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Part 3 of my Rifts old West / Steam Punk Campaign Setting

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 12:41 am
by Emerald MoonSilver
Well it's been awhile but here is the 3rd part of..well many more to go of my Steam Punk campaign. This part is a little different, the first part is the continuation of the timeline, the second part though is some brief fiction that I wrote featuring some of the PC's and NPC's that make up part of this campaign world. It's a little rough around the edges still, but I hope you enjoy it.

1844 A.D.:

Things in Cuba have gone from bad to FUBAR, multiple portals continue to open up and release dinosaurs on the island. The majority of the population is being evacuated by vessels from several nations, with the U.S. and Mexico taking in most of the refugees. Besides Florida, many of the refugees are headed for Louisiana and the territory of Texas.

Texas is also being used as a test bed for the use to elementals to dig a system of long distance canals to help with the floods on the Mississippi River. In a couple of years Texas and the territory north of it will be littered with canals to help with run off from the river. Eventually artificial lakes, like those created in Eqypt and North Africa will become quite common in the arid regions of North America.

Back in California there are sightings of actual unicorns, the first outside of Ireland. The rare creatures have mainly shown themselves to children and young women who had become lost in the Sierra Nevada and coastal mountain ranges.

In Arizona territory there are rumors of an intelligent bird like species, but nothing has been confirmed as of yet.

1845 A.D.:

Things in Cuba have reached such a state that most consider it to be lost cause. The only human habitants of the island are soldiers and support personnel than man the two forts on the island, one on each end.

The island is now constantly patrolled by naval vessels from several nations. Most of these ships have been equipped with a new Gnomish device. This device is a steam powered cannon that fires hollow projectiles filled with shrapnel. These cannons used to fire high into the air and burst after a certain amount of time or at a certain altitude.

This device is in effect the world’s first anti-aircraft, I mean anti-flying dinosaur flak cannon, which has proven to be very effective on shredding the wings of the creatures.

Way out west, approaching the border of California, Daniel Boone is leading a group Psi-Druids and other explorers to map out the Eastern edge of California, both North and South.

Near the South Eastern edge of California the scouting party comes across a strange site. Sticking out of the ground are several red crystals that nobody could identify. Pulling one lose one of the party members holds it up to sun to get a better look. He drops it almost immediately as it begins to glow as soon as direct sunlight hits it. As it rolls back into a shadow, the glowing stops.

Further experimenting shows that the crystal will glow for twice as long as it is exposed to the sun. In other world it will glow for 2 hours after being in the sun for one hour. The crystal never gets warm or displays any other trait.

The crystals seem harmless so the party gathers up several of them and will show them to the Kentucky government when they return.

What the party doesn’t know is that many others are now being found in Tennessee, and in Australia an entire mine full of tons of the crystal is discovered.

For now all of the crystals appear to be nothing more than an odd novelty item. Decades later there true abilities will be discovered for both good and ill.

1846 A.D.:

The government of Cuba officially disbands and all former citizens are offered refugee status by several countries. The United States and Mexico offer citizenship to the refugees if they agree to follow the laws of the respective country and prove to be productive citizens. All are not happy with this as the majority of the refugees are in the Texas and Florida territories with the surrounding states not being known to be accepting of non-white immigrants.

In France a young man by the name of Jules Verne, is rescued by a Naiad (Water Fairy) after he falls out of a boat on a local lake. He spends quite a bit of time with the young Fae, listening to the stories of her people. These stories give him the inspiration to write his own stories about the sea, both real and fantastic.
1847 A.D.:

The previous Cuban citizens take no time in applying for U.S. citizenship and seem willing to do whatever is required which proves quite lucky for them as this same year Texas is admitted for statehood and their votes are key on whether or not this is a slave or free state. Having spent so many years under Spanish rule, the former Cubans have no wish to inflict slavery on anyone. When the final votes are counted Texas is admitted as a free state. This is particularly welcomed by Louisiana as they had no wish to be stuck between two slave states.

The Neo Humanism Alliance which owns the New Mexico territory is also quite pleased with Texas being a free state and offers magical assistance to Texas is regards to building the water canals to help alleviate the harsh conditions which the southwest is known for. In later years these canals will reach all the way to California.

During this year the territory of Iowa is admitted for statehood as a free state and the Southern states are starting to get nervous. The “deck” is starting to get stacked against them, and even though there has been no aggression towards them from the north, there are whispers that some in these states favor armed rebellion against the North. So far though, no action has been taken.

