Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Jerell »

Alright, so I just got Mysteries of Magic book one yesterday, and I've had a chance to read through a lot of it, and....

I have to say well done. I love the part section on the clergy, and different types of priest especially. Also the new spells were good, I'd like to see more of those in the future if possible. More information about True Names... finaly, that cleared that up very well. I always had a few questions as to exactly how all that true name business worked. That section let me know everything about it I wanted and more. Another thing, about the rapid fire spell casting and miscast rules, bravo!

As to things my players like, the half wizard OCC is something one or two of my players have been wanting me to make home brewed rules for for years. That makes them quite happy.

Overall, I've found every page to be a good read (with the possible exception of the bottom half of page 2, if I read all that it would bore me to tears) :bandit: The general information, and to me, the history written of was worth it alone.

However most importantly of all my Palladium group which has been meeting less and less over the last year has been reenergized, and excited again. So I bow to 'Hall & Siembieda' for this one. I am impressed. Please, keep up the good work gentlemen.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Soldier of Od »

You are right, Mysteries of Magic is good.

Not everyone was as happy with the priest modifications as you are - most people (myself included) think that the penalties you suffer far outway the gains. I came up with another priest option using similar rules and posted it on the boards last October. I can't work out how to attach a link to an old post, so I just copied and pasted my original post here for you to see, as you said you would like to see more of the priest options in future. Hope it is useful to you!

Here it is:

The new modifications to priests in Mysteries of Magic inspired me to take an O.C.C. I made up a while ago and jig it around to fit the same concept. When I first created the ‘Naval Chaplain’ or ‘Ship’s Priest’ it seemed too similar to the regular priest to be worth using, but I think it works well as a specialist priest like the ones in MoM. I hope no-one thinks I’m stretching the concept of the specialist priests or that this is just one of a possibly dozens of pointless ultra-specialised clergy ideas!

Naval Chaplains or ‘Ship’s Priests’. Sailors are a superstitious bunch, and the sea is a dangerous mistress, and so the call for a priest on board ship to watch out for their souls has spread across the seas. These professional ship’s priests, known as Chaplains (and properly addressed as ‘Padre’), perform various roles onboard ship, often looking after the crew’s bodies as well as their souls as ship’s doctor as well as it’s minister. They may also serve the captain as an adviser or counsellor. On smaller ships, they may even serve as ship’s cook to boot! While their magic knowledge is no match for a wizard or warlock, they usually take their place as a ship’s principle magic user. Only on the larger ships or as part of a flotilla is there likely to be a warlock or a dedicated healer in addition to the chaplain, who will fill whichever role is necessary. Obviously, many naval chaplains are in the service of gods of the sea such as Ippotomi, Lista and Algor, but there is a surprising range in the gods worshipped, e.g. military ships are likely to employ priests of warrior gods such as Lopnel, Ra, Anhur, Rurga, Zandragal or Od, pirate ships may worship gods of death or thievery such as Set, Panath, Kirgi, Pith or Tark. The priest may simply be of the same religion as the ship’s captain or owner, but not necessarily, the logic being that it is better to have any god watching over you than none at all. As ship’s priests, they are separate from the normal hierarchy of the church, and are virtually independent, but will often pay homage at local churches when they make landfall, and in most cases will defer to local high priests or bishops should the need arise.
Naval Chaplain O.C.C. Notes & Modifications:
Bonuses for Naval Chaplains: Replace Land Navigation with Astronomy & Navigation (+10% bonus), replace Wilderness Survival with Castaway/Shipwreck Survival (+10% bonus), Sea Lore (+20% bonus), Seamanship (+15% bonus), plus three Naval and/or Medical skills (+15% bonus for each). +10 to the permanent P.P.E. base, the magic spells Cure illness and Float are granted to the priest at level two, and Create bread and milk, Swim as fish (minor) and Tongues (as normal for a priest of light) are granted at level three. For each additional level of experience a Priest of Light can select one additional wizard spell from levels 1-3 but should be relevant in some way to ship/sea travel and/or healing, including, but not limited to: cloud of smoke (for signalling or luring in other ships or for causing confusion on the decks of enemy ships), globe of daylight (useful for signalling), increase weight (can cause someone or something to quickly sink), thunderclap (useful for spooking superstitious sailors), cleanse, climb (rigging), extinguish fire, seasickness, breathe without air, ignite fire, fuel flame, light healing and negate poison/toxin. Dark Priests can choose from the list presented in the book (of which the most notable sea related spells include mystic portal (can sink a ship in minutes) and spoil (could debilitate an entire crew if it were possible to board a ship and spoil the food supply)) and all spells from level one, plus seasickness, breathe without air, ignite fire and fuel flame.
Penalties for Naval Chaplains: Reduce the number of O.C.C. related skills to three, and they get no skill bonuses. The proficiencies for all the Knowledge and Abilities of the Priest, except for Healing Touch, Remove Curse and Spell Casting are reduced by half. Same modifications for Priests of Darkness except they still get their Demon Familiar at level six.

