N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

well any comments ??? :-(
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2009/ ... uzzoid.jpg
http://muzzoid.deviantart.com/art/horns ... 9415&qo=10
hornsby ~muzzoid
Digital Art / Paintings & Airbrushing / Sci-Fi
©2009-2012 ~muzzoid

Might finish this one day .


The horns are the terror to supernatural creature minor and major, and any one survive they face. For the few that do live are always running for their live, sometime whole families. That is how strong their reputation is they to the point of running a suicide mission to take or injury a target. So NGR have seen go after any supernatural creature that is attacking any non combated beings. They seen as loner but recent Intel show the opposite. May a new merc working off the books? No one seems to know but always run from NGR troops or come to their aid in the dire need.
One report says two regular infantry squads were going to be over run when right in front of the NGR troop and Gargoyle, The horns show themselves!!!In the middle of the firefight all shocked the Gargoyle was stop in their tracks. The Gargoyle were caught off guard and heavily injured but not kill!! And warned the Gargoyle to stop and leave and AWE the NGR troops, the Gargoyle ran fast!!!!
The report was never made and the NGR troops said they manage to stop the Gargoyle, till one of the squad mate (which is unknown who), show the Intel to NGR intelligence. Many NGR in higher ranks thought it was only a myth and are been told report anything .even if it sound really out there and not normally ,and would not get in trouble with their commanding officer.

In Europe the need for additional security forces in Germany and other countries has gone triple the rate. Mercenary forces in Germany needs for military forces the private sector is broken in two parts one mercenary forces and private security forces. The fall of the major cities has cost increase of additional firepower security defense as well as military forces in Germany. You need to have a European mercenary force is seen as a necessity this allowed to happen local natives join more easily. With hundreds if not thousands of unemployed this open the opportunity to open a dedicated European mercenary force and an out employment training additional manpower and not just humans as well as other alien races to join in. The human sector is broken into sections the first one composed of only humans and the second one a mix of human and nonhuman disallows to have more than one mercenary Army. Not just soldiers but logistical support which is composed of 60% and 40% soldiers and robot pilot. There is a third which is not mentioned is broken into two classes one techno-wizard and magic forces. This means that there's over 1 million combat troops combined.

The massacre in Wroclaw has had profound effect all over Europe from small kingdoms to even major power block in Europe. This allowed mercenary forces from North America to go to Europe German and other kingdoms. In Germany there is a set of rules to follow but for other kingdoms they act as additional defense forces, local forces, and additional law-enforcement with training and additional firepower when needed. Mercenary forces like N.A.M.E, Russian core and A.M.C are well known to common people small kingdoms and even in the major players in Germany. N.A.M.E has made sure to play on the safe side with Germany and other smoke kingdoms this has allowed to work as an additional security force or military force or law enforcement to provide security in that sector or area. However the need for the local military force or local mercenary armed forces was needed. This has allowed to create brand-new materials for war machines as well as firepower and power and bring morale up due to the loss of Wroclaw. Other smaller kingdoms have allowed this due to the massacre that recently happened.

N.A.M.E decided to retrain him of the refugees human and nonhuman for logistical support and this was a massive effort. But it worked it allows to create an additional mercenary corps as mentioned earlier. A total of four mercenary armies were made very easy. They were composed of refugee’s human and nonhuman as well as retired soldiers from different branches of Germany and other small kingdoms. Also unknown to me there was also additional refugees from Russia or the old Soviet empire which were added to the mix. This allowed to increase to mercenary armies very fast but also streamlined. The reason was to let the local natives in Germany and other small nations or kingdoms a familiar face of the old days.

When this was being done mainly decided to use the old Soviet like hardware. Simple reliable easy to repair and maintain a mass-produced large numbers. Within DMZ zone as well as name and its secret allies found in North America and South America this allowed to transport additional resources that were needed to get all four mercenary forces ready in less than a year and half. Germany didn't see this coming and by the time hardliners try to stop it it was already too late. However it also showed that it was greatly needed to of mercenary forces in areas with Germany cannot cover and help other small nations or kingdoms.

The style's was Russian like for this mercenary: in Europe. The new mercenary
happy saying not one step back no retreat no surrender". There hardware simple effective hard-hitting but also a prototype design by NGR standards and you and the coalition.

The coalition was surprised and happy at first but when the nonhuman forces were seen they were not happy about it. But did not engage in violent manner but verbal comments are known to be use. And always try to work with only human forces sometimes they don't know. So officers have to be careful and keep the troops in check. But sometimes officers have to keep their troops and keep their man like a dog on a leash.

NGR forces on the other hand try to keep polite manner with all Soviet mercenary forces or mercenary corps. They are seen as a legitimate European mercenary armed forces and NGR troops in the front lines will usually firepower they can get their hands on. Even if the coalition forces frown upon it but recently there have been some coalition forces that have not only looked the other way but are glad to have a legitimate European Soviet mercenary army task force.

In order to make as many robot vehicle N.A.A.T have used the old work horse called hard suits. At the beginning of the golden age of man they became the staple of what was coming down the road .when it came down the , this new arena open volume and many ARM Tech rick. And was the foundation of all robot vehicles to come in rifts earth which was lost in the second Dark Age. However they severed a critical role to save humanity.

The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mecha, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas.

Chaos Earth note ARM TECH (Advanced Research Military Technology) is the leading the amour tech in leaving infantry units in the new M.D.C age.
The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mechas, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas. Add prowl +25 if they have this skills

artist comment

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. U.S Military ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2) -A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This mecha can become a heavy combat escort unit , which is deign to protect/escort any heavy basic exo-suit or heavy combat vechiles , which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22 . U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14. note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. TW . pick five and are permanent add standard model ,élites 15 level spell strength all have 100 PPE ( total 10) or 100 P.P.E batteries in main body ,rechagers in 12 hour if depleted

25. Built in AI systems to help user look at rift source book 1


Main body 250
Main body primary force field- 300, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 150
Lower Arms (2)125
Upper Legs (2) 120
Lower Legs (2)100
Feet (2)50
Head 75
Reinforce cockpit compartment:noone
Russian Model force field
Generators 100
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Going into the negative -1d4x10 M.D.C., then blow up if the robot or powered armored/suit giant size 2d6x10 man size 2d4x10.

Height add 1 feet
Length add 1 feet
Depth/width add 1 feet
Weight 1000 pounds empty plus Generators add add a total 250 Lds empty
Cost 6 million
Black market x2.5

Speed running 150MPH
Range: pilot endurance
Flying 200 MPH
Running 55 MPH
Walk 2 to 15 MPH
under water depth 1000 feet under water

Hand to hand: Use super natural or robotic P.S

Weapons systems 2 primary systems one techs and one magic and one secondary weapon the same one techs and magic
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies

type: Wilk's Laser bayonet built in both arms
The Wilk's Laser bayonet grew out of the technology used for the laser scalpel. Adventurers wanted a hand to hand weapon that was more powerful than the average Vibro-Blade. The Wilk's Laser bayonet was the first attempt at this The Wilk's Laser bayonet projects a stable laser field eight inches (0.21 m) from the generator hilt The laser is projected in the visible light spectrum and resembles a magic energy blade or psi-sword. It is still considered experimental and sold with no warranty and a warning about safety.
Weight: 1 Ib (0.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per strike of the weapon.
Rate of Fire: As per hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: Hand-held like any knife; cannot be thrown (automatic shut off feature). Nuclear powered direct from robot vehicle
Note: The laser knife cannot be used to parry any type of attack; it cuts everything it touches.
Payload: 30+lD4xlO minutes per standard E-Chip; unpredictable duration 1d6 minutes only GM knows . Direct connections unlimited time

Weapons systems two ancient weapon systems
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by 89er »

wow, that's a lot. Keep up the good work.
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

89er wrote:wow, that's a lot. Keep up the good work.

thank you man and too the artist help man
could never pull something like this in my own EvER :)
for a while now I was thinking I did something bad or munchkin level
if there something you like let me know in the thread or something You don't like like too
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://th00.deviantart.net/fs35/PRE/f/2 ... uzzoid.jpg

http://muzzoid.deviantart.com/art/old-s ... 9415&qo=36

artist comment old skool mechaby ~muzzoid
i havent drawn anything like this in such a long time....

This was first generation heavy soviet robot to fend of the west ,but it was just a big target for GB robot vehicles and were made in a rush high gas turbine for mass production , and later had giant size nuclear powered systems . They were really prototypes, and they work. They are simple to make and to pilot . they are still been found many damage can be easily repaired after 300 years of decayed!!!they function good as new . they are old like the glitter boy suit ( more like target partice for GB pilots ).

In Europe the need for additional security forces in Germany and other countries has gone triple the rate. Mercenary forces in Germany needs for military forces the private sector is broken in two parts one mercenary forces and private security forces. The fall of the major cities has cost increase of additional firepower security defense as well as military forces in Germany. You need to have a European mercenary force is seen as a necessity this allowed to happen local natives join more easily. With hundreds if not thousands of unemployed this open the opportunity to open a dedicated European mercenary force and an out employment training additional manpower and not just humans as well as other alien races to join in. The human sector is broken into sections the first one composed of only humans and the second one a mix of human and nonhuman disallows to have more than one mercenary Army. Not just soldiers but logistical support which is composed of 60% and 40% soldiers and robot pilot. There is a third which is not mentioned is broken into two classes one techno-wizard and magic forces. This means that there's over 1 million combat troops combined.

The massacre in Wroclaw has had profound effect all over Europe from small kingdoms to even major power block in Europe. This allowed mercenary forces from North America to go to Europe German and other kingdoms. In Germany there is a set of rules to follow but for other kingdoms they act as additional defense forces, local forces, and additional law-enforcement with training and additional firepower when needed. Mercenary forces like N.A.M.E, Russian core and A.M.C are well known to common people small kingdoms and even in the major players in Germany. N.A.M.E has made sure to play on the safe side with Germany and other smoke kingdoms this has allowed to work as an additional security force or military force or law enforcement to provide security in that sector or area. However the need for the local military force or local mercenary armed forces was needed. This has allowed to create brand-new materials for war machines as well as firepower and power and bring morale up due to the loss of Wroclaw. Other smaller kingdoms have allowed this due to the massacre that recently happened.

N.A.M.E decided to retrain him of the refugees human and nonhuman for logistical support and this was a massive effort. But it worked it allows to create an additional mercenary corps as mentioned earlier. A total of four mercenary armies were made very easy. They were composed of refugee’s human and nonhuman as well as retired soldiers from different branches of Germany and other small kingdoms. Also unknown to me there was also additional refugees from Russia or the old Soviet empire which were added to the mix. This allowed to increase to mercenary armies very fast but also streamlined. The reason was to let the local natives in Germany and other small nations or kingdoms a familiar face of the old days.

When this was being done mainly decided to use the old Soviet like hardware. Simple reliable easy to repair and maintain a mass-produced large numbers. Within DMZ zone as well as name and its secret allies found in North America and South America this allowed to transport additional resources that were needed to get all four mercenary forces ready in less than a year and half. Germany didn't see this coming and by the time hardliners try to stop it it was already too late. However it also showed that it was greatly needed to of mercenary forces in areas with Germany cannot cover and help other small nations or kingdoms.

The style's was Russian like for this mercenary: in Europe. The new mercenary
happy saying not one step back no retreat no surrender". There hardware simple effective hard-hitting but also a prototype design by NGR standards and you and the coalition.

The coalition was surprised and happy at first but when the nonhuman forces were seen they were not happy about it. But did not engage in violent manner but verbal comments are known to be use. And always try to work with only human forces sometimes they don't know. So officers have to be careful and keep the troops in check. But sometimes officers have to keep their troops and keep their man like a dog on a leash.

NGR forces on the other hand try to keep polite manner with all Soviet mercenary forces or mercenary corps. They are seen as a legitimate European mercenary armed forces and NGR troops in the front lines will usually firepower they can get their hands on. Even if the coalition forces frown upon it but recently there have been some coalition forces that have not only looked the other way but are glad to have a legitimate European Soviet mercenary army task force.

In order to make as many robot vehicle N.A.A.T have used the old work horse called hard suits. At the beginning of the golden age of man they became the staple of what was coming down the road .when it came down the , this new arena open volume and many ARM Tech rick. And was the foundation of all robot vehicles to come in rifts earth which was lost in the second Dark Age. However they severed a critical role to save humanity.

The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mecha, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas.

Chaos Earth note ARM TECH (Advanced Research Military Technology) is the leading the amour tech in leaving infantry units in the new M.D.C age.
The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mechas, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas. Add prowl +25 if they have this skills

Features all are updated to rifts standards
1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. only U.S Military ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (10) -A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 2400
Weight add: 10 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that can become a with heavy combat escort unit , which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22 . U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14. note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. Cloaking field . Yeah able to turn invisible but can not fire any weapons unlimited time


Main body 790
Upper Arms (2) 200
Lower Arms (2)300
Upper Legs (2) 300
Lower Legs (2) 450
Feet (2)200
Head 240
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 240
Russian Model force field
N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Going into the negative -1d4x10 M.D.C., then blow up if the robot or powered armored/suit giant size 2d6x10 man size 2d4x10.

Height 31 feet
Length 14 feet
Depth/width 16 feet
Weight Generators 39 tons empty
Cost gas turbine (very common) 2 million , nuclear look the cost and divde by half for giant size ,
Black market

Run 55 MPH
Flying cannot fly
Running 90 MPH
Walk 2 to 12 MPH
under water depth gas turbine not possible , nuclear units max depth 1000 feet

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 40

Weapons systems
Type shell rounds
Damage look below 120MM rifle right arm
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
120MM cannon heat round 1d6x10 M.D.C ,

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100) blast radius

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 )

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240 )

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
120 MM 5D8X10M.D = 400 M.D

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
120MM 4D6X10
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Range 2 miles
Rate of fire: single shot
Payload: 300 rounds
Bonus/note/ penalties:

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle or cannon left arm
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (at first ), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. The same design was kept but add a mini nuclear add to weight 100 pounds for cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble. No recoil when fire and can have an extended range which is love by many. the and finally addition to this heavy weapon systems is there variable laser systems but only N.A.A.T , N.A.M.E.S , N.A.T.O , Russian core unit and allied forces in A.M.C as well .
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Weight 1000 pounds standard
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
Range: 3,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: gas turbine 100 shot robot per E-Clip. Cost: 100,000 credits; poor availability even in South America. Nuclear powered Unlimited
Weapon system: # A.T.L AKA anti-tank Variable heavy laser 8 this is similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: look above
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/ ... uzzoid.jpg
http://muzzoid.deviantart.com/art/Flak- ... 9415&qo=29

Flak bot.by ~muzzoid
A sketch from this morning in an oc with

Flak bot came out of need of a Triple AAA against fly monsters in Europe The Gargoyle and the swarm attacks from the given a new meaning death from above. In order to stop ( really slow down the swarm attack a high powered long range tank rifle either to make direct hit or air burst attacks , which many thought a 88 MM cannon instead engineer came with the 120 MM tank rifle !!! this gave range ,fire powered and take down a target down out of the sky . which does work well or close range attack with Vulcan laser cannon as well ( ask by pilots first) which many were caught by surprise to want to do guard duty. but really pilots want to fire (itchy finger really ) either long or medium range weapon systems the 120 MM cannon or Vulcan laser cannon . for up close and personal a grenade launcher to avoid getting over run!! This work well there been reports leak (videos really) that this design work and cheap work horse in the making. Add silver to any type of round to DU rounds make love by pilots who want to stick it the super natural monster!!NGR have told to stay away from these second class vehicles but it been known the opposite effect!!NGR pilots been say it easy to hand and are not at basic level but at a expert level ( which is true).the ammunition it carries are hell of lot for robotics vehicles size has made it work horse overnight .This has cost their lives(enemy) many times. And can function from land to naval carrier to shout down missiles. It has Ok armored but enough to stay alive and many love the speed and jumps abilities as well.

In Europe the need for additional security forces in Germany and other countries has gone triple the rate. Mercenary forces in Germany needs for military forces the private sector is broken in two parts one mercenary forces and private security forces. The fall of the major cities has cost increase of additional firepower security defense as well as military forces in Germany. You need to have a European mercenary force is seen as a necessity this allowed to happen local natives join more easily. With hundreds if not thousands of unemployed this open the opportunity to open a dedicated European mercenary force and an out employment training additional manpower and not just humans as well as other alien races to join in. The human sector is broken into sections the first one composed of only humans and the second one a mix of human and nonhuman disallows to have more than one mercenary Army. Not just soldiers but logistical support which is composed of 60% and 40% soldiers and robot pilot. There is a third which is not mentioned is broken into two classes one techno-wizard and magic forces. This means that there's over 1 million combat troops combined.

The massacre in Wroclaw has had profound effect all over Europe from small kingdoms to even major power block in Europe. This allowed mercenary forces from North America to go to Europe German and other kingdoms. In Germany there is a set of rules to follow but for other kingdoms they act as additional defense forces, local forces, and additional law-enforcement with training and additional firepower when needed. Mercenary forces like N.A.M.E, Russian core and A.M.C are well known to common people small kingdoms and even in the major players in Germany. N.A.M.E has made sure to play on the safe side with Germany and other smoke kingdoms this has allowed to work as an additional security force or military force or law enforcement to provide security in that sector or area. However the need for the local military force or local mercenary armed forces was needed. This has allowed to create brand-new materials for war machines as well as firepower and power and bring morale up due to the loss of Wroclaw. Other smaller kingdoms have allowed this due to the massacre that recently happened.

N.A.M.E decided to retrain him of the refugees human and nonhuman for logistical support and this was a massive effort. But it worked it allows to create an additional mercenary corps as mentioned earlier. A total of four mercenary armies were made very easy. They were composed of refugee’s human and nonhuman as well as retired soldiers from different branches of Germany and other small kingdoms. Also unknown to me there was also additional refugees from Russia or the old Soviet empire which were added to the mix. This allowed to increase to mercenary armies very fast but also streamlined. The reason was to let the local natives in Germany and other small nations or kingdoms a familiar face of the old days.

When this was being done mainly decided to use the old Soviet like hardware. Simple reliable easy to repair and maintain a mass-produced large numbers. Within DMZ zone as well as name and its secret allies found in North America and South America this allowed to transport additional resources that were needed to get all four mercenary forces ready in less than a year and half. Germany didn't see this coming and by the time hardliners try to stop it it was already too late. However it also showed that it was greatly needed to of mercenary forces in areas with Germany cannot cover and help other small nations or kingdoms.

The style's was Russian like for this mercenary: in Europe. The new mercenary
happy saying not one step back no retreat no surrender". There hardware simple effective hard-hitting but also a prototype design by NGR standards and you and the coalition.

The coalition was surprised and happy at first but when the nonhuman forces were seen they were not happy about it. But did not engage in violent manner but verbal comments are known to be use. And always try to work with only human forces sometimes they don't know. So officers have to be careful and keep the troops in check. But sometimes officers have to keep their troops and keep their man like a dog on a leash.

NGR forces on the other hand try to keep polite manner with all Soviet mercenary forces or mercenary corps. They are seen as a legitimate European mercenary armed forces and NGR troops in the front lines will usually firepower they can get their hands on. Even if the coalition forces frown upon it but recently there have been some coalition forces that have not only looked the other way but are glad to have a legitimate European Soviet mercenary army task force.

In order to make as many robot vehicle N.A.A.T have used the old work horse called hard suits. At the beginning of the golden age of man they became the staple of what was coming down the road .when it came down the , this new arena open volume and many ARM Tech rick. And was the foundation of all robot vehicles to come in rifts earth which was lost in the second Dark Age. However they severed a critical role to save humanity.

