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Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 1:00 pm
by The Galactus Kid
BookWyrm wrote:Picked up Rifter #50 today, along with Triax 2, Dimensional Outbreak & Dyval. Much reading to do :D

You're going to be busy my friend.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 8:45 pm
by Warwolf
Sureshot wrote:I bought mine yesterday and like all of the book. My own complaont is that I would have preferred to have the entire Rifts Vehicle article. I would have left out the comic strip and included the entire article.

I imagine there's more than four more pages to that article.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Tue May 18, 2010 10:05 am
Warwolf wrote:
Sureshot wrote:I bought mine yesterday and like all of the book. My own complaont is that I would have preferred to have the entire Rifts Vehicle article. I would have left out the comic strip and included the entire article.

I imagine there's more than four more pages to that article.

Of course he knows that, but then how could have gotten a dig in on me?

-Mike <8]

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:20 am
by Crazy Lou
Jason Richards wrote:Thoughts about the Teke Freak's Hammer/Crush abilities:

First off, the Teke Freak is a beast. No doubt about it. Beating up on mechanized squads is what he does best. That said, none of this was really put through the wringer, so this is definitely a dry run for what will appear in Psychic Storm. Also, let's make no mistake about this: balance between character classes is for suckers. Dragons should be more powerful than villagers, Godlings more powerful than Mystics, and the Teke Freak is just what the name says, a freak. His powers skew very high-end, and it might even be over the top, but what I REALLY didn't want in this article is another crop of characters that all have a bunch of 4D6, 5D6, or occasionally the 1D6x10 powers picked from the same rehashed list of psychic abilities that have seen print in every Palladium book for 20+ years.

First of all, I want to thank you SO MUCH for this article, and also especially for the bold section above.

What I do strive for is internal consistency, in that the Freak's powers should line up logically when looking at ISP cost vs damage and all of that. Low-powered abilities with very few effects shouldn't cost much in terms of ISP, and more powerful abilities should be less efficient in their use of Inner Strength. Looking at it now, Hammer could maybe be bumped up a tad in ISP cost, but Crush should probably go to 30 ISP. Before Psychic Storm gets underway, I'll definitely take a closer look here and see what needs to be tweaked. When I find something that I will ultimately change in the canon, it will be up on my website as an errata for free download. That's just how I roll.

I was thinking that a slight increase in ISP for hammer is reasonable but that 30 is a bit much for crush. If you upped hammer to 10/attack, and crush is just 2 hammers coming together, doubling the ISP cost (or maybe at most up to 25 ISP), for much less than double the damage (except AT level 2 if crush is taken first complimentary) seems reasonable enough, especially considering that as you've said, the freak is supposed to be way powerful/a Freak.

I don't think the overpower is horrible, though. The ISP cost is already fairly high, which limits the number of times the Freak can use his strongest powers. Also, don't underestimate the impact of the relatively short range of the Freak's powers compared to those he is likely to run up against.

Another thing to the specific example given that Crush can do 6D4x10 per attack at 7th level. That's to the exclusion of developing other Complimentary powers, for one. Plus, 7th level is pretty far advanced, particularly in Chaos Earth. The point is still well taken, though, and it should probably be knocked back one notch and, as I said, get the ISP cost bumped up to 30.

Good thoughts, though. As people roll up these characters and use them, be sure to update me so I can take your play experiences into account.

I agree that the short range of the powers compared to most of what the Freak will be facing is a very great balancing factor. Once people start playing the class more it might prove more limiting than expected.

But, no thoughts on the other classes? I love the Charismatic as a villain, and think the Reactionary creates a whole new dynamic in the way the character engages in combat. I knew the Freak would be the favorite, but let's not forget the others. :) Plus, I thought the new Minor Psychics setup was a refreshing change of pace.

I thought that the whole article absolutely ROCKED. I really liked the fresh format/new approach to the psychic classes, and I liked the fact that they all felt completely different and fresh.

