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Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:04 am
by SittingBull

Someone with PS 10 and can lift 200 pounds. If they have Gravity Manipulation, can they now lift 1,000 pounds (normal x20) or 20,000 pounds (normal x20 then x100 of the power)? Keep in mind the same character, if he had supernatural strength, could only lift 5,000 pounds.

Page 74 it says Gravity Manipulation can be used on an item (despite it not saying it can be used this way under the power) so it can work with Magnetism. The problem is Gravity Manipulation: Reduce Gravity does come right out and say how much less an item weighs. Until it does there it no way it can work with Magnetism.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:15 am
by eliakon
SittingBull wrote:Question.

Someone with PS 10 and can lift 200 pounds. If they have Gravity Manipulation, can they now lift 1,000 pounds (normal x20) or 20,000 pounds (normal x20 then x100 of the power)? Keep in mind the same character, if he had supernatural strength, could only lift 5,000 pounds.

It would seem that a regular person with PS 10 would lift 20,000
If they had SNPS, they would now lift 500,000 lbs.....

By the reading it seems that you lift your normal lift (what ever that is) x100. (presumably because you reduced gravity so the object now weighs only 1% of the normal weight but that's just a guess)

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 9:52 am
by say652

Supernatural Strength combined with Gravity Manipulation lifts ps x 5000.

The Times ten multiplier applies because you are combining powers.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:46 pm
by eliakon
say652 wrote:Incorrect.

Supernatural Strength combined with Gravity Manipulation lifts ps x 5000.

The Times ten multiplier applies because you are combining powers.

Wait, so your saying that SNPS only lifts PSx5?
That cant be right? *looks in book*
ahh here we go page 294
can lift 500x ps. so for a person with supernatural PS 10 that is 5,000 if they also use Gravity Manipulation that is 5,000 x 100 for 500,000lbs of dead lift (only 300,000lbs for carry though)

I was just going with Gravity Manipulation first though. I have not touched Magnetism.

The way I see it Gravity Manipulation lets you move Weight Category (WC) x 100, where WC = your regular lift based on your PS
so the WC for a human with PS 10 is 200lbs, for a SNPS 10 is 5,000 etc.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:20 pm
by say652
Slow. In. English.

You are combining two powers, the Times one hundred multiplier is dropped down to a times ten multiplier

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:29 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
They would lift x20,000. SN PS would be x50,000

say652 wrote:Slow. In. English.

You are combining two powers, the Times one hundred multiplier is dropped down to a times ten multiplier

Where is this rule written? I've never seen it.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:35 pm
by say652
In the combined powers section of the heroes unlimited main book.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:22 pm
by Nekira Sudacne
say652 wrote:In the combined powers section of the heroes unlimited main book.


Huh, you are right. Gravity manipulation has a rule for combining right there. Good catch! :ok:

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 7:26 pm
by SittingBull
Yet none of these posts reflect Gravity Manipulation being used with Magnetism.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 8:35 pm
by eliakon
SittingBull wrote:Yet none of these posts reflect Gravity Manipulation being used with Magnetism.

Okay, what SAY is referring to is on page 74 of HU2
"Two examples are the reduce gravity aspect of Gravity Manipulation.....these powers can be used on an area or item to augment powers whose effects are based on weight such as .....Magnetism,....etc."
"In the case of gravity manipulation, the augmented power would now control/lift ten times its normal weight allowance...."

So it would seem that yes, you can use Gravity Manipulation to augment the weight you can lift with Magnetism....but only x10 not x100.

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:40 am
by SittingBull
So someone with these two powers could physically lift 30 tons?

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 3:52 am
by eliakon
SittingBull wrote:So someone with these two powers could physically lift 30 tons?

as long as the 30tons is ferric metal, and it is with in the area of effect of the powers....
Time to throw some steel beams

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 4:02 am
by SittingBull
Arent steel beams longer than 20' though? Even if they are 20' or less their throwing distance will quickly degrade as you have pointed out. The problem is with Magnetism, as it is written, you can only attract or repel. There is no way, with Magnetism as it is written, to lift an item up and hold it in midair. So yes, the two powers can work together but Magnetism (by the book) can't help you lift an item (unless its an assumed ability of the two powers working together).

Re: Gravity Manipulation and Magnetism

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 2:22 pm
by Tinker Dragoon
Magnetism allows you to lift and throw (by alternately attracting and repelling in succession) 3,000 lbs. of metal, plus 20 lbs. per level. Gravity Manipulation would multiply this limit by 10, so you could hurl 30,200 lbs. (just over 15 tons) of metal at first level, inflicting upwards of 1D6 x 1,000 damage (normal damage times ten).