Florida, which was also supposed to become a state this year, is suffering from its own problems. In the Everglades there have been reports of large reptile like creatures, which some say have developed a taste for humans.

Worried, that dinosaurs have somehow made their way from Cuba, or have just rifted in large sections of Southern Florida have been closed off and patrolled by federal troops.

Many of the original residents of the state are also starting to complain about the amount of refugees from Cuba, who now compose a large amount of the population in Southern Florida.
There are also a sizable amount of military vessels from various foreign countries still in South Florida, keeping an eye on Cuba.

Because of this, Florida has now been split in two. Everything from Tampa southward is now considered a federal protectorate, and everything north of Tampa becomes the latest state in the U.S. and joins as a slave state.

Meanwhile over in Russia, several portals open up and release thousands of canine humanoids, known as Coyles, onto the lands. This leads to immediate problems and outright fights with the Mastadonoids and Bear Men who also live in northern Russia. The Coyles and Bear Men come from the same world where the Coyles are considered to be nothing more than violent monsters. They engage in wanton acts of violence and murder and take a perverse joy in intimidating anyone that they can.

This leads to the Russian authorities declaring the Coyles to be enemy invaders to be destroyed on sight. It will take almost five years of off and on battles in harsh terrain before most of the Coyles are either destroyed or chased off to lands south of Russia. In total almost 95% of the Coyles are killed to the sadness of ……… no one.

Back in California, commercial orchards are beginning to grow in the large central valley area as well as the southern Bay Area southeast of San Francisco. The primary trading partners are the Elvin-Centaur alliance to the north as well as some produce being sent as far are northwestern Canada up into the Yukon Territory.

One other interesting event happened in the San Francisco area this year. A rather large and curious vessel moored offshore from the pier district and began to offload many supplies onto smaller vessels and into several warehouses.

The large vessel was one of the few steel riveted hull ships in existence, designed by the gnomes in Scotland. The owner was one Kathryn O’Shea, whose family dated back to Roman era Britain and was estimated to be the wealthiest woman in Europe, with assets equal to the British Royal Family.

She was usually accompanied by a rather pale Elvin looking man, but now it seems she was constantly guarded by two human sized metal golems, who seemed to be self-aware.

The goods in her warehouses turned out to be mining supplies that would outfit a small army of workers. Why so many of these supplies were brought is a mystery. So far mining in California mainly composed of several small scale operations.

Even stranger these supplies were to be distributed to several shops all along the Sierra Foothills in several small towns that had just been built only a year before.

There had to be a reason; for Miss O’Shea and her family had a long history of investing in business opportunities before anyone even realized they existed.

This was her first known appearance publically in North America and there were many rumors surrounding the “young lady”. The most common concerned her age. Records show her being born over 50 years ago, but she appeared to be in her early 20’s at the most.

Back in her native Ireland, many people considered her family to be either close friends with the Fae, (correct), or even being Fae themselves, (not quite).

One rumor even went to far as to say that Miss O’Shea was Queen Titania herself in disguise, which is not even close to being correct but they are friends.

Besides her two large metal friends, Kathryn was accompanied by a rather small cat like demi-human as she toured her warehouses.

The little cat girl was barely over 4 feet in height and appeared to be about 12 or 13 years old in human terms. She walked along beside Kathryn, holding her hand and occasionally skipping ahead, which seemed to annoy Miss O’Shea for some reason.

For such a harmless looking young girl she seemed to make the mages and psychics nearby nervous for some reason. When asked by one of the guards later on why he was so nervous around the cat girl, the head mage guarding the warehouses replied that it was because the cat girl had as much mana as an elder dragon and practically radiating an aura in all directions for those sensitive to such things.

1848 A.D.:

Wisconsin is admitted to the union, which would have been the biggest story of the year if it were not for a little thing called the California gold rush. This touched off the largest western migration in U.S. history attracting people from all over the world in the next few years. This unfortunately included the majority of the Larmac population of the U.S. who were looking for easy riches.

They are about to learn the hard way that mining is difficult at best and quite deadly at it’s worst. Most abandon mining after a couple of weeks and begin to spend most of their time in saloons and bothering people for food.

As annoying as the Larmac could be they were not the biggest pests. That honor went to those who somehow though that they could harvest timber from anywhere they wanted without permission. Some may have had licenses to operate back in their home states, but the laws in this territory did not honor them.

Some complained back to their home state governments without anything being done, and others made the mistake of ignoring the warnings of those who lived near the areas in which the “pests” wanted to harvest.

