The Harmony and Justice Superdread

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The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by drazool »

So, I was going through some of my older gaming notes, when I found this little gem.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you the Harmony and Justice Class SuperCarrier. Inspired by the SDF-class ships, I designed my own, stupidly overpowered, ridiculously statted, basically unusable super ship. If I recall correctly, the plan was for this ship to get discovered, completely abandoned, by the group. The ship's onboard computers indicate that the vessel has been dormant for a long, long time, and provides no clues as to what happened to any of the crew.

The campaign was supposed to be the PCs keeping the ship both secret and out of the hands of either the CCW or the TGE, or perhaps as a weapon for one of those groups. The campaign never got off the ground, which is probably a good thing, because, well, just look at this thing.

It could be fun as a sort of diaspora campaign, with some entire race living on the ship, and on the run. Another option would be to have the ship filled with hostile internal defenses, or perhaps the ships onboard AI is a little... eccentric. Ultimately, though, I think it's probably too unwieldy to use.

The Harmony and Justice
Dreadnought Class SuperCarrier
Vehicle Type: Space Battle Fortress
Crew: 100, plus holographic crew, plus 10,000 military personal
MDC By Location
Hvy. Particle Cannons(120) 25000 each
Anti-Fighter Lasers(240) 5000 each
Anti-Missile Lasers(480) 1000 each
LRM Launchers(120) 25000 each
MRM Launchers(240) 5000 each
SRM Launchers(480) 1000 each
Airlock Hatches(300) 500 each
Sensor Arrays (2) 25000 each
Command Section 150000
docking section(2) 10000 each*
Transwarp Engines(8) 30000 each**
Warp Engines(8) 5000 each ***
Fusion Thrusters(300) 500 each****
Gravimetric Thrusters(300) 500 each****
Cargo Bay Doors 75000*****
Main Body 1000000******
Reflex Cannons(2) 100000

