Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

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Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

This character is a bit of a stretch and I'm really interested to hear what people think about it. I like the idea of it, just not sure of the write-up. As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy.

NPC and possible OCC

“Yeah, they're tragic. Don’t let that cloud your judgment; they should all be destroyed. Truth be told, they died long ago. They just haven’t accepted it yet.”

The age before the Great Purge was one of super science and mind boggling technology; technology that Splicers and the Resistance can barely imagine. That their ancestors relied so heavily on machines, computers, and other mechanical devices is nearly inconceivable to many. While no one may ever know all that was lost, the beings known as “Shades” offer a tantalizing, (if terrifying) glimpse at the miracles the human race once possessed.

Technology had already enabled near instant communication over a global scale; only the most remote areas of the planet were unreachable by some means of advanced communication. The availability of remote communication allowed friendships, work and family relations to blossom in both the real world and cyberspace. With so much constant contact readily available at their fingertips, it was only a matter of time before someone attempted transference; placing their mind, thoughts, consciousness (and perhaps soul?) into cyberspace.

The success of transference transformed human society in a way no one could have predicted. One of the most popular uses of transference came in the form of “Proxies”: humanoid robots that could be purchased or leased, capable of housing someone’s consciousness. The transferred person controlled the Proxy as easily as their own body. Designed to be nearly indistinguishable from true humans, Proxies were fit and attractive, enabling people to experience life vicariously from the comfort and safety of their own homes. For many, a Proxy replaced regular travel: a user could simply possess a body already at the destination and enjoy. Others lived almost their entire lives through a Proxy, their true bodies kept safe from harm.

Countless users were inhabiting Proxy bodies when the Great Purge began. Linked through cyberspace with their original bodies, most died without ever being aware of what had happened. Yet many users managed to survive somehow, their minds still inhabiting their robotic counterparts. Dubbed by Splicers as “Shades”, no one knows for sure what they are, not even the Shades themselves. Theories about Shades are numerous: some insist they are just robots, their programming somehow running on the remnants of the last user. Other Shades claim to be the actual humans who were projecting at the time and are now trapped, forever unable to return to their original body. Still others insist that Shades are a bit of both; a fragment of a soul now trapped in a machine body. The secrets of transference have been lost for decades and its likely no one will ever know the true answer.

Regardless of how it happened, Shades are easily the most human behaving robot one could encounter. While some have managed to keep their synthetic flesh more or less intact, others are obviously machines, many with make shift or jury rigged repairs. Shunned by nearly all humans since the advent of the nano-plague, most Shades are pitiful creatures. Unfortunately most, if not all, are also quite insane, having survived not only the Great Purge but the many hard years after. While some are dangerously insane, others are heartbreakingly glad to have any human companionship. The few Shades that have managed to find a home (usually among Technojackers or other “misfits”) are fiercely loyal and protective of their new “family”.

NOTE: Suitable for both NPCs and PCs, what follows are the basic stats for a Shade. These stats may be changed or modified at GM’s discretion, based on the character’s background, experience, etc. It’s important to note that Proxies were intended as recreational model robots usable by the general public. These robots tend to be fairly close to regular humans in physical abilities and lack many features associated with “combat robots” i.e. thick armor, heavy weapons, etc. With GM’s discretion, this could be jury-rigged, though the Proxy’s light frame would limit the weight that could be carried.

Service Drone.
M.D.C. by Location: Arms (2): 45 each - Legs (2): 60 each - * Head: 60 - ** Main Body: 120.

* Destroying the head will normally destroy the Shade. This will eliminate all optics and sensory systems, reduces the maximum speed and the number of melee attacks by half, and combat bonuses to zero, plus causes the drone to stop in its tracks, as if dead. The character is effectively dead. However, there is a 1 in 10 chance, the Proxy body survives and is still capable of limited function. If the robot is
touched, it will lash out to grab, beat and kill whatever touches it. Note: The head is a small and difficult
target to hit, and can only be hit when a character makes a "Called Shot," and even then the attacker is -5 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body destroys the Shade.