Optional: Priests who worship gods that wield elemental magic may opt to select from the relevant elemental spell levels 1-3 as per Kittenstomp’s custom priestly abilities posted elsewhere on the Palladium boards.

For a bit of background (that doesn’t really affect the use of the O.C.C.), the reason I first came up with it was part of a overall concept I have for the Land of the South Winds, where I gave the country a general distrust of Warlocks and Elementalism, partly due to a longstanding rivalry with the Timiro Kingdom (with their wide use of Warlocks on ships), and partly and idea I had where the South-Winders’ traditional beliefs included five elements instead of the normal four (like those of the Far East in the real world: Earth, Metal, Fire, Water and Wood). I also gave the country an official religion in a modified, more ‘civilised’ version of the Church of the Southern Gods. The Naval Chaplain was their replacement for the ship’s warlocks of other countries.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by gaby »

MoM is Great,I hope they will add new spells non-only too the Magic,s OCC but also to the School of Magic from PF:Library of Bletherad,they are Book of bygone Spirits,Fulminations,Shadow Magic and Tome of Northern winter.
I always hate it that some make a New school of magic give it 12 or 15 spells and then forget it.
With MoM that chance they will add more spells to them.

What would you want to see in Future MoM,s books?
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Reagren Wright »

I agree. I'm still trying to understand what's the deal with the two Cloud of Slumbers.
Its the same spell accept one is 1st level and the other is 7th level and cost 17 PPE :-? .
And what exactly is :o sex magic? Its got my curosity :lol: .
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Jerell »

That is nice, Soldier of Od.

Munchkin Slappin GM wrote:I like MoM, but the penalties for the Priests are just silly.

I see what you mean, and that was my first reaction too. Although the penalties are harsh, I'm kind of glad they are. That way the regular old, and versitile, priest OCC will still be the way to go for most players, and see the most play time. I am pleased that the new types of priest are not powerhouses actually. That being said however, I would not have reduced the warrior priest's rate of success with the prayer of strength, specificaly. That'll probably be my house rule, but the rest will probably stand for my players. The new priest are definently more for the player that wants a specialized type of priest, and has a specific type of character in mind to play. I'm glad the options are there, and were done the way they were though, you don't want to create a warrior priest that fights better than or as good as a knight or merc after all, and still has all of the other powers and skills. I started to think about how I would do it, and keep the regular priest still highly playable, and not make the warrior priest over powered. After reviewing everything, I'm glad they came out the way they did (save the one thing mentioned above). Looking at the Rifts books, and the power creep they had going on, I'm happy that isn't the case with PFRPG. But that's just the way I look at it. As I'm sure the Palladium guys will tell you, if you as the GM don't like it, just change it eh? :D I still find the new specialty priest classes playable, definently not as versatile, or more advantageous than the standard, but a good option if you want something a little different.