The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mecha, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas.

Chaos Earth note ARM TECH (Advanced Research Military Technology) is the leading the amour tech in leaving infantry units in the new M.D.C age.
The H.ARM suit is a robotic load-bearing exoskeleton designed to deliver heavy munitions into any theater of operation. Because of its relatively small size it is not only lighter, "quieter", and more energy efficient than most mechas, but it offers major advantages to war fighters in confined urban areas. Add prowl +25 if they have this skills

artist comment

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 250 M.D.C and third hit 245 M.D.C and the firth hit 240 or after been hit 50 times then take full damage!!!1

15. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. U.S Military ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2) -A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons Chaff Launchers weight reduction or added to systems 1000 pounds Payload Unlimted roll cart above or add+10 %
NOTE energy
18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the mecha can become a with heavy combat escort unit , which is design to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22 . U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14. note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%


Main body 450
Left 120 MM canno Arm (1) 275
Right arm 40 MM grenade laucher systems Arm (1) 125
Upper Legs (2) 275
Lower Legs (2)200
Feet (2) 100
Reinforce cockpit compartment:240
Russian Model force field 240 only
Generators 100
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Going into the negative -1d4x10 M.D.C., then blow up if the robot or powered armored/suit giant size 2d6x10 man size 2d4x10.

Height 18 feet
Length 12 feet
Depth/width 11 feet
Weight with Generators 10 empty
Cost gas turbine 1 million , nuclear powered systems cost half look up
Black market 2.5 times

Range: 5OO miles or 49 hour gas systems or pilots endurance nuclear powered units
Flying MPH jump only from 2 feet to 1000 feet up or across
Running 126 MPH
Walk 2 to 25 MPH
under water depth not gas turbine possible , nuclear powered systems yes 1000 feet wlak only 10 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 45

Weapons systems summary
120 MM tank rifle or Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
grenade laucher systems pick one LOOK BELOW
Kicks look up robotic P.S 40 use as hand to hand

Weapons systems pick 120MM rifle or vulcoan laser cannon
Type shell rounds
Damage look below 120MM rifle right arm
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
120MM cannon heat round 1d6x10 M.D.C ,

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100) blast radius

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 )

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240 )

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
120 MM 5D8X10M.D = 400 M.D

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
120MM 4D6X10
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Range 2 miles ground to ground , a ground to air 5 miles !!! it can make indirect fire 3 miles
Rate of fire: single shot
Payload: 300 rounds
Bonus/note/ penalties:

Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fire all six barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similar to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mercenary book page 107
Damage : 3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
note bonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds

they are Automatic Grenade Launcher systems pick one only from below

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher.
This weapon resembles a bulky machine-gun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is-1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt feed system.
130 Ibs (58 kg); 150 Ibs (68 kg) with ammo belt.
Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4xlO M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6xlO M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor Piercing grenades does 3D6xlO M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 400 round magazine or 1000 round belt!
Cost: 150,000 credits; availability.


Weapons systems
Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher Knock Off
Gun: 40 Ibs (18 kg), plus the grenade drum, 20 (9 kg)—can be used with or without the drum (grenades must be hand loaded) Elite or special forces will have auto loader.
5D6 M.D. per single round/grenade or 1d6x10M.D. per rapid-fire burst of two grenades fired one microsecond after the other. The damage is inflicted to everything in a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius.
Rate of Fire:
One at a time or two simultaneous at the same target (counts as one melee action/attack).
Effective Range:
2000 feet (610 m)!
Payload: 400; an additional 500 grenades are packed into the auto reloader ammo-drum.
Laser targeting and telescopic scope optional (6000 cr.). )
30,000- credits for the gun, 50 credits per grenade. Good availability
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Comment: NEVER QUIT..... I got lucky
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs29/f/2008/ ... uzzoid.jpg
http://muzzoid.deviantart.com/art/Mecha ... 9415&qo=34

artist comments Mecha :3by ~muzzoid
Digital Art / Paintings & Airbrushing / Sci-Fi
©2008-2012 ~muzzoid

yes... its another mech with dramatic lighting.....

It starts called as mecha 3 due to the fact it took three model to come out with the finally design. this robot vehicle was really was construction mecha .however the last prototype was the supposed to be the finally design ,but all that changed was in The massacre in Wroclaw all model went to do combat engineer mission .they were set traps ,mine fields ,setting and gun emplacement ,kill zone for troops and security forces ,landing hot ready for NGR to come and support them . however thing never go as they hope .the high command at the time they didn’t see security forces as a second line of defensive or offensive positions . This would cost many man hours, as well many loss of life (both from security forces and civilian as well). This emplacement held many hours before fallen. The commanders were worried for their troops. While filed commanders were yell for letting them go reach those lines to save lives. But many were to late NGR dragged its feet. Later these commanders were charge and found guilty. It was horrible loss of time and life. This however it gave RUSSIAN core unit and Independent security defense forces (A.M.C later know as N,A,T,O)known at the time to become hero to many report from civilian and videos .the mecha 3 deign known at the time deal heavy losses for the enemy . Later it was reported the best deign was the last model mecha 3. sadly the last two were lost in combat .they called the heavy brawler due for the fact it carry all weapon systems was seen many times ready to be overwhelmed but never did. Like tidal wave one after the other push it back from medium range come combat to multiple hand to hand combat. The mecha 1, mecha 2 and mecha 3 were not just construction robot vehicles but combat engineer robot vehicles. This gave the use for private use but can be armed for military use in urban or close quarter combat. While given the pilot armored beyond protection (thanks to N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: )beyond belief !!! They were energy shield to bounce robot to supernatural being away and getting hit with weapon systems .
The weapon systems ,( Commercial units can be add an extra cost and also the N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: will never be put on civilian models only military models)
But also able to extend it shield to give cover and protection from human size being to large vehicles or giant size robots . This something very few know about .the civilian model does not carry weapon s (but can be add and forces fields are not add ). However the civilian force fields are weaker each has a 150 MDC . The mecha 3 can be used also as a fire mecha which can be very handy for fire man use. They been known to clean giant insect’s infestation where normal or convention way (MDC WI-Mark 2 Plasma Flamethrower. is need ) don’t work.
Cost is well cheap fossil fuel and military model has all the bell and while look below. It been seen as a hero robot vehicle and always carry a AWE / horror Factor for monster of 15 natural roll only for monster but a AWE for being saved or being rescue as well.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

2. Combat computer: add range weapon systems +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -3 to dodge on the ground , hand to hand combat add +3 to strike weight 1ton

3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems

4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons

5. External audio pick up: same as robots

6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional

7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 1 tons

9. Voice actuated locking systems

10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment Weight add: 2 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: 3 tons giant size robot . man size 200 pounds

13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons giant size robot . man size 100 pounds

14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 350 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 350 M.D.C and third hit 255 M.D.C and the firth hit 250 or after been hit 70 times then take full damage!!!1

15. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields
Male pilots get this at third level

16. U.S Military ADD Advance E.C.C.M systems similar to #13 but design for pilots to have less crew and let this systems work against ECM and ECCM as well. The systems is a learning and changes starts as a drone but if not erased if goes up at simple level intelligence to level 2 them goes to robot intelligence the level 3 goes to Neural intelligence at this point able to move IF necessary to help the pilot and can refuse if it an enemy pilots getting into the cockpit compartment , but will help any allied during the mission or given go codes plus can tell if lying( humans 98% note If I.Q, OR M.E OR M.A is 16 or better for each point it gets -1% ,so a 17 is a -2% , a 18 -3 and so on ). A combat bonus is that of robot, at level 5 is almost a human being (part of the pilot’s minds and abilities are transfer to level call equal transfer intelligence and can mimic pilot’s combat bonus!!!!

17. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2) -A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons

18. Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

19. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

20. Basic EVA systems (back up)

21. This the only mecha that can become a with heavy combat escort unit , which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well. the heavy combat armored has all feature plus small battery fro 2 weeks P.S add 10 , speed x3 , jump add 12 feet ,prowled -15% ,all weapons , any energy weapons payload time forty (x40), M.D.C location 150 main body , arms 50 , legs 60 , helmet 45 , Force filed 240 M.D.C , outside the mecha add + 1 to strike with any range weapons, and #19 for NAAT only

22 . U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

23. Special coms suite for 7 heavy basic exo-suit must be at least 1000 feet and has link the following 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 11., 13., 14. note damage is 80 M.D.C THEN 75 AS SO ON , 15., 16., 19., 21., 22.note all same but skill 10%

24. NE-CW20 Camouflage Variable Armor knock off
Manufacturer: Naruni Enterprises knock off (Rifts® Mercenaries, p. 124). No prowl penalty. Special Abilities: Masks heat sensors, invisible to thermal optics and changes color. Plus AI SYSTEM aided with Camouflage Variable Armor knock off. Cost
25.N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S/ N.A.T.O and Elite (eitile A.M.C with AS ALLIES WITH N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S/ N.A.T.O only) add A.I use rifts souce book one


Main body 1300
(N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S/ N.A.T.O and Elite (eitile A.M.C ,/N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S/ N.A.T.O only )Main body primary force field-300, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 450
Lower Arms (2)450
Arms primary force field (2) 240
Upper Legs (2)450
Lower Legs (2) 500
Legs primary force field (2) 240
Feet (2) 200
Feet primary force field (2) 240
Head 175
Head primary force field (1) 240
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 350
Reinforce cockpit compartment primary force field (2) 240
Standard Model force field Main body (2) 240
Generators 240 (8)
Thruster legs (8)total (16)
Thruster Arms(6) total (12)
Thruster main body (12) total (24)

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the robot down completely, rendering it useless. Going into the negative -1d4x10 M.D.C., then blow up if the robot or powered armored/suit giant size 2d6x10 man size 2d4x10.
Force fields are the first to be hit then after zero robot vehicles

Height 15 feet
Length 13 feet
Depth/width 12 feet
Weight Generators 35 ton empty!!!!
Cost 15 million
Black market x10 with AI SYSTEMS VERY RARE!!! Used civilian model fossil fuel 7 million ,new 25 million civilian model fossil fuel ,nuclear unit 35 million
125 MPH
Range: civilian model fossil fuel 450 miles or 49 hours of operational use , nuclear pilots endurance
Flying 50 MPH max height 1000 feet
Running 50 MPH max
Walk 5 to 12 MPH
under water depth fossil fuel not possiblie, nuclear powered units 5500 feet
Weapon systems
40 mm Grenade Launcher. has a taol of four main body pick for each one the same or different type
WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower. one per arm
hand to hand PS 60. Supernatural and : Wilk's vibro Laser bayonet in each hand

WI-FTmark 2 Plasma Flamethrower. one each arm .(x2)
This fearsome weapon is the brainchild of a collaboration between Golden Age Weaponsmiths and
Wellington Industries. Golden Age researchers recognized the flamethrower as an ideal shock weapon, and Wellington researchers adapted normal plasma weapon systems to produce a short-ranged, but continuous
stream of Mega-Damage flames. A separate team working on the same project developed a form of plasma-based napalm that is used with another model of flamethrower (see the WI-NFT-1, below). Primarily
a terror weapon, the flamethrower is also ideal for attacking certain monsters, lightly armored ground troops, vehicles, bunkers and other hardened positions.
Weight: 30 Ibs (13.5 kg) or 45 ibs (20 kg) with plasma tank.
• A short plasma burst does 6D6 M.D. for 1000"shots
• A medium concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) does 1D6xlO+10 M.D. Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 10 feet (3.0 m) can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 2D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
• Heavy 2d6x10 M.D . (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 10 feet can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 4D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
Range: 2000 feet
Payload: A plasma tank holds 1000"shots." Cost: 30,000 credits. A plasma tank costs 1,200 credits and is disposableplasma burst A short plasma burst1000 , A medium concentrated plasma 750 burst ,a Heavy plasma burst 500

40 mm Grenade Launcher. Pick one sytem
An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters). Theyt are located in chest area hidden .
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance: 5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Rate of Fire: Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round First generation Mega-Damage:
1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B

2 generation rounds

L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

40 mm Grenade Launcher. -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

40 mm Grenade Launcher. - 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot

40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds

LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m).
Payload: Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use.
Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots.
Cost: 1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities

Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet
Payload: Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots. each
Cost: 1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities
note all 40 mm Grenade Launcher. carry 200 round of smoke , 200 rounds of chaff and 200 rounds of tear gas plus ammo , and 200 round fire retarded

type: Wilk's vibro Laser bayonet built in both hands
The Wilk's Laser bayonet grew out of the technology used for the laser scalpel. Adventurers wanted a hand to hand weapon that was more powerful than the average Vibro-Blade. The Wilk's Laser bayonet was the first attempt at this The Wilk's Laser bayonet projects a stable laser field eight inches (0.21 m) from the generator hilt The laser is projected in the visible light spectrum and resembles a magic energy blade or psi-sword. It is still considered experimental and sold with no warranty and a warning about safety.
Weight: 1 Ib (0.45 kg)
Mega-Damage: laser3D6 M.D. per strike of the weapon. Vibro blade 2d6M.D both 5d6 each (x3) each total in both hands (6) plus add hand to hand
Rate of Fire: As per hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: Hand-held like any knife; cannot be thrown (automatic shut off feature). Nuclear powered direct from robot vehicle
Note: The laser knife cannot be used to parry any type of attack; it cuts everything it touches.
Payload: gas system 30+lD4xlO minutes per standard E-Chip; unpredictable duration 1d6 minutes only GM knows . nuclear powerd unit unlimited

Weapons systems force field systems
Type wall can be 1 feet by 1 feet by 1 feet ,or max 20 feet by 20 feet by 20 feet each force field can be extended as far as 100 feet away either a wall or dome like one half a bubble on the ground or in the air full bubble( 25 feet radius ) max weight 5 ton it can hold ,it can move or stay 100 feet away or make any shape
Damage none
Range up to 100 feet away ,can move te the shape
Rate of fire: as long as their M.D.C and their a total of 8 force field
Payload: 15 force field
Bonus/note/ penalties: same as force field rules , each counts as one attack hand to hand and robot hand to hand and can combine M.D.C if need be
Update forgot to add this special abilities if erect a force field right in front of any vehicle or creature and weight under 5 ton use knock down table or stumble back a few feet GM choice stumble back if over 5 tons
Weight 1 ton each
Last edited by ZINO on Mon Mar 04, 2013 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

hi I gotten a few email about this thread
I wish you join in and post your comments
the artist and love what we are doing and thanks TO them IT GOT WHERE IT GOTTEN
thank you all of you artist I am humble
but plz come and joins use thank you for the questions wish again you post them It just I like europe and have move space thier still there a lot going on some ask what A.M.C and other NATO
many know what is N.A.A.T and N.A.M.E.S
there a lot of data that I Lost and very slowly recover and ask again artist their permission FIRST
then we can got and post but sometime I rather let the artist read what I wrote and they like it
there are time I off and well change to their liking
my rule K.I.S.S keep it simple and straight
again I am very slow now
to post got to follow guide line and thank you all of you
last thank you taalismn I am humble by your work and you are close to your 100 page !!! very close wish you the best
I been playing with the other thread
as well

dead regin A.R.M Tech been playing this epic adding S.D.C vehicles and others
N.A.AT been busy here with the book in the black market and I am sooo waiting for these books northern gun 1 and 2
Non A.U.L forces during and after invid wars
can their be a smart gun in rift P.W? working on some stuff
C.E:ARM TECH this has been epic N.E.M.A i one side , A.R.M TECH and other security forces , the US armed forces ,Demons and last aliens!!!! it just a been shooting gallery here
last looking forward for robotech tactical games
it been slow between work , family , rest, and other thing I want to thank you if not and playing Mass effect 3 the last DLC :D but sad as well :-(
love this game wish PB get their hand On this I wish ( NEVER GONNA HAPPEN I KNOW I KNOW IMHO )
but still I wish
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

new stuff coming but after the snow fall here in NY NYC :)
wish the dame mayor close the schools :x GRRR
danme rich people (the bad I mean)
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

WOW There is quite a lot of material since I checked this thread last year. All excellent material. Please keep it coming.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs37/i/2008/ ... DoomER.jpg
KGB armored car
artist comment Appointment: a mobile weapon emplacement, suppression of a manpower, the easy technics and weapon emplacements of the opponent. Because of moral old age functioned AC-74 and its versions are given parts of internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or for urban use.

In the massacre in Wroclaw they were vital about 100 of each model was put to use .they were vital in holding the line many times and retreating many time to the point of being overrun. The report and data indicated they were the best design for urban combat and help as support vehicles .they gave a lot of damage before rearming in the middle of a fire fight!!!They were able to give a lot of fire powered in any range which caught many monsters of guard for a two man team vehicle. The drawback it a glass cannon vehicle, able to dish out lots of damage but cannot stand own.

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average energy life is
15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify 72 and track up to 32 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto the Heads Up Display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet, as well as monitors on the control panel. It is linked to the targeting computer, weapon systems and radar.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in the tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of+1 on initiative and +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of 500 miles (800 km). The typical giant robot also has a directional, short-range radio
with a five mile (8 km) range, plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pick-up: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).can used to blind target getting -6 to strike ,dodge ,roll, and parry-5 to initiative
9. Ejector Seats: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet/305 m) and parachute To safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self-contained, destroying most of the internal systems
With 3D6xlO M.D. Those within a ten foot (3 m) radius of the bot will suffer 6D6 M.D. from concussion and/or flying debris. It is very likely, 01-89% chance that the nuclear power system will rupture and spew forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The vechile access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six-digit spoken code programmed to a specific person's voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key-pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete reinforced, environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2 people and is reinforced to protect the occupants from Mega-Damage.
It is airtight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (typically one-half to one mile/0.8 to 1.6 km depth) as well as outer space. The following features are included:
Computer controlled life support system.
Internal cooling and temperature control.
Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, and
•Humidifier/dehumidifier automatically engages when needed.
•Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting too stale to breathe.
Computer-controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Twelve hour oxygen supply.
Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 450 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magical fires do full damage.
Radiation shielding.
Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted windshields when applicable.
13. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
14. Or energy Flare reduces weight by 1000 pounds payload: unlimited

M.D.C. by Location:

Main Turret 150
Optional weapon turret 110
** Main Body 175
Puncture Proof Wheels (4) 50
Hatches (2) 100
Legs (4) 175
Small wheels (4)50 each

Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut down completely, rendering it useless.
Destroying two wheels reduces speed by 20%. Destroying Three on one side reduces speed by 40% and induces a penalty of -40% to the piloting skill. Destroying four wheels on one
Side reduces speed by 60%; same penalty.

