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Grim Dark Rifts - Wormwood - Discord required.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:14 pm
by Xulld
Looking for players for a discord RPG group. #Rifts, #Wormwood, #Pyscape, #Phaseworld, #skyrapers, #Cyberpunk, #Lovecraft
Adults only: grim dark dystopian sci-fi fantasy. We will be making great use of the Megaverse, those listed above are just a sample.
Game philosophy: I love creative types who ask lots of questions about the game setting, the physical location, and use that information to make wise decisions based on what their characters know. Now we are not our characters, its a team effort between the GM and the player to conceptualize what the character knows. The GM owns the setting and part of what we know as individuals is experienced through a life time of interactions that cannot be summarized into a notecard or character sheet.
Roleplaying is more important than any bonus or extra attack, by far. XP will be rewarded as normal but bonuses are heavily slanted toward good role playing.
I do not create on rails games, the setting, the NPC's, current events, politics all create opportunities for the characters. The interaction between Player motivation and NPC motivations creates the adventures. I am a heavy reader and pull complex characters from the many science fiction and fantasy novels I read. All players in any active session will be expected to pick an alignment that helps progress the game for everyone.
I heavily encourage each player to help me develop the game, its a collaborative experience and if done right we can make a very special experience for everyone. That is my goal, always. In that light I need players who want to contribute and that means we create reasons for the group to stay together when needed to smooth the game experience and limit the number of scenes. If we design good characters to begin with, this becomes easy. Alignment matters, obviously, but more than that, aligning the motivations of the group matters more. For good role playing we need good scenes.
Character trees: Using character trees allows each player to take ownership over more of the game territory, this creates a positive feedback and a richer game experience for everyone. If you want, if you feel ready, and are committed to upping the ante you will be allowed to create multiple characters all who know and relate in the story. Each of those characters will have NPC associations and when the campaign progresses along far enough this allows the group to participate in EPIC events changing the course of the Megaverse. Think Squads of Main Characters™ with companies of NPC's.
How are games run: Each game is broken up into scenes and the GM starts each new session with cards laying out the characters who are in that scene with notes as to where we left off. We are very good at creating creative reasons to bring in or exit characters, do not sweat this.. At the end of each session 5-10 minutes will be given to make notes for where your character left off in the scene.
To make the game more enjoyable and less grindy each player will be allowed to design up to 3-6 characters from low to epic level. This also allows you to participate in more scenes.
If you cannot make a session your character will be removed from the scene via creative reasons unless you allow the GM to NPC that character. You will never be made play a character or force progression.
Obviously the more days you show up you can play in more scenes and progress your characters and participate in more Epic Adventures!
The game takes place Saturday or Sunday Afternoon twice monthly. I will put up schedules each month and of course its negotiable if we have more players in an active scene already we will obviously heavily favor placing the day when those players can show up. The game lasts 2 hours with 1 hour early session to develop characters, ask questions, be creative, shoot the poop.
Right now we are deeply exploring Rifts Earth, Pyscape, and Wormwood however I encourage characters from any source books or materials that can be made to fit.
Looking for 2-6 players at this time. Discord and a microphone is required.

Re: Grim Dark Rifts - Wormwood - Discord required.

Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 8:48 pm
by Xulld
Most games are scheduled 2nd Saturday or Sunday 1PM EST to 6PM EST but as I said above it depends who tells me with confidence who is coming and those players in the most scenes overlapping will get preference. Other days after 4PM EST can also be scheduled but so far its much less likely as most of our regulars are also older folks who work fairly typical 9-5 jobs here on the East Coast.

Re: Grim Dark Rifts - Wormwood - Discord required.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:39 pm
by MDGiest
I am greatly interested in this game. Do you want my Discord name or will you shoot me a link to your channel? How do we start off here?

Re: Grim Dark Rifts - Wormwood - Discord required.

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 4:35 pm
by Xulld
MDGiest wrote: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:39 pm I am greatly interested in this game. Do you want my Discord name or will you shoot me a link to your channel? How do we start off here?
Awesome. PM sent with discord link.