Palladium Books® Weekly Update – March 18, 2014

By Kevin Siembieda

The long wait for books is coming to an end in just a few weeks. Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two is near completion and should go to the printer very soon now (April release). Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames will follow quickly behind it (April or May). The Rifter® #66 (April) is in final production and the Palladium Fantasy RPG® Hardcover (April) will ship in a few weeks. Due to popular demand, we are re-releasing the collected Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy as a short printing, as it was among the top most requested out of print titles of the 2013 Christmas Surprise Package season.

What comes after that? More good stuff. Chaos Earth® Rise of Magic back in print, Dead Reign™ Graveyard Earth™ (in fact, I worked a little on it over the weekend when inspiration grab hold and wouldn’t let go until I committed six pages of writing and notes to paper), Chaos Earth® First Responders, Chaos Earth® Resurrection, Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines™ Sourcebook, and of course, the anxiously anticipated Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Wave One.

There are also a few yet to be scheduled, and in some cases, yet to be announced projects waiting to be green-lit and fast-tracked for production and release. A handful of things that have been under development by me and freelancers who have been working on them for a while. They include: Rifts® Coalition States: Heroes of Humanity™, Rifts® Sovietski™, Rifts® Secrets of Atlantis™, and Rifts® New Navy™ 2. Not sure if some or all of these will see release in 2014, but they are in some stage of completion and in the pipeline.

Other tentative releases for 2014 include the Beyond the Supernatural: Beyond Arcanum™ and Tomes Grotesque™ books, as well as sourcebooks for Splicers®, Heroes Unlimited™ and Palladium Fantasy®.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ releases may be the blockbuster releases of the year, but we have a nice range of other dynamic RPG titles, new and old, to rock your gaming world.

UPDATE: Rifts® Northern Gun Two

Had a good weekend and week of work on this puppy. Should go into final layout and get sent to the printer next week. It might have been sooner, but we’re losing Wayne Smith for most of the week as he represents Palladium Books® at the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas.


The GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas is an industry event where manufacturers get to meet and talk with retailers and distributors about upcoming releases. Wayne Smith will be flying out to rep us at this event, joined by long-time Palladium pal and helper, Joseph Bergmans. Prototypes of many Robotech® RPG Tactics™ game pieces will be on display. Btw, that’s why this Weekly Update is posted early this week.

Rifts® Northern Gun Two Sneak Preview – available now on

Get a small peak at Rifts® Northern Gun™ Two with this free preview. Remember, this is only a small sampling of what you can expect. There are 30+ suits of power armor, new body armor, Hovercycle Ride Armor, vehicles, drones and lots of other gear to delight players and Game Masters alike.

There are FREE previews on for Rifts® Northern Gun™ One, Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook, Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms (Revised Edition), Rifts® Black Market, Rifts® Lemuria, The Rifter® #65, Dragons and Gods™, Dead Reign™ RPG, Endless Dead™ sourcebook and others, too. Plus we plan to add other sneak previews. Btw, the original Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms World Book is also available as a PDF on DriveThruRPG, for those of you who may be interested. More are coming.

More than 90 other Palladium titles can be found on as PDFs, including Splicers®, Rifts® RPG (the edition before RUE), The Rifter® #1-52 (and we’ll be adding more issues of The Rifter in the coming weeks), and first edition rule books and sourcebooks for Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited™, The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy, Beyond the Supernatural™ and lots of other good titles. also offers the Rifts® and Palladium Fantasy® Game Master Kits ($5 each; both written by Carl Gleba and complete with maps, combat matrix, character sheets, spell list, and 20 pre-rolled characters created by Julius Rosenstein).

UPDATE: The Rifter® #66 – ships April 16

The material for this issue has been selected and artists are working away on the illustrations while Alex and Wayne engage in editing. See the full description in this Weekly Update and the online store. Cover price has increased to $13.95 and remains a steal for a 96 page sourcebook.

UPDATE: Rifts® Megaverse® in Flames – Ships April/May

Another World Book that will provide plenty of adventure and wonderment. We are still shooting for an end of April or first week of May release.

UPDATE: Dead Reign: Graveyard Earth Sourcebook – ships May

The final manuscript and the E.M. Gist cover painting should be finished and turned in by the end of this week. See the full description elsewhere in this Weekly Update and in the online store.

UPDATE: Heroes Unlimited Anniversary SALE – now through April 13, 2014

We did it for Palladium Fantasy RPG® so we are doing it for Heroes Unlimited™. ALL HU2 titles – with a few exceptions like the already “priced to sell” hardcover edition – are 30% off right now and running till April 13, 2014. Get ‘em while they’re on sale! Happy Anniversary!

UPDATE: Heroes Unlimited 30th Anniversary Hardcover Edition

Heroes Unlimited™ 30th Anniversary Hardcover continues to sell well and is being enjoyed. Available now at $40 while supplies last. Destined to be a collector’s item. The old hardcover sells for $200-$350 on the secondary market.

