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Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 1:34 pm
by jaymz
I think there was an article that touched on this quite a while ago but it was part of another article....maybe try looking over the Rifter Index here on the forums?

Personally I never understood the reluctance to come up with a canon way to do this since, as you said above, there are a multitude of NPC's that have....

Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:20 pm
by barna10
I think the problem with multi/dual classing in Palladium is skills, and I think this is where most people get hung up.

The freezing of skills is a strange, unnecessary mechanic IMO. After all, "normal" characters can have skills they never use that still advance every level. For instance, a Rifts character rifted to PF would still increase his Computer Ops skill every level. So, why would a Cyber-Doc that became a Mage not increase his MD skill every level?

Then there are H-to-H skills. According to the cannon rules, h-to-h skills are also frozen/reset, but why? Does the character suddenly forget how to fight or suddenly become unable to progress to the next belt (if a martial artist)?

I think there is too much emphasis put on play balance and not enough reliance on logic.

If I were to create a multi/dual class system, I would probably separate skill progression from class ability progression. I would keep the skill progression constant, halt the progression the old class abilities, and start the new ones at level one.

If dual classing, I would require split XP (part going to each class) based on what abilities the PC used, and I would have the "skill" level equal the higher of the two classes. You'd have to figure out how to handle skill progression, but I'm sure something could be figured out.

Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:26 am
by The Dark Elf
Get writing then!

Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:35 pm
by MaxxSterling
Considering the scope of rifts, I need to know how to do multiple occ changes over time, not just 1 change. Characters that live over 1000 years surely aren't going to be the same occ that entire time, especially if they reach level 15...

Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:47 pm
by gaby
Well I think it,s ok if ther two different Occ types like a Magic/Man at arms.
Have two Magic Occ is a bit too much,so I keep it to only God level beings.

Re: Non-Canon Dual Class Options

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2012 1:52 pm
by drewkitty ~..~
MaxxSterling wrote:Considering the scope of rifts, I need to know how to do multiple occ changes over time, not just 1 change. Characters that live over 1000 years surely aren't going to be the same occ that entire time, especially if they reach level 15...

For immortal (super-long lived) chars (see PU2, MC, RCB2, PFD&G, and others for immortal char details) I would have them just learn more skills. This because those that live super-lon lives tend to get distracted by "living" or have a "I will get to it later" mentality.

While yes, they might do different jobs during their lives. This does not mean they have to change their class.

So I would use the HU:PU2 ed bonus for age to enhance a older immortal.

Or as an option use the one I've written up for Alchemical Immortals in MC.(below)

*For every 50 years of age (over 50) the Alch. Im. may have learned a new skill, spell, MA power, Psi power. Limited to mages, Martial Artists, and Psychics respectively.
*However, when living in a modern society (like between 1912 and 2005) the Alch. Im. may have learned a new skill every 5 years. (This section only covers skills. Excluding spells (see the Spell creation rules for replacement rules), MA powers, and psi powers.)
*[note: have not written anything up to cover skills that would represent the last 7 years (2005-2012). But will give some thought about it.]