Land:walking 2 to 10 MPH running 125 MPH
Water:nuclear yes 1000 feet depth
Statistical Data
Height:9 feet
Width: 7 feet
Length: 15 feet
Weight: 2 tons empty
Cargo 100 pounds only
Power System look aobe
Cost: 1 million with all weapon systerms
Black Market Cost 2 million fully loaded

Weapon systems summary
Pick one from the folllwoing Main gun pick a 66mm Light Antitank Weapon or 90mm Recoil Rifle with a 9 mm side weapon systems theycome in both weapon systems or Vulcan laser cannon
• Three fix WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
• One top 40 MM optional Grenade Launcher on top of main turret PICK ONE FROM BELOW

66mm Light Antitank Weapon (L.A.W).
By the time of the Rifts,these weapons had largely been phased out on the modern battlefield, instead finding a niche among terrorists, revolutionaries and the occasional criminal. This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .
Weight: 5.2 Ib (2.34 kg).
Ordnance S.D.C.:
1D4xlO or 1D6xlO S.D.C. to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
1D6 M.D. First generation weapons systems
3D6 M.D. First generation weapons systems three ripple fire
2 generation standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank rifle Weapon (LAW).
6d6.M.D. ( max damage 36 ) blast radius 10 feet
9d6 M.D. three ripple fire
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
1d4x10 M.D. 4d10 M.D (max damage 40) M.D.
3d4x10 M.D. three ripple fire
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
2d4x10 ( max damage 80) M.D.
4d6x10 M.D. three ripple fire
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
4d8x10 M.D. three ripple fire
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
1D10X10 M.D.
3d6x10 M.D. three ripple fire
type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round rounds bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rateof Fire: Aimed fire only.
Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Payload: Use once and discard.
Cost: [b]
2,000-2,500 credits for S.D.C. LAWs, 15,000 credits for M.D. version.
Fair to poor availability. Illegal in most communities. Rocket Launcher. Sometimes called the "super bazooka," this was commonly used against armored fighting vehicles and fortified bunkers. In the anarchy and civil wars worldwide shortly before the Coming of the Rifts, devices such as these wrought utter havoc in the cities of the world.
[b] Weight:
12 Ibs (5.4 kg). S.D.C. Ordnance: 2D4xlO or 2D6xlO S.D.C. to a 30 foot (9 m) area.
Mega-Damage This first generation MDC rounds:
2D6 or 3D6 M.D. depending on the rocket to a 40 foot (12 m) area.
Or three ripple fire 6d6 or 9d6. depending on the rocket to a 120 foot area.

Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). First generation weapons systems
1D6 M.D.
Or three ripple fire
3D6 M.D
Or three ripple fire

2 generation Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW)standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
6d6. M.D. ( max damage 36 ) blast radius 5 feet
Or three ripple fire
9d6 M.D. blast radius 15 feet
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
Or three ripple fire
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
Or three ripple fire
4d8x10 M.D.
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
Or three ripple fire
4d8x10 M.D.
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
1D10X10 M.D
Or three ripple fire
5d6x10 M.D.
type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire:
Aimed fire only. Or three ripple fire
Up to one mile (1.6 km).
Payload: From one to six shots. Single-shot rocket launchers are most common for infantry;
multiple-shot launchers were usually vehicle-mounted.
Bonuses: Those with a special guidance systems (laser targeting) are +3 to strike. Some
of these had attached 9mm spotting guns that fired single tracer roundsto help aim the weapon (tracer rounds identical to a 9mm automatic pistol, only with triple the range). When using a spotter gun, if the spotter round hits, and the gunner fires the rocket at the exact spot, add+2 bonus to strike with this system.
Rifts earth
Damage: 9mm automatic pistol
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
5d4X10 M.D twenty round burst
1 mile
rifts earth 2000 rounds
Cost: 2,000-5,000 credits for S.D.C rocket launchers, 30,000-40,000 for M.D.
launchers without guidance system, 8,000+3 for guidance system.
Fair availability. Banned and illegalin most civilized communities.
9mm automatic pistol bonus look below
Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

90mm Recoil tank Rifle.
This is an older version of the rocket launcher. Like the LAW, it no longer had a place on the modern battlefield
by the Coming of the Rifts, except for certain third world hot spots where these venerable weapons kept busy. This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .
Weight: 35 Ibs (16 kg)unloaded.
S.D.C. Ordinance: 1d4xlO S.D.C. to a 20 foot (6 m) area.
First generation Mega-Damage: 2D6 to a 40 foot (12 m) area.
2 generation standard rounds Mega-Damage:

90mm Recoil Rifle L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

90mm Recoil Rifle. 1D6X10( max damage 60 ) blast radius
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
90mm Recoil Rifle. 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

90mm Recoil Rifle. 4d4x10 ( max damage 160)
90mm Recoil Rifle."cartridge" energy weapon system
90mm Recoil Rifle. 5D6X10 M.D = 300 M.D
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
90mm Recoil Rifle.hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.A.T weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
90mm Recoil Rifle 4D4X10
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: Aimed fireonly, but can only be fired once per minute (four melee rounds). If fired
continuously for 10 minutes in a row, a 15 minute cooling off period must be observed, or the next shot will explode the weapon.
1,200 feet (365.8 m).
Payload: Single shot, basically the rocket launcher version of the bolt-action or muzzle-loading rifle.
2,000-6,000 credits for S.D.C. types; 25,000 to 35,000 for M.D. Rifles.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.

Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fre all sx barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similart to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mecanry book page 107
Damage : 3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
notebonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher. three fix WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher
This weapon resembles a bulky machine-gun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is-1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt feed system. This systems can used main for indirect fire .
130 Ibs (58 kg); 150 Ibs (68 kg) with ammo belt.
Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4xlO M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6xlO M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor Piercing grenades does 3D6xlO M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 40 round magazine or 400 round belt! All fix Grenade Launcher carry add extra 100 smoke , 200 tear gas and chaff as well
Cost: 150,000 credits; availability.

Pick one from below optional this an optional Grenade Launcher on top of main turret

40 mm Grenade Launcher. An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters). this an optional Grenade Launcher on top of main turret
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance:
5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area.
Rate of Fire:
Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round
First generation Mega-Damage:
1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades
Weapons systems
these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon
2 generation rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst,
1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,
2D6X10 M.D five round burst,
N/A MD six round burst,
5D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
4D6X10 M.D ten round burst
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst,
2D6X10 M.D four round burst,
N/A M.D five round burst,
3D6 X10 M.D six round burst,
4D6X10 M.D eight round burst,
N/A M.D nine round burst ,
5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst,
4D4X10 M.D three round burst,
5D4X10 M.D four round burst,
4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst,
5D6X10 MD six round burst,
5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst,
5d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,
5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D this an optional Grenade Launcher on top of main turret
M.D.C table this is single shot

40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst,
3d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,
4d6x10 M.D four round Burst ,
5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m).
Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use. Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots.
1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles.
1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits,
2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

89er wrote:wow, that's a lot. Keep up the good work.

sorry for the rply I just miss this
thank you 89er
keep looking tell me what you sorry for the misspelling
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

I hope you under stand this
http://th02.deviantart.net/fs45/PRE/i/2 ... DoomER.jpg

http://tugodoomer.deviantart.com/art/he ... 897&qo=308

The heavy tank all combat long range and point blanl range attacks used by combat engineer ,along with robot vehicles .They carry fire power and engineer supplies and can act independent in the fog of war. These unit are always harden veteran in combat with skill to back up with .Add the KGB armored car it make a deadly combat dual in any combat area.
In one report They were always close to be overrun but ,it was very close the fire powered from the main and four turret with three weapon systems gave and advantage in any range . Then add the combat engineer’s heavy firepower adds to the mix, and then the fire powered of a heavy robot vehicles make a deadly fortress. It was even report when one heavy tank was disable by a luck shot (which to this day is unknown ).The crew stay with the heavy tank gave enemy troop movement and directed many civilian ,and retreating military forces for 25 hours!!It was over run several time but was never destroy. The crew was to be written off as KIA, but to many surprise to report they survive!!!They were hero’s to many and NGR had to learn the Hard way mercenary could fight to hold the line even when about to face death. Now the heavy tank is allowed to use for private and military use as well.

Vehicles features same but add the following

1. can add energy Flare reduces weight by 1000 pounds payload: unlimited

M.D.C. by Location:
Main Turret 450
Optional weapon turret on top of main turret(not shown in picture) 125
Smoke/Gas Dispensers(5) 100 each
Four side Turret 350 (4) each
** Main Body 900
Main gun 250
Hatches(3) 100
Side door Hatches(2) 240 each
Treads (2) 200 each
N.A.A.T /N.A.M.E.S,N.A.T.O and Russian core units main forces filed (6) 200 each or total 1200
Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut down completely, rendering it useless.
Destroying Treads / wheels reduces speed by 90%. Destroying two Treads / wheels inmoblies the tank.

Land: 80 MPH ,backwards 45MPH
Water:5000 depth driving under water 15 MPH
Flying:hell no
Statistical Data
Height: 20 feet
Width: 9 feet
Length:18 feet
Crew tank commander, either four tank gunners,or weapon officers or A.I systems,crew up to 7
Weight: empty 45 tons !!!!
Cargo: CAN TAKE 4 TONS!!
Power System BATTERY POWERD FOR 20 hours only replace battery take 15 seconds ,nuclear powered for military version pilots endurance
Cost:25 miliion fully loaded

Weapons systems summary
Main cannon pick one (can have dual cannon but must be same caliber )
100 MMM cannon round
120MM cannon round
135 MM cannon round [

Side mounted heavy gun four turrets but can have up to four weapon systems pick four
Number 1 Weapons systems MDC Gauge Shotgun. .
Number 2 Weapons systems MDC .30 , 5.62MM , or 7.62 mm Light Machine-gun. .
Number 3 Weapons systems MDC.50,12.7 mm , 14.5 mm or 20MM ,or 24.13 MM Heavy Machine-gun. .
Number 4 Weapons systems MDC20 mm .
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
Number 5 Weapons systems MDC 24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers .
Number 6 Weapons systemsMDC 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). .
Number 7 Weapons systems MDC40 mm Grenade Launcher. .
Number 8 Weapons systems ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle or cannon .
Number 9 Weapons systems WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower .
Number 10 Weapons systems WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher. .
Number 11 Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns .
Number 12 Weapons systems 20 MM cannon [/b]
Number 13 Weapons systems 30 MM cannon
Number 14 Weapons systems Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher Knock Off

Number 15 Weapons systems two fix Grenade Launcher any

type: tank rifle look below
Mega-Damage: Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market for allied and theUS market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
100 MMM cannon heat round [u] DAMAGE 1d4x10 M.D.C ,
120MM cannon heat round [u] DAMAGE 1d6x10 M.D.C ,
135 MM cannon heat [b] DAMAGE 2d4x10 M.D.C
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds used only 130 mm cannon round
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

130 mm -2D6X10M.D( max damage 120 ) blast radius

4D6X10 M.D Two round burst,
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
130 mm -4d4x10 or 2d8x10 M.D (max damage 160)
4D8X10 M.D Two round burst, 8D6X10 M.D three round burst,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

130 mm 5d6x10 M.D( max damage 300 )

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
130MM 8D6X10M.D = 480 M.D
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table –
130mm 5d6x10M.D this is single shot
1d6x100 Two round Burst, 2d6x100 M.D four round Burst ,

type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

For the four turret pick four weapon systems ,rounds 6 time the payload, energy x10 payload battery powered ,but nuclear powered unlimited ,energy base weapon for nuclear powered can get a 10 to 40 percent increased range (can add 1d4x10%),note can add a fifth turret on top of main turret .again four different weapon systems for each turret.

turret Weight: varies
turret Mega-Damage: look below

Number 1 Weapons systems frist generation auto-cannon standard rounds .
20 MM cannon, or 30 MM cannon
Number 2 Weapons systems generation auto-cannon standard rounds .
20 MM cannon, or 30 MM cannon
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
Number 3 The "cartridge" energy weapon system .
Weapons systems 20 MM cannon or 30 MM cannon
Number 4 Weapons systems Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS .

20 MM cannon ,or 30 MM cannon
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds [b] (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
• [b] Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

frist generation auto-cannon standard rounds
20 MM cannon DAMAGE 3d4+2 M.D.C ,
30 MM cannon [b] DAMAGE 5d6 M.D.C
20 MMcannon DAMAGE 3d4+2 M.D.C ,
30 MM cannon [b] DAMAGE 5d6 M.D.C

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
20 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) blast radius
6D6 M.D Two round burst, 9D6 M.D three round burst, N/A M.D four round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, N/AMD six round burst, N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 3D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 6D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 9D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, N/A fourth round burst

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
20 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10M.D ten round burst ,1d4x100 M.D twenty round burst , M.D thirty round burst, fourth round burst

30 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
8d6 M.D 1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, N/A M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A M.D six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 8D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,12D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, N/A M.D fourth round burst

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

20 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
1D6X10+12 M.D Two round burst, 1D10X10+8 M.D three round burst, N/A M.D four round burst, 3D6X10 M.D five round burst, 5D4X10+16 MD six round burst, N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 6D6X10M.D ten round burst ,12D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , N/A M.D thirty round burst, N/A fourth round burst

30 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
2D4X10 M.D Two round burst, 3D4X10 M.D three round burst, 4D4DX10M.D four round burst, 5D4X10 M.D five round burst, 4D6X10 MD six round burst, 4D8X10 M.D eight round burst, 6D6X10 M.D nine round burst , 5D8X10 M.D OR 1D4X100 M.D ten round burst , 2D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D6X100 M.D thirty round burst, 4D4X100 fourth round burst

The "cartridge" energy weapon system

has come along way with N.A.A.T & N.A.M.E.S as well. They found a way to combine both the magnetic coli systems and fire powered need to remove the limited range and give them the range need in the battle field. Also few will notice it an energy cartridge. This allows firing pure energy rounds at a target but also coming standard projectile as well so even if the being is resistance to energy attacks it will still take half damage to projectile rounds!!! Cheap and little weight it allows greater amount of payloads and damage as well from a 4 MM pistol or submachine gun or personal defense weapon, assault rifle to a heavy 120MM tank rifle round or higher!!! Knock off version will have half the range and weight add 50% cost 10% to 55% more.

20 MM 1D6X10 M.D=60 M.D
1d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10 M.D five round Burst ,
30 MM 2D4X10 M.D= 80 M.D
4d4x10M.D Two round Burst, 4d8x10M.D three round Burst


Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
20MM 1d4x10
2d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d4x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d4x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d4x10M.D five round Burst , 5d8x10M.D ten round Burst
30MM 5D10
1d10x10M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d10x10 M.D five round Burst ,
40MM 1D6X10
1d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10 M.D five round Burst type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: single fire or varies with type of round been fire
Effective Range: standard range 2 miles to 3 miles max
Note: look above
Payload: 400 rounds

12 Gauge Shotgun.
Far and away, the most common type of shotgun in use throughout the world. There were shotguns of larger and smaller gauge, but these never were so commonly used as the 12 gauge.
Weight: Under 7 Ibs (3.15 kg).
Damage S.D.C.: 4D6 (buckshot), 5D6 (solid slug), 6D6 (rocket propelled slug or flechette).
Damage :M.D.C 3d6 (buckshot), 4D6 (solid slug), 5D6 (rocket propelled slug or flechette).
6d6 M.D Two round Burst, 1d4x10+8M.D three round Burst , 2d4x10+8 M.D four round Burst , 4d4x10M.D five round Burst , 5d4x10M.D ten round Burst
solid slug, rocket propelled slug or flechette
1d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst ,4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10 M.D five round Burst
Rate of Fire: Damage:Standard. Many shotguns were Aimed fire only, Two round double tap fire
However look at payload . military versions look below
[b] Range:
300feet (91 m).
Payload: Break-open shotguns typically carried one or two rounds. Tubular mag shotguns carried 3 to 8 rounds. Magazine or rotary drum shotguns carried 6 to 20 rounds. A few even accommodated ammo drums of up to 50 rounds. Note military versions the rate of fire can go up at cost of payload ,varies with recoil systems ,weight ,sights and user , semi automatic 2 round , fully Automatic that a four round brust for M.D.C
Cost: 300 to 900 credits.

.30 , 5.62MM , and 7.62 mm Light Machine-gun. sorry love this gun !!!!
This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .
These were the most common light machine-guns used all over the world. They generally saw action as man-portable squad support weapons.
Weight: 15.25 Ibs (6.75-11.25 kg).
Damage S.D.C.: .30 , 5.62MM , and 7.62 mm 5D6 per round.

Damage :M.D.C .30 , 5.62MM , and 7.62 mm Light Machine-gun

typical 25 cal, not normally called 6.5 mm round
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

7.62 mm round
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D

1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst
,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
Rate of Fire: Standard, any and Burst firing too .
Range: 3,000 feet (914.4 m).
30 round magazines and ammo belts or drums of 100, 200,300 ,400 to 500( even to 1000) round.
look on note Number 2 Weapons systems
.1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

.50,12.7 mm , 14.5 mm and 20MM ,or 24.13 MM Heavy Machine-gun. These are commonly
found mounted on military vehicles. ( one word DAME )

Weight: 30-100 Ibs(13.5-45 kg).

Damage S.D.C: .50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun . 7D6 per round. Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

Damage :M.D.C.50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun
M.D 50,12.7 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
100 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D

1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
5d8X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst ,

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6dx10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst

5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,

14.5 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1d10X100 S.D.C TO 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round,

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst ,
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.COE 10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.DOR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst,
4d8 M.D three round burst,
1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst,
2d4x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10+8 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,

20 mm
Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst
,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6dx10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst,
4d8 M.D three round burst,
1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst,
2d4x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10+8 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst
,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst
,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6MD.
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.COR 10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst,
4d8 M.D three round burst,
1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst,
2d4x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10+8 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
Rate of Fire: Burst firing only.
Range: 3,000 feet (914.4 m).
Payload: Ammo belts or drums of 100 to 1,000 rounds.
Cost: 5,000 credits and up. Banned and highly illegal for private use in most settlements. Military issue.

look on note 1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
By the time of the Rifts,these weapons had largely been phased out on the modern battlefield, instead finding a niche among terrorists, revolutionaries and the occasional criminal. This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .

Weight: 5.2 Ib (2.34 kg).
Ordnance S.D.C.: 1D4xlO or 1D6xlO S.D.C. to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D6 M.D. First generation weapons systems
2 generation standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). -6d6.D( max damage 36 ) blast radius
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D10X10
type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round rounds bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rateof Fire: Aimed fire only.
Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Payload: Use once and discard.
Cost: [b]
2,000-2,500 credits for S.D.C. LAWs, 15,000 credits for M.D. version.
Fair to poor availability. Illegal in most communities. Rocket Launcher. Sometimes called the "super bazooka," this was commonly used against armored fighting vehicles and fortified bunkers. In the anarchy and civil wars worldwide shortly before the Coming of the Rifts, devices such as these wrought utter havoc in the cities of the world.
[b] Weight:
12 Ibs (5.4 kg). S.D.C. Ordnance: 2D4xlO or
2D6xlO S.D.C. to a 30 foot (9 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 or 3D6 M.D. depending on the rocket to a 40 foot (12 m) area. This first generation MDC rounds
Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D6 M.D. First generation weapons systems
2 generation standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). -6d6.D( max damage 36 ) blast radius
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D10X10
type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire:
Aimed fire only.
Up to one mile (1.6 km).
Payload: From one to six shots. Single-shot rocket launchers are most common for infantry;
multiple-shot launchers were usually vehicle-mounted.
Bonuses: Those with a special guidance systems (laser targeting) are +3 to strike. Some
of these had attached 9mm spotting guns that fired single tracer roundsto help aim the weapon (tracer rounds identical to a 9mm automatic pistol, only with triple the range). When using a spotter gun, if the spotter round hits, and the gunner fires the rocket at the exact spot, +2 bonus to strike with this system.
Rifts earth
Damage: 9mm automatic pistol
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst
Payload rifts earth 200 rounds
Cost: 2,000-5,000 credits for S.D.C rocket launchers, 30,000-40,000 for M.D.
launchers without guidance system, 8,000+ for guidance system. Fair availability. Banned and illegalin most civilized communities.
9mm automatic pistol bonus look below
Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

40 mm Grenade Launcher.
An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters).
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance: 5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Rate of Fire: Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round First generation Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
2 generation rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. - 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m).
Payload: Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use. Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots.
Cost: 1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle or cannon
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. The same design was kept but add a mini nuclear add to weight 100 pounds for cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble. No recoil when fire and can have an extended range which is love by many. the and finally addition to this heavy weapon systems is there variable laser systems but only N.A.A.T , N.A.M.E.S , N.A.T.O , Russian core unit and allied forces in A.M.C as well .
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Weight 100 pounds standrad
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
Range: 3,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip. Cost: 100,000 credits; poor availability even in South America.
Weapon system: # A.T.L AKA anti-tank Variable heavy laser 8 this is similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower.
This fearsome weapon is the brainchild of a collaboration between Golden Age Weaponsmiths and
Wellington Industries. Golden Age researchers recognized the flamethrower as an ideal shock weapon, and Wellington researchers adapted normal plasma weapon systems to produce a short-ranged, but continuous
stream of Mega-Damage flames. A separate team working on the same project developed a form of plasma-based napalm that is used with another model of flamethrower (see the WI-NFT-1, below). Primarily
a terror weapon, the flamethrower is also ideal for attacking certain monsters, lightly armored ground troops, vehicles, bunkers and other hardened positions.
Weight: 30 Ibs (13.5 kg) or 45 ibs (20 kg) with plasma tank.
• A short plasma burst does 3D6 M.D.
• A medium concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) does 1D4xlO+10 M.D. Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 10 feet (3.0 m) can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 2D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
• Heavy 2d4x10 M.D . Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 2 feet can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 4D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.