While some timber harvesting in some areas was allowed this did not apply to the redwood groves, and many a would be Paul Bunyon was either chased out or outright killed in one case when a company of loggers killed an Elvin girl who was visiting a redwood grove and told the men they couldn’t be there.

The girl was resurrected and the loggers were squished under the foot of one the more mobile trees shall we say. Oh well forests do need fertilizer sometimes.

Most legal loggers did not get rich as well as most of the miners, that honor went to those who supplied them with tools and a variety of goods that they used daily.

Miss O’Shea, was one individual who profited the most from supplying everyone. It appeared that she was right to build all those supply stores up and down the gold country the year before.

Her little cat companion the year before, Lady Gwendoline, established her own little town called Long Barn in the Northern Sierra’s a few miles south of Lake Tahoe. The town had a reputation for attracting a variety of races, many of which had not been seen before.

The town had a rough appearance, but actual crime was quite low as many of the tougher looking visitors went out of their way try and behaves themselves even when they were near members of races they may have fought before.

When asked by a visiting reported on why everything was so quiet, a visiting Jotan Giant said it was because he was not tired of living yet. This only encouraged all sorts of rumors about who or what Lady Gwendoline was.

Things got even more interesting a year later when the Head of the Church of Luna and an Avatar of Luna herself visited Lady Gwendoline’s home.

During this same year, a strange road just appeared in the Sierra foothills. It stretched from the middle of the mountain range all the way to Northern California and into the Nevada Territory. It was composed a black substance, Asphalt, and had a definite strong magic aura to it.

Equally odd was that every 5 miles along this road was a small steel sign atop a steel pole that read, “CA 49”. No one at the time knew what that meant at the time, although later a series of object reads were cast on the road in various places, which showed that it was from the future, but not from this particular dimension.

Next to each of the CA 49 signs was a small box containing several silver tokens. The instructions on the box read, “Take one before entering and return at destination.” For the moment trying to take a token would only cause your hand to pass through it. This would change in two weeks time when the coaches started to appear.

These odd coaches looked like they belonged to European royalty, being composed of exotic woods with lots of gold and silver inlays. The coaches actually contained glass windows which were not found on your typical western stage coach. The interiors were actually kept at roughly 70 degrees F, regardless of the outside weather.

Although the coach was solid, the two drivers and four white horses that pulled each coach, were transparent. To enter the coach the rider would hand one of the now solid silver tokens to the driver and he or she could then enter.

The riders upon entering would here a quiet voice in their head telling them to respect their fellow riders and do not harm them or the coaches. Several early riders found out the hard way what happens when you ignore this “advice.”

If a rider tried to steal anything from a fellow passenger or anything from the coaches storage areas he or she would find himself teleported from 5 to 10 miles in a random direction away from the coach. Physically harming or attempting to kill a fellow passenger would cause the offending thug to be teleported 5 to 10 miles straight up.

Now while the view was quite nice up there the sudden stop at the end of your freefall tended to hurt “a bit”.

About 2 months after the appearance of the strange road a loud roaring noise was heard outside the little town of Long Barn in the middle of the night. Several of the residents went outside to investigate the noise and at first only noticed one of the phantom coaches going by, which made very little noise.

A few moments later the residents were almost blinded by several very bright lights appearing behind the coach and the roaring noise increased greatly. Viewed from the side a couple people noticed that the light was caused by some form of odd four wheeled carriage that was somehow moving under its own power.

This “carriage” soon slammed into the back of the passing phantom coach and bounced off then sliding off the road and into a large tree. Two figures were seen being flung from the vehicle as well as a large box of some sort.

Before anyone could get close to the odd vehicle it burst into flame then exploded with enough force to knock several people over. The burning wreck was then engulfed by an appearing portal and was sucked into it.

At the moment it was too dark to examine the site too closely so the group of residents went over to see who or what was ejected from the odd vehicle. They were quite surprised at what they found.

The two figures turned out to be your female humans about 16 years of age dressed in quite short scandalous outfits. Writing on the back of one of the girl’s jackets read, ‘Oakview High Cheer Squad.” Writing on the large box near them also said something similar.

The 2 girls were obviously suffering from mortal injuries. Although barely awake and groaning, both were bleeding quite a bit and their limbs were bent in ways limbs should not bend.

Lady Gwendoline soon appeared teleporting to the crash site with the town’s Grackle Tooth blacksmith and two new individuals who looked like some sort of angel.

They looked like 14 year old elves with very pale skin, silver hair, and large white wings behind their back. One of the “angels” fired some sort of blue beam at the girls that surrounded them and caused to rise off the ground. The other was seen casting healing spells of some sort before the two girls were moved.

