Palladium Books® Weekly Update – April 14, 2011

Kevin Sembeida

By Kevin Siembieda

Hello, everyone. I hope it's sunny and spring-like wherever you are. I hope you are feeling alive, positive and motivated. That's how we're feeling at Palladium Books.

I know I had to keep things short in the last Weekly Update because of the Creators Conference (which was awesome), so I'm making up for it with a lot of news this week.

UPDATE: The Rifter® #54 – shipped this week. Subscriber copies went out on April 12. Distributor copies went out on April 13. PR copies went out today. This is another great issue with a wealth of fun information. A Heroes Unlimited™ adventure, Palladium Fantasy RPG® monsters and races, the Rifts® city of New Chillicothe, a Nightbane® story and the final chapter of The Hammer of the Forge, plus news and other good stuff.

UPDATE: Rifts® Thundercloud Galaxy™ – Ships April 25. The book is at the printer. I approved the pre-press digital proof on Monday. Tuesday the printer contacted me to confirm the ship date of Monday, April 25.

Roughly 30 freelancers got to see Thundercloud Galaxy™ over the weekend (our proofreader copy is dog-eared) and EVERYBODY loved it. We heard comments like, "it's great," "it's not what I expected, it is awesome," and which characters people wanted to play. Carmen Bellaire is dying to play the Shing™, the Trensik Mercenaries™ was another favorite. One of my faves is the Kasaro™ cannibals. People loved the new info on the Dominators™ and Gene-Tech™ too, and I can't even begin to tell you the fun everyone had with theThunder Duck™.

The Thundercloud Galaxy™ is a playground. Your playground. An environment filled with the bizarre and amazing, and chock-full of adventure. But don't take my word for it. Take a peek at the Thundercloud Galaxy™ Sneak Preview. Just a reminder, the Aliens Unlimited™and Aliens Unlimited™ Galaxy Guide books also offer many alien races that can be dropped into any space campaign. They are S.D.C. races, which fits for the Three Galaxies, and some can be easily adjusted for M.D.C., such as beings made of silicon or plant matter. There are Rifts® conversion notes included in both books.

UPDATE: Rifts® Thundercloud Galaxy™ Sneak Preview. The preview is available as a free PDF download from It is easy to create a free account and only takes a couple of minutes. The preview shows the Trensik Mercenaries R.C.C. as well as a brief overview piece, a map of the galaxy and the Contents pages. The free Armageddon™ Unlimited Sneak Preview is also available. Remember, is a good resource for getting The Rifter® numbers #1-48 and to fill in your RPG library with first edition copies of Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes Unlimited™, and other game lines as well as books such as Nightbane® Book Four: Shadows of Light™ and both versions of the The Mechanoids® RPG (1985) and The Collected Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy (1981-1983).

UPDATE: Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms. I've already started prep work for this title. I've reviewed new artwork and fielded a couple of emails on the subject from contributors. I may work on it and the Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook simultaneously.

UPDATE: Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook. I plan to switch from vampires to Invid and power armor, so I can get this title into production and assign artwork.

UPDATE: Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames has also been put into pre-production mode. The cover was assigned last week and I'm looking to start assigning art for it in the next week or two.

UPDATE: Rifts® Movie Option. It looks like the film option is going to be renewed for one more year by Disney for development by JB Films. Fingers crossed that a Rifts® movie is in our future.

UPDATE: Alex. After much discussion and numerous quotes on parts of the work, Alex and family have decided to repair the house that caught fire rather than rent or buy a new home. It will be less expensive in the long run, and preserves memories of the home. This is only possible because some friends have stepped in to do the work on the cheap (and it's still costing plenty!). Our thanks to those good souls. We have everything in place and the work should begin this weekend. With any luck, the place will be ready to inhabit within 5-8 weeks. There is a lot to be done, but everyone is excited.

