Fan Races!!

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

“But he wanted to know about my theory of advanced temporal-spacial compression and manipulation! His was a questioning mind! An inquiring mind! We could have talked for hours about the subject! He wanted to know my thoughts! Everything I knew! What better audience could I have to share my ideas with? And you rudely chased him off!”
“Professor Brotski, if we hadn’t interrupted, that ‘person’ would have left you with the intelligence of a rutabaga! Tell me, Professor, what’s your wife’s name?”
“What kind of a question is that?! It’s-, it’s, it’s...Give me a moment...”
“And where are your car keys, sir?”
“My car keys? Why....hmmm....”
“What’s the funniest thing you can think about a banana?”
“What’s the first three numbers of the value of pi?”
“Exactly, Professor. You don’t have a wife, your car keys are in your hand RIGHT NOW, we can all think of at least one banana-related funny thing, and the last is three point fourteen. Hopefully you’ll regain those thoughts, and maybe even the meat of your temporal-spacial compression and manipulation theory in time, but not if it had had time to continue feeding on you. That’s what an intellivore does to you. Now we have to find it and stop it before it fools somebody else into feeding it, by making them think that it came up with your theory all by itself. Let’s go, troops!”

Intellivores are creatures that are often mistaken for sentient beings, when, in fact, they are insidious energy entity animal predators, akin to Haunting or Syphon Entities, who PREY on sentience.
Intellivores typically appear to creative people, ideally groups, often through the medium of casual conversation, or through interactive media, such as conference calls, that the entity has suborned, though the entity has to come into the actual physical presence of its victims to feed. They present themselves to potential victims as initially fairly nondescript personas, small children, or representatives of friendly alien species(especially First Contacts), seeking to initiate conversation(or insert themselves into an ongoing one) and share ideas. It may start out with problems communicating, though, the stutter or vague use of language being explained away as shyness or unfamiliarity with the others’ language. Part of this is due to the entity’s low intelligence, but it also serves to encourage its potential victims to lower their guard, by engaging a sympathetic reaction.
Intellivores have also learned the trick of appearing to be far more intelligent than they really are, by selectively parroting what they see and hear, in ways that seem vague and yet somehow intelligent. The intellivore may present itself as a muse to an artist or intellectual, promising inspiration or trying to incite attention and activity around itself, with itself as an active participant. The more intelligent or cunning Intellivores may present themselves as patron-figures, and promise possible and nebulous rewards for another’s input and work.
In reality, what the intellivore craves is ideas, and the intelligence behind them, specifically the life energy of creativity, something that the intellivore sorely lacks. The intellivore has no intention of contributing any energy to the activity it incites, it’s out to steal the mental energy of others. Once it begins drawing attention it sits back and siphons off the energy of cognition generated around it. For a time, the intellivore may even believe it IS intelligent, creative, and innovative, but what it is really doing is getting temporarily buzzed on the mental energy it has stolen, and the thoughts it mistakenly believes are its own. This may be expressed by the intellivore becoming more involved in a conversation with its victims, but this is merely to encourage more attention, and a shielded or more perceptive observer will quickly realize that the intellivore’s seeming moments of creative thought are just parroted snatches of others’ ideas or plagerized thoughts it has previously absorbed.
Once the intellivore has identified a strong food source in the way of an enraptured victim, the entity begins draining the victim’s IQ, sucking the energy out of their thoughts and nervous systems. As the Intellivore feeds more and more, it will cajole and incite its victim for more and more, seemingly applauding its victim’s efforts, promising greater possible rewards, or even hinting at emotional blackmail, using its empathic abilities and stolen intelligence to sharpen its tactics, in order to keep its victim’s attention and creative energy flowing to feed it. Prolonged exposure to this draining can have permanent detrimental effects as the entity erodes the victim’s intelligence and patience.
In a worse case scenario, the intellivore reduces its victim to an embittered dullard barely able to take care of themselves, at which point the intellivore will abandon its former host/victim and wander off in search of new feeding grounds to slake its lust for mental energy. It may even use its stolen knowledge as bait to entice other victims into range of its draining abilities. Often, due to permanent mental and emotional damage, past victims may not realize what really happened to them, mis-remembering, for example, some fictitious partner or stranger who stole their ideas or cheated them on a deal. This further obscures the path of predation cut by the intellivore.
The worst case scenario can leave a victim completely drained, reduced to an infantile, or even vegetative, mental state.
Because of their ability to manipulate electronic networks, intellivores are increasingly found gravitating towards technological societies, as tapping into telecommunications networks allows them to more readily identify potential prey, engage their interest, and close on them more easily, under the cover of teleconferencing, e-mail, and online chatrooms(the victim engaging in an apparently long distance conversation with a predator that is really very close by). Intellivores feed and propagate in societies and technological settings that more encourage the development of free speech and ‘nerds’, than in more primitive cultures.
Intellivores are the bane of universities, research institutes, and artists’ communes. An Intellivore loose in a think tank environment is a disaster waiting to happen, a mental massacre of the chainsaw type.

Alignments: Can be considered Miscreant
Lifespan: Unknown
Size: Appears as a basketball-sized black sphere in its true form.
Gender: None; energy entity
Physical Description/Appearance:
The intellivore can manifest an ectoplasmic projection of a small cute animal(or magic animal familiar), small child, or friendly person, whatever looks most appealing to those the entity encounters. Its speech is initially hesitant and unsure, but becomes more confident and clear the longer it feeds.
In its true state, the intellivore is a floating black sphere the size of a basketball.
The intellivore can come across as shyly friendly, helpful, charming, sympathetic, and tearjerkingly needy, like a puppy, an orphan waif, or a nerdy younger Bill Gates. As it feeds, it can become more cunning, manipulative, and clever. In reality it is driven solely by its appetite and only hungers for attention and the mental energy of others, and any sadness or othere strong emotion it exhibits is from its NOT BEING FED. If discovered after feeding for some time, the entity may be temporarily intelligent enough to try to confuse the issue by appealing to others for help in dealing with its hunters/pursuers/persecutors.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d4 (high animal cunning)
ME: 2d4
MA: 4d6
PS: Not applicable
PP: Not applicable
PB: Not applicable
PE: Not applicable
SPD: 30(20 MPH) in energy form
(ISP): Base ISP is a mere 25, but it can draw on the ISP/PPE(converting 1 PPE point to 4 ISP) around it to bolster its abilities. Furthermore, it can convert stolen I.Q. to ISP on a point-for-point basis(1 point of I.Q. = 1 point of ISP for the Intellivore), retaining this stolen energy for 24 hours
(PPE): 5 on its own, but if it can successfully drain a person to zero I.Q. or below, it can add that person’s PPE(not doubled, as the victim is still alive) to its own for about 48 hours.
Hit Points: 4d6+10
SDC: ----
MDC: Has 4d6+10 MD on Rifts Earth
Horror Factor: 10 if and when it is realized for what it is.
Natural Abilities:

*Fly---The energy entity can fly and can pass through solid matter(but not energy barriers).

*Natural Invisibility---In its natural form, the Intellivore is completely invisible to the naked eye.

*Physical Invulnerability---Intellivores are immune to physical attacks like punches, kicks, gunshots, and beatings. They also take only 1/10 normal damage from most energy attacks. The only truly effective methods of attacking them are magic and psionics, or extremely powerful energy disruptions, like those associated with powerful nucleonic or particle beam blasts.

*Electrical Manipulation/Transport---Intellivores can manipulate electrical communications devices like telephones and computer conduits, enough to use telephones and computer monitors, and can even travel(like the Nightspawn ability Lightning Rider) through phone lines(though they cannot be transmitted via wireless transmissions). See also Psionics: Telemechanics below.

*Drain Intelligence---The most insidious power of the Intellivore is the ability to drain a person’s I.Q., latching on to a target and siphoning its mental energy away at a rate of 1d4 points of IQ per minute(or less) without the victim realizing they are under attack. The creature can drain IQ at a maximum rate of 2d4 IQ per minute, but at this increased rate, the victim will become aware of what is happening, and gets a +1 to save versus psionic attack.
A person can ‘safely’ hold out against an intellivore for their M.E. rating in minutes. Beyond that, they must make a save vs their M.E. (in addition to any saves versus psionics to ward off the drain) or else permanently lose 1d4 points of IQ and ME per every subsequent melee of exposure(recalculate it using the reduced M.E. rating). If the victim’s IQ drops to a permament zero, they are reduced effectively to a vegetative state, at barely a newborn’s level of cognition. Non-permanent IQ loss is recovered at 1d6 IQ per week, with skill profficiency increasing proportionately.
The Intellivore can drain a person’s IQ from up to 30 ft away, though it will often use its natural invisibility and ability to manipulate telecommunications systems to make it appear as if it is far away, communicating with the victim via a phone or computer, when in fact it is in the same room as the victim.
The Intellivore uses the siphoned IQ to bolster its own ISP, adding one point of additional ISP for every point of IQ drained, and it can also bolster its own IQ at a rate of 1 point of Intellivore IQ per every 3 drained points of victim IQ. It will retain this additional IQ for 48 hours.
When the person loses 25% of their IQ, they begin to forget small details and nuances. At 50% of their IQ, they will begin to have trouble with short-term memory. At 75% or less of their IQ, the victim will have trouble time-binding, stringing memories together properly or being aware of the proper passage of time(hours may pass like minutes, minutes can seem like tedious hours).

-Magic and Psionics do FULL damage
-Particle Beams do FULL damage

Actions/Attacks Per Melee: 3

Bonuses: +2 Dodge, +10 save versus Horror Factor.

Damage: By psionics only

Psionics:(Saves vs psionics at 12 or less)
-Telepathy(no cost)
-Telemechanics(Special)---The Intellivore has learned to manipulate hardwired (not cellular) telecommunications systems to find prey. As long as it is in direct contact with a computer system, it can effectively use it to communicate in a process akin to Telepathy(automatically knows the language being used), though it replies at a profficiency fof 60%.
-Sense Psionics(no cost)
-Alter Aura---This is used to mask the nature of the entity when it appears in person. It costs 3 ISP to appear for 1 hour.
-Ectoplasmic Disguise---This is the way the Intellivore appears in corporeal form to others. It costs 12 ISP to appear for 30 minutes.
-Empathic Projection--- 6 ISP for 2d6 mimutes. Range of 60 ft.
-Hypnotic Suggestion---6 ISP per idea, 12 ft range.
-Deaden Senses---4 ISP, 2d6 minutes, 160 ft range; victims are -1 to save. The Intellivore often uses this power to lower its victims’ guard.
-Mind Block---4 ISP, 30 minutes. The Intellivore uses this power to shield itself from psychid probes.
-Electrokinesis---The Intellivore can manipulate electronic devices to a degree, with all ISP costs and durations as if at 1st level. The intellivore typically reserves direct physical manipulation as a last resort, to distract pursuers while it makes its escape.

Magic: None

Cybernetics/Bionics: None

Available OCCs: None

RCC Skills: None(Conditional)
If an Intellivore can drain at least HALF of a person’s I.Q., it can select 1d4 of that person’s skills, and retain knowledge of them at HALF their original profficiency for 48 hours. This does not grant the Intellivore the ability to actually PERFORM those skills, but it does allow them to parrot the knowledge and appear to be knowledgeable about that skill or in that field; so an Intellivore that assimilates a Surgery or Fencing skill will not be able to hold a scalpel or wield a dueling epee, but can convincingly discuss surgical techniques or talk about fencing moves during that forty-eight hour period.

Skills of Note: None; communicates via Telepathy, or by learning languages via Telemechanics

Culture: None; intellivores are solitary predators

Allies: None; whatever ‘friendships’ the Intellivore cultivates are solely to gain access to victims

Enemies: Artists, scientists, universities, and ‘think tank’ organizations/corporations all have reason to hate and fear Intellivores.
The Cancanaugh/Leanan Sidhe(see Michael Yocom’s “On Faerie Folk” in Rifter#53) have a particular hatred of intellivores; one, because the flirtatious faerie-folk are often mistaken for intellivores and blamed for the ‘crashes’ of many an artist, and because intellivores frequently target the same creative and passionate people the faeriefolk are drawn to; many times the Leanan Sidhe have watched a (potential) mortal lover poached and destroyed by the unwelcome interference of an intellivore. Not that the Cancanaugh feel any lasting feeling for the mortal so destroyed; it’s their own denied pleasures that they mourn the loss of. Thus, when the Cancanaugh encounter and recognise intellivores, the usually carefree faeriefolk will often go on the warpath, seeking to chase the mind-parasites away from leeching the mortals the fay have claimed as their own.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of the Badgerfolk-Kor'Valk War, enjoy!

The Kor'Valk Stats:

IQ: 3D6
ME: 3D6
MA: 2D6 +1
PS: 4D6
PP: 5D6 +3
PE: 3D6 +2
PB: 2D4 +1
Speed: 6D6 Running, 3D6 Swimming and 4D6 +3 Climbing

HP's: As Normal
SDC: 15 + Skill Additions
MDC: By Armor/Force Fields only
AR: 7 (Dentin Laced Skin, and Dentin Spinal Spikes)

I.S.P.: NONE ! No Psionics available for Kor'Volk. Ever!
P.P.E.: 2D6 (Note: Kor'Valk CANNOT learn/use Magic.)

Skills: As Merc/Soldier OCC (RUE), but add Space Skills without penalty due to the Culture being a Spacefaring one. Also Add Swimming to all Kor'Volk at + 20%

Natural Abilities: Nightvision out to 60 feet, Claw Attacks from Large Arms: 2D6 SDC + PS Bonus, and Immune to Neural Maces/Tasers/Stun Blasters and similar due to alien nervous system. Also immune to effects of Called Shots to the Head as the Brain is actually spread throughout the spinal collumn.

Kor'Valk Armor/Weapons/Vehicles:

Shell Class Body Armor (Standard for Kor'Valk): Fully Environmental Suit
AR: 17
Helmet: 45 SDC
Main Body: 120 SDC
Arms (Top/Large Pair): 100 SDC Each
Arms (Lower/Smaller Pair): 60 SDC Each
Legs: 80 SDC Each

Comes with Built in Communications set that can Laser-Com to Orbit if a full Minute is taken to align unit with Satallite/Starship.

Bloodyclaw Rail-Pistol
Range: 1200 Ft
Damage: 4D6 + 3 SDC
Payload: A Clip/Power suply combo that holds 10 Rounds and the energy to fire them
Weight: 1 kg for the Pistol and 0.5 kg for each clip
Cost: Not Available on the Black Market, but could be worth as much as 20,000 for the new power supply/ammo combination clip technology

Goremaster Rail Rifle
Range: 2,400 ft for Rail Gun, only 1,200 ft for the Grenade Launcher
Damage: Railgun; 6D6 SDC single shot, or 2D6 (x 10) SDC on a three-round burst
Grenade Launcher: 3D6 (x 10) SDC to a 30 foot Radius (Fragmentary Round), or 8D6 (x 10) to a 10 foot Radius (Plasma), or Smoke to 20 foot Radius for 1D4 Melees
Ammo: Powersource/Ammo Clips hold 30 shots (10 Bursts) and the Grenade Launcher has an internal magazine holding up to 6 Grenades at a time.

More Later!
Last edited by GaredBattlespike on Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of my Badgerfolk-Kor'Valk War Saga!

Now: Kor'Valk Vehicles! Enjoy!!!

The Kor'Valk Power Armor "Death Hunter"
Model Type: KWS-DH 06 Power Armor Suit
Power Source: Micro-Nuclear Cells good for continuous use up to 5 years
Crew: One (1)
Vehicular AR: 19 (20 + goes through to injure the Pilot)
SDC by Location:
*Head: 150
**Main Body: 275
Large/Upper Arms (2): 225 each
Upper Arm Claws (3 each hand): 75 each
Small/Lower Arms (2): 180 each
Legs (2): 200 each
Booster Jets (2 Rear-Mounted): 165 each (If destroyed, it explodes causing 1D4 [x 10] SDC to the Main Body and 5D6 in a 15 foot Radius)
Shoulder Turrets (2, one on each upper shoulder): 85 each (If destroyed, then the weapon in the Turret is useless) NOTE: Turrets may fire 135^ Not towards the Head.
Mini-Blasters (2, one on each lower hand): 50
Ammo Drums (2, Rear): 65 each
* Destroying the Head eliminates all sensory enhancements, and ALL PA Combat Skill Bonuses!
** Destroyning the Main Body renders the unit useless, and the pilot must escape from the unit to fight effectively on it's own!

