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Starting Adventures

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 12:49 pm
by Carl Gleba
I'm curious as to what anyone has done as a starting adventure? How did you get the characters together?

Also what are some of the plots you have run. I've never run this for my group and one day I want to try my hand at it.

I'm sure I could use some of the spy movies out there, but I'm looking for something more original?

Thanks for the input :ok:

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:41 am
by Shawn Merrow
If you can catch it Strike Back on Cinemax would be a good inspiration for a Special Forces type unit.

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:43 am
by Noon
Ask the players a life goal their character has. If their character has none, you're in trouble!

If you're writing a module, perhaps list three or four kind of generic life goals (accumulation of wealth or power is a classic, searching for someone or something is another) for GM's to tie in the module to the PC's.

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:42 pm
by Carl Gleba
Food for thought, thanks guys :ok:

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:00 am
by Shawn Merrow
Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole is an interesting mix of supernatural and Special Ops. I'm almost done with book 1 and really enjoying it.

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:32 pm
by Carl Gleba
Good stuff. Thanks guys.

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 4:09 am
by slade the sniper
Shawn Merrow wrote:Shadow Ops: Control Point by Myke Cole is an interesting mix of supernatural and Special Ops. I'm almost done with book 1 and really enjoying it.

That was a good book...sort of like Shadowrun right after the return of magic...


Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:26 pm
by Carl Gleba
Mephisto wrote:Carl are you going to a purely N&S game, or one that incorporates other elements like Mystic China, BTS2, Recon and other material? Because N&S is largely a toolbox game with a lot of disparate elements unlike Rifts and Palladium Fantasy that have a built-in setting to draw from.

Right now I'm toying with just purely a N&S game. Kind of looking at taking elements of burn notice and knight rider. I don't have any players at the moment so it's something I'm fooling around with to keep busy.

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:47 am
by Noon
Burn Ninjas

Re: Starting Adventures

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 8:22 am
by The Dark Elf
I am currently writing up a N&S adventure for the Rifter (no MC) and most of our players have never played N&S.

I've started it in the Australian underground where all the players have infiltrated a "no holds barred" blood sport underground fighting league. A the very start of the adventure all the characters happen to be in a royal rumble contest in an abandoned parking lot...

You'll have to wait for the rest...