When do Zombies moan?

You are on your own. The Army is MIA and our government is gone! There are no communications of any kind. Cities and towns have gone dark, and zombies fill the streets. The dead have risen and it would seem to be the end of the world. Help me, Mommy!

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When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by Vampirewolf »

can anybody help me?

I have a problem with Zombies and their behaviour.

OK, lets assume we have a very big clear unobstructed area.
At one end stands a Zombie, at the other end a human.

It is day and the human is more than 1200 feet away.
Does the Zombie move toward the human or does he stands still?

If PPE shines like light, then the Zombie will see it, moan and move towards the human.
IF PPE light is more like a pylon in Starcraft (after 1200 feet no light), then the Zombie will hibernate.

If the Zombie is inside the 1200 feet, will he moan and then move towards the human?

I ask because this is not logic. All the Zombies will converge on the location of the Zombie and not of the human.

Or does the Zombie move towards the human and only if the human tries to run away (make the distance greater), comes the moan?
Or moans the Zombie automatically at a distance of 15 feet?

I ask because i want to make flowchart of Zombie behaviour. And as Zombies (the dumb ones at least) cannot think there is a logic behind their behaviour.
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Re: When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by kevarin »

It is day and the human is more than 1200 feet away.
Does the Zombie move toward the human or does he stands still?

its says zombies can tell humans by shape so it might move in that direction
may allso depend on if the zombie saw you moving they are drawn to motion

but allso to consider
which way is the wind blowing zombies can smell a human and will be drawn to it and
should move toward the smell

did the person make any noise zombies have very good hearing that could draw them
that way too

wonce the zombie is in range of its ppe vision and knows you are a living human it
start moving in your direction

If PPE shines like light, then the Zombie will see it, moan and move towards the human.
IF PPE light is more like a pylon in Starcraft (after 1200 feet no light), then the Zombie will hibernate.

if the zombie sees ppe light from a human it will moan and move that way if you were 1199 ft from the zombie it will lose sight of your ppe aura but will still move that way and seach for you for up to 15 min befor moving off to find something else to kill

If the Zombie is inside the 1200 feet, will he moan and then move towards the human?


I ask because this is not logic. All the Zombies will converge on the location of the Zombie and not of the human.

all zombies will start to converge on that area in open ground you might get away but
for say you are 1200 ft from a zombie it sees you and moans then every zombie for 1000ft
moves in the direction in a city that could bring the zombie you didnt see sleepng in the house
300ft away out side he sees you and moans now every zombie for 600ft behind you is moving in your direction ect,ect,ect as more zombies converge and see you it gets ugly fast

Or does the Zombie move towards the human and only if the human tries to run away (make the distance greater), comes the moan?

if the zombies sees a living human it will moan and move toward the human no exceptions if it smells a living human it will move toward the smell if it finds and sees the human it moans and trys to kill it

I ask because i want to make flowchart of Zombie behaviour. And as Zombies (the dumb ones at least) cannot think there is a logic behind their behaviour

the zombies are more instinct and reaction driven than logic driven

zombie sees ppe life zombie maons and moves toward ppe life to kill it and absorbe it it
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Re: When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by bradshaw »

when it senses the ppe it will wake up and move to it, then moan when it sees it.
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Re: When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by Vidynn »

within 30 feet of a copy of "Zombie Strippers".
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Re: When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by The Beast »

Vidynn wrote:within 30 feet of a copy of "Zombie Strippers".

:lol: :thwak:
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Re: When do Zombies moan?

Unread post by kaid »

When you tell the zombie a bad pun.
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