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Re: N.A.AT

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Drone by ~giantming
Digital Art / Drawings / Miscellaneous
©2010-2011 ~giantming

A drone version i dreamed up, for fleet defense, lol, it looks really like yukikaze at this angle though ^^

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... 2ylnsz.jpg

This drone version nick named drone cat is from the tomcat II , this drone act as wing man and can take the lead to protect fighter pilots or can be controlled over a 2000 miles range .this used only by N.A.A.T and the drone can act alone of loss connections .

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, +5 to dodge weight

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots range x10

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional below cockpit with 260 degrees range 1 mile blinds other pilots

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add:

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add 1 to 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve jet survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the wings and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 wings to 2 tons rear area

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%
Range 159 miles

24. AESA radars unidirectional radar system
An Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA), also known as active phased array radar is a type of phased array radar whose transmitter and receiver functions are composed of numerous small solid-state transmit/receive modules (TRMs). AESAs aim their "beam" by broadcasting radio energy that interfere constructively at certain angles in front of the antenna. They improve on the older passive electronically scanned radars by spreading their broadcasts out across a band of frequencies, which makes it very difficult to detect over background noise. AESAs allow ships and aircraft to broadcast powerful radar signals while still remaining stealthy.

AESAs add many capabilities of their own to those of the PESAs. Among these are: the ability to form multiple beams, to scan without mechanical steering, to use each TRM for different roles concurrently, like radar detection, and, more importantly, their multiple wave and scanning frequencies create multiple difficulties for traditional, correlation-type radar detectors.
Low Probability of Intercept
See also Low Probability of Intercept Radar
Radar systems work by sending out a signal and then listening for its echo off distant objects. Each of these paths, to and from the target, is subject to the inverse square law of propagation. That means that a radar's received energy drops with the fourth power of distance, which is why radar systems require high powers, often in the megawatt range, in order to be effective at long range.[1]
The radar signal being sent out is a simple radio signal, and can be received with a simple radio receiver. It is common to use such a receiver in the targets, normally aircraft, to detect radar broadcasts. Unlike the radar unit, which has to send the pulse out and then receive its reflection, the target's receiver does not need the reflection and thus the signal drops off only as the square of distance. This means that the receiver is always at an advantage over the radar in terms of range - it will always be able to detect the signal long before the radar can see the target's echo. Since the position of the radar is extremely useful information in an attack on that platform, this means that radars generally have to be turned off for lengthy periods if they are subject to attack; this is common on ships, for instance.
Turning that received signal into a useful display is the purpose of the "radar warning receiver" (RWR). Unlike the radar, which knows which direction it is sending its signal, the receiver simply gets a pulse of energy and has to interpret it. Since the radio spectrum is filled with noise, the receiver's signal is integrated over a short period of time, making periodic sources like a radar add up and stand out over the random background. Typically RWRs store the detected pulses for a short period of time, and compare their broadcast frequency and pulse repetition frequency against a database of known radars. The rough direction can be calculated using a rotating antenna, or similar passive array, and combined with symbology indicating the likely purpose of the radar - airborne early warning, surface to air missile, etc.
This technique is much less useful against AESA radars. Since the AESA can change its frequency with every pulse, and generally does so using a pseudo-random sequence, integrating over time does not help pull the signal out of the background noise. Nor does the AESA have any sort of fixed pulse repetition frequency, which can also be varied and thus hide any periodic brightening across the entire spectrum. Traditional RWRs are essentially useless against AESA radars.

High jamming resistance

amming is likewise much more difficult against an AESA. Traditionally, jammers have operated by determining the operating frequency of the radar and then broadcasting a signal on it to confuse the receiver as to which is the "real" pulse and which is the jammer's. This technique works as long as the radar system cannot easily change its operating frequency. When the transmitters were based on klystron tubes this was generally true, and radars, especially airborne ones, had only a few frequencies to chose among. A jammer could listen to those possible frequencies and select the one being used to jam.
Since an AESA changes its operating frequency with every pulse, and spreads the frequencies across a wide band even in a single pulse, jammers are much less effective. Although it is possible to send out broadband white noise against all the possible frequencies, this means the amount of energy being sent at any one frequency is much lower, reducing its effectiveness. In fact, AESAs can then be switched to a receive-only mode, and use these powerful jamming signals instead to track its source, something that required a separate receiver in older platforms.
AESAs are so much more difficult to detect, and so much more useful in receiving signals from the targets, that they can broadcast continually and still have a very low chance of being detected. This allows such radar systems to generate far more data than traditional radar systems, which can only receive data periodically, greatly improving overall system effectiveness.

Other advantages

Since each element in a AESA is a powerful radio receiver, active arrays have many roles besides traditional radar. One use is to dedicate several of the elements to reception of common radar signals, eliminating the need for a separate radar warning receiver. The same basic concept can be used to provide traditional radio support, and with some elements also broadcasting, form a very high bandwidth data link. The F-35 uses this mechanism to send sensor data between aircraft in order to provide a synthetic picture of higher resolution and range than any one radar could generate.
AESAs are also much more reliable than either a PESA or older designs. Since each module operates independently of the others, single failures have little effect on the operation of the system as a whole. Additionally, the modules individually operate at low powers, perhaps 40 to 60 watts, so the need for a large high-voltage power supply is eliminated.
Replacing a mechanically scanned array with a fixed AESA mount (such as on the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet) can help reduce an aircraft's overall radar cross-section (RCS), but some designs (such as the Eurofighter Typhoon) forgo this advantage in order to add the limits of mechanically scanning to the limits of electronic scanning and provide a larger angle of coverage.

25.Lightning II DAS system

displays and selects targets add+2 to strike with all missiles , add +3 initiative with helmet ,when doing a surprised attack the tomcat II can not be found for 1d4 +1melee, the tomcat II can do E.C.C.M attacks by using microwave burst to a target at long distance , to be detected -2d4x10% convectional , or alien , but A.N -1D4X10


Main body 450
Wings (2) 250
Tail wing (2) 150
Twin engine (2) 300
Front carnal wing (2) 100
Reinforce cockpit compartment: none but main computer core 100
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field
Generators 100Add 2 tons for each

Height 16 feet
Length 45 feet
Width 56 feet wing to wing tip
Weight empty 15 tons
Range: unlimited
Altitude: 80,000 feet
Flying: 80 MPH low speed mach 3.0, on a dive mach 4.5
cost 1.5 million starting at :shock:

Weapons systems four hard per wing can 4 more hard point in tail wing and four more in main body
Main wing hard point has the abilities to carry 3 long range missiles per hard point
Main body hard point 2 long range missiles per hard point
Standard missiles 2000 pounds each or 3 tons each for main wing and main body total 36 !!!
It can handle a total of tons plus 44 tons
Note N.A.A.T long range missiles 1000 pounds that a total of 72!!!!!
Medium range missiles per hard point 6 for each Main wing hard point and Main body hard point total 72
N.A.A.T fire and forget rift mercenary book has 8 Medium range missiles 96

Short-range missiles per hard point 10 weight 33 pounds each
Mini missiles per hard point 20 weight 10 pounds each

Damage: varies with missiles
Range: varies with missiles note all N.A.A.T Medium range missiles is 10 miles
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: can carry different type missiles per hard point one hard point short range the second hard point long range the third hard point mini missiles the fourth hard point medium range and so on
Bonus: it does not loss any none of it maneuverability

ECCM pod attacks: by using microwave burst
Damage: none just Electronics will be
1) Destroyed if they are harden equipment roll 1 to 10 harden equipment , destroyed must be replace or repairs on 11 to 20 ,
2) if harden equipment 1 to 10 reduce by -1d10 X10 % range or get negative skill roll penalty 11 to 17 disable 18 to 20 critical hit must be replace or repairs if you can fix on the air or the ground
Bonus: add + 5 to strike due not seen plus weapon systems, W.P, plus pilots strike range attacks
Penalties: takes half all the attacks
Self destruct systems will eject first 5d6x10 blast radius 50 feet
Range: 20 miles
Weight 2 tons

Bonuses and penalties for tomcat II,
add +3 initiative for conventional radar , and other E.C.M combat or E.C.C.M combat , add +4 roll , ADD +9 to dodge to missiles ,add +2 attacks to surprise attacks , when under attack by using missiles against tomcat II get -4 to strike but not to mini-missiles!!! Add + 35 to piloting skills plus pilot skills and Bonuses as well can go over 100% add 2 attacks plus 1 more attack at level 5 ,

Helmet-mounted display system (H.M.D.S)

Lightning II DAS system
displays and selects targets add+2 to strike with all missiles , add +3 initiative with helmet ,when doing a surprised attack the tomcat II can not be found for 1d4 +1melee, the tomcat II can do E.C.C.M attacks by using microwave burst to a target at long distance , to be detected -2d4x10% convectional , or alien , but A.N -1D4X10

The Stall Turn

The following maneuver can be done by F-22,
The Stall Turn ( - thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... -turn2.jpg

To execute a Stall Turn, the aircraft must start in level flight and nose up to a vertical flight path until it comes to a stop. At which point the model aircraft yaws through 180 degrees, then dives and finally recovers straight and level on a flight path in the opposite direction to the entry. Entry and exit should be at the same height. Low powered aircraft types would be expected to execute a shallow dive at full throttle in order to pick up the necessary speed before commencing the maneuver. The Stall Turn will allow players to regain the offensive position.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra

The Cobra(- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.

The Kulbit

The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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more coming use a series of second line air defense
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Because Sky Cycles and many military hover cycle are very expensive vehicles in North America and in South America N.A.A.T was able to get companies to work together one got main body ready, another got weapon systems, others work on cockpit and features this caused to reduce cost form a Propeller fighter plane to jet fighters to even the strange military vehicles . Only two have been made for over seas one the German Saucer project Hanuebu II and Su-51 Berkut II. Again Air Superiority, Inc and other major mecr companies in north America are been used as cover in merc town which there are many young pilots for both field of need one low altitude escort services (which are many only there is a 2% for spies to get in) and jetfighter program used by USA air force call TOP GUN programs for jetfighters services (which are many only there is a 5% for spies to get in). Still there are many who don’t make it as fighter pilots but there always gunship programs as well transport services which all have good pay. And those that wish to fly are been look for not all is combat but most logistical air support and second line support. Recently free Quebec has ask to trained publicly for future aircraft fighter pilots which the coalition are seen as hands off with Air Superiority, Inc.

more later
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Kyushu J7W1 Shinden Flight by *shelbs2
Digital Art / 3-Dimensional Art / Vehicles / Aerial (for air)
©2010-2011 *shelbs2

In Flight render of the modified Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

Model Rhino 4.0
Textures Bryce 6.1
Post Render Editing Photoshop CS4

thank you shelbs2 wow awesome picture

http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 313tub.jpg

Because Sky Cycles and many military hover cycle are very expensive vehicles in North America and in South America N.A.A.T was able to get companies to work together one got main body ready, another got weapon systems, others work on cockpit and features this caused to reduce cost form a Propeller fighter plane to jet fighters to even the strange military vehicles . Only two have been made for over seas one the German Saucer project Hanuebu II and Su-51 Berkut II. Again Air Superiority, Inc and other major mecr companies in north America are been used as cover in merc town which there are many young pilots for both field of need one low altitude escort services (which are many only there is a 2% for spies to get in) and jetfighter program used by USA air force call TOP GUN programs for jetfighters services (which are many only there is a 5% for spies to get in). Still there are many who don’t make it as fighter pilots but there always gunship programs as well transport services which all have good pay. And those that wish to fly are been look for not all is combat but most logistical air support and second line support. Recently free Quebec has ask to trained publicly for future aircraft fighter pilots which the coalition are seen as hands off with Air Superiority, Inc.
The modified Kyushu J7W1 Shinden has been replace with digital motor surface control systems with this allows better amour , weapons, speed and rugged for tough runways . This allows for S.T.O.L due to the location of the engine /propeller systems. Beloved for any that can fly these planes and very cheap to getting a small escort need or fighter bomber better turn radius then any hover cycle. This make any coalition sky cycle think twice to either engage or withdraws. This has allowed Air Superiority, Inc expanded in are not thought of not all mercenary are has a jet fight maybe a helicopter at best. This bird can hanlded it.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +2 attacks, +5 to dodge

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: optional

8. optional /N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 200 pounds

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. optional Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add

11. optional/ N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. optional /Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons or battery powered 2 week duration for constant 24 flight or 1 month for 10 to 15 flight

13. optional /N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add:

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. only N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. optional /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24
Weight add: 1 ton

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. optional /N.A.A.T Individual/ heavy weapon fired Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. optionalThis the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. optional N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +19% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. Digital control surfaces :this a high powered computer systems war birds it remove all wired systems for computer control systems for better handling and time reaction control in any situation adds a 1d4x10% in combat .

26. optional mid air fueling systems extends range by 30 % fossil systems or battery powered up to 2 more weeks not sorry if you have to go to the bathroom

Main Body: 275
[4]Propeller (6): 75 each
Engine (1) : 200
[5]Optional Fuel tank(1) 110
Landing gear 75 each (3)
Cockpit:((1) : 125
[2] Rudders (2): 25
[2] front Elevators (2):25
[1] Wings (2): 100

[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash.
[2] Destruction of rudders or one elevator will still allow the fighter to be controlled by the varying of power levels of the engines but fighter has a penalty of -10 to dodge, and a -15% penalty to all piloting rolls. Destruction of both of the elevators will leave the plane uncontrollable and pilot must eject to survive. That to computer this lower penalties.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight
[4] Propeller to hit is a -12 by enemy
[5] If fuel tank hit and reach zero note both condition then there a 50% of explosion don’t worry SDC 1d4x100 but you will have a 1d4x10 minutes of fight ( sorry no mid air fueling systems unless added feature )

Height 15
Length 20
Width 27 feet
Weight 5 tons empty to start with
Range: 500 miles combat radius fossil systems or unlimited for a nuclear powered system or 2 weeks fight or 14 weeks for 10 to 15 for flight per day
Stalled speed 90 MPH max speed 400 MPH
Max altitude 35,000 feet
cost 50,000 credits
Weapons systems nose weapons
Type 20 MM cannons x4 note one been shown here or four heavy machine guns
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
20MM 1d4x10
Short burst two rounds 2d4x10 Medium burst three rounds 3d4x10 Long burst four rounds 4d4x10

Both gun fired 2d4x10 Short burst two rounds 4d4x10 Medium burst three rounds 4d6x10 Long burst four rounds 4d8x10

All four guns fired 3d4x10 Short burst two rounds 5d4x10 Medium burst three rounds 6d6x10 Long burst four rounds 8d8x10

Range: 5000 feet
Rate of fire: burst only Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Payload: 300 each or 12,000 rounds total for all four
NOTE if fired all four guns pilots gets a -5d4 % piloting skills due to muzzle flash
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapons systems nose weapons

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 )
Short burst three rounds 6d6 Medium burst four rounds 1d4x10 Long burst eight rounds 2d4x10
Both gun fired
Short burst three rounds 1d4x10 Medium burst four rounds 1d6x10 Long burst eight rounds 2d6x10
All four guns fired
Short burst three rounds 2d4x10 Medium burst four rounds 3d4x10 Long burst eight rounds 4d4x10

20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
Short burst 1d4x10 Medium burst 1d6x10 Long burst 2d4x10
Both gun fired Short burst 2d4x10 Medium burst 2d6x10 Long burst 4d4x10
All four guns fired Short burst 3d4x10 Medium burst 3d6x10 Long burst 5d4x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
Short burst 1d6x10+12 Medium burst 2d6x10+12 Long burst 4d6x10+12
Both gun fired
Short burst 2d6x10+12 Medium burst 3d6x10 Long burst 5d6x10
All four guns fired Short burst 3d6x10+12 Medium burst 4d6x10+12 Long burst 5d8x10+12

Short burst three rounds Medium burst four rounds Long burst eight rounds
Rest the same

Weapons systems nose weapons pick one
Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst

Both gun fired
4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+8 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst

All four guns fired
6d6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 rounds for each or 8,000

.50 calibers
3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst

Both gun fired
6D6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 2d610 long burst

All four guns fired
1d4x10+8 short burst, 2d4x10+8 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Weapons systems wings can have many weapons systems here but standard a custom look X-4 missiles medium range missiles coast only 10% extra
Unguided Rockets are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2)
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius


Weapons systems wings
grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
Damage per tube 1 to 6
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

Weapons systems wings
Or one medium range missiles pick or 9 short range missiles or 18 mini missiles

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... 311urk.jpg
2nd render of the Kyushu J7W1 Shinden

Model Rhino 4.0
Textures Bryce 6.1

M.D.C stats
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... 311uhy.jpg
artist comments ;Well, I came to the realization today that i can not design a 3d Kyushu J7W1 Shinden without adding some sort of personal modifications to it XD
took the basic Shinden and added:
Contra Rotating Props, 2nd set of radiator scoops, X-4 missiles, centerline fuel tank, larger vertical tail surfaces

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »


artist comment
one of the other projects i really needed to finish. some sort of Anti Aircraft rail gun thing. heh as usual, it looked so much better in my head

model rhino 4.0
textures bryce 6.1

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... helbs2.jpg

this is the cheap turret weapon systems found in any place in north America and in Europe can be controlled by gunner or remote control this is how it look ,can be place on a turret vehicle mounted to hard point in a gun ship to any boat
weight 150 pounds for both Heavy M.D Machine gun M.D.C
turret 100 pounds
100 for each machine gun
heavy turret 150
Heavy M.D Machine gun: pick one below
.30 calibers
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst

Both gun fired
4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+8 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst

All four guns fired
6d6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 rounds for each or 8,000

.50 calibers
3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst

Both gun fired
6D6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 2d610 long burst

All four guns fired
1d4x10+8 short burst, 2d4x10+8 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

or light custom design for retro look

German WW1 era Maxim Heavy Machine Gun. the first practical dealer of rapid fire, industrialized death. first designed by Hiram Maxim, his design was used by both sides during the war (MG08 Germans, Vickers british). and during the great war wave upon wave of men were hured into the teeth of these things only to be mowed down
model rhino 4.0
textures bryce 6.1

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2009/ ... helbs2.jpg
note 150 MDC
weight 55 pounds
damage look above single barrel

http://shelbs2.deviantart.com/art/Remot ... 709&qo=156

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs42/f/2009/ ... helbs2.jpg
single barrel Heavy M.D Machine gun
2nd rendering of the remote CheyTac

cost Heavy M.D Machine gun M.D.C 1000 credits, whole only 200 credits for 1000 rounds , turret 2000 credits additional features add 500 credits
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

it would have kept the merlin engine. but also featured a turbojet in the rear fuselage, much more streamlined fuselage, tricycle landing gear, anf of course forward swept wings

Model Rhino 4.0
Textures Bryce 6.1
Photoshop CS4 for final touches

i've finally had time to finish a couple 3d models (or at least this one. one is almost done)

http://www.enginehistory.org/Sarah%20Cl ... -51Hsw.jpg

Because Sky Cycles and many military hover cycle are very expensive vehicles in North America and in South America N.A.A.T was able to get companies to work together one got main body ready, another got weapon systems, others work on cockpit and features this caused to reduce cost form a Propeller fighter plane to jet fighters to even the strange military vehicles . Only two have been made for over seas one the German Saucer project Hanuebu II and Su-51 Berkut II. Again Air Superiority, Inc and other major mecr companies in north America are been used as cover in merc town which there are many young pilots for both field of need one low altitude escort services (which are many only there is a 2% for spies to get in) and jetfighter program used by USA air force call TOP GUN programs for jetfighters services (which are many only there is a 5% for spies to get in). Still there are many who don’t make it as fighter pilots but there always gunship programs as well transport services which all have good pay. And those that wish to fly are been look for not all is combat but most logistical air support and second line support. Recently free Quebec has ask to trained publicly for future aircraft fighter pilots which the coalition are seen as hands off with Air Superiority, Inc.