Palladium Fantasy RPG® 30th Anniversary Hardcover – Ships April – pre-order now – at the printer

At the printer and scheduled for an April release. Pre-orders for the Palladium Fantasy, 2nd Edition HC have outpaced the sale of the Heroes Unlimited™ hardcover. Cool. Keep those orders coming. I’m glad I decided to print a few more copies (450, the same as its catalog number). I decided it wasn’t fair to leave out Palladium Fantasy®, so we are printing 450 copies of the 30th Anniversary Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition hardcover as an April release. And boy am I glad I did. Enjoy. You can start placing your pre-orders now. See the full description elsewhere in this Weekly Update or in our online store. Note: This is the Palladium Fantasy RPG, Second Edition, all exactly the same as the current printing.

UPDATE: Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook

This will be a Spring or Summer release. Still looking at a spring release. And it will be epic.

UPDATE: Robotech® RPG Tactics

We continue to work on finalizing all aspects of this game for final manufacturing. We were very happy with the Destroid prototypes that arrived late last week. With but a few small tweaks, they are done! The Spartan with missile bays open, the Tomahawk and Phalanx were among my favorites. All looked excellent. Dying to get the final prototype for the Monster! You can see more updates and images at the Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Kickstarter Updates page.

Closing thoughts

That’s it for this Weekly Update. By the time you read this, I’ll be writing away on one of the many great RPG titles in the pipeline. Boy are we excited. Hope you are too. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the special Heroes Unlimited™ RPG Anniversary Sale. That offer ends in a few weeks, April 13, so take advantage of it while you can.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer, Game Designer

Heroes Unlimited RPG Anniversary Sale – 30% price reduction – Limited time offer, ends April 13, 2014

Love comic books and superhuman heroes? Use Heroes Unlimited™ RPG and related sourcebooks to create ANY KIND of superhuman or modern action hero. One of Heroes Unlimited’s most unique features is the ability to create EVERY TYPE of hero you can imagine, from martial artists and super-genius inventors to mutants, aliens, robots and more. Create godlike superhumans or wielders of magic, to heroes who use their minds (psionics or super intellect), to mutant animals and others. It is all possible with the Heroes Unlimited™ game line. Plus sourcebooks like those in the Powers Unlimited™ series provide hundreds of additional super abilities and character options. You are truly limited only by your imagination.

Have you wondered what the Heroes Unlimited™ RPG is like? Now’s the perfect time to give it a try and find out.

Do you already love Heroes Unlimited™ like we do, and have you been thinking about getting more sourcebooks for it? This is the time to expand your collection.

Heroes Unlimited™ Sale! Heroes Unlimited™ turns 30 years old in June, and to celebrate, we have reduced the price of every title (with a few exceptions) in the game line by 30%. Including After the Bomb® sourcebooks, Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG and Mystic China™! So give it a try or expand your collection. It will also give you a leg up for when Palladium Books releases several new and expanded Heroes Unlimited™ titles next year. We have exciting plans for Heroes Unlimited™ and all of our game lines.

Rifts Northern Gun Two

NEW! Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun Two – March 2014

In final production! The first half of the book is laid out. Expanded to 192-224 pages and filled with all kinds of adventuring gear: New environmental body armor, power armor, hovercycles, robot drones, robot haulers, combat vehicles, other vehicles, robot gladiators and much more. More information about the weapons, vehicles and practices of Northern Gun, including the new rage of robot gladiatorial combat. Expanded page count. Epic adventure.

  • NG robot haulers and drones.
  • 30 NG power armor suits; an expansive range.
  • NG hovercycles, land vehicles and combat vehicles.
  • Commercial and combat vehicles of all kinds; ground, exploration, aircraft, boats, submersibles and amphibious.
  • NG M.D.C. body armor and combat gear.
  • NG bionics, cybernetic services and other equipment.
  • NG Robodome – Robot Gladiatorial Arena.
  • Robot Gladiator O.C.C. and robot gladiators.
  • Pirates and more.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Interior artwork by Walton, Bradshaw, Manning and others.
  • Wraparound cover by John Zeleznik.
  • 192-224 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 888. In final production and should ship the end of March or beginning of April, 2014.

Rifts Northern Gun One

HOT! Rifts® World Book 33: Northern Gun One – Available Now!

If you are getting NG-2 you’ll want NG-1, even though both titles stand alone. Rifts® Northern Gun™ One is the most tech-filled World Book Palladium has ever produced, and gamers are loving every page of new weapons, robots, power armor, vehicles and NG background.

  • In-depth look at Northern Gun, its robots, stores, politics and operations.
  • 70+ NG weapons; old and new.
  • 27 NG giant combat and exploration robots. Described in detail.
  • Many new robot weapon systems and features.
  • Notable cities and people of the Ishpeming Republic/Northern Gun and much, much more.
  • Wraparound cover by Chuck Walton.
  • Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda and others.
  • 224 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 887 – Available NOW!
  • Check out the new FREE Sneak Preview on!