The latent psychic section was really cool and I really liked that addition. It really gave a good feel to what it means when latent powers are mentioned, and I was glad there was a decent variety of types.

The charismatic I didn't just see as being great as a villain, but also as a really cool player class. Especially for the very non-action and/or trickly/manipulative kinds of players, it's like a dream class. It's powers and the complimentary ones allow for a few different playstyles for the class, and it brings a whole new meaning to the idea of a Dominator class psychic. Plus for good and selfish characters their powers will always be a temptation as well as an asset. Awesome.

I also liked the reactionary, but it's at the bottom of the list for me. There were just some things that I didn't quite like about it. I thought that the backlash ought to start doing a bit of damage earlier. It doesn't need to be more powerful really, especially in later levels, but I thought maybe starting at level 3 it could do a little bit of SDC (instead of HP like it starts later), maybe just 1D6 or 2D4 SDC. Then at level 8 the SDC damage would be just replaced, not supplemented by HP damage. I know that the stun gets really good, but it seems like level 8 is pretty late for a character to get its first damaging power, even if the point is to be mostly defensive. I know you could take reinforce backlash, but that seems like a lot of ISP to burn pretty fast when you're only doing a little damage at a time. (maybe I'm just underestimating the fact that it's doing automatic direct HP damage, I don't know, since I haven't actually played it yet, but that was at least my initial reaction to the backlash power. Take that bit with a large grain of salt I guess.)

The biggest thing that I didn't like though was that to get any kind of MDC defense, the psychic has to deal with the just terrible body shell power. Not only is it complementary, requiring the sacrifice of another power selection, but it's only enough to defend against a few laser pistol shots at low levels, it costs a WHOPPING 30 ISP PER ROUND (which is just crazy when you consider that on average a Reactionary starts with just 80.5 ISP), it cripples the psychics mobility, skills, and concentration, and even at max power (3 selections, if you want to blow that many on it), it takes a full melee round of concentration to pull it up, one selection means that you have to throw away 3 full rounds concentrating, and pray to god or whoever that you don't get your concentration interrupted (aka you get shot in the meantime), or depending on interpretation, you'll have to start working on it again! Compared to psychic body field, TK force field, and pretty much every magic armor ever, it's a super weak power. I know that the need for normal armor exists for all psychics really, and most classes in general, but considering that this class is all about reaction to being attacked, and mostly has defensive powers, it seems like having an armor power this bad just doesn't make sense.

Also, I don't want you to get me wrong -- I still like the reactionary class too (really I only had a small adjustment/question to backlash, and only disliked 1 power). I just wanted to say that again, so that you don't take the above the wrong way.

And thanks once again for the amazing article!

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:44 am
by Lord Z
What did folks think of the article about the Lazlo City-State?

At first, I didn't like it. I thought it had a lot of holes and infeasibilities. For example, carnivore life forms can eat anything they like so long as the prey isn't intelligent. Who decides what is or is not intelligent? Some of the criters with high animal intelligence have bigger IQ scores than a less smart than average human. Even then, a mutant animal snake cannot eat a mutant animal mouse, but it can eat the mouse's family and is instinctually driven to do so. This type of tricky ethical quandary inevitably happens in a diverse population of life forms, but gets completely ignored in this article.

Then I decided to view the article as a piece of fantasy literature. It's political fantasy. The social structure of the community is no more unrealistic than the dragon who unofficially rules it. After I crossed that threshold, I decided that I liked the article afterall.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:02 pm
by Warwolf
Lord Z wrote:What did folks think of the article about the Lazlo City-State?

At first, I didn't like it. I thought it had a lot of holes and infeasibilities. For example, carnivore life forms can eat anything they like so long as the prey isn't intelligent. Who decides what is or is not intelligent? Some of the criters with high animal intelligence have bigger IQ scores than a less smart than average human. Even then, a mutant animal snake cannot eat a mutant animal mouse, but it can eat the mouse's family and is instinctually driven to do so. This type of tricky ethical quandary inevitably happens in a diverse population of life forms, but gets completely ignored in this article.

