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War Mounts and attacks per melee

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:29 am
by drazool
Heyo, quick question. when determining attacks per melee, does the outrider add his attacks to his war mount while riding it? So for my example, my outrider has 3 from hth:assassin, +1 from ambidextrous, +1 from extra arms, = 5 per round.

The Behemoth war mount has 4 attacks of his own. While riding the behemoth, does the combined character have 9 attacks?


Re: War Mounts and attacks per melee

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:20 pm
by Shark_Force
yes. the rule is on page 110 under the 6th and final feature that all "true" warmounts possess.

Re: War Mounts and attacks per melee

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 3:15 pm
by drazool

I'm creating characters for a little mini adventure / campaign to play with my son. We will both be strangers in a strange land. He will come from heroes unlimited, as an alien experiment exile, I come from splicers as an outrider. If the wife wants to play I'll set her up with some similarly crazy powerful creature, such as a neo-humanoid, anti-monster, promethean, etc.

Re: War Mounts and attacks per melee

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2018 5:00 pm
by Axelmania
I think I'd prefer to allow them as separate characters, that way you can attack twice per turn. With a total of 9 it just means having to wait to the end to deliver most of them.