Range: 500 feet (152 m).
[/b]Payload: [/b] A plasma tank holds 300"shots." Cost: 30,000 credits. A plasma tank costs 1,200 credits and is disposableplasma burst

WI-GL20 Automatic Grenade Launcher.
This weapon resembles a bulky machine-gun that fires grenades from either a magazine or a disintegrating belt. It is designed as a tripod, crew-serviced infantry weapon, or as a vehicle or turret-mounted weapon. Note: A "rifle" model, the WI-GL21, is made for use with power armor and cyborg soldiers and is fundamentally the same as the GL20, except that the user must have a P.S. 22 or higher, is-1 to strike and the rifle model cannot use the ammo-belt feed system.
130 Ibs (58 kg); 150 Ibs (68 kg) with ammo belt.
Fragmentary: 4D6 M.D. to a blast area of 12 feet (3.6 m).
Armor-Piercing: 1D4xlO M.D. to a blast area of 3 feet (0.9 m).
A burst is 10 rounds! A burst of fragmentary grenades inflicts 2D6xlO M.D. with a blast area of 40 feet (12 m)!
A burst of Armor Piercing grenades does 3D6xlO M.D. with an 8 foot (2.4 m) blast radius.
Rate of Fire: Standard. Range: 3000 feet (914 m).
Payload: 40 round magazine or 200 round belt!
Cost: 150,000 credits; availability.

Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fre all sx barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similart to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mecanry book page 107
[/b] [/u] Type:
[u] [b] Damage :
3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
notebonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds


Weapons systems
Light Boom gun from the GB:
need ploy need due to weight light rail gun similar to the boom gun 2d4x10 M.D.C, burst must use pylons 4d4x10 M.D.C, range 2 miles, payload 300 burst
CAN USED AS remote or manual turrets has weapon


Weapons systems
Bandit 6000 Grenade Launcher Knock Off
Weight: Gun: 40 Ibs (18 kg), plus the grenade drum, 20 (9 kg)—can be used with or without the drum (grenades must be hand loaded) Elite or special forces will have autoloader .
Mega-Damage: 5D6 M.D. per single round/grenade or 1d6x10M.D. per rapid-fire burst of two grenades fired one microsecond after the other. The damage is inflicted to everything in a 12 foot (3.6 m) radius.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or two simultaneous at the same target (counts as one melee action/attack).
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m)!
Payload: 12; an additional 50 grenades are packed into the ammo-drum. It takes one melee round (15 seconds) to reload the weapon by hand with 12 grenades (or one melee action to load two).
Bonus: Laser targeting and telescopic scope optional (6000 cr.).later heavy drum 40 weight 60 lds (27kg)
Cost: 30,000- credits for the gun, 50 credits per grenade. Good availability

Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
[/b] M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
[b] R.O.F:
burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: [b] 2000 S.D.C rounds, 3000 MDC rounds
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
[b] Damage:
1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three look above

Weapons systems any two fix Grenade Launcher any look above
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Mar 16, 2013 11:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs39/i/2008/ ... DoomER.jpg

http://tugodoomer.deviantart.com/art/As ... -103308541

artist comment Assault soviet suit оружие к осмотру

This suit all combat foot solider and water robot vehicle but also a space robot vehicle that was going to be tested in space. But it never happen this design was later made by the Russian core unit during the fall of one of Germany cities. They were about 200 unit of all made only 25 were lost, it become an icon and been add for either defense unit or escort combat vehicle. It also functions as brown water robot vehicle and blue water robot vehicle. Still if this reach the Russian space station and it can in rifts space (will tell you later).

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100 ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. . Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2) -A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 100 pounds
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!
18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds


Main body 200
NAAT OR NAME ONLY Main body primary force field240 force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 100 OTHER MODELS primary force field 240
Lower Arms (2) 160
Upper Legs (2) 100
Lower Legs (2) 160
Feet (2) 50
Head 100
Reinforce cockpit compartment:75
Generators 100

Height 6 feet
Length 4 feet
Depth 3 feet
Weight 1 TON EMPTY

Range: unlimited
Flying 50 MPH in space mach1 max
Running 2 to 25 M.P.H
water Operations :surface 120 MPH ,under water 20MPH, dept maxsium 4500 feet

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 30

Weapons systems summary pick two of three always
Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle
Type 5mm mini-gun or any hand handle beam weapon (times 10 payload ) and handle projectile systems ( payload time five )

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (takes two melee actions to reload after firing), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. The same design was kept but add a mini nuclear add to weight 100 pounds for cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble. No recoil when fire and can have an extended range which is love by many. the and finally addition to this heavy weapon systems is there variable laser systems but only N.A.A.T , N.A.M.E.S , N.A.T.O , Russian core unit and allied forces in A.M.C as well .
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Weight : 100 pounds standrad
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
Range: 3,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: 1 shot per E-Clip. Cost: 100,000 credits;
Weapon system: # A.T.L AKA anti-tank Variable heavy laser 8 this is similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: Unlimited
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities


Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fre all sx barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similart to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mecanry book page 107
Type: beam
Damage : 3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
notebonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds


Type 5mm mini-gun as its coax gun this a small but extreme rate of fire that does incredible amount of damage due to the extremely high rate fire in can fire S.D.C or M.D.C . And it carries an incredible amount of ammo which pilots love these weapon systems.
M.D.C rounds: 5d4 M.D.C control burst, 1d4x10 M.D.C short burst, 2d4x10 M.D.C medium burst , 1d6x10 M.D.C heavy 2d4x10 M.D.C long burst , 3d4x10 M.D.C extended burst
Can switch fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
S.D.C rounds : 4d8x10 S.D.C control burst, 2d4x10 S.D.C short burst, 3d4x10 S.D.C medium burst , 4d4x10 S.D.C heavy , 5d4x10 S.D.C long burst , 4d6x10 S.D.C extended burst
R.O.F: burst only, control burst 5 rounds , short burst 10 rounds, medium burst 15 rounds, heavy burst 20 round long burst , 30 rounds extended burst
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 2000 S.D.C, 3000
N.AA.T ONLY optional Heavy M.D.C Mini –gun Machinegun: pick one below
.30 calibers the following is third generation ammo call H.E.A.P or heavy explosive and armored piercing rounds
Damage: 1d4 M.D.C
Burst: 2d4 two round Burst, 3d4three round Burst, 4d4four round Burst. 5d4 Five round Burst,4d6 six round Burst, 4d8 eight round Burst, 1d4x10 for a 10 round Burst,2d4x10 for a 20 round Burst, 3d4x10 40 round Burst, 4d4xd10 60 round Burst , 5d4x10 for 120 burst ,5d8x10 for a 240 round burst

Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: time three

The following are Back up side arms PICK ONE ONLY
5.56 Assault Rifle.
7.62 mm Assault Rifle.
.30, 5.62, and 7.62 mm Light Machine-gun.
.50, 5.62, and 12.55 mm Light Machine-gun.
90mm Recoil less Rifle.
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Nice new European products. Are these available in North America?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Aramanthus wrote:Nice new European products. Are these available in North America?

so far no
due to this weapon systems will not be the same due the fact the coalition has not allowed and limited imports over the MD AK 47 series as a rebel weapon
it just this weapon alone was shared by mercenary ,later bandits , thieves , even magical user have adopted this weapon , retribution squads
have hit hard against coalition ( and the coalition have paid a heavy price in extremely solider to solider combat )
this weapon with all it defects it carries and been adopted by many D-Bee men of arms as very cheap and easy to make and use weapon platform
the A.M.C ,NAMES , Russian core ,N.G.R troops so far are allowed to use this weapon platform in North America , it a matter of time before it will flood the market as the best second rate weapon systems know to rifts earth , it been found in Europe , south America ,Africa, to the Pacific .
imports sell are limited for now till the black market get their hands on them standard knock off and a high class knock off . anyone else found with this MD AK 47 series are gun down on the spot if not notify first sometime they shot and don't ask questions if troops can get away with it !!! it seen as anti coalition weapon platform for
more on this when all Russian core troop have put out all of there their hardware
it been found as far as the mid west some how (hint hint ) and border of Mexico
just because of this alone import of all Russian hardware are limited for now and cheap to matain and use or repaired
well tell what you think ?
PLZ PLZ PLZ thank you
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Still nice new material. Keep it coming. We here at the "Federated States" will check out your companies equipment.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Aramanthus wrote:Still nice new material. Keep it coming. We here at the "Federated States" will check out your companies equipment.

why thank you
you will get 20% discount on all foot solider weapon systems , 25% on any land vehicles , and 15% on all robot vehicles . with 100% money back and service warranty on any product adding 10% discounts .Once the coalition in north amercia allows open market and non diplomatic action from NGR and other countries . you can get sample at no cost but give 5 to 10 weeks to delivery by other channels (hint hint ) for "Federated States "offical use only and must stay with in city limits
if interested reply via same coms alpha 32-9er 12 - CE one
end of transmission DICE Inc Europe division
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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You are very welcome. We would like your company to be responsible for the transportation of products purchased. We could provide security. We do not want any of the weapons and vehicles to fall into unscrupulous hands.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:You are very welcome. We would like your company to be responsible for the transportation of products purchased. We could provide security. We do not want any of the weapons and vehicles to fall into unscrupulous hands.

oh we can transport anywhere in North America ,but first how or what is your policy for via magic transportation(instant delivery ) ? we know the coalition view on magic ,or we can do standard way 4 to 10 weeks transport with our navy or via air fleet 48 hour for large orders . what is your view we working with NGR at this time can delivery but wish to avoid misunderstanding with over counter parts .
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 3aovzr.jpg
prototype walker tank

http://browse.deviantart.com/art/protot ... -199355895

The prototype walker tank I and II were supposed to replace tanks which were in the hundreds of thousands tanks crews in Europe , Kazakhstan ,Mongolia ,china , Finland , middle east border but it turns the Russian were still not that advance like the American or western empire ( they were third place at best and china was second ). At first the prototype walker tank one and two were a disaster, slow easy targets and the lost on men pilots that could have been used somewhere else. They were death traps to the enemy, troops that gave support and to the enemy. prototype walker tank were low in armored ,firepower , slow, and you can pick them of over 6000 feet and that was just one unit!!!!
All that change recent with walker as sold over the counter and keep walker II and main battle robot vehicle but Russian core with have both to choose from also the cost are very low for robot vehicle having all long to short range abilities. They been mass produce in Europe and South America but ten of thousands are waiting to be ship to North America.

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds

Main body 450
Main body front armored 800
Main body primary force field- 240,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 350
Lower Arms (2)350
Upper Legs (2)350
Lower Legs (2)350
Feet (2)175
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 150
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 200

Height18 FEET
Length13 FEET
Depth 17 FEET
Weight 45 TONS EMPTY

Range: unlimited
Flying N/A MPH
Running 35 mph
Walk 2 TO 12 MPH

Weapon systems summary

1. 20 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers 24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
2. Hand to hand: robotic P.S 40
3. Type: Heavy gauss cannon same as glitter boy gun but damage and no plyon need or number 4
4. Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns arms
5. WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower. arms( can have one in each arm
6. Weapons systems mini missiles or short range missiles medium range or long range misslies shoulder

Type: left or right arm pick one type of caliber 20 mm or 24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
Damage :
20 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

24.13 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6MD.
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.COR 10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst, 4d8 M.D three round burst, 1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst, 2d4x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10+8 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
Rate of Fire: Burst firing only.
Range: 3,000 feet (914.4 m).
Payload: Ammo belts or drums of 4,000 rounds. Each heavy manchinegun
Cost: 5,000 credits and up. Banned and highly illegal for private use in most settlements. Military issue.

Heavy M.D.C Machine-gun HAS 240 M.D.C EACH
the rate of fire can go up at cost of payload ,varies with recoil systems ,weight ,sights and user

mega damge Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Type: Heavy gauss cannon same as glitter boy gun but damage and no plyon need
Damage : : 3d4x10 per shot
Range: 1 mile
Rate of fire: : same as boom gun from giltter boy rail gun
Payload: : 300 shot canister no brust possible
Bonus: : weight 4 tons with rounds add 2 tons

OR :

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle or cannon or Heavy gauss cannon
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (at first ), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. The same design was kept but add a mini nuclear add to weight 100 pounds for cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble. No recoil when fire and can have an extended range which is love by many. the and finally addition to this heavy weapon systems is there variable laser systems but only N.A.A.T , N.A.M.E.S , N.A.T.O , Russian core unit and allied forces in A.M.C as well .
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Weight 100 pounds standard
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
Range: 3,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: gas turbine 100 shot robot per E-Clip. Cost: 100,000 credits; poor availability even in South America. Nuclear powered Unlimited

Weapon system: # A.T.L AKA anti-tank Variable heavy laser 8 this is similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: look above
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

OR :

Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fre all sx barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similart to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mecanry book page 107 [/b] [/u]
Damage : 3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
notebonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds or have a Heavy gauss cannon or Atl systems

WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower.
This fearsome weapon is the brainchild of a collaboration between Golden Age Weaponsmiths and
Wellington Industries. Golden Age researchers recognized the flamethrower as an ideal shock weapon, and Wellington researchers adapted normal plasma weapon systems to produce a short-ranged, but continuous
stream of Mega-Damage flames. A separate team working on the same project developed a form of plasma-based napalm that is used with another model of flamethrower (see the WI-NFT-1, below). Primarily a terror weapon, the flamethrower is also ideal for attacking certain monsters, lightly armored ground troops, vehicles, bunkers and other hardened positions.
Weight: 30 Ibs (13.5 kg) or 45 ibs (20 kg) with plasma tank.
• A short plasma burst does 3D6 M.D.
• A medium concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) does 1D4xlO+10 M.D. Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 10 feet (3.0 m) can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 2D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
• Heavy 2d4x10 M.D . Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 2 feet can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action, so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet/12.2 m); everybody in the area affected takes 4D6 M.D. Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
Range: 500 feet (152 m).
Payload: A plasma tank holds 300"shots." Cost: 30,000 credits. A plasma tank costs 1,200 credits and is disposable plasma burst

Weapons systems mini misslies or short range misslies medium range or long range misslies
Type misslies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or twos ,three or fours or sets of 4 , 8 ,12 16 and so on all counts as one attack
Payload:max weight 4 tons or 8000 pounds ( do the math)
Bonus:weight mini misslies 15 pounds each short range misslies 33 pounds each medium range 250 pounds each or long range misslies

Weapons systems rifle
Type Robot AK 47 series from 30 MM to 60 MM
Damage varies by round
Range 1000 to 6000 feet
Rate of fire: brust or aim shots
Payload:30n to 200 rounds
Bonus:by warhead type
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 3ap52x.jpg

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prototype walker tank v2

The prototype walker tank I and II were supposed to replace tanks which were in the hundreds of thousands tanks crews in Europe , Kazakhstan ,Mongolia ,china , Finland , middle east border but it turns the Russian were still not that advance like the American or western empire ( they were third place at best and china was second ). At first the prototype walker tank one and two were a disaster, slow easy targets and the lost on men pilots that could have been used somewhere else. They were death traps to the enemy, troops that gave support and to the enemy. prototype walker tank were low in armored ,firepower , slow, and you can pick them of over 6000 feet and that was just one unit!!!!
All that change recent with walker as sold over the counter and keep walker II and main battle robot vehicle but Russian core with have both to choose from also the cost are very low for robot vehicle having all long to short range abilities. They been mass produce in Europe and South America but ten of thousands are waiting to be ship to North America.

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds

Main body 700
Main body front armored 900
Main body primary force field- 240 ,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 950
Lower Arms (2)950
Upper Legs (2)950
Lower Legs (2) 950
Feet (2)240
Reinforce cockpit compartment:240
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 240
Height19 feet
Length30 feet fully extened
Depth 15 feet
Weight 45 ton empty

Range: unlimited
Flying N/A
Running 45 MPH
Walk 2 to 12 MPH
Cost as above

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 60

Weapons systems summuary
1. Heavy gauss cannon or Atl systems
2. MRM or LRM shouder systems shoulder mount
3. 60 MM or 90 mm Rapid cannon (left arm Hidden)
4. fix heavy grenade launcher (2)
5. upper armmini misslies systems (2)

shoulder mount
Weapons systems shoulder mount Heavy gauss cannon same as glitter boy gun but damage and no plyon need or ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle

Type: Heavy gauss cannon same as glitter boy gun but damage and no plyon need
Damage : : 3d4x10 per shot
Range: 1 mile
Rate of fire: : same as boom gun from giltter boy rail gun
Payload: : 300 shot canister no brust possible
Bonus: : weight 4 tons with rounds add 2 tons

ATL-7 Anti-Tank Laser Rifle or cannon or Heavy gauss cannon
This was a one-shot weapon that releases all the energies contained in a normal E-Clip in one single shot! The shortcomings of this powerful weapon are that it must be reloaded by hand (at first ), and that it's so heavy (the barrel is thick with insulation to protect against the heat) that it takes two normal humans to carry it (cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble). Also, they use up E-Clips so fast that only large organizations or wealthy characters can afford to equip themselves with it. The same design was kept but add a mini nuclear add to weight 100 pounds for cyborgs and power armor troopers can use it as a rifle without trouble. No recoil when fire and can have an extended range which is love by many. the and finally addition to this heavy weapon systems is there variable laser systems but only N.A.A.T , N.A.M.E.S , N.A.T.O , Russian core unit and allied forces in A.M.C as well .
3D6x 10+20 M.D. per shot!
Weight 100 pounds standard
Rate of Fire: Single shot only. Each shot empties an entire E-Clip!
Range: 3,000 feet (914 m)
Payload: gas turbine 100 shot robot per E-Clip. Cost: 100,000 credits; poor availability even in South America. Nuclear powered Unlimited
Weapon system: # A.T.L AKA anti-tank Variable heavy laser 8
this is similar to ATL anti-tank-7 for infantry use found in South America.
Damage: 6d6 X10
Range: 3 miles
Rate of fire: hand to hand only
Payload: look above
Bonus: take 1d4 attacks to Identify robot or Mecha with reflection abilities

Weapons systems
short range misslies medium range or long range misslies 1 to 2 tons each misslies !!!!
Type misslies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or twos ,three or fours or sets of 4 , 8 ,12 16 and so on all counts as one attack
Payload:max weight 4 tons or 8000 pounds ( do the math)
Bonus:weight short range misslies 33 pounds each medium range 250 pounds each or long range misslies

Weapons systems fix heavy grenade launcher

40 mm Grenade Launcher.
An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters).
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance: 5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Rate of Fire: Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round First generation Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades

Weapons systems
these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds
this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
2 generation rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
5d10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius 10 feet
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system

40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m). direct fire ,indirevct fire 6000 feet
Payload: Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use. Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 500 M.D. grenades shots. 500 S.D.C. grenade launcher, 500 non lethal . grenade launcher each flares ,tear gas and smoke (color), infrared grenade launcher
1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.