BACK IN PRINT: Two popular Rifts® titles will be ready to ship the same time as Rifts® Dimension Book™ 14: Thundercloud Galaxy™. See full descriptions below. 
Rifts® World Book 8: Rifts® Japan™ – Ships April 25 
Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star™ – Ships April 25

Available now: These items came back in print recently. 
Rifts® Dimension Book™ 6: Three Galaxies™
Rifts® Black Vault™
Rifts® Mercenaries™
Aliens Unlimited™ – A Heroes Unlimited™ sourcebook
Rifts® Baseball Caps

Palladium Creators Conference, a complete success. Last weekend, Palladium Books hosted a Creators Conference. Freelance writers and artists from across the United States and Canada attended. The goal: To take Palladium Books to the next level. We are done treading water in the aftermath of the Crisis of Treachery. For a few months now, I have been putting things in motion to make Palladium Books strong again. The Creators Conference was one big step in that direction.

It was part seminars and workshops and part brainstorming session. We discussed current projects, new projects, future goals, and processes for getting new releases out on time. The excitement was electric. The event was everything I hoped it would be. It has helped to focus and center us as a team. We have our goals set, projects (new and old) lined up and priorities straight. With a little luck, hard work and determination, you'll be seeing new releases coming from Palladium Books every single month. Titles you've been waiting for and new titles that will surprise and please you. All of them will be top quality and inflame your imaginations.

What did we talk about at the Conference? Everything. The rocket science behind making role-playing games and sourcebooks, writing, storytelling, marketing, and finding ways to unleash our imaginations in new ways in new mediums. We talked about current projects and plotted new ones. We dared to consider all possibilities and challenged what we know to find new ways to create fun. There was a bit of role-playing, and we talked, shouted, laughed and goofed around. I took my basketball machine, foozeball table and Star Trek pinball machine out of mothballs so people could play in between and have some fun. There was a real synergy – a connection and sense of purpose. No subject was off the table. Everybody shared from the heart. Everybody showed passion for their craft and for Palladium. The ideas ran unchecked. The energy level was high. Throughout the Conference I could see the lightbulbs going on above people's heads as ideas clicked over and over again. We talked for hours. I think everyone walked away with their heads filled with information and ideas, and their hearts pumping adrenaline. I know mine was.

Good things shall come from the Creators Conference. More than you may imagine possible.

Murmurs from the Megaverse®. I'll be posting more information, thoughts and information about the Creators Conference in Murmurs from the Megaverse®. You may be seeing more Murmurs from other Palladium staff and creators as well.

More positive movement. The new Palladium website should go live by the end of April. The new look and function of Palladium's website is just one of many things we are doing to promote Palladium Books and increase our presence. We'll also be doing more with Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

UPDATE: Online sales. I'm happy to report online sales have picked up this week. They aren't stellar, but better than the last few weeks. We're getting lots of pre-orders for Rifts® Thundercloud Galaxy™ and the two Rifts® Vampire titles, which are good to see. The momentum is building.

UPDATE: Birthday celebrations. Man, oh man, we've been so busy, I only got my birthday list done this week. We'll be celebrating Julius' and my birthdays on April 22 (they were April 7 and April 2, respectively). Wayne's is only a week later. Before the Creators Conference started, Carl Gleba gave me an awesome painted miniature of a Splugorth. Wow, it is gorgeous! Um . . . er . . . you know what I mean, as gorgeous as a Splugorth Intelligence can be. Anyway, I love it. Thank you, Carl.

Palladium to attend Gen Con Indy – August 4-7. We'll be there. We hope you will be too. Stop by the Palladium booth to chat and get autographs, pick up new books and back stock titles, and have some fun. Palladium people you'll get to meet include: 
- Kevin Siembieda 
- Wayne Smith 
- Nick Bradshaw (artist; tentative) 
- Michael Mumah (artist) 
- Brandon Aten (writer) 
- Matthew Clements (writer; tentative) 
- And others to be announced.

Keep those imaginations burning bright. Ours are working overtime.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher

Aliens Unlimited

NEW! The Rifter® #54 
– Available now

This is another landmark issue of The Rifter® filled with epic source material, exotic places, strange critters, adventure settings, good stories and ideas.

The Rifter® is your doorway to unlimited imagination and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. It offers new heroes, powers, weapons, magic and adventure for your games. It presents new villains, monsters and dangers to battle, and new ideas to consider.