The Rifter #66

NEW! The Rifter® #66 – Ships April 16, 2014

The Rifter® #66 offers a variety of source material, monsters, baddies and information. All wonderful fodder for weaving your own adventures regardless of the setting. Plus great art, news, coming attractions, and more.

Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas, and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready to go, source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines.

The Rifter® Number 66 includes:

  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Bite of the Snake-Men – by Glen Evans. An HU2 adventure and a new batch of bad guys to battle.
  • Splicers® – Bestiary – by Edward Sauerland. A selection of strange creatures, monster creation tables and rules, the Ranger O.C.C. and more. Art by Chuck Walton.
  • Rifts® – Black Market: Rise to Power, Part Two – by Max Kautsch. Source material on the Black Market town of Singer, plus notable characters and some Black Market TW weapons.
  • Rifts® Phase World®/Three Galaxies™: Space Pirates – by Braden Campbell. The title pretty much says it all: Space Pirates. What more do you need?
  • Rifts® Short Story – Skipping Stones – by Brett Caron.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited cover by Amy L. Ashbaugh.
  • Art by Allen Manning, Brian Manning, Mike Mumah, Ben Rodriguez, Tanya J. Ramsey and Charles Walton.
  • 96 pages – $13.95 retail – Cat. No. 166. Ships April 16, 2014. Please note the increased cover price.

Rifts Megaverse in Flames

NEW! Rifts® World Book 35: Megaverse® in Flames – April, 2014

The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet, especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have a strong presence. Demons, Deevils and supernatural beings run rampant and wreak havoc across the world. As soon as NG-2 is finished, we dive into the fast-tracked production of Megaverse® in Flames™ for an April release.

  • Demon plagues and mystic blights.
  • Soulmancy and Blood Magic revealed.
  • Magical and demonic weapons and war machines.
  • Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil.
  • Hell Pits and Rune Forges.
  • Many Demon Lords, their minions and plans.
  • Calgary, the Kingdom of Monsters; in detail.
  • Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies’ Island and other notable Hell holes on Earth.
  • Lord Doom, Pain and other demonic leaders.
  • Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains.
  • Notable demonic generals, mercenaries, people and places.
  • Battleground: Earth – as demons and infernals amass their legions.
  • Global chaos and the places most dramatically affected by the Demon Plagues.
  • Epic battles and adventure ideas galore.
  • Written by Carl Gleba. Part of the Minion War “Crossover” series.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. April, 2014.

NEW! Dead Reign Sourcebook 5: Graveyard Earth – Ships May

When the dead rise and communications and power grids collapse, nothing matters except your own survival. But what about the rest of the world? What’s happening in other places? Has any government survived? Is anyplace safe?

Dead Reign™ Graveyard Earth™ tries to answer those questions and others. And in doing so, provides gamers and G.M.s with more fuel for adventure.

  • Zombie World Tour – How the Wave and the Zombie Apocalypse has played out across the globe.
  • A Thousand Miles of Dead – Getting home from abroad in a world of zombies.
  • American military forces overseas and their journey home.
  • Alternative campaign settings and Random Campaign Setting tables.
  • Random Encounters by Region and Random Survivor Leaders.
  • Level of Zombie Threat table. Zombies and exposure to the elements.
  • Walled cities and other Alternative Safe Havens.
  • Car problems, aircraft landing conditions and encounters on the road and by sea.
  • Written by Matthew Clements. Cover by E.M. Gist.
  • 48-64 pages – $12.95 retail (tentative) – Cat. No. 235. Ships May 2014. In final development. Final page count and date of release yet to be determined.

Heroes Unlimited 30th Anniversary Hardcover

NEW! Heroes Unlimited 30th Anniversary Hardcover Edition – only $40 while supplies last – available now

The Heroes Unlimited™ RPG turns 30 years old this year. To celebrate, Palladium is releasing a special, commemorative, Heroes Unlimited™ 30th Anniversary Hardcover, for only $40. Available now. The original HU2 hardcover sold for $50 and has since become a collector’s item that sells for $200-$350 on the secondary market.

To preserve the value of the “original” Heroes Unlimited™ Gold Hardcover Edition, we have made the HU2 30th Anniversary Edition as visibly different (and cool) looking on the outside as possible. The material used for the cover is different (not leatherette), the color is a lighter shade of blue, and although the cover is imprinted in gold foil, it features artwork depicting a superhero and the words “Special 30th Anniversary Edition.” Even the spine is different looking, and the end sheets are red and without art. The red, white and blue combination represents the United States of America, the birthplace of superhero comic books, and the colors of costumed heroes.

