Missing you, Bill Bailey

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Missing you, Bill Bailey

Post by Kevin »

53 Missing you, Bill Bailey

On Wednesday, November 27, William Bailey was found dead in his home. He had been sick for a while, though his death was unexpected and an unwelcome surprise. Very sad.

Bill was my friend and Kathy Simmon’s older brother. He had worked freelance in the Palladium warehouse off and on for several years when Palladium Books was still at the Taylor location, and many of you have his signature in Christmas Surprise Package books from those years.

Bill was a curmudgeon. Heck, he even signed his emails to me, “Grumpy Old Bastard.” Did that make you smile? That was the thing about Bill, he was a grumpy old curmudgeon for half his life, yet there was something loveable about that old coot (actually, he was only 65). He was smart, talented, witty and funny. Of course, that often translated into annoying and frustrating for his sister, Kathy, but somehow you had to love Bill, and we did.

He collected comic books, swords and knives, he was a very good artist, a whiz with an airbrush, and he loved superheroes, comic books, science fiction, related movies and TV shows, and spent half his day (not an exaggeration) on the computer playing World of Warcraft. When he was not enjoying one of those things, he was talking with Kathy on Instant Messenger – usually complaining about something: the cat, people, politics, neighbors, the weather, his failing health – Bill was never at a loss for something to complain about. I know it bugged Kathy, but it always made me laugh. I’m smiling about it even as I write this.

Like I said, Bill was my friend and I liked him a ton, and I’m happy to say the feeling was mutual. My Dad loved the guy and always asked about him. Of course, my Dad was also a lovable curmudgeon. Bill and Kathy were especially close, and they talked and emailed every single day. His absence from our life will be felt deeply, especially for Kathy.

Bill was in a world of pain, both physically and emotionally, so he is in a much better place. He wanted to die at home, so he got that wish too. There was nothing left unsaid between him and Kathy, and he knew he was loved.

Find the peace you never could in this world, Bill – friend, brother, father and grumpy old fart. You’ll be missed more than you may realize.

With Love,
Kevin Siembieda
Publisher, Writer and Friend

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