Running: 147 Speed (102 mph/165 kph). Running tires opperator at 10% of the Normal rate.
Leaping: Booster-Assisted; 200 feet across and 100 feet high, without the Boosters; 50 feet across and 25 feet high
Climbing: 44 Speed (30 mph/48 kph)

Height/Width: 9 feet tall x 4.5 feet wide
Weight: 750 lbs fully loaded
Physical Strength: Robotic Strength of 28
Cargo: External Storage racks haul the soldier's personal gear (1 standard full kit).
Sensors note: The system incorperates excellent targeting/target-aquisition gear, granting an addditonal +3 on all perception rolls, +1 to strike while the Head is functioning!

A) Turret-Mounted Rail Guns (2)
Range: 3,000 feet
Damage: 2D6 (x 10) per 21 round Burst-Only fires Bursts
Payload: Each Ammo Drum holds 630 Rounds (30 Bursts) Reloadingf the Ammo Drums takes a PS of 25 + and the Feild Armorer Skill for three minutes (5 minutes without the skill, and 5 minutes +1 per point of PS less than 25)

B) Mini-Blasters on each Lower Hand (2 total)
Range: 1200 feet
Damage: 5D6 per Blast
Payload: Unlimited as it is tied into the Suit's Main Power.

C) Main Claws:
Range: Hand to Hand only
Damage: Add + 3D6 SDC to Robotic PS Damage
Payload: Not Applicable
Next time, the Hover bike!
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Set up an updated list of the species posted to date here on the first page, with GaredBattlespike's latest added.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Taalismn , my Minion Races were looking on the list on page 1, and my Grahl have let me know that they have been left out. They aren't happy. Please add them, their tails are all knotted up with anxiety!
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Grahl added, Minions soothed.
Treskin Mercenaries removed, as they are now in-print canon.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Thank you.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

You're welcome!
Best to remain on the good side of fan empires/minion networks; there's no telling when a Creator might call Jihad on your people, or you might need help fending off the TGE, Splugorth, Infernal hordes, or CCW colonists encroaching on your territory. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is more of the Kor'Valk equipment!

Killer Stings Class Hovercycle

Crew: 1 (and 1 passenger is possible)
Speed: 186 mph/300 kph
Maximum Altitude: 180 feet/292 meters
Power Source: Mini-Nuclear Battery with a 10 year life
Maximum Flight Time: 12 hours followed by at least a 4 hour cool-off period to avoid overheating.
Range: Effectively Unlimited, but see Maximum Flight Time above (2,232 miles/3,600 km before overheating if moving at top speed)
Size: 2.5 meters long by .9 meters wide by .5 meters tall (1 meter with landing skids lowered)
Weight/Mass: 300 pounds/137 kilos (High-Tech light weight materials used in construction)

SDC by Location:
*Main Body: 540
Landing Skids (3) 1 in front and two in back [side-by-side]: 75 each
Control Sticks (2): 120 (Made to be simultainiously used by BOTH sets of arms)
Heavy Laser in Nose: 150
Rear Mounted "Discourager" Laser: 55

1) Heavy Laser in Nose
Range: 3,000 feet/ 1,860 meters
Damage (SDC): 2D4 (x 10)
Payload: Built-in Canister holds 200 Shots and can be re-charged at an Assault Shuttle or similar vehicle within 5 minutes (10 Shots per Melee can be safely recharged).

2) Rear-Mounted "Discourager" Laser
Range: 1,000 feet/620 meters
Damage (SDC): 5D6
Payload: Built-in Canister Holds 25 Shots with the same re-charge Rate as the Heavy Laser above.
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Nice new additions. Please keep them coming. We have three whole galaxies to populate.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Nice new additions. Please keep them coming. We have three whole galaxies to populate.

So, you going to toss a few minions of your owninto the fireonto the frontier? :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


An Unknown Aggressor Fleet has been hitting the fringes of the Three Galaxies' various Star Nations, from the TGE to the CAF and even a Dominator's vessel came in to Center for repars for damage that matches those being reported by others...Who are they? Where do they come from and what do they want? Why hit just one system or vessel of a given type and then simply disappear, instead of staying in a conquered system to consolidate thier gains???

The Aggressor Fleet estimated Order of Battle: (Remember; the losses are an estimate based on ALL the Stellar Nations being hit, NOT after one fight)
Mobile Battle Fortress (3.2 KM diameter): 3
Carriers [each seems to hold at least 300-600 fightercraft]: 36
Capital/Battleships: 35 (One was notibly destroyed an a kamakazi ramming on a Spugorth Capital Vessel)
Cruisers:90 (was higher but an estimated dozen or so were destroyed)
Destroyers: 150 (was higher but an estimated 20 or so were destroyed)
Frigates/Light Carrier combination Vessels: 250 (was higher, but an estimated 50 were destroyed)
Fightercraft: Unknown-Guestimated at 2,000 + with a few hundred detroyed
Power Armor? Robots? Full Conversion Borgs? Noone is sure what they are: 5,000 + with at least a thousand destroyed...

Let the Invasion: Three Galaxies begin... :twisted:
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »


Here is a secret document taken from the TGE files by Resistance members and translated into Gal 4:
FILE # TGE-II-9746213-5X

Estimates on Unknown Agressors Frigate Analog:
Length: 150 meters/ 487.5 feet
Height: 45 meters/ 146.25 feet
Width: 45 meters/ 146.25 feet
Mass: Unknown
Hull Composition: Unknown
Propulsion: Unknown
Maximum Speed: As TGE Frigate
FTL/Speed: Yes/Unknown
Crew: Unknown, best guess; 30-50 depending on the size of the crewmembers
1) Spinal Mounted Mass-Driver/Rail Gun (x 1); Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 1,000 km),Damage: 5D6 (X 10) MD, SLOW Rate of fire, approx 1 shot every 15 seconds
2) Laser Batteries (X 4): Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 5,000 feet), Damage: 2D6 (X 10)
3) Anti-Matter Cannons (X 2,each in turrets; 1 top-mounted, 1 bottom-mounted), Range: Unknown (Hit TGE vessel at 2,000 feet), Damage: 4d8 (X 10), Fails to damage Force Fields at all, but un-shielded vessels took heavy damage.
4) Missile Launchers (X 10: all in turrets), Launches Long Range Missiles, but stopped firing missiles after only 10 volleys!
5) NEW Long Range Missile: Anti-Matter Warhead: Damage: 1D4 (X 100) MD !!!
Estimated MDC of target:
Main Body failed after recieving approx 2,400 MD
Force Field failed after only approx 500 MD
Spinal Rail Gun stopped firing after taking approx 500 MD
Hangar-Bay Doors (X 3) Failed after taking approx 750 MD
Note: Carries 6 Fightercraft between 3 bays
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Oh dear...Another outbreak of violence threatening the safety of the Three Galaxies.
Not to worry; Naruni Enterprises is here to help you, at reasonable prices!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like the intelligence note. Can we expect more intelligence notes in the future?
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

“I breakfast on fine b’chal in the morning, spend my mornings driving my Gandalan hypersedan to work, compose essays in praise of my Selean patron, have a lunch of fresh cacglecristacea, paint all afternoon, dine on tenderloin p’schan, spend my evening drinking vintage am’mar while listening to the sonnets of Whis’tani, and fall asleep in the arms of a practiced courtesan of the Eme’a. Why I should rock the boat of government? Why should I care about those who cannot find a patron? My life is perfect!”

The T’asch are a race of humanoids who inhabit a small single-solar system stellar kingdom in the Thundercloud Galaxy. They are slender-build, blue-skinned humanoids with a touch of the fae about them; they are minor megadamage beings with supernatural strength and both magic and psionic powers. These attributes have kept the T’asch from getting snapped up and dominated by a number of other stellar powers in their region, and afforded them, at least for now, a pleasant neutrality with regards to the rest of the Three Galaxies.
Despite their personal power, the T’asch have no real inclination to carve out their own empire, and show little interest in expansion beyond what few worlds they already hold. Currently their society seems to have entered a period of inwards-focused complacency; their economy is stable, their use of resources balanced, and most are content with the status quo. There are no major enemies in their region of space, and the few hostile conflicts they’ve had with other species have been beaten back fairly easily, while the major powers like the CCW and TGE have their attention turned elsewhere. This has, perhaps, led to a degree of smug unconcern on the part of the T’asch to events abroad.
T’asch society reminds many Terrans of the Italian city-states of the Renaissance Period; though the various communities have formed a worldwide government, long-lineaged Families still hold considerable sway over state affairs, balanced in part by public Guilds and factional blocs formed by the lower classes. The Families often serve as powerful patrons, sponsoring promising artists and performers, nurturing the arts, and promoting various civic projects and programs. The government runs the overall coordination of efforts, civic policy, and court system, as well as the standing armed forces meant to defend the planet(s) from offworld attack, but it’s well understood that the Families run just about everything else(and even then wield no small amount of influence over the courts and banks).
Unfortunately, T’asch government has also slipped into something of a mild tyranny, subject to corruption by the Families and street-factions,which have become entrenched and smugly complacent. The situation outside the government isn’t much better; the various Families and factions have abandoned open armed conflict for no less vicious campaigns of negative publicity, slander, rumor mongering, and assassination, facilitated by corruption of the legal authorities to look the other way. For the most part, the lower classes have polarized to one faction of the other, in return for assurances that food and fuel will be available, and entertainments performed to keep it from sinking in that they have NO upward mobility or real choice in their lives. Occasionally violence does erupt between the more hotheaded fanatics of the Families; such outbursts are seen as uncouth by the upper echelons, and the involved parties more often than not harshly punished by the authorities of the Families for such rudeness and lack of finesse.
T’asch DO have considerable contact with the rest of the Three Galaxies, though they remain neutral with regards to the Great Powers. The T’asch star systems are positioned such that they can take advantage of the increased traffic in the Thundercloud to serve as waypoints for trade, and the T’asch have been quick to take advantage of the opportunity to supply space travelers with provisions, lodging, and services on several developed colony-moons of theirs. For the most part the T’asch regard foreigners with a sense of detached bemusement and businessman tolerance; as long as the grubby foreigners don’t make trouble and pay their bills and leave in all good time, the T’asch can put up with them. The T’asch have become something of a sensation with the Altess, but the two races may be too much alike to really get along well together.
However, events in the Three Galaxies may force their attentions on the T’asch sooner than they’d think or like. Rumors of Ancient artifacts and clues to the Cosmic Forge in T’asch space are circulating, and the T’asch military has been turning away an increasing number of treasure-seekers in recent years. The fact that many Families have taken to collecting Ancient artifacts as social vogue has only exacerbated the problem, as more rumors circulate of virtual treasure-houses to be had by pirates and thieves. There’s also gathering interest on the part of more than a few unscrupulous species like the Splugorth in acquiring such promising slave stock as the T’asch; the few rogues who have been captured and auctioned off already in Splugorth markets have commanded high prices, and the Splugorth would LOVE to get their tentacles on more. The military authorities have been petitioning the T’asch Supreme Council and Chamber of Families for more funding and resources to stiffen their defenses, but the whole process has been hamstrung by and mired in domestic politics(or accusations of) being played in the government. As a result, the T’asch may not be as prepared as they might think for such events as the Minion War, should it come a-calling in T’asch space. Still, the T’asch have managed to acquire some small numbers of more up to date armaments and vessels, and their military, when one adds in the Family guards and associated mercenaries, can still put up a stiff fight.

Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 200 years
Size: 6-7 ft tall, and range from about 150-220 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual with distinctive male and female genders
Physical Description/Appearance:
Tall, slender-build humanoids with blue skin, golden eyes, and eight digits on each hand and foot. Fingers tend to be long and slender. They have long faces and high foreheads, as well as large pointed ears. Hair tends to long and light-colored. Elaborate skin tattoos with metallic inks are currently in vogue. Tend to be very fashion-conscious; a T’asch’s clothing is often a very reliable indicator of their social status and position.
Most T’asch have a mildly arrogant and smug complacency about their lives and culture; they live well compared to most outsiders, and know it. They have only a passing interest in the outside world, seeing it in much the attitude as ‘nice places to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there’, though most don’t regard the outside systems as even worth leaving home to visit. They acknowledge that their government is corrupt, but dismiss it as no big deal; there’s worse elsewhere and even corrupt T’asch officials take care of their people. ‘Live life long and live life well’ sums it up for most T’asch who don’t want to disrupt their pleasant lives.
That having been said, there ARE T’asch of a more adventurous bent who long to travel the stars and experience other cultures and do great things. Other T’asch have been forced to flee their homeworlds due to dissent with the way things simply are, or dissatisfaction with the narrow place allotted them in their society. A number of such self-described ‘rogues’ can be found wandering the Three Galaxies and beyond seeking their fortunes or trying to stay one step ahead of the authorities(or bounty hunters).
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 4d6+6
MA: 4d6+6
PS: 3d6(and considered Supernatural)
PP: 3d6+6
PB: 3d6+2
PE: 4d6+6(and considered Supernatural)
SPD: 3d6
(ISP): By Psionic Class
(PPE): P.E. x3(in addition to possible magic classes)
Hit Points:---
MDC:(Minor) P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
*Minor Megadamage Beings with Supernatural Strength.
*Fine Sense of Touch---T’asch have very fine senses of touch; they are +10% to skills that require a fine tactile sense like picking pockets and locks, demolitions disposal, and computer repair. They are also +10% to play corded musical instruments, and perform skills like sewing and weaving.
Psionics: About 30% of T’asch possess Major psionics, 50% Minor, while a minority of 20% have none at all.
Magic: Major Magic Using Culture. Every T’asch has innate magical abilities; can select 1d6+3 spells from general magic levels 1-4; unless the T’asch takes a specific magic class, they cannot learn any more spells.
Cybernetics/Bionics: T’asch disdain bionics and artificial augmentation.
Available OCCs: Just about any, including psionic and mage classes. Economic status may determine what educational opportunities are available to an individual T’asch, though finding a wealthy patron can alleviate proverty-induced lack of opportunities and grease a person’s way into the fine arts. military school, or the magic schools. However, having a Patron means obligations; the Patron may pay and pave the way for the individual and effectively serve as their employer, but is going to expect something in return, such as lifelong loyalty and service (or a few really dangerous tasks of equivalent value). Consequences for not fulfilling one’s patronage obligations can be severe under T’asch law, including indentureship of one’s family to the stiffed Patron(even in the event the patroned person is deceased).
Psionic classes are controlled on T’asch by the Guild of the Mind, who have the authority to take psychics aside and train them to be useful members of society, as well as license them for work (unlicensed/approved/sanctioned psychics face possible criminal prosecution and harsh penalties if caught in the commission of crimes, though it’s no secret that just about ANYTHING can be considered a crime by the Guild-bribed authorities if an unregistered psychic is caught).
The magery schools work in similar fashion, but crack down most severely on certain Unsanctioned schools of magic; Witchcraft and Summoning are rightly outlawed due to their potential for abuse, along with any school that dabbbles in demonic powers and forces of darkness.
RCC Skills:
The emphasis of culture in T’asch society is such that every T’asch has one Domestic or Technical skill at +15%
Skills of Note:
Domestic: (+5%)
Rogue: +10% to skills that require a fine touch, like safecracking or picking pockets
Culture: Have recently attained Advanced Space Age. Can be considered to be Noninterventionist.
Economically, the T’asch are free market capitalists, but some of the Great Families have come to specialize in certain commodities, or have acquired a monopoly over others; the Eme’a, for example, are a matriarchal Family that specializes in high-class carnal entertainments; though small, they wield considerable power. The Aey’ap A’Borum, in contrast, is a massive clan who control thousands of farms and the production of biofuels as well as set prices on most staple grain crops.
The T’asch lay claim to their homeworld, three colonized moons, and about a dozen colonized(underground and dome habitats) planets in their own solar system. They have also set up research posts on planets in two adjacent systems, but owing to the borderline habitability of those planets, plans to expand them into larger colonies have been shelved(although there is off-and-on talk of expanding them into penal colonies). T’asch offworld colonies are typically sponsored by one of the Great Families; occasionally two or three Families will collaborate, as part of a brokered peace deal, in setting up a colony. However, some of the bloodiest internecine fighting between Families has occurred in such colonies when relations break down and the central government army called in to restore peace.
Technology: Advanced Space Age with regards to domestic technology. They possess antigravity(and their architects are applying this in rather stunning ways), megadamage materials. megadamage weaponry, and the like, but have no real desire or incentive to export these technologies(not to say that individual T’asch or organizations aren’t trading in both directions in technology in small quantities).
The T’asch build their own spacecraft for insystem use, but have been recently buying from offworld to update their military. Naruni and Hartigal seem likely candidates for getting rush orders from the T’asch, especially if the T’asch feel compelled to build up their defenses in a hurry, and indeed Naruni agents have begun circling the T’asch in anticipation, but the more careful Ministers of Finance have been looking around at other potential suppliers .
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by DhAkael »

Kiss humanity goodby folks... been nice knowing ya hairless monkeys. :D
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
Leaves of the lotus rise

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:Kiss humanity goodby folks... been nice knowing ya hairless monkeys. :D

Will ANYBODY from that crew have FINALLY read the Genre-Savvys' Survival List?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Very cool! Sort of remind me of an early kree race.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

“You gotta be careful around Sorm...they like to play with their food, and they’re not above letting you go or playing dead, just to see where you go, and when you’ll lower your guard. If you gotta retreat, it’s a good idea to hare off in some direction EXCEPT the one you really mean to go in, then double back and hope to ambush any pursuers.”