* if either is depleted while command section detached, CS cannot reattach until repaired.
** Each unit depleted reduces top speed by one eighth while in transwarp
*** Each unit depleted reduces top speed by one eighth while in warp
**** 100 functioning thrusters needed for safe descent into atmosphere. 200 functioning needed to ascend again.
***** This is for the mechanism that opens the doors. if depleted, doors cannot be opened or closed until repaired. actual door surfaces use main body, however, if doors are open, enemy can fire directly into ship!
****** If this is depleted, power, weapons, main life support, and drive systems are taken offline. The massive nature of the ship, however, means that even at this level of damage, it is not destroyed. If ship is taken to -200000 it destroyed, dealing massive damage to an area 1000 miles in radius.
Driving on the ground: not possible
Atmospheric Flight: Mach 2, but not designed for atmospheric flight, and should NOT be flown in atmosphere!
Sub-Light Space: .2c, can accelerate 5% per melee, requires 5 minutes to reach top speed
FTL (warp): 10 light years per hour
FTL (Transwarp): 30 light years per hour
FTL (Space Fold): Up to 30,000 light years per Jump, described below.
Range: Effectively Unlimited. Onboard food production and effectively inexhaustible power supply give near-infinite range.
Statistical Data:
Height: 2375’
Width: 2107’
Length: 9565’
Mass: approximately 6,420,000,000 Tons
Volume: Approximately 36 billion cubic feet
Cargo Volume: 12 billion cubic feet
Living space: 20 billion cubic feet.
Power System: Various: Twin Protoculture reflex reactors provide main and auxiliary power. Shipwide network of fusion reactors provide emergency power. Massive batteries provide last-ditch life support for 24 hours.
Market Cost: never sold on the open market. Easily worth trillions, even quadrillions if sold with complement of mecha, destroids, tanks, ships, etc.
Weapons Systems:
1) Dual Reflex Cannon
The most powerful weapon onboard the Harmony and Justice, the Reflex Cannon is capable of destroying entire fleets in a single shot. Each cannon may be fired once per 5 minutes.
Range: 150 miles underwater, 300 miles atmosphere, 300,000 miles space
Damage: 5d4x500000 MD per blast or 5d4x100 against any kind of shield.
Blast Radius: Beam Radius 1500’, does half damage to an additional 2000’. If used against a planet, creates a crater 50,000 wide and 5000’ deep.
Rate of Fire: One blast per five minutes, per cannon, No more than 6 blasts per hour combined.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
2) PB-X45 Heavy Particle Beam Cannon (120)
These particle beam cannons are mounted behind sliding compartments, on special platforms. when activated, the emitter head emerges, which uses a special swivelling head that can rotate 360 degrees and has an arc of 180 degrees. 4 on command craft, 8 aft section, 4 keel section, 4 top section, 20 per side, 60 in front. Fire control systems prevent more than 8 beams converging on a single target.
Range: 95 miles underwater, 200 miles in atmosphere, 200,000 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x1000 per blast
RoF: Two shots per melee. for additional shots, there is a cumulative 20% chance of overheating, requiring 2d4 melees to cool.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited.
3) Anti-Fighter Lasers
These lasers are designed to deliver heavy firepower on mid-range to close range objects. Each turret is hidden beneath the hull behind a retractable door, as with the particle cannons. There are 8 in the command section, 16 aft, 8 keel, 8 top, 40 per side, 120 front. Fire control systems prevent more than 8 turrets from converging on a single target.
Range: 2 miles underwater, 6 miles in atmosphere, 500 miles in space
Damage: 1d6x100 per single blast
RoF: Standard
Payload: effectively unlimited
4) Anti-Missile Lasers
These lasers are designed to bring fast acting firepower to bear on incoming missiles. With clusters all over the ship, these lasers automatically fire at any hostile missiles that come within range. Friendly ships may be designated, if so, this system will not attack missiles fired from designated ships. 16 in command section, 32 aft, 16 keel, 16 top, 80 per side, 240 front. Fire control system automatically fire at missiles that come in range, humans are simply not fast enough.
Range: 1 mile underwater, 3 miles in atmosphere, 250 miles in space
Damage: 2d6x10 per single blast
RoF: Standard, shipboard defensive A.I. has 4 actions per melee.
Payload: effectively unlimited
Modifiers: +2 to parry incoming missiles
5) Cruise Missile Launchers
These launchers are designed to deliver massive firepower at range. Each launcher is 4x10 bays. 4 in command section, 8 aft, 4 keel, 4 top, 20 per side, 60 front.
Missile Type: Proton Torpedo, or CMMMDS (described below)
Range: 800 miles in atmosphere, 1000000 miles in space
