +5 save vs possession, +5 save vs disease, +4 save vs bio-manipulation, +3 save vs mind control, +1 save vs mental probes, +4 save vs magic, +2 save vs poison, +2 save vs curses, and +5% save vs coma/death.

Physical psychic bonuses: Extra tough, flexible and limber, and extra strong.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

vika wrote:
Lord Z wrote:I was wondering what Cab's character class would be. Diviner makes sense since that class does not have to go into a trance to be precognative, not a good option while driving. 6th Sense is gravy. Now, what vehicle is he driving?

He drives a BMW of some kind. It was never really given specifics, just it is fast enough, handles like a dream, and is luxury inside. It is strange a bit maybe because the car would be important to the character. The problem is that I do not know the first thing about cars. Some from my friends have the knowledge but it doesn't help me, so it is on purpose vague.

One thing that is not vague though. :)

He will be very sad when he destroys it in some investigation because it required years of saving to be able to buy. Hopefully such situation can be avoided....

May I be so bold as to suggest the 760Li V12? It is part of the BMW 7 series which is their flagship car. The factory model comes with 544 horse power and 550ft pounds of torque. It can do 0-100kms in 4.6 seconds. I don't know how custmizable the vehicle is but it starts out pretty good. A full sized sedan, it still has plenty of room for luxury as well as power and speed. Of course, you're going to pay, and pay large for such a car.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by sasha »

Character Data
    Name: Scotty McGee.
    Alignment: Scrupulous (mostly).
    R.C.C.: Ordinary Person.
    Occupation: Auto mechanic, mostly 4x4 custom work, former Spook and Army NCO.
    Reason for involvement: Sense of duty.

    I.Q. 13.
    M.A. 7.
    M.E. 10.
    P.S. 26.
    P.P. 12.
    P.E. 22.
    P.B. 11.
    Spd. 11.
    Hit Points: 60.
    S.D.C.: 60.
    P.P.E.: 2.
    Eyes: Brown.
    Hair: Brown.
    Beard: Brown with grey and red here and there.
    Height: 6'2".
    Weight: 215 pounds.
    Disposition: Very friendly but he has to grow on you, which is a frightening thought to most people. He is genuinely outgoing and selfless but demonstrates his compassion through severe and vulgar teasing.
    Physical Description: Grizzly Adams is the perfect description for Scotty, physically speaking. However, he has recently buzz cut his hair and shaved his beard down to a heavy 5 o'clock shadow while operating in the Caribbean/Atlantic Ocean.

    Athletics (General)
    Auto Mechanic (98%)
    Automobile (98%)
    Basic Electronics (75%)
    Basic Mechanics (90%)
    Body Building
    Canoeing (98%)
    Computer Operation (88%)
    Detect Ambush (80%)
    Detect Concealment (75%)
    Electronic Countermeasures (75%)
    Fishing (98%)
    General Repair (90%)
    Intelligence (70%)
    Interrogation (75%)
    Kayaking (98%)
    Law (General) (75%)
    Locksmith (75%)
    Military Etiquette (90%)
    Motorcycle/ATV/Snowmobile (80%)
    Munitions Expert (80%)
    Navigation (85%)
    Physical Labour
    Radio: Basic (98%)
    Roadwise (60%)
    Sensory Equipment (70%)
    Skin and Prepare Hides (98%)
    Streetwise (50%)
    Streetwise: Weird (45%)
    Surveillance (90%)
    Swim (98%)
    Truck (86%)
    Undercover Operations (90%)
    W.P. Assault Rifle
    W.P. Blunt
    W.P. Handgun
    W.P. Knife
    W.P. Paired Weapons
    W.P. Shotgun
    W.P. Targeting (Grenade throwing)
    Weapons Engineer (70%)

    Expert, level 7.
    5 Attacks

    +3 Perception Rolls
    +9 Save vs Horror Factor
    +1 Save vs Magic
    +4 Parry
    +4 Dodge
    +3 Roll
    +4 Pull
    +2 Strike
    +2 Disarm
    Critical on 18, 19, or 20
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by sasha »

Frank rounds out my characters over there. If you want to write a War Story for him, just run it by me first.... either road, here's his character sheet.

Frank Brimstone

Real Name: Unknown.
Lazlo Society Handle: Frank Brimstone.

R.C.C.: Night hunter.
Occupation: Finder of Lost Souls.
Alignment: Scrupulous.

