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First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:01 pm
by Razzinold
Ok so I'm a little late in posting this, considering I opened it on Christmas, but I've been sick for so freaking long I am finally getting around to it.

I have always wanted to order one of these for myself, but could never justify the cost of spoiling myself, but my wife surprised me and ordered me one for Chirstmas.
I was so shocked when I opened up my gift, I had no idea she did this, and I couldn't be more happy with what I got.
My wife wrote the Palladium crew a really heartfelt letter and I feel they went all out with my pacakge.
Here is what I got.

Rifts: Northern Gun 1 - a book that I've wanted since it came out and I was lucky enough to have it signed by Kevin (along with a personal message from him), Alex, Wayne, Julius and Chuck Walton (one of my favoruite artists).

I got a really cool Christmas card, signed by all the same people listed above (with another greeting by Kevin) along with Kathy as well. Kevin drew a dragon head on the envelope and another one inside the card itself.

I got a numbered print of the cover of Northern Gun 1 that is signed by Kevin, Chuck and Matthew Clements.
I got an epic orginal sketch from Chuck Walton, that he signed, it's this awesome Mech/Robot that looks like a Velociraptor.
Something really cool is a negative of one of the pages for Rifts: Vampire Kingdoms and I also got a golf shirt with the Coaltion Skull in front of two crossed red lightning bolts with the words Coalition States written underneath of it.

Hands down best Crhistmas gift I ever got. I can't wait to use all the awseome stuff from my new book in our campaign.

I just want to say thank you to everyone at Palladiuim for such an amazing surpise package!

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 5:46 pm
by Slab Riffjaw
Awesome...ditto here. So jealous of the Chuck print though!

I'm in the UK so shipping has always negated going for it. Bit the bullet this year TWICE via a gift from my fiancee and a special shipping deal. Whilst I've only seen the content of one box so far via photos I literally let out a laugh of happiness and WHOOPED (sat in a train station in London!).

From another first time Surprise Package-er, big thanks!! I'm going to be gifting a large chunk of my collection to some youth groups over here as we're having great success with RPG events...but I'm keeping all my faves and the signed ones :) Cheers Palladium crew

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:00 pm
by Prysus
Razzinold wrote:I just want to say thank you to everyone at Palladiuim for such an amazing surpise package!

Greetings and Salutations. Sounds like an awesome present. I'd also like to extend a big thank you to your wife. She sounds amazing. Farewell and safe journeys.

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:11 pm
by Captain_Nibbz
Just got my surprise package in the mail this morning (3 days ahead of schedule!). I'm a little jealous that you got some prints out of it, but I have to say this is probably the most fun I've had ordering something in a long time.

I ended up getting 4 books, all signed :eek:

1) Palladium Fantasy 2e
2) Book II: Old Ones
3) Rifts Adventure Guide
4) Nightbane 3: Through the Glass Darkly

I couldn't be happier with this :D Definately plan on ordering again next year!

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:59 pm
by Razzinold
Sounds like you got a good haul there too.

I love my surprise package, my wife is the one that ordered it for me and she got me some sweet stuff!

The numbered print and the original sketch are already both framed and hung on the walls, now I just have to frame the negative and figure out a way to frame/protect the Christmas card. I would like to be able to show both the cover and the inside, but I would like to do it without cutting the card in half (like someone suggested to me already).

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 4:24 pm
by Captain_Nibbz
That is super cool. I really am jealous of the prints, those sound awesome. I'll bet they look pretty slick up on the wall. I'm extra stoked about the fact that all the books I got are signed. I have never owned anything that was signed by someone cool in my entire life, so this is pretty awesome to me. :)

Almost makes it a shame that I'm going to use them all to death . . .

Re: First ever Christmas Surprise Pack

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:51 pm
by zerombr
at the open house it was discovered there were a lot of covers available in single page sheets, so you could frame just about any cover you wanted for your wall. :D