Speed: Mach 4 in atmosphere, or acceleration of 0.05c per melee in space, with max duration of 16 melees and max safe speed of 0.6c
Damage: 3d6x100
Blast Radius: 225’ atmosphere, 450’ space
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of any size up to 40 missiles. Each launcher can fire three times per melee.
Payload: 400 per launcher.
Modifiers: Increase range in space by 25% (not factored above). Automatically hits stationary target in space, +6 to hit moving target, -10 to hit any target less than 500 tons.
6) LRM Launchers
These launchers are designed to engage fighter and small craft at range. double the number of Cruise missile launchers in each section. each launcher is 4x10
Missile Type: LRM or LRMMDS
Range: 800 miles in atmosphere, 1000000 miles in space
Speed: Mach 4 in Atmosphere, or acceleration of 0.05c per melee in space, with max duration of 16 melees and max speed of 0.6c
Damage: 4d6x10
Blast Radius: 100’ atmosphere, 250’ space.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of up to 40 missiles, Each launcher can fire three times per melee.
Payload: 400 per launcher
Modifiers: Automatically hits stationary target in space, +6 to hit moving target, -10 if less than 300 tons
7) Mini Missile Launchers
These launchers are designed as a point defense against enemy fighters. There are four times as many mounted as there are Cruise Missile Launchers. Each launcher is 4x10
Missile Type: Mini-Missile
Range: 10 miles in atmosphere, 20 miles in space
Speed: Mach 8 in atmosphere, accelerates to 0.6c in space in about an action, but this expends all reaction mass.
Damage: 1d4x10
Blast Radius: 10’ atmosphere, 20’ space
Rate of Fire: One missile at a time, or in volleys of up to 40 missiles. Otherwise standard.
Payload: 400 per launcher
Modifiers: Automatically hits stationary targets in space, +6 to moving targets.
Special Missile Systems:
CRMMDS: This special cruise missile is actually a disposable launch platform for Long Range Missiles.
Range: Half standard cruise missle, plus LRM
Payload: 4 LRM missiles, or 4 LRMMDS missiles.
LRMMDS: This special long range missile is actually a disposable launch platform for Mini Missiles:
Range: Half standard LRM, Plus mini-missile.
Payload: 16 Mini-missiles
Defensive Systems:
1) Phase Cloak
Entire Ship is cloaked from sensors and normal vision. The ship cannot fire, activate a space fold, or engage in transwarp travel. The field extends 1 mile from the ship in all directions. Hangars remain functional. The cloaking system takes one full minute to activate, during which time the restrictions above all apply. Deactivation is instant.
2) DS-7 Point Defense Shield Array
This system is typically controlled by the onboard defensive A.I. 6 shields, plus two independent shields covering the command section only, can each absorb up to 25000 MDC before collapsing. The shield sections are all 1000’ in diameter. Each shield completely regenerates each melee, even if completely depleted. Shield system are at +8 to parry, plus operator bonuses. For the purposes of parrying, shipboard computer has 8 actions per melee, per shield.
3) DS-70 Shipwide Shield Array
This shield system covers the entire ship, but also stops all weapons fired from within. However, onboard defensive A.I. can attempt to parry attacks fired from within. If successful, this will invert the DS-7 Point defense shield and create a hole in the DS-70 Shield, momentarily allowing weapons fire through. It only takes an action to engage or disengage the shield.
MDC 250,000, regenerates 50,000/hour
If fully depleted, delivers 100000 damage to main body from overloading, required 10 hours to regenerate, but comes back full.
Miscellaneous onboard systems:
Holo-crew: programmable holographic crew is capable of performing all maintenance and repair functions.
Shipboard A.I. cores: two cores, one offensive, one defensive.
Offensive core: 8 attacks, can utilize all onboard weapons, +2 to hit with all.
Defensive core: 8 attacks, plus 8 per shield control subroutine, except all attacks must be parries. +4 to parry, plus bonus from individual systems.
Onboard Fabrication Plants (8)
Each plant is a fully functioning manufacturing system capable of taking raw materials and furnishing finished products. Each plant is a general manufacturing system that can build replacement parts or entire finished mecha/destroids/tanks/ships/etc as well as all standard robotech small arms, personal armor, power armor, etc. Factories can also be loaded with schematics to increase functionality.
Holographic recreation facilities: (1000, distributed throughout ship)
These recreation facilities use a combination of forcefields, holograms, and nanolathe assembly/disassembly systems to effectively simulate almost any imaginable environment. Advanced multipath virtually integrated data constructs (AMVIDs) allow a user to enjoy storytelling, games, and adventures as though they were really there.
Holotraining Suites. (2000, distributed around ship)