Gaby, as to what else would I like to see? Perhaps some new prayers for priest of certain gods. Priests of Rurga I think, need some sort of prayer or ceremony that let's them know if someone's telling the truth or not, for example. I'm sure theres more, but that what comes to mind at the moment.

Reagren Wright wrote:I agree. I'm still trying to understand what's the deal with the two Cloud of Slumbers.
Its the same spell accept one is 1st level and the other is 7th level and cost 17 PPE :-? .
And what exactly is :o sex magic? Its got my curosity :lol: .

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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by pblackcrow »

I borrowed a friends copy first. It is most excellent! I plan on picking up a copy of my own soon. Very nice work!
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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After you pick it up, and/or get a chance to review the priest OCCs, I'd be interested to hear your opinion on them.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by DiceCollector »

I say Pick it up....then quickly THROW IT TO THE GROUND!!! I did like parts....I do not understand why NONE of the new OCC's get secendary skills? Did the authers get tired when it came to skills for the new Occ's. I LOVE the idea for the new priests but the penalties are to strict. I house ruled them the day I got my book
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Sureshot »

I find the book to be pretty average imo. The penalties for the Priest varaints almost guanratee that neither myself or any of my gaming group will never ever use them.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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The one thing I didn't like was to define mages who learned their craft as sorcerers. Which is very close to being meaning the same as the term witch.
I've been unhappy with PB's use of the word since the NightSpawn main book came out.

Wizards would of been a better term, for those who study and learn their craft.

Witches would not be included in the term wizard, because they get their power through their pacts, not through learning.
Then there is the description that Priestess is "slang" for a female priest. Priestess is not slang, it is the word for a cleric that is female. Where Priest is the word that means a cleric that is male. (Just like males can not be waitresses and female can not be waiters, the words themselves have a male/female meanings built into them.) This should of not made it past the editing room.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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I don't see why calling mages that use learned magic sorcerers is a problem. There doesn't appear to be any similarity to witch to me - it is clear in the definition that it is for learned magic only. Using wizard as a term to cover all learned magic (like necromancy, life-force wizardry, conjuring, diabolism and summoning) would just be confusing in my opinion, as it may be confused with the specific wizard O.C.C. I'm not particularly keen on the actual choice of the word 'sorcerer' myself, but I think using 'wizard' for all learned magic would just be open to confusion.

Priestess is a word meaning female priest - on Earth. In Palladium, as MoM states, the term priest is non gender specific, and can be applied to both males and females. Priestess is only a slang term on Palladium. I don't see a problem with that either. The Palladium term 'witch' has been used for both males and females for decades, unlike here, where 'warlock' is popularly used for a male witch.

Loads of gender-specific terms are slowly being phased out in real life as well - the most obvious one is actor and actress. Look at awards ceremonies - they often don't have best actress awards any more, it'll be best female actor or some such, and many female actors don't like the term actress. A lot of people might think that's a bit silly, but it's happening nonetheless. I've seen the same thing with waiter and waitress, where both sexes are referred to as a waiter, regardless. I'm sure there are other examples, too.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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because the word sorcerers has the meaning of 'devil worshiping magic user', which is about the same meaning as the word witch also.

Priestess is a word meaning female priest - on Earth. In Palladium, as MoM states, the term priest is non gender specific, and can be applied to both males and females.

<dripping with sarcasm>HELLO, get a clue, I"M Complaining about the word usage in the MoM1 book.</dripping with sarcasm> So it is pointless to bring up exactly what I was complaining about in the argument about my complaint.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by The Dark Elf »

drewkitty ~..~ wrote:because the word sorcerers has the meaning of 'devil worshiping magic user', which is about the same meaning as the word witch also.

Priestess is a word meaning female priest - on Earth. In Palladium, as MoM states, the term priest is non gender specific, and can be applied to both males and females.

