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Settings settings

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:33 pm
by Veknironth
Well, rather than keep derailing PalladiumBrony's post I thought I'd make a new one. What sort of settings do you prefer in terms of inequities or societal ills?

Do you prefer the setting close to as written, with all of the societal ills like sexism, racism, classism and all the rest? Or do you prefer a more Utopian version like Gene Roddenberry's vision of an ideal future?

"I prefer the former."

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2022 9:02 pm
by kiralon
I prefer the former, Palladium is what I class as heroic fantasy, The world is fairly dark and the players tend to strive to be the best they can be. The XP tables tend to reflect this as well, so the players tend to be less murder hobo's or more knights in shining armour. Having nothing to fight against would be boring.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 12:55 am
by Warshield73
Prejudice and social disfunction lead to conflict and that is inherently interesting. This is why dystopia is such a major genre. It's also why movies like The Defiant Ones, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner and 12 Angry Men. One of the reasons why the X-Men are so interesting is the prejudice and fear that surrounds mutants.

It is far more interesting to bring a group together where there is mistrust and divergent interests. Put a Wolfen and a human on the same team as an elf and dwarf drop a changeling into the group that nobody trusts and you have lots of avenues for adventure.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:29 am
by Rogerd
You have opened another thread to justify using Palladium's racial hatred and stereotyping in your games.

What the fcuk is wrong you with people?

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:53 am
by Warshield73
Rogerd wrote:You have opened another thread to justify using Palladium's racial hatred and stereotyping in your games.

What the fcuk is wrong you with people?

Racial hatred? Are you a complete lunatic? You can say stereotypes sure, I disagree but valid opinion sure but racial hatred? You're a troll has to be because nobody is this nuts IRL.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:02 am
by Rogerd
Warshield73 wrote:Racial hatred? Are you a complete lunatic? You can say stereotypes sure, I disagree but valid opinion sure but racial hatred? You're a troll has to be because nobody is this nuts IRL.

Can you not read FFS?

Veknironth wrote:Do you prefer the setting close to as written, with all of the societal ills like sexism, racism, classism and all the rest? Or do you prefer a more Utopian version like Gene Roddenberry's vision of an ideal future?

"I prefer the former."

The entire premise of the thread, and I have bolded for significance - where is mentions racism, and racial hatreds exist in Palladium Fantasy, like how the Elves and Dwarves hate one another, and a whole host of others since I read some of the supplements no doubt.

And there is no excuse for justifying this.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 5:23 am
by kiralon
Rogerd wrote:
And there is no excuse for justifying this.

I find it interesting these days that stereotyping and racisms in rpg seems to be a worse crime then running around murderising things. To me racism is bad, but killing is way worse, but i have never seen a thread decrying the wrongness of running around and killing "monster/against your mindset" races.
How many creatures have you killed in rpg, dang that must mean you condone killing.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 5:46 am
by Rogerd
kiralon wrote:
Rogerd wrote:
And there is no excuse for justifying this.

I find it interesting these days that stereotyping and racisms in rpg seems to be a worse crime then running around murderising things. To me racism is bad, but killing is way worse, but i have never seen a thread decrying the wrongness of running around and killing "monster/against your mindset" races.
How many creatures have you killed in rpg, dang that must mean you condone killing.

Complete non sequitur

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:51 am
by The Dark Elf
kiralon wrote:
Rogerd wrote:
And there is no excuse for justifying this.

I find it interesting these days that stereotyping and racisms in rpg seems to be a worse crime then running around murderising things. To me racism is bad, but killing is way worse, but i have never seen a thread decrying the wrongness of running around and killing "monster/against your mindset" races.
How many creatures have you killed in rpg, dang that must mean you condone killing.

Nearly typed the same thing. It's an imaginary world based on what aspects are the most exciting to interact with. Helping those in need is is a basic part of adventures and any prejudice discovered in your games can make for some clear good vs bad encounters/interaction. Most pop culture films, games etc have all these disgusting human traits.
Interacting with the more complex prejudices and stances from both sides can also make for great storytelling (such as in the Attack on Titan series).
Canon Prejudices invoke more plot lines than a utopia IMHO and it is a game where you can adjust as you see fit (but I think it's easier to adjust this way round).

Ive not read anyone condoning IRL prejudice nor (as another in game example) IRL killing or IRL thievery (but most RPGs (TT or VG) have Rogue archetypes).

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 4:51 pm
by Levi
Rogerd wrote:And there is no excuse for justifying this.

I think you are mixing up justifying that something exists with recognizing it exists. Then it would seem you are linking "justifying" its existence with approving of it. Do any of us like that racism, hate, war, or murder exist? Most people don't. But it does. And, these tensions make for good conflict to build story on.

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 5:19 pm
by kiralon
Rogerd wrote:complete non sequitur

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means"

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:02 pm
by Borast
Hmmm...playing a end-up playing a character playing a role in a game.
Utopias are BORING. If you're not a "drone," you're likely to end-up leaving for a more chaotic world...whether you can survive is a separate issue! :lol: (See Robert Heinlein's "Coventry.")

Re: Settings settings

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2022 9:23 pm
by Captain_Nibbz
Surprised that the mods haven't shut this one down. This discussion belongs in Sound Off.