Then I decided to view the article as a piece of fantasy literature. It's political fantasy. The social structure of the community is no more unrealistic than the dragon who unofficially rules it. After I crossed that threshold, I decided that I liked the article afterall.

Umm... I don't think this was in Rifter #50... :?

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:22 pm
by Crazy Lou
Warwolf wrote:
Lord Z wrote:What did folks think of the article about the Lazlo City-State?

At first, I didn't like it. I thought it had a lot of holes and infeasibilities. For example, carnivore life forms can eat anything they like so long as the prey isn't intelligent. Who decides what is or is not intelligent? Some of the criters with high animal intelligence have bigger IQ scores than a less smart than average human. Even then, a mutant animal snake cannot eat a mutant animal mouse, but it can eat the mouse's family and is instinctually driven to do so. This type of tricky ethical quandary inevitably happens in a diverse population of life forms, but gets completely ignored in this article.

Then I decided to view the article as a piece of fantasy literature. It's political fantasy. The social structure of the community is no more unrealistic than the dragon who unofficially rules it. After I crossed that threshold, I decided that I liked the article afterall.

Umm... I don't think this was in Rifter #50... :?

Yeah, I don't think so either. Was that in another rifter, and which one? It sounds vaguely familiar...?

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:46 pm
by Lord Z
Okay, that was my mistake. 'The Free State of Lazlo' was in Issue #49.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:06 pm
by ZeroArmour
So, just to clarify, Rifter #50 is covered by the subscription? 'Cause I didn't get one. I'll have to contact somebody over that.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:38 pm
by Crazy Lou
yep, it's covered. I got mine a while ago (and 51 too). You seem to be a little behind on your issues. Maybe your subscription ran our or something?

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:27 am
by ZeroArmour
No, I have #51 (it just came, that's how I know #50 didn't). And for some reason the label on the package says my suscription is for #49-#56?

I really don't know what to think.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 7:05 pm
by Crazy Lou
that is truly bizarre

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:25 am
by ZeroArmour
I've contacted them, but it'll probably take them a few days to get back to me.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:15 am
by The Galactus Kid
I hope everything gets resolved.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:12 am
by ZeroArmour
Me too.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 11:10 pm
by ZeroArmour
Okay, they sent me my #50!

Great, but...

They also sent me another #51 (actually it's two extra copies of #51 because I've got 2 subscriptions, I split the cost with my mate). What do I do now?

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:08 am
by Crazy Lou
shrug and put the extras on your shelf too? I've been sent duplicate rifters in grab bags even though I requested not to get any, as I already have them, and that's what I did with the extras.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 4:26 pm
by Lord Z
Trade it!

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 9:35 pm
by Crazy Lou
Trade where, with whom for what? Do you have some sort of cool book trading place near you? I don't know of anywhere you could trade Rifters..?

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 12:07 am
by ZeroArmour
I decided to let them know, in case they wanted them back of something.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 3:56 pm
by Warwolf
A'Zule wrote:I decided to let them know, in case they wanted them back of something.

They usually write that kind of thing off, especially if it was their error. They give them away on occasion for promotional reasons so this wouldn't be all that different. Give the copy to a friend, or another gamer that isn't in to Rifts yet, run a demo and give it away as a prize, or even keep it as a backup copy...

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 10:42 pm
by ZeroArmour
Warwolf wrote:
A'Zule wrote:I decided to let them know, in case they wanted them back of something.

They usually write that kind of thing off, especially if it was their error. They give them away on occasion for promotional reasons so this wouldn't be all that different. Give the copy to a friend, or another gamer that isn't in to Rifts yet, run a demo and give it away as a prize, or even keep it as a backup copy...

Yeah, They told me to just keep 'em.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:05 am
by Giant2005
Thought I'd bump this thread as this and Rifter 49 have recently been released on PDF so there will be more (like myself) who are looking at it for the first time.