All the elements described above should make the Heroes Unlimited™ 30th Anniversary Hardcover impossible to mistake for the original HU2 signed and numbered HC edition. We have kept the price an unprecedented, low $40 for a hardcover Gold Edition of this size. We want to give Heroes Unlimited™ fans a crack at purchasing one before the price skyrockets on the secondary collectors’ market. Enjoy and game on!

  • Limited to 400 signed and numbered copies.
  • Signed and numbered on the credits page by Kevin Siembieda and the Palladium staff. We’ll try to get an artist or two to sign as well.
  • Blue fabric cover with gold foil imprinting. A completely new and different cover than the original HU2 Gold Edition.
  • Interior pages are exactly the same as the original HU2 HC and the current softcover edition.
  • Create any type of hero and superhuman – aliens and mutants to super-soldiers, martial artists, mages and Mega-Heroes.
  • 100+ super abilities, plus scores of sub-powers.
  • 100+ magic spells plus Enchanted (Magical) Weapons and Objects.
  • 40+ psionic abilities.
  • Super-Vehicles, high-tech hardware, in-depth characters and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda. Cover art by Michael Wilson.
  • 352 pages – ONLY $40 retail from Palladium Books only – Cat. No. 5000HC. Available NOW! Order yours today. Note: The price is only $40 to celebrate the proud event of HU2's 30th Anniversary and make sure the hardcover is accessible to our core fan base. Enjoy.
  • A complete role-playing game with many sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ – celebrating 30 years of heroic adventure.

Palladium Fantasy RPG 30th Anniversary Hardcover

NEW! Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition, 30th Anniversary Hardcover Edition – only $40 while supplies last – April Release – Second Edition Rules.

It doesn’t seem fair to offer a Heroes Unlimited™ Hardcover Edition and not one for Palladium Fantasy®, so Rifter® subscribers were the first to get the news that Palladium is releasing a Palladium Fantasy® Special 30th Anniversary Hardcover in April. The Palladium Fantasy RPG® was released in June of 1983, so technically, the Fantasy Game is still 30 years old until June.

The original Crimson Edition hardcover sold for $50 and has since become a collector’s item that sells for $250-$400 on the secondary market. The special, commemorative, 30th Anniversary Hardcover in April will sell for only $40.

To preserve the value of the “original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® Crimson Edition Hardcover, we have made the 30th Anniversary Edition as visibly different looking on the outside as possible. The material used for the cover is a brown leatherette imprinted with “Elemental Green” foil, different art on the cover, and the words “Special 30th Anniversary Edition.” Even the spine is different looking and the end sheets are without artwork.

All the elements described above should make the Palladium Fantasy RPG® 30th Anniversary Hardcover impossible to mistake for the original signed and numbered HC edition. The price is $40 (while supplies last), low for a limited edition of its size. We want to give Fantasy fans a crack at purchasing one before the price skyrockets on the secondary collectors’ market.

Second Edition rules. There has been some confusion among fans as to whether this hardcover edition is First or Second Edition rules. It is SECOND Edition rules, exactly the same as the current material in the softcover book.

  • Limited to 450 signed and numbered copies.
  • Signed and numbered on the credits page by Kevin Siembieda and the Palladium staff.
  • Brown leatherette cover with Elemental Green foil imprinting. A completely different cover than the original Crimson Edition.
  • Interior pages are exactly the same as the current softcover.
  • 30+ different Fantasy O.C.C.s – Mind Mage, Diabolist, Druid, Wizard, Palladin, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, and more.
  • 300+ magic spells.
  • 60+ magic wards and 50 magic circles.
  • Psionic abilities and psychic characters.
  • Demons, magic items, weapons, world background and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • The Palladium Fantasy hardcover is exactly the same as the ‘current’ printing of the softcover edition; Second Edition rules.
  • 336 pages – ONLY $40 retail from Palladium Books only – Cat. No. 4500HC – available for pre-order – ships April. Sorry, this product is not available in stores. Note: The price is only $40 to celebrate the proud event of Palladium Fantasy’s 30 years of continuous publication and make sure the hardcover is accessible to our core fan base. Enjoy.
  • A complete role-playing game with many sourcebooks.
  • Palladium Fantasy® – celebrating 30 years of wonder.

The Rifter #65

RECENT RELEASE: The Rifter® #65 – Available now

The Rifter® #65 is all about the secrets of power. In some cases, dark secrets: 60 new Necromancy spells and magic for Rifts® and other settings, the power of the Soul Merchant for BTS™, rising to power within the Black Market for Rifts®, a Chaos Earth® short story, and for Heroes Unlimited™, a band of superhumans, robotics and gadgets. Plus news, coming attractions, and more.

Every issue of The Rifter® is an idea factory for players and Game Masters to generate new ideas, and find new avenues of adventure. It provides useful, ready to go, source material you can just drop into your ongoing games. A doorway to new possibilities and numerous Palladium role-playing worlds. And the many new characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, villains, monsters, adventures and ideas for one setting can be easily adapted to any Palladium setting. Every issue has material for Rifts® and at least 2-3 other Palladium game lines.