50 mph (80 km).
Leaping: 20 feet (6.1 m) high or lengthwise, + 10 feet (3 m) with a running start (40 mph/64 km or faster).
Swimming: Swimming is not possible; a Shade will sink like a stone.
Flying: Not possible.

Statistical Data:
5 to 6.6 feet (1.5 to 2 m).
Width: Same as a human; about two feet (0.6 m).
Length: Same as a human; about 8-10 inches (under 0.3 m).
Weight: 200-250 lbs. (90 to 112.5 kg).
Attributes of Note: Shade characters roll their I.Q., M.E., and M.A. as normal. Other attributes are as follows: P.S. 14+1D8, (Robot P.S.), P.P. 9+1D4, P.E. n/a, P.B. 8-24 (to emulate a large range of human appearance), Speed (see Speed above).
Cargo: Only what it can carry.
Power System: Advanced compact energy cell of unknown construction.
Trade Value: None, with the possible exception of a Technojacker.
Horror Factor: None for the most part. Many look like an ordinary human or battered robot. Few look particularly dangerous; G.M. discretion.
Senses & Features: Basic, including a color sight system with 20/20 vision. A few Proxy models may offer passive nightvision (needs ambient light) and/or ultraviolet sight; GM discretion. Range: 2000ft. (610 m). (Note: Proxies were not normally equipped with thermal-optics or special sensors; an area for GM discretion.
The Proxy model also has amplified stereo hearing capacity slightly better than the best human capabilities; hears in the full decibel range, able to pick up a whisper 50 feet (91.5 m) away. Ultrasonic pickup enables the Proxy to hear frequencies inaudible to the human ear, like a dog whistle. Voice synthesizer provides the robot with a human sounding voice, although it has a bit of a mechanical tone to it.
Combat and Skills Note: Most Shades were originally average citizens of a high tech city. Consequently, any combat/wilderness related skills and abilities were picked up by experience after the Great Purging. This is an area for the player and GM to craft a background and choose skills appropriate to the character. The combat abilities and skills presented here are the absolute basic and can be tweaked accordingly. At the bare minimum, the character would have the following:

Number of Attacks per Melee: Three.
Combat Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to pull punch, and + 1 to roll with punch, fall or impact. Impervious to poison, disease, and mind control (and illusion).

Skills of Note: Basic Math, Cooking, Gardening, Pilot Automobile, Language (based on the geographic region), Literacy (same as the language spoken), Computer Operation, and two Domestic Skills of choice, all at 94%.

Possible Upgrades: Like much of the Shade character, this is an area for GM discretion. The two main things to keep in mind: First, these characters were once average citizens. That they’ve survived as long as they have is a miracle. Second, the Proxy body was designed to emulate the average citizen and was not a combat model. Consequently, Proxy models were not originally outfitted with concealed or heavy weapons or substantial armor. These can added as jury rigged items, but the light frame of the Proxy should prevent multiple heavy weapons or ultra-thick armor.