The modified P-51 MARK 2 has been replace with digital motor surface control systems with this allows better amour , weapons, speed and rugged for tough runways . This is the most beloved aircrafts for any that can fly these planes and very cheap to getting a small escort need or fighter bomber better turn radius then any hover cycle. This make any coalition sky cycle think twice to either engage or withdraws. This has allowed Air Superiority, Inc expanded in are not thought of not all mercenary are has a jet fight maybe a helicopter at best. This bird can handle it. The coalition pilots just love this plane but will try to make them withdraw/retreat but will shot If must ( but very painfully for them
“ is like shooting your own horse or wife”
said a coalition pilot )
I LOVE THIS ARTIST !!!!!!!!!!!
http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 2xkg15.jpg


1. Radar: 5 miles oroptional but N.A.A.T standard 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +2 attacks, +5 to dodge

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. optional but N.A.A.T standard Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: optional but N.A.A.T standard

8. optional but N.A.A.T standard Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 200 pounds

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. optional but N.A.A.T standard Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add 100 pounds

11. optional but N.A.A.T standard thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. optional /Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons or battery powered 2 week duration for constant 24 flight or 1 month for 10 to 15 flight

13. optional but N.A.A.T standard Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 100 pounds

14. optional but N.A.A.T standard Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!! add 1 ton

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. only N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. optional but N.A.A.T standard /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha/plane /other survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 72 in tail section
Weight add: 300 pounds

18. optional but N.A.A.T standard Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 100 pounds

19. optional but N.A.A.T standard / heavy weapon fired Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) standard

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. optional /N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +19% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. Digital control surfaces :this a high powered computer systems war birds it remove all wired systems for computer control systems for better handling and time reaction control in any situation adds a 1d4x10% in combat .

26. optional but N.A.A.T standard mid air fueling systems extends range by 30 % fossil systems or battery powered up to 2 more weeks not sorry if you have to go to the bathroom

27. Starting cost 35,000 credits

Version one fossil fuel systems
• Crew: 1
• Length: 32 ft 3 in
• Wingspan: 37 ft 0
• Height: 13 ft 4½ in
• Wing area: 235 ft²
• Empty weight: 7,635 lb 3.8 tons
• Loaded weight: 9,200 lb (
• Max takeoff weight: 12,100 lb
• Powerplant: 1× Packard V-1650-7 liquid-cooled supercharged V-12, 1,490 hp (1,111 kW) at 3,000 rpm; 1,720 hp (1,282 kW) at WEP
Nuclear powered or battery powered
• Crew: 1
• Length: 32 ft 3 in
• Wingspan: 37 ft 0
• Height: 13 ft 4½ in
• Wing area: 235 ft²
• Empty weight: 7,635 lb 3.8 tons
• Max takeoff weight: add it up
• Powerplant: 1× Packard V-1650-7 liquid-cooled supercharged V-12, 1,490 hp (1,111 kW) at 4,000 rpm; 2,920 hp (1,282 kW) at WEP

• Maximum speed: 437 mph
• Cruise speed: 362 mph
• Stall speed: 90 mph
• Range: 1,650 miles with internal tanks fossil fuel systems built-in wings but center fossil fuel tank add 1,650 miles , battery powered 2 week nuclear powered 74 hours
• Service ceiling: 41,900 ft
• Recommended Mach limit 0.8

Main Body: 255
[4]Propeller (6): 75 each
Engine (1) : 200
[5]Optional Fuel tank(1) 110
Landing gear 75 each (3)
Cockpit:((1) : 125
[2] Rudders (2): 25
[2] Elevators (2):25
[1] Wings (2): 100

[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash.
[2] Destruction of rudders or one elevator will still allow the fighter to be controlled by the varying of power levels of the engines but fighter has a penalty of -10 to dodge, and a -15% penalty to all piloting rolls. Destruction of both of the elevators will leave the plane uncontrollable and pilot must eject to survive. That to computer this lower penalties.
[3] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight
[4] Propeller to hit is a -12 by enemy
[5] If fuel tank hit and reach zero note both condition then there a 50% of explosion don’t worry SDC 1d4x100 but you will have a 1d4x10 minute of fuel ( sorry no mid air fueling systems )

Weapons systems
internal hard points (8) this the main guns of the P51 MARK 2 the rest are add on weapons systems .the saying keep it simple and straight has always work for this old war bird

Weapons systems
Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst

Both gun fired
4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+8 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst

Four guns fired
6d6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

All six guns
3d4x10 short burst, 4d4x10+8 medium burst, and 5d4x10 long burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 rounds for each or 8,000

.50 calibers
3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst

Both gun fired
6D6 short burst, 1d6x10+12 medium burst, 2d610 long burst

Four guns fired
1d4x10+8 short burst, 2d4x10+8 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

All six guns
4d4x10+8 short burst, 4d8x10+8 medium burst, and 4d6x10 long burst

R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Weapons systems nose weapons

Type 20 MM cannons x1 note in the nose or 1 heavy machine guns
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
20MM 1d4x10
Short burst two rounds 2d4x10 Medium burst three rounds 3d4x10 Long burst four rounds 4d4x10

Range: 8000 feet
Rate of fire: burst only Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Payload: 300 each or 12,000 rounds total for all four
NOTE if fired all four guns pilots gets a -5d4 % piloting skills due to muzzle flash
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapons systems nose weapons

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 )
Short burst three rounds 6d6 Medium burst four rounds 1d4x10 Long burst eight rounds 2d4x10

20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
Short burst 1d4x10 Medium burst 1d6x10 Long burst 2d4x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
Short burst 1d6x10+12 Medium burst 2d6x10+12 Long burst 4d6x10+12

Short burst three rounds Medium burst four rounds Long burst eight rounds
Rest the same


Weapons systems nose weapons pick one
Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 1000 rounds

.50 calibers
3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst

R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Weapons systems external hard points wings (8)
wings can have many weapons systems here but standard a custom look medium range missiles coast only 10% extra
Unguided Rockets are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD(x8) 192
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

Weapons systems external hard points wings
grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
Damage per tube 1 to 6
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24 (x8) 192 total
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

heres one of the reasons you haven’t seem much 3D modeling out of me lately. the plane itself isnt where i've been trying new things. its the background and the cockpit. actually tried to design a realistic cockpit with pilot (interior shot will be later on)

model rhino 4.0
textures bryce 6.1

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... helbs2.jpg

This is from the su -47 but this is taking the su-51 mark two class from per-rifts era before the fall of mankind golden age. N.A.A.T has been able to get the soviets a total control of air powered which none of the warlords has or know about and this tips the balance. It found in Air Superiority, Inc and other major mecr companies in north America are been used as cover in merc town which there are many young pilots for both field of need one low altitude escort services (which are many only there is a 2% for spies to get in) and jetfighter program used by USA air force call TOP GUN programs for jetfighters services (which are many only there is a 5% for spies to get in). Still there are many who don’t make it as fighter pilots but there always gunship programs as well transport services which all have good pay. And those that wish to fly are been look for not all is combat but most logistical air support and second line support. Recently free Quebec has ask to trained publicly for future aircraft fighter pilots which the coalition are seen as hands off with Air Superiority, Inc.

And has the following as a Fourth/Fifth generation jet fighter founded in North America, South America and soviets as well.

The Fourth generation jet fighter defining point is Fly-by-wire, like 4.5 is defined on AESA radar. YF-16 was the world’s first aircraft intentionally designed to be slightly aerodynamically unstable. This technique, called "relaxed static stability" (RSS), was incorporated to further enhance the aircraft’s performance. Most aircraft are designed with positive static stability, which induces an aircraft to return to its original attitude following a disturbance. However, positive static stability; the tendency to remain in its current attitude; opposes the pilot’s efforts to maneuver. On the other hand, an aircraft with negative static stability will, in the absence of control input, readily deviate from level and controlled flight.
An aircraft with negative static stability can therefore be made more maneuverable. At supersonic airspeed, a negatively stable aircraft can exhibit positive static stability due to aerodynamic center migration. To counter this tendency to depart from controlled flight—and avoid the need for constant minute trimming inputs by the pilot—the 4th gen aircraft has a quadruplex (four-channel) fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system (FLCS). The flight control computer (FLCC), which is the key component of the FLCS, accepts the pilot’s input from the stick and rudder controls, and manipulates the control surfaces in such a way as to produce the desired result without inducing a loss of control. The FLCC also takes thousands of measurements per second of the aircraft’s attitude, and automatically makes corrections to counter deviations from the flight path that were not input by the pilot, coordinated turn is also obtained in such a way that it updates itself by thousands of instructions and produces the required control thereby allowing for stable flight.

Thrust vectoring is a new technology being introduced to further enhance a fighter's turning ability. By redirecting the jet exhaust, it is possible to directly translate the engine's power into directional changes more efficiently than via the plane's control surfaces. The Sukhoi Su-30 MKI, produced by India under license at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is in active service with the Indian Air Force, and employs 2D thrust vectoring. The 2D TVC makes the aircraft highly maneuverable, capable of near-zero airspeed at high angles of attack without stalling, and dynamic aerobatics at low speeds. The TVC nozzles of the MKI are mounted 32 degrees outward to longitudinal engine axis (i.e. in the horizontal plane) and can be deflected ±15 degrees in the vertical plane. This produces a corkscrew effect, greatly enhancing the turning capability of the aircraft. The MiG-35 with its RD-33OVT engines with the vectored thrust nozzles allows it to be the first twin-engine aircraft with vectoring nozzles that can move in two directions that is 3D TVC. Other existing thrust vectoring aircraft, like the Su-30MKI and the F-22, have nozzles that vector in one direction. The technology has been fitted to the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut and later derivatives. The U.S. explored fitting the technology to the F-16 and the F-15, but only introduced it on the F-22 Raptor.

Supercruise is the ability of aircraft to cruise at supersonic speeds without the afterburner.
Because of parasitic drag effects, fighters carrying external weapons stores encounter a vastly increased drag-divergence near the speed of sound. This can prevent safe acceleration through the transonic regime, or make it too fuel-expensive to be effective on missions. Meanwhile, maintaining supersonic speed without (periodic) afterburner use saves large quantities of fuel too, increasing the range at which an aircraft can in reality still take advantage of its full performance.
According to the German Luftwaffe the Typhoon can cruise at about Mach 1.2 without afterburner. The manufacturer claims that the maximum level speed possible without reheat is Mach 1.5. A EF T1 DA (Development Aircraft trainer version) demonstrate supercuise (1,21M) with 2 SRAAM, 4 MRAAM and drop tank (plus one tonne flight test equipment, plus 700 kg more weight for the trainer version) during the Singapore evaluation.
The Dassault Rafale can supercruise, in dry power, even with four missiles and a 1,250-liter belly drop tank and even in the naval version (Rafale M); it can supercruise up to Mach 1.4 while carrying six air-to-air missiles (MBDA MICA).

Avionics is a catch-all term for the electronic systems aboard an aircraft, which have been growing in complexity and importance. The main elements of an aircraft's avionics are its communication and navigation systems, sensors (Radar and IR), computers and data bus, and user interface. Because they can be readily swapped out as new technologies become available, they are often upgraded over the lifetime of an aircraft. Details about these systems are highly classified. Thus, many export aircraft have downgraded avionics, and buyers often replace them with domestically developed avionics, sometimes considered superior to the original. Examples are the Sukhoi Su-30MKI sold to India, the F-15I and F-16I sold to Israel, and the F-15K sold to South Korea.

The primary sensor for all modern fighters is radar. The U.S. fielded its first modified F-15Cs equipped with APG-63(V)2 AESA radars, which have no moving parts and are capable of projecting a much tighter beam and quicker scans. Later on, it was introduced to the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the block 60 (export) F-16 also, and will be used for future American fighters. A European coalition GTDAR is developing an AESA radar for use on the Typhoon and Rafale, and Russia has an AESA radar on its MIG-35 and their newest Su-27 versions. For the next-generation F-22 and F-35, the U.S. will use Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) capacity. This will spread the energy of a radar pulse over several frequencies, so as not to trip the radar warning receivers that all aircraft carry.
In response to the increasing American emphasis on radar-evading stealth designs, Russia turned to alternate sensors, with emphasis on infra-red search and track (IRST) sensors, first introduced on the American F-101 Voodoo and F-102 Delta Dagger fighters in the 1960s, for detection and tracking of airborne targets. These measure IR radiation from targets. As a passive sensor, it has limited range, and contains no inherent data about position and direction of targets - these must be inferred from the images captured. To offset this, IRST systems can incorporate a laser rangefinder in order to provide full fire-control solutions for cannon fire or got launching missiles. Using this method, German MiG-29 using helmet-displayed IRST systems were able to acquire a missile lock with greater efficiency than USAF F-16 in wargame exercises. IRST sensors have now become standard on Russian aircraft. With the exception of the F-14D (officially retired as of September 2006), no 4th-generation Western fighters carry built-in IRST sensors for air-to-air detection, though the similar FLIR is often used to acquire ground targets.
The Eurofighter Typhoon designated '4.5th generation' (beginning with Tranche 1 Block 5 aircraft, while previously build aircraft are being retrofited since spring 2007 ) and the F-35s will have built-in, PIRATE IRST sensors, a feature adopted early in the design, meanwhile beginning in 2012 the Super Hornet will also have an IRST.
The tactical implications of the computing and data bus capabilities of aircraft are hard to determine. A more sophisticated computer bus would allow more flexible uses of the existing avionics. For example, it is speculated that the F-22 is able to jam or damage enemy electronics with a focused application of its radar. A computing feature of significant tactical importance is the datalink. All modern European and American aircraft are capable of sharing targeting data with allied fighters and AWACS planes (see JTIDS). The Russian MiG-31 interceptor also has some datalink capability, so it is reasonable to assume that other Russian planes can also do so. The sharing of targeting and sensor data allows pilots to put radiating, highly visible sensors further from enemy forces, while using that data to vector silent fighters toward the enemy
has extremely high agility at subsonic speeds, enabling the aircraft to alter its angle of attack and its flight path very quickly while retaining maneuverability in supersonic flight. The Su-47 has a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 at high altitudes and a 9g capability.

Maximum turn rates, and the upper and lower limits on airspeed for weapon launch, are important criteria in terms of combat superiority. The Su-47 aircraft has very high levels of maneuverability with maintained stability and controllability at extreme angles of attack. Maximum turn rates are important in close combat and also at medium and long range, when the mission may involve engaging consecutive targets in different sectors of the airspace. A high turn rate of the Su-47 allows the pilot to turn the fighter aircraft quickly towards the next target to initiate the weapon launch. Like most other fighters with fly by wire controls, the Su-47 achieves some of its high maneuverability through relaxed stability[
The swept-forward wing, compared to a swept-back wing of the same area, provides a number of advantages:
• higher lift-to-drag ratio
• higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers
• higher range at subsonic speed
• improved stall resistance and anti-spin characteristics
• improved stability at high angles of attack
• a lower minimum flight speed
• a shorter take-off and landing distance
The forward-swept midwing gives the unconventional (and characteristic) appearance of the Su-47, earning it the nickname of 'devil' and 'slingshot'. A substantial part of the lift generated by the forward-swept wing occurs at the inner portion of the wingspan. The lift is not restricted by wingtip stall. The ailerons - the wing's control surfaces - remain effective at the highest angles of attack, and controllability of the aircraft is retained even in the event of airflow separating from the remainder of the wings' surface.
The wing panels are constructed of nearly 90% composites. The forward-swept midwing has a high aspect ratio, which contributes to long-range performance. The leading-edge root extensions blend smoothly to the wing panels, which are fitted with deflectable slats on the leading edge; flaps and ailerons on the trailing edge. The all-moving and small-area trapezoidal canards are connected to the leading-edge root extensions.
A downside of such a forward-swept wing design is that it geometrically produces wing twisting as it bends under load, resulting in greater stress on the wing than for a similar straight or aft-swept wing. This requires the wing be designed to twist as it bends - opposite to the geometric twisting. This is done by the use of composites wing skins layed-up to twist. Despite this, the plane was initially limited to Mach 1.6. Recent engineering modifications have raised this limit, but the new limit has not been specified.

The cockpit's design has focused on maintaining a high degree of comfort for the pilot and also on the pilot being able to control the aircraft in extremely high g-load maneuvers. The aircraft is equipped with a new ejection seat and life support system. The variable geometry adaptive ejection seat is inclined at an angle of 60°, which reduces the impact of high g forces on the pilot. The seat allows dogfight and missile avoidance maneuvers with significantly higher g loadings than can normally be tolerable. The Su-47 pilot uses a side-mounted, low-travel control stick and a tensiometric throttle control. Pilots, however, claim that the cockpit gives them low visibility due to poor design This reclined seating arrangement was first used in the American F-16.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, +5 to dodge weight

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add:

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems:

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add:

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add:

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha/plane or other survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 ton

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems standard

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. Has Stealth technology but only if loss under wing hard points

M.D.C Stats
Main Body:450
[2] Forward Canard Wings (2): 125
[1] Forwarded swapped Main Wing :( 2) 200
[1] Tail wings (2) 125
Landing Gear93) : 50 each
Engine(2) : 300
[2] Rudders (2): 80
[2] Elevators (2):130
[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash. Pilot and Radar Officer must eject to survive.
[2] Destruction of one rudder will result in the fighter having a penalty of -3 to strike and dodge and removes the 5% bonus to piloting aircraft. Destruction of both rudders will still allow the fighter to be controlled by the varying of power levels and direction of thrust of the engines but the fighter has a penalty of -5 to strike, -10 to dodge, and a -30% penalty to all piloting rolls.
[3] The destruction of one engine will reduce the fighters top speed by half and give the pilot a -2 penalty to dodge as well as giving a 10% penalty to piloting. Destruction of both engines will cause the aircraft to crash. The crew may attempt an emergency landing or Crew can choose to eject.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight. Damage to the main body will also reduce the aircraft's stealth, for every 10% of damage to the main body, reduce the aircraft's stealth by 10% of its total.

General characteristics
• Crew: 2
• Length: 72.97 ft
• Wingspan: 48.2 ft
• Height: 20.85 ft
• Wing area: 667 ft
• Empty weight: 39,021 lb
• Loaded weight: add it up
• Max takeoff weight:
• Powerplant: 2 × AL-31FL low-bypass turbofans
o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 12,500 kgf (122.58 kN, 27,560 lbf) each

• Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 max speed mach 2.8
• Cruise speed: projected 1,800 km/h on dry thrust, 2650 km/h on full thrust
• Range: 3,300 km (2,050 mi) fossil nuclear powered unlimited for 24 hours ,battery poered 2 weeks
• Service ceiling: 59,050 ft
• Rate of climb: 46,200 ft/min
• Wing loading:.4 lb/ft²
• Thrust/weight: 1.16 (loaded) / 1.77 (empty)
• Extreme or advanced S.T.O.L abilities need 100 feet to land or lift off at full payload
The Su-47 is an unarmed technology demonstrator. If further developed into a fighter the armament could include the following weapons:
• Guns: 2 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
• Missiles: 12 hardpoints (1 wingtip, 5 underwing, 5 conformal under the fuselage)

Cost 3 million credits starting cost

Weapons systems 30 mm note this is for one cannon fired , pilots don’t fire both gun unless need too
Type basaltic
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!