The Sorm are a race of evolved predators who are just now beginning to foray out into the Three Galaxies from their yet-undiscovered homeworld somewhere in the Thundercloud Galaxy----much to the detriment of their neighbors. Because Sorm are described as ‘ thoroughly unpleasant hybrids of humans and giant praying mantises, with a pinch of demon thrown in for good measure’ in the words of one CAF science officer who survived an encounter with them.
Little is known about Sorm society or its history due to the limited contact with them and their reluctance to interrupt their hunting and eating to disclose anything about their civilization with their prey. Some information, though, has come out from study of what few Sorm vessels have been captured, and from a few valiant reconnaisance flights into Sorm-held space. Sorm are carnivores who don’t particularly care if their prey is sentient or not; except that sentient prey provides superior dinner entertainment in its resistance to being eaten. Sorm can and will eat humanoids, but oddly enough find humans to taste rather bland. They’ll eat humans only if no other food is available or when being seen eating a human will cause a maximum amount of fear and anguish in other humans. And Sorm like to create LOTS of anguish. They’re also not above keeping trophies of their victims, and have been known to leave these trophies out where they can have the maximum psychological effect on enemies/victims(one Sorm war party was in the habit of positioning the frozen corpses of their victims in the path of others of the victims’ kind, to panic them). Stalking and trailing opponents is also a common practice of the Sorm, especially when it leads to more prey and more opportunity to inflict pain and suffering. Being mildly psychic, Sorm can smell their victims’ anguish, and use their psychic sensitivity to locate prey, especially after a good scare....the Sorm often like to trick their victims into thinking they have evaded Sorm pursuit, and may walk right past the prey’s hidding places...only to turn and attack when the prey thinks the danger has passed).
Sorm have thus far ventured only a short ways into the Thundercloud Galaxy, but have already encountered the CCW and the Golgans, and have overrun several small colonies of both star-nations. Population pressure at home, and a growing lust for adventure and conquest are driving the Sorm to move out of their region of space towards other populated worlds, to clean them off and claim habitable planets in the name of the Sorm.Thus far, the remoteness of the region the Sorm inhabit, and other pressing matters elsewhere in the Three Galaxies have kept the CCW and the Republik from responding to the situation, but if the Minion War draws attention and resources away, the Sorm may seek to take advantage of the situation and strike more populated worlds.
Alignments: Any Evil, but most Sorm(80%) are Miscreant
Lifespan: 180 years(barring violent death)
Size: 7-8 ft tall, 400-500 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual egglayers; females are slightly larger than the males, and lay 4-6 eggs at a time, on piles of dead prey(including their mates, if the males haven’t been careful). When the young hatch, they feast on the carrion, then turn on each other. Typically only one or two(if one of the remaining hatchlings escapes) survive, the survivor being educated by the adult(s).
Physical Description/Appearance:
Muscular humanoids with leathery pale gray skin. Their heads sport massive jaws filled with dagger-like teeth, a slit nose, and two large bulging insect-like eyes. Hair is short, dark, and bristly, covering the crown of the head and forming a ridge-mane that trails down the spine. The arms are very long and jointed like a praying mantis’, with a three-fingered hand at the ‘elbow’, and a dagger-like ‘hand’. The legs are short, powerful, and typically bent in a runner’s crouch, ready to spring into action. They wear little in the way of clothing, and many even dispense with wearing equipment, relying on their natural abilities instead.
Sorm are dedicated carnivores, although they may also derive some additional nourishment from their victims’ emotional energy(especially fear/pain/despair).
Sorm are driven by their appetites; appetite for food, appetite for power, appetite for acquisition, appetite for domination. They love torture and making others suffer, and are fond of mindgames when toying with ther prey. They show no mercy and utter indifference to fair play. Even among themselves, Sorm relationships are based on what such alliances can bring to themselves in way of material gain and hunting prowess; those who do not pull their own weight in Sorm groups are either driven out or killed(and eaten). A Sorm's value is measured in terms of whether it's worth more alive or as lunch.
Fortunately, Sorm seem to eschew ranged weapons for the most part in personal combat, prefering to take damage from their prey as they close to finish them with bite and claw. They WILL use artillery(especially starship-mounted weaponry) to soften up prey and disorganize their defenses, but prefer the personal touch when hunting.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6
ME: 3d6
MA: 2d4
PS:(Supernatural) 6d6
PP: 4d6
PB: 1d6
PE: (Supernatural) 4d6
SPD: 2d4x10
(ISP): M.E. +2d6 +1d6 per level of experience
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points:---
MDC: 4d6x10 MDC +P.E.
Horror Factor: 13
Natural Abilities:
*Megadamage Beings with Supernatural P.S. and P.E.

*Superior Peripheral Vision---Sorm have excellent all-around vision, and CANNOT be surprised from behind.

*Bite---Massive jaws do 2d6 MD

*Natural Weapons: Dagger Arms---The praying mantis-like forearms can strike with frightening speed; stabbing for 5d6 MD, and crushing for another 3d6 MD.

*Environmental Adaptation---Sorm are incredibly tough, and can handle extremes of heat and cold without ill effect, and can breath fairly dense and thin atmospheres without artifical support. They can even handle being exposed to vaccum for short periods of time; their P.E. in minutes, without any ill effects.

*Empathy(always on; no ISP cost)
*Presence Sense(4)
*See Aura(6)
Magic: None, but the Sorm have been known to keep captive magic users alive for eating last.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; haven’t developed them, and would be seen as a sign of weakness anyway.
Available OCCs: Spacer and Planetary Scout are the most common
RCC Skills:
Track Humanoids(+10%)
Hand to Hand: Assassin(equivalent)
Skills of Note:
Wilderness (+10%)
Pretty much anybody and everybody who they can hunt and eat. Sorm may not find humans to be good tasting, but they find humans to be immensely entertaining, especially when dying. Golgans are seen as tastier, but don’t squirm and scream as delightfully.
Allies: None so far, but the Sorm and the Brodkil might find common ground if they ever met. The Sorm would also not be adverse to becoming the minions of any one of a number of rampant evils, especially if it allowed them to spread their lust for carnage across wider hunting grounds.
The Sorm appear to have evolved on an ecological hellworld with high-gravity and a violent climatology. They show no particular preference towards other worlds to settle except that they have plenty of screaming prey available.
The Sorm are roughly equal to an early galactic age; their ships tend to be large bulky affairs(roughly equal to a battleship in size, but a cruiser in armaments and armor, and holding from 500-5,000 Sorm warriors), and maximum FTL speed is 3 light years an hour, but they have captured several ships of more advanced cultures, and are quickly reverse-engineering the drive and weapons technology.
The Sorm homeworld government is divided between competing mega-packs that fight amongst themselves for control of resources. The advancement of space travel has eased the pressure off at home, but now the packs have taken their aggression to the stars and turned it on other peoples.
Ritual cannibalism is practiced among the Sorm; a defeated and fallen opponent is often eaten, and the more important political and legal contests on the Sorm homeworld often end in the loser being eaten by the victor. That’s if they’re honorable; a dishonorable opponent or one held in contempt may be kept alive and tortured for days and days for the entertainment value before being allowed to die a lingering death.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like them. That is something the 3 Galaxies needs. Another race that actually feeds on other species. I think there are too few of them.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:Very nice. I like them. That is something the 3 Galaxies needs. Another race that actually feeds on other species. I think there are too few of them.

Funny...seems to me every other race feeds on somebody else.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

As long as it a symbiotic relationship instead of a parasitical one.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

“Lemme get this straight...a BOULDER just flew through your condoplex’s windows, apologized to you in a voice like a holo-idol’s, and flew down the hallway, toasting all your personal electronics in the process?
How long have you been drinking, ma’am?”

The Omac are mineral intelligences who resemble massive boulders. They lack limbs, but instead have learned to manipulate their environment through a form of tele/electrokinesis. They are galactic scholars and observers of no small standing.
Omac evolved on the storm-wracked world of Omias Trilega, where a curious interaction between the planet’s powerful lightning storms and the massive deposits of crystallized clay on the planet laid down the first self-replicating silicate nervous systems. Life evolved in the form of ‘viruses’ travelling through crystal strata, creating ever-expanding networks that assimilated, or were assimilated by, other networks that ‘erased’ and recycled them. Gradually, worm-like lifeforms emerged, tunneling through the clay, eventually coming into conflict with evolving hard-shelled energy-grazers that learned to tap the planet’s energetic magnetic fields and natural electricity, and both grow hardened shells against borers, and channel energy into defenses against the more aggressive silicate predators. In time, intelligence emerged, and self-contained ‘minds’ in stony shells emigrated to the surface to tap the lightning and shape the world around them to better suit their needs. Curiousity, as well as a need for fresh resources, led the Omac to reach for the stars, and the stony bodies there. The next several centuries were spent slowly expanding their holdings and happily exploring nearby worlds. It was when an Omac journeyman-rock happened across a Noro freighter that the Omac first became aware of intelligent ORGANIC life...The experience flabbergasted the Omac, who thought such an idea was in the realm of science fiction. This openned up an entirely new realm of investigation for the Omac. The Omac have since dedicated themselves to studying the various forms sentience can take.
Omac are scholars who like to observe other lifeforms. Their inorganic nature makes them ideally suited for anthropologcal stidy; they often conceal themselves as rocks near communities and oatiently observe for days, months, even years, without moving. They have thus accumulated centuries worth of indepth data on other lifeforms. Not surprisingly, the Omac are close associates of the Stoan(see Aliens Unlimited, pg. 131)...The Stoan frequently solicit Omac field-study groups to infiltrate alien societies and gather observations to add to their massive libraries.
Most Omac are pacifistic, comradely, sophonts who value learning and welcome the opportunity to share knowledge with other peoples and other perspectives....However, every society has a few bad apples, and the Omac are no exception. The few evil and self-serving Omac typically use the knowledge they’ve gained observing others to pinpoint weaknesses and character flaws, and use them as leverage to manipulate others to the Omac’s own agendas. The worst Omac criminals use their kinetic abilities and stealth physiologies to tear down buildings or perform assaults and assassinations while remaining undercover in plain sight as a piece of the landscape....The FWC assassin known only as the ‘Rock’ is just such a miscreant, though TGE intelligence operatives assume the nickname refers to the assassin’s state of mind, rather than its biology....
Alignments: Any, but most(90%) are Good or Unprincipled.
Lifespan: 1,000 years
Size: 7-15 ft wide/tall, and weigh 1-3 tons
Gender: Hermaphrodites....A mating pair will ‘inseed’ a pool of mineral-rich mud or soft sedimentary rock and take turns feeding electromagnetic energy to the growing embryonic Omac and teaching it via electrokinesis and telepathy while it learns to manipulate its environment and grow its own stone shell. The parents may also telekinetically carry the young Omac to share in communion with other Omac, developing its social skills. Once the juvenile Omac learns to move itself, it typically wanders off on its own, or joins with other juveniles under the watch of an older mentor Omac.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Large, monolithic rocks, roughly oval or saucer-shaped, though up- and outthrusting crags and ‘faces’ are not uncommon. Colors range from rust-red to blue-green-gray. Their inner ‘flesh’ is softer and abestos-textured. Ther are no discernable sensory organs or manipulatory appendages, though occasionally, when the Omac is moving and excited, a low glow or electrical discharges can be observed around the edges of their bodies. Some Omac sport cybernetic implants such as optical sensors and computer interfaces...these are usually camouflaged when an Omac is undertaking field observations.
Intellectual and cerebral, but observent and perceptive. Incredibly slow and patient; tend to think about things in glacial time.....
When openly conversing with other lifeforms, Omac can be genial and friendly, with inquisitive minds and an interest in all manner of things. Talking with an enthusiastic Omac anthropolist can sometimes feel like a conversation with a five-year-older, constantly asking ‘why?’ and ‘what is it?’ and ‘how do you do it?’ The more experienced Omac are much more tactful in conversation, knowing that oftentimes silence is the best way to gain information.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 3d6+4
ME: 3d6+4
MA: 3d6
PS: 3d6+4+1 per level of experience
PP: 1d6
PB: 1d6
PE: 4d6
SPD: 2d4 via electromagnetic/kinetic levitation
(PPE): 1d4
Hit Points:----
MDC: 6d6x10 MD +3d6 MD per level of experience
Horror Factor:-----
Natural Abilities:
*Natural Megadamage Beings; regenerate at 4d6 MD per 24 hours.
*Natural Stealth---Omac appear to most life-sensors and scanners as nothing more than dead rock. EM sensors may pick up elevated electromagnetic fields, especially when the Omac are using some of their powers.
*Electromagnetic/Kinetic Levitation--Can hover up to P.E. x ft in altitude(double this on worlds with strong electromagnetic fields or in structures with high concentrations of metals). This form of propulsion has the unfortunate side-effect of wiping or temporarily disrupting EM-sensitive electronics in a 1d6 ft radius of the Omac.
*Manipulate Kinetic Force---Omac possess a form of non-ISP-based TK that allows them to manipulate the world around them through use of electrokinetic ‘limbs’, with an effective range of 2d4 ft, with a Physical Strength of 3d6+4. They are more effective at lifting/carrying metal objects(effectively DOUBLE the PS-rating when dealing with metal).
*ElectroKinetic Manipulation--- Omac can manipulate electromagnetic fields in their immediate vicinity similar to the psionic power ElectroKinesis, but without any ISP cost.
*Sensitive to ElectoMagnetic Radiation---Omac can sense/taste/see/hear EM fields, and communicate with others of their kind by short range radio transmissions(effective range: 5 miles +1 mile per level of experience).
Psionics: None(though some of their abilities mimic psionics)
Magic: None; Omac have NO potential for magic
Cybernetics/Bionics: No objection to cybernetics of bionics, but many such devices are simply not applicable to the Omac physiology or require special adaptations(at three times the cost). Bionic limbs and other devices are usually mounted to be retractable and concealable, especially among Omac doing offworld surveillance and anthropological studies.
RCC Skills:
Radio: Basic(+15%)
Computer Operation(+10%)
Select 4 at +10%
Select 4 at +10%
Lore: Galactic(+15%)
Prowl (+5%)
Other Skills: Select 10 ‘other’ skills at Level One, plus an additional 2 at levels 4, 8, and 12.
Communications: Any(+5%)(+10% to Surveillance)
Domestic: None
Electrical: Any(+10%)
Espionage: Intelligence(+10%) and Camouflage(+10%)
Military:Camouflage only(+10%)
Physical: None
Pilot: Any except Horsemanship, Exotic Animals, Sailboats, ---Note that vehicles must be large enough or specially modified to accommodate the Omacs’ boulder-like bodies.
Pilot Related: Any(+5%)
Rogue: None
Science: Any(+10%)
Technical: Any(+5%)
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Any, but rarely take W.P.s
Secondary Skills:
Can select 5 secondary skills without benefit of bonuses
Experience Tables: Use Full-Conversion Cyborg Tables

Scholastic, pacifistic, democracy. Their technology can be considered roughly equal to Early Galactic. The Omac have computers made of superconductive ceramo-silicates or crystals, and robots that resemble stone or porcelein sculpture. Omac spacecraft tend to have old-fashioned steel hulls or ceramic/fused-regolith hulls, propelled by fast-ion or electromagnetic traction drives. They maintain a small armed space force for self-defense, but prefer to avoid conflicts.
The Omac homeworld, Omias Trilega, seems locked in a primordial stage similar to early Earth’s....A thick, dense carbon-dioxide-rich atmosphere covers the globe, violent heat storms fuel massive, in some cases, permanent, lightning storms. slightly acidic oceans girdle the planet, and large shallow-seas spawn dense concentrations of coral-like organisms. Alongside the blooming silicate ecology is a budding organic ecology of slime molds, lichens, and early inverterbrates.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Very nice. I like them. Another excellent race.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »

A Race that has little information know about them yet, the Unknown Agressors that have been systematally hitting each of the major powers in the Three Galaxies:

This fie was stolen by Resistance Members:

File # TGE-II 9821456-5X

Unknown Species:
Taken From TGE Space near Resupply Station 459
Sepecies Name: Unknown (TGE Reserchers have taken to calling specimen "Pretty Teeth")
Type: Aquatic/Amphibious
Resembles: Humaniod Shark with scales
Height: 3 meters
Mass: 227 kg/499 pounds
Sex: Female (Eggs recovered and genetics test are beginning)
Brain Capacity: Galatic Standard for sentience
Structure: Standard Damage Capacity
Organ Arraingement: Bilatereal Symetry (2 lungs, 2 hearts, 2 kidneys, 2 stomachs ect)
Age: Unknown (Has reached sexual maturity based on reproductive development)
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Nice teaser, I take it stats and a general technological/cultural assessment are to come later as more files are acquired/decrypted/intercepted?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by GaredBattlespike »

taalismn wrote:Nice teaser, I take it stats and a general technological/cultural assessment are to come later as more files are acquired/decrypted/intercepted?