I.Q. 10.
M.E. 14.
M.A. 5.
P.S. 26.
P.P. 19.
P.E. 24.
P.B. 4.
Spd. 18.

Hit Points: 50.
S.D.C.: 54.
I.S.P.: 17.
P.P.E.: 6.
Experience level: 7.
Age: Unknown, probably 30.

Birth order: Does not know and it's not important anyway.

Reason for involvement: Calling, and I cannot back away from it. The Frank that existed before the Calling is dead and ancient history. Nevermind his successful Navy career and booming Information Systems business he was running from his home. Pre-Calling Frank is so dead, post-Calling Frank doesn't even know how to swim or S.C.U.B.A. anymore.

Family history: Unknown and it's not important anyway.

Disposition: Rather militant and religious fellow. He delights in taking down monsters, a calling given to him by the Most High - his hope and faith is the source of his powers and abilities. If were to ever lose hope or faith he would lose his powers, or so he believes.

Physical description: Powerful build; 6'2", 212 pounds. Frank has large powerful hands which are covered in scars from various knife fights and being bitten by creatures of various stripes, including humans. Frank's face has a long thick scar on the left cheek and a goatee in the style of Vladimir Lenin. His hair is cropped short in a military cut and is dark brown with tints of dark red when the light catches it. His goatee is much more red than it is brown, especially when the lights hit it. His eyes are black and his facial features are somewhat square-ish, which is consistent with his powerful, muscular build.

He has three scars from being shot: one on the front of his right shoulder and another on the back indicating where where the bullet entered his body and subsequently left his body - note that they do not line up as the bullet was deflected by shattering of his collar bone. There are some scars as a result of the surgery replacing the bone with metal bits. The third scar is on his stomach off to the right where the bullet struck and stayed. Surgery removed the bullet and yet another scar as a result of that operation. There are various other scars on his legs. There is a long one that goes diagonal from his left breast to his right shoulder from a claw slash.

Frank also has far too many tattoos to keep track of. They are all about fighting the Demon Hoarde: angels and rather gruesome scenes of demons being destroyed by a swordsman (Frank). Although many of them have become obscured by the all the scarring.

A recent fight with a wall crawler left most of his right arm eaten by acid removing the flesh and tattoos completely, but he was healed. The flesh is grotesque looking but perfectly normal but probably won't accept more tattoos.

Character story: There are times when Frank works with another devotee, Sam, a sensitive. The woman he believes to be an angel he calls Victoria is a psychic-healer. He is so convinced of it that he doesn't from where she comes or where she goes; he just knows that she's there to heal him when he's wounded. It's possible both exist only his head, he wouldn't know one way or the other. While there are people who have met Frank, nobody besides Frank has ever met Sam or Victoria.

>= 12 save vs psychic attack.
+4 save vs possession.
+6 save vs magic.
+18% save vs coma/death.
+2 Perception Rolls.
+9 save vs Horror Factor.
+5 save vs poison.

Special abilities:
Mechanical aptitude (use psi-mechanic devices, assist psi-mechanics).
Intuitive weapon knowledge (can build five of each special equipment).
Fire an empty gun (35 minutes).
Spirit fist (2D6 +13).
Intuitive combat (14 melee rounds; see section below).

Intuitive combat: (when active, use these)
+7 initiative.
+5 strike.
+6 parry.
+9 dodge.
+9 pull punch.
+5 roll.
+4 disarm.
Cannot be caught by surprise.

Combat skills: (Commando)
5 attacks per melee.
+4 initiative.
+4 strike.
+5 dodge.
+3 automatic dodge.
+5 parry.
+5 pull punch.
+3 roll.
+2 disarm.
+1 body flip/throw.
+13 damage.

Psychic powers:
Open locks.
Stop bleeding (self).
Telekinetic leap.
Demon punch.
Summon inner strength.
Resist pain.
Impervious to fire.

Basic mechanics (85%).
Intelligence (66%).
Detect ambush (80%).
First aid (95%).
Military etiquette (90%).
Physical labour.
Prowl (65%).
Radio: Basic (98%).
Sniper (+2 aimed shots).
Tracking (80%).
Wilderness survival (90%).

Weapon proficiencies:
Paired weapons.
Knife (+3 strike, +3 parry).
Sword (+3 strike, +3 parry).
Handguns (+3 strike).
Rifles (+4 strike).
Heavy military weapons (+3 strike).