30MM 5D10
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 1d10x10, four round Burst 5d4x10. Eight round Burst 5d8x10,

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
30 -5d4 M.D( max damage 20)
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 1d4x10, three round Burst1d6x10, four round Burst2d4x10. Five round Burst 1d10x10, six round Burst 2d6x10 , eight round Burst3d6x10 , 5d4x10 round Burst, 20 round Burst 5d8x10,

30 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 8d6 , Five round Burst , six round Burst 2d6x10, 10 round Burst 4d6x10, 20 round Burst, 40 round Burst 8d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
30 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 2d4x10, three round Burst 3d4x10, four round Burst 4d4x10. Five round Burst 5d4x10, six round Burst4d6x10, eight round Burst 4d8, 10 round Burst 5d8x10, 20 round Burst,
Range: 2 miles
Payload:200 rounds

Weapons systems we are seen only one hard point total 5 per under wing and 5 in main body and one (1) wing tip total 11

Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any ripple fire, or all
Payload: can combine load out per hard point
Type each missiles one long range missiles weight two tons or 2000 pounds max or 11 missiles per hard point
Medium range missiles 250 each 8 missiles per hard point
Short range missiles 30 pounds each 66 missiles per hard point
Mini missiles 20 pounds each 100 missiles per hard point
Bonus: Has Stealth technology but only if loss under wing hard points
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

/A concept just for fun...and...thanks for the 15000 of course!!
(full view plizz)

http://th02.deviantart.net/fs49/PRE/i/2 ... _RNZZZ.jpg
The again we coming out with a new killer simpler and able to be use anything not just security but also a labor unit so far it the must have ultra light robot suit . You need a labor unit for the day but need a security unit as well this has it. It a battle suit or mini robot but also a labor unit to maintain is cheap and easy. This is for starting companies that need a starting up construction and can be security unit at night. But also it add support to logistical support foe the troops to able and stands and fight when need to too. When the gargoyle attack warcrow many civilian had to run and later the Brodkil had fun with what little human they could play as toys . Many in the civilian sector said only NAAT and many smaller firms that had labor robot were able to save hundreds if thousand of innocent lives were the only thing holding back the tide of monster. While they were S.O.S for help which N.A.A.T refuse to say came late from NGR military forces. N.A.A.T was the first to see many weaknesses and did alert just about every legal organization in NGR but fail to do anything, for this reason we are personally now making the ultra light killer egg series. where there is very little training for this robot pilots get +35 % .good amour for it size ,able to travel any surface condition with thrusters and able to fly if need be. it able to roller skates side of a building with the thrusters off course at a incredible 90 degree angel and just about any surface even over water!!! IT THAT EASY!!!!

Said a sale rep for a small security and labor company

http://rnzzz.deviantart.com/art/M0-batt ... 4165&qo=85

The M-O battle suit AKA called the light egg was design as mass production robot unit that can be run by fossil systems , battery powered unit ( run for 1 week constant for 24hrs or 2 week runs for 10 to 15 hrs) and run on nuclear powered as well. This carries OK protection in combat, but the agility is has can not be rival as well as speed has all the abilities of a hopper plus more can fly as well. Able skate on any type of surface, roads, even hand rails, able to get to place a normal robot or full conversion cyborgs go . able to go or skate over water at certain speed as well and on the wall of any building eve at 90 degrees going up well going down to but very dangerous and few well train pilots will dare. The cheapest robot ever made in rifts history and mass produce that cheap well is given the credit and billion are cashes in that to NAAT working behind this as well. This unit is design to give those partial Borg able to operated better then standard human and seems to work well for female as well which is a rage to get now. In north America, south America and last Europe is staple of multi-purpose robot units making over 12,000 per month in Europe alone , 25,000 per month in north America and 5,000 in south America as well.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 50 pounds

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon, +9 auto dodge ( if have robot flying skill half if not ) when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, +5 auto dodge in the ground plus pilots if any weight 100 pounds

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 50 pounds

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. For N.A.A.T complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 50 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. N.A.A.T Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4+3 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields, and Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 to all

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 50 pounds

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up For N.A.A.T) but standard

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite vy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. has all the features of T-21 found in speed but skating double it with Thrusters four time faster this when run on in fossil fuel or battery powered

26. Special high destined resistance shock systems, mean if roll over at high speed take only 5d4 MDC, but falling for every 20 feet take 1d4 MDC

M.D.C Stats

Main body:200
N.A.A.T field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Other have 150 only
Upper Arms (2) 75
Lower Arms (2) 75
Upper Legs (2)100
Lower Legs (2)125
Feet (2) 55
Head 100
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 120
Generators (1) 100 raer section
Thrusters rear (1) 100


Height add 2 feet to wearer
Length add 2 feet to wearer
Width add 2 feet to wearer
Weight 200 pounds empty
Range: unlimited for nuclear powered, 2 week for N.A.A.T other1 week of powers, fossil fuel systems for 600 miles range
Flying 300 MPH
3 to 20 MPH max speed 100 MPH
Roller staking 2 to 150 MPH with Thrusters up to 300 MPH
Walk 2 to 12 MPH
All abilities of a t-21terrain hopper Power Armor founded in Rifts - Sourcebook 1 Sourcebook

Hand to hand: Use robotic P.S 30 or military version super natural 40

Weapons systems
Rate of fire:

Hand to hand: Use super natural or robotic P.S
The following three weapons are standard issues
Now right forearm modular heavy weapons systems can be replacing with one heavy weapon systems
Type beam particle beam
Damage: 5d10+25
ROF: hand to hand ( plus robots added as well with nuclear powered )
Range: 2500 feet
Payload varies
Nuclear powered unlimited, battery powered same but if used constantly for 1d10 minutes drain systems unit get a -1d4 in all plus -1d10 to anything related to piloting skills , fossil fuel systems 100 blast must recharge in 24 hrs ( that suck man)

Type chest beam weapon laser
Damage; 2d4x10
ROF: as above
Range: as above
Payload: as above but fossil fuel systems 50 blast must recharge in 24 hrs ( that suck man)

Type: any min-missiles systems
Damage: varies with missies
ROF: one, any or all
Range: varies with missies
Payload: three total

The following weapons are standard issues rifle not shown

grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side. For the hopper it a rifle type with 30 round clips and or belt feed systems.
Damage per tube 1 to 6
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 1800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
5 mm 5d4 single shot
Short burst 1d4x10 add+1 to strike count as one attack two rounds fired
Medium 1d6x10 count as one attack four rounds fired
Long 2d4x10 count as one attack eight rounds fired
Extended 1d10x10 counts as one attack 16 rounds fired
Heavy 2d6x10 counts as one attack 32 rounds fired
Full melee 4d6x10 uses all attacks
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 500

Standard MDC .50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Type 5mm mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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N.A.A.T allied updates
Free Scandinavian alliance good diplomatic with NGR
As always NAAT was able to add extra protection for the FSA add defense has allowed to help the NGR forces their troop rest and do other duties for that area and as always bring other need of the people at a cost that wont bankrupt the FSA which is a rock button prices that includes transportation all are need to run a small town to city size level. As well as goods into the area.

Kingdom of Tarnow poor with NGR
This has N.A.A.T get in a better relation has many out as listen battle station which is heavy protected by technology and magic ( which no know about).the DMZ and refuges from warclaw which help N.A.A.T manpower and size. Just like warcow Poland there many hole been closed and extra support in many area. After all they are surrounded.

Poznan collective the lost of warclaw has allowed to get lots of hardware and the help N.A.A.T, DMZ forces in manpower in other area from production to cleaning the toilet.

Republic of Japan this was a Gold mine thanks to N.A.A.T personal navy was able to make contact and made technology advancement that are been seen in. Europe first which allowed N.A.A.T to expand from a transport mercenary company to general supplier at a cost that is reasonable many.the exchange of tech help and many small industries

Recent contact has allowed to get new hardware to be used which no warlord has air powered and it new jet fighters ,what no one know is that all warlords are work to have a small air force . To everyone shock when they try to out do each other will be a major air battle to close to an air wars.

Gypsies of Europe
Are now eye and ear where no N.G.R intel can be obtain plus they have help out there to supply many gypsies , medical supplies even given air strikes .this has work well in setting areas for safety and path for safety

Munich has been getting help from NGR but is number one in additional security forces .getting weapons from N.A.A.T and other small companies in NGR keep cost down and allowing to expand with the lost of warcrow this has help N.A.A.T with additional manpower .The lost of warcrow has allowed for N.A.A.T to fill security hole similar to warcow Poland .this made possible to add mercenary group here but added a sense of security to the civilian population

D-bee border militias has gotten better weapons ,combat vehicles ,tanks ,A.P.C, I.F.V and many new robot but under the watchful eye of N.G.R and even traix for safety reasons.

North America:
City char north America Florida .has been able N.A.A.T to expand slowly and carefully it has work rebuilding the area opening schools,better road ,cold and hot water and many public needs add new place at a very reasonable cost to local and improve the safety which char people want. medical support is vital as well in char to help win the population support which is going well.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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ZINO wrote:
heres one of the reasons you haven’t seem much 3D modeling out of me lately. the plane itself isnt where i've been trying new things. its the background and the cockpit. actually tried to design a realistic cockpit with pilot (interior shot will be later on)

model rhino 4.0
textures bryce 6.1

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... helbs2.jpg

This is from the su -47 but this is taking the su-51 mark two class from per-rifts era before the fall of mankind golden age. N.A.A.T has been able to get the soviets a total control of air powered which none of the warlords has or know about and this tips the balance. It found in Air Superiority, Inc and other major mecr companies in north America are been used as cover in merc town which there are many young pilots for both field of need one low altitude escort services (which are many only there is a 2% for spies to get in) and jetfighter program used by USA air force call TOP GUN programs for jetfighters services (which are many only there is a 5% for spies to get in). Still there are many who don’t make it as fighter pilots but there always gunship programs as well transport services which all have good pay. And those that wish to fly are been look for not all is combat but most logistical air support and second line support. Recently free Quebec has ask to trained publicly for future aircraft fighter pilots which the coalition are seen as hands off with Air Superiority, Inc.

And has the following as a Fourth/Fifth generation jet fighter founded in North America, South America and soviets as well.

The Fourth generation jet fighter defining point is Fly-by-wire, like 4.5 is defined on AESA radar. YF-16 was the world’s first aircraft intentionally designed to be slightly aerodynamically unstable. This technique, called "relaxed static stability" (RSS), was incorporated to further enhance the aircraft’s performance. Most aircraft are designed with positive static stability, which induces an aircraft to return to its original attitude following a disturbance. However, positive static stability; the tendency to remain in its current attitude; opposes the pilot’s efforts to maneuver. On the other hand, an aircraft with negative static stability will, in the absence of control input, readily deviate from level and controlled flight.
An aircraft with negative static stability can therefore be made more maneuverable. At supersonic airspeed, a negatively stable aircraft can exhibit positive static stability due to aerodynamic center migration. To counter this tendency to depart from controlled flight—and avoid the need for constant minute trimming inputs by the pilot—the 4th gen aircraft has a quadruplex (four-channel) fly-by-wire (FBW) flight control system (FLCS). The flight control computer (FLCC), which is the key component of the FLCS, accepts the pilot’s input from the stick and rudder controls, and manipulates the control surfaces in such a way as to produce the desired result without inducing a loss of control. The FLCC also takes thousands of measurements per second of the aircraft’s attitude, and automatically makes corrections to counter deviations from the flight path that were not input by the pilot, coordinated turn is also obtained in such a way that it updates itself by thousands of instructions and produces the required control thereby allowing for stable flight.

Thrust vectoring is a new technology being introduced to further enhance a fighter's turning ability. By redirecting the jet exhaust, it is possible to directly translate the engine's power into directional changes more efficiently than via the plane's control surfaces. The Sukhoi Su-30 MKI, produced by India under license at Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is in active service with the Indian Air Force, and employs 2D thrust vectoring. The 2D TVC makes the aircraft highly maneuverable, capable of near-zero airspeed at high angles of attack without stalling, and dynamic aerobatics at low speeds. The TVC nozzles of the MKI are mounted 32 degrees outward to longitudinal engine axis (i.e. in the horizontal plane) and can be deflected ±15 degrees in the vertical plane. This produces a corkscrew effect, greatly enhancing the turning capability of the aircraft. The MiG-35 with its RD-33OVT engines with the vectored thrust nozzles allows it to be the first twin-engine aircraft with vectoring nozzles that can move in two directions that is 3D TVC. Other existing thrust vectoring aircraft, like the Su-30MKI and the F-22, have nozzles that vector in one direction. The technology has been fitted to the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut and later derivatives. The U.S. explored fitting the technology to the F-16 and the F-15, but only introduced it on the F-22 Raptor.

Supercruise is the ability of aircraft to cruise at supersonic speeds without the afterburner.
Because of parasitic drag effects, fighters carrying external weapons stores encounter a vastly increased drag-divergence near the speed of sound. This can prevent safe acceleration through the transonic regime, or make it too fuel-expensive to be effective on missions. Meanwhile, maintaining supersonic speed without (periodic) afterburner use saves large quantities of fuel too, increasing the range at which an aircraft can in reality still take advantage of its full performance.
According to the German Luftwaffe the Typhoon can cruise at about Mach 1.2 without afterburner. The manufacturer claims that the maximum level speed possible without reheat is Mach 1.5. A EF T1 DA (Development Aircraft trainer version) demonstrate supercuise (1,21M) with 2 SRAAM, 4 MRAAM and drop tank (plus one tonne flight test equipment, plus 700 kg more weight for the trainer version) during the Singapore evaluation.
The Dassault Rafale can supercruise, in dry power, even with four missiles and a 1,250-liter belly drop tank and even in the naval version (Rafale M); it can supercruise up to Mach 1.4 while carrying six air-to-air missiles (MBDA MICA).

Avionics is a catch-all term for the electronic systems aboard an aircraft, which have been growing in complexity and importance. The main elements of an aircraft's avionics are its communication and navigation systems, sensors (Radar and IR), computers and data bus, and user interface. Because they can be readily swapped out as new technologies become available, they are often upgraded over the lifetime of an aircraft. Details about these systems are highly classified. Thus, many export aircraft have downgraded avionics, and buyers often replace them with domestically developed avionics, sometimes considered superior to the original. Examples are the Sukhoi Su-30MKI sold to India, the F-15I and F-16I sold to Israel, and the F-15K sold to South Korea.

The primary sensor for all modern fighters is radar. The U.S. fielded its first modified F-15Cs equipped with APG-63(V)2 AESA radars, which have no moving parts and are capable of projecting a much tighter beam and quicker scans. Later on, it was introduced to the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and the block 60 (export) F-16 also, and will be used for future American fighters. A European coalition GTDAR is developing an AESA radar for use on the Typhoon and Rafale, and Russia has an AESA radar on its MIG-35 and their newest Su-27 versions. For the next-generation F-22 and F-35, the U.S. will use Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) capacity. This will spread the energy of a radar pulse over several frequencies, so as not to trip the radar warning receivers that all aircraft carry.
In response to the increasing American emphasis on radar-evading stealth designs, Russia turned to alternate sensors, with emphasis on infra-red search and track (IRST) sensors, first introduced on the American F-101 Voodoo and F-102 Delta Dagger fighters in the 1960s, for detection and tracking of airborne targets. These measure IR radiation from targets. As a passive sensor, it has limited range, and contains no inherent data about position and direction of targets - these must be inferred from the images captured. To offset this, IRST systems can incorporate a laser rangefinder in order to provide full fire-control solutions for cannon fire or got launching missiles. Using this method, German MiG-29 using helmet-displayed IRST systems were able to acquire a missile lock with greater efficiency than USAF F-16 in wargame exercises. IRST sensors have now become standard on Russian aircraft. With the exception of the F-14D (officially retired as of September 2006), no 4th-generation Western fighters carry built-in IRST sensors for air-to-air detection, though the similar FLIR is often used to acquire ground targets.
The Eurofighter Typhoon designated '4.5th generation' (beginning with Tranche 1 Block 5 aircraft, while previously build aircraft are being retrofited since spring 2007 ) and the F-35s will have built-in, PIRATE IRST sensors, a feature adopted early in the design, meanwhile beginning in 2012 the Super Hornet will also have an IRST.
The tactical implications of the computing and data bus capabilities of aircraft are hard to determine. A more sophisticated computer bus would allow more flexible uses of the existing avionics. For example, it is speculated that the F-22 is able to jam or damage enemy electronics with a focused application of its radar. A computing feature of significant tactical importance is the datalink. All modern European and American aircraft are capable of sharing targeting data with allied fighters and AWACS planes (see JTIDS). The Russian MiG-31 interceptor also has some datalink capability, so it is reasonable to assume that other Russian planes can also do so. The sharing of targeting and sensor data allows pilots to put radiating, highly visible sensors further from enemy forces, while using that data to vector silent fighters toward the enemy
has extremely high agility at subsonic speeds, enabling the aircraft to alter its angle of attack and its flight path very quickly while retaining maneuverability in supersonic flight. The Su-47 has a maximum speed of Mach 1.6 at high altitudes and a 9g capability.

Maximum turn rates, and the upper and lower limits on airspeed for weapon launch, are important criteria in terms of combat superiority. The Su-47 aircraft has very high levels of maneuverability with maintained stability and controllability at extreme angles of attack. Maximum turn rates are important in close combat and also at medium and long range, when the mission may involve engaging consecutive targets in different sectors of the airspace. A high turn rate of the Su-47 allows the pilot to turn the fighter aircraft quickly towards the next target to initiate the weapon launch. Like most other fighters with fly by wire controls, the Su-47 achieves some of its high maneuverability through relaxed stability[
The swept-forward wing, compared to a swept-back wing of the same area, provides a number of advantages:
• higher lift-to-drag ratio
• higher capacity in dogfight maneuvers
• higher range at subsonic speed
• improved stall resistance and anti-spin characteristics
• improved stability at high angles of attack
• a lower minimum flight speed
• a shorter take-off and landing distance
The forward-swept midwing gives the unconventional (and characteristic) appearance of the Su-47, earning it the nickname of 'devil' and 'slingshot'. A substantial part of the lift generated by the forward-swept wing occurs at the inner portion of the wingspan. The lift is not restricted by wingtip stall. The ailerons - the wing's control surfaces - remain effective at the highest angles of attack, and controllability of the aircraft is retained even in the event of airflow separating from the remainder of the wings' surface.
The wing panels are constructed of nearly 90% composites. The forward-swept midwing has a high aspect ratio, which contributes to long-range performance. The leading-edge root extensions blend smoothly to the wing panels, which are fitted with deflectable slats on the leading edge; flaps and ailerons on the trailing edge. The all-moving and small-area trapezoidal canards are connected to the leading-edge root extensions.
A downside of such a forward-swept wing design is that it geometrically produces wing twisting as it bends under load, resulting in greater stress on the wing than for a similar straight or aft-swept wing. This requires the wing be designed to twist as it bends - opposite to the geometric twisting. This is done by the use of composites wing skins layed-up to twist. Despite this, the plane was initially limited to Mach 1.6. Recent engineering modifications have raised this limit, but the new limit has not been specified.

The cockpit's design has focused on maintaining a high degree of comfort for the pilot and also on the pilot being able to control the aircraft in extremely high g-load maneuvers. The aircraft is equipped with a new ejection seat and life support system. The variable geometry adaptive ejection seat is inclined at an angle of 60°, which reduces the impact of high g forces on the pilot. The seat allows dogfight and missile avoidance maneuvers with significantly higher g loadings than can normally be tolerable. The Su-47 pilot uses a side-mounted, low-travel control stick and a tensiometric throttle control. Pilots, however, claim that the cockpit gives them low visibility due to poor design This reclined seating arrangement was first used in the American F-16.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, +5 to dodge weight

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add:

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems:

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add:

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add:

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha/plane or other survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 ton

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems standard

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. Has Stealth technology but only if loss under wing hard points

M.D.C Stats
Main Body:450
[2] Forward Canard Wings (2)-: 125
[1] Forwarded swapped Main Wing :- ( 2) 200
[1] Tail wings (2)- 125
Landing Gear93) : 50 each
Engine(2) : 300
[2] Rudders (2)-: 80
[2] Elevators (2)-:130
[1] Destroying a Wing will cause the plane to crash. Pilot and Radar Officer must eject to survive.
[2] Destruction of one rudder will result in the fighter having a penalty of -3 to strike and dodge and removes the 5% bonus to piloting aircraft. Destruction of both rudders will still allow the fighter to be controlled by the varying of power levels and direction of thrust of the engines but the fighter has a penalty of -5 to strike, -10 to dodge, and a -30% penalty to all piloting rolls.
[3] The destruction of one engine will reduce the fighters top speed by half and give the pilot a -2 penalty to dodge as well as giving a 10% penalty to piloting. Destruction of both engines will cause the aircraft to crash. The crew may attempt an emergency landing or Crew can choose to eject.
[4] Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the Aircraft down completely, rendering it useless and causing it to crash if in flight. Damage to the main body will also reduce the aircraft's stealth, for every 10% of damage to the main body, reduce the aircraft's stealth by 10% of its total.