40 mm Grenade Launcher.
An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters).
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance: 5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Rate of Fire: Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round First generation Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
2 generation rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. - 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m).
Payload: Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use. Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots.
Cost: 1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.

Weapons systems 90 MM or 66 MM heavy Vulcan gun
Note : rate of fire Three round brust Or Six round brust

66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW).
By the time of the Rifts,these weapons had largely been phased out on the modern battlefield, instead finding a niche among terrorists, revolutionaries and the occasional criminal. This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .

Weight: 5.2 Ib (2.34 kg).
Ordnance S.D.C.: 1D4xlO or 1D6xlO S.D.C. to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D6 M.D. or 3d6 M.D
First generation weapons systems 3d4x10 SDC
Three round brust 4d6x10 SDC
Six round brust 6D6X10 SDC

2 generation standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). -6d6.D( max damage 36 ) blast radius
Three round brust 9D6 OR 1D6X10 MD
Six round brust 4D4X10 MD

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
Three round brust 3D4X10MD
Six round brust 4D6X10 MD

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
Three round brust 4D6X10
Six round brust 6D8X10

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
Three round brust 6D8X10 MD
Six round brust
Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D10X10
Three round brust 5d6 x 10
Six round brust 10d6x10

type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round rounds bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rateof Fire: Aimed fire or mini gun brust
Range: 1,000 feet (305 m).
Payload: Use once and discard.
Cost: [b]
2,000-2,500 credits for S.D.C. LAWs, 15,000 credits for M.D. version.
Fair to poor availability. Illegal in most communities. Rocket Launcher. Sometimes called the "super bazooka," this was commonly used against armored fighting vehicles and fortified bunkers. In the anarchy and civil wars worldwide shortly before the Coming of the Rifts, devices such as these wrought utter havoc in the cities of the world.
[b] Weight:
12 Ibs (5.4 kg). S.D.C. Ordnance: 2D4xlO or
2D6xlO S.D.C. to a 30 foot (9 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 or 3D6 M.D. depending on the rocket to a 40 foot (12 m) area. This first generation MDC rounds

Three round brust 6d6 0r 9d6
Six round brust 9d6 or 1d10x10+8

Mega-Damage: 66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D6 M.D. First generation weapons systems
2 generation standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). -6d6.D( max damage 36 ) blast radius
Three round brust 1d10x10+9
Six round brust 5d4x10 +16

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1d4x10/ 4d10 M.D (max damage 40)
Three round brust 3d4x10
Six round brust 4d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 2d4x10 ( max damage 80)
Three round brust 4d6x10
Six round brust 4d8x10

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 4D4X10M.D=160 M.D
Three round brust 4d8x10
Six round brust 10d6x10

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!!
66mm Light Antitank Weapon (LAW). 1D10X10
Three round brust 5d6x10
Six round brust 10d6x10

type Rounds
light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds
(S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds
add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma
same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire:
Aimed fire
Three round brust
Six round brust
Up to one mile (1.6 km).
Payload: From one to six shots. Single-shot rocket launchers are most common for infantry;
multiple-shot launchers were usually vehicle-mounted.
Bonuses: Those with a special guidance systems (laser targeting) are +3 to strike. Some
of these had attached 9mm spotting guns that fired single tracer roundsto help aim the weapon (tracer rounds identical to a 9mm automatic pistol, only with triple the range). When using a spotter gun, if the spotter round hits, and the gunner fires the rocket at the exact spot, +2 bonus to strike with this system.
Rifts earth
Damage: 9mm automatic pistol
1d10 X10 S.D.C OR 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst
Payload rifts earth 200 rounds
Cost: 2,000-5,000 credits for S.D.C rocket launchers, 30,000-40,000 for M.D.
launchers without guidance system, 8,000+ for guidance system. Fair availability. Banned and illegalin most civilized communities.
9mm automatic pistol bonus look below
Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15


90mm Recoil Rifle.

These were older version of the rocket launcher. Like the LAW, it no longer had a place on the modern battlefield
by the Coming of the Rifts, except for certain third world hot spots where these venerable weapons kept busy. This applies to western tech and old N.A.T.O , and to N.A.A.T,N.A.M.E.S and old US armed forces .

Weight: 35 Ibs (16 kg)unloaded.
S.D.C. Ordinance: 1d4xlO S.D.C. to a 20 foot (6 m) area.
Three round brust
Six round brust

First generation Mega-Damage: 2D6 to a 40 foot (12 m) area.
2 generation standard rounds Mega-Damage:
90mm Recoil Rifle L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
90mm Recoil Rifle. 1D6X10( max damage 60 ) blast radius
Three round brust 3d6x10
Six round brust 6d6x10

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
90mm Recoil Rifle. 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
Three round brust 4d6x10 MD
Six round brust 8d6x10

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
90mm Recoil Rifle. 4d4x10 ( max damage 160)
Three round brust 6d8x10
Six round brust not possible

90mm Recoil Rifle."cartridge" energy weapon system
90mm Recoil Rifle. 5D6X10 M.D = 300 M.D
Three round brust not possible
Six round brust not possible

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
90mm Recoil Rifle.hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS

This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
90mm Recoil Rifle 4D4X10
Three round brust 6d8x10
Six round brust not possible

type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!! a Three round brust So 3d4x10 does 5d4 for 3d4 melees so that 5d4x 3 to 4 melee per round
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: Aimed fireonly, but can only be fired once per minute (four melee rounds). If fired
continuously for 10 minutes in a row, a 15 minute cooling off period must be observed, or the next shot will explode the weapon.
1,200 feet (365.8 m).
Payload: Single shot, basically the rocket launcher version of the bolt-action or muzzle-loading rifle. Heavy vuclan gun 300 rounds for both 66MM OR 90 MM
2,000-6,000 credits for S.D.C. types; 25,000 to 35,000 for M.D. Rifles.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... DoomER.jpg
Tank-golem's attack

http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... DoomER.jpg
two version were back in the gold en age of man during the Russian military they were not the best .however the new technology in rifts earth 300 years has allowed to bring back this old beast and can hold it own . against just about anything with support of course . still cheap easy to make and can add a drone software if need be . it love in Europe, later in south America and will land in north America but not yet. still both designs allow to sell either or other.
http://tugodoomer.deviantart.com/art/ta ... -159425260

artist comment :
SAI speedart
Демонессы плутали в недрах базы машин и танк-голему не оставалось ничего другого как вести бой, уводя противника от гланых ворот... Казалось в голема вселился дух разрушения, почти не прекращаясь обрушивался стальной шквал на корпуса несчастных агроботов и универсалов... Бой продолжается.
in english now :
Demoness strayed into the bowels of the base machine and tank golem had no choice but to fight, taking the enemy from Glan gate ... It seemed the golem possessed the spirit of destruction, almost ceasing attacked by a barrage of steel casing accidents agrobotov and touring ... The fight continues.

http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... DoomER.jpg
There are two type of tank golem and will be seen as second class robot, one heavy close combat robot vehicle to medium range .this robot vehicle is in the front combat , 80 MM cannon to 110 MM cannon ,one heavy 20 MM cannon Vulcan gun to 50 MM cannon Vulcan gun,. Pilot heavy machine gun, plasma torched weapon systems in left palm, drier/pilot controlled. Top optional weapon turret .side mounted heavy machine gun in main turret. The last weapon systems is two spot light to blind target or cook them if need be.
http://browse.deviantart.com/#/art/Tank ... 93187?hf=1
The second tank golem has no main turret but can have an optional weapon turret. two arm light medium to long range light PPC or particle beam cannon, short range missiles systems, medium range as well and mini missiles ,it has two side hidden heavy mounted machine guns ,as it final weapon loud out . Each work fine good to ok armored, however still seen as a second class robot vehicles in NGR and other power bloc in rifts earth. However it a god send to minor powered bloc in rifts earth founded in Europe, the Soviet Union to south, and North America.

1. Radar: 5 miles or 45 miles Weight add: 1 to 2 tons
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional
7. Ejection systems: 1 ton add
8. N.A.A.T ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths
9. Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot and crew compartment
11. N.A.A.T ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike
12. Nuclear powered N.A.A.T Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max
13. N.A.AT Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points
14. N.A.A.T ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 250 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 100 M.D.C and third hit 95 M.D.C and the firth hit 90 and so on.
15. Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shield Male pilots get this at third level
16. Basic EVA systems (back up)
17. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting

M.D.C Tank-golem1

Main turret 240
Main gun 125
Side gun 75
Optional turret on top 50 to 150
Arms(2) 250
Extra Arms plating (2) 125 or 140
Main body 550
Lower armed cover (2)125 or 140
Legs upper section (2) 275
Legs lower section (2) 250
Extra legs plating (2) 125 or 140

M.D.C Tank-golem 2

Side gun (2)75
Optional turret on top 50 to 150
Arms(2) 250
Extra Arms plating (2) 125 or 140
Main body 550
Lower armed cover (2)125 or 140
Legs upper section (2) 275
Legs lower section (2) 250
Extra legs plating (2) 125 or 140

stats Tank-golem1
height 35 feet
length 17 feet (adding main gun)
width 15 feet
weight 20 tons empty

stats Tank-golem 2
height 29 feet
length16 feet
width 17 feet (due arms weapon systems )
weight 22 tons empty

Weapons systems summary tank golem (the one looks a tank with legs )

• First generation rounds 100 MM cannon or 120MM cannon main gun for allies
• Second generation 80 MM cannon to 110 MM cannon main forces
• one robot Vulcan heavy 20 MM cannon vuclan gun to 50 MM cannon vuclan gun
• polits heavy M.D And S.D.C machine gun ,
• plasma troched weapon systems
• optional weapon tuerret

Weapons systems summary The second tank golem

• two light PPC particale beam
• short range misslies systems, mediumrange as well and mini misslies
• two hidden heavy machine guns

type: pick one one or dual barrel same typew of tank rifle caliber rounds 80 MM cannon to 110 MM cannon
Weight: built in systems
Slug rounds only
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds
this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B
100 MM cannon heat round DAMAGE 1d4x10 M.D.C , 2d4x10M.D Two round burst, 3d4x10M.D three round burst, 4d4x10 M.D four round burst,5d4x10 M.D five round burst, 4d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d8x10 M.D eight round burst, 5d8x10 M.D ten round burst ,

120MM cannon heat round [/b] DAMAGE 1d6x10 M.D.C , 2d6x10M.D Two round burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round burst, 4d6x10 M.D four round burst,5d6x10 M.D five round burst, 6d6x10 MD six round burst, 8d6x10 M.D eight round burst, 9d6x10M.D nine round burst

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds

L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
80 - 89 mm -5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10x10 M.D Two round burst,

90 -99 mm -1D6X10( max damage 60 ) blast radius
2D6X10 M.D Two round burst,
100 - 110 mm -2D4X10 M.D( max damage 80) blast radius
4D4X10 M.D Two round burst,

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
80 - 89 mm -1d6x10 M.D (max damage 60 )
2d6x10M.D Two round burst,

90 -99 mm- 2d4x10 (max damage 80)
4d4X10 M.D Two round burst,

100 - 110 mm -1d10x10 M.D (max damage 100)
5d4x10 M.D Two round burst

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
80 - 89 mm -2d6x10( max damage 120 )
4D6X10 M.D Two round burst,

90 -99 mm -4d4x10 ( max damage 160)
4D8X10 M.D Two round burst,

100 - 110 mm -3d6x10 M.D( max damage 180)
6d6x10 M.D Two round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
single shot only
80 TO 89 MM 4D6X10 M.D =240 M.D
90 TO 99 MM 5D6X10 M.D = 300 M.D
100 TO 110 MM 6D6X10 M.D = 360 M.D

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS

This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot only.
70MM 3D4X10
90MM 4D4X10
100 MM 3D6X10
110 MM 5D4X10M.D
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Rate of Fire: single shot 0r Burst
Effective Range: 2 miles
Note: look at type of rounds
Payload: 200 rounds

type one heavy 20 MM cannon Vulcan gun to 50 MM cannon Vulcan gun pick one
Weight: 300 pounds empty and ammo 5 tons
Mega-Damage: pick one type of caliber
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market

First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B [/color]
20 MM cannon DAMAGE 3d4+2 M.D.C ,
4d6+4 M.D Two round burst, 1d4x10+2 M.D three round burst, 5d10+6 M.D four round burst,1d6x10+10 M.D five round burst, 2d410+4MD six round burst, 1d10
+12 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10+6 M.D nine round burst , 3d4x10
+20 M.D ten round burst ,4d6x10+40 M.D twenty round burst ,

30 MM cannon [DAMAGE 5d6 M.D.C , 1d6x10 M.D Two round burst, 3d6x10M.D three round burst, 4d6x10M.D four round burst,5d6x10 M.D five round burst,

40 MM cannon DAMAGE 6d6 M.D.C , 1d6x10+10 M.D Two round burst, 3d4x10 M.D three round burst, 4d4x10 M.D four round burst, 3d6x10 M.D five round burst, 5d8x10 MD six round burst,

50 MM cannon DAMAGE 5d10 M.D.C, 5d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round burst, 5d10x10 M.D five round burst,

2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds

L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
20 - 29 mm – 3d6 M.D ( max damage 18 ) blast radius
6D6 M.D Two round burst, 9D6 M.D three round burst, N/A M.D four round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, N/AMD six round burst, N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 3D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 6D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 9D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, N/A fourth round burst

30 - 39 mm-5d4 M.D( max damage 20) blast radius
1D4X10 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10 M.D three round burst, 2D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D10X10 M.D five round burst, 2D6X10 MD six round burst, 4D4X10 M.D eight round burst, 3D6X10 M.D nine round burst , 5D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,5D8X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X100 OR 10D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X100 fourth round burst

40 - 49 mm -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 0 M.D ten round burst , 8D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , N/A M.D thirty round burst, N/A fourth round burst

50 - 59 mm -5d6 MD( max damage 30 ) blast radius
1D6X10 M.D Two round burst,2D4X120+10 M.D three round burst,2D6X10 M.D four round burst, 3D4X10+30 M.D five round burst, 3D6X10 MD six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X100+100 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X100 fourth round burst

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius

20 - 29 mm -5d4 M.D (max damage 20)
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10M.D ten round burst ,1d4x100 M.D twenty round burst , M.D thirty round burst, fourth round burst

30 - 39 mm -4d6 M.D (max damage 24)
8d6 M.D 1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, N/A M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A M.D six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 8D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,12D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, N/A M.D fourth round burst

40 - 49 mm -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X100 M.D twenty round burst , 2D6X100 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X100 M.D fourth round burst

50 - 59 mm -6d6 MD (max damage 36)
N/A M.D Two round burst, , 1D10X10 +8 M.D three round burst, N/A M.D four round burst, 3D6X10M.D five round burst, N/A M.D six round burst, N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst ,6D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,12D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , N/A M.D thirty round burst, N/A M.D fourth round burst

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius

20 - 29 mm- 6d6 MD( max damage 36 )
1D6X10+12 M.D Two round burst, 1D10X10+8 M.D three round burst, N/A M.D four round burst, 3D6X10 M.D five round burst, 5D4X10+16 MD six round burst, N/A M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 6D6X10M.D ten round burst ,12D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , N/A M.D thirty round burst, N/A fourth round burst

30 - 39 mm -1d4x10 M.D( max damage 40 )
2D4X10 M.D Two round burst, 3D4X10 M.D three round burst, 4D4DX10M.D four round burst, 5D4X10 M.D five round burst, 4D6X10 MD six round burst, 4D8X10 M.D eight round burst, 6D6X10 M.D nine round burst , 5D8X10 M.D OR 1D4X100 M.D ten round burst , 2D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D6X100 M.D thirty round burst, 4D4X100 fourth round burst

40 - 49 mm- 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 1D4X10+100 M.D ten round burst ,1D10X100 M.D twenty round burst , N/A M.D thirty round burst, 2D10X100 fourth round burst

50 - 59 mm -1d6x10 MD( max damage 60 )
1D6X10( max damage 60 ) blast radius
2D6X10 M.D Two round burst, 3D6X10 M.D three round burst,4D6X10 M.D four round burst, 5D6X10M.D five round burst, 6D6X10 MD six round burst, 8D6X10 M.D eight round burst, 9D6X10 M.D nine round burst ,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system

20 MM 1d4x10=40 M.D M.D
2d4x10 Two round burst,3d4x10 M.D three round burst, 4d4x10 M.D four round burst, 5d4x10 M.D five round burst, 4d6x10 MD six round burst, 8d6x10 M.D eight round burst,

21 TO 29 MM 1D6X10 M.D=60 M.D, 2d6x10 M.D Two round burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round burst, 4d6x10 M.D four round burst, 5d6x10 M.D five round burst, 6d6x10 MD six round burst, 8d6x10 M.D eight round burst, 9d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,

30 TO 39 MM 1d4x10
2D4X10 M.D= 80 M.D M.D Two round burst, 4d4x10 M.D three round burst, M.D , 4d8x10 four round burst,

40 TO 49 MM 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D 5d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 5d8x10 M.D three round burst,

50 TO 59 MM 3D4X10 M.D OR 2D6X10 = 120 M.D , 4d6x10 M.D Two round burst, 8d6 x10

Third generation ram jet rail gun auto-cannon
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS

This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot -bursts later!!!! 20MM 1d4x10
30MM 5D10
1d10 x10M.D Two round burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round burst, 5d8x10 M.D four round burst, 5d10x10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x100 MD six round burst

40MM 1D6X10
1D6X10 M.D=60 M.D, 2d6x10 M.D Two round burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round burst, 4d6x10 M.D four round burst, 5d6x10 M.D five round burst, 6d6x10 MD six round burst, 8d6x10 M.D eight round burst, 9d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,

50MM 2D4X10 OR 1D8X10
2D4X10 M.D= 80 M.D M.D Two round burst, 4d4x10 M.D three round burst, M.D , 4d8x10 four round burst,

type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range: 5000 feet
Note: look above pick one type of round
Payload: 3000 rounds

Weapons systems laser Vulcan guns
this weapon consists of six rotating barrels laser cannon ,cycling through like a regular gating gun ,firing one rapid barrel ,or can fre all sx barrel doing a massive amount of fire it similart to Iron hammer main battle tank from from rifts mecanry book page 107
Damage :
3d4x10,only nuclear powered can fired all six barrel 6 will do 4d6x10+30
Range : 6000 feet
Rate of fire: hand to hand
Payload: nuclear powered unlimited any other 500 burst
notebonus /penalties : weight 12000 pounds, if you roll 2 to 4 will over heat and cool dwn in 1d4 melee or 15 x 4 seconds

this are frist gen tech Heavy M.D Machinegun: pick one below frist generation
.30 calibers
Damage: 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
R.O.F: burst only, short burst 5 rounds , medium burst 10 rounds, long burst 20 rounds
Range : 2000 feet
Payload: 800

.50 calibers this are frist gen tech
Damage: 3D6 short burst, 6D6 medium burst, 1D6X10 long burst
R.O.F: as above
Payload: as above
NOTE: N.A.A.T Multi-Optic (rifts main book page 231) range 2 miles add a second weapons systems like a grenade launcher, light or medium rail gun