Yes, exactly, my work schedule got FUBAR'ed resently, and I've been busy working. Soon, I'll have the time to give these vicious aliens the royal treatment!
"Save ARCHIE, save the world..."
-Sigging of rungok-
-Scenario 2-
(Demon 1):Woah, the hell happened to you?
(Demon 2):got my ass kicked by some guy with a knife and a handgun
(Demon 1):What? you gotta be kidding me!
(Demon 2):Thats what i was thinking...

anapuna wrote:
i rarely play a mage, but when i do... i do what GaredBattlespike does.

or i am a TW.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

(aka ‘HyperNeko’)
“Ow, what a cute little kitty! Come here, kitty-kitty-kitty...You don’t wanna come? Get over here you dumb animal! Yeah, I’m talking to you, you little flea-buggy! Oh, snuggy-wuggy changed his min-GHHHAAAHHH!!!AH!AH!AH!AH!*Gurgelurggurh!!!!!!*”

“Ah....I found Sergeant front of the breached security door...something...clawed his face off....”

HyperKittens are felinoid supersoldiers who were created as a possible counter to the growing threat of the Ninja Bunnies, whose rising power was encroaching on the domains of a number of established criminal enterprises. Sick and tried, and in some cases scared nearly to death, of direct NB attacks and hired-NB strikes on their operations, a number of organized crime clans(including several Oni ninja-clans) in the Three Galaxies turned to fringe biotech groups to give them an edge against the lupinoid shadow-warriors. One group of mad scientists came up with what they thought was a surefire winner; genetically-engineered super-assassin felinoids. Using the aborginal felinoids from the primitive world of Lachus IV, the genie-cabal created the HyperKittens.
HyperKittens live up to their name by being insanely fast. They can easily outpace many ground vehicles and hovercraft. To survive the speeds of which they are capable, they were also made megadamage beings, an impressive feat, considering the biotechs were instilling levels of armor protection equivalent to cyborgs in small creatures only a foot long.
A most interesting addition is the endowment of the metapower ability to generate extrdimensional ‘pockets’ that the felinoids can access. This allows a small seemingly harmless and bare naked animal to conceal an arsenal of weaponry and armor until ready to use, or to pack away valuables on a raid or burglary.
Furthermore, HyperKittens are diabolically cute; they retain their small size and cute looks well through adulthood, only attaining a more mature(and grizzled) appearance in their final decade. Their youthful looks have enabled them to pass as cute little animals very easily and infiltrate a vast range of establishments passing themselves off as pets. Beyond offing the Ninja Bunnies, the HyperKittens were being groomed for work as assassins and raiders, and the ability to appear harmless and helpless would go far in making them effective sneak-killers.
Early experiments proved extremely promising, and Lachus IV was turned into a breeding colony for the new supersoldiers. Training facilities and warehousing were constructed, and the first batch of several hundred HyperKittens was quickly nearing deployment. The original investors in the scheme were anticipating an announcement of success and the go-ahead for mass deployment soon.
The HyperKittens might well have been an effective match for the Ninja Bunnies(the HyperKittens are inarguably tougher and faster), except that while the ‘kittens are cunning and tactically clever, if not particularly book-smart, their creators were the opposite. Eager to line up additional support and customers for their new furry fighters, the biotechnicians were less than careful in their operational security, and before long the Ninja Bunnies were fully aware of the ‘secret project’. Before they even had a chance to be fully deployed, the HyperKittens’ lab reservation was infiltrated by the Ninja Bunnies, who quickly took over the complex and subverted the training program to recognize the Bunnies as the new masters of the HyperKittens. Because the HyperKittens had been raised to be loyal and obediant, and hadn’t yet been imprinted on their final users/owners, it was remarkably simple to convince the Kittens that the Ninja Bunnies were their new superiors. When the program’s backers sent enforcers to investigate what happened to their regular updates, the ships and crews were cut to pieces upon landing by the forces waiting in ambush for them. Subsequent recon missions to Lachus IV showed the planetary base had effectively disappeared, the massive breeding and training facility dismantled(or destroyed) and not a single sign of the HyperKittens.
The Ninja Bunnies have since taken over the HyperKitten program and assimilated them into their own ranks, delighting in the irony that they effectvely own living weapons originally intended to fight them. The Bunnies use the HyperKittens as shocktroops, teams of HyperKittens directed by a Ninja Bunny officer going on fast, high-violence raids deep into enemy positions. HyperKitten teams may also be used to provide muscle and rapid-response to Ninja Bunny security details, or in operations where the Ninja Bunnies do not want to tip their hand as to their presence(the HyperKittens are still quite unknown to the rest of the Three Galaxies, and are not yet associated with the NB, allowing the Bunnies to use them to confuse the issue of who is attacking a given target). The NB have used their new vassals to devastating effect on several occasions, penetrating the defenses of several opposition organizations and wiping them out from within.
Actually, the Hyperkittens have it a lot easier under the Ninja Bunnies than they previously had. The Bunnies don’t cull their new employees or deploy them senselessly as cannon fodder. The Bunnies are also training the Kittens to be responsible citizens and valuable members of the clan, although they are still regarded with some small condescension by the rank and file. Overall, the Ninja Bunnies regard the HyperKittens as not-terribly-bright maniac proteges with issues, but with great potential as well.
Alignments: Any
Lifespan: 40-50 years
Size: 12+2d6 inches tall/long, 5 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual, females producing litters of 1-4 young at a time. HyperKittens mature fast, attaining their adult capabilities after 4 years.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Small, insanely cute fuzzy kittens with a wide-eyed deranged look of kittenish madness about them. About 30% are of the long-haired kind, and about 40% have the ‘Scottish Fold’ trait.
Curious, bounding, energetically playful, charming, concealing a seething, barely contained desire to pounce, rip, and tear. Absolutely loyal to their clan and superiors, with a military espirit de corps that would make a Paris Island drill sargeant proud. In combat, though, they tend to get a little berserk, and many, if not most, HyperKittens develop unhealthy infatuations with weapons, especially bladed and automatic rapid-fire types.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6
ME: 3d6+2
PP: 3d6+2
PB: 3d6
PE: 4d6 +1
SPD:3d6+7 normally(see Superpowers, below)
(ISP):(By psionic class)
(PPE): 1d6
Hit Points:----
MDC: 2d4x10 MD+1d4 MD per level of experience
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
*Biped(Full, but can still drop to all fours)

*Advanced Vision---Twice as good as normal human vision
*Nightvision---1,000 ft range in low light conditions. You can’t see Kitty, but Kitty can see you.
*Teeth---1d6 damage
*Retractable Climbing Claws----2d6 damage and +20% to Climbing
*Leaping: Feline---2x height/length lengthwise and a 3x height/length standing leap straight UP. Increase distance by 50% with a running start. Can safely make jumps from heights of 5x their height/length.
*Advanced Hearing----Those little ears hear a lot, such as the pulse throbbing in your neck(+1 initiative).
*Extra Mental Affinity----So cute, so ####ing psychotically dangerous. (+4 M.A.)
*Righting Reflex(+4 roll)
*Predator Burst---Dreaded first strike capability. Many an opponent has gone down in the first melee round after being surprised by a leaping, yowling ball of fuzzy death going right for their throats(+2 on initiative in the first melee round, +2 extra attacks for the first round ONLY, +1 attack the second melee round, CANNOT be used if any combat actions have been taken one minute--4 melees---previous, and cannot be used again until the Hyperkitten has rested up for 2d6 minutes).

*(Minor)Dimensional Pocket(minor)( by Mr. Twist)
( ... nal_Pocket)---Can stow away 30 lbs(+10 lbs per level of experience) away in a ‘stuff space’ pocket only the individual HyperKitten can access. HyperKittens LOVE using these pockets to hide weaponry and ammunition, and to stuff away loot, allowing them to carry a LOT more gear than they might otherwise be able to carry around.

*(Minor)Extraordinary Speed---220 MPH+120 MPH per level of experience, +50 SDC, +1 APM, +1 initiative at levels 1,3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, & 15. +2 strike, +3 parry, +2 pull punch, +4 roll w/ punch or fall, +6 moving dodge, +2 automatic dodge, and +4 to damage per every 20 MPH of speed(kicks and punches max out at +8, however).
Can also perform a full-speed body block/tackle/’punch’ that does 1d6 MD.

*(Minor) Extraordinary Physical Endurance(as depicted in Skraypers)
-2d4x10 MD+1d4 MD per level of experience
-Fatigue at 1/10 normal rate
-+1d6+5 to P.E.

*(Minor)---Open power slot; About 20% of HyperKittens have the power Energy Claws, able to extend glowing claws of force that do 1d6 SDC/MD at levels 1,3, 6, 9, 12, and 15(+1 to parry, +2 disarm, and +1 pull punch), 30% have the power Shadowmeld(see PU1, pg. 40). Another 20% have the power Shadow Teleport((see PU1, pgs. 40-41)The remaining 30% have Danger Sense(see PU1, pg. 19).

-Diet: Carnivore(-5)---These kitties run off animal protein and LOTS of it. Even if it means chewing off your arm to get it.

The uplift of the Lachusian felinoids wasn’t perfect, and resulted in the development of a strong streak of insanity in the engineered supersoldiers. Whether or not the cabal meant to engineer this tendency out in subsequent generations or not remains unanswered, but about 60% of Hyperkittens suffer from a mental disorder of some kind:
(Use the relevant available Insanity tables)
01-05 Kleptomaniac---Because what Kitty dragged in, Kitty had to get from somewhere.
06-07 Obsession: Technology---Can’t stay away from it, and must be near it, must caress it, walk across it, sleep on it, chew on it...Computer users beware. On the plus side the Kitten has a +5% to any efforts to sabotage high tech equipment
08-20 Random Obsession(roll for one)----Yeah, Kitty collects knives. Nothing to worry about. Absolutely nothing.
21-50 Frenzy---Actually, don’t ALL kittens have this problem?
51-70 Multiple Personalities(SchizoKitty)---Happy little friendly ball of fuzz one moment, slavering beast from hell the next.
71-90 Random Psychosis(roll for one)---Again, aren’t ALL kittens psychotic?
91-98 Homicidal Rage---Kitty doesn’t like you, no siree.
99-00 Addiction: Catnip---Cannot control himself around catnip and will drop everything to go after the delectable herb(option: Catnip can serve the same as the Crazy Hero’s Power Food).

Psionics: Only about 20% of the HyperKittens possess any sort of psionic potential, and that is limited to Minor.

Magic: None, nor do the HyperKittens have the potential. They are constantly amazed by the mystic abilities exhibited by their Ninja Bunny superiors(“How you do that?!”). However, when magic is used against them by enemies, they react with RAGE and bloodlust(“YEWWWLLLL!!! TREACHERY!!! BAD MANS MAGIC!!!!KILLLLL!!!”).

Cybernetics/Bionics: None

Available OCCs:
The Ninja Bunnies have not yet had the opportunity to diversify the training of the HyperKittens, so currently there is only one general RCC-style occupational class.
RCC Skills:
Climbing(+10%)(+20% from claws)
Military Ettiquette(+10%)
Radio: Basic(+10%)

Detect Ambush(+20%)
Wilderness Survival(+10%)
2 Espionage skills of choice(+20%)

Swimming (+5%)

W.P. Knife
W.P. Targeting
W.P. Small, Thrown
W.P. One Ancient Weapon of choice
W.P. Paired Weapons
W.P. Energy Pistol

Hand to Hand: Martial Arts or Assassin(the latter costs one ‘other’ skill selection)
Recently the Ninja Bunnies have been teaching some of the HyperKittens Pao Pat Mei Leopard-style Kung Fu; HyperKittens may elect to learn this martial art at the cost of one ‘other’ skill selection
Skills: Select five ‘other skills at Level One, plus an additional two skills at levels 3 and 6, an additional one at levels 9 and 12.
Communications: Any
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic Electronics only
Espionage: Any(+10%)
Mechanical: Basic Mechanics only
Medical: Paramedic only(and takes two skill selections)
Military: Any(+5%)
Physical: Any(+5% where applicable)
Pilot: Any, except robots and spacecraft. Note that the small size of the HyperKittens may impose limits on what they can pilot.
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: Any(+5%)
Science: Basic Math only
Technical: Any
Wilderness: Any(+10%)
Weapons Profficiencies(W.P.): Any, except Heavy Weapons
Secondary Skills: Can select 5 secondary skills without benefit of bonuses.
Experience Tables: Use the Gun Brother/Invincible Guardsman tables from Rifts Dimension Book Three: Phase World Sourcebook.
Being raised from birth to be soldiers, the HyperKittens don’t have much of a culture or society outside of their paramilitary training. Under the tutelage of the Ninja Bunnies, though, they are acquiring a similar organization to that adopted by the Bunnies, with genin, chunin, and jonin. Currently, though, there are as yet no jonin-rank HyperKittens, absolute and overall authority being exercised by the Ninja Bunnies.
At home, HyperKittens live almost like normal domestic cats. Clothes come off at the door, and it’s lounge around, playing with balls of string, eating, and cuddling. If not on missions or training, most HyperKittens could be described as lazy sods on their own time.
Recently, Hyperkittens have acquired a fondness for keeping Wuzzyboogers for pets. The ‘kittens don’t seem to have any problems dealing with the dimorphic mini-monsters, and seem to relish teasing the critters until they ‘morph into their ‘angry’ modes.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by EmeraldToucanet »

I really like the hyper kittens, I'd be tempted to play something like that in an all animals game (or maybe an vicious evil bunny with pointy teeth, and deadly cuteness).

I wanted to play something with a Celtic theme, but races with a Celtic theme are sorely lacking so I rolled up something random (using a combination of rules from Heroes Unlimited and Phase world). I got lucky and rolled that it has a special ability too, and then decided I wanted that to be something from heroes unlimited and ended up rolling that it has superpowers (1 major 1 minor). I picked on minor (healing factor) and randomly rolled one major (animal powers, and then I rolled hooved). I decided to loosely base the race on the Celtic Galistig (which is sort of like a satyr, though they appear as beautiful women, with goat-legs which they often try to keep hidden. They range from helpful benevolent beings, to downright demonic depending on the particular tale.)

My Glaistig character is a scathach Druid whom is pretty quirky. She talks to her horse (which of course talks back, but only she can hear it). She also really has a thing for tea and is a vegetarian (mostly, she did try fish but refuses to eat any other animal so far, which is not unheard of for real life partial-vegetarians).

So here's the background for my race (it's in a game that currently involves a lot of mythological elements so the race fits right in). It's a bit long thus why I put it in a spoiler tag.

The glaistig are beings that originally hail from Brodgar, the home of the Celtic gods. However most of them long ago fled their home from the fomorians.
Glaistig are not warlike beings, and have none of the drive that beings like the Fomorians have to conquer and destroy. Some do remain behind in Brodgar, taking shelter in the native millenium trees.