General characteristics
• Crew: 2
• Length: 72.97 ft
• Wingspan: 48.2 ft
• Height: 20.85 ft
• Wing area: 667 ft
• Empty weight: 39,021 lb
• Loaded weight: add it up
• Max takeoff weight:
• Powerplant: 2 × AL-31FL low-bypass turbofans
o Dry thrust: 7,600 kgf (74.5 kN, 16,750 lbf) each
o Thrust with afterburner: 12,500 kgf (122.58 kN, 27,560 lbf) each

• Maximum speed: Mach 1.6 max speed mach 2.8
• Cruise speed: projected 1,800 km/h on dry thrust, 2650 km/h on full thrust
• Range: 3,300 km (2,050 mi) fossil nuclear powered unlimited for 24 hours ,battery poered 2 weeks
• Service ceiling: 59,050 ft
• Rate of climb: 46,200 ft/min
• Wing loading:.4 lb/ft²
• Thrust/weight: 1.16 (loaded) / 1.77 (empty)
• Extreme or advanced S.T.O.L abilities need 100 feet to land or lift off at full payload
The Su-47 is an unarmed technology demonstrator. If further developed into a fighter the armament could include the following weapons:
• Guns: 2 × 30 mm GSh-30-1 cannon with 150 rounds
• Missiles: 12 hardpoints (1 wingtip, 5 underwing, 5 conformal under the fuselage)

Cost 3 million credits starting cost

Weapons systems 30 mm note this is for one cannon fired , pilots don’t fire both gun unless need too
Type basaltic
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!

30MM 5D10
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 1d10x10, four round Burst 5d4x10. Eight round Burst 5d8x10,

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
30 -5d4 M.D( max damage 20)
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 1d4x10, three round Burst1d6x10, four round Burst2d4x10. Five round Burst 1d10x10, six round Burst 2d6x10 , eight round Burst3d6x10 , 5d4x10 round Burst, 20 round Burst 5d8x10,

30 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 8d6 , Five round Burst , six round Burst 2d6x10, 10 round Burst 4d6x10, 20 round Burst, 40 round Burst 8d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
30 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
ROF Short burst Medium burst Long burst
Burst: two round Burst 2d4x10, three round Burst 3d4x10, four round Burst 4d4x10. Five round Burst 5d4x10, six round Burst4d6x10, eight round Burst 4d8, 10 round Burst 5d8x10, 20 round Burst,
Range: 2 miles
Payload:200 rounds

Weapons systems we are seen only one hard point total 5 per under wing and 5 in main body and one (1) wing tip total 11

Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any ripple fire, or all
Payload: can combine load out per hard point
Type each missiles one long range missiles weight two tons or 2000 pounds max or 11 missiles per hard point
Medium range missiles 250 each 8 missiles per hard point
Short range missiles 30 pounds each 66 missiles per hard point
Mini missiles 20 pounds each 100 missiles per hard point
Bonus: Has Stealth technology but only if loss under wing hard points

update forgot feature
#26)I think .... :D

penalties : yes both pilots P.e must roll below or pass out ,unless they add built in inertial damper systems the are used ( that to G.M ) when make extreme maneuvers (like make negative to positive G in less than 15 seconds).

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike

The Herbst Maneuver

The Herbst Maneuver (J-Turn) (- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... neuver.jpg

The Herbst Maneuver, Herbst Reversal, or simply J-Turn, is another classic post-stall maneuver. The goal of the maneuver is to quite simply reverse the aircraft’s heading angle and to complete the reversal at the same point and velocity that the maneuver was started from. The maneuver typically resembles the one illustrated; the aircraft pitches to a high AOA to stop the forward component of its velocity, puts in rudder at the top of the climb to point the aircraft down, and then dives to regain speed as it returns to the starting point, enabling a rapid direction change.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, and The F 14 stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike if their a chance to attack but it better use for retreat

The Cobra

The Cobra(- thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )

http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Cobra2.jpg

The Cobra is yet another post-stall maneuver. The two primary characteristics of this maneuver are 1) a rapid pitch-up to near 90 degrees AOA and 2) a rapid decrease in velocity by 50-75%. (The latter is due to the fact that the aircraft is flying through the air on its tail when at 90 degrees AOA, and therefore is incurring a huge drag penalty.) The maneuver also results in an increase in altitude due to the lift generated at AOA values greater than zero.

First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for but it better use attacking or retreat, enemy jetfighter losses all his attack.

The Kulbit

The Kulbit (-5d4 piloting thank to advance computer systems software and vector thrusters systems )
http://images.wikia.com/tom-clancys-haw ... Kulbit.jpg

An aircraft could shoot an opponent directly behind them by extending the Cobra past 90 degrees to a full 180 degrees. The aircraft actually pitches all the way from 0 to 360 degrees AOA while flying in a nearly straight line, except for the altitude increase as before with the Cobra. This allows for ideal missile shot positioning.

27)First roll for maneuver, if done right they enemy jetfighter losses all his attack , F-22, , The F 14 and black widow III and stealth cat to roll on P.E due to G forces if fail they get -1d4 to strike this for attacking only , enemy jetfighter losses all his attack
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Re: N.A.AT

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Cool aircraft art......
Your rpg stats fit perfectly
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Re: N.A.AT

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thank you man
didn't know if I did good here
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Tank Concept by *BenWootten
Digital Art / Paintings & Airbrushing / Illustrations / Storybook
©2009-2011 *BenWootten

Tank concept, personal work exploring the concpt of a MBT crossed wth an IFV. This vehicle carries troops ( the access doors between the tracks on the side) while havign the fire power to handle front line combat. The mobile tracks allow the ' paladin' to traverse extreme terrain, and also to lie 'hull down' positions behind cover.

http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs50/i/2009/ ... ootten.jpg
Description for North America
This the Heaviest battle tank know to rifts earth and the cheapest ever been made. 55% is armored, heavy turbine engine can be fossil fuel, battery powered and finally nuclear powered systems. Dual armored layered protection systems, main gun, three heavy MDC machine guns or three heavy rails, three grenade launcher systems, 2 defense systems and heavy force filed systems. It designs to give traction in any of the four and replaceable track systems. This track system are all independent systems and when fully disable it can replace the systems with out operator going outside and repaired it!!!! This a shock in the battle filed for those who never seen this tank in action .this still keep the following amities of a conventional tank number one amour extremely heavy armored , good speed for all terrain . This can go under water or stay above like a submarine and able to fire it main gun underwater as well .finally firepower to level just out ant ground and any fling aircraft that does not pass speed of mach 4.8
It combines with an A.I systems for all weapons and Auto-ECM systems and Advance E.C.C.M systems. Can carry 13 full size powered armored 14 feet or smaller and 26 infantry or Borgs of any type and has a dedicated A.I for medical need equal to hospital to take care of 12 at a time ( human 99%) all medical skills are 90%/98% must roll .
paladin tank

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 2 tons plus sonar and passive

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon, +1 dodge also add +3 attacks,

3. Laser targeting add +2 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: none

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a 5 long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 5 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add 1 ton

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 2 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 2 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 2 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 350 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 345 M.D.C and third hit 340 M.D.C and the firth hit 340 !!!

15.Dedcated pilots: Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 each
Weight add: 2 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 2tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add to infantry or allies +1 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This tank come with heavy combat armored, which is design to protect and very comfortable as hundreds heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery for 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,rear built-in flight systems speed 250 MPH max height 2000 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 250 main body , arms 150 , legs 160 , helmet 100 , Force filed 250 M.D.C secondary force field 150 M.D.C and emergency force field-100 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 3fck8v.jpg plus TW abilities #18

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 26 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time and chameleon abilities similar to N.E as well but better take 15 seconds use heroes unlimited page 225 chameleon powers #1

25. Special liquid armored system: this is amour design to melt and cover any expose to the outside elements it take 1d4 attacks to cover that section

26. auto track replace systems it has 3 tracks that are replace by tank in 15 seconds with out any operator going out side


Main body 2000
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Front armed section (1) 1500
Bottom armed section (1) 1500
Turret armed section (1) 1500
Side dual layer armed doors (2) 1000
Hidden escape hatches rear area (3) 500 each
Legs (4) 500
Legs primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Tracks (4)200
Tracks primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Pilots/crew Reinforce compartment: 550
Reinforce cockpit compartment: primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators100 each
Engine systems front section 1000
Engine primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Main gun section 250
Optical turret : varies
Rear /side pop missiles launcher systems

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... iagram.png
Height: 22 feet
Width : 90 feet
Length 30 feet

Height: 22 feet
Width : 30 feet
Length : 90 feet
Under water speed 10 MPH
On the surface 80 MPH
Depth 2 miles ( but no tries it so far)
Weight: starting at 80 tons
Cost 10 million starting cost
Range: unlimited for nuclear powered and battery powered systems , fossil fuel systems combat range 1000 miles or 72 hours of constant use ( or left on / running )
Driving: 90 MPH on road but reduce speed on jungle, swamps , light forest ,sands by 25% !!!
Walk: 2 to 20 MPH

Hand to hand: Use robotic P.S 60 kick

Type: main artillery
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

190 MM 10D6X10 single shot
Dual shot 2d6x100 both barrels quad and two shot for each barrel 4d6x100
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of fire: single shot , dual shot or four shots

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds


190 mm- 1D4X100 ( max damage 400 ) double tap 2d4x100


190 mm- 7d6x10 M.D( max damage 460 ) double tap 3d4x100

A.P.F.S.D.S round
190 mm- 1D6X100 M.D( max damage 10d6x10 or 1d6x100 ) double tap 4d6x100

Range: 6 miles direct line of sight, 12 miles for indirect fire, and 12 miles
Rate of fire: single shot or dual shot two rounds fire in one attack call double tap
Payload: 360 round of each
Bonus: use GB penalties but time two, has no muzzle flash Blast radius 50 feet

Optional turrets (x3)
#1) Type 5mm mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems. They are founded in the legs hidden 10 each or 40 totals
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

Optional turrets (x3)
#2) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Optional turrets (x3)
#3) Weapons systems Type heavy rail guns
Damage varies
Medium rail gun single barrel 1d4x10
Medium rail gun dual barrel 2d4x10
Standard rail gun single barrel 1d6x10
Standard rail gun dual barrel 2d6x10
Heavy rail gun single barrel 2d4x10
Heavy rail gun dual barrel 4d4x10
Range: 6000 feet
Rate of fire: as per hand to hand or AI combat
Payload: 400 burst each or dual barrel 800
Bonus: none

Optional turrets (x3)
#4) Unguided Rockets launcher (3)are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all

Payload: 240 each launcher
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

Front weapon systems hidden systems
Unguided Rockets launcher (3)are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all

Payload: 240 each launcher
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius
Last edited by ZINO on Sun Jun 05, 2011 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

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I am working on the following for North America
• one combat robots for normal pilots
• medium urban combat tank
total 2 and a medium urban combat tank
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Height: 22 feet
Width : 90 feet
Length 30 feet

The size is odd.....the width of the tank is 3x the length?
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Re: N.A.AT

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Snake Eyes wrote:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 90 feet
Length 30 feet

The size is odd.....the width of the tank is 3x the length?

oops :eek:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 30 feet
Length : 90 feet
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... iagram.png
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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ZINO wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 90 feet
Length 30 feet

The size is odd.....the width of the tank is 3x the length?

oops :eek:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 30 feet
Length : 90 feet
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... iagram.png

:lol: That would have been funny looking the other way
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Re: N.A.AT

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Snake Eyes wrote:
ZINO wrote:
Snake Eyes wrote:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 90 feet
Length 30 feet

The size is odd.....the width of the tank is 3x the length?

oops :eek:
Height: 22 feet
Width : 30 feet
Length : 90 feet
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/c ... iagram.png

:lol: That would have been funny looking the other way

agree :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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got some thing done will post it
my player love this robot suit that I mud man but need art and found it call the mud man power suit
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Re: N.A.AT

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artist comment
Tank in street

Part 3 of the direct photo reference assignment

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs14/i/2007/ ... debris.jpg

Triax industries has made a bolded taking with DMZ engineer, Wroclaw engineer and as well as north American engineer corps (really N.A.AT engineer) are all working together and see what type of Mecha can be made . Well this has open the opportunity to trick the lady of death (now confirm she real and gargoyles) in the next generation of Mecha/robots but really are for second line heavy defense unit a. this allows Triax industries to work safety for the next gen robot for NGR .this unit is found in north America, south America and across Europe control by N.A.A.T and allied forces.

This DMZ medium assault robot tank / IFV as well. Simple design and easy to make is now the staple for the DMZ area and in urban combat where it excels well. Recently NGR has request several hundred orders as well (1d6x100) .

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon, +4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, +5 to dodge weight

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add:

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems:

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add:

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 1 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add:

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24
Weight add:

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. N.A.A.T only Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body 500
N.AA.T Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
NGR force field 240
Under armored 450
Front arm. (4) 350
Rear Arms (4) 400
Upper Arms (4) 400
Lower Arms ( 4) 400
Feet/wheel (4) 200
Turret(1) 450
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 350
Reinforce cockpit /crew compartment: N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each
Side hidden hatches 240 each (2)

Height: 20 feet
Length 35 feet
Wide: 19 feet
Weight 21 ton empty
Cost 5 million , knock off versions half cost but no force fields
Crew 1 driver 1 gunnery, 11 troops of any type under 12 feet

Range: unlimited
Flying none
Running: 35 MPH max
Walk 2 to 10 MPNH
Drive flat terrain 250 MPH max speed

Hand to hand: Use robotic P.S 40

Type Main Turret Weapons systems 25 mm auto-cannon/M.D.C Chain Gun
25 mm -5d4 M.D short controlled burst 1d4x10 ( 5 rounds) , short burst 10 rounds 1d6x10 , medium burst 15 rounds 2d4x10, long burst 30 rounds 4d4x10 , heavy burst 60 rounds 4d8x10
25 mm – 3d6 M.D short controlled burst 6d6 ( 5 rounds) , short burst 10 rounds 1d4x10 , medium burst 15 rounds 1d6x10, long burst 30 rounds 2d6x10 , heavy burst 60 rounds 4d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
25 mm - 6d6 MD short controlled burst 1d6x10 ( 5 rounds) , short burst 10 rounds 2d6x10 , medium burst 15 rounds 4d4x10x10, long burst 30 rounds 3d610 , heavy burst 60 rounds 5d6x10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire burst
Payload: 2000 rounds
Note: short controlled burst add +4 to strike, other burst +2

Can have hidden sided weapon systems
[/b][/u] #1) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below [/b][/u]
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

#2) .50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

#3)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#4)Unguided Rockets
are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2)
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius


Weapons systems
Type side hidden weapon
• M.D.C machine gun look above
• Light 1d4x10 or two barrel 2d4x10 or medium rail gun 1d6x10 or two barrel 2d6x10
• Light 1d4x10 or medium particle beam 5d10+25
• Grenade launcher look above
• M.D.C rockets look above

Damage look above
Range look above
Rate of fire: look above
Payload: all energy weapons unlimited
Bonus: look above

Front pop short range weapons Pick two for each upper leg
Weapons systems( X4)
Type cupola picks one note can be remote controlled
• M.D.C machine gun look above
• Light or medium rail gun look above
• Light or medium particle beam look above
• Light or medium rail gun look above
Damage look above
Range look above
Rate of fire: look above
Payload: look above
Bonus: look above

Hidden Front and rear heavy laser cannon (x2)
Type: heavy
Damage: 3d6x10
ROF: only pilots hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
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Re: N.A.AT

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http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs13/f/2006/ ... debris.jpg
This was also part of the logan's run redesign. However in this case it was me coming up with an idea that had no real basis in the movie, but the teacher thought it looked badass and thus wanted me to continue its development. Thus the design for the mudman was born. Basically its the heavy assault shocktrooper type guy that that the sandmen deploy upon rebel positions. The term mudman comes from mud being thicker than sand, yeah i know i suck with naming stuff. Anyway everyone loves flamethrowers.


Triax industries has made a bolded taking with DMZ engineer, Wroclaw engineer and as well as north American engineer corps (really N.A.AT engineer) are all working together and see what type of Mecha can be made . Well this has open the opportunity to trick the lady of death (now confirm she real and gargoyles) in the next generation of Mecha/robots but really are for second line heavy defense unit a. this allows Triax industries to work safety for the next gen robot for NGR .

The mudman power suit was a fail system against gargoyles, but found out that affects insects antennae abilities. This was very effect -50 skills or percentage, can use all chemical abilities in has obtain from capture. Resistance to acid (reduce damage by 10 percent) and kinetic attack as well .it can scale wall easily and fly very slight to hover. It fight easily any Xiticx but not the elder queen, it can confuse any Xiticx but not an elder queen. Still it can do very well against incredible numbers and deliver heavy damage to Xiticx. Lazlo has gotten over 2000 which is not enough, but they are working very well against Xiticx. Xiticx does not know what hit; unless they encounter a Xiticx elder queen. it had several gallon of each scent to confuse the insect’s monsters. Plus have P.P.E and are cover and shielded from detection 5 for defensive use and 5 for offensive as well. Has a robotic PS of 60 and can move very quietly in and out of dark places. it capable to even JAM antennas and if was not there ,has many visual sensory units to see in total dark .then it carries up to 200 fusion block heavy and it take a pilot getting use to. finally it sensory unit work well to ID Xiticx up to 7000 feet plus in tunnel work as well to. Xiticx are not even awarded until it to late or long gone. Lazo love these suit and are told not ask who gave them but just use them (oh by the paid for it too).

1. Sonar (both systems) and Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 500 pounds

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon, +4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, + 3 to dodge on the ground with thrusters weight:250 pounds

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100 pounds

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: NONE

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add 120 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 100 pounds

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 200 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 100 pounds

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 50 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 45 M.D.C and third hit 40 M.D.C and the firth hit 40 !!!

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d 8 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level 1d4 initiative

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! weight : 150 pounds

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 24
Weight add: 200 pounds

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 100 pounds

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! 50 pounds

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21.This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. Several winches and ropes (1000 feet each) total 10 and hooks can carry 5 tons easily .