The Rifter® Number 65 includes:

  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Contemporary High-Tech Robotics and Gadgets – by David F. Smith. Bionics, robots and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Once More unto the Breach – by Alex Tulloch. A band of super-beings and their motives.
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ – Hollow Road Adventure – by Anthony Uyl. Evil takes unexpected forms in the pursuit of power. An adventure in which the players will discover that the local townsfolk can be just as evil as the Supernatural in their pursuit of power.
  • Rifts® – Black Market – Rise to Power, Part One – by Max Kautsch. Source material on the Black Market and one Faction’s bid for power.
  • Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy® and other settings – Necromancy – 60 Spells – by Eric Siems. 60 spells plus Necromantic magic items, the Dread Knight O.C.C., Spirit Caller O.C.C., and Bone Merchant NPC.
  • Rifts® Chaos Earth® Short Story – Chaos Eve – by Shawn Merrow.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited cover by Charles Walton.
  • 96 pages – $11.95 retail – Cat. No. 165. Available now.

Fear the Reaper

RECENT RELEASE: Dead Reign Sourcebook 4: Fear the Reaper – Available now!

Like knights mounted on motorcycles, the Road Reapers travel the wasteland that Earth has become, searching for survivors, fighting zombies and waging war against the Death Cults that threaten all mankind.

This epic sourcebook explores the nature of heroes and heroism in the Zombie Apocalypse. It contains the secrets of the fabled Road Reapers, their structure, leadership, missions and purpose, as well as gear and combat notes. Plus a horrifying new zombie known as the Terror Zombie, plus Floaters (zombies in water) and which zombies can swim. Survival is one thing. Can you keep your humanity and be a hero?

  • Comprehensive background on the legendary Road Reapers™ – zombie hunters and heroes of the Zombie Apocalypse.
  • The Road Reaper Way of Life: Living and fighting on the road.
  • Road Reaper missions, strategies and tactics.
  • The Road Reapers’ Code – a guide to being a Road Reaper and hero.
  • Structure and organization of Road Reaper units.
  • Road Reaper areas of specialty and bonus skills.
  • Road Reaper Specializations like the Ex-Con, Road Captain, Scout and Fix-It Man.
  • More zombie-killing advice from Brad Ashley, the notorious leader of the Road Reapers and author of the Road Reapers’ Survival Guide.
  • Notable weapons and gear used by the Road Reapers.
  • Stats for snowmobiles and boats.
  • Combat notes and optional character tables.
  • Terror Zombie, an amalgamation of horror fused to a Mock Zombie.
  • Zombies in water and which ones can swim!
  • Many adventure ideas and random tables.
  • Written by Matthew Clements.
  • 48 pages – $12.95 retail – Cat. No. 234. Available now!

Robotech UEEF Marines Sourcebook One

NEW! Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines Sourcebook One

– Formerly titled ‘UEEF Marines’

Robotech®: Expeditionary Force Marines is a sourcebook that we know will wow and please Robotech® fans.

  • New mecha and weapons.
  • Aliens and space adventure.
  • Written by Irvin Jackson.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 553 – Spring release.

Robotech RPG Tactics

Robotech® RPG Tactics – Game Description – Coming Spring 2014

This is the game Robotech® fans have wanted for decades.

Robotech® RPG Tactics™ is a fast-paced, tabletop combat game that captures the action and adventure of the Robotech® anime. Two or more players can engage in small squad skirmishes or scale up to massive battles. Relive the clashes of the First Robotech War, engage in stand-alone tactical games, or use the dynamic game pieces to enhance your Robotech® RPG experience. Or simply collect your favorite mecha from an expanding range of top-notch game pieces.

Mecha vs Mecha. Take command of the fighting forces of the United Earth Defense Force (UEDF) valiantly defending Earth from alien annihilation. Or lead the massive clone armies of the Zentraedi Armada to recover an alien artifact of immense power and enslave humankind.

Robotech RPG Tactics

Robotech® RPG Tactics Box Set – Cat. No. 55100

  • Brought to you by Palladium Books®, created with Ninja Division (the creative minds behind Soda Pop Miniatures and Cipher Studios).
  • Full color, softcover rule book; wraparound cover and lots of new, color artwork.
  • 24 Battle Dice, 12 UEDF and 12 Zentraedi.
  • 40 color game cards (unit cards, etc.).
  • 4x VF-1A Valkyries (in Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid modes).
  • 1x VF-1J "Officer" in all three modes.
  • 4x Destroids: 2 Tomahawks and 2 Defenders.
  • 12x Regult Zentraedi Battlepods.
  • 1x Glaug Officer's Battlepod.
  • 1x Quel-Regult Recon Battlepod.
  • 1x Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod.
  • 1/285th scale, high quality, multi-pose plastic game pieces (40mm to 70mm tall). World-class sculpts from sculptors around the world.
  • Game rules use D6.
  • Turn-based system of play.
  • Scalable from small squad skirmishes to mass battles. Can accommodate two to several players.
  • Combat is fast and designed to emulate the anime action.
  • Measuring tape required to determine targets and distance.
  • Small parts and some assembly required. Game pieces come unpainted.
  • Release Date: An exact date is yet to be determined; Spring 2014.
  • $99.95 retail price – Cat. No. 55100 (Main Box Game).