Some glaistig have sought out places rich with magic and vast stretches of wilderness to settle in. Others have become adventurers, driven in part by a thirst to learn all about the vast universe around them, and experience its many wonders. The glaistig also adventure in hopes of finding something that can help them protect their ancestral home.

The glaistig do have some difficulty getting along with many other sentients, but this is because they tend to be as mischevious as they are curious, and often have little understanding of (or regard for) the social norms of other beings. Of course that they are commonly believed to be true fey, (which isn’t too far from the truth) or even some sort of demon or deevil hasn’t helped them in their dealings with humanoids.

The glaistig have nothing in the way of really advanced technology of their own, instead they view the study of magic as superior, and often rely on their own natural abilities.

Though they use primitive materials (wood and stone), the glaistig take pride in making their weaponry and simple tools beautiful, and often their tools and weapons will be ornately carved.
The glaistig are curiious and like to learn everything they can about the world around them and the other beings that inhabit it. They may find the technology of another race interesting to study, but typically only in the same way one would study any other feature of some one else’s society.

These humanoids look rather like an elf from the waist up, aside from a pair of goat-like horns (both males and females). They have a light gray skin tone, and hair colors ranging from snow white, to blonde to red. Their eyes vary from shades of green to blue. They have goat-like white furred legs, and hooves.

The glaistig have found allies among the Druids. Fairy folk are likely to acknowelege a certain level of kinship with the glaistig, and the glaistig generally are fond of fairy folk.

The Fomorians and any of their allies, such as the Celtic god Bres the Beautiful, are considered to be their eternal enemies.

Celtic gods, especially Epona, the horse goddess are most popular among the glaistig. The Greek god Dionysus is also fairly popular among the Glaistig.

Glaistig in Myth
The glaistig of myth was a sort of Celtic equivalent of the Greek satyr or Roman Faun. However unlike the satyr of faun, the glaistig of legend was always female. In some tales it was a benign helpful creature that would help keep watch over herds. Unfortunately in other tales the Glaistig is a malevolent, even demonic being that enjoys drinking human blood, and like sirens will tempt men, and then lure them to their deaths. Glaistig are related to true fairies, in fact even more closely than the orcs, goblins, and kobolds are.

Fortunately there is little basis to the tales of them being blood drinking tempters (though such tales don’t help their reputation). In fact most of the time any harm a glaistig causes, is not done with any truly malitious intent.

I gave them some weaknesses to add more "flavor" to the race, and some other restrictions since I rolled stone age primitives.

These beings are closely enough related to true fey that they retain some of their weaknesses. They will be affected by magic meant to specifically affect fairy creatures, and harmed by weapons meant to harm fey in the same way as any fey would be.

Limits on starting skills and equipment
Glaistig characters start out as technological primitives. They may not start with any skills that rely on modern technology, such as computer skills, modern weapon skills, or electrical skills. If the character’s OCC includes such skills, the GM may choose to let the character with a different skill, or simply leave the skill off. Their starting equipment should also not include computers, modern weapons, or other similarly advanced technology.

Here's their stats (the ones granted by super abilities are all ready included in, along with what I got from rolling supernatural attributes and from demonic appearance (heroes unlimited alien appearance option). I chose to lower MA, it makes sense for the race I think).

Attributes: IQ 4d6+6, ME 4D6+6, MA 2D6 +3, PS 4d6 +4 (supernatural), PP 4D6+6, PE 6d6 +4 (supernatural) PB 4D6+2 SPD 3d6+10. +10 per level

MDC: +1D6x10 + PE +40

+1d6MDC per level
+2 vs. horror factor +1 initiative

Alignment: any but tend strongly towards anarchist and unprincipled.
Come from a Vegetation World: all glaistig start with acrobatics with +10% , +5% climb
Height 4ft +1D4ft
Natural Abilities:
All Glaistig have the minor super abilities: healing factor, and the major super abilitiy: animal abilities, hoofed.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Welcome to the Boards, EmeraldToucanet, and to the Circle of Creators. You have a pretty decent species here for your minion creation debut. :D :D :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

We welcome you, Leda, with awe. 8)
Another Creator steps forward, with a great debut!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by abtex »

Welcome to the forums, leda002.
I hate it when my mind wonders,
Because I have no idea what it will bring back with it.

taalismn says -- Librarians assume the role of scholar-priest-kings in an increasinly illiterate society...

taalismn says -- Abtex...Unofficial archival mole for the fictional arms industry again with the sites that make you blink... :shock: :-D
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

leda002 wrote:Thanks :) Hope you don't taalismn mind but I copied your layout. Much easier to use a style that works well then having to reinvent it myself.

Not at all. I'm flattered.
And since I've set up a file of standard templates for writing stuff up, it does make things a lot easier. :D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Mendabe---Mutant Moles
(aka ‘Brainmoles’)

“That’s the last of them!”
“You sure?”
“Of course we’re sure! There isn’t a mine in that field we haven’t sniffed out and either defused or subverted! Your troops should have clear sailing across that field and into the compound!”
“Convenient having sappers too small to register on the fusing, and smart enough to be creative about taking enemy ordnance apart.”
“And don’t you forget it! We get DOUBLE pay for this job!”

“We have a mole in our organization.”
“Literally or figuratively? Because Snoop’s sitting right over there in plain sight.”

The Mendabe are mutant moles who have formed their own small kingdom called collectively the Mendabeese. The organization calling itself Mendabeese has only recently surfaced. Literally surfaced, because this under-nation consists of mutant moles. They are now working to achieve recognition by the GNE and other Smallkin nations, and they have not yet acquired a seat in the State Congress.
The Mendabeese insist on being distinctly different from the Rodentia Union, and tend to be a lot more exclusive than other ‘small nations’, with only mutant moles allowed regular access to their burrows and tunnel complexes. This has led to some tensions between the Mendabeese and the Rodentia, while the Gnomocracy and the Nutkin have remained out of the developing fray.
Mendabe evolution has selected for intelligence and psionic ability, which the moles have used to good advantage. Hiding unseen underground, the moles listen in on potential threats and gather information on their movements and intentions. AS their society developed, the Mendabese used their psionic talents to remain hidden, communicating unheard(except by those sensitive to psionics) and spying on others, often tunneling under and infiltrating structures to tap into the minds of the inhabitants. The Mendabese could thus ‘piggyback’ by learning from others, all the time remaining (literally) underfoot and unseen. Generally cowardly by nature, the Mendabese avoid conflict and tend to hide when threatened, though they were not above taking offensive action if cornered or if the opportunity presented itself(such as undermining an enemy’s camp, sabotaging vehicles and equipment, and launching psionic assaults from underground). The Mendabese realized, though, that they could not go unnoticed forever(especially with the spread of ‘civilized’ Psi-Stalkers, Dog-Boys, and other psi-sensitive people), so they decided to parlay their telepathic eavesdropping into hard currency and protection, turning to those organizations that were actively consorting with the Smallkin nations, such the GNE.
The Mendabeese introduction to the GNE didn’t go off very well; the moles introduced themselves and rather heavily handedly implied that they were willing to offer their services and gathered intelligence to their potential allies for a rather hefty fee and other concessions. The representatives also implied that such concessions(such as tax-free status as citizens of the GNE) would also buy the safety of GNE secrets that the Mendabese presumably also picked up on. Though not stated explicitly, the various dropped hints and language implied blackmail, and reaction to the Mendabeese opening offers was decidedly cool, of not hostile. After the Mendabe got through slapping themselves in the head(and their diplomatic envoys upside their heads) their subsequent overtures were much more subdued and diplomatic, as well as went to great lengths to convince the GNE that the moles were not opportunistic chiselers. However, some distrust does still linger, and that distrust cost the Mendabe some clout and initiative. The Nutkin intelligence services, with which the Mendabeese hoped to compete and outstrip, have thus far continued to hold the favor of the GNE and make the squirrels a nice profit. The Mendabeese still struggle, but they are gaining ground in employment with various GNE/PS intelligence groups and operations.
Since ‘coming out’, the Mendabeese have become somewhat more open and forthcoming with outsiders, but they still are a very private and secretive people, prefering to guard their privacy and keep their culture a mystery to potential enemies. A few have joined the GNE Armed Services, serving mainly as Combat Engineers(sappers) and scouts.
It is POSSIBLE, with the subsequent ‘coming out’ of the Mendabeese, that they may be found elsewhere in the Megaverse, as part of GNE excursionary groups, or as private explorers.

Alignments: Any, but most(80%) are Unprincipled and Anarchist.
Lifespan: 70 years
Size: 3-18 inches long, 1-5 lbs
Gender: Heterosexual, with females producing a litter of 1-4 pups.
Physical Description/Appearance:
Small, pudgy-bodied humanoid moles, covered in short velvety gray fur, with a small pink conical nose ending in a fringed star-shaped procibis. Their eyes are extremely small and nearly non-functional. The legs are short, and the forearms and paw-hands large and muscular.
Tend towards either near-terminal shyness or aggressive bravado. Most Mendabese know that they’re nearly blind, weak, and fragile, and more than likely to get pulped in any exchange with other beings, so they try to come off as stronger and meaner than they really are. That means using every advantage to make themselves appear that much more powerful, as a means of exerting leverage. They can sometimes take this overboard, but most Mendabese learn to use their psionic abilities to carefully gauge when they’ve gone too far in running a threat or bluff. Faced with danger, most Mendabese shamelessly take cover and hide, preferably as far underground as fast as they can go. Mendabese still struggle with the bad rep their first public representatives created; while selfish and opportunistic, they aren’t all blackmailers and cutthroat stoolpigeons. Still, if a Mendabe is going to risk their furry behinds doing something, they expect a tangible payoff, and will collect their pay and then get back out of harm’s way as soon as possible.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d6+1
ME: 3d6
MA: 3d6
PS: 2d4
PP: 3d6
PB: 2d6
PE: 2d4+2
SPD: 3d6+7
(ISP): By Psionic Class
(PPE): 3d6
Hit Points: P.E. +1d6 per level of experience
SDC: 10+ any additional from skills, training, and OCC bonuses.
MDC: By psionic power or technology only
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
Hands: Full
Biped: Full
Speech: Full
Looks: None

Large Digging Claws---3d6 damage

Excavation---Can dig at 3 ft per melee(or, if strength is boosted to 13 or better, 4 ft per melee), can tunnel at HALF that speed, and can excavate underground chambers at 5 cubic feet per minute.

Advanced Hearing---Can hear through thin earth cover. +1 to Initiative

Advanced Sense of Smell---Not as acute as a DogBoy’s perhaps, but Mendabeese still can sniff out food and other things in their environment with a sense of smell ten times more sensitive than a normal human’s. They can recognize a person by smell 85%+2% per level of experience, and pick up on faint/unusual scents in their environment 85% of the time.

Internal Compass---+30% to Land Navigation, +15% to any other Navigation skills.

Extra Intelligence---(Reflected in the stats)

Telepathic Listening---150 ft range and can listen in on surface thoughts of a single individual(No ISP cost).

Telepathic Transmission---150 ft range(No ISP cost).

-Nearsighted--- Clear (unassisted) vision is limited to 6 ft, 23 ft is the limit of vision. While this can be corrected with glasses and cyberoptics, few Mendabeese take such obvious measures to correct what they do not see as a weakness.

In addition to their basic psionics, about 50% of Mendabe have Minor Psionics, 30% of Mendabe are Major Psychics, and 10% are Master Psionics,
Magic: None, but they have the potential. Most likely to gravitate towards Mysticism.
Cybernetics/Bionics: None; Mendabe prefer their psionic powers
Available OCCs: Mendabe gravitate towards Wilderness, Rogue, and Scholarly professions(can use the AtB professional development tables). There are few Mendabee Men of Arms, no known Mages. Can be just about any Master Psionic class(as long as they meet minimal requirements).
RCC Skills:
Wilderness Survival +5%
Underground Sense of Direction 50%+5% per level of experience
Skills of Note:
+10% to skills involving underground work, like Mining, Prospecting, and Archeaology
+5% to Masonry
Little is known of Mendabeese society; the few (perforce Smallkin) visitors to their communities describe large tunnel-warrens, mainly unlit, with ‘writing’ in the form of either raised braille-like reliefs, or scent-markings. Mendabeese apparently have a strong oral-telepathic tradition, assisted by the prevalence of such psionic abilities as Total Recall; only important public documents are committed to anything akin to writing; there is no such thing as written Mendabeese literature. Their greatest arts seem to be silent telepathic ones rarely shared with outsiders, even other psionic ones, but one such outside observer described an hour-long ‘mental concert’ performed entirely silently, consisting of both teelpathic and empathic sendings projected into the audience.
Mendabe society seems to be family clan-oriented, bound into a greater government structure. It also appears to be matriarchal; clan-mothers presiding over extended family warren-complexes with the men-folk attending to most of the activity ‘upstairs’. Mendabeese are governed in-clan by a psi-ocracy, in which the most powerful psychics are the government and the familial clans. Those most powerful and skilled in the powers of the mind run the clans. Though the Mendabe are reluctant to discuss details of their culture, even they admit that their system hasn’t always worked out well, and there are whispered cautionary tales of mind-mad tyrants who abused their powers and led their clans to ruin.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

(adapted from a joke told by my cousins)


A woman frequenting a bar in Ciudad Juarez came across a man sitting next to another bar stool on which was perched a single small furry creature. Taken in by the creature’s docile attitude and cute looks, but suspicious as most Rifts Earth folk are of the unknown, the woman asked the stranger ‘What’s that?’.
The stranger looked over and obligingly responded, “It’s a wuzzybooger.”
“What does it do?”
Spotting a large rat walking by outside the bar, the man pointed at the urban rodent and said to his animal companion “Wuzzybooger, rat.”
The wuzzybooger hopped off the stool, waddled outside the bar, tore the rat apart, then waddled back inside, hopped back onto the stool, and went back to sleep.
The woman was impressed. “Wow! Can you do it again?”
“Why not give it a try yourself?”
The woman waited for an opportunity, which soon presented itself as she saw a vampire tapeworm slithering by. She snapped her fingers and addressed the furball next to her. “Wuzzybooger, tapeworm!”
Just as before, the wuzzybooger roused itself, hopped off the stool, waddled outside, pounced on the vampire tapeworm and tore it to shreds, before quietly coming back in, jumping back on the stool, and going back to its repose.
Suitably impressed by the violence, the woman turned back to the stranger.
“Is it for sale?”
“Not normally, but for you....”
A short time afterwards the woman, having made a most agreeable deal with her new acquaintance, was back at home, settling her new pet in among the cushions of the living room sofa, and feeding the docile little creature various tidbits from her kitchen.
That was when her husband returned, red-eyed and staggering from his own after-work barcrawling. He trumped into the apartment, and stared with jaundiced eye at his wife feeding a ball of fuzz what looked like HIS dinner.
“What the HELL is THAT thing, woman?!”
“It’s a wuzzybooger, dear.”
“Wuzzybooger, my @$$!”