Main body 550
NAAT only Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Others- 240
Upper Arms (2) -350
Lower Arms (2)-400
Upper Legs (2) -350
Lower Legs (2) -400
Feet (2) -125
Head (1)-100
Generators- 100 each
Height: add 2 feet to the pilot
Length: 5 feet
Wide: 4 feet
Weight: 1 ton empty starting or 200 pounds

Range: unlimited
Flying 500 MPH max systems can work quietly under 200 MPH - prowled 98%
Running: up to 50 MPH
Walk: 1 to 12 MPH -prowled 98% / climbing 98%

Hand to hand: Use super natural 60

Weapons systems it under barrel is the main weapon has to clear Xiticx is a chemical base flame thrower that affects only Xiticx organic only ( but can still kill SDC beings ) .the flames interact like gasoline to a match stick . It can clear tunnels and the air as well.
Type: chemical base flames Xiticx
Damage: to Xiticx
Short burst -2d4x10 (count as 1 blast)
Medium burst -5d4x10 (count as 2 blasts)
Long burst -5d8x10 (count as 3 blasts)
Extended burst – 1d6x100+100 (count as 4 blast)
Any artificial metal must have 100 S.D.C or more to be deflected
5d4 S.D.C, 4d6 S.D.C, 5d6 S.D.C , 6d6 S.D.C
Range: 600 feet long, wide/height 1 to 20 feet varies
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 2500 blast Short burst/ Medium burst 1250 burst / long burst 833 burst / Extended burst 625 burst
Bonus: when it makes contact Xiticx skin and or resin will keep burning at half damage for 1d20 melees. This will be their horror factor 18

Weapons systems rifle
Type silent rail gun and silent shot gun and the best choice weapons weapon one is long range the second for point blank range. However friend fire is very dangerous so best use at point blank range. It can switch fro one attack to another , example first shot is aflame shot to clear the tunnel , second attack to clear the few remain Xiticx with range rail gun , third attack one try to surprise the Xiticx.
Silent rail gun 3d4x10
Silent shot gun 4d4x10
Silent rail gun 6000 feet
Silent shot gun 1000 feet
Rate of fire: burst
Silent rail gun300 burst each
Silent shot gun 300 burst each blast radius 10 feet
Bonus: use knock down table


Type beam particle beam
Damage: 5d10+25
ROF: hand to hand (plus robots added as well with nuclear powered )
Range: 2500 feet
Payload varies
Nuclear powered unlimited
Bonus: will stun Xiticx 80% chance all but not elder queen

Type fission block heavy
Damage: heavy
Range: per blast radius
Rate of fire:
Payload: 100

grenade Launcher left shoulder grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles.
Damage per tube 1 to 6
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.Ms /combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT

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WELL guys what you think ???
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Re: N.A.AT

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Pretty cool, i like the Power Armor with the flame thrower
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Re: N.A.AT

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Snake Eyes wrote:Pretty cool, i like the Power Armor with the flame thrower

you have no idea the truoble the player got into using in lazo campaign againt those bugs total war!!! ,and they even got to nuke some hive ( deep inside ,sorry no mushroom effect ) ,it took months for those bugs to clam down !!!!!
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Re: N.A.AT

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I had my wife join not by choice here long story short before she make me sleep in the sofa IF she read this
her friends and my wife ( still trying to see who start it ) threw a monkey wrench play a P.C but no bio ware in splicer systems that was fun for her , the other P.C saw as a ton of brinks ,still we had very powerful player to help the little guy or little bros as they call them or paramilitary forces . it was fun and very different BUT NOW they got E mail about N.A.A.T and want to play Rift like ghost in a shell AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! that took me to combat cyber humanoid but they wanted MORE so they can not pilots robots or powered armored . AHHHH they got me so as I read Trixa book two it hit when I sleeping .like a bell in my mind when I was sleep it woke me up and remember the new body armored suits ,look at and read it and came with light, medium and heavy exo suits adds to PS in robotic BOOM add to P.S ,nuclear jet pack max speed 400 MPH and weapon systems....
well that what is happening again :-? DONE got the artwork but waiting for artist reply In hope he say yes :cry:
so there delay now the wife has me again by the horns and HER friends AHHHHHHHHHHHHHAH :shock:
by the way the art work is sooooooooooooooo good wish I could post it :D :!:
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Re: N.A.AT

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the angel are almost ready tying to word IT will be awsome :shock: I hope :-(
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Re: N.A.AT

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N.A.A.T Angel for north america
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they ever lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and to stop and have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made. However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the daemon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons; the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced MDC that all the body,it look ,feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy MDC ( instead 2 MDC but adds 200 MDC remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a brog and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! this has give the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time .
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Re: N.A.AT

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wow no commnets here wow hey guys did I do something wrong?
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Re: N.A.AT

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http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/ ... aneRid.jpg

Angels of War

They fly around, hypnotize men with their sexiness, and then shoot them down with their rail guns D:

Started as a quickie without background, but that kinda changed halfway hahah XD

Anyhow, enjoy

Done with Photoshop, original size 5400 x 3600 lol


Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.

M.D.C 200 max
M.D.C Limbs max M.D.C
M.D.C Arms: max
M.D.C Legs: max
P.P max
P.B 28
M.A 3d6
M.E 3d6
SPD: max
Standard military sensory
Weight 200 pounds
Height can adjust it from 5 feet to 9 feet
Use combat cyber humanoid O.C.C
Add magic lore north skills

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 3igqts.jpg
Assault Angel Deana

Been a while since the last one lol

I did this on my A5 sketchbook and ran out of space so I had to compromise some parts >_<

Anyway hope you like!

Done with 2b mech pencil on A5 paper


Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Light main body 160 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 120
Upper Arms (2) 80 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 120 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Weapons systems
Any one per arm total two
Two melee weapons or pistol per leg

#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Assault Angel Deana
Been a while since the last one lol
I did this on my A5 sketchbook and ran out of space so I had to compromise some parts >_<
Anyway hope you like!
Done with 2b mech pencil on A5
http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 3igqts.jpg


Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S


Medium main body300
Helmet 150
Upper Arms (2)100 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 120 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 180 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each

Weapons systems

Any one per arm left arm and two any in right arm
Two melee weapons or pistol per leg
One per shoulder any
Two heavy missiles missile systems pick one look below on the back
Four mini launchers (where it says VERA) 24 each

#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

Assault Angel Thiana
One more from the angels series
Still finishing up WIP stuff from my old sketchbooks
It's flipped from the scan , anyway hope you like!
Done with 2b mech pencil on A5 paper

Angel suit http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 3ipzlk.jpg

These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Heavy Main body 480 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 190 Add 95 M.D.C
Upper Arms (2) 135 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Second generation force fields main force fields 300, secondary force fields 240, auxiliary force fields 200 and emergency 100

Weapons systems
Four energy base light to medium beam weapons range or can be melee weapons total wings 4 total for both 8
One heavy weapon per arm total two

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... aneRid.jpg

Mira, in her assault suit
Early year's artwork, hope you'all like her!
Done with 2b mech pencil on A4 paper

Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Heavy Main body 480 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 190 Add 95 M.D.C
Upper Arms (2) 135 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Second generation force fields main force fields 300, secondary force fields 240, auxiliary force fields 200 and emergency 100

Weapons systems
This version is long range for air to ground

Weapons systems #1)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: extended 4 miles deflection shots in a angel 6 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#2)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#3) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

a)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

b)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below

b) .30 calibers .30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

c) .50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs38/f/2008/ ... aneRid.jpg

From the same universe as the angels of war [link]
with bigger, stronger weapons :d
2 months old work, just felt like submitting it now ^^
done with 2b mechanical pencil on A4 paper

Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Heavy Main body 480 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 190 Add 95 M.D.C
Upper Arms (2) 135 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Second generation force fields main force fields 300, secondary force fields 240, auxiliary force fields 200 and emergency 100

Weapons systems
Per arm one light or medium weapon or ancient melee weapons
One right arm section over and under barrel one heavy beam and projectile can be a machinegun ,10MM or 20 MM or nay rail gum
One over and under barrel medium beam weapon or magic range weapon
One four fin stabilizer mini missile systems four to sic each has 12 mini-missiles
One heavy mille weapon tech beam or heavy MDC magic melee grater rune sword

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system
Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.
Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 3drdwx.jpg
normal pilots
2 hour speed paint

This a power suit were design for going places urban combat use .able to engage at point blank range and long range it can carry two heavy modular weapon systems and two forearm weapon systems. The suit carries short range and mini-missiles or MDC rockets it gives good offensive abilities. It has jet thruster and a similar to the S.A.M.A.S systems but able to handle the weight. It main draw back are the pilots legs are some what expose in way and are the first thing they are target. Still
After that flaw it only of the best urban combat robot unit ever design is that desin flaw it can crush the pilots leg.


1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks,+2 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. N.A.A.T ADD self-destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earth's Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Images /infrared /Ultraviolet Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.A.T Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only robot that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the robot add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body-450
Main body NAAT primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2)- 275
Lower Arms (2)-275
Upper Legs (2)-285
Lower Legs (2)- 325
Feet (2)-175
Head (1)-125
Reinforce cockpit compartment:250
Pilots armored Extrenal legs (2)- 375
N.A.A.T only Reinforce cockpit compartment: primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each (many)

Height 15 feet
Length 9 feet
Wide 8 feet
Weight: 4 ton empty

Range: unlimited
Flying used that a SAMAS robot
Running 150 MPH
Walk 2 to 55 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 45

Arm weapons: one MDC machine gun or 10 MM cannon or any rail gun or light to medium beam weapons
grenade Launcher
is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and too waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

• Type 5mm mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

• hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
5 mm 5d4

Weapons systems
• Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 2000 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better

Weapons systems
• Type 7.62mm minigun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000

Weapon systems turret

#1) Weapons systems

Type rail gun
 Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
1. 3d6 light
2. 4d6 light
3. 5d6 light
4. 6d6 light
5. 1d4x10 light
6. 1d6x10 medium
7. 2d4x10 medium
8. 3d4x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons
9. 2d6x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons
10. 4d4x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d8x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons
11. 3d6x10 boom gun requires pylons/6d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons

Damage as per round
Range: 1000 feet to 6000 feet is light rail guns , 1000 feet to 10,560 feet that 2 miles
Rate of fire: single shot rounds or dual shot only and equal too a pilots hand to hand
Payload: 10,000 rounds as you go up per round reduce rounds 650 per each caliber that goes up so #2 10,000 rounds – 650 rounds = xxxxx, a 40 MM 10, 0000 rounds – ( that 650 rounds x4 =2600 round than take 2600 -10,000 rounds=7400 rounds as payload
Bonus: 10,000 rounds equal 300 pounds and 300 pounds the next level 9350 rounds that 600 pounds and so on

 #1)Weapons systems Type heavy rail guns [/b][/u]
Damage varies
Medium rail gun single barrel 1d4x10
Medium rail gun dual barrel 2d4x10
Standard rail gun single barrel 1d6x10
Standard rail gun dual barrel 2d6x10
Heavy rail gun single barrel 2d4x10
Heavy rail gun dual barrel 4d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: as per hand to hand or AI combat
Payload: 400 burst each or dual barrel 800
Bonus: none
Weight 1 ton each

 Unguided Rockets
are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2)
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

 Weapon system: VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this on top of the head unit or better yet top rear section similar to hidden until fired .this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or mecha with reflection abilities

 Type 10 MM to 19 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 6000 ammo drum this is due to small size one drum carries 2000 rounds

18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

 Weapons systems T.O.W missiles
Type: any long range missiles
Damage: varies
Range: 2miles
Rate of fire: 1 or 1 to 8 all
Payload: 8
Note: +8 to strike

Weapons systems HEAVY Solid LASER Right weapon mount
Damage: 5d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand by pilots
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: if the damage exceeds or passes the MDC or EVEN SDC target then it goes right thru the target to anything behind until it reach equal or higher stats of damage. Example A target has 200 M.D.C to main body but the damage natural roll 210 then damage hit the main body blow up but goes right thru target if it doesn’t have a reinforce cockpit , but let say it does has a reinforce cockpit of 150 M.D.C sorry still goes thru if pilots has MDC amour (of 50 M.D.C) take full damage sorry still goes thru and hit a glitter boy first half damage but get full knock down table of 210 M.D.C. critical hit standard so if it had a critical that 210 M.D.C now becomes 420 M.D.C same rules applies

Weapons systems optional weapon turret weapon system
There are nine weapon system that can used

#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 24 PER POD (x4 N.AA.T) OTHERS (X2)
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#3)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total 1 Automatic grenade Launcher turret on the left side.
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#4) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

#5)Type 5mm mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

 Weapon system: #6)VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this on top of the head unit or better yet top rear section similar to hidden until fired .this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or mecha with reflection abilities

#7)Type 10 MM to 19 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 10000 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

#8)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, and 3000 M.D.C

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

 Weapons systems
#9)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: look above
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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well anyone what you guys and girls think
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Snake Eyes
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Re: N.A.AT

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Very nice......the angel suits are cool.....
The call of duty one is funny
The Dragon Has Spoken
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Re: N.A.AT

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thank you and the artist too them they are so awesome
just like to share :D
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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artist comment 1 hour speed painting lol

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 3j133q.jpg

Leopard III tank walker from N.G.R, their were about 10,000 in cold storage and were just getting dust and not been used they did their part and were useful for about first hundred year 100 year , it gave time for NGR to replace with newer robot . Still instead of throw a good war machine many were put away, some for target practice other just for display. The first type of round offered some good damage put at the time rail gun were state of the art and later add the Boom gun, still when N.A.A.T added the third generation weapon system which combine rail gun tech, heavy explosive, armored piercing, and hyper density solid propellant it charge the damage from what we seen in north America (2d6x10) to what we see now going mach 1d6+2 weighing a 350 pounds across the battle will do a lot of damage and it must be respected . NGR gave all the tank walkers to cover area where they need but now they are been made in less then one year . they are also exported to north America in large quaintest which surprise many. What was once a relict of the past is a god sold tank with legs .

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body 1000
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Legs primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 450
Lower Legs (2)550
Feet (2)250
Main turret 500
Main turret primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 450
Reinforce cockpit compartment: N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each
Height 29 feet
Length 49 feet
Wide : 19 feet
Weight: sarting 45 tons
Range: unlimited
Running: 100 MPH
Walk: 2 to 25 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 55(legs )

Weapons systems
Weapon systems
• 200 MM Cannon (x1)
• Four manual or remote control turret
• Rear missile launcher systems has mini-missiles ,short range missiles ,standard medium range missiles or NAAT medium range missiles
• Leg mounted turret one per upper leg (x4)
• Leg mounted turret one per lower leg (x4)
• Side mounted missiles medium and long range missiles
• Button hidden turret one heavy beam or heavy auto cannon or heavy rail gun

The following weapon systems are for the main turret

Weapons systems
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
Type 200MM hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN that a
Damage 11D6X10 or 1d6x100 +60 single shot, but a dual 2d6x100 +120 !!!
Range: 30 miles direct line of sight indirect fire 60 miles
Rate of fire: single shot, but a dual shot MUST stand still
Payload: 100 of rounds of two types
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system missiles are part of the leopard III tank walker combine with the Bradley Walker they make a deadly combination or with other conventional military vehicles . Missiles are need for the tank for air to air to ground to ground as well
Type Missiles
Damage: varies with type note N.A.A.T medium range is 5d6x10 add + 6 to strike
Range: varies with type note N.A.A.T medium range 10 miles rest standard
Rate of fire: one or any amount fire (counts as one attack!!!) or all
Payload: varies with type look below
Rear missile launcher systems has mini-missiles ,short range missiles ,standard medium range missiles or N.A.A.T medium range missiles pick two founded in the main turret
• mini-missiles has 98
• short range missiles 30
• standard medium range 15
• N.A.A.T medium range 25
Side mounted missiles launcher systems has only medium and long range missiles pick two
• standard medium range 30
• N.A.A.T medium range 45
• long range missiles 20
• N.A.A.T long range missiles 25
• Standard long range missiles: 2 tons each
• Light weight N.A.A.T long range missiles : 1000 pounds each
• Standard medium range missiles : 250 pounds each
• N.A.AT fire and forget medium range missiles 120 pounds each
• Short range missiles 33 pounds each
• Mini-missiles 15 pounds each
• MDC rockets 2000 first generation 5 pounds each
• MDC rockets 2000 second generation 2 pounds each

The following weapon systems are for side to main gun but also for the legs one upper weapon system and one for the lower legs each pick for each location
• There are 17 weapon systems to chose from
• Hidden pick one weapon systems Side weapon systems for main gun(x1)
• Hidden pick one weapon systems upper leg
• Add remote control or manual control four on top of the main turret
• Hidden pick one weapon systems lower leg
• Hidden pick one weapon systems under belly

Other weapon systems as follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
Heavy Particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there NO additional weapons system there no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 35 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#17) Magic Weapons systems they are founded in Germany and even outside the coalition states way out side
Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/ ... 31m854.jpg

A robot painted by marker pen, lights were added by Painter.
here, you can see the process of how I drew this robot:[link]
*this is the first concept of Veronica


Triax industries has made a bolded taking with DMZ engineer, Wroclaw engineer and as well as north American engineer corps (really N.A.AT engineer) are all working together and see what type of Mecha can be made . Well this has open the opportunity to trick the lady of death (now confirm she real and gargoyles) in the next generation of Mecha/robots but really are for second line heavy defense unit a. this allows Triax industries to work safety for the next gen robot for NGR

This design was an old work horse uses that in the golden age mankind, but was replace by other robot design. There they stayed waiting to be used again, however they work fine in space but the intense plasma weapon was a pain in the neck given damage to the enemy and the robot as well. N.A.A.T was able to fix this by lowering the damage and fixing the EM field problem that plagued the rail gun with a different type of hybrid tech which works well. last this is what make it controversial to a point many pilots are disable, where they don’t want to be Borg of any kind the robot , instead they are connected by cyber-jack systems and an AI systems helping them as well. They pilots, crew man and infantry, mercenary who lost their legs or an arm or two but link up in a heavy basic suit and connected to the robot as well. There thousand of disable troops, soldiers, even citizens have join as well. Some were born with physically disable but there are no mentally disable for no reason for many reason why. Triax is not happy to see disable pilots and crew personal with this but many see as able to help those that gave up so much. And won’t be seating in the side line. Mostly do as second defense or escorts, patrols, security duties. However they are not to be used as front line duties. NGR military say be a Borg partial or full conversion but the public does not see it that way .the human sprit will not break or give up this the message been sent out,. Finally many are familiar with this design and think it a very advanced AI (partial right). In North America many solider are flocking to this new program given a second chance to get back on the saddle and give hope .still many mercenary are well not happy with this but it still is a noble ideas till someone dies. Well for many this is the way to go in combat. The second old was model is the first model but has the same potential add better armed, weapon systems and is respected by many. The pilots call Veronica was able to stop over hundred light combat powered suits at that time plus 12 medium robots and stop the drop ship with over 25 heavy combat robots .this was before they were able to disembark. It carried a lot of ammo, beam weapons, better rate of fire and now carries better sensory systems then the old model .it just deadlier in many way then one!!


1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the robot/mecha can carry heavy combat armored or can be added , which is deign to protect and carry very comfortable as 5 heavy basic exo-suit of any kind , which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only plus pilot

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. NAAT only Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25. change feet to roller skates able to travel on ANY smooth surface ,even skate at 90 degrees angle up or down the walls (-10%) but risky at times

26. High density armored protection systems: it means if it rolls over no damage, fall for every 10 feet add 1d6 M.D.C


Main body 750
N.A.A.T ONLY Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
NGR (1) 300
N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems 100
Upper Arms (2) 350
Right arm shields (2) 300 each
Lower Arms (2) 350
Upper Legs (2)400
Lower Legs (2)550
Feet (2) 170
Large Head/Reinforce cockpit compartment: 350
ONLY N.A.A.T Large Head/Reinforce cockpit compartment primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 EACH

Height 20 feet
Length 21 feet
Wide 16 feet
Weight; 18 ton empty
Cost : 5 million, knock off versions half M.D.C / cost but no force fields

Range: unlimited
Flying 100 MPH to 600 MPH
Running 55 max ,with skates 100MPH , with skates and thrusters 400MPH
Walk: 2 to 20 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 45

The following are heavy all purpose anti robot or vehicles pick two weapon systems. Many robot pilot haven to this weapon systems due to fact they don’t know what the weapon systems been fired till it to late . it fire both weapon system if they arewith each other range sights.

Weapon system: #1) VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#2) Weapons systems light particle Beam cannon
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

# 3) heavy suit only Weapons systems missile systems In shields
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#4) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
Heavy Particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there NO additional weapons system there no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

The following is a terrible weapon systems know to give a world of hate and is respected and feared. The best thing to do is hid from this or run which are the second best options ,finally the best option for robot pilots to do is doge ( good luck with that ) .they call it puff the magic dragon and for a good reason. if you are still standing you must be a god .

