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Maybe a Tournament near Portland Oregon

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 6:35 pm
by FatherMorpheus
Just in case people haven't seen the Facebook or G+ posts.

I'm looking to perhaps have a mini-convention near Portland Oregon. It would be RPGs, CCG, Board Games and Miniature Games.

I was pondering trying to include a Robotech RPG Tactic's tournament. Are there any people in the Pacific Northwest that would be interested?

Re: Maybe a Tournament near Portland Oregon

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 4:52 pm
by FatherMorpheus
So one no, one yes.

Not an overwhelming amount of people. :(

Re: Maybe a Tournament near Portland Oregon

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:04 pm
by Morgan Vening
FatherMorpheus wrote:So one no, one yes.

Not an overwhelming amount of people. :(

Well... you do have to take into account the comparatively small number of people who live in the state (even if you include Washington state, due to Portland's location within Oregon), the minute number of people who frequent these boards, the even tinier number who frequent the RRT boards, and then subtract people who don't have much interest in tournament play, I'm kind of surprised you got that many. :D

IMO, you're much better off trying to find an area/state based gaming forums for a much more targetted audience. No offence intended, but it's unlikely people will travel more than a couple hours each way to attend an RRT tournament, at least with the current level of popularity. Especially with an untested convention. Adepticon, GenCon, and even PB's Open House have an establishment that works as a selling point.

That's not to say you should give up. But you need to start small, be focused, and realize that there's likely a lot of hard work, and quite possibly not much payoff no matter how well you run things, at least in the short term. If you're OK wanting to put in years of work to build it up, absolutely, go for it. But there's a reason things like this don't take off, and it's not because people don't want them to. There's simply an inertia that's difficult (but not impossible) to overcome.

Re: Maybe a Tournament near Portland Oregon

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 12:32 am
by FatherMorpheus
Yes, yes. Oregon has no people. No one loves it here... Please, don't ever visit. :D

Honestly, I thought it was a shot in the dark. :)

Re: Maybe a Tournament near Portland Oregon

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 6:30 pm
by jedi078
If I was still living in Oregon I'd be up for it.....