<dripping with sarcasm>HELLO, get a clue, I"M Complaining about the word usage in the MoM1 book.</dripping with sarcasm> So it is pointless to bring up exactly what I was complaining about in the argument about my complaint.

My Oxford English Dictionary says about the word sorcerer:

• noun (fem. sorceress) a person believed to practise magic; a wizard.

I agree with Soldier Of Od's post. Your previous post reads as though you are complaining about Palladium's use of slang in their fictional would when in the real world the word or term means something else. You are entitled to not like that but you post reads as though they made an editing mistake and didnt make the conscious thought to alter something in their fictional world. Again, your entitled not to like something.

Also Drewkitty the confrontational attitude in the quote above is immature. Address the "argument" not the way it was argued. :crane: I think you rolled 62-67 for your disposition. :clown:
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Did no-one see the ----------- I used to separate the different parts of my post?

And your banality about my complaints about specific meanings of words just shows how badly the word usage has changed from the meaning of the word. It's not my fault that 'devil worshiping magic user' word meaning was not fully put into said dictionary.

Besides that, If I don't complain about something that is wrong it does not let them correct said error.

When Jesus saw the evil done in God's temple, and then he confronted the evil to drive it out.
Confronting wrongness is not childish, it is does mean that said person is fed up with the wrongness being presented as rightness. And your implications that to doing said confrontation is childish is insulting.

As to my sarcasm, sort of like a teacher telling there students that there is a typo in the text book saying that 2+2=6 and it should read 2+2=4, then a student says "but the book says" that 2+2=6.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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drewkitty ~..~ wrote:because the word sorcerers has the meaning of 'devil worshiping magic user', which is about the same meaning as the word witch also.

Priestess is a word meaning female priest - on Earth. In Palladium, as MoM states, the term priest is non gender specific, and can be applied to both males and females.

<dripping with sarcasm>HELLO, get a clue, I"M Complaining about the word usage in the MoM1 book.</dripping with sarcasm> So it is pointless to bring up exactly what I was complaining about in the argument about my complaint.

Seriously? Why the attitude? Can't you just be civil when posting on the boards?

Your original post made it appear that you were complaining about a 'mistake' which, quote: 'should not have made it past the editing room'. I was just trying to make it clear that Palladium had made no mistake - they had intentionally decided that the word priest, sorcerer, witch etc. are intended to be usable for males and females in the Palladium world, and that 'preistess' etc. was only slang. If you don't like this, then don't use it, but that's up to you - it doesn't mean that they are wrong.

Pointlessly arguing that your personal definition of 'sorcerer' is clearly the accurate one and that the one in the standard English language dictionary is wrong doesn't help your point, but it does help to illustrate that the meaning of words like 'sorcerer', 'magician' and 'warlock' have been used to describe so many type of magic user and similar beings in so many different books, films, games, historical records etc., that any specific original meaning may have changed, as happens with thousands of different words. Palladium have chosen to use sorcerer for all types of magic user not born with their abilities, both wizard and witch. Other sources may use it to specifically mean a witch, others something different. Again, if you don't like it, don't use it. I agree with you - I don't particularly like the use of the word sorcerer in this case either, but that is a matter of personal preference; it doesn't mean it was a typo.

Like I said, it is not 'wrongness' or an error you have confronted, just a decision by the writers. If you accepted their use of 'warlock' as a user of elemental magic instead of being a 'male witch' as is traditionally used, which seems like a much bigger alteration of the meaning of a word to me, then surely you don't need to worry about little things like this?
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Soldier of Od wrote:Seriously? Why the attitude? Can't you just be civil when posting on the boards?

Maybe I was returning the insult that was given. Besides I didn't call him a 'frelling idiot', for his apparent stupidity of trying to support his argument that the text was right, by the text that was disputed to support his stance. About as difficult as trying to fly by pulling yourself up by your own boot straps.

Actually the term sorcerer does have the evil label attached to it, and has had it since at least the 1400's-1500's. So the dictionary definition that got quoted is wrong.