Or [u][b]

[u][b] type: 12.7 mm lates tech

Mega-Damage: Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
100 SDC OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst, 1d4+1 M.D five round burst, 1D6 MD six round burst, 2d4 M.D eight round burst, 2d4+1 M.D nine round burst , 1d10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4 M.D twenty round burst , 5d6 M.D thirty round burst, 1D4X10 fourth round burst , 1d6x10 for sixty round , 2d4x10 for eighty round, 1d10x10 for one hundred round, 2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so
5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst, 2D4 M.D four round burst, 1D10 M.D five round burst, 2D6 MD six round burst, 4D4 M.D eight round burst, 3D6 M.D nine round burst , 5D4 M.D ten round burst , 1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst, 2D4+1 M.D three round burst, 3D4 M.D four round burst, 2D6+3 M.D five round burst, 3D6 MD six round burst,4D6 M.D eight round burst, 4D6+3M.D nine round burst , 5D6 M.D ten round burst , 1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst , 2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst, 2D6X10fourth round burst
5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst, 3d4 M.D three round burst, 4d4 M.D four round burst,5d4 M.D five round burst, 4d6 MD six round burst, 4d8 M.D eight round burst,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,1d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst , 2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on
5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst, 5D6 M.D three round burst, 1D4X10 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst, 1D6X10 MD six round burst, 2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst, 1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst, 5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on
1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst, 3D6 M.D three round burst,4D6 M.D four round burst, 5D6 M.D five round burst, 6D6 MD six round burst, 8D6 M.D eight round burst, 9D6 M.D nine round burst , 1D6X10M.D ten round burst , 2D6X10M.D twenty round burst , 3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst, 4D6 M.D three round burst, 4D8 M.D four round burst, 1D4X10 M.D five round burst, 1D4X10+8 MD six round burst, 8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst , 2D4X10 M.D ten round burst , 4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst , 4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst, 4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO
1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst, 5d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst, 1d6x10 MD six round burst, 2d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 1d10x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst
2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,6d6 M.D three round burst, 1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst, 1d6x10 M.D five round burst, 1d10x10 M.D eight round burst, 2d6x10 M.D ten round burst , 4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst , 6dx10 M.D thirty round burst, 8d6x10 fourth round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst, 1d6x10 M.D three round burst, 2d4x10 M.D four round burst, 1d10x10 M.D five round burst, 2d6x10 MD six round burst, 4d4x10 M.D eight round burst, 3d6x10 M.D nine round burst , 5d4x10 M.D ten round burst , 5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

Rate of Fire: burst
Effective Range: up to 3 miles
Note: look at type of round pick one
Payload: 3000 rounds

Bullets for high end M.D black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

WI-FT1 Plasma Flamethrower.
This fearsome weapon is the brainchild of a collaboration between Golden Age Weaponsmiths and
Wellington Industries. Golden Age researchers recognized the flamethrower as an ideal shock weapon, and Wellington researchers adapted normal plasma weapon systems to produce a short-ranged, but continuous
stream of Mega-Damage flames. A separate team working on the same project developed a form of plasma-based napalm that is used with another model of flamethrower (see the WI-NFT-1, below). Primarily
a terror weapon, the flamethrower is also ideal for attacking certain monsters, lightly armored ground troops, vehicles, bunkers and other hardened positions.
Weight: 30 Ibs (13.5 kg) or 45 ibs (20 kg) with plasma tank.
Mega-Damage: A short plasma burst does 3D6 M.D.
A concentrated plasma burst (counts as two attacks; 7 seconds) does 1D4xlO+10 M.D.
Or the attacker can cover an area with plasma: up to 10 feet (3.0 m) can be covered with each hand to hand melee attack/action,
so a character with four hand to hand attacks could cover an area or length of 40 feet everybody in the area affected takes 2D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Single shot or concentrated burst.
Range: 500 feet (152 m).
Payload: Standard E-Clip holds 8 bursts, a long E-Clip holds 16 plasma bursts. A plasma tank holds 100 "shots." Cost: 30,000 credits. A plasma tank costs 1,200 credits and is disposable.

type optional weapon turret pick one from below :
40 mm Grenade Launcher.
An incredibly common weapon used by infantry in the late modern age. Assault rifles commonly had single- shot grenade launchers fitted under the barrel, while multi-shot grenade
launchers were carried as a squad support weapon or mounted on vehicles (especially jeeps and helicopters).
Weight: 11 Ibs (.5 kg).
S.D.C. Ordnance: 5D6 points of damage to a 10 foot (3 m) area.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 or 2D6 M.D. depending on the type of grenade, to a 12 foot (3.6 m) area. Rate of Fire: Varies. Single-shot and certain magazine-fed grenade launchers are Aimed fire only.
M.D. launchers and rifles. This version is a prototype round First generation Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades
Weapons systems these weapon systems are sold to allies and open market
First generation rounds this single round fire for one cannon MAINLY THIS ONES WITH MODEL B

2 generation rounds

L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -4d6 M.D ( max damage 24) blast radius
1D4X10+8 M.D Two round burst, 1D6X10+12 M.D three round burst, 1D10X10 M.D four round burst,2D6X10 M.D five round burst, N/A MD six round burst, 5D4X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 4D6X10 M.D ten round burst
H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. -5d6 M.D (max damage 30)
1D6X10M.D Two round burst, 2D4X10+10 M.D three round burst, 2D6X10 M.D four round burst, N/A M.D five round burst, 3D6 X10 M.D six round burst, 4D6X10 M.D eight round burst, N/A M.D nine round burst , 5D6X10 M.D ten round burst ,
A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
40 mm Grenade Launcher. - 5d10 M.D( max damage 50 )
5D10 M.D( max damage 50 ) blast radius
1d10X10 M.D Two round burst, 4D4X10 M.D three round burst, 5D4X10 M.D four round burst, 4D6X10+10 M.D five round burst, 5D6X10 MD six round burst, 5D8X10 M.D eight round burst,
The "cartridge" energy weapon system
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D10X10 M.D=100 M.D
5d4x10 M.D Two round Burst, 5d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 5d8x10 M.D four round Burst ,
Third generation ram jet 40 mm Grenade Launcher
hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot
40 mm Grenade Launcher. 1D6X10 M.D
2d6x10 M.D Two round Burst, 3d6x10 M.D three round Burst , 4d6x10 M.D four round Burst , 5d6x10M.D five round Burst ,
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!
Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Rate of Fire: are Burst firing only.
1,200 feet (365.7 m).
Payload: Many carried a single shot and had to be reloaded after each use. Multi-shot grenade launchers used magazines, belts or drums ranging from 6 shots to 100 shots.
Cost: 1200 credits for a single-shot S.D.C. grenade launcher, 4,000-6,000 credits for multi-shot rifles, and 18,000-24,000 for M.D. launchers and rifles. 1D6 M.D. grenades cost 275 credits, 2D6 M.D. grenades cost 550 credits.
All are banned and illegal in most civilized communities.

Weapons systems summary The second tank golem

Weapons systems
type: x2 optional top turret heavy machine gun or Grenade launcher

Weight: look above
Mega-Damage: look above
Rate of Fire: look above
Effective Range: look above
Note: look above
Payload look above : [/u

[u] type: two light PPC particale beam

Weight: 450 pounds each
Mega-Damage: 5d10+25 each
Rate of Fire: single blast equl to hasd and robot add as well
Effective Range: 10,0000 feet
Note: look at NGR book lighting rod weapon page number 128 ,weapon systems # 1
Payload: unlimited

type: short range misslies systems, medium range as well and mini misslies [/color]
short range misslies systems, 33 pounds each
medium range systems 100 to 250 pounds each
mini misslies 15 pounds each

Mega-Damage: varies
Rate of Fire: can not fire all misslies , only the same type
Effective Range: varies
short range misslies , 48 total
medium range , 24 total 48
mini misslies , 98 total 106
weight you do the math

type: two hidden heavy machine guns look above frist gernertion or lasted mechine gun [/color]
Weight: look above
Mega-Damage: look above
Rate of Fire: look above
Effective Range: look above
Note: look above
Payload look above :

type: add techno wizard tech abilities varies two offensive and two defensive and a fifth option [/color]

Weight: look above
Mega-Damage: look above
Rate of Fire: look above
Effective Range: look above
Note: look above
Payload look above :
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those are some cool golems. I like them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:Those are some cool golems. I like them.

THANK YOU I am humble wow thanks
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

You are very welcome.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:You are very welcome.

sorry for the error and misspelling
every time i think i got right with no error BOMB there another
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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artist comment encil , 3 hours Motorised Support Armor\
We called him Maximovich; the nazis, at the other hand, named him "the motorised death"

http://th05.deviantart.net/fs41/PRE/i/2 ... DoomER.jpg
MSA Maximovich

http://browse.deviantart.com/art/MSA-Ma ... -112345272
The MSA Maximovich/Motorised Support Armor trooper are two version it seem the more machine you put the better it gets . that was the theory and guess what they were right , the word suppression fire is no joke here even N.A.A.T Robot Pilots wanted it badly in north amerce some ( a good amount 25% transfer just to ride this vehicles). This has help N.A.A.T /N.A.M.E.S stay under the radar in north America . and many N.A.A.T Robot Pilots have more then one personnel own by them for making so many kills in a matter of weeks!!! Even the Russian core troops want to own (which are allowed too). NGR are shook of what they can do and are thing of coping of one by replacing rail guns which can be done . cheap easy to repaired is also a plus !!!

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range x2 in chest area 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Rate of fire : one or 2 or more any amount burst any counts as one auto attack!!!
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
can energy flares payload unlimited but NAAT OR NAMES only

17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R system able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds


Main body 250
Main body primary force field-240 force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 175
Lower Arms (2)175
Upper Legs (2)190
Lower Legs (2)100
Feet (2)80
Head 175
Reinforce cockpit compartment:none
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100(1)
Height 9 feet
Length 4 feet
Width 6 feet
Weight 2000 pounds empty
cost 1 to 2 million russian ,NAAT or NAMES ONLY
Range: unlimited
Flying 200 MPH Max ceiling 900 feet
Running 125 MPH
Walk 2 TO 12 mph

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 35

The following are first generation weapon systems
Heavy M.D Machine gun (x2)
.30 calibers
Damage: first generation systems
the following is just one machine firing
Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
standard MDC :4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
heavy MDC burst 5d8 (1d4x10)MD short burst, 5d10+2 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst
Range :3 miles
R.O.F :
standard MDC burst only, 5 rounds per machine gun short burst, 10 rounds per machine gun short burst, medium burst, 20 rounds per machine gun long burst
heavy MDC burst twice the amount
Payload 500 in each machine gun plus 1000 standard rounds total 4500 rounds!!!!reload in 15 seconds !!!!
note :
Type of M.D.C Materials
Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. Note this is for EACH machine gun firing!!!

1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: ` Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

http://th03.deviantart.net/fs36/PRE/f/2 ... DoomER.jpg
artist comment 1943 year east frontSoviet armoured trooper

http://tugodoomer.deviantart.com/art/So ... r-96820621

The Soviet armoured trooper it seem the more machine you put the better it gets . that was the theory and guess what they were right , the word suppression fire is no joke here even N.A.A.T Robot Pilots wanted it badly in north amerce some ( a good amount 25% transfer just to ride this vehicles). This has help N.A.A.T /N.A.M.E.S stay under the radar in north America . and many N.A.A.T Robot Pilots have more then one personnel own by them for making so many kills in a matter of weeks!!! Even the Russian core troops want to own (which are allowed too). NGR are shook of what they can do and are thing of coping of one by replacing rail guns which can be done . cheap easy to repaired is also a plus !!!

N.A.A.T Robot Pilots
Many Mercenaries said it was a myth, to the coalition it was a joke. But that in the North American war call the coalition wars, and there attacks are to be afraid. They have seen to attack up three targets, there tactics are simple hit two target gun , will waiting to hit the third target with missiles systems with mini-missiles , short range missiles , medium range missiles to long range missiles. When first seem in action it man many mercenaries to the coalition Robot pilots see then as special forces anti amour / robot fighter .That was a mouth full , and frozen many pilots know that fought against the deck , this was a terror to any heavy Mecha , robots , power amour even techno – wizards are afraid in combat. But something was also learn the hard way they will fight of groups of three to six and hen a target is disable , or surrender , they go to the next target. Later many are learn by a barrel of a Mecha gun or rail gun there several types of robot elites. They will take any advantage in the fog of war, even if cost there lives. They have take target take more powerful like dragons, to large mercenaries company and have come on (but heavy damage). Something that is common to the Robot Elite’s Pilots is that they don’t show of or get cocky disputation. They will act like a regular robot pilot, and will only show what the do in combat. They saying is” action specks louder than words” and keep there principles. This has confuse many robot pilots, they are taught but are gentleman at all times, and something different from other man at arm they dress very well and have been identify for there well matter and dress very well which has help their appearance and other situation.

All get the folllowing 1d4x10%+10%

Language Native 88%+1 per level
Literacy Native 40+5% per Level
Math basic /advance 45%+5% per level
Camouflage 20%+5% per level
Radio basic 45%+5%
Navigation: Land, Air, Water 40%+5% per level
Weapon stsems 40%+5% per level
Sensory Equipment 30%+5%
Sign Language 25%+5% per level
Wardrobe and grooming 50%+4% per level

Pick one MOS
M.O.S ground robot only
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pilot 4 ground mecha (single seater) all (4) robot combat elite
Robot comba absic (land only)
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
Hand to hand expert
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S Air /light
Pilot 3 flying mecha (single seater) any fllyrobot combat elite pick two any land vehicles
Force march
Hand to hand expert
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapons

M.O.S Sea
Pilot 2 sea mecha (single seater) all robot combat elite
Swimming 50%+5% per level
SCUBA 50%+5% per level
Hand to hand expert
W.P harpoon & Spear Gun
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol

M.O.S Giant/heavy
Pilot 3 giant/ robot combat elite
Wilderness survival 30%+5% per level
Pick two any land vehicles
Force march
Hand to hand expert
W.P handguns
W.P energy pistol
W.P Heavy Military weapons
W.P Heavy M.D weapon

OCC related skills 6 and add 1 at level 3,6,8,10,15 (ADD 5d6%)

Communications: any +15%
Cowboy: general only +15% land or air only
Domestic: any
Electrical: None
Espionage: any
Mechanical: any
Medical: None
Military: any
Physical: any
Pilot: buy MOS only the same with Vechles
Pilot Related: any
Rogue: any
Science: None
Technical: any
W.P: any
Wilderness: MOS land or MOS air are allowed
Secondary Skills 10

NOTE All get the following :
Modify there Mecha(s)/robot(s) if they don’t have a weapon system on both sides in forearms , shoulder and hips, or backs as well in wing add 100 M.D.C To Main body and to arms , legs ,head, and to reinforce cockpit compartment and to main wings ( fins) add a NGR force felid of 100 MDC recover in 24 hour if depleted ,if not depleted recovers 10 MDC PER 30 minutes
Abilities All get the following:
if they stay in their filed of MOS and have to pilot a robot different, they get only +1 to all and wepons traimg.Howvevr if get on air to grionf MOS they-3 to all .they will not blcak out, get dizzy, or loss sence of direction (where up or down).Immnue to all type unknown mecha or techno mecha related.Will any do thing to imprved combat ablities evn use magic up geardeds and know lastest mecha in their fild of MOS. They aslo get the following. Each MOS get certin abilites which is as follows. Must have a cider jack to do the following
Abilities All get the following:
Add+ 2to P.P, P.S, P.E, M.E, All get the following (this is their tarde mark) able to attck two targets and a third target in one attack. this how it work any wapon sytem that is direct line of sight can fire at tow different at the same time but divided it srtike rolls, the thrid attck cmoes from in direct attcks it misslies systems lock on to the thrid target no penaties on the (that why no one wants to be last) add 2 attacks .and a horror facror /awe 8 add 1 level 3, 6, 9, 12, at level 15 add 1d4+1 who know what he is N.A.A.T Robot Elite’s Pilots .
Abilities All get the following: able shoot rail gun or any projectile at 50% furthered and missiles only
Abilities All get the following: Battle rage add another +2 attacks , strike (all type),add +1d4+1 to horror factor , -2 to dodge , roll ,parry, add speed to Mecha 50% for 1d20 minutes , Add Mecha take 2d4x10 damages to legs for non flying Mecha , for flying or sea Mecha damage does to propulsion systems
7. M.O.S ground robot / M.O.S ground robot only
Add +2 stike or parry, can make pwer move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs ,due to push mecha beyond it limtes
8. M.O.S Air /light the face saying “death from above “
if shoting at the head add +3 tostrke or on call shots add+2, add +2 to dodge in the air only, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodgeand any other add Bounes ,make surpres attck from they air +3 innicitive( must be decalred buy player) can make pwer move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs ,due to push mecha beyond it limtes
9. M.O.S Sea
Add +2 stike or parry, can make pwer move a 30% faster, but mecha take 6d6MDC damage in legs and porpution systems due to push mecha beyond it limtes , sea attack up and go back in the water must have at leasst 12 feet deep+3 to strke or on a call shots add+2, if pilot has a P.P 19 or higher they + 2 auto dodge add Bounes must be in the water ,make surpres attck from they sea +3 innicitive( must be decalred buy player),
• female pilot Requirement :cyber jack and three favorite robots giant and three man size by MOS roll 1d10
1. get to piack 1d4 of the following
2. add + 1d4 to P.P in robot only or add +1d8 initiative in robot only ,
3. or add 4 attacks in robot only ,
4. or add +1d4 strike at range in robot only
5. or add +1d4 strike hand to hand in robot only
6. or get 1d6+1 to dodge in robot only,
7. +8 to roll but must have
8. add + 1d4 to parry in robot only
9. perception add+1d8 in robot only
10. get all

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +3 auto cannon ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range x2 in chest area 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot or crew compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolent Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Rate of fire : one or 2 or more any amount burst any counts as one auto attack!!!
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
can energy flares payload unlimited but NAAT OR NAMES only

17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

18. This the can be heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R system able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds


Main body 250
Main body primary force field- 240,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 175
Lower Arms (2) 125
Upper Legs (2)190
Lower Legs (2)190
Feet (2)110
Head Face plate main body 100 to 240
Reinforce cockpit compartment:
N.A.A.T primary force field 600, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 100

Height 8 feet
Length 4feet
Depth 5 feet
Weight 1000 pounds empty with no ammo or manchine guns

Range: unlimited
Flying 25 MPH max height 150 feet
Running 100MPH
Walk 2 to 12 MPH

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 30

Weapons systems 8 heavy machine guns

The following are frist generation weapon systems
Heavy M.D Machinegun (total x8)
.30 calibers
Damage: first generation systems Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
one Machinegun Firing 4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst

Two Machinegun Firing 5d8 (1d4x10)MD short burst, 5d10+2 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst

Three Machinegun firing 1d4x10+8(1d4x10+8) MD short burst, 2D4X10 medium burst, 3d4x10 long burst

Four Machinegun Firing 1D6X10+4 short burst, 1d10x10 +4 medium burst, 4d4x10 long burst

Five Machinegun Firing 2d4x10 short burst, 2d6x10+10 medium burst, 5d4x10 long burst

Six Machinegun Firing 1d10x10 short burst, 4d4x10 medium burst, 4d6x10 long burst

seven (all) Machinegun Firing 5d4x10 short burst, 8d8x10 medium burst, 8d6x10 long burst

eight (all) Machinegun Firing 5d8x10 short burst, no possible due to recoil medium burst no possible due to recoil long burst
Range : 3 miles
burst only, one machine gun burst to 8 machine gun burst counts as one attack

one Machinegun Firing
5 rounds machine gun short burst,
10 rounds machine medium burst,
20 rounds machine gun long burst

Two Machinegun Firing
10 rounds machine gun short burst,
20 rounds machine medium burst,
40 rounds machine gun long burst

Three Machinegun firing
15 rounds machine gun short burst,
30 rounds machine medium burst,
60 rounds machine gun long burst

Four Machinegun Firing
20 rounds machine gun short burst,
40 rounds machine medium burst,
80 rounds machine gun long burst

Five Machinegun Firing
25 rounds machine gun short burst,
50 rounds machine medium burst,
100 rounds machine gun long burst

Six Machinegun Firing
30 rounds machine gun short burst,
60 rounds machine medium burst,
120 rounds machine gun long burst

seven (all) Machinegun Firing
35 rounds machine gun short burst,
70 rounds machine medium burst,
140 rounds machine gun long burst

eight (all) Machinegun Firing
40 rounds machine gun short burst,
80 rounds machine medium burst,
150 rounds machine gun long burst

Payload 500 in each manchine gun plus 4500 standrad rounds total 8500 rounds!!!!reload in 15 seconds !!!!