They soon teleported away and Lady Gwendoline then motioned for her Grackle Tooth friend to retrieve the large box and the two of them then teleported away as well. It would be two days before the residents of the town were told the complete story of what has just happened.

The rescue party reappeared in a surprisingly advanced looking medical center hidden underneath Lady Gwendoline’s inn.

The two teens were in critical shape and would dead within the hour unless magical, psychic or advanced technological healing was applied soon. Fortunately for the two girls all three existed here, unbeknownst to the town’s residents.

Wallets and I.D. found on the two girls showed that they were from the year 1985, most likely from an alternate dimension. The two girls appeared to be sisters one, with natural blond hair, and the other with her hair dyed a darker shade a red. Any detailed information about the girls would have to wait until they were fully healed and awake.

Healing the two girls, Tiffany and Jennifer Roberts, went smoothly and without surprise. What happened after the girls woke was on the other hand quick a surprise

When the girls awoke they stared around the room in shock, barely moving. They had probably never seen non-humans before, especially a short talking cat girl and two “angels”.

When the two girls finally seemed to wake up, one of them screamed and pointed at Gwendoline and her companions calling them out by name. The scream wasn’t one born from fear, but from excitement, like how some people react when they meet a famous actor or singer.

It turned out that in the two teens’ home world, Gwendoline and the others were figures in a popular comic book and movie series. This particularly amused Rex, the large grackle tooth companion of Gwendoline.

A few minutes later, Jennifer pulled out a small book from her purse. This turned out to be the first comic featuring Gwendoline and the others.

The two “angel” girls, Cassandra and Persephone, were quite excited to see themselves in the book and had plans to have it copied in the future.

One thing that did worry Gwendoline, that no one else seemed to notice, was the fact that the two girl’s dimensional signatures seemed to be unstable. Hopefully that would stabilize in the future.

The two girls were led to a private room under the inn for the night so they could be watched over in case they became ill. Cassandra stayed with them that night and spent most of it answering the multitude of questions the girls’ had about where they were.

With all the excitement surrounding the girls, the large box that was also recovered was ignored for now, well at least by Gwendoline and her companions. Three little vixen children, who had an almost magical ability to show up where they were not supposed to be, saw the crate being carried to the storeroom earlier and were quite curious to what was contained inside.

Now, most 10 year old girls, even Vixen girls are quite harmless, but the leader of this little group was a magical prodigy who was casting cantrip spells when she was six, and stated creating new cantrips two years later.

One of these spells enabled the caster to open any simple non-magical lock without error. The basic padlock on this box more than qualified, and was removed in short order. Of course this could have been avoided if the storeroom had been locked, but there were more pressing concerns.

Opening the box, the girls found a copy of the strange short outfit that the two teens were wearing, a large amount of books and papers that dealt with “boring” subjects like math, science, and history. One of the girls who often like to build things, picked up a curious book called, “How Things Work”, and kept it for herself.

What did attract the attention of the girls were a several shiny covered thin “books”, that turned out to be 1980’s fashion and teen magazines, from where the two teen were from.

The little Vixens were fascinated by the styles, shiny colors and how short the clothes seemed to be in comparison to what standard human fashion at the time would be. The girls found the “poofed out” hairstyles equally interesting but they would not be able to copy them, due to the fact that they lacked the five metric tons of hairspray it took to achieve those hair styles.

Now during the mid 1800’s most women’s fashion was bulky, heavy, hot, and in the case of corsets, sometimes fatal. These outfits were not pleasant to wear, especially by nonhuman races who were covered by a layer of light to heavy fur. Dark Elvin women, who often fought alongside the men, found the clothes impossible to function in.

Because of this most non-humans took heavily modifying human fashions with the dresses being designed without any sort of underskirts as well as forgoing any form of corsets. Elves and Vixen girls wore a form of “sports bra” when necessary for rapid movement or in combat, but outside of that they were not worn, which most of the “gentile folk” found quite shocking. Teenage human males tended to have a different opinion of this.

Looking over the magazines the girls wanted to share this “bounty” with their friends, but at the same time if they took too much, someone might find out.

The leader of this little group, Jessica, had a solution to this problem as well. She had created a low level spell that enabled her to make a copy of a small, simple non-living item. A magazine could be easily copied. She would just have to cast the spell many times over.

Jessica made a quick copy of the four magazines the girls found, then rapidly made their way out of the storeroom and back up and out of the lower levels to the orphanage in which they lived.

