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Robotech Forces & World Government in Robotech Saga

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:53 am
by RobotechMaster
Terms for Robotech Forces & World Government in Robotech Saga

OK, these terms not exactly canon, but basically based on various sources and some fan extrapolation:

First Robotech War:

Goverment: United Nations of Earth Government (UNEG)
Armed Forces: United Nations Defence Forces (UNDF):
- UN Spacy
- UN Army
- UN Navy
- UN Air Force
- UN Marine Corps

Malcontent Uprising / Second Robotech War:

Goverment: United Earth Government (UEG)
Armed Forces: United Earth Defence Forces - Southern Cross Charter (UEDF-SC):
- Tactical Space Corp (TSC & TASC)
- Southern Cross Army
- Southern Cross Navy
- Tactical Air Force
- Civil Defence Corps (CDC / CDAC)
- Global Military Police
- UEDF Marine Corps
- Expeditionary Force (combination of various UEDF units but more emphasis on UEDF Marines)

Third Robotech War:

Goverment: United Earth (Interim) Government - Expeditionary Council (UEG-EF)
Armed Forces: United Earth Expeditionary Forces (UEEF):

- EF Spacy
- EF Army
- EF Aerospace Force
- EF Military Police
- EF Marine Corps

Post Shadow Chronicles:

Goverment: United Earth Government
Armed Forces: United Earth Forces (UEF):
- UE Spacy
- UE Army
- UE Navy (Terrestrial)
- UE Aerospace Force
- UE Marine Corps

Re: Robotech Forces & World Government in Robotech Saga

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2021 6:19 pm
by Seto Kaiba
RobotechMaster wrote:OK, these terms not exactly canon, but basically based on various sources and some fan extrapolation:

Looks to be pretty much all fan extrapolation...

RobotechMaster wrote:First Robotech War:

Goverment: United Nations of Earth Government (UNEG)

Its correct/official name is United Earth Government (UEG) throughout the series.

RobotechMaster wrote:Armed Forces: United Nations Defence Forces (UNDF):
- UN Spacy
- UN Army
- UN Navy
- UN Air Force
- UN Marine Corps

No such branches are actually mentioned in the show or official materials. The armed forces are only ever referred to as the United Earth Defense Forces or Robotech Defense Forces, and the United Earth Expeditionary Force or Robotech Expeditionary Force.

RobotechMaster wrote:Armed Forces: United Earth Defence Forces - Southern Cross Charter (UEDF-SC):

No such branches are given in the series, they're only ever collectively referred to as the "Robotech Defense Force", "United Earth Defense Force", or "Army of the Southern Cross" (which is indicated to be a component of the RDF/UEDF). Technically, just saying there is only one branch as the Army of the Southern Cross would be most correct.

The actual force breakdown in the OSM is often misunderstood by Robotech fan works... the Southern Cross Army has only one branch, and that is Army. Specifically, it's organized along a mildly archaic line as an Army with an Air Corps instead of an organizationally-separate Air Force ala the US Army prior to 1947 or Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces prior to 1954. The Ground Forces are divided into five groups:
  • Tactics Corps - the regular infantry
  • α Tactics Armored Corps - the armored cavalry
  • Cities Defense Unit - exactly what it says on the tin
  • Supply Corps - the quartermaster corps
  • Medical Corps - doctors 'n such
The Southern Cross Army's air corps are divided into six basic operating groups:
  • Tactics Air Force - the regular Army surface flying corps
  • Cities Defense Flying Corps - the flying corps attached to the Cities Defense Unit
  • Tactics Space Corps - the space flying corps
  • Tactics Armored Space Corps - the space flying corps, mecha edition
  • Transport Corps - the air logistical corps
  • Interstellar Transport Corps - the space logistical corps
Then of course there's the Military Police on top of all that.

RobotechMaster wrote:Armed Forces: United Earth Expeditionary Forces (UEEF):

- EF Spacy
- EF Army
- EF Aerospace Force
- EF Military Police
- EF Marine Corps

Official materials treat the Expeditionary Forces as a single branch/service with no such division.

The 2E RPG added a "UEEF Marine Corps", but the canonicity of that is extremely dubious at best.

RobotechMaster wrote:Post Shadow Chronicles:

No such animal.