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Rules question: Character Kain Weller

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:46 am
by Maximilian Jenius
In the character description it states that Kain has two spartan shock batons for kicking butt and smashing heads. His special rule however makes no mention of it and just gives him a second melee attack.

Does this character recieve two shock batons at no cost in a spartan or does he have to pay for the shock baton upgrade in addition to his character points?

If so does he have to buy two?

If you take him as a malcontent character template does he give you access to the shock baton upgrade for the spartan?

Re: Rules question: Character Kain Weller

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:12 am
by jaymz
Good questions.....


Re: Rules question: Character Kain Weller

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:40 pm
by Phaze
Does this character recieve two shock batons at no cost in a spartan or does he have to pay for the shock baton upgrade in addition to his character points?

I would have to say 'no 'to the free shock batons. In his description he uses shock batons but nowhere does it say the Spartan gets the upgrade for free. Besides, he is 5 pts. and the shock batons are 10pts. Everyone would take him and get the batons for free (at least for that Spartan)...I can't see that would be the case.

If so does he have to buy two?

No, purchase the upgrade for the squad and he get two attacks with the baton. The description says he uses two and it is portrayed as having the extra attack.

If you take him as a malcontent character template does he give you access to the shock baton upgrade for the Spartan?

Wow...good one. But based on the fact that there is no mention of the automatic upgrade, I would have to say 'no'. He would just allow that extra movement and extra attack, despite what his fluff says. For 5pts, its still not a bad deal.

Now keep in mind this is how I would make the call as an MA if I were to run a game. This is not 'official' until I can get a discussion with the designers and we can get an answer. The MA coordinators are having this discussion about the best course to get 'official' answers which may include a separate forum, a specific person to contact, or a particular person to respond to questions on the board. Until that time that a official path to answers can be nailed down (after all they are busy packing stuff up to get them out to the Kickstarters), it must be a community effort to come to a consensus on what the rules states and locking up any questions that may arise.

But I have to say Max, you are finding some good questions. Keep 'em coming so we can get them in the open and talked about.
