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I hope thers a Sneak preview of Rifter 68 on Drive thruRpg.

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 8:02 am
by gaby
Well Rifter 67 is out but thers no sneak preview on Drive thruRpg,Ho well I hope the Next One get it.

Re: I hope thers a Sneak preview of Rifter 68 on Drive thruR

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:53 pm
by asbjorn
I have never used Drive Thru. I just wait till my copy comes in, though I should use it to get out of print Rifters.

Re: I hope thers a Sneak preview of Rifter 68 on Drive thruR

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:00 pm
by gaby
Well they did pass Rifter 66 and 67,so I hope they do 68.

Re: I hope thers a Sneak preview of Rifter 68 on Drive thruR

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 9:27 am
by whassupman03

asbjorn wrote:I have never used Drive Thru. I just wait till my copy comes in, though I should use it to get out of print Rifters.

I agree with this asbjorn. My current strategy when it comes to The Rifter is to subscribe to the latest ones through Palladium, wait for the latest ones to arrive, and use DriveThruRPG for back issues and digital versions of game books (Currently I have issues #40, #45, and #48 in PDF format, which gives me most of the Dead Reign articles I use nowadays.). Spoilers are not my thing. :roll: However, I do have a tendency to buy digital versions of books and magazines that I already have in print for posterity, since I like to have backup copies. Like they say, two is one and one is none. :-) Even so, when the time comes where the issues of The Rifter that exist now are offered on DriveThruRPG, I will probably go for the win and buy them. After all, the great thing about books and magazines in PDF form is that they can often be scanned using the search function. :-D But anyway, please take care; thanks a bunch, and have a good day.

whassupman03 :D