#1) Heavy M.D Machinegun : pick one below
.30 calibers
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
This one barrel all fire barrel been fired
2d4x10 short burst,2d6x10+10 medium burst, 5d4x10
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
This one barrel all fire barrel been fired
Short burst 25 rounds , medium burst 50 rounds, long burst 100 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 8000 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#2).50 calibers
Single barrel 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
This one barrel all fire barrel been fired
Short burst 2d4x10+10, medium burst 3d6x10, long burst 4d6x10
R.O.F: burst as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#3)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C ( 1d6x100+40) control burst, 2d4x10 (1d4x100) S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 ( 1d6x1100 )S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 ( 2d4x100 )S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 (1d10x100)S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10( 2d6x100 ) S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
But This all 5 barrel been fired x 5 the rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000

#4)N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: AKA puff the magic dragon
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

This one barrel all fire barrel been fired
• 2d4 two round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d4x10, round 10
• 3d4three round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d6x10, round 15
• 5d4 Five round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d10x10, round 25
• 4d6 six round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 2d6x10, round 30
• 4d8 eight round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 4d4x10, round 40
• 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst, This all 5 fire barrel been fired 5d4x10 , round 50
• 2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, This all 5 fire barrel been fired 5d8x10, round 100
• 3d4x10 for 40 round Burst, This all 5fire barrel been fired 1d6x100, round 200
• 4d4xd10 for 60 round Burst , This all 5 fire barrel been fired 2d4x100 ,

Payload : 250 S.D.C,

Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C ( 1d6x100+40) control burst, 2d4x10 (1d4x100) S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 ( 1d6x1100 )S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 ( 2d4x100 )S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 (1d10x100)S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10( 2d6x100 ) S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
But This all 5 barrel been fired x 5 the rounds

R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
BUT all 5 barrel been fired LOOK ABOVE

Range: 2 miles
Payload: 20000 rounds pick one ammo type
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#5)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)

10 mm -3d6 M.D, two round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
• 10 to 19 MM -3d6 M.D This all fire 5 barrel been fired 2d4x10 round 5
• 10 to 19 mm -two round burst 6d6, This fire 5 barrel been fired 3d6x10 round10
• 10 to 19 mm -three round burst 1d6x10, This fire 5 barrel been fired 5d6x10 round 15
• 10 to 19 mm -four round burst 2d4x10 , This fire 5 barrel been fired 5d8x10 round 20
• 10 to 19 mm - eight round burst 4d4x10, This fire 5 barrel been fired 2d4x100

10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D , two round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

• 10 to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, This all fire 5 barrel been fired 1d6x10 , round 5
• 10 to 19 MM two round burst 4d6 This fire 5 barrel been fired 2d6x10 round 10
• 10 to 19 MM three round burst 6d6 This fire 5 barrel been fired 3d6x10, round 15
• 10 to 19 MM four round burst 1d4x10+8, This fire 5 barrel been fired 4d6x10, round 20
• 10 to 19 MM six round burst 1d6x10+12, This fire 5 barrel been fired 6d6x10 , round 30
• 10 to 19 MM eight round burst 1d10x10 This fire 5 barrel been fired 5d10x10 round 40
• 10 to 19 MM 18 round burst 5d4x10, This all fire 5 barrel been fired 1d10x100( now you know why this brought a drop ship down )

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 to 19 MM -5d6 M.D, , two round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )
• 10 to 19 MM -5d6 M.D , This all 5 barrel been fired 3d4x10+20 round 5
• 10 to 19 MM two round burst 1d6x10, This all 5 barrel been fired 5d6x10 round 10
• 10 to 19 MM, four round burst 2d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired 1d6x100 round 20
• 10 to 19 MM six round burst 3d6x10, This all 5 barrel been fired 2d4x100+100 round 30
• 10 to 19 MM eight round burst 4d6x10, This all 5 barrel been fired 2d6x100 round 40
• 18 round burst 9d6x10, This all 5 barrel been fired 4d6x100 round 90
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 2000 ammo drum
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 6)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon system.
Damage: it has both SDC and MDC rounds
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 4d4 M.D.C control burst control burst 5 rounds 2d4x10
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst 10 rounds This all 5 barrel been fired 4d6x10+10 , 50 rounds
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 5d6x10 , 20 rounds burst , This all 5 barrel been fired 5d6x10,100 rounds
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 20 round long burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d6x100,that’s ,100rounds
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst that’s 30 rounds extended burst , This all 5 barrel been fired 2d6x100, 150 rounds
• 7.62mm mini-gun, 8d6x10 M.D.C extended burst that’s 60 rounds extended burst , This all 5 barrel been fired 4d6x100, 300 rounds

Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst(3d6x100) , 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst(1d4x100) , 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst (1d6x100), 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy ( 2d4x100 , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst ( 1d10x100) , 4d6x10 S.D.C(2d6x100) extended burst(take to long a lot )

R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst

Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C rounds, and 3000 M.D.C rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below

#7) .30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst
• 2d4 two round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired,1d4x10 ,that 10 rounds
• 3d4three round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired,1d6x10, that 15 rounds
• 4d4four round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired,2d4x10 that 20 rounds
• 5d4 Five round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired,1d10x10 that 25rounds
• 4d6 six round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 2d6x10, that 30rounds
• 4d8 eight round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired ,4d4x10 that 40 rounds
• 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 5d4x10 that 50rounds
• 2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, This all5 barrel been fired 5d8x10 that 100rounds
• 3d4x10 for 40 round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d6x100 that 200rounds
• 4d4xd10 for 60 round Burst, This all 5 barrel been fired2d4x100 that300rounds
• 5d4x10 for 120 burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 1d10x100 that 600rounds
• 5d8x10 for a240 round burst, This all 5 barrel been fired 5d4x100 that 1200 rounds
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds or all five barrel firing look above
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 6000 rounds

Weapons systems #7)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!! Happy hunting
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
• 20 mm -5d4 M.D This all 5 barrel been fired 1d10x10that rounds 5
• 20mm, three round burst 1d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired 5d6x10 that 15rounds
• 20mm four round burst 2d4x10 This all 5 barrel been fired 5d8x10 that20rounds
• 20mm six round 2d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired 1d6x100 that 30 rounds
• 20mm eight round burst 2d8x10 This all 5 barrel been fired2d4x100that 40rounds
• 20mm sixteen round burst 4d8x10 This all 5 barrel been fired 3d6x100 that 80rounds

20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
• 20 mm 3d6 M.D.C This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
• 20 mm two round burst 6d6 This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
• 20 mm five round burst 3d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
• 20 mm ten round burst 6d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired burst

A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot ,five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
• 20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
• five rounds burst 3d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
• ten rounds burst 6d6x10 This all 5 barrel been fired that rounds
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

u] #8)Weapons systems [/u]
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun this combine dual tip H.E.A.T rounds, A.P rounds and heavy plasma rounds( in other word one tip has H.E.A.T rounds the other side of the tip A.P rounds and center has heavy plasma and detonate on impact ) add mach 1d6+1 speed
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
1. 3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
2. 4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
3. 5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
4. 6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
5. 1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
6. 1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
7. 2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
8. 1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#9) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons THIS IS STADARD !!! it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same in the hand
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#10) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

#11) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#12) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel ONLY
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10 dual barrel 2d4x10
• Medium 2d4x10 dual barrel 4d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10 dual barrel 4d6x10
• 2d4x10 light dual barrel 4d4x10
• 4d4x10 heavy dual barrel 4d8x10
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet dual barrel 2d4x10
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet dual barrel 2d6x10
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet dual barrel4d4x10
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet dual barrel 4d6x10
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 35 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2 ... 3ddhkj.jpg

artist comment ~

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+1dodge when in flight at max, also add +1 attacks, -1 to dodge when on the ground standing still weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. NONE :This the only mecha that come with heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for other heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

This a heavy hit robot giant size begin sold by northern gun and many love it

Main body: 900
NAAT ONLY Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Others 240
Top shoulder gun (dual barrel boom gun) 450
Heavy gun pod (1)250
Belt feed systems ( not shown) – 200
Upper Arms (2)350
Lower Arms (2)550
Upper Legs (2) 450
Lower Legs (2)500
Feet (2)250
Head/Reinforce cockpit compartment: 350
Head/Reinforce cockpit compartment N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 fro each
Height 25 feet
Length: 21 feet
Wide 22 feet
Weight 50 tons empty( it northern gun that why )
Cost 25 Million fully loaded

Range: unlimited
Flying 50 MPH
Running : 89 MPH
Walk: 2 to 11 MPH

Hand to hand: Use super natural or robotic P.S

Weapons systems dual Boom gun
Type heavy rail gun
Damage : 6d6x10
Range: : rest the same
Rate of fire: : rest the same
Payload: 500 dual burst or 1000 burst individual
Bonus: hidden pylons in each legs

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS GUN POD
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
80MM GUN pod
Damage/ ROF: 2D6X10, two shot or dual shot 4d6x10 only
payload: 300 single rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds

80 mm -5D10 M.D( max damage 50 )
Damage/ ROF: two shot or dual shot 1d10x10
Payload: 300 rounds single shot
80 - 89 mm -1d6x10 M.D (max damage 60 )
Damage/ ROF: two shot or dual shot 2d6x10
Payload: 300 rounds single shot

A.P.F.S.D.S round
80 - 89 mm -2d6x10( max damage 120
Damage/ ROF: two shot or dual shot 4d6x10
Payload: 300 rounds single shot

Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons right forearm THIS IS STADARD !!! it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same in the hand
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

Fire and forget missiles systems: this is dedicated medium range missiles launchers systems
Type: Fire and forget missiles systems
Damage: 5d6x10 N.AA.T versions, standard 2d6x10
R.O.F: one, or any or all per launcher
Top shoulder where BOOM cannon in rear section 15
Shoulder: (1)30 total
Upper legs (2)40 total 80
Rear back section (2) 40 total 80
Bonus: N.AA.T versions add +6 to strike and add any other , standard versions +4 only
Weight 120 each missiles

Type 5mm mini-gun
as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
Damage: this is single barrel not both firing
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C ( 1d6x100+40) control burst, 2d4x10 (1d4x100) S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 ( 1d6x1100 )S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 ( 2d4x100 )S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 (1d10x100)S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10( 2d6x100 ) S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
But This all 5 barrel been fired x 5 the rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000 M.D.C total 8000 S.D.C, 6000 M.D.C

Weapon system: one VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America. Is on top of the three dots, the other have two 5 MM mini-gun
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... 349pt1.jpg

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Mechbuster by *Arcass
Another piece from The Vaults.... 2D-3D composite with background by Didi_mc with embellishment.
DAZ Studio/Photoshop.
Mech buster
Robot buster


These the most feared anti tank/APC/IFV/Robot recently known in rifts earth. They have seem to appear out of no where, and made a names for themselves in less then a year. The Intel said that if a small group could stop a division of coalition tanks to even skycyle!! they have extended the war for year and half. But all stay out of it due the demon and monsters coming many other planes. The famous dual barrel heavy variable laser cannon and able to fire any type of fusion block is the most feared rail and heavy beam cannon next to the glitter boy Boom gun . It is able to fold easy to carry and to repair in the field. They will have general skills in combat for anti robot band heavy combat vehicles and heavy magic monsters with is also a monster hunter as well! They will take skills for that area they are in and stay like a hunter marking. They can get just about any piloting skills to cover their tracks.

Determine Psionic
There are three ways of getting a character who has psionic powers. The first, and simplest way, is to select one of the Psychic Racial Character Classes. A master psionic is the most powerful of all natural psychics and is available only from the Psychic R.C.C.s. A psychic character class automatically gets psionic abilities. Each Specific R.C.C.
will explain the character's background, orientation, and psi-abilities. However, while the psychic R.C.C. is heavy with psi-powers, it is limited in skill development. The second way is to select an O.C.C. that has minor psionics, like the operator, techno-wizard, crazies, and cyber-knight, but these characters have only a tiny bit of psychic powers.
The third way to get a character with psionic is to roll percentile
dice on the following random table.
Random Psionic Table male table
01-09 Major Psionic
10-25 Minor Psionics
26-00 No Psionic
Random Psionic Table female table
01-35 Major Psionic
36-67 Minor Psionic
68 -80 No Psionic

In the world of Rifts, psychic powers are comparatively common.Even an average person may have some degree of psychic power.

A minor psionic selects two powers from any one of the following psionic categories: Sensitive, or Physical, or Healer. Two psi-powers,even spectacular ones, are considered inconsequential and the character
Must select an O.C.C., without modification. The number of Inner Strength Points (I.S.P.) is determined by taking the number from M.E.,
roll 2D6 and add both numbers together. This is the base I.S.P.; add
the roll of 1D6 per each level of experience.

A major psionic is a character who has impressive amount of paranormal abilities. Unlike the minor psychic who can only select from one category, this individual can select a total of eight (8) powers from one category or a total of six (6) from any of the three categories available. The categories from which a major psionic can select includes: Sensitive, Physical, and Healer. This means the psychic can have a combination of power types. However, the development of extra-sensory abilities means that a certain amount of time and energy was expended on the development of those abilities and not on formal education. The major psionic must select an O.C.C., but all skill bonuses are reduced by half (round down fractions), and the number of "other” skills are also reduced by half. Secondary skills are not affected. Major (and master) psionic must also submit to IC implantation and registration at all Coalition cities.
The number of I.S.P. for a major psionic is determined by taking the number from M.E., roll 4D6, and add both numbers together. This is the base I.S.P.; add the roll of 1D6 + 1 per each level of experience.
NOTE: A player may skip step four entirely if he or she does not
Want a character with psionic.

Other Female add+ 1d6+1 to P.P/ P.B 1d8+1 add 5d4 S.D.C and hit point add 1d6 ME/MA

Males get 1d8 to P.S, 1d4 P.P, 5d4 Spd, 1d10 P.E, S.D.C and hot point add 1d4x10 S.D.C

General skills
Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Pilot none military any add 45%

O.C.C skills

Add 1d4x10 +8 % for the following skills one time (plus any other)
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Navigation: Land, Air, Water 40%+5% per level
Weapon systems 40%+5% per level
Sensory Equipment 30%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level
Base M.O.S skills
Add 1d4x10% one time only
Pick two any land vehicles
Pick two robots expert level
Four Physical
Force march
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons
Pick six any W.P

O.C.C related skills 11 (ADD 5d6+15%) and add 2 Skill (ADD 5d6%)at level 3,6,8,10,15

Communications: any +15%
Cowboy: any
Domestic: any
Electrical: any
Espionage: any +15%
Mechanical: any
Medical: first aid to paramedic
Military: any
Physical: any+15%
Pilot: any
Pilot Related: any+15%
Rogue: any
Science: any
Technical: any
WP: any
Wilderness: any
Secondary Skills 10 add 1 at level 4, 7, 8, and 11, add 4 at level 15


1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +4 aim shot , also add +2 attacks,
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add:
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a medium range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 medium range (5d6x10)
7. Voice actuated locking systems
8. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
9. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add:
10. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max
11. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points
12. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 150 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 145 M.D.C and third hit 140 M.D.C and the fourth hit 135 !!!
13. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
14. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
15. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
16. Basic EVA systems (back up)
17. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
18. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%
19. Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body 250
Main body force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 100
Lower Arms (2)125
Upper Legs (2)150
Lower Legs (2)175
Feet (2)55
Reinforce cockpit compartment: None
Generators 100

Height add 2d6 inches
Length add 1d10 inches
Wide add 1d6 inches
Weight add 1d6x10%


Flying 100 MPH
Running add 12 to SPD

Hand to hand: robotic P.S add,12 to wearer

Fusion Block

A fusion block is a little square case about the size of a hand-held Computer. On top of the block is a small key pad for programming the time of detonation. An automatic 30 second delay is built into each fusion bomb as a safety feature to avoid instant detonation.
Range: The blocks are made for placement, not throwing or shooting; However one can try throwing the explosive. Typical range is 1D6 x 10 feet (3 to 18 m); fusion blocks are not aerodynamic.
Black Market Cost: 1000, 3000, and 8000 credits respectively

Mega-Damage: There are three types of fusion block bomb

. 1)1D4X10M.D., Blast radiuses is contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

2) 2D6x 10M.D., Blast radiuses is contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

3) 4D6x 10 M.D.C. Blast radiuses is contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

Weapons systems

Type main sniper rail Fusion Block cannon with heavy laser cannon. Has all the features above but can be fire by rail cannon
Sniper rail Fusion Block cannon
NAAT version add 50% to damage
. 1)1D6X10M.D. Blast radiuses are contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

2) 3D6x 10M.D., Blast radiuses is contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

3) 6D6x 10 M.D.C. Blast radiuses is contained to a 10 foot area (3 m).

Anti-laser variable tank
Damage 3d6x10+25
Anti-laser variable tank R.O.F: hand to hand
Range: rail cannon 2 miles beam 1.5 miles
Rail gun cannon Rate of fire: single aim shot or five rounds burst
Payload: 6 rounds, beam unlimited
Bonus: look above Note has no muzzle flash or can only heard at 100 feet
Fusion Block has a magnetic lock to have a delay explosion ( which is love by snipers ) to use as confusion in the battle filed

Other stuff : by mission
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2 ... 38s5pv.jpg

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I m trying to make illustrations for a sci-fi novel. This is a kinda challenging project for me.

Power Armor

Power armor might be thought of as a sort of super- suit of body armor. Body armor is a protective plating or padding much like the knights of old wore, only much lighter and flexible. Power armor is a body armor in that it protects its wearer completely, but it is also much more. Power armor is a form fitting, robot exo-skeleton designed for combat. It is a form of mechanical augmentation that does not require the user to submit to any physical alterations. The armor is basically a robot suit. The human pilot steps into it and activates the armor. The moment the armor is activated, the suit becomes a self-contained environmental system and offers superhuman speed and abilities to its pilot.
Power armor is always a one person unit that is usually human size, although most power armor adds one to three feet to one's height. Some older styles of power armor are larger and may tower as high as twelve feet (3.6 m). Anything larger is considered to be a full robot vehicle.
HOWEVER, this battle suit or a robot exo-skeleton suit. Like the insets that are hard out side and soft. But you can add heavy or medium body armored and have a personal weapon, and gear if the unit is disabling or must abandon it. It only adds two feet to the wearer light weight 2000 pounds. Small enough to work in urban combat to open warfare .the rule is K.I.S.S or keep it simple and straight this why is becoming big in major mercenary company. This is cheap to buy and have add on weapon or sensory unit .

• Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
• Radar: Can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously at a range of 10 miles (16 km).
• Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
• Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).
• Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of +1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAM AS.
• Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
• Complete environmental battle armor: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including under water (150 foot max. depth and space. The following features are included. Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
• N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1
Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields, Male pilots get this at third level

• N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
• Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
• N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
• N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
• Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body: 300
N.A.A.T Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 250
Lower Arms (2)350
Upper Legs (2)360
Lower Legs (2)400
Feet (2)125
Head: 175
Reinforce cockpit compartment: body armored
Reinforce cockpit compartment N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each

Height add 2 feet
Length add 3 feet
Wide: add 1 feet
Weight: started at 2000 pounds or 1 ton
cost 300,000

Range: unlimited
Flying 100 MPH
Running: 55 MPH
Walk: 2 to 20 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 40

Right heavy weapon system
grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240

[b ] Heavy M.D Machinegun[/b]: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

Weapons systems Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

heavy suit only Weapons systems this standard to all missile systems in upper legs and lower leg ,shoulders ,
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range: varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total launcher school total 144
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

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Power Armor

Power armor might be thought of as a sort of super- suit of body armor. Body armor is a protective plating or padding much like the knights of old wore, only much lighter and flexible. Power armor is a body armor in that it protects its wearer completely, but it is also much more. Power armor is a form fitting, robot exo-skeleton designed for combat. It is a form of mechanical augmentation that does not require the user to submit to any physical alterations. The armor is basically a robot suit. The human pilot steps into it and activates the armor. The moment the armor is activated, the suit becomes a self-contained environmental system and offers superhuman speed and abilities to its pilot.
Power armor is always a one person unit that is usually human size, although most power armor adds one to three feet to one's height. Some older styles of power armor are larger and may tower as high as twelve feet (3.6 m). Anything larger is considered to be a full robot vehicle.
HOWEVER, this is a heavy battles suit or a heavy robot exo-skeleton suit. Like the insets that are hard out side and soft. But you can add heavy or medium body armored and have a personal weapon, and gear if the unit is disabling or must abandon it. It only adds two feet to the wearer light weight 4000 pounds. Small enough to work in urban combat to open warfare .the rule is K.I.S.S or keep it simple and straight this why is becoming big in major mercenary company. This is cheap to buy and have added on weapon or sensory unit.

• Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
• Radar: Can identify and track up to 24 targets simultaneously at a range of 10 miles (16 km).
• Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the head-up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the targeting computer.
• Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy targets. Ten mile range (16 km).
• Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of +1 to strike when using long range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAM AS.
• Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
• Complete environmental battle armor: Suitable for use in all hostile environments, including under water (150 foot max. depth and space. The following features are included. Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Artificial air circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Eight hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
• N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1
Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat, dodge,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields, Male pilots get this at third level

• N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
• Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
• N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
• N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
• Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body : 600
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 300
Lower Arms (2) 450
Upper Legs (2)460
Lower Legs (2)450
Feet (2) 125
Head (1) 175
Reinforce cockpit compartment: body armored
Reinforce cockpit compartment N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each

Height :15 feet
Length : 4 feet
Wide: 6 feet
Weight: 4000 pounds or two tons
cost 500,000

Range: unlimited
Flying :50 MPH
Running: 45 MPH
Walk: 2 to 25 MPH

Hand to hand: Use super natural or robotic P.S 45

Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same . This the main weapon system for close assault and defense systems
Range: 6 feet plus arms another 6 feet
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 , vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or
Particles beam 4d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 4d6x10
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
• must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems
• It able to extend it range by two (24 feet) ways (1) at one target full damage plus knock down table (2) blast radius: 30 feet any thing in the blast radius will take half damage plus knock down table.
• horror factor first time used 18 , familiar with 15

grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240

[b ] Heavy M.D Machinegun[/b]: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

Weapons systems Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

heavy suit only Weapons systems this standard to all missile systems in upper legs and lower leg ,shoulders , chest
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range: varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total launcher school total 193
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/ ... 3jfq9q.jpg

This dedicated to all the service man and women who let use sleep at night and keep our enemy awake at night
thank you from zino117

Robot Vehicles
All Robot Vehicles have the following features.
1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited
fuel capacity and power source. Average life: 15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify and track up to 48 targets simultaneously at a
range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the
head up display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet. It is tied to the
targeting computer.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in tracking and identification of enemy
targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of
specific targets and adds a bonus of + 1 to strike when using long
range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat or SAMAS.
6. Radio communication: Long range, directional communication system
with an effective range of about 500 miles (800 km), as well
as a directional, short range radio. Range is 5 miles (8 km). Plus a
built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pickup: A sound amplification listening system
that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical
range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector seat: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be
instantly ejected (about 1000 feet) and parachute to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from
being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self
contained, destroying most of the internal systems with 1D6 x 100
M.D. However, it is very likely, 1-89% chance, that the nuclear
power system is spewing forth deadly levels of radiation! Add 1d6x100 MDC
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch issealed by an automatic locking system. A six digit spoken code
programmed to a specific voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is
standard operating procedure. A manual key pad is provided in case
of system failure/override.
12. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment
can usually seat 2 to 6 people and is reinforced to protect
the people from mega-damage. It is air tight, pressurized and suitable
for use in all hostile environments, including under water (500 foot
max. depth) and space. The following features are included.
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, humidifier/
dehumidifier automatically engages when needed. Can recirculate
breathable air for up to four weeks before getting to stale to breathe.
• Computer controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system
that automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments.
Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 400 degrees
centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magic
fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielded.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted visor.
• Twelve hour oxygen supply.

N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
• N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1
Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat, dodge,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields, Male pilots get this at third level

• N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!
• Flare/Chaff Launchers (5)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 1200 each (2400 total)
• N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
• N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
• N.A.A.T Cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

This was marine heavy combat robot design in the golden age .it was the combat system for any range ,it draw back was giant size .still able to fire at long range and up close and personal as well. It known as legend bot, coming out of no where .about 80% are descended of the marines that pilot these robot. They tons of ammo in missile payload built in the robot, can be drop for the air, or do sea combat to beach operations. It many forearm weapon system is able to carry three weapon systems even to glitter boys boom rail gun with no pylon need due robot P.S and recoil system been employed when fired. it can carry up to seven glitter boys boom rail gun( three per arm and one in chest area). Able to carry heavy energy base weapon system to MDC Rockets as well. Finally add techno wizard given that edge in combat makes a very deadly war machine, which pilots love. This has myth it carries for many don’t know what to make of it. It seen attacking monster to evil being powerful one or stop bandits, to even give warring for their action, which many pilots will listen if they know what they are about fight. It was desin for mal pilots but can be operated by partial Borg to full conversion Borg, which can open a can of worms if not careful by enemy forces !!!


Main body : 970
Main body primary force field-600, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 400
Lower Arms (2) 550
Upper Legs (2)560
Lower Legs (2)650
Feet (2) 180
Head (1) 225
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 500 plus body armored
Reinforce cockpit compartment N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, and auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100 each

Height :30 feet
Length :13 feet
Wide: 17 feet
Weight: 30 tons empty
cost 1,000,000 fully loaded

Range: unlimited
Flying: 200 MPH
Running: 36 to 89 MPH
Walk: 2 to 55 MPH

Other weapon systems
Types; modular missiles system
ROF: one or any amount or all
Damage; varies by missiles
Range; varies by missiles
upper Arms, upper legs, chest, are two 3000 pound missiles launcher pick one type one missiles for each launcher; but have two 6000 pounds or 6 tons over the rear shoulder each pick one type one missiles for each launcher
Total weight carried upper Arms, upper legs, chest 18,000 pounds or 9 tons
Rear shoulder 6 tons or 12,000 pounds
Come out 15 tons of missiles
N.A.AT has special missiles that can be fire under water and on land plus they are like slammer missiles used by N.G.R. This the only robot that has this weapon systems

• Standard long range missiles: 2 tons each rest the same
• Light weight N.A.A.T long range missiles: 1000 pounds each rest the same
• Standard medium range missiles: 250 pounds each rest the same
• N.A.AT fire and forget medium range missiles 120 pounds each damage 5d6x10 range 10 miles add +6 to strike at any range attack only
• Short range missiles 33 pounds each rest the same
• Mini-missiles 15 pounds each rest the same
• MDC rockets 2000 first generation 5 pounds each rest the same
• MDC rockets 2000 second generation 2 pounds each rest the same

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
Heavy Particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there NO additional weapons system there no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• Medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 35 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#17) Magic Weapons systems they are founded in Germany and even outside the coalition states way out side
Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

Weapons systems Heavy one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun and it the most feared weapon due to the fact it can carry up to seven gitter boy Boom gun !!!!three in the arm and one in the chest .it does NOT requires pylons due to recaol systems and thuther systems work as one
# 18) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun pick one type from 1 to 12
1. 3d6 light
2. 4d6 light
3. 5d6 light
4. 6d6 light
5. 1d4x10 light
6. 1d6x10 medium
7. 2d4x10 medium
8. 3d4x10 heavy boom does NOT requires pylons /4d6x10 does NOT requires pylons
9. 2d6x10 heavy boom does NOT requires pylons /4d6x10 dual barrel boom does NOT requires pylons
10. 4d4x10 heavy boom does NOT requires pylons /4d8x10 dual barrel boom does NOT requires pylons
11. 3d6x10 boom gun does NOT requires pylonsper arm /6d6x10 dual barrel boom gun does NOT requires pylons
12. 6d6x10 boom gun does NOT requires pylons per arm / 2d4x100+100 five barrel boom gun does NOT requires pylons
13. 9d6x10 boom gun does NOT requires pylons per arm / 2d6x100+60 seven barrel boom gun does NOT requires pylons

Damage as per round
Range: 1000 feet to 6000 feet is light rail guns , 1000 feet to 10,560 feet that 2 miles
Rate of fire: single shot rounds or dual shot only and equal too a pilots hand to hand
Payload: 10,000 rounds as you go up per round reduce rounds 650 per each caliber that goes up so #2 10,000 rounds – 650 rounds = xxxxx, a 40 MM 10, 0000 rounds – ( that 650 rounds x4 =2600 round than take 2600 -10,000 rounds=7400 rounds as payload
Bonus: 10,000 rounds equal 300 pounds and 300 pounds the next level 9350 rounds that 600 pounds and so on FOR each weapon
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Re: N.A.AT

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PLZ 1180 viewer post what you think good ,bad and ugly PLZ :D
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT

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Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Add 4 feet to height
Endo-suits Main body 580 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 190 Add 95 M.D.C
Upper Arms (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 175 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 250 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 (2)Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Second generation force fields main force fields 300, secondary force fields 240, auxiliary force fields 200 and emergency 100

Weapons systems
• Four energy base light to medium beam weapons range or can be melee weapons total wings 4 total for both 8
• One heavy weapon per arm and two either medium weapons or two light weapons total two
• One additional hip weapon (any)
• Lower leg weapon systems (any)
• One missiles range launcher systems 10 NAAT fire and forget missiles( +8 to strike ) weight 120 each missiles damage : 5d6x10 range 10 miles rate of fire one ,or any or all payload 10 special medium range missiles OR short range weapons systems missiles : damages any type of short range missiles Damage :varies per missiles , ROF : one ,or any or all payload 20 weight for each 30 pounds OR Mini- Missiles damages any type mini- missiles damages any type of short arrange missiles payload 30 total
• Jetpack carries 10 per pack (2) additional Magic and has 10 PPE batteries 100 point each
Weight add 300 pounds


> GM may remove any of theses spell that are to powerful and only ten can be added or remove <

Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88

Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/ ... 31tngf.jpg
Angel suit
These were around the golden age of mankind. The next level of cyborg they were at first used by army, air force, C.I.A, N.S.A and corporate as well and for military base to be getting Intel and recon use, however they were to be loud if need be. There were 6000 in North America alone, however when the fall of mankind civilization they become angels. Later known as assault angel during over 300 year in the second dark ages. they are the state of the art cyborg they look human and able to do M.D.C damage and look human call combat cyber humanoid .at the time N.A.A.T had over 600 heavy, 1200 medium and 24,000 light .plus support staff and support unit for at least 287 year to maintain, they can live 200 to 500 years .which many lived thru the second dark ages only 29% survive of a total of 290. They found N.A.A.T which saved them from the coalition sates when it was made!!! N.A.A.T had a chance but the politics would be it down fall people need a leader and did think of freedom but to survive. N.A.A.T may have powered to fight but could not hold to it and add magic they would have lost the war. The level of tech rival all Borg’s in many area looks human ,feel human even the touch for them and last they are all females!!! As if that was not enough they never lost the abilities to reproduce!!! They was like an anchor to humanity for them powerful MDC beings able level hundreds of feet in combat and stop to a have a life for themselves to have a family. The only thing that was mess up they are no male counterpart. they were know as assault angel they came from the sky at speeds faster then any man or women stop or slow down the demon waves and many die .Of those that live and have families only 290 made it thru the 300 years of the second dark ages, for they never gave up and watch they saw the good, the bad and the worst they can throw at them and made it . However they are a few out there said to be as evil as the demon from the rifts call dark angels, and hope it just a myth. There are stories here and there but no confirm. Even N.A.A.T has gone way out their way to check it out these stories and had come back empty. Still better to be safe then sorry and bite in the butt. Angels can carry MDC machines, heavy rail gun, mini-missiles, laser, ion, plasma, M.D.C rockets, vibro blade and beam melee weapons and pure magic melee weapons and use any techno- wizard weapons the suit carries all robot features and gives extras P.S and P.P as well. finally the other body skin is a advanced M.D.C that all the body, it looks, feel and smell (body odors) as a female human being and heavy M.D.C (instead 2 MDC but adds 200 M.D.C remember this tech is from the golden age of man).angel never are capture and never leave any indication of being a cyborgs and this is the myth they carry. They never die but go to their dimension is the folk lore. Finally all are women and beauty. their skin is able to heal ( 1d4x10 per melee) fast and bleed as well like a normal human even able to cover it up hands ,legs finger, toes hair and so on .the old fashion Henry ford interchange parts ,for they able to replace an arm ,forearm, leg in seconds but not the main body .recently they been quiet for several years ( only added to the myth)thanks to NAAT is like a seen family member thinking they were dead for along time .angels let N.AA.T know what happen in the second dark ages and how they stood alone in the dark against the wave of chaos. Archie have seen them here and there but Left them alone only to once in awhile .now the assault angel are even better armed to the teeth. Several force field and better suit of armed .the angel understand magic and work with tech-wizard were recently add as well. they carry a total of ten abilities each abilities carries 2 PPE batteries each has 100 Point that’s 2000 can carry 10 more if need .if they batteries go empty they need 24 hours to recharger or go close to a ley lines by 20 miles or closer .the batteries recover in 5 minutes they tend to glow or an aura factor it unknown why but it is believe to be the fact that they can carry and have two living beings(able to have baby).the coalition have shot on sight but they never do for they have seen angel come out of no where to fight against evil supernatural beings. All coalition solider don’t shot at angel but help them out or are saved by these beautiful beings (AWE FACTOR 18 for the first time, and when talk to 19 but when familiar with one angel 16 any other angel 18 group 19). As a twist to the angel they always are citing religious words of hope , freedom , life ,liberty and in battle they are citing even out loud holy words that are familiar to human and then so from the D-Bee .they can change their appears to look total different and even their voices as well add or reduce their height . Finally they can walk among use and do even know. Their skin covers all components even magic components, dog boy can not detect them as cyborg or for that manner even cyborg, they can go and see a doctor wont even know either that they are cyber humanoid unless they cut them open which a angel rather die before that happens .this due they even carry a mini A.I systems if the angel fall into coma and can take over if this were to happen!!! This has given the angel the stable sanity to help them in worst of time.

In NGR they are the bane to all that is veil recent sight of angel have made many believe that there are some good supernatural being helping mankind ( yes they are out there and really stay clear of rifts earth but not all). They have saved hundreds of lives and it is love by these angels there new hunting grounds. The reputation is so high that there a 90% any human and even D-Bee that are evil will not fight them for the fear of god on theirs soul is grate. NGR troop have tape them not in good quality due to their jamming and sensory equipment that they have but NGR troops will never fire on the suppose beings. There are always all struck (AWE as above), will join the fight or help them as well. Especially if ask by an angel, high commanded has said if something to fight evil supernatural being uses it, these commands are simple and seen that they use human to magic weapons.
The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body First generation suits

Light 160 Add 95 M.D.C weight 100 pounds
Medium 300 Add 95 M.D.C weight 200 pounds
Heavy 480 Add 95 M.D.C weight 300 pounds
Helmet, Upper Arms (2), Lower arm (2), Legs (2), Jetpack has 55 MDC Add 95 M.D.C
First generation force fields 100
none only implants
Only 5 techno-wizard features batteiy 1d10 and has 1d10 x10 PPE

The following is a light to heavy exo- suit main body second generation suits generation suits

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: built into the suit

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge Weight add: built into the suit

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems Weight add: built into the suit

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots Weight add: built into the suit

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: built into the suit

7. Ejection systems: Weight add: built into the suit

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: built into the suit

9. Voice actuated locking systems Weight add: built into the suit

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: built into the suit

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons Weight add: built into the suit

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: built into the suit

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit NOTE is teleportation superior and has carries 10 PEE batteries that has 100 points each that 1000 points alone this a high level spell leave the area up to 600 miles start at level I but can go as high as level 15 !!!

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1 Weight add: built into the suit

15.Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. N.A.A.T ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!! Weight add: built into the suit

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2 to 6)-A modern addition, meant to improve Mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
R.O.F: one, any or all
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 total ( 480 to 1440) can carry in rear main body add 240
Weight add: built into the suit

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: built into the suit

19. N.A.A.T Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!! Weight add: built into the suit

20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight adds: built into the suit mostly for when they carry someone

21. NONE This the that come with heavy combat armored 7 man size squad plus pilot and heavy powered amour must be able to fly, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 210 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22. N.A.A.T V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for all exo-suit must be at least 1000n feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14.

24. NAAT only cloaking field. Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time

25.main common spell and other look below
Teleport: Superior
Range: Self or others; distance of 300 miles per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: Six Hundred
The arcanist can instantly transport himself and up to 1000lbs (450kg),
per level of experience, hundreds of miles away. To teleport, the mage
Must have a mental picture of his destination. The best results can be
Achieved when the character is personally acquainted with the target
destination, some place he has visited or knows well. However, locations
seen in photographs or described in detail can also be reached, but there
is always a chance of a miscalculation.
The mage can teleport himself alone, or other people and objects
within 20ft (6.1m) of him. The total number of people and items which
the mystic can teleport is limited by the amount of weight he can handle
(1000lbs per level of experience).
The following tables indicate the chance of a success and the results
of a failed teleport.
Chances of a successful teleport:
1. Teleporting to a familiar location or a destination visible from one's
starting point: 99%.
2. A place seen only a few times before (2-6 times): 85%.
3. A place seen in a photo (the photograph is being looked at during
the moment of teleportation): 80%.
4. A place never visited before, but described in detail: 58%.
5. A place never before visited and known only by name or brief
description: 20%.
Results of an Unsuccessful Teleport
(Roll percentile dice for random occurrences.)
1-40 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
3D6 x 100 miles off course.
41-75 Appear at the wrong place. No idea of present location;
1D6 x 100 miles off course.
76-98 Teleport several feet above the ground; everybody falls, suffering
2D6 damage.
99-00 Teleport into an object; instant death.
Note for frist times 1d4+2 then can add up level 10 but pay for it very expensive

26. Light add 8 to P.P and P.S, and medium and heavy add 12 to P.P and P.S

Heavy Main body 480 Add 95 M.D.C
Helmet 190 Add 95 M.D.C
Upper Arms (2) 135 Add 95 M.D.C
Lower arm (2) 150 Add 95 M.D.C
Legs (2) 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Jetpack 200 Add 95 M.D.C
Optional fin stabilizer (2 to 6) varies 120 each
Second generation force fields main force fields 300, secondary force fields 240, auxiliary force fields 200 and emergency 100

Weapons systems:
• One magic heavy rifle
• Heavy side arm
• One heavy melee weapon energy base tech or grater rune weapon
• All carry one heavy vector thrusters systems for recoil and carry independent force fields as above PICK Two anti robot /anti monster pick two from below
Right arm launcher particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out,on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

• hybrid rail Gun and missile systems
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
1. Rail gun
2. 3d6 light
3. 4d6 light
4. 5d6 light
5. 6d6 light
6. 1d4x10 light
7. 1d6x10 medium
8. 2d4x10 medium
9. 3d4x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons
10. 2d6x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot
11. 4d4x10 heavy boom gun requires pylons/4d8x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot
12. 3d6x10 boom gun requires pylons/6d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot

Damage as per round
Range: 1000 feet to 6000 feet is light rail guns , 1000 feet to 10,560 feet that 2 miles
Rate of fire: single shot rounds or dual shot only and equal too a pilots hand to hand
Payload: 10,000 rounds as you go up per round reduce rounds 650 per each caliber that goes up so #2 10,000 rounds – 650 rounds = xxxxx, a 40 MM 10, 0000 rounds – ( that 650 rounds x4 =2600 round than take 2600 -10,000 rounds=7400 rounds as payload
Bonus: 10,000 rounds equal 300 pounds and 300 pounds the next level 9350 rounds that 600 pounds and so on

• Type standard bottom rail gun but shot gun effect, this weapon is used as
Damage the following are burst single barrel (can be dual barrel!!!)
Damage as per round
Level 1 to 12
1. 3d6 light
2. 4d6 light
3. 5d6 light
4. 6d6 light
5. 1d4x10 light
6. 1d6x10 medium
7. 2d4x10 medium
8. 3d4x10 heavy boom does not requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot
9. 2d6x10 heavy boom does not requires pylons/4d6x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot
10. 4d4x10 heavy boom does not requires pylons/4d8x10 dual barrel boom gun requires pylons for dual shot