A small, unprepossessing alien critter not unlike a raccoon-tailed long-haired possum or soft-spined hedgehog, with four beady eyes and a normally phlegmatic disposition....However, when aroused to anger or ordered to do so, the creature shows a perfect willingness and ability to take on creatures far larger than itself...and either maim or outright tear them apart in the process. When REALLY angry, the critter can morph into a hulking, monstrous caricature of itself, with certain horrible insectile and carnivore features added on for good measure. The creature may be distantly related to the SwitchCat, or hail from the same alternate universe; nobody knows for certain.
Wuzzyboogers are omnivorous, but appear fully able and capable of killing, and certainly can be trained to be fearless attack animals.
Nobody is certain where Wuzzyboogers originate from, but they first began appearing in the exotic animals market on PhaseWorld, so an extra-dimensional origin seems most likely. The creatures, though rare, are becoming popular among mages as familiars. The critters possess various magical attributes, such as doing full damage to supernatural creatures, such as weres and vampires, making them especially valuable as bodyguard beasts.
Alignments: (Animal) Effectively anarchist in the wild, scrupulous if trained.
Lifespan: 80 years
Size: About 4 inches at the shoulder and about 15 in. long. Weight 2 lbs.
‘Morphed out’, it balloons to a height of 5-6 ft and weight of 200 lbs
Gender: Male and Female. Typically mate once a year, and the female subsequently has a litter of 1-6 pups, who are weaned at 3 months, and reach sexual maturity at 15 months.
Physical Description:
Normally appears as a small, short-legged portly-bodied quadraped like a long-haired possum or hedgehog with fluffy fur(usually pink or orange, but gray-silver is also common), a long fluffy tail and four dark and beady eyes.
When threatened and angry, the creature grows to ten times its original size, the legs become long and spindly, ending in furry-’socked’ claws, the body becomes hunched and covered in spiked hairs, and the head eyes bulge into insectile oculars, the mouth enlarges into a fanged jaw, and four razorclaw-tipped mandibles sprout from the corners. Needless to say, it’s a lot scarier-looking then.
Wuzzyboogers are omnivorous, and can be safely fed on a diet of pet kibble without problem or complaint. They have been known to devour portions of their kills, however, so owners typically offer them a mixed diet of vegetables and raw meat.
Disposition: Normally very laid back and almost phlegmatic, prone to lazily grazing or sleeping for long periods of time. Trained Wuzzyboogers are quietly affectionate to their owners, and loyal to a fault, but somewhat literal-minded. When aroused and angry, however, Wuzzyboogers are slavering spitting clawing cyclones of animal energy, going for the throat of their enemies without mercy.
Physical Attributes:
IQ: 2d4 (animal intelligence)
ME: 1d6+13
MA: 1d6+14
PS: 8 (26 and considered to be supernatural)
PP: 4d6
PE: 4d6 (considered to be supernatural)
PB: 1d6+12 in its smaller state, 1d6 in its morphed state
SPD: Typically waddles along at 8-14, but when morphed up can perform bursts of 80 MPH!
(PPE): 1d4x10

MDC: 6d6+P.E. in MD when in mini-form; (6d6+ P.E.) x10 when morphed-out
Horror Factor: 15 when morphed-out
Natural Abilities:
Leap 14 ft in mini-mode, 60 ft when morphed-out
Climb 80%
Prowl 55%
Sense the Supernatural----100 ft radius
Nightvision---100 ft range(sees in the infrared and thermal ranges)

*Growth--Can grow up to 6 ft tall in an instant

Combat: 4 attacks per melee(6)
Initiative: +4
Strike: +4
Parry: +2
Roll: +6

Damage:(Figures in italics are for its ‘morphed form)
(Does full damage to vampires and other supernatural beasts)
Bite 1d4 SDC (2d6 MD +1d6 MD from mandible fangs)
Claw 1d6 SDC (3d6 MD)
Body Block/Tackle (1d4 MD)

*In its morphed-up form, the Wuzzybooger possesses multiple stiff, razor-sharp spines in its coat that act like a porcupine’s quills; any creature attempting to bite the Wuzzybooger will take 1d4+HALF its own bite damage(the attacker’s own jaw muscles effectively driving the quills home) to the mouth area. Similarly, any attempts to grapple the creature will inflict 1d4 MD on the attacker.

Value: As guard-beast- or familiar-stock, a young Wuzzybooger can bring 90,000 or more credits in places like Splynn or Phaseworld.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

(born of too little sleep, too much caffiene, and the wrong internet memes)


The young woman in the hospital gown twitched and fidgeted, her gaze never leaving the floor between her dangling feet.
“I was nothing...lower than the gutters....walking the streets...when She found me...talked me up, said I was special...sweet-talked me...I thought nothing of it, She was just another janie looking to get in my panties, but I wasn’t about to go that far down....but She kept at me...following me...finally got me into that car of Hers...dark and close and warm....and She kept telling me I was special, I had a future with Her...and I listened...and She did make me feel special...and She introduced me to the others...they were special too, but they were willing to share...and I wanted to be special too, I wanted to have what I the next time She offered, I agreed, and She made me one of the Hive.I went from being nobody to everybody, and everybody was special, better than what I...we...had been before....”
She wrings her hands, uncertain what to do with them.
“I was stronger, better, faster, than before. I could FEEL things, DO things, like never before, I was...incredible....and all I had to do for it was a few little things She asked me to do, and I’d do it ...I’d do it because of all She gave me, made me, remade me. Anything. Because I was....words can’t describe. But nothing in me compared to having HER near me...when She came to just being near me was enough, but when she touched me...”
Her voice takes on a strained note.
“She SEDUCED me...god, it was sex, and it was better than sex. I know it was the chemicals and the mind powers, but when I was under, it was....I was the Hive. I was everybody and everybody was me, and I wasn’t alone, and I was loved, and above it all...She...loved”
The back of the girl’s hospital gown burst open as four lacy transparent wings burst out and began to vibrate nervously, kicking up enough air to ruffle the sheets on the bed. Swirling patterns began to shine on her exposed skin.
The girl’s voice began to take on a wailing tone.
“And I BETRAYED Her! I betrayed the Hive! My Sisters! My Family! I betrayed all that love! All...that...”
She curls up sobbing on her bed, her wings trembling.

Behind the armored mirror in the observation gallery, the police chief turns away from contemplation of the young woman in the hospital room and addresses the trenchcoated figure next to him.
“One of my best undercovers, looking to infiltrate a drug ring we heard was on the streets. Tough as nails. Instead she found this, became that.” He jerks his head at where the sobbing young woman is being injected with sedatives by medical robots.
“She was in sheer agony when she got word to us about what was really going on. We learned the Hive was behind several dozen disappearances in the city, several bank heists, and were providing extra muscle to the worst of the local ganglanders. We stormed the place with a full company of officers. Took casualties going in, but we got the Queen. Then the rest went berserk. We lost even more officers mopping up and had to kill most of the Hive. The survivors? We’re still hunting up family members to see if they can’t help us bring the girls out of their catatonia. Officer Masume is one of the more coherent ones. These BeeGirls are serious bad business.”
“But it’s not over yet. We got the Queen, but not before she birthed an heir. The junior Queen got away before we could move in. She’s out somewhere at large, looking to start the whole business all over again, making new slaves. And we’re stretched too thin what with the fallout from the raid.”
Feline eyes intently study the police chief as he takes a deep breath. Triangular ears poke forward in anticipation of what must come next.
“We’d greatly appreciate your help with this, Madame Norse.”
The tall and lithe trenchcoated female bioroid looks long and hard at the now sleeping girl in the next room, then nods her assent to the anxious human man.
“My daughters and I are at your service. We’ll find your rogue queen.”

‘BeeGirls’ are not so much a race as arguably a lycanthropic infection that transforms normal human beings into insect-hybrids. The origins of the affliction are unknown; it has been variously ascribed to misguided genetic experiments with combining human DNA with that of Star Wasps(see Phaseworld), Dabuggh(Rifts England, pg 55), Krakyt(Aliens Unlimited Galaxy Guide, pg 50), or some combination of all of those, or the efforts of an insectoid Alien Intelligence(or demonic entity) to infiltrate human society. The Gene Splicers are another favorite suspect. Frankly, however, nobody knows for certain.
Normal humans are transformed by means of a powerful mutagen introduced into them by a previously transformed Queen. Queens predominately select other women for conversion
With their transformation, BeeGirls acquire a number of insectile characteristics and powers, as well as superior health and even improved appearance.
However, all that power and ability comes with a cost; physical transformation is attendant with mental assimilation into a group mind, and submission to the will of the Queen. The Queen uses the collective Hivemind telepathic link to monitor the activities of her drones and administer rewards and punishments as appropriate. Ex-Hive members (or those of good-aligned Hives) have described the groupmind as sensual and addictive, and weaker minds are easily suborned into it. The Queen can use the mindlinks to more efficiently channel her own psychic powers and focus their effects on individuals within the network. Convertees also may suffer from selective amnesia; memories of their previous life blocked out and obscured.

Even with their abilities to transform other people and breed faster than normal humans, BeeGirls are considered a slow-spreading threat, unable to explosively mass-reproduce and swarm like other insectoid species. This may come as a relief to others, but the BeeGirls still pose a viable threat to communities. Given enough time, a BeeGirl Hive may accumulate enough power and influence in a region to establish themselves and entrench their operations.

BeeGirl Hives may consist of anywhere from ten to two hundred members. They try to base themselves out of communal structures like farmhouses or apartment buildings where they can stay in close proximity to each other and control the interference of outsiders. Queens will stay close to their Hive, and will travel only when necessary, at night and/or using modes of transportation that allow them to conceal their insectoid features.
Evil Queens manage their Hives like their own private fiefdoms, commanding absolute loyalty from their subjects, and dominating their every thought and action. Those who serve the Queen well are rewarded, fairly smothered in the approval of their Queen while transgressors are severely punished, often by temporarily severing their link to the Hive in a manner similar to sensory deprivation. These Hives will aggressively seek to recruit new members, enslaving outsiders through the use of psionics and pheromones, lowering their resistance before getting them to consent to transformation.

Those few Queens of good-alignment will seek only to convert volunteers and run their Hives like extended families or sororities.

Note: Only humans and human-derivation(must be interfertile with baseline Humans) races can be converted into BeeGirls. This includes Ogres, Zentraedi(micronized), and Praxians.
True Atlanteans and Lemurians CANNOT be transformed.

BeeGirl Drones
The regular BeeGirl drone is a transformed human female who has been given(by stinger injections or deep kisses) a powerful transformative cocktail of chemicals produced by a Queen, then cocooned in webbing spun by the Queen. The transformation takes three days, after which a new BeeGirl emerges.
The transformation can be resisted; making two consecutive successful saves versus possession will prevent the person from being assimilated into the Hivemind, while two consecutive saves versus magic will resist the physical transformation. Note that it is entirely possible that, depending on the results, one may be physically un-transformed, but still end up enthralled as part of the Hivemind(the Queens typically work on breaking down these enthralled to complete their transformations, though some use them as fronts to cover for the Hive), or physically transformed and still individual(these failures are often seen as threats by the Queens and hunted down to be killed).

BeeGirls are only allowed to have sex (with any gender) with the approval of their Queen, and only allowed to reproduce by their permission.

Queens are distinguished by the large abdomen organ that emerges from their tailbone and generally reaching down to ankle height. This enlarged organ/appendage contains the powerful glands that produce the transformative mutagens, as well as a second uterus. Unlike their female drones, Queens CANNOT transform to conceal this feature, and must find other ways of concealing it(typically large skirts, cloaks, and trails).
The bee-sack can be targeted and destroyed(it has roughly 1/3 the body MDC of the rest of the Queen), leaving the Queen unable to produce transform venom or mass-produce new drones via speed-birthing. The Queen CAN regenerate the sack, but this takes three months, the Queen permanently loses 1d10 MDC, and the new sack will only be able to produce new offspring at HALF the previous rate.

Male Drones
Human men can also be transformed, but the process is slightly different for them. They emerge with most of the abilities of a BeeGirl, except flight. Male Drones also permanent suffer a -2d4 to their I.Q., and become obsessed only with mating.
In general, men are converted either as disposable guards, allowed to mate(non-reproductively) with BeeGirl drones, or as studs for the Queen and selected BeeGirls.

BeeGirls in general keep their own company. They will occasionally associate and work with others to further their goals on a case-by-case basis. They have been known to work as bounty hunters and slavers, and WITH bounty hunters and slavers. Drug running and dealing (and trafficking in Royal Jelly) are also common pursuits of evil Hives.
On Rifts Earth, the City of Splynn plays host to several small Hives; Splynncryth sees the BeeGirls as interesting creatures, and is equally happy to use them as minions or as slave stock, so the free Hives there tread carefully.

Alignments: Any, but generally Beegirls move down (or up in rare cases) an alignment level towards that of their Queen.
Queens tend to be Evil(60%), or Selfish(30%), with the remaining 10% being of Good alignment
Lifespan: (Drones) Extend effective lifespan by 30%
(Queens) DOUBLE effective lifespan
Size: Human-sized
Gender: Males(5%) and Females(95%)
BeeGirls can reproduce by two means; conversion or regular birth. In the latter case the Queen is the primary reproducing female in the Hive. Female drones can only reproduce by permission of the Queen.
Queens can produce 1d4+1 offspring at a time, while fertile drones can give birth to a single child(twins are possible, but rare) at a time. Gestation takes HALF the normal human gestation period. These children will grow fast, reaching physical and sexual maturity in HALF the time of a normal human being. Children appear as normal until they reach puberty, at which point they roll to see if they are assimilated mentally and physically into the Hive collective in a process similar to conversion. The more evil Queens will typically kill any offspring who do NOT assimilate.

Physical Description/Appearance:
BeeGirls and BeeMen resemble their original selves for the most part, but generally appear to be in the peak of physical health and appearance. The skin may take on a slightly shiny or oily cast.
Transformed into Bee-form, they(females) can sprout lacy transparent wings from their backs. Their voices also take on a drawn-out double tone or buzz when talking. A small pair of club-like antennae sprout from the forehead, and the eyes can be covered by faceted eye shields. Light chitinous (or rubber) armor sprouts covering the arms, legs, and torso, with head and face guards forming on the head.

Similar to normal human beings, but loyal to their Queen. Most become introverted and withdrawn, preferring the company of their Hivemates, unless required to socialize with outsiders, or out hunting new recruits and fresh breeding stock. Fidgeting and constant motion are other common traits of BeeGirls, and many become addicted to sweet foods, especially drinks, and bouts of gluttony to feed their ramped-up metabolisms.

Physical Attribute Bonuses:
(Males) -2d4(yes, that’s a PENALTY)
ME:(Queens) +1d6
(Queens) +1d6
PS: (Drones, all) +1d4
(Queens) +1d6
Becomes Superhuman
PP:(Drones) +1d6
(Queens) +1d4
PB:(Drones) +1d4
(Queens) +1d4
PE:(Drones) +1d6
(Queens) +1d8
(Queens) +1d4(increase by 3d6 if the bee-sack is destroyed)
(ISP): (Drones) By psionic class
(Queens) As Master Psychics, Queens have 3d4x10 +M.E. + per 10 level of experience.
(PPE): (Drones) 4d6 or by previous pre-conversion PPE(HALVED)
(Queens) 6d6
Hit Points:---
MDC: A BeeGirl’s SDC becomes MDC, plus they can spontaneously grow a suit of Bioarmor(see special abilities below).
Queens get a bonus of +25 MDC.
Horror Factor:----
Natural Abilities:
-Insect Wings---Female BeeGirls sprout four lacy transparent wings from their backs. These wings can be retracted into sheaths in the back(appear as simply more prominent and angular shoulder blade bones). While physically too small to support a grown human being, through what may be magic or psionic levitation, the wings can allow the BeeGirl to fly at up to 100 MPH, at altitudes up to 15,000 ft. When in flight, BeeGirls have a +1 on initiative, +1 to strike and roll, +2 to dodge, and +4 SDC damage for every 20 MPH of speed. Wings have 2d6+15 MDC each and can be regenerated(takes about a week) if destroyed.

-Armored Eyes---A nictating membrane can fold over the eyes, giving them a cloudy appearance(close inspection will give the impression of multiple facets). These membranes block the effects of extremely bright lights, tear gas, and other airborne irritants.

-Infrared and Ultraviolet Vision---Range similar to normal human vision.

-Antennae---These can fold back into the hair if necessary, or hidden under head coverings, in order to hide their presence, though this prevents their use.
* Hears at DOUBLE normal human range
*Track by Sound: 50%+5% per level of experience
*Track by Scent: 40%+2% per level of experience
*Identify Common Odors: 80%+2% per level of experience
*Identify Specific Scent: 60%+2% per level of experience
*Accurately Identify Common Known Objects: 60%+2% per level of experience
*Identify Temperature of Object: 80%+2% per level of experience
*Accurately Identify Wind Direction: 80%+2% per level of experience
*Feel Vibrations of Approaching GroundVehicles/ Large Animals up to six miles way, walking/running humans at 2,000 ft away, and flying objects at 4,000 ft.
*Penalties from being blinded or being in total darkness, penalties are reduced to -4 to strike, parry, and dodge.
*When freed for action, the antennae give +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, parry, and dodge, +1 to roll, and penalties for being blind are HALVED.
*If covered, the BeeGirl suffers a loss of the above bonuses, and -1 to initiative, strike, parry, and dodge.
*Each antennae has 4 MDC each

-Bio-Armor---This is a chitinous or leathery cartilage that emerges from the pores and quickly(1 melee round) forms a thin exo-armor over the BeePerson. It typically resembles a shiny swimsuit or leotard, with thinner or open joints at hips and shoulders.
MDC: 60+5 per level of experience. Queens get a bonus of +30 MDC.

-Pheromones----BeeGirls(and BeeMen) fairly exude persuasion; these airborne scents effectively raise M.A. and P.B. by 10, and +10% to Seduction skill when dealing with the opposite gender(+5 when dealing with the same gender). Pheromones can also be used to mark targets/persons/property, and even sound a silent alert; the BeeGirls’ senses are keyed to pick up on pheromonal triggers.
Queen pheromones are even more potent and work equally well on BOTH genders.
In general, these are most effective in close quarters with little air movement. Pheromones are less likely to be effective in the open, with a good stiff wind blowing.