The First Six Robotech® RPG Tactics Expansion Packs

The first six expansion packs will be available to retail at the same time as the main box game. Here are the “official” SKUs and retail prices.

UEDF Valkyrie Wing

UEDF Valkyrie Wing

Build your fleet of Earth defenders with the Valkyrie Veritech Fighter; six figures total.

  • 2 Valkyries in Fighter mode.
  • 2 Valkyries in Guardian mode.
  • 2 Valkyries in Battloid mode.
  • Multiple heads for making the VF-1A and VF-1J.
  • Plastic game pieces. Assembly and painting required.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, not suitable for children under the age of 13.
  • $36.95 retail – Cat. No. 55201 – Spring release. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated.

UEDF Tomahawk/Defender Destroids

UEDF Destroid Pack

Expand your Destroid squad with these formidable walking tanks; four figures total.

  • 2 Tomahawk Destroids – the main battle tank of Destroids, brimming with powerful particle beam cannons for arms, and wielding a battery of missiles and an array of other weapons.
  • 2 Defender Destroids – a long-range, anti-aircraft juggernaut capable of shooting down incoming Zentraedi Battlepods and Gnerl Fighters.
  • Plastic game pieces. Models require assembly and painting.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
  • Cat. No. 55202 – $32.95 retail. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated.

UEDF Spartan/Phalanx Destroids

UEDF Spartan Pack

Add some long range power and up-close punch to your army with these valuable Destroids; four figures total.

  • 2 Spartan Destroids – civil defense, riot control and deadly in hand to hand combat.
  • 2 Phalanx Destroids – a walking, long-range missile artillery unit.
  • Plastic game pieces. Models require assembly and painting.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
  • Cat. No. 55203 – $32.95 retail. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated.

Zentraedi Regult Battlepods

Zentraedi Regult Battlepod Squadron

Expand your Zentraedi forces with their main infantry battle mecha; six figures total.

  • 6 Regult Tactical Battlepods – the lightning quick Regults, armed with a pair of particle cannons and auto-cannons, attack in wave after wave.
  • Plastic game pieces. Models require assembly and painting.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
  • Cat. No. 55401 – $36.95 retail. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated.

Zentraedi Artillery Battlepods

Zentraedi Support Battlepods

Give your Zentraedi legion greater firepower with these artillery and support Battlepods; four figures total.

  • 4 Zentraedi Support Battlepods, each of which can be made into any of the following:
    Gluuhaug-Regult – Light Artillery Battlepod
    Serauhaug-Regult – Heavy Artillery Battlepod
    Telnesta-Regult – Experimental Particle Beam Battlepod
    Four figures total.
  • Plastic game pieces. Models require assembly and painting.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not recommended for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
  • Cat. No. 55402 – $36.95 retail. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated.

Zentraedi Glaug Command Pack

Zentraedi Command Pack

This diverse pack provides your Zentraedi forces with greater tactical capabilities; three figures total.

  • 1 Glaug Officer’s Battlepod – the fast and deadly mecha of Zentraedi field leaders.
  • 1 Quel-Regult Scout Battlepod – the stealthy eyes and ears of your Zentraedi battle force; electronic warfare capabilities.
  • 1 Quel-Gulnau Recovery Pod – enhances the Glaug’s ability to bring in Battlepod reinforcements. Note: This figure has NEVER before been offered by any company.
  • Plastic game pieces. Models require assembly and painting.
  • Not a toy. Small parts, choking hazard. Not suitable for children under the age of 13. Adult supervision advised.
  • Cat. No. 55403 – $36.95 retail. Note: Pricing and content may be subject to some minor changes, but that is NOT anticipated at this time.

Robotech Macross Saga Sourcebook

Robotech® Macross® Saga Sourcebook – New Size

Available now – 8½ x 11 size

All the famous mecha and action of Robotech® starts here with the Macross® Saga when an alien armada enters Earth orbit. They have come to reclaim a lost spacecraft that crash-landed on Earth 10 years earlier. A space fortress that Earth’s protectors have rebuilt into their own flagship against alien invasion. The resulting conflict gives birth to heroes and becomes the stuff of legend, but the Earth will never be the same. Robotech® The Macross® Saga Sourcebook is now available as an 8½ x 11 inch sourcebook.