The Rifter® #54 includes:

  • The Final Chapter of The Hammer of the Forge™, by James M.G. Cannon. At last, the pulse-pounding conclusion of this epic tale. Will it be a happy ending or a tragic one? We guess you'll have to wait and find out.
  • Dawn of a New Era, Part Two, by Corey Livermore. The conclusion to the adventure in a setting for Heroes Unlimited™ in which mutants and aliens are being forced to "register" with global governments, or else.
  • A Megaversal™ Menagerie, by Aaron Corley. A collection of sentient beings and strange animals from the Palladium Fantasy® world and across the Megaverse®.
  • The fortress city of New Chillicothe, Missouri. Optional Rifts® source material by Matthew Olfson, with an emphasis on technology, weapons, electronics, equipment and an array of gizmos produced and available at the city.
  • Dark Day™ Chronicles, Volume 2. Nightbane® short story by Jeremy Hutchins.
  • News and coming attractions.
  • Cover by Michael Leonard in honor of The Hammer of the Forge™.
  • $11.95 retail – 96 pages – Cat. No. 154. Available now.

    NEW! Rifts® Dimension Book 14: Thundercloud Galaxy
    – Ships April 25, 2011 – at the printer

    The book is done, at the printer and awesome. Great ideas, great art, unique new alien races available as player characters, weird creatures and monsters, secrets of the Gene-Tech, weapons of the Dominators, ancient ruins, colony creation rules, adventure galore and much, much more.

    The Scramble is the mad dash to claim and colonize the thousands of worlds of the Thundercloud Galaxy. Colonists flock to the Thundercloud filled with dreams. Space Pirates and an array of cutthroats also flock to the galaxy, guns in hand, ready to rob and fleece the colonists. Lawmen and heroes are in great demand, and the opportunities for clever adventurers are said to be without limit. As the civilizations of the Anvil and Corkscrew Galaxies scramble to colonize the Thundercloud, they are beginning to realize the galaxy holds more riches, beauty, horrors and secrets than anyone has ever imagined, making it a place of discovery, adventure and treachery like no other.

    Thundercloud Galaxy™ is a perfect companion to the rest of the Phase World®/Three Galaxies™ based Dimension Books as well as the Minion War™ series. Players can be pirates, raiders, brigands or hired guns, or they may be explorers, adventurers, Spacers, or any number of heroes trying to protect the colonists or the indigenous peoples of countless worlds and colonies. The possibilities are truly limited only by your imagination.

  • 17 new alien R.C.C.s plus the Elder Races, Dominators and more.
  • 9 notable monsters and strange creatures, plus minions.
  • Learn about the mysterious Elder Races, complete with stats.
  • Dominator weapons, gear and salvage available to players.
  • Gene-Tech and their chemical enhancements, gear and salvage available to players.
  • Monster Creation Tables.
  • Colony Creation Tables.
  • Indigenous People Tables.
  • 101 Ruin Adventures.
  • Notable spacecraft, weapons, power armor and gear.
  • Discover the Exiles, Splugorth Bio-Wizard Doctors, Denlech, Trensik Mercenaries and other mysterious people.
  • An overview of the Thundercloud Galaxy, bits of history, new insights and many avenues of adventure.
  • Any type of space opera and science fiction scenario you can imagine can be played out in the Thundercloud Galaxy.
  • Written by Braden Campbell and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Cover by John Zeleznik. Art by Michael Mumah.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 883. April 25, 2011.

    Rifts® World Book 8: Rifts® Japan
    – Back in Print – Ships April 25

    This fan-favorite sourcebook is filled with high-tech wonders, magic and monsters. There are 20 O.C.C.s (Occupational Character Classes) that range from the traditional ninja and samurai to power armor, giant robots and cyborgs.

  • 20 O.C.C.s including the Mystic Ninja, Ninja Cyborg, Ninja Juicer, Cyber-Samurai, Ninja Techno-Wizard, Japanese Demon Queller & more.
  • 12 suits of power armor including Samurai SAMAS and Glitter Boys.
  • 9 giant robots.
  • Cyborgs of Japan, including Dragon Cyborgs and other bionics.
  • Advanced weapons, melee weapons and other gear.
  • Mystical powers and martial arts.
  • Enchanted weapons and items including the Living Samurai Sword.
  • 11 notable demons, goblins and dragons of Japan.
  • Kyoto Millennium Tree, visions, wands and weapons.
  • Overview of Japan, its people, magic and technology.
  • Written by C.J. Carella.
  • 216 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 818. Ships April 25, 2011.

    Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star
    – Back in Print – Ships April 25

    The Coalition State of Lone Star is a wild and woolly place of contrast and conflict. The Coalition States claims the entire State of Texas as their own, but they only control a small corner of it. It is here, at the Lone Star Complex, that the CS engages in genetic engineering and creates the famous Dog Boys and a host of other mutants. The rest of the state is held by the Pecos Empire – an empire of bandits, outlaws and rebels. The perfect companion to Rifts® New West™, Rifts® Spirit West™ and Rifts® Machinations of Doom™.

  • 19 R.C.C.s, many of which are mutants.
  • A few new O.C.C.s.
  • Dog Boys – an in-depth look at how they are designed, bred and trained.
  • Dog Boy armor and CS weapons.
  • CS Death Wing assault armor.
  • Hover cycles of the Lone Star state.
  • Notable characters in the region.
  • Overview of Lone Star and the Pecos Empire.
  • Overview of the Lone Star Complex and the mad doctor who runs it.
  • A wealth of background material and adventure ideas.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 176 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 825. Ships April 25, 2011.

    NEW! Rifts® World Book One: 
    Vampire KingdomsExpanded & Updated

    Kevin Siembieda is reorganizing, tweaking, expanding and updating one of the most popular Rifts® World Books ever published: Vampire Kingdoms™. This will include some new artwork and an expanded page count. The book will be updated and expanded in much the same way as Kevin did with Rifts® Sourcebook One a few years ago. Best of all, it will be accompanied by the Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™.

  • The observations of Doc Reid.
  • Vampires: Their strengths, weaknesses and powers.
  • The Vampire Kingdoms expanded.
  • Vampire strategies and plans for conquest.
  • Vampire hunters and Techno-Wizard slayer devices (new and old).
  • Key locations including Juarez and El Paso.
  • The mystery of the Yucatan Peninsula.
  • Traveling Shows, Freak Shows and Circuses.
  • Monsters, D-Bees, and adventure ideas galore.
  • Updated and revised to 110 P.A.
  • Cover by E.M. Gist. Interior art by various artists.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 192 to 224 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 802-E. Spring 2011.

    NEW! Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook
    All new source material

    Trouble is stirring in the Vampire Kingdoms as ambitious vampire lords, ladies and misanthropes seek to expand their power to dominate more mortal life forms.

    Written by Kevin Siembieda and a handpicked selection of other writers, this sourcebook explores the vampires of Mexico and their kingdoms in ways you never imagined. Tons of new data, adventure ideas and revelations.

  • Vampire protectors and guardians.
  • Vampire rogues, mercenaries and warlords.
  • Vampire operations away from the Kingdoms.
  • Vampire incursions along the southern borderlands.
  • New vampire hunters and human strongholds.
  • Vampire hunter "exterminators."
  • Frightful revelations, secrets, and adventure ideas.
  • And much, much more.
  • Cover by Michael C. Hayes. Interior art by various artists.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda, Braden Campbell and Mark Dudley.
  • 128 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 884. Spring 2011 release.

    NEW! Robotech® New Generation Sourcebook

    This Robotech® sourcebook will be an early 2011 release.

  • Rules for using mecha, power armor and technology from all four eras of Robotech.
  • Kit-bashed mecha and rules for jury-rigging and combining parts from different generations of mecha.
  • Freedom Fighter O.C.C.s and resistance organizations.
  • Rogues and misfits from the three Robotech Wars.
  • New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more.
  • Villains, traitors, bandits, Invid henchmen, adventure and adventure ideas galore.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Irvin Jackson.
  • A "manga" size sourcebook.
  • 192-256 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 554. Final page count and price may be subject to change. Spring 2011 release.

    NEW! Rifts® World Book: Lemuria

    At last, the underwater realm of Lemuria. The people and history of Lemuria, new magic, sea herbs and healing, sea monsters, and more.

  • The Lemurians, their race, history and society.
  • New O.C.C.s including the Serpent Hunter, Shriekers, Oceanic Guardsman, Aquatic Biomancer and others.
  • The Stone Guardians of Easter Island and other mysteries.
  • Biomancer Gardens and Aquatic Biomancy.
  • Bio-Armor, Bio-Weapons and Bio-Construct Symbiotes.
  • New psionic abilities.
  • Sea Serpents, monsters, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Written by Greg Diaczyk.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 885. Final page count and price may be subject to expansion and increase. Spring 2011.

