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Is the War Bird's Speed Attribute Supposed to be Higher?

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 6:16 am
by Giant2005
The War Bird is in Madhaven for any that are unaware of its existence.
The speed listing states that you roll 1d6*10+30, but it also says that equates to 40-100 mph, or 64-160 kmph; which is obviously far faster than what you are rolling.
1d6*10+30 actually equates to a much slower 28-61 mph.
Ordinarily, I'd assume the conversion was just wrong, but it was doubled down on by stating the same value twice, in two different metrics. It seems more likely to have one error, rather than two identical errors.
Interestingly, a roll of 2d6*10+30 equates to 35-105 mph, which is much closer to the listed speeds in the book.
Would you consider that 1d6*10+30 to be a typo, with the intended roll being 2d6*10+30?