-Superhuman Strength---BeeGirl strength becomes Superhuman; can carry 200 times their P.S. and lift 300 times their P.S. Also fatigues at HALF the normal rate. Punches and Kicks CAN do megadamage in the higher P.S. ranges.

-Regeneration---BeeGirls heal fast(even faster if fed Royal Jelly), recovering 2d4 MD per hour. Amputated limbs grow back in a week.

-Resin---BeeGirls can drool or weep a thick mucus-like resin that hardens into a waxy, plastic-like material; can produce about 2 cubic feet of liquid resin per hour, that hardens into 3d6x10 SDC(A.R. 13) and can be used to reinforce structures, seal openings, and form restraints.

-Venom Stinger---A gland in the forearms feeds paralytic venom to ejectors under the fingernails, which are now hard and sharp enough to serve as stingers.
Range: Melee
Damage: +1d4 SDC/MD, plus victim must save versus non-lethal poison or will lose the use of the stung limb(reduce speed, roll, and dodge bonuses by HALF if a leg, reduce APMs and parry bonuses by HALF if an arm) or will fall unconscious/paralyzed if struck in the neck or main body. Effects last 2d6 minutes. Multiple stings do cumulative duration.

-Hivemind----BeeGirls mutually support each other, such that as long as at least two are within sight or psionic range of each other, they get a +1 to Initiative, +1 save versus psionic attack, and +1 to save versus Horror Factor. DOUBLE these bonuses for ten or more BeeGirls. Outside psionic range, they lose these bonuses, but do not suffer from isolation shock(they can still hear a reassuring, if distant, telepathic murmur) unless deliberately severed from the Hivemind.

In addition to the above, Queens have the following:
-Royal Jelly---This is a variety of special chemicals produced by glands in the Queen and regurgitated, often fed to drones through kissing. A variety of different types of Jelly can be produced:
*Honey Kiss----This is usable on both BeeGirls and non-BeeGirls. A sweet wet kiss that can sustain the recipient without food or water or even sleep/rest for 48 hours. It is also mildly addictive; being kissed so or using the jelly more than four times consecutively risks a 50% chance of becoming addicted to it(-1 APM. -3 on initiative, -2 strike/parry/dodge/roll, -10% to skill rolls, and reduce speed by 25% until the person gets their next ‘hit’).
*Healing Jelly----Applied externally, this works as a healing salve that speeds healing(burns, cuts, and abrasions heal at DOUBLE their normal rate), even for non-BeeGirls. Taken internally it effectively DOUBLES a person’s normal healing rate and gives them a +4 to save versus coma/death. Effects last for 1d6 hours.
*Booster---A high-energy jelly that boosts the metabolism of the consumer; +1 additional action/attack per melee, +1 to initiative/strike/dodge/parry, +6 P.S., +4d6 to Speed. Effects last for 1d4 hours. If used by non-BeeGirls, the downside is the aftermath; the consumer will be utterly wrecked for 2d6 hours(down to 1 APM, all combat bonuses are reduced by HALF, -7 to initiative, and -50% to skill rolls).
*Queen Jelly----This is used to transform a BeeGirl into a fully functioning Queen in a process similar to the original transformation.

-Drone Birth---The second uterus can be used to produce offspring. Using these reproductive organs, the Queen can produce children in multiple births (1d4+1 at a time) in HALF the normal human gestation period. These children will grow fast, reaching physical and sexual maturity in HALF the time of a normal human being.

-Queen Birth---Queens can produce their own heirs via natural childbirth, using their original reproductive organs. Gestating a Queen this way uses the normal human uterus and the same normal gestation period.

-HiveBlock---The Queen can also lock out a BeeGirl from the Hivemind. While this might seem like a good thing from the perspective of anybody trying to break free of the Hive, in fact this is a terrible punishment. Any BeeGirl so severed from the collective will, within the hour, begin suffering acute anxiety, fear, and paranoia; -30% to skill rolls, reduce Perception and combat bonuses by HALF, -4 to save versus Horror Factor, and will feel unloved and all alone, even if standing next to other Hive members. A full 24 hours of this ostracism can result in the locked-out BeeGirl feeling suicidal and susceptible to insanity; roll versus insanity or acquire a random insanity. If and when the BeeGirl is reconnected to the Hivemind, any such acquired insanities will vanish within a hour, but if the BeeGirl is ever again disciplined in this manner again, the insanities will come back full force.

BeeGirls and BeeMen possess a limited form of Empathy/Telepathy with other BeePersons. This costs NO ISP, and has an effective range of 300 ft.
If the BeeGirl was psychic before, they will retain their abilities, but the use of their powers will typically be suborned to the use of the Hive.

Queens possess more formidable psionics, and are classed as Master Psychics:
-Telepathy(usable on others)
-Empathy(usable on others)
-See Aura
-Sense Magic
-Total Recall
-Alter Aura
-Deaden Senses
-Impervious to Poison
-Group Trance
-Empathic Transmission(effects are essentially DOUBLED for BeeGirls in the collective)
-Bio-Manipulation(applicable only to BeeGirls)
-Radiate Horror Factor
-Mentally Possess Others

Those BeeGirls who were magic users in their previous lives will retain their magic abilities after conversion, but the casting level is effectively HALVED, and PPE is slashed by HALF.
Queens, on the other hand, have the following innate abilities, and can use the psionic ability Group Trance and the Hivemind to call upon the collective PPE of their drones to bolster their own magical abilities.
-Aura of Power
-Impervious to Fire
-Magic Net
-Horrific Illusion
-Summon and Control Insects

Cybernetics/Bionics: None. Furthermore, those with more than six cybernetic implants or one bionic limb CANNOT be transformed. Those implants will be rejected by the conversion.


-Cold: BeeGirls do not handle cold well, and take double damage from cold-based attacks. Temperatures of freezing or below will remove ALL initiative bonuses, and HALF their combat bonuses and Speed.

-Telepathic Disruption---Disrupting their telepathic link is another way to discombobulate BeeGirls; -20% to skill rolls, reduce Perception and combat bonuses by HALF, -3 to save versus Horror Factor, and will feel panicked and abandoned for however long the disruption lasts.

Available OCCs: Just about any, except those that have extensive cybernetic/bionic enhancement, preexisting genetic or magical transformation. Queens will attempt to build their Hives by selecting those with useful skill sets for conversion.

Experience Tables: Use the same XP tables for BioBorgs.

Beegirls instinctively form a matriarchal society centered around the Queens.
As noted before, BeeGirls will try to establish themselves in isolated communal dwellings such as farms and apartment buildings where they can stay in close proximity to each other, control access from outside, and gather their numbers. Children born of the Queen or approved drones are raised in a crèche, where they come to identify the Queen as their Mother.
Females predominate; typically the only contact the Hive will have with outsider men is to acquire their services as breeding stock(the more unscrupulous Queens may use children born of such liaisons as leverage on outsider males), with few allowed to know the real nature of the Hive. Those males considered to have learned too much may be killed or converted into male drones.
Queens cannot long tolerate the presence of other Queens in their territory. Non-related Queens moving into an established territory are almost always considered to be threats, and dealt with accordingly. If deposed or killed, a vanquished Queen’s retinue of drones may be assimilated into the victorious Queen’s own Hive. Once a young Queen reaches maturity, increasing pressure by her mother is brought to bear to move the younger one out before a struggle for dominance breaks out. However, relations will remain cordial between mother and daughter, and the older Queen may even allow her daughter to take a ‘retainer’ of drones(no more than 25% of the Hive) to help establish herself.
This hasn’t precluded the possibility of dealings between multiple Queens to coordinate and share information over larger territories, using telecommunications and thus preventing any struggles for dominance within pheromone and telepathy ranges.
BeeGirls are known to make alliance with outsiders, but on their terms. This means that evil Queens may work with street gangs, slaver parties, unscrupulous government agencies, and even non-humans, in order to secure their position(The city of Splynn on Rifts Earth is known to play host to several small Hives).

Breaking the Enthrallment:
It is possible for BeeGirls to break the enthrallment held over them by the HiveQueens.

Killing a Queen breaks the hold over the drones, but not necessarily for the better. Bereft of their central authority, the surviving drones must save versus insanity. An unsuccessful save means that the BeeGirl has a 50% chance of going BERSERK until killed or otherwise stopped, or lapsing into a catatonic state, refusing to respond, or even take food and water. These ‘orphans’ are also susceptible to being snapped up and assimilated into another Queen’s hive, if one is nearby. Orphaned BeeGirls are -5 to save versus the pheromone attraction of a new Queen.
If captured or confined, and cut off, by whatever means, from the Hivemind, victims can be treated accordingly for severe manic-depression and addiction.

It is also possible for drones to break away from the Queen on their own, if the person possesses sufficiently strong willpower and sense of self. A strong-willed person(PC) can attempt to break free of the Hivemind, by making three consecutive saves versus mind control/possession. A fourth roll can also be made to determine if the effort was detected; on an unsuccessful fourth roll, the Queen will IMMEDIATELY detect the defection, and will likely take action to track down the escapee and either force them back into the collective or otherwise stop them. If a BeeGirl successfully severs her link to the Hivemind, she has a +2 to save on all subsequent efforts to resist being re-assimilated(mind control/possession).

WILLFULLY severing one’s ties to the Hivemind is difficult, but not impossible. Even if successfully done, the effort takes a toll; the person must make a successful roll under their ME every time they attempt to perform a skill or go into combat, or they will be -15% to skill rolls, and Perception rolls and combat bonuses will be HALVED for 1d4 weeks afterwards as the person’s individuality reasserts itself and they break their addiction to the Hivemind.

The physical aspects of the transformation, however, CANNOT be reversed. This includes the mental damage done to Male Drones. These changes are permanent.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
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To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Droping the race bomb so to speak.

Post by The Oh So Amazing Nate »

Ninjabunny wrote:I'm not working to day so I'm setting at my desk with Dice and Phase world and I'm going to pound this race out right now.(Keep in mind I'm gioing random here so its what ever the dice say it is :lol:)
Step one: Attributes:Incredible supernatural attributes. :eek:
I.Q:4d6+6 M.E:4d6+6 M.A:3d6 P.S:2d6+10 P.E:4d6+6 P.P:4d6+6 P.B: 3d6 S.P.D: 2d6+10
Step two:damage capacity: Galactic average :shock:
Step three: Alien appearence: humaniod
Step Four:Physiological Modification: Earth like world.
Step Five: Unusual Characterisitics: Small Horns 1d4 inches long on the fore head :-? (Starting to look like another Race I did already)
Step six: Unusual powers: none
Step seven: Tech level: Atomic age/ early space age. :)
Step Eight:Magical level: No magic :P
Step nin: general attiude and culture: Aggressive racial supremacists :shock:

What book are you using to get these 9 steps from? I'd really like to check it out.
-- Nate
Look upon me and tremble ye masses. For I am The Necroposter!
keir451 wrote:Amazing Nate; Thanks for your support!

Razzinold wrote:And the award for best witty retort to someone reporting a minor vehicular collision goes to:
The Oh So Amazing Nate!

Nate, you sir win the internet for today! You've definitely earned the "oh so amazing" part of your name today. :lol:
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by DhAkael »

taalismn wrote:(born of too little sleep, too much caffiene, and the wrong internet memes)


Dude... step AWAY from the coffee maker and put down the key-board... :shock:
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:
taalismn wrote:(born of too little sleep, too much caffiene, and the wrong internet memes)


Dude... step AWAY from the coffee maker and put down the key-board... :shock:

Ice Tea and long solitary commutes late at night....
I drive completely sober, but if any police officer were to hear how I talk to myself..."Okay, what new drugs are you on, sir?"

Aaaannnnnddddd I gotta get back to writing more stuff for this thread...I have a MASSIVE project that's been years in the making and is constantly so close to completion, 'cept now I've been dissatisfied with by own art for it.
Oh well; I'll get SOMETHING out soon.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Re: Droping the race bomb so to speak.

Post by taalismn »

The Oh So Amazing Nate wrote:
Ninjabunny wrote:I'm not working to day so I'm setting at my desk with Dice and Phase world and I'm going to pound this race out right now.(Keep in mind I'm gioing random here so its what ever the dice say it is :lol:)
Step one: Attributes:Incredible supernatural attributes. :eek:
I.Q:4d6+6 M.E:4d6+6 M.A:3d6 P.S:2d6+10 P.E:4d6+6 P.P:4d6+6 P.B: 3d6 S.P.D: 2d6+10
Step two:damage capacity: Galactic average :shock:
Step three: Alien appearence: humaniod
Step Four:Physiological Modification: Earth like world.
Step Five: Unusual Characterisitics: Small Horns 1d4 inches long on the fore head :-? (Starting to look like another Race I did already)
Step six: Unusual powers: none
Step seven: Tech level: Atomic age/ early space age. :)
Step Eight:Magical level: No magic :P
Step nin: general attiude and culture: Aggressive racial supremacists :shock:

Quick Roll Tables in Rifts Dimesnion Book One: Phase World...GREAT for faking up new species.
But combine it with the Monster Creation Tables from PFRPG Land of the Damned, and you can have even more fun and leeway.
After that, it's just creating fluff to connect the relevant stat-points that will give you the hardest time.

What book are you using to get these 9 steps from? I'd really like to check it out.
-- Nate
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by DhAkael »

I have a couple of idea's but *shrug* no time and my muse has gone face first back into the absinthe bottle again :P
Bind the body to the opened mind
Bind the body to the opened mind

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I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

DhAkael wrote:I have a couple of idea's but *shrug* no time and my muse has gone face first back into the absinthe bottle again :P

You gotta quit leaving those bottles around....Or get your muse into a rehab program if she's bringing her own.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by Aramanthus »

Some nice new RCC's. I am sorry I haven't been around to witness these.
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"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by 13eowulf »

The Lepusoid race is not a well known race of beings, and that is how they like it. Lepusoids are a race of small humanoids that resemble hares or rabbits of Earth. They are covered in a soft coat of short fine fur in a variety of shades of black, shades of brown, reddish colours, sandy greys, and some exotic others, have a short tail (often hidden inside of clothing, which does not seem to cause discomfort, and is not prehensile in any way), two long semi-prehensile ears on top of their heads, and large feet, made for running and jumping.
These beings can be found almost anywhere throughout the megaverse, as they are travellers of the ‘verse, wanderers in search of their individual destinies. Their preferred method of travel is what has been dubbed their ‘Rabbit Holes’, which is a portal through time, space, and dimensions, created by the Lepusoid. As a decentralized race of wanderers (some suspect several different races lumped together as one) the ‘records’ of their origins and past can vary greatly, with the stories and legend of such having an even greater variety.

Lepusoid – Optional Player Character or NPC

Pronunciation: (l p s -oid ); Le-pus-oid
EDIT: the text characters I used for the pronunciation guide dont appear to be supported here, apologies

Also Known As: Rabbit-Men, Dimensional Hares,

Alignments: Any

Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D4, P.P. 5D6+6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 6D6+6

Size: On average two to three feet tall (16+4D6 inches), with an additional 6-14 inches (4+2D4) due to the tall ears on top of their heads. Lepusoids also have a 3-6 inch (2+1D4) tail. Lepusoids tend to have proportionally large feet, with a length that is roughly equal to one fifth their height.

Weight: Roughly 25-50 pounds (10+10D4).

Hit Points: Standard, P.E. attribute number +1D6, plus an additional 1D6 per level of experience starting at level two.

Base S.D.C.: 4D4 in addition to those provided by skills or the chosen O.C.C.

Natural Armour Rating: Not applicable.

M.D.C.: By M.D.C. armour or protective magic, psionics, force fields, or other technology or powers.

P.P.E.: 5D6. This number is in addition to any provided by the chosen O.C.C.

Awe/Horror Factor: Not applicable (or by O.C.C.).

Disposition: Lepusoids are curious ‘verse-trotters, who use their natural abilities to wander the Mevagerse, seeking what there is to seek. They are a many varied race, not unlike humans in that regard. Lepusoids are also comparatively timid, often seeking discretion as the better part of valour, and choosing escape over confrontation. They are helped out in this by their natural abilities. But it is their natural abilities that have made them much sought after. As such most do not trust strangers, with the possible exception of other ‘verse-trotters, and as a race they worked hard and done much to make knowledge of themselves scarce (if trying to use a Lore skill, only Lore: D-Bees/Aliens will suffice, and at a whopping -40%). Not only do Lepusoids like to wander, but they like to look good doing it. Custom tailored suits are not uncommon, and they always find time to change out of dirty or ruined clothing at the earliest possibility.

