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Recovering ISP discrepancies

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 2:21 pm
by thorr-kan
I'm sure this has been covered before, but I can't cough anything up. ISP recovery rates vary throughout the BTS 2E book. Was there ever any errata for this?

ISP Recovery:
p32: 2pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr, Meditation power; 8pts/hr, Advanced Meditation power.
p96: 4pts/hr, Meditation power; 8pts/hr, Advanced Meditation power.
p101: 4pts/hr, Meditation power; 8pts/hr, Advanced Meditation power.
p121: 4pts/hr, Meditation power; 8pts/hr, Advanced Meditation power.
p169: 1pt/hr sleeping; 2pts/hour, "standard meditation"; 4+pts/"in a fraction of this time with advanced meditative techniques (see the psi-ability Advanced Meditation and the Physical Psychic P.C.C.).
p211: 2pts/hr, Meditation skill.

Each PCC has specific rates of ISP recovery as well:
p38: Autistic Psychic Savant: 2pts/hr sleeping; 10 pts/hr Meditation power
p42: Diviner: 1pt/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p45: Fire Walker: 1pt/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p52: Ghost Hunter: 2pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p58: Latent Psychic: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p73: Psychic Parapsychologist: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p76: Physical Psychic: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p79: Psi-Mechanic: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p81: Psychic Healer: 2pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p88: Psychic Medium: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power
p91: Psychic Sensitive: 1pts/hr sleeping; 4pts/hr Meditation power

Re: Recovering ISP discrepancies

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:57 pm
by Soldier of Od
The only entry there that actually contradicts the others is the paragraph on page 169. The other entries say "most" psychics recover at the other rate mentioned, and the book goes on to state specific rates for each O.C.C. so you can see exactly which ones are different. The meditation skill is a skill, not a psychic power, and so is not the same. So unless anyone else finds something different I would assume that page 169 was an error and go with the other rates.
Hope that helps!