Ghost sword (3D6 + 27 damage) - 2x (Chinese broadswords).
Ecto-slaying shotgun (1D6 +7 damage).
Ghost armour (108 S.D.C. when activated).
Ghost gun.
Ghost goggles.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Jefffar »

I've never stated up Hannah or Ron, though I'm assuming most of you all have figured out by now that Ron is from the Ghost Hunter class.

Hannah's a bit of a mystery as she's not really from the current BTS system. She's actually based on the Channeller class from the Nightbane book Through the Glass Darkly.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

Jefffar wrote:I've never stated up Hannah or Ron.

Which is why neither of them can actually die. No stats.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Much like Ron, I don't "stat" my NPCs or Lazlo characters much either. I only recently rolled up my revised version of Ben & Azrael. 1) who has the time :? and 2) to me it seems when I roll up the character it seems to make it two-dimensional for me.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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The characters that I use are from actual games, that's why they have stats. And histories. It's impossible for them to be 2-dimensional, unless I fail them on the forums (it's quite a different format from what I'm used to). :)
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I see stats as the foundation upon which everything else is built. If you have just stats, than you don't have a fleshed out character. That is why you add background and story, to make them more 'real'. Having stats for a character has never detracted anything from that characters story or background or made them less three-dimensional. I can't see how adding anything takes anything away.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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It does mean that if you come across an adventure requiring something you don't have, you can't just say you have it. Not that anybody's checking, of course.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I imagine most players are self-policing in that regard.
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I'm adding Maddie's character here as she is involved with a lot of plots both in the Regular Lazlo timeline and the WWVLD thread.


A lot of Maddie's history is unknown to her. This is due largely to her rather unique 'origin'. Most of what she does know about her past, Maddie has learned from other sources. From what she's been told, she was once a princess in hell. She came to earth, either on a mission or to explore or perhaps just for a bit of fun.

Whatever it was that brought her to earth, she apparently ran afoul of a married dual of demon slayers and their fallen angel ally. While more than a match for either of the demon hunters alone or together, their supernatural comrade was able to tip the balance of power in their favor. Thus she was defeated and slain.

Her essence could feel the pull back to Dyval as soon as her physical body had been destroyed. But something caused it to pause. The woman demon hunter was pregnant. Invoking a survival talent of her kind, she possessed the unborn fetus, destroying the native essence in the process.

Something unexpected happened when Maddie merged with the unborn child. What she had not known was that the child was not the demon slayers husbands, but rather that of the fallen angel. So while the possession was successful, Maddie's previous identity was entirely wiped out in the process. Everything including her former true name was forever lost in the process.

Nine months later, Mrs Winters gave birth to a baby girl. She appeared to be a perfectly normal human girl. The Winters' gave her the name that would become her new true name. As was tradition in the family, the two middle names were left off of official documents as a foil against sympathetic magics.

Maddie had a pretty normal life right up until she reached the age of 12. Then she started to change. Not just in the ways that the girls around her were, but in other, more disturbing ways. For one, she found that for a few moments at dawn and at dusk, she would transform uncontrollably. The form she assumed frightened her. She had read some of her parents books and recognized that she was some sort of infernal. How this could be was a mystery to her. Aware of what her parents did for a living before she was born, there was no way she felt she could tell either one of them.

This went on for several years and as time went on, she started discovering more of her special abilities. First to manifest were her natural abilities, then her psionic abilities. By the time she was sixteen, she found that she was able to practice magic as well. Spells would just appear in her mind and then she would be able to cast them. Last to appear were her dimensional spanning abilities.

All during this time, she kept her nature and abilities a secret from everybody and continued to do her best to live a normal life. It was an easy feat for a teenaged girl to arrange to be in a bathroom at dusk and dawn. Thus she was surprised when one day a strange man approached her, wanting to talk.

She recognized him as a friend of her parents from the days before she was born so she agreed to go with him and talk. He told her that she was the result of an illicit union between himself and her mother. He had known that the unborn child was his from the moment of conception. He regretted his past sin and felt that it should not reflect on an innocent child so had parted ways with her parents after their last battle together.

By now, he had realized that she must be going through changes and that her true nature must have revealed itself to her by now. So he decided to seek her out, to teach and guide her in the use of her power for righteous purposes.

On a whim, she transformed into her Deevil form in front of him.

