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Looking for gamers on a future Rifts game set on Roll20

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:11 pm
by EltonRobb
Sadly, I can't game face to face, just yet. :x

The game will be set in the New West™. Specifically, Central Utah (Sanpete County). You will need a copy of New West™, Conversion Book One™, and Rifts[sup]®[/sup] Core Rulebook (Classic). I'm leaning on using the original system, since I'll be able to do a Macross II game crossover. But I'm also leaning to Savage Worlds: Rifts (because, you know, balance). Also, I'm still researching and setting things up. Also, I'm looking for Mature players who understand that Fun trumps Balance, which trumps Realism.
Player Information
Player characters would be from one of the towns in Sanpete County, Utah. This basically means Moroni, Ephraim, Manti, or Gunnison. You can choose to be a Member of the Mormon Church, or play a Gentile (non-Mormon).
Races or Species: I try to portray real aliens without stepping on people's Copyright toes. You may choose to be human, wolfen, orc, allosaurian, or elf. If you want to play a different race or D-Bee, check with me first. Nominally, you are allowed to pick from D-Bees of North America™, Conversion Book 1™, and Aliens Unlimited™, but I still have to approve your idea for the game.
Occupational Character Classes: Choose judiciously. Remember, Fun > Balance > Realism. Try to coordinate with the others on making your character. Obviously, magic is one of the themes, so I'm expecting at least one magic user. Since we are playing in the New West™, the Coalition States O.C.C.s are a little out of place.

I've added some house rules for Attribute Generation, taking them from Pathfinder. I still more to add, but I'll think I'll use option 2.