My main thought on the issue is to point out the awesomeness of the Reactionary.
That PCC adds a whole new dynamic to the game by adding offensive capabilities to defense which is something we had very little capabilities of prior to this issue.
I have combined the Reactionary with the Cyber Knight and replace Zen Combat with those powers.

It seems thematically correct to have the CK with the capabilities of incapacitating an enemy based off that enemies own aggression. Those that are redeemable will survive and those who let aggression dominate them will eventually kill themselves by their own inability to cease attacking.
It is awesome.

Final thoughts: I'd like to offer my gratitude to Palladium for not yet embracing the PDF format. I have never been one to care about Rifters and have only been buying them as PDFs to help encourage the continued use of that format. If it wasn't for Palladium's reluctance, I would have never experienced the awesomeness of the Rifter.
I recommend it to everyone who is willing to listen.

Re: Rifter #50!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:40 am
by Giant2005
Jason Richards wrote:Thoughts about the Teke Freak's Hammer/Crush abilities:

First off, the Teke Freak is a beast. No doubt about it. Beating up on mechanized squads is what he does best. That said, none of this was really put through the wringer, so this is definitely a dry run for what will appear in Psychic Storm. Also, let's make no mistake about this: balance between character classes is for suckers. Dragons should be more powerful than villagers, Godlings more powerful than Mystics, and the Teke Freak is just what the name says, a freak. His powers skew very high-end, and it might even be over the top, but what I REALLY didn't want in this article is another crop of characters that all have a bunch of 4D6, 5D6, or occasionally the 1D6x10 powers picked from the same rehashed list of psychic abilities that have seen print in every Palladium book for 20+ years.

What I do strive for is internal consistency, in that the Freak's powers should line up logically when looking at ISP cost vs damage and all of that. Low-powered abilities with very few effects shouldn't cost much in terms of ISP, and more powerful abilities should be less efficient in their use of Inner Strength. Looking at it now, Hammer could maybe be bumped up a tad in ISP cost, but Crush should probably go to 30 ISP. Before Psychic Storm gets underway, I'll definitely take a closer look here and see what needs to be tweaked. When I find something that I will ultimately change in the canon, it will be up on my website as an errata for free download. That's just how I roll.

I don't think the overpower is horrible, though. The ISP cost is already fairly high, which limits the number of times the Freak can use his strongest powers. Also, don't underestimate the impact of the relatively short range of the Freak's powers compared to those he is likely to run up against.

Another thing to the specific example given that Crush can do 6D4x10 per attack at 7th level. That's to the exclusion of developing other Complimentary powers, for one. Plus, 7th level is pretty far advanced, particularly in Chaos Earth. The point is still well taken, though, and it should probably be knocked back one notch and, as I said, get the ISP cost bumped up to 30.

Good thoughts, though. As people roll up these characters and use them, be sure to update me so I can take your play experiences into account.

But, no thoughts on the other classes? I love the Charismatic as a villain, and think the Reactionary creates a whole new dynamic in the way the character engages in combat. I knew the Freak would be the favorite, but let's not forget the others. :) Plus, I thought the new Minor Psychics setup was a refreshing change of pace.

I'm more concerned with the power of the Reactionary than the Teke.
Sure the Teke can dish out some serious damage but if you actually look closely at the class, the Reactionary is easily the most powerful being in the Megaverse (aside from Cosmic level entities like the Old Ones and the Cosmic Forge maybe).
It can literally do anything it wants when it wants and there is nothing that can stop it.
You attack it via whatever means you like and you are the one to suffer for it.
The combination of an unlimited Shell that renews itself every time you are hit with a life-threatening attack and the GI Joe rule means you can never be killed by magic, psionics or physical attacks.
If someone attacks a reactionary, they can only kill themselves - never their target. With both the Reactionary and the Reactionary's opponent both constantly attacking the Reactionary's opponent, there really can only be one victor regardless of the quality of the opponent.