Insanities: All Shade characters suffer from a number of emotional problems and insanities. These were regular people who have not only survived unimaginable events; they’ve “lived” far longer than they would have naturally. Consequently, even the most good natured Shade is fairly crazy. The Shade begins with on Insanity and must roll on this table at levels 1, 5, 7, 10 and 15; re-roll any duplicate results. The Game Master may suggest an additional roll or two through the course of the gaming experience that might arise from deeply traumatic experiences. This is not meant to be an exhaustive list and the GM should feel free to add or substitute as they see fit.
    01-05% Delusional: Super-Hero: The Shade thinks he is a great warrior or even a super-hero. Sees the Machine and her stockpile of "evil robots and machines" as his arch-nemesis, and is always quick to action and takes crazy risks, especially to protect ordinary, powerless humans.
    06-10% Delusional: Pawn of the Machines. This Shade is convinced he is a danger to those around him because the robots can "read his mind" and "sense his presence." It's not true, but you can't convince him of that. The character will blame himself for surprise attacks and ambushes by robots and any trouble with machines. ("Oh no! Now look what I've done, I've lead them right to us. I told you to leave me behind. I told you.") Conversely, the Shade insists he can sometimes tell when he is being watched or followed by robots and machines, and 0 1-66% of the time ... he's right!
    11-15% Delusional: Healer. The Shade thinks he or she is a doctor/healer and always wants to give first aid to the injured (even if completely unskilled) and take care of others. If the Shade has no Medical skills, his good intention and ineffectual help can kill! This delusion probably comes from a memory fragment of when the character was human and hospitalized.
    16-20% Delusional: Alien. Thinks he is a visitor from another planet who has joined the indigenous people in their valiant fight against the tyrannical Machine. The Shade treats other Shades, Resistance fighters and normal humans as if they are alien races and weaves convincing stories about "his people, planet and space adventures." Note: This Shade should look markedly different than most other Shades, but he is most definitely of human descent, though nothing will convince him of that.
    21-25% Feral, Animal-like. Acts more like a trained dog than a person. Dislikes being holed up, likes to explore the wilderness and new places, and generally behaves like a dog. Though he can speak words (probably keeps them simple) and understand complex orders, the character sniffs the air (heck, he sniffs everything and everyone), growls and snorts, hoots and howls, chews on wood or bones, likes to be petted and hugged for a good job, tends to follow others, and, unless called back or grabbed, may chase after the enemy or wander off to investigate something that has caught his attention, oblivious to other dangers, risk or more important matters (caught up in the chase).
    26-30% Childlike. "Robots bad! Must be stopped – smashed so they don't hurt nobody." A good fighter who follows orders well and is loyal to friends and allies, but has the mind of a six or seven year old child (if that), so he really never understands what exactly is going on or why. Thinks in very simple terms and is afraid of the dark and cries if left alone in it.
    31-35% Obsession: Flying! Loves it and wants to be able to fly himself, but doesn't have that ability. If this character gets the chance, he will steal a Wing Pack and try to go flying, or leap onto a robot flyer and enjoy the ride (assuming he survives it). Fascinated by all things that fly, including Archangels, whom he believes are the most noble and heroic fighters of them all. Thus, the character will risk his own life to rescue or help an Archangel. Likes high places and is not afraid of heights.
    36-40% Obsession: Self-Loathing: Sees himself as a monster. Hates himself and those even remotely like him, including the Machine and Technojackers! He distrusts and hates them as much as the robot hordes of the Machine. Self-loathing makes the character short-tempered, angry all the time, and imposes a -10% skill penalty ("See, I told you I was no damn good!"). Fortunately, the Shade takes most of it out on robots and the fools who bother him too much, but he will jump at the chance to take on a Technojacker.
    41-45% Obsession: Fighting and Competition. Loves it. The Shade is always eager to jump into combat and may go out of his way to turn even a minor dispute into violence.
    46-50% Obsession: Danger: Loves the thrill of it. Jumping off cliffs, facing unbeatable odds, and just about anything that endangers the character's life is embraced. He gives new meaning to the phrase, "Danger is my middle name."
    51-55% Obsession: Robots. Hates them more than anything and lives to fight and destroy all mechanisms that serve the Machine. Dislikes and is suspicious of all things that are high-tech, even others like him. Is mistrustful of weapons or gear that are not his. Lives for the day that the Machine will be destroyed and people can get back to nature and normal lives.
    56-60% Obsession: Bio-Technology: Hates it. Organic reconstruction is horrible and ruins lives. He will avoid most people who use or promote it.
    61-65% Obsession: Cleanliness: Loves and wants it. Hates dirtiness and unsanitary conditions and will become enraged if someone makes him dirty (spills food or drink on him, mud, etc.), lashing out in anger and violence. However, the same character will become sullen and despondent when forced to live in squalid conditions or trapped in a filthy environment like a prison, animal pen, garbage dump, etc. (doesn't mind the outdoors; considers it fresh and natural). Even minor displays of uncleanliness will annoy and anger him, and the Shade frequently washes his hands, dusts off his clothing and armor, scrapes mud off his boots, checks and cleans his weapon, etc.
    66-70% Obsession: Doctors (but not Saints) and surgery: Loves to watch surgeons in action and hero worships Doctors and Engineers.
    71-75% Phobia: Shades: When facing other Shades who look especially powerful, nasty or mean, the character becomes humble and servile, or frightened and insecure. There is a 01-60% likelihood of the phobic Shade surrendering or running away without a fight.
    76-80% Phobia: Sickness and Disease: Despite the robot body, the character feels very uncomfortable around the sick and will severely overreact if the Shade believes himself to be sick or surrounded by illness. ("Oh no. It's a plague! We're all gonna die! I think I feel sick already. Did you just cough? Yes, you did. Stay back! Get away from me ... or else.") Reduce attacks per melee and combat bonuses by half whenever the character believes he is sick himself, in a plague zone, or in a contaminated environment. This character will try to avoid sick people, hospitals and nursing homes at all costs.
    81-85% Compulsive Liar: Always exaggerates self-importance and loves to make up stories.
    86-90% Kleptomaniac: A compulsion to steal, even if a good alignment. Considering the character's origins and the environment, items taken are likely to be nothing of great monetary value, but things that may matter to comrades nonetheless, including food, candy, booze, trinkets, ammunition, a gun or knife, an ancient artifact (from a worthless bobble to something of value) and souvenirs/trophies from battles (which might include something the robots or the Machine could track or want back).
    91-94% Can't handle extreme emotional pressure: There is a chance that the Shade will go completely catatonic under any high stress situations, especially life and death moments and where everything hinges on what he does next. And the problem only gets worse with age. The base chance is 10% +2% per level of experience. During these times the character shuts down and is totally helpless and unable to act or save himself. It is as if someone threw an invisible switch and turned the Shade off, leaving him standing there blank or curled up in a fetal position. This blank or coma state lasts for 2D6 minutes, after which the Shade will recover completely, as if nothing strange had happened.
    95-97% Psychotic Personality Disorder: Has periodic episodes of "Jack the Ripper" or "Jekyll and Hyde" type violence or acts of cruelty or revenge, even if a good guy (completely evil alignment when in a psychotic episode). The character loves knives and blades of all kinds and probably starts fondling or playing with one when he is psychotic.
    98-00% Psychosis: Violent Rage: Although not quite a frenzy, the Shade still becomes totally enraged when provoked. Receiving a sudden shock or thinking about doing something contrary to his alignment will snap the Shade out of his rage. Otherwise, the rage will pass once the source of the provocation is removed.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Considering I'm in the middle of the Suragates graphic novel, I LOVE this.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by krispy »

