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Re: Question about the Omega Blaster.

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2004 1:58 pm
by Carmen
There is a typo there that slipped through, it should just read once per melee, that is the only limit on it. :lol: Carmen

Re: Question about the Omega Blaster.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 7:06 pm
by Guest

so you could fire that thing every melee round...


i think i will stick with once per hour...

i have a low powered N&SS game with dashes of Hu2 (new SuperSoldiers, Eugenics, and a Minor Human Immortal with no super powers, but a manslaying indestructible katana, and zanji shinjenken ryu, who must kill 10,000 men before his body will stop regenerating)

i was using minor eugenics guys for NPC baddies working for the Super Organization that modified my girlfriends character against her will...

they would be "The Cleaners" and have a 3.5 million budget, so combat:motorhead, adrenaline boost, steroid boost, bone blade, and omega blaster (a great way to get rid of a body, bathe it in 100 S.D.C. damage heat blasts til its gone)

Re: Question about the Omega Blaster.

Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 12:55 pm
by Guest
kudo's on noticing...

does it make him less cool to play with?

nope, fraid not.

was manji the name, ive just seen the blade of the immortal series in a couple of stores and between the new classes the idea has already been in my head (i loved the mega immortal power, but oft used it without the mega hero add on's)

btw, anyone know how to pronounce 10,000 dead men in japanese-glish (i.e. shaku, tachi, shinba, etc, etc, i was looking for a cool name for him or the sword)