In a rage, he struck out at her. He had nearly killed her when he relented. “Of course,” he said, wiping away a tear. “This is my punishment for my sins.” Then he explained to her, by what process she had come to exist. With that, he departed.

Maddie was confused, hurt and angry. So she went home to speak with her parents. She transformed in front of both of them and told them what she had learned from the fallen angel.

Her father flew into a rage. He yelled at both of them for nearly an hour before finally taking off out the door. In tears, Maddie's mother explained to her that while she loved her husband, she had found their friend and ally to be irresistible- and it wasn't like she didn't try. But eventually, she succumbed to his advances.

Then she accused Maddie of being the cause of all this. After all, she was the one who had possessed her unborn child all those years ago. She was the one who had secretly lived in their house all these years, just waiting for the perfect moment to take her revenge. But this time Mrs Winters would kill her and make sure her misbegotten soul was banished back to hell.

For the second time that day, Maddie was beaten to within an inch of her life. She was only saved when her father returned home, drunk. He saw his wife attacking his daughter and something inside him snapped. He killed his wife, and when that was done, told Maddie to leave and never return.

From then on, Maddie has been on her own. She has explored other worlds and dimensions but always feels compelled to return to earth. She believes (correctly) that due to the unique nature of her rebirth, earth has become her new home dimension.

She is a creature in conflict with herself. She knows what she is, having met other Deevils in her travels. But she has never been to Dyval itself. For some reason she is hesitant to go there. Still, she carries out the will of the masters of hell on earth. Even then, she restricts herself to attacking demons from Hades and their minions. Due to the minion war that is currently waging, her activities have met with approval by other Deevils operating on Earth. They believe her to be a truly devoted Deevil, fighting the good fight against the enemy. Those who know of her rebirth, applaud her for a most sinister revenge indeed. Thus, many of her eccentricities have gone unnoticed or been overlooked.

The first is that Maddie has never harmed, much less killed an innocent human. The only humans she has harmed or killed were willing minions, working with the demons from Hades. She is still evil and has no compunctions about ruining, tormenting or harassing humans but she always stops short of killing those who do not serve demonic powers. Even then, most of her schemes are not violent in nature. They involve spying, subterfuge and theft among other clandestine operations.

Another eccentricity is that she often willingly works with humans. She finds them fascinating and even useful. Even when being mean to those around her, she is, in her own way, only playing. One of her favourite 'games' is letting a lovers spouse catch them in bed together. Then she'll leave the lover, telling them, “hey, it was just sex.”

Games aside, she is a creature of her word. She has an almost obsessive compulsion to honor any promise or bargain she's made, no matter who it is with. How much she twists that promise depends on how much she likes or respects the being to whom it was made.