I like it. great work

they would bring an interesting angle to the game. what tales would they have of the past got my imagination going

i can see individuals transfering their consciousness into the Shade, while their physical body goes into a stasis pod like you see in scifi films, for deep space exploration
connecting the dots
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by Guy_LeDouche »

The Galactus Kid wrote:Considering I'm in the middle of the Suragates graphic novel, I LOVE this.

That's where the idea came from, though mine was the movie.
Fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time". Southern fairy tales begin with "Y'all ain't gonna believe this s**t!!"

XBL Gamertag: Guy L3D0uch3

If Keanu Reeves had played Thulsa Doom, he would have told Conan to contemplate on the Tree of Whoa..
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by The Galactus Kid »

Haven't seen the movie yet, but I'll be borrowing it from my father in law this weekend.
Ziggurat the Eternal wrote:I'm not sure if its possible, but if it isn't, then possible will just have to get over it.

Ninjabunny wrote:You are playing to have fun and be a part of a story,no one is aiming to "beat" the GM, nor should any GM be looking to beat his players.

Marrowlight wrote: The Shameless Plug would be a good new account name for you. 8-)

ALAshbaugh wrote:Because DINOSAURS.
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by boxee »

Awsome job again.
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

cool. a decot, like in Ghost in the Shell 2; Man-Machine Interface. (the manga)
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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by taalismn »

This idea isn't all that far removed from one of my own ideas for 'walking relics', so I give it my approval. :ok:
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Robots of the Wastes Part Two: Shades

Unread post by Aramanthus »

This is a very cool concept.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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