Note: This is the setting for Robotech® RPG Tactics™, so if you’re looking for more information about the mecha, Earth’s defenders, the Zentraedi invaders, and Macross Saga setting, this is the book for you. Epic adventure awaits.

A Robotech® Role-Playing Game Sourcebook:

  • Transformable Veritech Fighters known as Valkyries take to the sky to defend the Earth.
  • Destroids, giant walking tanks, are among Earth’s front-line defenders.
  • The SDF-1 and Earth air, ground and space combat vehicles.
  • Zentraedi mecha, powered armor suits, and select spacecraft.
  • The Zentraedi warriors, their war machines and culture.
  • Notable characters from the TV series statted out.
  • Quick Character Creation Tables enable you to make Macross characters in 15 minutes or less.
  • New skills and M.O.S. skill bundles.
  • The Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® RPG “rule book” is needed to play (Cat. No. 550 or 550HC).
  • 128 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 551 – standard 8½ x 11 size – Available now.

Heroes Unlimited 2nd Edition

BACK IN PRINT! Heroes Unlimited RPG, 2nd Edition

If you love playing smart games with heroic super beings in possession of strange and wondrous powers or technology, then Heroes Unlimited™ is the role-playing game for you. This RPG has unleashed the superheroes inside gamers for three decades and counting.

Heroes Unlimited™ RPG is probably most famous for rules and abilities that enable you to play ALL types of heroes while capturing the feel of comic books, and for being a thinking-gamer’s setting. All of this adds up to super-fun and epic comic book-style adventure.

  • 11 Archetypes or Categories of Heroes, and another dozen subcategories including Crazy Heroes, those empowered by magical artifacts, Immortals, geniuses, and heroes without any super abilities whatsoever.
  • 100+ super abilities, plus scores of sub-powers.
  • 100+ magic spells plus Enchanted (Magical) Weapons and Objects.
  • 40+ Psionic abilities.
  • Super-Vehicles, high-tech hardware, in-depth characters and more.
  • Create any type of hero and superhuman – aliens and mutants to super-soldiers, martial artists, mages and Mega-Heroes.
  • Cover by comic book legendary artist, Jim Steranko.
  • Interior Artwork by Ramon Perez, Scott Johnson, Mark Dudley, Paulo Parente, Kevin Long, Mike Gustovich and others.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • A complete role-playing game with many sourcebooks.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ – celebrating 30 years of heroic adventure.
  • 352 pages – $26.95 retail – Cat. No. 500 – Available now!

Just a few notable Heroes Unlimited Sourcebooks:

Instantly expand your playing experience with these and other HU2 sourcebooks.

  • Villains Unlimited™ – 80+ villains, rules for creating secret organizations, gadgets, adventure ideas and more.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ G.M.’s Guide – with 10 complete adventures, additional and optional rules, many random tables, 70 more magic spells, new vehicles and equipment, the law, G.M. tips and more.
  • Powers Unlimited™ One – New powers galore! 120+ Minor Super Abilities, 45+ Major Abilities, 20 more psionic powers and more.
  • Powers Unlimited™ Two – 11 new power categories and many sub-set types of heroes, symbiotes, weaknesses, and more.
  • Powers Unlimited™ Three – 130 more new powers. ‘Nuff said.
  • Heroes of the Megaverse® – A sourcebook that enables you to bring your heroes and supermen (and any of the HU2 sourcebook characters, powers and material) into the Rifts® and/or Phase World®/Three Galaxies™ settings, plus new powers, heroes, superhuman creation tables, and more.
  • And other sourcebooks.

Dragons and Gods

BACK IN PRINT – Dragons & Gods – for Rifts® & Palladium Fantasy® – Available now

We sold out during the Christmas season, but this fun book, suitable for use in Rifts® (complete with M.D.C. stat notes) as well as the Palladium Fantasy RPG®, is so popular that we did a full reprint of it.

This is the 3rd printing of a dynamic sourcebook filled with big ideas and insightful rules for creating gods and their followers as well as presenting an array of deities and dragons. The dragon section provides insight to how Palladium Dragons think and function. Great artwork, too. Co-written with Erick Wujcik. With the Minion War™ soon to erupt on Rifts® Earth via Megaverse® in Flames™, you may find a book about dragons and gods to be a very useful sourcebook.

This expansive sourcebook presents detailed information about the mythical dragons and gods common to the Palladium Fantasy® world, but contains notes for use in Rifts® and is easily adapted to the Rifts® setting. It includes sections about Dragonwright, the Gods of Taut, Elementals, Demon Lords, dragons, and the forces of light and dark. Suitable for use with the Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™, and Beyond the Supernatural™, or any fantasy game.