Range: 1000 feet to 6000 feet ( roll 1d6x100) is light rail guns, 1000 feet to 10,560 feet that’s 2 miles ( Roll 1d10+560 feet ) do I hear upgrades here
Rate of fire: single shot rounds or dual shot only and equal too a pilots hand to hand
Payload: 1000 rounds
Bonus: use knock down table blast radius 10 feet add 2 feet per next level of damage

Other weapon systems As follows
#1) Unguided Rockets
Are design to be straight in your face and the cheapest of all weapons systems. There ROF is different than missiles systems used and work very well at medium to point blank range.
First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 1D6
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets look below
Heavy explosive 1d6x10 M.D.C
Plasma 2d4x10
Range 3000 FEET Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet
Rate of fire:
Volleys of 10 shot fired First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets one or any or all
Payload: 12 PER rifle
Weight: 2 pounds ( lds), For a 1d6 M.D.C , Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets
5 pounds each
Bonus: First generation M.D.C unguided Rockets under 3000 feet +4 to hit due to speed and negative (-) 6 to shot down due small size, Second generation M.D.C unguided Rockets 12,000 feet both rocket if target goes faster than 600 MPH -6 to hit that target that is moving if 599MPH no penalties, blast radius time three use mini missiles blast radius

#2)grenade Launcher is for up close and personal Anti-infantry used but for monster as well, the rent use of WI-GL 20 Automatic grenade Launcher with a 360 angles. They are located in the shoulder and waist of the mecha a total or rifle type
1. Use only amour piercing grenade 3d6x10 for 8 feet blast radius
2. Flares look below
3. Chaffs look below
4. Smoke look below
5. Tear gas looks below
Range; 3000 feet
Rate of fire burst only 10 shot
Payload: 200 grenades each
Bonus: add +1 to hit
Weight: 100 pounds empty
Note: add the following
Smoke /Tear gas /Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total .
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce A.P.M.S/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240 (x6) 1440 total

#3) Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50 calibers
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#4)Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapon system: #5 )VATL anti-tank -6 Variable heavy laser this is the mech version similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

#6)Type 10 MM mini gun this lights mini gun with a terrifying high rate of fire that a Mecha can do and is respected by pilots and by the enemy as well. This is the primary weapon systems and has two more drums in the rear. (One pilots got all three drum connected to reduce reloads and was able to keep suppression fire while many civilian ran for safety but was reported MIA, statues: unknown presumed dead.
Pick one type of ammo per drum, but many love the L.E.A.P (that’s 27,000 rounds!!!)
10-19 mm -3d6 M.D, tow round burst 6d6, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round burst 2d6x10, eight round burst 4d4x10, 18 round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
10 mm to 19 MM -3d4 M.D, , tow round burst 4d6, three round burst 6d6, four round burst 1d4x10+8, six round burst 1d6x10+12, eight round burst 1d10x10 , 18 round burst 5d4x10, 32 round burst 6d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round
10 mm -5d6 M.D, , tow round burst 1d6x10, three round burst 1d10x10, four round burst 2d6x10, six round burst 3d6x10, eight round burst 4d6x10, 18 round burst 9d6x10, 32 round burst 12d8x10 or 16d6x10 (960 max damage !!! )

Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 20 ammo drum this is due to small size
18 rounds burst or higher take up two attacks
add +3 to strike plus add +1 if the same target and so (example a total of +4 to strike but add +1 in the second attack if the same target so now +5 to strike, if it still up the third attack +6 to strike( and stay down please ) and don’t forget the knock down table!!!
L.E.A.P add 50% more ammo due to light weight, critical hit 19 or better, add 50% to range
H.E.A.P: critical hit on 18 or better
A.P.F.S.D.S round critical hit on 15 or better damage x3 on critical hit plus x2 knock down table, reduce -10% speed due to weight

# 7)Type 7.62mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . and it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love this weapon systems .
M.D.C rounds: 4d4 M.D.C control burst, 4d6+2 M.D.C short burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy , 2d6x10 M.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: 200 S.D.C, and 300 M.D.C
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 300 rounds

Weapons systems #8)Type 20mm Vulcan cannon is Similar to the A-10 warthog Jet fighter but light enough to carry and have decent ammo and heavy hitter. This weapon system is design in given the most amount damage by the type of ammo been fired!!!!
20 mm -5d4 M.D burst 2 round 1d4x10, three round burst 1d6x10, four round burst 2d4x10, six round 2d6x10 , eight round burst 2d8x10, sixteen round burst 4d8x10, 32 round burst 8d8x10
20 mm – 3d6 M.D.C , two round burst 6d6, five round burst 3d6x10, ten round burst 6d6x10
A.P.F.S.D.S round
20 mm- 6d6 MD single shot five rounds burst 3d6x10; ten rounds burst 6d6x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: burst
Payload: 300 rounds
Note: add +3 to strike at range 2000 feet or at night 1000 feet or better
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

#9)Weapons systems
Hidden one barrel or two barrel rail gun or an MDC auto- cannon or hybrid rail Gun look at 10 MM ,20MM weapons
#1) Weapons systems
Type rail gun
Damage the following are burst single barrel
Rail gun
3d6 light one rounds, short burst 6d6 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 2d4x10+10
4d6 light one round, short burst 1D4X10+8 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 2D 6X10
5d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 4D 4X10
6d6 light one round, short burst 1D6X10+12 two rounds, and 5 rounds burst 3D 6X10
1d4x10 light one rounds, short burst 2D4X10 two rounds, 5 rounds burst 5D4X10
1d6x10 medium one rounds, short burst 2D6X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 4D6X10
2d4x10 medium one rounds short burst 4D4X10 two rounds, 6 rounds burst 8D6X10
1D10 X10 Heavy one rounds ,short burst 5d4x10 two rounds, 3 round burst 10d6x100 or 1d6x100
R.O.F: short burst or heavy burst
Range: numbers 1 to numbers 6 is 6000 feet, numbers 7 + 8500 feet
Payload: all carry 400 rounds bit light add double the payload

#10) Weapons systems : beam ancient weapons it a combination of heavy energy beam , vibro blade and force field tech and carries more than one at time , ca be swords , axe , shields, pole bit damage is the same
Laser 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 4d4x10
ION 2d4x10, vibro blade 1d4x10, force field add 1d4x10 or 5d4x10
Plasma 3d4x10 rest the same can fire at half damage
R.O.F: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
NOTE: must have W.P to used or get melee weapons systems

#11)Weapons systems Heavy particle Beam cannon (left arm or right arm)
Type beam
Damage 3d4x10
Range; 1 mile
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: unlimited

#12) heavy suit only Weapons systems hip mounted modular weapon systems pick missile systems
Type Mini missiles
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all
Payload: 24 each total 48!!!

#13) Weapons systems can use any Techno wizards weapon system

Rifts - Ultimate Edition found in page 135 to 138

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic
Plus TW nova rifle page 114 to page 119 battle fry Blade and star fire Pulse cannon found in page 125 under weapon systems # 1

The following all techno wizard that are dedicated to help assault angel and work hard to get as many spell as possible and have gotten all the following spell these are all the spell that can add to the armored and replace remember the (extra MDC they can add that where they place them) this is why they are seen as angel, the line of magic and technology is a blur here. This is why no know the truth and N.A.A.T want to keep good hope and alive. In Germany is now where is need and work where magic fail; technology help win the battle add help from N.A.A.T and those who wish to help can and this alone add a force multiplier to troops , and champion of light as well. This also has made gods of light to see what is really going on and are dumfounded as well (this can open a can of worms if not careful hint hint). Still it work extremely well for now and NAAT is on top of thing make sure it doesn’t get out of hand. Like they are saying so far so good and let keep that way.

#14) Weapons systems plasma bolt energy
Weapons systems multifunctional plasma launcher .in other words it fire small disks of plasma in an EM field till it hit anything
Type: plasma field
Damage: that one blot 5D4, that two blots 1D4X10,that’s three 2D4X10, that’s four bolts 3D4X10, that’s five 4D4X10
Range: 4500 feet Blast radius 10 feet per blot
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus any other
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: can ricochet but must have skill like a gun slinger

#15) Weapons systems particle beam Cannon (P.B.C)
particle beam Cannon (P.B.C) reason so there is no accidental explosions due to ammo been stored that section caused of the discharging of P.B.C
Type beam
Damage: 5d4x10
Range: 2 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand plus robot hand to hand added
Payload: unlimited
Bonus: a critical 16 or better x 2 damage and
man size robots get either 1d4 on 16 roll feature burn out, on 17 roll get 1d6 featured burn out, on roll of 1d8 or 2d4 features burn out, on a 18 roll 1d10 features burn out, on a 19 or 1d12 Features burn out and on a 20 roll 2d12 feature burn out, this applies to cyborgs as well!!!
Giant size. Robot 16 or better as above but rolls 50% or better due to insulation system

#16) Weapons systems beam weapons range the stats you see are for single barrel can be double barrel
Type Beam
• Light 1d4x10
• medium 2d4x10
• Heavy 3d4x10
• 2d4x10 light
• 4d4x10 heavy
Plasma gas type
• 1d4x10 blast radius 10 feet
• 1d6x10 blast radius 15 feet
• 2d4x10 blast radius 20 feet
• 2d6x10 blast radius 30 feet
Plasma liquid as above but has a splash or blast radius and if cover the whole target half to let say a damage robot arms ,legs head and so to other vehicles

Variable laser as above but take 1d4 melees or 145 to 60 seconds
Rate of fire hand to hand
Payload: unlimited
Common spell that are allowed Invocations by Level
The number in parenthesis () are the
Number of P.P.E. required using the magic.

Level One

Blinding Flash (1) allowed
Cloud of Smoke (2) allowed
Death Trance (1) allowed
Globe of Daylight (2) allowed
See Aura (6) allowed
See the Invisible (4) allowed
Sense Evil (2) allowed
Sense Magic (4) allowed
Thunderclap (4) allowed

Level Two

all allowed
Befuddle (3)
Chameleon (6)
Climb (3)
Concealment (6)
Detect Concealment (6)
Fear (5)
Heavy Breathing (3)
Levitation (5)
Mystic Alarm (5)
Turn Dead (6)

Level Three

Armor of Ithan (10) allowed
Breathe Without Air (5) allowed
Energy Bolt (5) allowed
Fingers of Wind (5) allowed
Float in Air (5) allowed
Fuel Flame (5) allowed
Ignite Fire (6) allowed
Impervious to Fire (5) allowed
Invisibility: Simple (6) allowed
Negate Poisons/Toxins (5) allowed
Paralysis: Lesser (5) allowed
Resist Fire (6) allowed
Telekinesis (6) allowed

Level Four
Astral Projection (10) not possible
Carpet of Adhesion (10) allowed
Blind (6) allowed
Charismatic Aura (10) allowed
Cure Minor Disorders (10) allowed
Energy Field (10) allowed
Fool's Gold (10) not possible
Fire Bolt (7) allowed
Ley Line Transmission (30) allowed
Magic Net (7) allowed
Multiple Images (7) allowed
Repel Animals (7) allowed
Seal (7) allowed
Shadow Meld (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish (6) not possible
Trance (10) not possible

Level Five

Calling (8) allowed
Circle of Flame (10) allowed
Domination (10) allowed
Energy Disruption (12) allowed
Escape (8) allowed
Eyes of Thoth (8) allowed
Fly (15) allowed
Heal Wounds (10) allowed
Horrific Illusion (10) allowed
Sleep (10) allowed
Superhuman Strength (10) not possible other yes
Superhuman Speed (10) not possible
Swim as a Fish - Superior (12) not possible

Level Six
Apparition (20) not possible
Call Lightning (15) allowed
Compulsion (20) not possible
Cure Illness (15) allowed
Fire Ball (10) allowed
Impervious to Energy (20) allowed
Magic Pigeon (20) allowed
Mask of Deceit (15) allowed
Memory Bank (12) allowed
Reduce: Self (20) not possible other yes
Teleport: Lesser (15) allowed
Time Slip (20) allowed
Tongues (12) allowed
Words of Truth (15) allowed

Level Seven

Agony (20) allowed
Animate/Control Dead (20) not possible
Constrain Being (20) allowed
Dispel Magic Barrier (20) allowed
Fly as the Eagle (25) allowed
Globe of Silence (20) allowed
Invisibility: Superior (20) allowed
Invulnerability (25) allowed
Life Drain (25) not possible
Metamorphosis: Animal (25) not possible
Purification (Food/Water) (20) allowed
Wind Rush (20) allowed

Level Eight

Commune with Spirits (25) allowed
Eyes of the Wolf (25) allowed
Exorcism (30) allowed
Hallucination (30) allowed
Locate (30) allowed
Luck Curse (40) allowed
Metamorphosis: Human (40) self not possible other yes
Minor Curse (35) allowed
Negate Magic (30) allowed
Oracle (30) allowed
Sickness (50) allowed
Spoil (Water/Food) (30) allowed
Stone to Flesh (30) not possible other yes
Wisps of Confusion (40) allowed

Level Nine

Curse: Phobia (40) allowed
Familiar Link (55) not possible
Metamorphosis: Insect (60) self not possible other yes
Mute (50) allowed
Protection Circle: Simple (45) allowed
Summon & Control Canine (50) allowed
Speed of the Snail (50) allowed
Transferal (50) self not possible other yes
Water to Wine (40) allowed

Level Ten

Banishment (65) allowed
Control/Enslave Entity (80) allowed
Metamorphosis: Superior (100) self not possible other yes
Mystic Portal (60) allowed
Summon Shadow Beast (140) allowed
Summon/Control Rodents (70) allowed
Wards (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Anti Magic Cloud (140) allowed
Create Mummy (160) not possible
Create Magic Scroll (100) not possible
Remove Curse (140) allowed
Summon & Control Animals (125) allowed
Summon Fog (140) allowed

Level Twelve

Amulet (290) self not possible other yes
Calm Storms (200) allowed
Create Zombie (250) not possible
Metamorphosis: Mist (250) self not possible other yes
Summon Entity (250) allowed
Summon Rain (200) allowed
Time Hole (210) allowed

Level Thirteen

Create Golem (700 or 1000) self not possible other yes
Protection Circle: Superior (300) allowed
Summon Storm (300) allowed
Summon Lesser Being (425) allowed
Sanctum (390) allowed
Talisman (500) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Close Rift (200 +) allowed
Id Barrier (600) allowed
Impenetrable Wall of Force (600) allowed
Restoration (750) allowed

Level Fifteen

Dimensional Portal (1000) allowed
Teleport: Superior (600) allowed
Transformation (2000) self not possible other yes

Rifts - World Book 16 - Federation of Magic

Level One

Lantern Light (I)

Level Two
Aura of Power (4) allowed
Cleanse (6) allowed
Cloak of Darkness (6) allowed for night operations or night ops
Manipulate Objects (2+) allowed
Shatter (5) allowed
Throwing Stones (5) allowed

Level Three
Create Wood (10-20) allowed
Life Source (2 +Special) not possible
Light Healing (6) allowed
Light Target (6) allowed
Magic Shield (6) allowed
Mystic Fulcrum (5) allowed
Orb of Cold (6) allowed
Wave of Frost (6) allowed

Level Four
Chromatic Protection (10) allowed
Deflect (10) allowed
Electric Arc (8) allowed
Fireblast (8) allowed
Fist of Fury (10 or 50) allowed
Reflection (7) allowed
Ricochet Strike (12) allowed
Watchguard (10) allowed
Weight of Duty (10) allowed

Level Five
Armor Bizarre (15) allowed
Aura of Death (12) allowed
Death Curse (Special) allowed
Distant Voice (10) allowed
Featherlight (10) allowed
Horror or AWE (10) allowed
House ofGIass (12) allowed
Implosion Neutralizer (12) allowed
Influence the Beast (12) allowed
Instill Knowledge (15) allowed
Lifeblast (15) allowed
Mend the Broken (10+) allowed
Mental Blast (15) allowed
Superhuman Endurance (12) self not possible other yes
Sustain (12) allowed

Level six

Barrage (I 5) allowed
Create Water (15) allowed
Crushing Fist (12) allowed
Energize Spell (12+) allowed
Fire Blossom (20) allowed
Fortify Against Disease (15) allowed
Frequency Jamming (IS) allowed
Frostblade (15) allowed
Ice(I5) allowed
Illusion Booster (15) allowed
Illusory Wall (15 or 30) allowed
Power Bolt (20) allowed
Targeted Deflection (I 5 ) allowed
Sheltering Force (20) allowed

Level Seven

Ballistic Fire (25) allowed
Fire Gout (20) allowed
Heal Self (20) allowed
Lightblade (20) allowed
Mental Shock (30) allowed
Negate Mechanics (20) allowed
Sonic Blast (25) allowed
Spinning Blades (20) allowed
Sub-Particle Acceleration (20) allowed

Level Eight

Fire Globe (40) allowed
Forcebonds (25) allowed
Greater Healing (30) allowed
Invincible Armor (30) allowed
Lifeward (40) allowed
Lightning Arc (30) allowed
Magical-Adrenal Rush (45) allowed
Power Weapon (35) allowed
Shockwave (35) allowed
Sorcerous Fury (70) allowed
Wall of Wind (40) allowed
Winged Flight (35) allowed
World Bizarre (40) allowed

Level Nine

Aura of Doom (40) allowed
Beat Insurmountable Odds (70) allowed
Create Steel (68) allowed
D-Step (50) allowed
Desiccate the Supernatural (50) allowed
Dragon Fire (40) allowed
Illusion Manipulation (25-60) allowed
Phantom Mount (45) allowed
Realm of Chaos (70) allowed
Tame Beast (60) allowed
Wall of Defense (55) allowed

Level Ten

Armorbane (100) allowed
Deathword (70) allowed
Enemy Mind (100) allowed
Giant (80) self not possible other yes
Illusory Forest (45-90) allowed
Magic Warrior (60) allowed
Meteor (75) allowed
Plane Skip (65) allowed
Purge Other (100) allowed
Reality Flux (75) allowed
Restore Limb (80) allowed
Speed Weapon (100) allowed
Super-Healing (70) self not possible other yes
Wall of Not (70) allowed
Warped Space (90) allowed

Level Eleven

Astral Hole (120) allowed
Bottomless Pit (100) allowed
Curse of the World Bizarre (100) allowed
Disharmonize (150) allowed
Energy Sphere (120) allowed
Firequake (160) allowed
IdAlterEgo(130) not possible
Iliusory Terrain (55-120) allowed
Mindshatter (130) allowed
Re-Open Gateway (180) allowed
See in Magic Darkness (125) allowed

Level Twelve

Ensorcel(400) allowed
Heavy Air (200) allowed
Ironwood (50+) allowed
Null Sphere (220) allowed
Soultwist (170) allowed
Wall of the Weird (180) allowed

Level Thirteen

Collapse (70-400) allowed
Restore Life (275) allowed
Shadow Wall (400) allowed
Swap Places (300) self not possible other yes

Level Fourteen

Annihilate (600) allowed
Summon & Control Sea Serpents (350) allowed

Level Fifteen

Circle of Travel (600) allowed
Enchant Weapon (400 to 1000+) allowed
Summon Ally (600) allowed
Void (700) allowed

Rifts BOOK OF MAGIC page 88
Level One :All allowed
Level Two :all but turn undead
Level Three: All but life source on page 97
Level Four: no Astral projection and swim as a fish self not possible other yes
Level Five: all super spell self not possible other yes swim like a fish self not possible other yes
Level six :All but reduce self not possible
Level Seven: no healing self, life drain, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eight: metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Nine: no familiar, metamorphosis self not possible other yes, transferal not possible
Level Ten :giant self not possible other yes ,metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Eleven : create Mummy not possible , create magic scroll not possible, Id Alter EGO not possible,
Level Twelve: can use a amulet but no make one, create zombie not possible, metamorphosis self not possible other yes
Level Thirteen: create golem not possible, swap place self not possible other yes
Level Fourteen: all allowed
Level Fifteen: self not possible other yes
spell of legends :note doppelganger not possible
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Joined: Mon Jul 14, 2008 5:02 pm
Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
Location: new york

Re: N.A.AT

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more items on the way
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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