Average Life Span: 5D8+100 years. Lespusoids reach adolescence around the age of 13-14, and adulthood around the age of 18-22. Females give birth to litters of 2D4+2 young after a 5 month gestation period and can bear litters up to the age of 75. Lepusoids are born precocial.

Natural Abilities: Good speed and dexterity, can leap 6 inches per P.S. point high and 12 inches across per P.S. point (increase by 50% with a short trotting start, and double with a full running start), excellent balance (+10% to Acrobatics and Gymnastics skills, if possessed, and +5% to Prowl, if known). Can quadruple their running speed in short bursts of one minute per P.E. point. Semi-Prehensile ears can be used to flip switches, manipulate simple objects, turn simple handles, etc., sometimes even type on a keypad, but cannot be used to wield firearms or melee weapons. Lepusoids have sensitive whiskers (as opposed to nightvision) that allows them to maneuver about underground (as well as their sense of hearing below), as well as an instinctive swim ability (equal to having the Swim skill at 65%, does not increase with experience).
Keen Sense of Hearing: Lepusoids have exceptional hearing, and can hear into both lower and higher ranges of sounds (both the subsonic and ultrasonic frequencies). Additionally their large semi-prehensile ears work like external sound receivers that can swivel to focus in on a sound our noise. They can also shut off their inner ear to filter the general din of noise to zero-in on the sound they wish to concentrate on. The range (radius) on this sense of hearing is 290 feet, +15 feet per level of experience starting at level two.
While not quite on the level of sonar or echolocation the Lepusoid can use this enhanced hearing to reduce the penalties for blindness, activity in total darkness, or fighting the invisible. Penalties for the afore mentioned (including fighting blind) are reduced by half.
Other hearing abilities include:
    • Estimating the distance of the sound at 50% +5% per level of experience.
    • Estimating the speed and direction of approach or departure of the sound at 40% +5% per level of experience.
    • Recognize the type of sound or a particular voice, through intense concentration, at 40% +5% per level of experience (-10% if the person is trying to disguise their voice or the sound, and -20% if the person is using Ventriloquism and/or the Impersonation/Imitate Voice skill to disguise their voice).
    • Pinpoint the location of a sound at 20% +4% per level of experience.
Rabbit Hole (special): This ability is what allows the Lepusoids to traverse the Megaverse. As a Lepusoid reaches adolescence they gain the ability to generate circular ‘Rabbit Holes’, by starting to dig, as if tunneling (see below) but instead lead to other places, even across time, space, and dimensional barriers. As the Lepusoid starts digging energies gather, and the hole eventually turns into a portal with a shimmering pale blue surface, entering this with take you through to the other side, where the Rabbit Hole bursts forth, creating a very real hole for one to exit from. Now these holes need a solid stationary surface to be generated from, the ground usually, or the sides of underground tunnels, the bottom floor of a building (cannot be done from a higher floor). Or solid walls, connected to the ground, at least four feet thick. Similarly on the destination side a hole will open in a similar surface. In the wake of a Rabbit Hold closing there is a two foot deep hole left on either side. Now a Lepusoid does not actually have to dig a full hole, they merely start the act of digging (or in some cases scratching, as they would actually be unable to break the surface of say a thick steel wall), and the Hole will appear creating both the portal, and the impression left behind. These Rabbit Holes are one-way passage only.
The creator of the Rabbit Hole can always pass through (and any beings linked to the Lepusoid, Familiars, symbiotes, and similar). A Lepusoid can also bring others beings through the Rabbit Hole with them, a maximum of 5 others at level one, with an additional +5 per level of experience starting at level 2. A Rabbit Hole will remain open for two melee rounds per level of experience, but can be consciously closed at any time by the one who opened it. The Lepusoid cannot designate specific people who can or cannot go through, so it is possible for people to jump through unwanted, or fall through accidentally (if carelessly left open after having passed through). The size of the Hole is determined by the creator, through mental visualization, as well as physically using the digging gestures to indicate size. Some holes are only large enough for the Lepusoid themselves to go through, with a maximums size starting at a three foot radius at level one, with an additional 2 feet per level, starting at level 2. It takes half a melee round (and half the characters actions/attacks per round) to create a Rabbit Hole, and once opened they cannot open another one for ninety minutes, provided they rest the whole time, or after 6 hours of mild activity following the creation, or twelve hours of moderate activity, or 24 hours if they maintain a high level of activity the whole time. However reopening a previously created may be done right away if the Lepusoid is the original creator, or after twenty minutes if it is another Lepusoid’s Rabbit Hole.
A Lepusoid can direct their Rabbit Holes to a location (same dimension or another one) that they have been to before, this is instinctual, particularly where their dimension and place of birth are concerned. They can also follow previously opened Rabbit Holes of others, regardless of the destination (for this reason most Lepusoids are particularly careful about where and when they open Rabbit Holes, and try and conceal ones they feel they will use frequently). A particularly adventurous Lepusoid can choose to open an Adventuring Rabbit Hole and go through, which will cause them to come out at a random location, possibly a random time or dimension (when going Adventuring they have no control over the parameters [completely at the mercy of the G.M.]).
Tunneling (special): The ability to travel swiftly underground, or more accurately through the ground. The Lepusoids are able to burrow tunnels for quick traveling underground. They fill in the tunnels as the go to maintain stability as well as prevent pursuit (but are always able to retrace their own path, or follow a recent path of another Lepusoid). Their Tunneling Speed is 5D6 (essentially a 9th attribute, functions exactly as the Speed attribute, but applies only to this ability). If a Lepusoid tunnels in this manner too close to the surface (a failed Sense of Direction roll might cause this, or absent mindedness, but it can also be done intentionally) a small mound will appear in the ground above them, moving with them, giving away their position, and leaving an easy-to-follow trail.
Lepusoids can also dig and build strong underground tunnels (no fear of cave-ins) with amazing speed and dexterity (but not nearly as fast as the travel aspect of their tunneling ability above). They can also excavate ruins and the sites of cave0ins with similar prowess. In addition the character can usually tell if an existing tunnel or chamber is a natural formation or whether it was dug by another Lepusoid, or someone else (common ‘others’ are Dwarves, Kobolds, Goblins, Gnomes, Ratlings, Troglodytes, or Humans). They can even tell if it is new, old, or ancient. Base Skill: 20% +5% per level off experience (-15% when trying to determine which ‘other’ race did the digging, if it was not another Lepusoid, not applicable to the travel aspect of this ability, above).
Underground Sense of Direction (special): The innate ability to tell direction when underground, even in total darkness (not applicable on the surface or under water). Thus the character can tell whether he is travelling up, down, or straight, the approximate angle of decline or ascent, approximately how far below the surface he is, and the approximate direction (north, south, east, west). Base Skill: 45% +5% per level of experience. This ability also enables Lepusoids to judge the approximate location relative to surface structures, but only if the character is familiar with the area. The character will also recognize traits and aspects of an underground tunnel or construct that serve as landmarks for them. Base Skill: 30% +5% per level of experience, -25% if in an unfamiliar area.
Underground Architecture (Special): Lepusoids are not the greatest underground architects naturally, and have to study or practice to become such. Most don’t pick up the ability until later in life when they settle down, and decide to build a home. This ability is not automatic, but needs to be taken in place of an O.C.C. Related or Secondary skill. Once they do acquire this ability (if they choose to) a Lepusoid can build rooms of different sizes, large and small, and even construct ornate archways, staircases, great halls and chambers, as well as a labyrinth of tunnels, passageways, mazes and even rudimentary underground traps (unless the Construct and Set Traps skill is known, then the traps can get quite elaborate). As with the Tunneling ability the Lepusoid can recognize the styles and types of construction by others. If the Lepusoid travels slowly and carefully, looking for underground traps, they have a chance at locating them to avoid them, but wouldn’t try to deactivate them, that is not usually their way. Base Skill: 25% +4% per level of experience, detection of traps is done at half this skill proficiency, and deactivation of the traps is done at a quarter of the normal skill proficiency.

Experience Level: 2D6 or as set by the Game Master for NPCs. Player characters should start at first level. Note: Use the experience table of the chose O.C.C. to determine level advancement.

Attacks/Actions per Melee: +1 in addition to those gained form Hand to Hand Combat training (minimum of 3 without a combat skill). Note: For this I am referring to the Hand to Hand styles in the RUE. To phrase is a different way: "+1 in addition to the 'two for living' (if applicable), as well as those gained form Hand to Hand Combat training."

Damage: As per combat skill and/or P.S., magic, psionics, other powers, or by weapon or other technology. All kicks inflict double normal damage.

Bonuses (in addition to those acquired by attributes, skills, and O.C.C.): Lepusoids, thanks to their natural speed and agility, enjoy a +2 Autododge. Lepusoids are also naturally resistant to negative dimensional and temporal effects, including magic and naturally occurring phenomenon, having a +6 to save against such effects, in addition to any other save bonuses they might have. Additionally Lepusoids have a +3 to Initiative, with an additional +1 at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, & 15. +1 to Parry, +3 to Dodge, +4 to Maintain Balance, +3 to Perception, and +5 to save vs. Awe/Horror Factor (dimensional wanderers encounter a lot over the course of their lives).

R.C.C. Skills Bonuses: Regardless of the chose O.C.C. all have an aptitude for the following skills (all are in addition to any O.C.C. skills): Starts with Language: Lepusian (Native Tongue) +30%, Language Dragonese/Elven, +10%, Language: One of Choice, +5%, Literacy: Lepusian (Native Tongue) +20%, and Lore: Dimensions (same as the Shifter skill, 35%, +5% per level of experience), Wardrobe and Grooming +15%, and an additional +5% on all other known language skills. Special Skill - Earaté: Lepusoids who have this skill have dedicated time to training and strengthening their ears, as well as developing their agility, making them fully prehensile, as well as usable in unarmed combat. This is especially useful in combating taller opponents. With this skill the use of the ears can be integrated into any hand to hand combat style known to the Lepusoid, and conveys the following bonuses: +1 attack per melee round, but must be used by the ears. +1 to strike with the ears, and +3 to parry. An Ear-Slap does 1D4 S.D.C. damage, plus any applicable PS bonuses. A limitation of this skill is that the ears still cannot be used to wield firearms, not only are their size and shape issues, but attempting to aim something held above your head, out of your line of sight is almost impossible, although many who learn this skill become quite adept at using their ears to throw things, even juggle (although mainly as a novelty trick). This skill is not automatically known by all Lepusoids, but instead requires the expenditure of three O.C.C. related skills (not secondary) to acquire. This represents the training and dedication required to achieve this unique skill.

Available O.C.C.s: Any, provided there are not any racial requirements (like T-Men), but Scholar and Adventurer O.C.C.s, are preferred (70% of Lepusoids fall into these O.C.C.s), O.C.C.s that emphasize exploration or travel being most common out of the rest (making Shifter the most common choice when it comes to practitioners of magic). Although artificial enhancement through mechanical or chemical augmentation (such as partial to full Borg conversion, or the Juicer process) is possible, undergoing such will destroy their ability to generate Rabbit Holes (with some exceptions), this makes such options rare and undesirable (less than half a percent).

Vulnerabilities/Limitations: 1. Wanderlust: Lepusoids are restless wanderers for the majority of their lives, rarely settling in once place for long. Each member of the race has a deep held feeling or belief, possible on a genetic level, that they are destined for something important, and they go out in search of it. Unfortunately due to their other racial limitation, below, they often fear they will be late for it, whatever it is. 2. Inaccurate Sense of Time: In spite of their natural ability to travel through space and time the Lepusoids have very little ability to judge the passage of time accurately, without the use of mechanical time-piece. A Lepusoid is always off on any time estimate by a minimum of 2D6 minutes, but can be off by up to several (1D4) hours, and is frequently late. This has developed into an almost race-wide obsession with punctuality, despite their practical inability to be punctual. This has led many to covet and collect all kinds of time pieces, with pocket watches being especially desired. 3. Their diminutive size and comparatively fragile nature frequently makes the targets for bullying, harassment, and other unpleasantness.

Psionics: Standard (same range of possibilities as a human).

Magic: As per O.C.C.

Standard Equipment: As per O.C.C. with much of the equipment being customized to suit the Lepusoid’s unusual size. As well they have 3D4x1000 credits/dollars in good dress clothes (normally all spent on only 1-3 outfits). These clothes the Lepusoid would never part with for mere money.

Money: As per O.C.C.

Cybernetics and Bionics: Most Lepusoids will avoid getting any cybernetic, bionic, or other forms of physical augmentation because it interferes with their natural Rabbit Hole ability. However Bio-System prosthetics will be considered if necessary.

Habitat: As Dimensional Wanderers by nature Lepusoids can be found in almost any habitat, and can make themselves at least somewhat comfortable. If they can stay clean and groomed, and maintain their attire, they can be quite happy in most any environment. However when the few that do settle down they mostly make their home in burrows dug into hills. Now these are not just holes in the ground, no, these can be quite nice places, clean, well furnished, and proportionate in size, so most never actually see one.

Slave Market Value: Most who know of these beings would kill to possess and control one as a slave, and are willing to pay tens to hundreds of millions of credits for one (5D10x10 million credits, roughly the same in gold pieces, and x10-x100 in dollars). Bio-Wizards, Necromancers, and other such beings prize these creatures even more, dead or alive, and would pay many times that amount. The foot alone can be turned into an item that when carried on one’s person conveys a bonus of +2 to all saving throws, as well as a general sense of ‘good luck’. Creatures that enjoy the flesh of other sentient beings consider Lepusoids a delicacy of the highest order, and Cannibal Mages in particular enjoy them as the flavour is always pleasant, will stay fresh 3 times as long once prepared, and doubles the effects of Cannibal magic made using Lepusoid parts, with five times the duration.

Alliances and Allies: Any other Megaversal wanderers, with whom they feel and kindred spirit as ‘travellers’ (a feeling often inexplicably returned to them by said travellers). But in particular they share a very good relationship with Atlanteans (especially Atlantean Drifters) and several can always be found in Alexandria, as well they share good relationships with many Shifters, Temporal Mages, Temporal Warriors, and even Temporal Raiders, among others. In fact due to their own unique nature, and Kindred Wanderer Spirit shared with many such travellers, Lepusoids can become Temporal Wizards & Warriors without suffering the inherent penalties & insanities suffered by many who undergo the training. The only thing really stopping them is their own impatience and wanderlust.

Rivals and Enemies: Any who would enslave them (of which there are many, but particularly the Splugorth), experiment on them, keep them captive, or kill them for their parts (Necromancers and Cannibal Mages in particular). Otherwise, depending on their alignment Lepusoids can get along with almost anyone, at any time.

Notes: Lepusoids are mortal beings, they are not Supernatural Creatures, nor are they Creatures of Magic. One in every ten thousand Lepusoids is an Albino, but this tends to run along genetic lines, so while few, they are often concentrated into families. Albino Lepusiods have pure white fur, and red eyes, and they also tend to embody the various racial natures of Lepusoids to the extreme, their wanderlust is more extreme, their sense of time even worse, all magical effects when used as a magical component (see Slave Market Value) are doubled, and their Rabbit Hole control even greater. These Albino Lepusoids can create Rabbit holes twice the normal size, and it takes them only two melee actions, and they can do so as frequently as once every fifteen minutes. Furthermore Albino Lepusoids don’t even need to act as if digging, merely repeatedly tracing a spiral or circle in the air above the area they wish to open the Rabbit Hole will suffice.
Last edited by 13eowulf on Thu Apr 28, 2016 7:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

Egad! When you necro a thread, you do so with some serious gold! This is going to take some reading! :bandit: 8)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by NMI »

stickied by request.
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by taalismn »

NMI wrote:stickied by request.

"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by DhAkael »

"That'll do ya..." :D
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Bind the body to the opened mind

I dream of towers in a world consumed
A void in the sentient sky
I dream of fissures across the moon
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Re: Fan Races!!

Post by 13eowulf »

taalismn wrote:Egad! When you necro a thread, you do so with some serious gold! This is going to take some reading! :bandit: 8)

Thank ye kindly.

Go Big or Go Home and all that ;)

And, apparently, when I necro a thread it stays necro'd.
Oderint Dum Metuant.
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