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Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:36 pm
by darthauthor
Can a necromancer use their ability to merge with dead body parts with a staked vampire's parts?

Like getting the ability to use a vampires fangs?

IF they used the spell, "Comsume Power and Knowledge" would a necromancer be able to eat a vampire's parts and gain their usual spell effects?

Well, let't be specific:

The Heart: What happens if a necromancer eats a vampire's heart.

Normally they get:
+3 to save vs Horror Factor
10 S.D.C.
can lift and carry twice as much as normal.
1 hour per level.

Eats the Eyes in the hopes of seeing where the vampire took their victims or recognize their human and vampire (in human form) accomplices.

Eats the Brains in the hopes of remembering where to find the vampire's coven or whom their minions are.

Re: Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:02 am
by Soldier of Od
I don't believe the consume power and knowledge spell would work in this case. The spell says "remove the organ of a dead being" - vampires aren't dead - they are undead.
Sorry, I keep saying your ideas won't work! :D

Re: Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:46 am
by darthauthor
The only thing I feel sorry about is my running with them before finding out they are not supposed to work.

Re: Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:51 am
by darthauthor
Although, I read somewhere that there is a bounty paid on vampire fangs.

So how does that work?

I mean. IF a fang still remains of the vampire does that mean they can re-materialize and come back?

Does it mean the vampire is staked?

I mean. IF the vampire was truly destroyed dead DEAD. Does each and every piece have to have been burned or bathed in water?

Did the state make the mistake of paying for vampire fangs because they only way that vampire fangs can be perserved is by keeping the vampire around?

Re: Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:55 am
by Soldier of Od
darthauthor wrote:The only thing I feel sorry about is my running with them before finding out they are not supposed to work.

I mean, like we always say, feel free to change any rule you don't like - it's your game! :-)

darthauthor wrote:Although, I read somewhere that there is a bounty paid on vampire fangs.

Where? It's a common trope in other fiction, but I don't remember seeing it in any Palladium Books (and I just did a quick search in Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms and Vampire Sourcebook to check).

Re: Necromancer Union of the Dead Vampire parts

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 9:17 am
by darthauthor
I think I remember reading about a bounty on vampire fangs in the Northern Gun books