  • 14 dragons, including the Hydra, Lo-Dox and others.
  • 40+ Gods complete with minions, magic weapons & worshipers.
  • 20 Demonic Lords, their goals, enemies and powers.
  • Elementals and Creatures of Light.
  • Deific powers of the gods and how they use them.
  • Rune and Holy Weapons. Magic items made from dragons.
  • Information on Alien Intelligences and other god-like beings.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Erick Wujcik.
  • $24.95 retail – 232 pages – Cat. No. 451. Available now.

Rifts Mystic Russia

BACK IN PRINT – Rifts® World Book 18: Mystic Russia – Available now

This book is rich in monsters and magic based on Russian mythology and superstition. Rifts Russia is a land unlike anywhere else. The wilderness abounds with mischievous spirits, shape-changers and demons unique to Russia (including a comprehensive look at Necromancy).

  • 28 Russian demons & spirits.
  • Nature and Spoiling Magic. Over 100 new spells.
  • Living Fire Magic, Bone Magic & Necromancy.
  • Russian Gypsies, their secrets and magic weapon maker.
  • Sovietski tanks, war machines and more world info.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda. Cover by Zeleznik.
  • $20.95 – 176 pages – Cat. No. 833. Available now.

The Rifter #50

BACK IN PRINT – The Rifter® #50 – Special Anniversary Issue – Available now

The Rifter® #50 remains in high demand because it contains all kinds of official source material from many of Palladium’s most popular writers. Back in print because you demand it.

  • Official Phase World/Three Galaxies source material – The Free World Council by Braden Campbell.
  • Official Rifts® Comic Strip by Madman Mike Leonard. It is a short, but memorable four page comic.
  • Official Heroes Unlimited™ source material by Mark Oberle. A look at fame, glory and heroic legacies.
  • Official Nightbane® source material by Irvin Jackson. The Mortificants O.C.C., also known as the Death Caller. A sort of modern-day Necromancer.
  • Official Chaos Earth® source material – Psychics by Jason Richards. Includes three new Chaos Earth® psychic O.C.C.s.
  • Official Splicers® source material by Brandon Aten and Matthew Orr. Includes three new Splicer O.C.C.s (the Gardener, the Tormentor and the Geneticist) and their Bio-Armor and Bio-Enhancments. Art by Chuck Walton.
  • Official Palladium Fantasy RPG® – Zodiac rules and a type of Elven magic for it, by Carl Gleba.
  • Rifts® Treasure Trove Logic Problem by Julius Rosenstein.
  • Rifts® – Optional Construction and Vehicle Rules by Greg Diaczyk.
  • Ninja & Superspies™ – Expanded Combat Rules by Taylor White.
  • FINAL CHAPTER of the Hammer of the Forge! By M.G. Cannon.
  • News, coming attractions, product descriptions and more.
  • Cover by Charles Walton.
  • 128 pages – $14.95 retail – Cat. No. 150 – Available now!

Gen Con Indy – August 14-17, 2014

Gen Con Indy is going to be the premier convention event for Palladium Books this year. A large booth, special display, a ton of product including Robotech® RPG Tactics™, and all our role-playing games and sourcebooks, art prints, original art, and all kinds of good stuff. There will also be many Palladium creators available at the booth throughout the convention to chat and sign autographs, including writers Brandon Aten, Matthew Clements, Carl Gleba, me (Kevin Siembieda), Palladium staffers like Wayne Smith and Jeff Burke, and artists including Nick Bradshaw, Mike Leonard and Chuck Walton, among others. And it looks like there will be 70+ Palladium Books RPG events in the official Gen Con program. My heartfelt thanks to the Megaversal Ambassadors spearheading this project, as well as the Game Masters volunteering to run so many events for our many game lines. Awesome.

Palladium Books Gen Con Highlights:

  • 50+ Palladium RPG gaming events in a dedicated area. More than ever before at a Gen Con. Sign up when you can and make us look good.
  • Large exhibitor booth and special display.
  • Robotech® RPG Tactics™ products and demos.
  • Role-playing game products galore: Rifts®, Robotech®, Splicers®, Palladium Fantasy®, Heroes Unlimited™, Nightbane®, Dead Reign™, Beyond the Supernatural™, Ninjas and Superspies™, After the Bomb® and all the rest.
  • Special edition books, prints and original artwork.
  • Get autographs, chat and have a blast.
  • Palladium creators already committed to appear: Kevin Siembieda, Wayne Smith (editor), Jeff Burke (artist & staffer), Chuck Walton (artist), Nick Bradshaw (artist), Mike Leonard (artist), Brandon Aten (writer), Matthew Clements (writer), Carl Gleba (writer), NMI (online admin and MA), and others are likely to be added; subject to changes and addition.


PDF downloads from

This is a great resource for getting out of print Palladium titles and other select books. We’ve made 90 titles available as PDF digital downloads from This is a great way to try Palladium products and get access to out of print RPG source material. Some notable titles include:

© Copyright 2014 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Dead Reign, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

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© Copyright 2024 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.| Site -Developed by Rex Barkdoll

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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