As for the "it's only a game" "so why care" argument, because Everything effects how people think. If you start off with in fiction writing that evil is good. It is not long that people start thinking that evil is good, and good evil. I know that has happened before because I can see the evil in today's society that people are calling good.

And again, if you do not tell the writers and editors they are in error, then they will not have any chance to correct themselves. So I am just fulfilling my obligation in letting them know how they are wrong. So the ball is now in their courner to fix the editing oversight or not. Now I have fulfilled my obligation in informing them.
If want to not see that it is wrong, that is your choice. But don't waist your breath trying to convince me that wrong is right.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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No insult was given at all. Your attitude is completely uncalled for. You have been right about one thing only, and that is that it is a waste of breath talking trying to convince you of anything. I'm done here.

Jerell, sorry for briefly disrupting your original thread by not simply ignoring Drewkitty's insults in the first place. Everybody else, back to the thread! :-D
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Wow, just wow.

I am writing a new book, in it the protagonists are witches. Except in my world witches worship and protect nature and are thus granted magical powers by the Earth spirit. They must be dedicated to protecting nature and people. They live by a 'do no harm' principal that is one of their most sacred principals.

Aparently my entire series is wrong because I am calling them witches. Don't worry, I'll burn my manuscript before I let anyone read it since I can't possibly use a word for a meaning that you disagree with.

As you fail to grasp here, this is not the case of a word being used incorrectly, it is a reinterpretation of how the word should be used IN THE CONTEXT OF THE GAME. If they say that Dolphins are people who like eating tuna on Palladium instead of aquatic mammals, well that is what a Dolphin is. Okay you might not be thrilled that they just decided to call tuna lovers Dolphins in the game, but their usage isn't wrong. A typo is wrong, a purposefully constructed statement or usage in the context of a fictional writing isn't wrong. You might not like that they did it, but it is in no way, shape, form or size, wrong (see, you're using the word wrong incorrectly).

Ahrem, sorry to thread jack.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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I am most looking forward to getting this book. Once Dimensional Outbreak comes out later this week I am going to order that, Mysteries of magic and Dark places.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Jerell »

Well, thanks for comming back around to the topic. :lol:

I look forward to hearing what you think of it. Especially the priest variants. I believe the majority think they may be too restricted, or a little under powered perhaps. I have a feeling that most of the posters feel that way, but that is just a feeling. When you first read it, I would be most interested to hear your opinion while it is fresh, and about what you specificaly like and/or don't like about them.

That being said, I also feel that Palladium does a good job supporting the idea of house rules for things you would like to change.

So how about it everyone? Have you (or your GM) made house rules for the new priest variants? Any that you would care to share? Or has anyone actually tried playing one of the variants yet?

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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Well based on some horse trading with my wife I only ordered Dimensional Outbreak, Rifter #46 (wanting that Wormwood article, a lot) and DR Dark Places. Mysteries of Magic is going to have to be tacked on to my Triax 2 order in a couple of months :-(
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Soldier of Od wrote:No insult was given at all. Your attitude is completely uncalled for. You have been right about one thing only, and that is that it is a waste of breath talking trying to convince you of anything. I'm done here.

Jerell, sorry for briefly disrupting your original thread by not simply ignoring Drewkitty's insults in the first place. Everybody else, back to the thread! :-D

Stating the truth is never an insult, nor slander.


other then then my complaints the MoM1 book does a good job at filling out the backgrounds the types of magic users.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Also Coming in 2010

Rifts® World Book: Lemuria™: The underwater realm of Lemuria. The people and history of Lemuria, new magic, sea herbs and healing, monsters, the New Navy, and much, much more. Written by Greg Diaczyk. 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 885.

Armageddon Unlimited™ – for Heroes Unlimited™: Demons and Deevils are trying to turn Earth into one of their playgrounds, only it’s worse than you think. The plan is to bring about Armageddon. A stand-alone adventure setting for Heroes Unlimited™, new super abilities, hero categories, demonic weapons, adventure and more. Cover by Mark Evans. Written by Carl Gleba. 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 527.

Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames™: Battlefield Earth. The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, plus Soulmancer and Blood Magic, and Demon Plagues across the globe. Rifts Calgary and much, much more. Written by Carl Gleba. 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876.

Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook: The Robotech® core sourcebook you’ve been waiting for . . . only it’s going to be more than you imagine. Written by Kevin Siembieda and Irvin Jackson. 224+ pages – manga size – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 554.

Rifts® Chaos Earth™ Sourcebook: First Responders™: Data about the chaos and madness of the early days of the Great Apocalypse, and the brave men and women who tried to stem the tide of destruction and save lives, the First Responders. Written by Jason Richards & Kevin Siembieda. 96 to 128 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 665.

Other books in development:

- Robotech® New Generation™ Freedom Fighters Sourcebook (and others)
- More Rifts® Chaos Earth™ sourcebooks
- More Rifts® sourcebooks
- More Phase World®/Three Galaxies™ sourcebooks
- Nightbane® Sourcebook Six
- Mysteries of Magic™ Two & Three
- Dead Reign™ Sourcebook Three
- The Rifter® Number 51 & 52
- Warpath™ Urban Jungle™ and more . . .

If it did not come out till next year I would not be surprised.
Ever since I started playing the PB system about 15 years ago, I've been waiting for the Rifts® World Book: Lemuria.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by azazel1024 »

Yeah that is really my 2nd to next serious want, following Triax 2 (I just got Dimensional Outbreak so I can scratch that off my list).

Mysteries of Magic and Triax 2 are going to be my next purchases once the later comes out.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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My only question about the book is...Sex magic? Where the **** can I find that!?
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Ahulane wrote:My only question about the book is...Sex magic? Where the **** can I find that!?

Has not been published yet. If PB is smart, they won't publish any.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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Darkechilde wrote:
The Creature wrote:I was going through my copy of MoM looking for spells for the warlock I want to play at the upcoming open house when I found a referance to Healing Flame in the description for the spell Burning Life. I can't find it as a spell anywhere and I'm just wondering if I missing it or if it was left out of the printing.

Healing Flame is a Blue Flame Magic spell. You can find it in South America 2, or The Book of Magic for rifts.

Actually, in this case, not. There was a spell called Healing Flame included in the manuscript, but it was cut before production.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by ingexthefuryhunter1 »

On where to find sex magic, you can look on ebay for a D&D book that was published some time ago, called the book of erotic fantasy. it covers everything you could possibly want for that section. I have retooled a few of the STD's from it. Makes that lush in the party think twice before bedding the local tavern wench if he thinks he can contract dragon herpes or zombie rot.

As for MOM I really enjoyed it, yes it was short, but it is part of a series so that is to be expected, I look at it like a salad at a fine dinning establishment, it is there to wet your appetite and to slow the cravings while the cooks prepare the rest of the food.

On another note sorry Jerell, but azazel1024 drew kitty is correct sorcerer and sorceress where labels placed on practicing pagan and at times rival religions that the christian church wished to expunge. So they where branded heretics in the service to Satan or other dark entities.

As for your definition of witches for your manuscript you have the modern pagan wicca version of a witch, which (pun intended) as set out by Gardner during the 1920-30's and is still widely held to this day.

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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Ahulane »

On where to find sex magic, you can look on ebay for a D&D book that was published some time ago, called the book of erotic fantasy. it covers everything you could possibly want for that section. I have retooled a few of the STD's from it. Makes that lush in the party think twice before bedding the local tavern wench if he thinks he can contract dragon herpes or zombie rot.

Yeah, I've looked over that a while back.

I was merely curious, not for the whole erotic aspect of "Sex Magic" but more for the practical applications in the gaming world. Spells that would impregnate creatures to give birth against their will...maybe go the whole demonic route with it and have demonlings burst out from a woman in a village and said village is then ripped apart.