    NEW! Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames

    The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet, especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have a strong presence. More details to follow, but for now, 'nuff said.

  • Soulmancer and Blood Magic.
  • The Seven Deadly Plagues.
  • The Demon Plagues across the globe.
  • Battleground: Earth – as demons and infernals amass their legions.
  • Rifts Calgary – also known as Hell's Pit; the kingdom described.
  • Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies' Island and other notable Hell holes on Earth.
  • Lord Doom, Pain and other demonic leaders.
  • Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains.
  • Global chaos and the places most dramatically affected by the Demon Plagues.
  • Notable demonic generals, mercenaries, people and places.
  • Many adventure ideas.
  • Written by Carl Gleba.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. July 2011.

    NEW! Rifts® Chaos Earth Sourcebook: First Responders

    Data about the chaos and madness of the early days of the Great Cataclysm, and the brave men and women who tried to stem the tide of destruction and save lives, the First Responders.

  • Apocalypse Plagues: Strange diseases, symbiotes and mutations that transform, torment, harm and kill Earth's survivors.
  • First Responder O.C.C.s, skills and special equipment.
  • Civilian O.C.C.s, skills and orientation.
  • Notable rescue vehicles, robot drones, and technology.
  • New weapons, vehicles, mecha and more.
  • Character modification and enhancement rules.
  • Creatures from the Rifts and adventure ideas galore.
  • Written by Jason Richards & Kevin Siembieda.
  • 96 to 128 pages – $16.95 retail – Cat. No. 665. Coming in 2011.

    Armageddon Unlimited

    for Heroes Unlimited and the Minion War – Available now

    Armageddon Unlimited™ is the ultimate good vs evil setting and adventure. The fate of the world hangs in the balance and only you can stop its destruction as demons and Deevils fight for control of the Earth and bringing about the end of life as we know it.

    Armageddon Unlimited™ is more than an epic world-saving adventure, it is also a sourcebook jam-packed with new powers, magic, weapons and Power Categories that can be incorporated into any Heroes Unlimited™ campaign. This book can be used as a standalone adventure sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited™ or as a pivotal plot in an expansive Minion War™ campaign. Get a free sneak preview of the book from

  • 7 new Minor and 14 Major Super Abilities.
  • Deevil and Demon magical Chaos Weapons.
  • Enchanted Weapons of Order and a few Enchanted Objects.
  • Demon Hunter Power Category and abilities.
  • Crusader of Light Power Category and abilities.
  • Heroic Hellion Power Category – play a "reformed demon."
  • Hellion monster creation table.
  • Magically Bestowed Variant Power Categories and abilities let you wield weapons that empower good and destroy evil.
  • Doctor Vilde, the mastermind behind the Armageddon plot.
  • The secret island base of Doctor Vilde and 16 maps.
  • More than a dozen NPC villains.
  • The Church of Unity and its role in bringing about Armageddon.
  • The Chaos Generators – the key to stopping Armageddon.
  • A menagerie of evil villains, people and places.
  • The Armageddon scenario, adventure ideas and Minion War™ on Earth.
  • Written by Carl Gleba. Additional text by Kevin Siembieda.
  • Cover by John Zeleznik.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 527. Available now.

    Aliens Unlimited – Back in Print 
    A sourcebook for Heroes Unlimited

    Aliens Unlimited™ brings alien beings to your Earth-based Heroes Unlimited™ setting and enables you to take your Earth heroes to alien worlds. This sourcebook has everything you need to launch an alien based campaign or galactic adventures, or introduce alien invaders, villains, heroes and campaign ideas.

    Aliens Unlimited™ makes the perfect resource and companion to the Thundercloud Galaxy™ or any of the Rifts® Dimension Books and Minion War™ series. Looking for some new space aliens, villains and monsters to add to your Thundercloud Galaxy™ orMinion War™ campaign? Need some unique Splugorth slaves? Demon henchmen? Take a look at Aliens Unlimited™ (and the Aliens Unlimited™ Galaxy Guide™ companion sourcebook); easy to adapt.