When the three little vixens had been gone for a while, another form emerged from the shadows near the storage room. The figure looked like a beautiful teenage girl with small horns and small black bat wings on her back. She also had long light blue hair and black tail ending in a soft triangular “spike” at the end.

Her name was Kyori and she was a demon-like immortal that Gwendoline had rescued from a group of fanatics on a world with a great deal of superheroes on it, but little true supernatural beings. The world in question being the heroes unlimited main world.

She had always wanted to be one of that world’s many superheroes but those damn bastards at the Mutant Task Force would never give her a break. They called her a dangerous murderer, what a joke. The only person she had killed was that damned perverted minster her mother sent her to, so that she could be “cured” of her demonic possession.

The sleazy little troll was only interested in molesting underage mutant and nonhuman girls. He deserved to be fried by her fireball attack. At the time she didn’t even know she could do such a thing, but she was so stressed that the attack just came out. If only her damned mother had not witnessed her transformation and frying of “The Good Reverend”, she still may have been able to live a halfway decent life there.

At least Lady Gwendoline had arrived by chance and vaporized the task force sent after her. It must have been very expensive to lose 3 dozen agents, 4 supers, 2 armored cars and 1 attack helicopter.

Here though she did not have to worry as much. True, some people were put off by her appearance, but she was by far not the strangest looking girl in this world. Those walking, talking plant girls made her look totally normal in comparison.

“Sigh, It’s been almost 100 years since ‘Gweeny’ rescued me from those fools. During that time I’ve seen and done things, I didn’t think were even possible. So why does my mind keep wandering back to that time and place?” Kyori thought to herself.

“So many good people died back then. First grandmother died in that “accident”, giving mother access to all her money, which she of course donated to the “Good Reverend”. Then dad and aunty died when they were hit by that truck, making mom now head of the family and in control of all our bank accounts.”, Kyori began to mumble out loud.

“Funny how both of those vehicles were driven by members of mom’s church and of course they were both unhurt in the accidents. Damned sleazy bastard was behind those crashes, I know he was. At least he paid for it in the end. I can still see his shocked face as the fireball I threw sped towards him. I am glad he’s dead. It may not be right to think that way, but I’m still glad.”

“If only it was mom who had died instead of all the others, life would have been so much better. At least ‘Gweeny’ told me of the evidence against the reverend and his church that had somehow made its way to the police and F.B.I. All of their dirty little secrets laid bare.” Kyori sighed.

“Poor mom couldn’t handle it and had to be committed when the one guiding light in her life collapsed around her ears. Good riddance to bad rubbish.” Kyori said out loud.

Shaking her head to once again banish thought about her past Kyori used one of her abilities to phase through the storeroom door as if she was a ghost. She soon spotted the chest that she had heard about and noticed that it was unlocked. Evidently the little vixens were in a hurry to leave and left without locking it.

Looking through the chest, she wasn’t very impressed by its contents. One ugly cheerleading outfit, some old textbooks, and some very out of date fashion magazines from the 1980’s.

“Poor girls having to live though the decade that fashion forgot. Admittedly it was better than the 70’s but not by much”. Kyori thought as a smirk formed on her face.

“Poor aunty was wearing clothes like that even 20 years later. She was such a nice woman, too bad she had no sense of fashion.” Kyori said out loud.

As she was about to close the chest she noticed something shining in there. Pulling out the small object, she found out that it was a small silver key. This was odd, for there was nothing in the box that they key would go into. Kyori decided to keep the key anyway. Perhaps she would find a use for it later on.

She locked up the chest and made her way out of the storeroom, before making her way down a few hallways to where she heard the two teen visitors were staying. She was curious about them, and it would be nice to talk to someone her own age, even if they were technically from her aunt’s generation.

Kyori made her way up to the door where the two teens were talking to Cassandra and tried to listen in. The stupid door appeared to be soundproof so Kyori decided to quickly phase her head through the door to get a quick peek to see what was going on. She hoped no one would notice, but hopes were in vain.

As she looked into the room she saw the red headed teen now staring at her in shock and pointing, which attracted the attention of both the blond girl and Cassandra. A few moments later she found herself falling through the door as someone pushed on her still solid body in the hallway causing her to phase through completely and end up on the floor now looking up at everyone.

A few moments earlier Gwendoline was making her way to where the two teens were to see if they needed anything when she came upon her dear daughter being nosy again. She came up behind her and gave Kyori a no so gentle push and the girl fell through the door and landed on the other side, most likely not to gently. After all it was a mother’s duty to make sure their child behaved themselves and was shown that actions had consequences.

