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Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:28 pm
by Jack Burton
Is it me or is it a bit odd that additional Rifts Sovietski material is showing up in Rifter 80? Sovietski was just released like 2 weeks ago! Why wasn't that material included in the book when it went to the printer? And why not publish material for games that are in desperate need of it? A good example was a BTS Tome Grotesque monster that was advertised for several weeks, if not longer, that was supposed to appear in Rifter 78, but at the 11th hour, it was dropped. The ink in the Sovietski book is still wet!

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 6:09 pm
by glitterboy2098
sometimes stuff gets cut for space, to keep the pagecount from going too high (and thus the price of the book getting too high) when that happens, PB tries to stick any thing cut purely for space concerns into the rifter. they did it for Dinosaur swamp as well (and that material appeared later in Dinosaur Swamp Adventures)

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:59 am
by Jack Burton
Wow... that surprises me. I would think they'd want to put out the very best and most complete product they can. So what if a book is more money because it has a higher page count? Let it be more expensive if it means it's complete. I go insane when I have to look in core books, supplements, Rifters and errata for complete rules, equipment, settings, NPCs, etc. Just give it to me in one huge "1 stop-shop book". I don't understand people who complain about the prices of the books when you consider the amount of entertainment they provide. We're talking hours and hours and hours. Break it down and if you play even occasionally, you're really paying anywhere from cents per hour to a couple bucks per hour (depending on how much you play) for great entertainment. Compare that to going to the movies and it's substantially cheaper per hour. Speaking of cents, there's my 2. :-D

Good info, nonetheless, glitterboy. Thanks for the insight.

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:39 am
by glitterboy2098
the higher the price, the worse it sells, usually. it is already over $25, and that is about as high as palladium prefers to go for a non-core book. including cut content could easily push it up over $30, due to the extra printing costs.

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:19 pm
by eliakon
There is also a bonus in that it helps get exposure to the book to all the Rifter readers.
Thus someone who is undecided on the book might be pushed into buying it by reading the article and thinking "Ahh, I like this I want the rest of this for my game"

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2018 11:23 pm
by jaymz
This has been an ongoing trend for years now and the last several books.

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:31 pm
by Hendrik
I remember having heard that the limit of pages they can do with the binding is 224 or 226. That may be one reason.

I agree with what eliakon said, it gives exposure to the product for the Rifter audience.

Personally, I am fine with it. I view it as a kind of "extras DVD". We get the "editor's cut" with the book and extra scenes in the Rifter.

Re: Rifts Sovietski Stuff Already in The Rifter?

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 7:09 pm
by eliakon
And if we are lucky we can have them tell us that the AP ammunition was an April Fools day prank and is not really supposed to be canon. :?
(Hey a guy can dream right?)