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Putting together a WP (Demon) Suit

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 9:54 am
by Tor
TMNTpg105 had "WP Suit" for the Shredder. It said 'see below' but all it had listed was damage, so the WP skill was absent.

Mystic China page 189 had "WP Demon Suit" under Weapon Katas, but similarly absent were the actual bonuses.

I feel like there should be something here, so am kinda left guessing at what to use. First off I would say that it functions like Paired Weapons because the suit has multiple components. As for the actual bonuses, there is the 'Weapon Improvisation' skill on page 13 of Mystic China. I'm not sure why it's listed under Projectile Weapons rather than Ancient WPs, possibly because it could apply to both.

Perhaps different parts of the armor could be chosen, either for strike or parry or damage or entangle. I assume throw would not be applicable, since while you could throw the armor pieces, they probably aren't aerodynamically designed. It's too bad we never got a picture of the armor though, just a picture of some naked guy posing. The parts I'm aware of are (per 44/189):
*knuckles (for spur punches)
*palms (for palm strikes)
*elbows (for elbow spike)
*shoulders (for shoulder rams)
*knees (for knee snaps)
*ankles (for snap kicks and leg hooks)
*twin-horned helmet (for gores and double gores)

Those are just the exercise/combat spurs. The 'full demon armor' presumably has additional parts to it besides these basic 13 pieces, but I'm not sure what they are. I'm inclined to think that maybe the helmet is good at entangling, the elbow good at parrying, the ankle+palm+knuckle good at striking, the shoulder+knee at inflicting damage, but that's just a guess. Or maybe ignore the entangle (doesn't appear to be part of the art) and give the strike/parry/damage bonus to all parts?

Also does anyone know what the 'blunt impact' special modifier to critical/knockout/stun attacks under Modifiers to Attacks is supposed to mean?

The reason I'm thinking that a WP should exist is that the bonuses in this art alone are not all that spectacular, and there isn't really anything stopping someone who practices another art from putting on a similar suit and getting the same protection/damage while getting potentially better abilities. The existence of a 'kata' implies that the normal level advancement bonuses apply even when out of armor and doing these techniques, and that you get even better at them when using the suit.

I'm wondering if anyone remembers body armor related WP skills in ANY of the Palladium RPGs. I remember Siege on Tolkeen had some 'demon claws' which added some bonuses when activated, but that was different and more of a mystic enhancement which only applied while turn on.

Comparing the Shredder's suit to the Demon Armor is pretty interesting. There are some major differences
*He doesn't have a gore attack since his head armor is pretty conservative (though you'd think he'd get SOME damage bonus for a head butt...) and the gore does the same as shredder's punch
*He does the same amount of damage on kicks with his shin spikes as demon does with ankle/knee spurs
*He does more damage with his shoulder spikes on body blocks
*His 2 blades do the same punch damage as the demon armor's palm strike
*Whether or not his punch does more or less damage than a demon elbow spike depends on which die you go with. For some reason d10 and 2d4+2 were presented as interchangeable, which I don't really understand. This is a difference between min1/avg5.5 and min4/avg7 which is pretty significant.
*Demon punching is solely given the latter stat, which is more competitive with shredder's punch. It has a higher minimum, the same average, and lower maximum.
*Shredders 'arm blades' have no match. The only thing that can exceed a single swipe of his arm blade is a double-gore, but Shredder can leap and do 2 full arm swipes to double his damage... if that's in an single action (and I get the impression it works liked paired WP) it's pretty supreme. If it's like a 'leap attack' then perhaps it costs him an extra action in which case, advantage gore.