“How nice of you to drop in Kyori-Chan.”, said the smartass ‘angel’ as Kyori pulled herself off the floor.

The two teens then began to point and talk excitedly about how it was actually Kyori and how neat this was to finally see her. The redheaded teen also seemed t o blush whenever Kyori looked at her and smiled.

Kyori was now somewhat confused and had the distinct impression that she was missing something here. Before she could say anything, Cassandra tossed the girl’s comic book to Kyori and told her to look through it briefly.

Kyori soon found out that she and several people here were fictional characters in the teens’ home world and were in several books, movies, and even a TV series.

“I wonder if I could get royalties from this?” , Kyori thought.

The next morning the two teens had asked if Kyori could show them around the town since they both appeared to be not suffering any effects presently from their little dimension hop.

The redheaded girl, Jennifer seemed to be particular thrilled to be shown around and turned bright red when Kyori escorted to several places arm in arm.

The two girls’ moods only began to darken when Kyori asked them if they were nervous about getting back home.

“I would be happy if I never got back.”, Tiffany said.

“Yeah, that would be for the best for me as well.”, Jennifer said as she looked like she was about to cry.

Kyori could admit to herself that she was not the best when it came to listening to their peoples’ problems. It took her long enough to get a handle on her own early messed up life, but she was willing to try as the two teens began to talk about their lives in their own world.

“OK, the first thing you have to understand is that Jennifer and I come from a very small conservative town in Texas, where most of the people fit just about every redneck stereotype you can imagine. Women and men are supposed to only act certain ways and children are to always be respectful to those older than them, regardless of whether the older person deserves it or not.”

“Appearances also mean everything where we live. It doesn’t matter how you really are, what matters is that everyone thinks that you are morally upstanding Christian members of the community.”

“Unless you happen to be rich of course, then people are paid to look the other way, or threatened.”Tiffany said as Jennifer briefly shuddered.

“What this meant for Jennifer and I was that we had to play nice whenever we were in public and do whatever are pathetic excuse of parents wanted us to do since they were near the bottom on our town’s social ladder so to speak.”, Tiffany said.

“ This may sound harsh, but our parents had always been losers, chasing one get rich quick scheme after another and never succeeding. After a while they just gave up and took whatever job they could find and tried to live their lives through my sister and I.”, Jennifer said.

“In my case it took the form of my parents entering me in just every form of sporting competition and martial arts tournaments, because of how I’ve always seemed to be stronger and more agile than other kids my age. By the time I was 8 I already had a room full of various trophies, which my parents liked to show off.”, Tiffany said.

“In my case it was entering various academic competitions when I was younger, but this did not seem to impress my parents as much. A lot did change when Tiffany and I came of age, so to speak.”, Jennifer said.

“People used to say that my sister and I were quite cute as children, but starting at age 12 or 13 I think our looks started to change dramatically. People started to say that we looked like elves or supermodels.”

“While Tiffany still concentrated on her competitions my parents thought it was best to try modeling and beauty pageants. The modeling was OK, but the pageants were just plain wrong. The parents push the girls way too hard, some even had eating disorders by the age of 12. The worst thing though was the judges. Most were either washed up celebrities or local politicians and they all seemed to like being way to close with underage girls. Half of them were outright perverts who liked to enter the dressing room when the we were still getting changed.”, Jennifer said.

“I quit after my second pageant which was held in our hometown and sponsored by the family that ran the local mill, which most people in the town worked for. The father and the elder sons of the family were the type to hang out in the dressing room like I said.”

“Several families threatened to call the police about this, who of course did nothing, which is not a shock. Our local police force has always been in the back pocket of the mill owners for decades.”

“Those families who also worked at the mill and tried to file the complaints soon found themselves laid off, due to there ‘not being enough work’ if you are gullible enough to believe that.”

“About two months ago the mill owners finally got what was coming to them, which unfortunately affected the entire town as well. The mill shut down and the family was bankrupt. With so many out of a job now people started to move away to other larger towns. Own town is now dying and I would not be surprised if it lasted 10 more years.”

“So you see Tiffany and I really have nothing to go back too, except a dying town and two worthless parents. I’m not sure what we could do here but we would like to try.”, Jennifer said as Tiffany nodded along.

“I don’t have a problem with that and I don’t think it will be hard to convince ‘Gwenny’ to let you stay either.”, Kyori said as she hugged both girls and led them back to where they were staying.