  • 85 alien races/R.C.C.s., plus a bonus alien.
  • 15 alien monster races, plus NPC villains.
  • Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more).
  • Rules and tables for Creating Alien Characters, including an expanded Alien Appearance & Bonuses Table, Reason for Coming to Earth, Equipment, Special Vehicles and more.
  • 90+ weapon stats including high-tech bows and arrows, Cold Weapons, Energy Weapons, Incendiary Weapons, Sonic Weapons, Conventional Firearms, and a wide range of Kisentite Blade Weapons and Vibro-Blade Weapons.
  • Plus info about alien bionics, body armor, and power armor.
  • A handful of vehicles and miscellaneous equipment.
  • UFO watch groups, alien spies, NPCs and more.
  • Suggestions, rules and information for your galactic campaigns.
  • Plus some super abilities, spell magic and psionics.
  • Adaptable to Rifts®, Phase World® and Rifts® Dimension Books™ complete with conversion notes for Rifts®.
  • Written by Wayne Breaux Jr., additional text by Siembieda.
  • 208 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 515. Available now!

    Rifts® Dimension Book 6: Three Galaxies – Back in Print

    A guide to the Three Galaxies, this book takes a look at dozens of solar systems, notable planets, select alien races, people, civilizations and monsters, as well as space anomalies, spaceships and more. This is another sourcebook that is ideal for campaigns involving the Minion War™, the Thundercloud Galaxy™, Phase World® and adventures in the Three Galaxies.

  • An overview of the Three Galaxies.
  • 16 O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s including the Obsidian Spell Thief and Space Warlock.
  • A half dozen monsters plus the mysterious Necrol.
  • Galactic Organizations (Atorian Empire and more).
  • More information on the Intruders, Kreeghor, Splugorth and others.
  • Draygon Industries and their weapons.
  • Demon Stars, Demon Planets and magic starships.
  • Notable spaceships and weapon systems.
  • The monstrous Necrol and their living weapons and spacecraft.
  • Notable equipment of the Three Galaxies.
  • A wealth of background material and adventure ideas.
  • Written by Carl Gleba.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 851. Available now.

    Rifts® Adventure Sourcebook: The Black Vault – Back in Print

    For generations it has been rumored the Coalition States maintains a Top Secret facility where it locks away and stores all the magic weapons and items it confiscates from adventurers and mages. The CS, of course, denies these rumors, but they are true. And the truth is revealed for the first time in this epic sourcebook packed with secrets and magic items. Do your characters dare to rob the Black Vault?

  • The Legend of the Black Vault.
  • The Coalition's Campaign Against Magic.
  • Coalition Anti-Magic Squads.
  • The Black Vault, its defenses and its inventory of magic items.
  • 101 Magic Items – each "item" (79 of them) is described in detail. The last 22 items are magic potions with the effects of magic spells.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 48 pages – $9.95 retail – Cat. No. 855 – Available now.

    Rifts® Mercenaries – Back in Print

    This fan-favorite sourcebook presents everything you need to create and run a mercenary company on Rifts Earth. It includes creation rules, new Occupational Character Classes such as the Professional Smuggler, Thief, Safecracker, Spy, Bounty Hunter, Master Assassin, and others, plus a treasure trove of mercenary weapons, vehicles, gear and arms dealers.

  • Nine Mercenary O.C.C.s.
  • Rules and tables for creating a Mercenary Company.
  • Six NPC mercenary companies described, complete with key characters, villains, history and adventure ideas. Includes transdimensional mercs.
  • Northern Gun – weapons and gear.
  • Naruni Enterprises – weapons, force fields, vehicles and gear.
  • Golden Age Weaponsmiths – arms dealer that specializes in vehicles.
  • Wellington Industries – weapons and gear, including Ramjet rounds.
  • Iron Heart Armaments Inc. – combat vehicles.
  • Chipwell Armaments Inc. – power armor.
  • Angrar Robotics – power armor.
  • Coalition Army – combat vehicles.
  • Casualties of Peace – adventure outline.
  • Written by C.J. Carella.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 813 – Available now.

    "Rifts® Logo" Baseball Cap – Back in Print

    Back by popular demand. A black Rifts® Logo on a khaki baseball cap with black trim. Looks great and fans love it! Makes a great gift.