The truth is, Maddie is the result of her upbringing. Her parents instilled in her a hatred of demons. And deep down inside, having been raised among humans, by humans, to be human, has made her more like other humans than her fellow Deevils. Sure she's evil, but she relates far better with humans than she does her own kind. Sometimes, when no one is watching, she even does a good deed. But don't tell anyone, or she'll ruin you.
*Just Maddie now. :P Age: 30 R.C.C. Nexus Deevil
Alignment: Aberrant Rank: Princess from Hell
Armor: Type: None
Attributes: Hit Points: 86/ S.D.C.:72/ I.S.P.: 281/ P.P.E.: 410/ A.R.-12 Horror Factor: 14
I.Q.- 19
M.E.- 20
M.A.- 25
P.S.- 20
P.P.- 18
P.E.- 18
P.B.- 24
SPD.- 50
Height: 5ft 8inchs Weight: 150lbs Sex: Female Race: Deevil
Disposition: Tough, smart, inquisitive, resourceful, creative, quick thinking, and supremely arrogant.
Level of Experience: 8th
R.C.C. Skills: Barter-98%, Find Contraband-69%, Lore: Dimensions-98%, Lore Demons and Monsters-79%, Disguise-79%, Horsemanship: Exotic-84%/69%, Imitate Voices and Sounds-79%/69%, Impersonation-89%, Intelligence-95%, Interrogation-79%, Mathematics: Basic-98%, Palming-89%, Pick Pockets-85%, Prowl-74%, Undercover Ops-89%, Seduction-97%, Streetwise-95%, Tailing-98%, Wilderness Survival-89%, W.P. Sword, W.P. Archery, Computer Operation-80%, Computer Programming-70%, Computer Hacking-55%, Pilot Automobile-79%, Literacy: English-70%, Cook-75%, Dance-75%
Natural Abilities: Supernatural strength and endurance, night vision 300ft, breathe without air, magically understands and speaks all languages 90%, bio-regenerate 2D6 per melee round and dimensional teleport (self)-98%, metamorphosis: human (special; can only assume a single human form), powers of dimensional travel (the world to which a rift was last opened, any world she has visited herself more than once, Dyval and Hades for 90 P.P.E. for 8 rounds, open portal on the same world for 35 P.P.E., dimensional teleport home-the BtS world for Maddie +25 P.P.E. per person, communication rift for 25 P.P.E., sense rifts
Vulnerabilities: Wood, bone, silver or iron do damage in an M.D.C. setting as though they were M.D.C. weapons. They do double damage in S.D.C. settings.
Combat: 6 attacks per round, +3 to initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +2 to disarm and pull punch, +1 to roll with punch, +2 spell strength, +4 to perception rolls, +6 vs horror factor, +3 vs mind control and possession, +1 to all other saving throws.
Magic: Calling (4), Chameleon (6), Distant Voice (5), D-Step (15), Dimensional Portal (300), Escape (8), Mark of Deceit (15), Lantern Light (1), Ley Line Transmission (9), Teleport: Lesser (6), Words of Truth (15), Blinding Flash (1), Cloud of Smoke (2), Decipher Magic (4), Globe of Daylight (2), Befuddle (6), Darkness (6), Mystic Alarm (5), Armor of Ithan (10), Blind (8), Carpet of Adhesion (10), Magic Net (7), Multiple Image (7), Seal (7), Charm (12), Escape (8), Heal Wounds (10), Sleep (10), Call Lightning (15), Fire Ball (10), Impervious to Energy (20), Magic Pigeon (20), Constrain (Supernatural) Being (20), Dispel Magic Barriers (20), Heal Self (20), Exorcism (30), Locate (30), Love Charm (40), Negate Magic (30), Stone to Flesh (30), Wisps of Confusion (40), Mute (50), Banishment (65), Dimensional Pocket (30 or 140), Mystic Portal (60), Remove Curse (140), Time Hole (210), Create Scroll (140), Summon Greater Familiar (80)
Psionics: Considered a master psychic. Read Dimensional Portal (6), See Aura (6), See the Invisible (4), Sense Dimensional Anomaly (4), Sense Magic (3), Sense Time (2), Empathy (4), Telepathy (4), Detect Psionics (6), Clairvoyance (4), Object Read (6), Mind Block (4), Hypnotic Suggestion (6), Empathic Transmission (6), Mind Bond (10), Mind Wipe (special), Invisible Haze (30), Mental Illusion (20)
One last secret: Maddie was indeed a princess back in Hell. That is why she is more powerful than a typical Nexus Deevil. The possession of a being that was already half supernatural itself, allowed her to retain that power after rebirth. But she didn't get that power by being more skillful, powerful or ambitious than other Nexus Deevils. She got it by being the consort of a Lord of Hell. While he is used to her prolonged absences and approves of her work against the demons on earth, it is only a matter of time before he comes looking for her...

*Editted by the powers of Heck.
Last edited by Cybermancer on Wed Mar 14, 2012 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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This post previously held the character for 'Cybermancer'. Look down thread for the updated and current version.
Last edited by Cybermancer on Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:23 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Shinitenshi wrote:I have Kimiko "Kimi" Kern on there but I don't go on much.

Someone mentioned having floor plans was not common, I have floor plans for at least 20 of my characters houses, apartments, as well as businesses. Since I am not an artist, I map out their living/working quarters instead :)

That is just so awesome. :)

I like mapping out houses and secret bases myself but I'm not really very good at it.

I'm afraid I don't recognize the name Kimiko or Kimi. Ever think about posting more often?
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Shinitenshi wrote:
Cybermancer wrote:
Shinitenshi wrote:I have Kimiko "Kimi" Kern on there but I don't go on much.

Someone mentioned having floor plans was not common, I have floor plans for at least 20 of my characters houses, apartments, as well as businesses. Since I am not an artist, I map out their living/working quarters instead :)

That is just so awesome. :)

I like mapping out houses and secret bases myself but I'm not really very good at it.

I'm afraid I don't recognize the name Kimiko or Kimi. Ever think about posting more often?

