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Question about Dybbuk's abilties & etc

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 5:30 pm
by SolCannibal
Would a discorporated dybbuk inhabiting a dead body still be affected by its vulnerabity to sunlight or
could walking around in a "corpse suit" serve as a workaround that problem?

I don't think it's much of a problem, as light might still hurt its sight, not to mention a human (or D-Bee)
won't exactly be as good as its real form, but would like to hear other people's thoughts on the matter.

Also the little fact the Dybbuk "can maintain the body, without it deteriorating, indefinitely, as long as it feeds daily on human(oid) blood" makes for a convenient red herring in the way of prospective vampire-hunters. Much fun can be had by bringing them and Dar'ota to a place with rumors of vampire infestation. ;)

That said, i also myself if blood-drinking would be an alternative to the Dybbuk's corpse-eating or simply an extra option/refreshment of sorts.

Re: Question about Dybbuk's abilties & etc

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 2:15 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
It mentions sunglasses as a partial workaround to the problem. As I doubt Ray-Ban makes sunglasses for that things odd physique (It's eyes are quite a bit over where it's ears are, which appear to be connected to the jaw), I would suggest that the weakness remains, but that they tend to be those people who wear sunglasses indoors and outdoors.

Re: Question about Dybbuk's abilties & etc

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 8:32 pm
by SolCannibal
See, that's where i'm a little divided - while the sunglasses make a good point about they still being sensitive, i remember seeing other monsters that are photophobic but not harmed by sunlight in the BtS section of the Conversion Book.

That and the fact that if they still labored under the sunlight intolerance, full coverage, not sunglasses, is what they would really need. :P

Though truth be told even if keeps it they still make pretty good red herrings for PCs expecting vampires, as they don't share their other powers or weaknesses, same going for the Dar'ota. In fact i'm tempted to throw a city with two or more "mobs" of such monsters competing for territory and human resources exactly to play with that kind of confusion/misunderstanding.