Maybe spells to summon incubi and succubi or to harness their powers. Utility spells to increase physical beauty for seduction or persuasion purposes. Possibly spells that allow you to perform mischievous "cupid-like" pranks and such. There's no reason why they can't do a small section on the less crude aspects of that type of magic.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

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I think the next MoM will be on Dark magics.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by ingexthefuryhunter1 »

True, as a possible in word effects, I see it used as in Mel brooks movie a history of the world part 1, "the smoke screen of high" your racing away from a bunch of wolven who are gaining on you, all of a sudden your mage raises his/her hand and the pursuit stops because the females in the group all of a sudden have gone into heat.

or your negotiating with a shop keep over some armor, simple wave of the hand and he gives you any thing you want as long as you wave your hand again due to the wave of pleasure in produces.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by Ahulane »

True, as a possible in word effects, I see it used as in Mel brooks movie a history of the world part 1, "the smoke screen of high" your racing away from a bunch of wolven who are gaining on you, all of a sudden your mage raises his/her hand and the pursuit stops because the females in the group all of a sudden have gone into heat.

or your negotiating with a shop keep over some armor, simple wave of the hand and he gives you any thing you want as long as you wave your hand again due to the wave of pleasure in produces.

Exactly, I mean, there are as many possibilities for this type of magic as there is for any other type.

What about a spell of legend/ritual that lets you place your soul in an unborn child, so that when/if you die (through non-soul sucking means) you can come back to life as an infant and upon reaching puberty you regain all your skills/knowledge of your previous life but with new stat's and race. A type of limited immortality which I'm sure would be used by any number of baddies.

For the wolfen thing I'd say that they'd be a little distracted during any potential fight and would suffer penalties as a lower level spell, and as a higher level one they'd try to rape the thing nearest them for the duration of the spell. I'd only say this because Wolfen possess human like intelligence and aren't mindless beasts so they'd be able to control themselves to an extent, where as a pack of actual wolves may not be able to.

Could have some minor curses, maybe along the lines of...Object of: Affection, Object of: Desire, Object of: Repulsion, Object of: Fear, Object of: Loathing, etc. Each of the curses inflict minor (or major) disorders upon people near the affected object. Higher level versions could affect people. Or it ties two or more things together, so say for example...You cast Object of: Loathing on something someone is looking to buy and all of a sudden they drop it and walk away until the duration elapses, anyone who passes by during the duration would try to avoid it. But then cast it on someone else and they would go out of their way to destroy the item. Truly a dangerous person to mess with...

Basically Sex magic could be emotional and reproduction disruption/control.

I'm thinking to myself now, what about deities? Surely Aphrodite and even Zeus have spells like this at their disposal and if they do then so do agents of evil. This type of magic would add a massive amount of depth to a game, but should obviously be a rarity.
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by azazel1024 »

It would be intriguing to see, but I am guessing it won't see the light of day unless it is very sanitized. Of course I find that almost amussing considering the macabre spells you find with necromancy, demon magic, etc that this would be a taboo topic in PFRPG/Rifts.

A lot of possibilities, but I like some other types of magic I don't see this being combat oriented. Then again healing magic isn't combat oriented and it can be very useful.

Example of a possible spell.

Pain to Pleasure. Turns any pain related penalities to bonuses (or at least negates the penalties). The person becomes reckless and actively seeks pain. In combat a blow getting through your guard just makes you lust for more combat. Etc.

I just think that properly done this could be a really interesting and unique brand of magic, without being cheesy or tasteless.

PS I just got mysteries along with Triax 2 this past weekend, so I am chewing over mysteries as we speak. Well, actually I am work, but once I get home again I'll be chewing on it (just the margins, I promise).
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Re: Mysteries of MAGIC!

Unread post by gaby »

Well I like to see a MoM on New Magic weapons and items,maybe New Enchantments.
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