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. Note this is for EACH machine gun firing!!!

1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetrator portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. L.E.A.P light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natraul 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round
Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and in night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15
Last edited by ZINO on Wed Apr 10, 2013 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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wow 19295 view can U plz
i am on my knees post a reply thank you
tell what you guys think
good or not hit on the head this
thank you for your view
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like the new entries.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like the new entries.

thanks which one you like the most and which oneYou never use Aramanthus
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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ZINO wrote:
Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like the new entries.

thanks which one you like the most and which one You never use Aramanthus

Great postings. Do more when you have time.

which one You never use

The ones you did not write up, for us to use. :D
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Alrik Vas »

Cool ideas, just like on the CE forum. Love the art too.
Mark Hall wrote:Y'all seem to assume that Palladium books are written with the same exacting precision with which they are analyzed. I think that is... ambitious.

Talk from the Edge: Operation Dead Lift, Operation Reload, Operation Human Devil, Operation Handshake, Operation Windfall 1, Operation Windfall 2, Operation Sniper Wolf, Operation Natural 20
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by Aramanthus »

Actually those creations of yours are for Europe. My campaign is located in NA. At least when it doesn't wander off to Phase on which one I like the best. I think they are World. I would have to think on it.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by jaymz »

As usual nicely done even if i won't use them for the most part :)
I am very opinionated. Yes I rub people the wrong way but at the end of the day I just enjoy good hard discussion and will gladly walk away agreeing to not agree :D

Email - jlaflamme7521@hotmail.com, Facebook - Jaymz LaFlamme, Robotech.com - Icerzone

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like the new entries.
The ones you did not write up, for us to use. :D

OMG if you only knew what I have and cannot post or will not post man on line !!! :demon:
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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when I feel a little better (soon) will post some new items
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Get better. We can wait to see your new material.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:Get better. We can wait to see your new material.

thank you
Aramanthus have stop for now maybe friday i almost there getting better
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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How are you doing? I hope you are getting better.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

Aramanthus wrote:How are you doing? I hope you are getting better.

thank you will post something now
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://browse.deviantart.com/art/heavy- ... -189691263

http://th04.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2 ... 34xqpr.jpg
heavy soviet marine v2
This heavy soviet marine v2 is the best air to ground and air to air over the shelf, power suit in combat. It cheap easy to mass production and even the weapon systems. Simple easy to make and pilots .it will be love for repairs in the field of combat , fire power , and hated due to cost . For every fly power suit made by the NGR, three are made, while for every Smiling jack, 6 are made!!!! It armored is paper thin but it carries many energy shields been working with NGR, American, and Russian engineers making a heavy hitter ,light weight power suit but this full abilities . While knock off will not have energy shields.

1. Radar: 5 miles Weight add: add 100lds or 45 miles Weight add: 500lds
2. Combat computer: add +2 strikes rail gun, +4 auto cannon or machine gun ,+4 dodge when in flight at max, also add +3 attacks, -1 to dodge on the ground (yes-1 to dodge ) ,( update knock off add +3 to dodge in the air that a total; of +7 to dodge in the air only due to light weight )
3. Laser targeting add +1 to all weapons systems
4. Radio standard 5 miles, Weight add: 50 ld or N.A.A.T uses 30 miles Weight add: 100ld
5. External audio pick up: same as robots
6. Spotlight range 1 mile optional Weight add: 100lds ,can blind target getting -1d8 to all and must roll a 55% or less to for 1d4+1 attacks
7. Ejection systems: add 100lds
8. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Self-Destruct systems note use a long range missile war head the most powerful in that part of rifts earths Weight add: 250 pounds
9. . Voice actuated locking systems
10. Complete environmental pilot compartment Weight add: 100lds
11. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD thermos – Imagers /infrared /Ultraviolet Optic range 2 miles (for night operations) + 2 to strike in day operation /night tine add +3 to strike Weight add: 50lds
12. . Nuclear powered N.A.A.T ONLY ,Special Forces 1 year, 2 year.4 year or 10 year max Weight add: for each add 1000 lds add cost , knock off powered by high intensity battery powered cells for 45 day straight .
13. N.A.AT ONLY Can add Five TW Features 5 offensive and 5 defensive of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 50 lds
14. N.A.A.T ONLY ADD Special reactive amour: able to reflect any beam or physical attack range weapons (no damage) 100 M.D.C or less to any location this applies to Force field as well. On the second hit is 95 M.D.C and third hit 90 M.D.C so on Weight add: 1000 ld.
15. .Any female pilot or partial Borg get a plus 1d4 to initiative plus a +1 to strike at range + 2 strike in hand to hand combat , dodge ,+2 roll +2 parry , or add +3 total 5 Arm shields Male pilots get this at third level
16. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
Payload: 240
Weight add: 1 tons
Can add Five T.W Features of any type plus 10 P.P.E batteries each has 100 points each total 1000 points Weight add: 1 tons

17. U.S Military Individual Gunshot Detectors: detects any projectile and any beam attacks add +3 to dodge, +6 roll, +6 ,auto dodge +1 plus any other bonus !!!

18. This the can become heavy combat armored, which is deign to protect and very comfortable as 7 heavy basic exo-suit, which has save the all the lives of the pilot, this was seen in the massacre in Wroclaw and has made well known and famous as well.
19. U.S Military V.R systems able to see 360 degrees add +5 to roll, +29% to piloting
Weight add: 100lds
20. Basic EVA systems (back up) Weight add: 100lds
21. Maneuverability it extreme able to fly forward but face backwards ,even fly upside down but it does not use vectors it running on over thruster systems instead of vector thruster systems used by the Americans . No penalty!!!!


Main body 250
N.A.A.T ,N.A.M.E.S OR Elite Russian units Main body primary force field-240 ,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Arms (2) 120
Lower Arms (2)175
Right arm ammo bin shield 240
Right arm ammo bin 125
Right arm ammo bin energy shield primary force field-240 ,force field-150, ammo bin shield
Left shield 250
Left energy shield primary force field-240 ,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Engines(2) 300
Engines energy shield(2) primary force field-200 ,force field-150, emergency force field-100
Upper Legs (2) 100
Lower Legs (2)175
Feet (2)100
Head 85
Reinforce cockpit compartment:none
Generators 100
update note energy shields take damage first ,them Armour take damage follow rules mention above , can lose one jet engine speed reduction by 50% , if MDC Armour reach zero useless shut down any thing below zero or negative massive explosion 5d6x10 blast radius 25 feet due to battery (no need for flower for the funeral needed)
Height 15 feet engine fully extended
Length 9 feet
Depth 47 feet
Weight 1000 pounds empty
Cost : fully loaded 100,000 , knock off 80,000!!!! knock off powered by high intensity battery powered cells for 45 day straight .

Range: unlimited
Flying 400 MPH knock off, standard model 600 MPH
Running 75 MPH
Walk 2 to 10 MPH

Hand to hand: Use super natural or robotic P.S 30

Weapons systems heavy machine guns

The following are first generation weapon systems
Heavy M.D Machine gun Can fire S.D.C as well but not both at the same time
.30 calibers
Damage: first generation systems [b] SDC OR MDC ROUNDS
[b]MDC : standard
4d4 short burst, 4d6+2 medium burst, 1d4x10 long burst
heavy burst (times two) 4d8 short burst, 1d4x10+8 medium burst, 2d4x10 long burst
range : standard 3 miles
ROF standard burst only, 5 rounds per machine gun for short burst, 10 rounds per machine gun for medium burst, 20 rounds per machine gun for long burst
Heavy burst twice amount ammo
M.D rounds 500 in machine gun plus 1000 standard rounds total 1500 rounds!!!!reload in 15 seconds !!!!
S.D.C rounds 1000 total .30 caliber rounds

Type of M.D.C Materials

Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets. Note this is for EACH machine gun firing!!!

1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swagged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetration portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Weapons systems one forearm mini missiles Under shields
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire:1 or 2

Weapons systems 5 hard points three outside engine two internal or behind head
Type missiles
Damage one missiles of mini missiles , or one short range or one medium range missiles for each hard point
Range varies
Rate of fire: one or any or all counts as one attack
Payload: 10 missiles total of any type
update :note long range missiles weight 1 or 2 tons each missiles weight: reduce speed by 25% if one or ten long range missiles

Weapons systems can carry any human sized weapons one modern range weapon and one ancient weapon as a back systems standard
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus: varies
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Aramanthus wrote:How are you doing? I hope you are getting better.

so so sorry how i miss this man
well been busy here
1)sick i get home sleep 2 to 3hours get up deal with kids and wife :D
2)got 520 for Robotech® RPG Tactics™ :D ( been working like a dog) cannot wait and play with my kids with this and later RPG games
3) getting two PC up and running to have our very first Lang party with the kids (taking forever man to set up) :(
4) my kids at work are soooo trying to make loss my mind with them which I understand I WAS HIGH SCHOOL MYSELF ( they are just special ed students ) ,i see my job as a hobby and not a jobs all theses years don't know why :)
5) still sick going to work sick not fun :o
6) feel like i am walking on eggs :(
7) been slow to type things up :(
8 ) a second shooting gallery in PW world will post later and try to post more Russian stuff in rifts earth as well not enough time man still trying
last and most important to thank you for asking Aramanthus
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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Very nice. I like the new material. I have a lot of material that I can not post here either. maybe we could share in emails.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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The NGR allowed Triax Industries to send under coalition and NGR trade treaty arms agreement. This where second hand small Industries can send weapon systems at lower end of the stick of the market. With Northern gun is coming out with new toys soon , many small Industries jump the gun which is good for the weapon dealers .
Under coalition and NGR / Kingdom of Tarnow trade treaty arms agreement the second hand weapon systems are not as powerful as the coalition robot vehicles but can give as any other robot vehicle in North America . There some that run battery on powered systems, any type of fossil fuel, while allowed to sell without rail gun systems, most of the time they are not sold that way. To make things more of semi cooperation between weapon dealers sale are made to a known and only know weapon dealer’s in North America and the cost as low for the robot vehicles.
The one thing that could fail was transportation the only two was way air the most a single 747 could carry was 200 tons, while a sea cold carry 200 to 500 tons in shot. But neither NGR nor the coalition give security over air or sea a very risky operation, going around Atlantis by air or sea.
This where N.A.M.E.S and N.A.A.T were to throw the building block for this operations for the first few years but staying low under radar of the coalition. But somehow NGR military (and Triax Industries not is aware) of these operations. N.A.M.E.S and N.A.A.T has the man power and small to medium size navy force and air support as well.
N.A.M.E.S and N.A.A.T made sure Atlantis that they be given transport around air and sea ,and will stay out of each other hair , and will notify if some other like a rival N.E or Vampires . Which happen sooner than later?
Some N.E third party weapon dealer tries selling to sale to the gargoyle Empire. The first was a big gamble which sadly gargoyle Empire got theirs claws on. But N.A.M.E.S and N.A.A.T will they don’t like more like hate the Atlantis but this was surprise in a coordinated N.A.M.E.S , N.A.A.T , N.A.T.O and A.M.C , all the mercenary forces in Europe and some NGR / Kingdom of Tarnow forces adding as well Atlantis best troops . What they didn’t know how well armed these NE dealer were well prepare they learn from the mistakes in North America. These NE dealers had set up two base camps here on rifts earth , one Europe they had gargoyle, Brodkil , and other races including humans forces, well over 2 million combat ready plus NE cyborgs and support personal. This turn ugly fast for all parties, N.E with nowhere to run they held for 4 day. However it was till it was clear till the 6 day who won however the Atlantis was kept away from all camera and all media !!! what was seen via video feed how each N.A.M.E.S, N.A.A.T, N.A.T.O and A.M.C , the entire mercenary forces in Europe and NGR forces work as one solid combat machine ,that put a muzzle weld shut that objected to all these mercenary. The cost would have been too high for NGR and would of cripple them. But using the different types of mercenary was able to keep at a very reasonable cost mostly in man but in hardware. Finally all were able to cut lost the dogs of wars; this operation was based on volunteers and welled pay. This is why the operation did so well and using Atlantis as the main shocks and awe work very well as the man decoy (it was a win for all). While other join in for the money a few days later this was a surprised to all the amount of people, manpower, small Industries that were in the shadow of the mighty of Triax Industries.
Now this gave Brodkil and gargoyle to thinks over they are not just fight the NGR but some Unknown factor (Brodkil, gargoyle, NE were totally blind side again) . However those that fall that day in the 7 day war loss would have been great for just power block (except Atlantis they could afforded) but due that this was multiple fronts it would no more than 21 % loss for air , land , sea forces . Still the loss of this man powered was felt in the mercenary committee still felt this. But the families of the fallen were been well take care but all parties by N.A.M.E.S , N.A.A.T , N.A.T.O and A.M.C , all the mercenary forces in Europe and some NGR forces, for this was a well plan from troops to supplies to survived families members. The loss of Warsaw was not forgotten , in this war there was no surrender only KIA . this why this 7 day war caught everyone in the public circle by surprise.
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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tell me what you guys think???
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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it that bad ?? guys ???
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

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http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs37/f/2008/ ... 462faf.jpg

http://kowbasher.deviantart.com/art/Rus ... echa&qo=31

Russian Mech Model Sheetby ~KowBasher
Digital Art / 3-Dimensional Art / Characters / Machines & Robots
©2008-2012 ~KowBasher

Finally seeing some results in my Cold War mecha game. It seems like such a long time ago I hatched up the original idea and drawings and to finally see it rendered out in 3d brings a smile to my face.

I'm not much of a modeler or texturer, but for a solo project I keep telling myself it's not bad for "stand-ins".

Was aiming for a 1500 poly limit for use as a game character in Torque Game Engine, but I am working on a higher poly version for use in a promotional video in the near future.

Modeled and Rigged in 3ds Max 2009
Textured in Photoshop CS3

this is the European model

1. Nuclear Powered: Which means they have an effectively unlimited fuel capacity and power source. Average energy life is
15 to 20 years.
2. Radar: Can identify 72 and track up to 32 targets simultaneously at a range of 30 miles (48 km).
3. Combat Computer: Calculates, stores and transmits data onto the Heads Up Display (H.U.D.) of the pilot's helmet, as well as monitors on the control panel. It is linked to the targeting computer, weapon systems and radar.
4. Targeting Computer: Assists in the tracking and identification of enemy targets. 30 mile range (48 km).
5. Laser Targeting System: Assists in the selection and focusing of specific targets and adds a bonus of+1 on initiative and +1 to strike when using long-range weapons. Does not apply to hand to hand combat.
6. Radio Communications: Long-range, directional communication system with an effective range of 500 miles (800 km). The typical giant robot also has a directional, short-range radio
with a five mile (8 km) range, plus a built-in loudspeaker; 80 decibels.
7. External Audio Pick-up: A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 feet (91.5 m) away.
8. Spotlights: Most will have at least one or two spotlights. Typical range is 600 feet (182 m).
9. Ejector Seats: In case of an emergency, the pilot and crew can be instantly ejected (about 1000 feet/305 m) and parachute
to safety.
10. Self-Destruct: A last resort measure to prevent one's robot from being captured by the enemy. The explosive damage is fairly self-contained, destroying most of the internal systems
With 9D6xlO M.D. Those within a ten foot (3 m) radius of the bot will suffer 3D6x10 M.D. from concussion and/or flying debris. It is very likely, 01-89% chance that the nuclear power system will rupture and spew forth deadly levels of radiation!
11. Voice Actuated Locking System: The robot's access hatch is sealed by an automatic locking system. A six-digit spoken code programmed to a specific person's voice(s) pattern (six voice memory) is standard operating procedure. A manual key-pad is provided in case of system failure/override.
12. Complete reinforced, environmental pilot and crew compartment: The compartment can usually seat 2-6 people and is reinforced to protect the occupants from Mega-Damage.
It is airtight, pressurized and suitable for use in all hostile environments, including underwater (typically one-half to one mile/0.8 to 1.6 km depth) as well as outer space. The following features are included:
• Computer controlled life support system.
• Internal cooling and temperature control.
• Air purification and circulation systems, gas filtration, and
•Humidifier/dehumidifier automatically engages when needed.
•Can recalculate breathable air for up to four weeks before getting too stale to breathe.
•Computer-controlled, independent oxygen supply and purge system automatically engages in low oxygen or contaminated air environments. Twelve hour oxygen supply.
• Insulated, high temperature resistant shielding for up to 450 degrees centigrade. Normal fires do no damage. Nuclear, plasma, and magical fires do full damage.
• Radiation shielding.
• Polarized and light sensitive/adjusting tinted windshields when applicable.
13. Flare/Chaff Launchers (2)-A modern addition, meant to improve mecha survivability against missile weaponry. Two flare/chaff/smoke/ flash bangs/ launchers are installed in the legs and rear total 5 look below.
Range: Close Defense
Damage: None; similar to Triax-style chaff
01-50 Enemy Missile or volley detonates in chaff and threat is neutralized
51-75 Missile/Volley diverts and may pursue/lock on to other targets
76-00 No Effect! Missile(s) still on target!
Will also temporarily blind and impede flying monsters who fly into it.
Reduce APMs/combat bonuses/ speed by half for 1d4 melees
R.O.F : burst
Payload: 240 of each type
Weight add: 1 tons can carry 1d4 tons per legs and back or 3d4x10
14. Or energy Flare reduces weight by 1000 pounds payload: unlimited

Model Type
Crew: one N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S / N.A.T.O has a AI systems ,others 2 standard model
M.D.C. by Location:

Main body 700
Shield plating (2) Main body 600
Hands (2) 200
Shield plating Upper Arms (2)600
Elbow 125 (2)
Upper Arms (2) 240
Shield plating Lower Arms (2) 600
Lower Arms (2) 240
Shield plating Upper Legs (2) 600
Upper Legs (2) 240
Knees (2) 240
Shield plating Lower Legs (2) 600
Lower Legs (2) 240
Shield plating Feet (2) 600
Feet (2) 240
Head 240
Tracks (2) 200
Reinforce cockpit compartment: 240
Russian Model force field Main body primary force field-300, secondary force field-240, auxiliary force field-150, emergency force field-100

N.A.A.T/N.A.M.E.S primary force field 420, secondary force field 240, auxiliary force field 150 emergency force field 100
Generators 140
[1] These locations are small and difficult targets to strike, requiring the attacker to make a "called shot," but even then the attacker is -4 to strike.
[2] Note that the Head is -3 in addition to normal called shot penalties to hit. Destroying the head will expose the pilot's head, leaving only the pilot's body armor helmet as its only protection. Note: The head is a small and difficult target to hit. Thus, it can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then the attacker is -3 to strike.
[3] Depleting the Main Body M.D.C. will shut down making it useless.. Note: All Power Armor locations are laser resistant. Each layer of armor is 100 MDC. A variable laser weapon must be reset every 100 M.D.C. or it will only do half damage. If a laser does enough damage to damage the next layer, it will only do half damage to the next layer if set to do full damage to the layer above.
[4] The force field will stop energy attacks and fast moving objects. Slow moving objects can pas through. It regenerates one (1) M.D.C. per melee unless overloaded and then cannot be activated for 12 hours if overloaded. The force field pulls its power off of the power plant. when the The force field reach zero , then Shield plating is the first thing that takes damage and them the robot power suit.