I originally went on there to try play out a scenario with my players but couldn't figure out how to do it. The site actually confuses me, and I couldn't figure out how to do what I wanted to do on it.

Perhaps I can help. What is it you wanted to do and what would you like to do with the site? Also, what about the site confuses you?
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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It's a bit of each Shini.

Mostly I post in character and crate stories by myself or collaboratively with other posters.

Other posters use this as their game log of sorts.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Most of them are open, but if not sure you can always send a PM to the original poster to check.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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My apologies Shinitenshi,

I should have replied to your inquiries sooner. Everything that Jefffar has said is accurate.

I have created a thread to assist people new to the Lazlo site.

I'll offer some new advice at the bottom of it.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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This is a rough sketch of my main (and currently, only) Lazlo PC. Rather than do a full character sheet, I'm just doing a relatively bare bones description that anyone who meets her or chats her up could attest to.

Name: Melissa Albrecht
Lazlo Alias: Gotham Witch
Alias: Melissa, Mel
OCC: For the moment, I use the Sorcerer OCC from Nightbane/Through the Glass Darkly.
Level of Experience: Mid
Occupation: Arcane Consultant and Investigator, part time photographer and freelance artist.
Alignment: Scrupulous
Reason for Involvement in Paranormal: Mystical Lineage, lots of close encounters. Why wouldn't she?
Family History: Second of Two Children. Those in the 'know' would be aware she shares a name with one Jon Albrecht, noted arcanist who disappeared 10-12 years ago.

Attributes and Skills:
IQ: 15
ME: 18
MA: 14
PS: 13
PP: 14
PE: 13
PB: 15
Spd: 19

Notable Skills: Lore Demons and Monsters, Magic, and Religion, fluency in Spanish, Italian, German, and Latin, Holistic Medicine, Hand to Hand: Basic, Photography, Art (Painting and Drawing mostly), History and Anthropology.

Basic Information
Age: 25
Ht: 5'9
Wt: 135
Build: Somewhat thin
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Pale Caucasian
Hair: Brunette, shoulder length, somewhat wavy.

Description: Melissa can be described as somewhat on the willowy side, though she is not especially thin nor tall. Her wavy brunette hair tends to be either hanging free at the shoulders to frame her deep blue eyes or tied back in an elaborate (or not) ponytail. She is partial to fashionable clothing and has a fair number of trendy dresses, though her most common attire is a thigh/hip length leather jacket, jeans, and boots.

Features of Note: An arcane symbol consisting of a circle in heavy black ink encompassing a triangle and a second circle sits atop her left hand. Script of an unknown origin can be seen inscribed along the inner-circumference of the outer circle. She usually passes it off as a 'new age' or 'tribal' tattoo when asked.

Disposition: For the most part quiet, Melissa often comes off as reserved, somber or stiff. None of those are particularly true, but her build (tall, dark featured, and pale) and general desire to listen rather than speak make her seem more distant than she actually is. Amongst friends, she is quite friendly and compassionate, and can be quite playful. From time to time, she shows hints of cynical introspection and inherited sarcasm from her father. Despite not being the most vocal of people, she tends to make friends and acquaintances relatively easily.

Other Information:
Home town: West Hempstead, New York.
Current Resistance: Chelsea, Manhattan (formerly SoHo - a few house invasions and some destroyed property has resulted in her wisely moving).
Political Affiliations: Publicly 'non political'. Privately typical 20-somes progressive.
Religious Beliefs: Agnostic and cynical. Raised Methodist, but familiar with Roman Catholic and most major Christian traditions. So far, she thinks only Sufis and Buddhists got it right.
Alma Mater: UMass, double BA History/Art, minor in Anthropology.
Quirks: Tends to drink a fair amount and keep late hours. Also, in typical New Yorker fashion, she hates driving.
Social Connections: Well acquainted with her neighbors and a good share of business owners/customers in her neighborhood. Magically, she is reasonably well acquainted with members from the local magical organizations, but remains unaffiliated. Tends to make acquaintances easily.
Last edited by Hibik on Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:37 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

Unread post by Cybermancer »

I'd been wondering why Joe hadn't been posting lately.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Due to the events in the WWVLD and the Red Vs. Blue threads over at the Lazlo Society, Cybermancer has under gone a bit of a total ret-con.

Character Notes:

The individual who started the Cybermancer account was a mutant human from another dimension. Both a time traveller and explorer of dimensions, that individual came to the Lazlo universe originally looking to make some measurements. One thing led to another and he stuck around for a bit, interacting with the other various members of the Lazlo board.

