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New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:42 pm
by Holister
Howdy folks

With Summer right around the corner, I am looking for new campaign ideas for my personal tabletop game. I have plenty of material from various books I've been amassing, but even though they are great, I am looking for stories that you as GMs may have used prior and let me know how they went.

I also have in the works a possibly Lazlo thread that involves Cypress Cove and missing children. It's still in the developmental stage but I have a beginning that seems to creep me out and involves an unusual beastie of my own design.

Once I have more information I will post it here.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:07 am
by Holister
I have too much on my plate right now to focus on a Lazlo thread and Hollister needs time to recover, so my next story will not take place until after mid to late June. I can post a glimpse into the setting of the game, mind you this story can take place anywhere bordering the wilderness or large park area and does not need to take place in Cypress Cove. Mind you this scenario is DARK and may not be for all players. I am not a fan of graphic violence so there will not be any, I will leave it up to the player's own imagination. There will be a vile monster stealing away small children and the heroes will have to try and stop it.

As for the story, imagine if you will an overcast day as we zoom in on an ordinary suburban home. A mother is busy collecting laundry off the clothes line as her small child is busy playing in the sandbox some several feet away. The mother's phone rings, she answers it, further distracting her, diverting her attention away from the child in the sandbox.

Suddenly a crack of thunder echoes across the sky, startling the woman, making her drop the phone in her hand. She reaches down to pick it up and glances toward her child, who has vanished. She runs to where the child once sat in the sand and collapses to her knees to see her child's blood in the sand, lining a small concave pit that was not there before. As a second crack of thunder roars across the darkened sky, the muffled screams of the mother cry out.

End Prologue...

Well what do you think?

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 2:38 pm
by gaby
Hope you come with Npc,s you can team-up with?

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:57 pm
by Holister
Well, I am hoping to get other players involved. It's not really all that simple to have NPCs on the Lazlo site, seeing that it is primarily an in character player site. So it will be pretty much a plot set up followed by a waiting game.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 1:14 am
by Holister
Ok, the last part of the first tie in for my Lazlo Thread is up. I will try and get the second plot tie up next week.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 11:20 pm
by Holister
I know things are a little slow over at Lazlo right now but before I continue with own thread, I thought I would be considerate and see if anyone else has anything planned that they want to run or continue before I continue with mine. If so I can step back and continue my story thread later seeing that I have a monster section to work on, if not I will ok with continuing my thread as planned.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2017 6:47 pm
by Holister
Well I have been contemplating running a home campaign involving various deities and deific planes and I am waiting on the Hades & Dyval sourcebooks (so I'm keeping my fingers crossed) and I am also trying to lock down a copy of Dragons & Gods. I also have the idea for a BtS/System Failure campaign but I am waiting on the Systems Failure book to get here. Something about the whole idea of psychics and magic users battling interdimensional bug creatures while trapped in some old abandoned militay complex really gets the creative juices flowing.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2017 12:50 am
by Holister
Ok. Well, my most recent Lazlo thread fell flat because the site is quieter than a morgue at midnight so I will refrain from posting there for a while and wait for things to pick up a bit before I continue it. This will give me a chance to work on my next home game. :)

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 7:36 am
by gaby
Maybe you can set-up a game at Explorer Unlimited?

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:24 am
by Holister
I never heard of Explorer Unlimited but I will look into it. We may be launching a game on Roll 20.

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 5:26 pm
by gaby
Holister go to Gamers Looking for Other Gamers you will find a link to

Re: New Campaign Ideas

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:26 am
by Holister
Thanks, I think I will check it out.