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Mini-Update - April 7, 2014

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:54 pm
by Kevin
Mini-Update: April 7, 2014

This weekend was a whirlwind of action and a strange mixed bag.

I made tremendous headway on Rifts® Northern Gun 2. Got a ton of work done on this book. Wayne and Alex were here working along side of me all weekend as well.

One reason final editing and writing on NG-2 has taken so long, is because of the huge amount of freakin’ material we’re trying to squeeze into this book. At this point NG-2 is looking like it’s gonna be bigger than NG-1. Crazy, right? But we want it to be everything it’s supposed to be. And more.

On a personal level, the weekend saw a huge disappointment and it was overall sorrowful. Something Kathy, Alex and I were looking forward to fell through and didn’t happen (which made me angry and sad). Kathy and Jeff both came down with some kinda bug. Wayne has been suffering through some sort of cold or flu bug for a while now, himself, but he was here working all weekend. We didn’t get to see the new Captain America Movie, either. Worst of all, Kathy and I were missing her brother, Bill Bailey. As you may recall, Bill passed away last November around Thanksgiving Day. His birthday would have been this weekend. We were all missing him and feeling the loss pretty bad, Kathy most deeply of all. She heard from several friends and relatives all expressing their sorrow. I think Bill would be surprised to see how much he meant to people. So the weekend had a tinge of sadness. Some how though, I managed to pound out finished pages by the truckload.

Today, Monday, I’m feeling pretty worn out and a bit down. I don’t know if it’s from the even longer hours of work the last several days than usual, or a delayed reaction to all the emotions of the weekend, but this morning I didn’t want to crawl out of bed. I got in at 8:30 A.M., but I’m definitely low ebb today. Still, stuff is moving forward and looking good.

I will have a bunch of good news to report in the Thursday Weekly Update, so keep your eyes peeled.

Oh, it’s Julius Rosenstein’s birthday today. Happy Birthday, Julius. It is good to call you my friend for all these years. Here’s to a happy day and many more years of adventure yet to come. Game on!

That’s all for now. I need to get back to work. Stay positive and be ready for some excitement and good news in the Thursday Update. Till then . . . (actually, I imagine I'll post before then).

Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

© Copyright April 7, 2014 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

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