Statistical Data
Height 37 feet
Length 15 feet
width 20 feet
Weight Generators add two tons , empty 35 tons
Power System: Nuclear Fusion, average energy life is 25 years, fossil fuel systems 48 hour
Cost Nuclear Fusion 2,000,000 fully loaded , fossil fuel systems half
Black Market Cost:

Range: fossil fuel systems 48 hour
Flight 100 MPH
Flying Range:
Nuclear Fusion, 25 hours , fossil fuel systems 48 hour
50 MPH , Tracks 120 MPH on any flat surface
2 to 12 MPH
Maximum Ocean Depth:
Nuclear Fusion, average 1000 feet, fossil fuel systems must be equip add look rift source book one ,cost is have due to size easy to install
Weapons systems summary
• Standard AK 120 MM tank rifle or 135 MM tank rifle
• AK rail gun
• AK beam
• Bayonet beam or vibro blade : 2d4x10 reach 15 feet
• SAM’s systems ( surface to air missiles systems )
• SS systems ( surface to surface missiles systems )
• TAG missiles systems
• MDC Heavy machine guns

Hand to hand: robotic P.S 60

Weapons systems any rail gun all BUT the BOOM gun
Type varies giant size
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies

Weapons systems any beams weapon systems from 1d4x10 to 3d6x10
Type varies
Damage varies
Range varies
Rate of fire: varies
Payload: varies
Bonus/note/ penalties: varies

Weapons systems AK 120 MM tank rifle TO 135 MM tank rifle
2 generation auto-cannon standard rounds
L.E.A.P: Light explosive amour piercing rounds
bonus due light weight add 50% range critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
Rate of fire :burst:

120 mm- 1D10x10M.D ( max damage 100) blast radius
5D4X10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6X10 M.D three round burst,
5D8X10 OR 1D4X100 M.D four round burst,

121 - 130 mm -2D6X10M.D( max damage 120 ) blast radius
4D6X10 M.D Two round burst,
6D6X10 M.D three round burst,
6D8X10 M.D four round burst,

H.E.A.P: Heavy Explosive armor piercing rounds Times three blast radius Rate of fire:burst:

120 mm -2d6x10 or 3d4x10 M.D (max damage 120 )
4D6X10 M.D Two round burst,
3D6X10 M.D three round burst,
8D6X10 M.D four round burst, 1D6X100 M.D five round burst,

121 - 130 mm -4d4x10 or 2d8x10 M.D (max damage 160)
4D8X10 M.D Two round burst,
8D6X10 M.D three round burst,
8D8X10 M.D four round burst,

131 - 140 mm -3d6x10 M.D (max damage 180)
6D6X10 M.D Two round burst,

A.P.F.S.D.S round NO blast radius
Rate of fire:burst:
120 mm -4d6x10 ( max damage 240 )
8D6X10 M.D Two round burst,

121 - 130 mm -5d6x10 M.D( max damage 300 )
1D6X100 M.D Two round burst,
131 - 140 mm -6d6x10 M.D( max damage 360 )
12d6x10 M.D Two round burst,

The "cartridge" energy weapon system
Rate of fire burst:
120 MM 5D8X10M.D = 400 M.D
121 TO 129 MM 7D6X10 M.D= 420 0R 5D8X10+20
130 TO 139MM 8D6X10M.D = 480 M.D

hyper rail gun ram jet rounds RAIL GUN ROUNDS
This a new generation of weapon systems it combine the best of best worlds in fire power and range will always varies and payload better damage but have special feature for different rounds and purpose and deadly in combat . it coming from Germany N.A.AT weapons R&D
M.D.C table this is single shot !!!!
Rate of fire single fire :
120MM 4D6X10
130mm 5d6x10
type Rounds
LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too

H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too

H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!

Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well

A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Rate of fire: LOOK ABOVE
Bonus/note/ penalties:

Weapons systems M.D.C Heavy machine guns they are found one in each arm and one in the left and right chest area total four carries M.D.C and S.D.C rounds
pick one
.50 Heavy Machine-gun
12.7 mm , Heavy Machine-gun
14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun
20MM , Heavy Machine-gun
24.13 MM Heavy Machine-gun.
These are commonly found mounted on military vehicles.
( one word DAME )
Weight: 30-100 Ibs(13.5-45 kg).
Damage S.D.C: .50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun .
Rate of fire burst:

7D6(1d4x10+2) per round. Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
2d4x10+4 S.D.C Two round Burst,
3d4x10+6 S.D.C three round Burst ,
4d4x10+8 S.D.C four round Burst ,
5d4x10+ 10 S.D.C five round Burst ,
5d8x10+ 20 S.D.C ten round Burst

Damage :M.D.C.50,12.7 mm and 14.5 mm Heavy Machine-gun
M.D 50,12.7 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers
100 S.D.C OR 1M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst
2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1D10X100 S.D.C OR 1d10=10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst , 5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst, 5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6dx10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst

5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

14.5 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1d10X100 S.D.C TO 1 M.D
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D 1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst

5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10 fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst
,6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D 1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst, ( if you roll a natural 2 to 7 on a D20) 1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D OR 6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C OR 10 M.D
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst

4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D OR 16 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst,
4d8 M.D three round burst,
1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst,
2d4x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10+8 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,

4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst
5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

20 mm Anti-material rifle and auto cannon caliber, from this these are heavy calibers

1D10X10 S.D.C OR 1MD
1D4 M.D four round burst,
1d4+1 M.D five round burst,
1D6 MD six round burst,
2d4 M.D eight round burst,
2d4+1 M.D nine round burst ,
1d10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4 M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6 M.D thirty round burst,
1D4X10 fourth round burst ,
1d6x10 for sixty round ,
2d4x10 for eighty round,
1d10x10 for one hundred round,
2d6x10 for one hundred twenty round, and so

5D4 X10 S.D.C OR 2 M.D
1D4 M.D Two round burst,
1D6 M.D three round burst,
2D4 M.D four round burst,
1D10 M.D five round burst,
2D6 MD six round burst,
4D4 M.D eight round burst,
3D6 M.D nine round burst ,
5D4 M.D ten round burst ,
1D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D4X10 fourth round burst
5D6X10 S.D.C OR 3M.D
1D6 M.D Two round burst,
2D4+1 M.D three round burst,
3D4 M.D four round burst,
2D6+3 M.D five round burst,
3D6 MD six round burst,
4D6 M.D eight round burst,
4D6+3M.D nine round burst ,
5D6 M.D ten round burst ,
1D6X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2D4X10+10 M.D thirty round burst,
2D6X10fourth round burst

5D8X10 OR 4 M.D OR 1D4 M.D
2d4 M.D Two round burst,
3d4 M.D three round burst,
4d4 M.D four round burst,
5d4 M.D five round burst,
4d6 MD six round burst,
4d8 M.D eight round burst,
6d6 M.D nine round burst ,
1d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
2d4x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
2d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
4d4x10 fourth round burst , and so on

5D10 X10 OR 5 M.D
1D10 M.D Two round burst,
5D6 M.D three round burst,
1D4X10 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10+10 M.D five round burst,
1D6X10 MD six round burst,
2D4X10 M.D eight round burst,
2D4X10+10 M.D nine round burst,
1D10X10 M.D ten round burst,
1D10X10 M.D twenty round burst,
5D4X10 fourth round burst , and so on

1D6X100 S.D.C OR 1D6 M.D
2D6 M.D Two round burst,
3D6 M.D three round burst,
4D6 M.D four round burst,
5D6 M.D five round burst,
6D6 MD six round burst,
8D6 M.D eight round burst,
9D6 M.D nine round burst ,
1D6X10M.D ten round burst ,
2D6X10M.D twenty round burst ,
3D6X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D6X10 fourth round burst

2D4X100=800 S.D.C OR 2D4M.D OR 8 M.D
4D4 M.D Two round burst,
4D6 M.D three round burst,
4D8 M.D four round burst,
1D4X10 M.D five round burst,
1D4X10+8 MD six round burst,
8D8 M.D OR 1D6X10+4 eight round burst ,
2D4X10 M.D ten round burst ,
4D4X10 M.D twenty round burst ,
4D6 X10 M.D thirty round burst,
4D8X10 fourth round burst AND SO

1d10 M.D.C =1000 S.D.C
5d4 M.D Two round burst,
5d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d4x10+10 M.D five round burst,
1d6x10 MD six round burst,
2d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
1d10x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d4x10M.D twenty round burst ,
5d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
5d8x10 fourth round burst

2D6X100 S.D.C OR 2D6 M.D OR 12M.D
4d6 M.D Two round burst,
6d6 M.D three round burst,
1d4x10 +8 M.D four round burst,
1d6x10 M.D five round burst,
1d10x10 M.D eight round burst,
2d6x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d6x10 M.D twenty round burst ,
6d6x10 M.D thirty round burst,
8d6x10 fourth round burst

4D4X100 S.D.C OR 16 M.D 4D4 M.D
4d8 M.D Two round burst,
4d8 M.D three round burst,
1d6x10+4 M.D four round burst,
2d4x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10+8 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
4d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst

5D4 X100 S.D.C OR 5d4M.D OR 20 M.D
1d4x10 M.D Two round burst,
1d6x10 M.D three round burst,
2d4x10 M.D four round burst,
1d10x10 M.D five round burst,
2d6x10 MD six round burst,
4d4x10 M.D eight round burst,
3d6x10 M.D nine round burst ,
5d4x10 M.D ten round burst ,
5d8 x10 M.D twenty round burst , fourth round burst

the rate of fire can go up at cost of payload ,varies with recoil systems ,weight ,sights and user

Bullets for black powder, or muzzle loading firearms, were classically molded from pure M.D.C lead. This worked well for low speed bullets, fired at velocities of less than 450 m/s (1475 ft/s). For slightly higher speed bullets fired in modern firearms, a harder M.D.C alloy of M.D.C lead and tin or M.D.C typesetter's lead (used to mold Linotype) works very well. For even higher speed bullet use, jacketed coated lead bullets are used. The common element in all of these, M.D.C lead, is widely used because it is very dense, thereby providing a high amount of mass—and thus, kinetic energy—for a given volume. Lead is also cheap, easy to obtain, easy to work, and melts at a low temperature, which results in comparatively easy fabrication of bullets.
1. lead: Simple cast, extruded, swaged, or otherwise fabricated lead slugs are the simplest form of bullets. At speeds of greater than 300 m/s (1000 ft/s) (common in most handguns), lead is deposited in rifled bores at an ever-increasing rate. Alloying the lead with a small percentage of tin and/or antimony serves to reduce this effect, but grows less effective as velocities are increased. A cup made of harder metal, such as copper, placed at the base of the bullet and called a gas check, is often used to decrease lead deposits by protecting the rear of the bullet against melting when fired at higher pressures, but this too does not solve the problem at higher velocities. Simple cast add+2 M.D.C, extruded + 5 M.D.C, swaged +10
2. Jacketed lead: Bullets intended for even higher-velocity applications generally have a lead core that is jacketed or plated with gilding metal, cupronickel, copper alloys, or steel; a thin layer of harder metal protects the softer lead core when the bullet is passing through the barrel and during flight, which allows delivering the bullet intact to the target. There, the heavy lead core delivers its kinetic energy to the target. Full metal jacket or ball bullets (cartridges with ball bullets are called ball ammunition) are completely encased in the harder metal jacket, except for the base. Some bullet jackets do not extend to the front of the bullet, to aid expansion and increase lethality; these are called soft point or hollow point bullets. Steel bullets are often plated with copper or other metals for corrosion resistance during long periods of storage. Synthetic jacket materials such as nylon and Teflon have been used, with limited success. Type lead core add+6 M.D.C. or plated add +6 M.D.C, or steel add + 10 M.D.C reduce range by 10% , hollow point bullets. Can add range by 20% add +1to 10 M.D.C damage
3. Blanks: Wax, paper, plastic, and other materials are used to simulate live gunfire and are intended only to hold the powder in a blank cartridge and to produce noise. The "bullet" may be captured in a purpose-designed device or it may be allowed to expend what little energy it has in the air. Some blank cartridges are crimped or closed at the end and do not contain any bullet.
4. Practice: Made from lightweight materials like rubber, Wax, wood, plastic, or lightweight metal, practice bullets are intended for short-range target work, only. Because of their weight and low velocity, they have limited range. Wood equal dame to vampires or related to this monsters reduce range by 20%
5. Less lethal, or Less than Lethal: Rubber bullets, plastic bullets, and beanbags are designed to be non-lethal, for example for use in riot control. They are generally low velocity and are fired from shotguns, grenade launchers, paint ball guns, or specially-designed firearms and air gun devices. knock down use knock down table
6. Incendiary: These bullets are made with an explosive or flammable mixture in the tip that is designed to ignite on contact with a target. The intent is to ignite fuel or munitions in the target area, thereby adding to the destructive power of the bullet itself. Look below
7. Exploding: Similar to the incendiary bullet, this type of projectile is designed to explode upon hitting a hard surface, preferably the bone of the intended target. Not to be mistaken for cannon shells or grenades with fuse devices, these bullets have only a cavity filled with a small amount of low explosive depending on the velocity and deformation upon impact to detonate. Add 50% damage
8. Tracer: These have a hollow back, filled with a flare material. Usually this is a mixture of magnesium metal, a perchlorate, and strontium salts to yield a bright red color, although other materials providing other colors have also sometimes been used. Tracer material burns out after a certain amount of time. Such ammunition is useful to the shooter as a means of learning how to point shoot moving targets with rifles. This type of round is also used by all branches of the United States military in combat environments as a signaling device to friendly forces. Normally it is loaded at a four to one ratio with ball ammunition and is intended to show where you are firing so friendly forces can engage the target as well. The flight characteristics of tracer rounds differ from normal bullets due to their lighter weight. add + 3 to strike in any mode of fire
9. Armor piercing: Jacketed designs where the core material is a very hard, high-density metal such as tungsten, tungsten carbide, depleted uranium, or steel. A pointed tip is often used, but a flat tip on the penetration portion is generally more effective. Add 25% to damage to also to M.D.C or M.D.C hit point and knock table to any organic by 50%
10. Blended-metal: Bullets made using cores from powdered metals other than lead with binder or sometimes sintered. Low level poison
11. Frangible: Designed to disintegrate into tiny particles upon impact to minimize their penetration for reasons of range safety, to limit environmental impact, or to limit the shoot-through danger behind the intended target. An example is the Glaser Safety Slug. M.D.C shot gun
12. Solid or Monolithic Solid: mono-metal bullets intended for deep penetration in big game animals and slender shaped very-low-drag projectiles for long range shooting are produced out of metals like oxygen free copper and alloys like copper nickel, tellurium copper and brass like highly machinable UNS C36000 Free-Cutting Brass. Often these projectiles are turned on precision CNC lathes. knock table 50% ,add 60%
13. LEAP light explosive amour piercing rounds bonus due light weight add 50% critical hit on a natural 19 or better ,always use knock down table too
14. H.E.A.P heavy explosive amour piercing rounds bonus , critical hit on a natural 18, always use knock down table too
15. H.E.A.T heavy explosive anti-tank rounds/incendiary rounds (S.A.B.O.T) /heavy Plasma round bonus as above but critical 16 knock down table x3 !!!

Incendiary rounds add burning for 1d4 melees per hit plus damage for each melee half damage of type of round!!! So 1d4x10 does 5d4 for 1d4 melees so that5d4x 1 to 4 melee per hit !!!!
16. Heavy Plasma same as above but 1d6 per melee round

Both IF signature or other similar equipment is visible by x5 grater or add +2 to strike to hit the target and i night as well
17. A.S.A.S.P bonus as above but critical 15

Damage Range look above
Rate of fire: look above
Payload: 500 S.D.C and M.D.C rounds for each machine location total; areas four
Bonus/note/ penalties: look above

Weapons systems missiles systems
This is a copied version of the porcupine weapon systems from the U.S but simpler weapon systems but very effect. It combines a set of surface to air and a set of surface to surface missiles systems and last a set of TAG missile systems as well. It really a pre-rifts missiles systems cheaper to make, use, and brutally effective systems. This is how it works a tag fire in first stage missiles ,then it travels in any direction to using a combination of local sensory unit form enemy fire , optical /laser communication systems and other systems to a 35,000 feet getting data ,then either locks to one or fire more than one TAG missile system in the second attacks ( 2nd stage rockets kicks in one target )getting a +9 to strike and clamps down on the targets rears ,many are not aware they being targeted due the angle of attack(perception roll add fog of war ,combat stress ,focus on a target ETC, ,use horror factor table for penalties later will post them for easier use ). Either land or air target missiles range goes from 5 to 10 Miles, instead 5 miles it hits over five miles over the horizons, similar to the US old missiles systems but US are way ahead at that time. this systems negates standard chaff , flares, and even smoke ,but smoke with heavy particles or flash bangs still work both smoke with heavy particles and flash bangs nears the missiles get negative one for each . A target gets a negative -1d4+1 to dodge if become aware of missile.
surface to surface missile 4d4x10 M.D.C ,Blast Radius 35 feet 2d4x10
surface to air missile 5d6x10 M.D.C ,Blast Radius 20 feet 4d4x10
TAG missile system / Blast Radius none clamps down on organic and inorganic but not force fields
surface to surface without TAG missile systems 5 miles, +3 to strikes for any air targets
surface to air without TAG missile systems 5 miles,+3 to strikes for any ground targets
surface to surface with TAG missile systems 10 miles,+8 to strikes for any air targets
surface to air with TAG missile systems10 miles,+8 to strikes for any ground targets
TAG missile system 10 miles,add +5 to strikes for any surface to surface missile Or surface to air missile
Rate of fire:it use three (3) attack ,but you can fire one type of missiles and any amount in the last attack either going for air target or land target pick one ,but fire a SAM to ground target ( or vise verse) must be at least 3 miles or more or gets -12 to hit , still 1d4+1 negative to hit any .not design for that type of attack .
surface to surface 30 (reloads x3)
surface to air(reloads30( x3)
TAG missile system 40(reloads x5)

MDC for each
surface to surface 20
surface to air 15
TAG missile system 5

Bonus/note/ penalties:
Horror factor due to this attack
Shell-Shock Sources of Trauma/
Battle or the sound of battle: Horror Factor blow or hit other target next to (H.F.) 14
Bombardment of bombs/the sound of explosions( if survive hit): H.F. 14
Close combat seen other blow up AKA dead: H.F. 15
Facing this attack and aware of it : H.F. 15
Facing individual this unit alone or all dead but the target (if none, H.F. 13).
other allied target can lock on to TAG missiles and get a add+2 to all from artillery to foot soldiers
Speed two stage systems for all 200 to 300 MPH first stage ,second stage mach 4 going for target
Last edited by ZINO on Sat Dec 14, 2013 11:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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Re: N.A.AT Germany BOOK 2

Unread post by ZINO »

well any comments ??
let your YES be YES and your NO be NO but plz no maybe
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