Then one winters solstice during an eclipse he took a journey through time and space that would forever change him. Trapped in this other time line, he endeavoured to set right what once went wrong. Eventually he succeeded with the help of others both familiar and alien.

As the time line began to reassert itself, two things happened. First, Cybermancer returned to the original time line, protected from the change by his various devices. At the same time, a powerful entity acted to 'save him' by binding him to a world and time that would be otherwise be alien to him. Thus, for awhile there were two Cybermancers. One who had come from another world and another who had been born as a native to the Lazlo world.

Eventually the two became aware of one another. They would learn that they both shared certain memories (the events in the dark mirror time line for example) and had memories all their own as well. The original remembered his home world while the 'native' one remembered growing up in this world.

The original, the visitor, has moved on. He is in a better place now. In his place is a man who was born to the world with memories and history that are unique to him. He has taken up the mantle and log in of "Cybermancer" on the Lazlo Society.

Despite arguably being 'newer', this Cybermancer has a great deal of experience dealing with the paranormal and the unusual. While not quite the dimensional explorer that his predecessor was, he has still seen other worlds and retains the means to continue his explorations.

Binding Cybermancer to the world has had other changes as the man cannot exist in a void. While he has always had family, now he has family present in the Lazlo world. His personal history also means that he has friends, colleagues and even enemies present as well. One of the last things the 'old' Cybermancer did before moving on was to ensure that this 'new' one did not have to deal with certain powerful enemies that might otherwise have plagued him.

Matthew Knight Age: *Unknown. Looks to be in his 30's. PCC Genius
“Cybermancer” or “Daedalus”

Alignment: Unprincipled Rank: Currently a free agent.
Armor: Type: Varies. Concealed or Class 4 Hard Armor
Attributes: Hit Points: 57/ S.D.C.: 18/ P.P.E.: 2/
I.Q.- 29 +15% to all skills. Actual I.Q.-290.
M.E.- 22 +4 vs. psionics, +5 vs. insanity
M.A.- 15
P.S.- 14 Carry 140 lbs and lift 280 lbs
P.P.- 13
P.E.- 12 Carry maximum load for 48 minutes, 24 minutes while running/fighting
P.B.- 15
SPD.- 13 Run 260 yards a minute or 65 yards a melee.

Height: 6ft 2inchs Weight: 185 lbs Sex: Male Race: Human
Birth Order: Third of Four Family Ties: Parents: Dead Land of Origin: Canada
Social Background: Upper middle class Childhood Environment: Medium City
Family History with the Paranormal: God-father is an Arcanist. Sister is a psychic.
Reason for Paranormal Investigation: Personal interest combined with numerous encounters throughout his adventuring career.
Disposition: Nice guy, friendly, courteous and hospitable. Analytical, logical and calculating. Has a very clinical outlook on life, evaluating every little detail while considering how everything fits together. For any given aspect of his life he has a plan, three backup plans and numerous contingencies. When required, he can also be very ruthless in executing those plans although his actions are always weighed in the balance of both short and long term consequences. He is also very hard working, putting in 10-12 hour days. Finally, he is courageous, willing to put his life on the line for things he believes in.
Level of Experience: 13th

Common Skills: Mathematics: Basic-98%, Speak English-98%, Read/Write English-98%,

Occupation Skills: Computer Operation-98%, Technical Writing-98%, Cryptography-98%, History-98%/98%, Speak French-98%, Literacy: French-98%, Research-98%, Public Speaking-98%, Wardrobe and Grooming-98%, Artificial Intelligence-98%, Genetics-98%, Mathematics: Advanced-98%, Astrophysics-98%

Elective Skills: Computer Repair-98%, Electrical Engineer-98%, Robot Electronics-98%, Mechanical Engineer-98%, Robot Mechanics-98%, Biology-98%, Chemistry-98%, Chemistry: Analytical-98%, Computer Programming-98%

Secondary Skills: First Aid-98%, Hand to Hand: Basic, Pilot Automobile-98%, W.P. Sword (11th) Climbing-98%/95%, W.P. Handguns, (7th) Radio: Basic-95%, W.P. Rifles, (3rd) Swim-75%, Fencing

Combat: 6 attacks per melee, +1 to initiative, +2 to strike, +1 disarm, +3 to parry, +3 dodge, +4 roll with punch/fall/explosion, +4 to pull punch, +2 to damage, Critical on natural 19-20 or from behind, Knockout from behind. Punch (1D4+2), Karate Kick (2D4+2), Snap Kick (1D6+2), Body Flip/Throw (1D6+2),

Occupation: Engineer/Scientist
Income: $500,000 a year from various patents and royalties.