Each holotraining suite is a smaller, more specialized version of the holographic rec suites described above. These sophisticated simulators are capable of rapidly training a wide variety of skills. It generally takes 2-6 months of full time work to gain proficiency in a given skill
Intraship Navigation:
Turbolifts: Elevator-like vehicles that can also traverse the ship latitudinally or longitudinally. Takes approximately 5 minutes to traverse the entirety of the ship, if the trip is taken without stops.
Transporter hubs: each deck has 2-10 transport hubs, containing turbolifts and transporter arrays. Civilian personnel must use turbolifts, unless specially authorized.
Site-Site Transport: reserved for Officers, or specially cleared civilians.
There is also a full complement of stairs, walkways, and access corridors, that reach every part of the ship. Some sections are locked, however.
Transporter System:
Range: 500000 miles. can transport up to 1000 man sized targets at a time, or 100 tank sized objects, 10 destroyer sized objects, or 1 massive object per melee.
If used in conjunction with subspace sensors, can be used to beam minerals directly out of planetary crust.
Subspace Sensor Array:
Can detect life signs, minerals, energy sources, ships, warp signatures, and other objects:
10 Light Years: Carrier sized ships, planets, stars, warp signatures, carrier sized power sources. can roughly discern makeup of planet (rocky, gas) or star (red giant, yellow, etc)
5 Light Years: in addition to above, frigate sized ships, frigate sized power sources, can roughly map surface of planets (continents, oceans, etc), discern general makeup of planet crust
1 Light Year: in addition to above, fighter sized ships, fighter sized power sources. can detect life signs of large groups (50+ people) or large creatures. Can map layout of planets to a resolution of 1 mile.
.5 light years: In addition to above, can map layout of ships down to fighter sized, can discern individual components of machines, can pinpoint life signs of individual humans down to baby sized. Can map mineral veins inside planetoids.
Shipboard forcefield system. Every door, bulkhead, and 10’ section of walkway can put up 300 MDC forcefield. Controlled by Bridge or Deck computer. force fields automatically deploy to patch hull breaches. Emergency batteries keep forcefields functioning for 24 hours after main, aux power failures.
Auto-Doc robotic hospital systems. Several 4 patient units per deck, as well as 100 Bed hospital unit in bowels of ship. Provides medical care as fully modern, well stocked hospital.
Vehicle Complement (when found)
3700 VR-052,
1000 VR-041 Saber,
1400 VR-038 Light Cyclone
360 MBR24 Excalibur,
360 MBR-27 Gladiator,
120 MBR-22 Condor,
72 ADR-24,
108 SDR-24,
12 MAR-00 Monster,
8 Mar-20 Little Monster
100 SF-6 Vulture Fighter
1860 VAF-6 Alpha,
72 VAF-7S Shadow Alpha,
960 VBF-1 Beta,
72 VBF-1S Shadow Beta,
60 VF-2S Shadow Vindicator
12 VE-1 Intelligence Reconnaissance
36 VHT-2 Spartas Hover Tank
13 Horizont Troop Shuttle
2 Garfish Class Destroyer
6 GMU-1 Ground Mobile Siege Unit (fully loaded)
3 YMH-10 Self Propelled Synchro Cannon
5 Nuclear Warhead of each type
5 Reflex Warhead of each type

note: I'm reposting this here in Dimension Books, having mistakenly posted it in Rifts.
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by Nightmartree »

*eyes glaze over and writes down "don't even think about it" in notes*
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by taalismn »

Harmony and Justice Through Superior Firepower....that's gotta be written somewhere on a small plaque attached to the bottom of the Captain's chair. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by BookWyrm »

I'm reminded of the facial expression of Simon Pegg's Mr. Scott in Star Trek Into Darkness, upon seeing the Dreadnought USS Vengeance......
"Yes, I know I'm going to hell; I'm bringing marshmallows."
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by drewkitty ~..~ »

For the 3G setting there are a few systems that are incompatible.
Maybe editing out all the systems that are not in settings licensed by PB would be the best way to make the class fit into the 3G setting better.
May you be blessed with the ability to change course when you are off the mark.
Each question should be give the canon answer 1st, then you can proclaim your house rules.
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by SolCannibal »

For some reason missread the title as "The Harmony and Justice SuperDAD" and now can't unthink it. :D
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Re: The Harmony and Justice Superdread

Unread post by taalismn »

SolCannibal wrote:For some reason missread the title as "The Harmony and Justice SuperDAD" and now can't unthink it. :D

The tagline of either the COOLEST or the DORKIEST dad?

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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