  • Cotton cloth fabric, khaki color with black trim and black Rifts logo.
  • Cloth Velcro strap for size adjustment. A nice cap.
  • $14.95 per cap – Cat. No. 2544 – Available to ship Friday, March 25, 2011.
  • DriveThruRPG

    PDF downloads from

    This is a great resource for getting out of print Palladium titles and other select books. We've made 90 titles available as PDF digital downloads from This is a great way to try Palladium products and get access to out of print RPG source material. Some notable titles include. 
    Splicers® RPG
    Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG, First Edition Rules. 
    Boxed Nightmares™ for BTS, First Edition Rules. 
    Nightbane® Book Four: Shadows of Light™.
    The Mechanoids® RPG and The Mechanoid Invasion® RPG Trilogy.
    Palladium Fantasy RPG®, First Edition Rules and select 1st Edition sourcebooks. 
    The Rifter® issues 1-48.
    The Best of The Rifter®
    Deluxe Revised RECON® RPG and Advanced RECON® Sourcebook.
    - And more – go to and check 'em out.

    2011 Releases

    Available Now & Back in Print

    Armageddon Unlimited™ – New – Available now! 
    The Rifter® #53 – New – Available now! 
    Rifts® World Book 20: Canada – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® Dark Conversions – Back in print – Available now 
    Palladium Fantasy RPG® – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® Game Master Guide – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® World Book 5: Triax & The NGR – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® Bionics Sourcebook – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® China One – Back in print – Available now 
    Rifts® Megaverse® Builder – Back in print – Available now

    March 2011 Releases

    – Rifts® Baseball Cap – BACK IN STOCK 
    – Rifts® Dimension Book™ 6: Three Galaxies™ – BACK IN PRINT 
    Rifts® Black Vault™ – BACK IN PRINT 
    – Rifts® Mercenaries™ – BACK IN PRINT 
    Aliens Unlimited™ – A Heroes Unlimited™ sourcebook – BACK IN PRINT

    April 2011 Releases

    The Rifter® #54 – New – Available now. 
    Rifts® Dimension Book™ 14: Thundercloud Galaxy™ – New – April 25. 
    Rifts® World Book 8: Rifts® Japan™ – BACK IN PRINT – Ships April 25 
    Rifts® World Book 13: Lone Star™ – BACK IN PRINT – Ships April 25

    May 2011 Releases

    Robotech® New Generation™ Sourcebook (tentative) 
    Rifts® WB One: Vampire Kingdoms™, Expanded & Updated
    Rifts® Book of Magic (back in print)

    June 2011 Releases

    Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook™ – New 
    Rifts® World Book™: Lemuria – New

    July 2011 Releases

    The Rifter® #55 – New 
    Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames (Minion War™ crossover) – New

    New Releases Coming Soon (tentative)

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    The Queen of Ghouls: Life-Sized Halloween Props

  • Check out the new creations by Palladium's very own Kathy Simmons. See her new zombie, Jack Skellington and Sally, with more new creations on the drawing board. Each Halloween prop is truly life-sized (most are 6 feet or taller – Jack is almost 8 feet) and seem almost alive.

    Each is an all-weather, life-sized Halloween prop that can handle rain and snow, and is a one-of-a-kind work of art (no two are exactly the same). Each looks frighteningly "real." All come apart and fold down to slightly larger than a king-size pillow for easy storage. Comes with easy instructions, a plastic storage bag, and the lawn stake to stand it up in your front yard. Indoor stand sold separately.

    Types of "Ghouls" include: Zombies (all kinds!), killer clowns, wizards, witches, devils, grave ghouls, scarecrows, executioners, mad doctors, deadly nurses, vampires, werewolves, and more. Kathy's also now offering an array of hand-painted Halloween signs, signs with heads and bodies hanging from them, witch's brewing pots, Halloween centerpieces and more. Best of all, her high quality creations are much more affordable and imaginative than most competitors or mass produced items in a store, making them affordable Halloween fun.

    If you think the photos online look good, you should see them in person. A typical "ghoul," as she calls her creations, costs $129-$259. You can see some of her work at her Queen of Ghouls™ Ebay store –

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    Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

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    Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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