*Matthew is physically 38 years old but has about ten additional years of memories.

*Edit* Due to a recent encounter, Matt has had his speed reduced by two points and now walks with a slight limp. He also uses a cane now.

Also, age increased due to recent birthday.
Last edited by Cybermancer on Wed Jun 13, 2012 4:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Petite Elfgirl wrote:How's Robyn coping with the "new" Cybermancer?

She's coping by leaving with the "old" one. Her loyalties are clear. For the most part I'm going to let that alt go inactive.

Sometime this summer, I plan to kill off another alt. Maybe two. Hopefully it'll be sad. :D
I was raised to beleive if you can't say something nice about a person, say nothing at all. This has led to living a very quiet life.

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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Writeup of a character I was going to start playing soon.

Name: She isn't telling
Lazlo Alias: Sparks
Alias: Sparks, Lana (if you know her well enough)
OCC: Fire Walker.
Level of Experience: Low
Occupation: Part time bartender, struggling musician.
Alignment: Mostly Scrupulous.
Reason for Involvement in Paranormal: Annoying curiosity and sense of thrillseeking. Also an obligation to do the right thing, but she'd never tell anyone that.
Family History: Third of Four Children.

Attributes and Skills:
IQ: 13
ME: 12
MA: 14
PS: 18
PP: 19
PE: 13
PB: 17
Spd: 17

Notable Skills: Play Instrument: Guitars, Dance, Impersonation, Lore Demons and Monsters, Mythology, Automotive Mechanics, Pilot Automobile and Motorcycle, Boxing, and fluency in English and spoken Russian.

Basic Information
Age: 23
Ht: 5'8
Wt: 143
Build: Athletically trim
Eye Color: Steel blue
Complexion: Pale Caucasian
Hair: Dirty blonde naturally. Almost always keeps it short and dyed something non-natural.

Description: Sparks, as she will always introduce herself, a young Caucasian woman of probable Slavic descent, with well defined facial features and steel blue eyes. She is physically quite fit with nary any body fat, suggesting a very active lifestyle. Her hair is almost always cut short and often spiked, and usually dyed anything from bright red to neon blue and pastel pink.

Features of Note: Most of her left arm and part of her right is tattooed with various motifs, including but not limited to a band of fire, an Orthodox cross, Red Riding Hood, and a Melusine,

Disposition: Sparks tends to be a very savvy sort, more keen to be a listener than a talker - unless she's on stage or someone started talking about motorcycles, music, or politics. This coy, know more than you say demeanor conceals strong compassion for others mixed with an oft mercurial, volatile nature and mischievous streak. When she's riled up, she can be very passionate when gushing about something she likes, and very stubborn and heated when it comes to a debate. As a whole, she's reasonably good at keeping herself in check.

Other Information:
Home town: Pikesville, Maryland
Current Resistance: Cobble Hill, Brooklyn.
Political Affiliations: While wishing that anarchist was a legitimate political stance, she is happy to be so far left that she makes Denis Kucinich look like Reagan.
Religious Beliefs: Raised Russian Orthodox. Quietly spiritual, but openly cynical of clergy.
Alma Mater: Temple University, Music with minor in religion (mythology).
Quirks/Habits: Keeps a knife and a lighter on her at all times. She usually keeps a pack of cigarettes on her, but will rarely ever finish them.
Social Connections: Is well connected with the NYC music scene, and knows someone in about every bar in New York City.
Spirit Animal: Kim Deal.
Last edited by Hibik on Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:53 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Lazlo Society Persona's/Characters

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Nice character, H. Is this character being introduced for any specific storyline, or are you just breaking in a new role?

I myself am rather tempted right now to bring in an updated character of a Golden Aged comic book character who is now in the public domain, the Buzzard.
Currently recruiting for Beyond the Supernatural games in 2019 which I am running on Discord: voice, text, and play-by-post. Here is the non-expiring server invite link: 418BQSLG

“All would be well. All would be heavenly— If the damned would only stay damned.”
-- Charles Fort, The Book of the Damned, 1913

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