Palladium Books® Weekly Update – October 18, 2012

By Kevin Siembieda

Is it bad to be tired of winter already, when it hasn’t even officially started? It has been dreary, cold and rainy in Michigan for the last few weeks. It was sunny and warm yesterday for the first time in a long while, and then it chilled off and rained last night and this morning. The sun is fighting to peek out, but it’s a losing battle as more rain is supposed to be coming our way.

I continue to juggle several business matters, including scheduling, plotting 2013 releases, tooling up a new catalog (one of the many things people have been requesting), working on contracts, signing books for Christmas Surprise Packages, and doing bits and pieces on various books and projects. Meanwhile, I have pretty much cleared my schedule to where I can write for 3-4 weeks straight and bang out a couple of books.

UPDATE: The Rifter® #60 arrived today – ships tomorrow

The Rifter® #60 arrived this afternoon. It ships to subscribers Friday and to distributors on Monday. The first couple of copies, hot out of the box, are going into a couple of Christmas Surprise Packages.

It is another fantastic issue packed with wonderful ideas, weapons, gear, monsters and useful source material. Plus tips for introducing role-playing games to young children. See the description elsewhere in this Update.

If you’ve never taken a look at The Rifter®, you might want to ask for one or several issues when you order a Christmas Surprise Package. Most issues are jam-packed with stimulating material you can drop right into your own game, adapt and modify, or which may give you new insight or ways of looking at gaming. I’m telling you, The Rifter® is an outstanding resource for gaming ideas with a lot of material that can be adapted to just about any setting.

UPDATE: The Rifter® #60 Sneak Preview available on

Wayne has already posted the FREE Rifter® #60 Sneak Preview up on for you to take a look at. This is your place to get PDFs of older product and sneak previews of upcoming books. Many back issues of The Rifter® are available on (issues #1-52), as are more than 90 out of print titles such as Rifts®, BTS™ and Palladium Fantasy® first edition rule books and sourcebooks. A sneak preview of Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook should also be coming soon. We have not forgotten about the PDF only editions of The Rifter® #0.1 and The Rifter® #0.2 – both are big, juicy digital editions of new, fan created material for the Palladium Megaverse® of games. also offers the Rifts® and Palladium Fantasy® Game Master Kits (both written by Carl Gleba and complete with maps, combat matrix, character sheets, spell list, and 20 pre-rolled characters created by Julius Rosenstein; $5 each). Of course, there are FREE Sneak Previews of Rifts® Black Market, Endless Dead™, Rifts® Lemuria, Rifts® Vampire Kingdoms™, and Thundercloud Galaxy™, as well as 90+ out of print titles, including back issues of The Rifter®, and first edition rule books for Rifts®, Palladium Fantasy RPG®, Heroes Unlimited, The Mechanoid Invasion® Trilogy, and lots of other good things. ALL available as PDF downloads at reasonable prices. And there is MORE to come.

UPDATE: The Rifter® #50, Anniversary Issue – back in print – ready to ship

The Rifter® #50 also arrived early this week and is now available to order. We have reprinted this special anniversary issue because it is filled with “official” source material and because many of you have requested it. So here you go. It is larger than a typical issue at 128 pages, and contains source material for Rifts®, Chaos Earth™, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Heroes Unlimited™, Ninjas and Superspies™, Splicers® and the Palladium Fantasy RPG®. $14.95 retail – Cat. No. 150. Available  now.

UPDATE: Robotech® Genesis Pits Sourcebook

Gah, what an idiot I can be. Somehow, I put a 35 page section aside and forgot about it, so I had to stop working on Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook and finish those 35 pages of Genesis Pits. The rest is in Harmony Gold’s hands. At this point, Robotech® Genesis Pits™ Sourcebook seems like it should ship in November. It is an excellent sourcebook full of fun and useful material.

UPDATE: Robotech® Tactical Role-Playing Game

I spent two complete days and had several conversations with my attorney to hammer out a work agreement with the amazing team who will be working with Palladium to make the best darn Robotech® game pieces we can. We want to produce a product that will make Robotech® fans swoon (or at least grin with delight).

UPDATE: Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook

This is the book I get back into in a day or two and do not stop working on until it is done! You are going to love Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook.

UPDATE: Rifts® Northern Gun One and Two

Chuck Walton turned in a stack of brilliant robot illustrations last Thursday. All I can say is, “wow.” He still has a dozen to finish, and I still need to assign some additional illustrations to other artists. This book is going to blow Rifts® fans away.

A pleasant visit with Apollo Okamura

Palladium artist, Apollo Okamura, was in town on business, so he dropped by the office to visit before his flight out. It’s been a few years since we’ve seen each other face to face, so it was very nice to have Apollo at the office for a few hours. We got caught up with personal matters, Palladium, his new job that takes him all over the world, and all sorts of things. While here, Apollo volunteered to signed several stacks of books for the Christmas Surprise Packages. He was impressed by the warehouse set up for them and was glad to sign a couple hundred books. He also agreed to do the cover for the first Robotech® UEEF Marines Sourcebook, though we’re still fishing around for cover ideas.

UPDATE: Online Sales

Online sales remain strong with dozens of people placing orders for the Palladium Christmas Surprise Packages, but we’re also seeing strong orders for . . . well, everything. Particularly, a lot of Rifts®, Robotech®, Dead Reign™, Heroes Unlimited™ and Palladium Fantasy®. Wonderful; please, keep ‘em coming.

X-Mas Grab Bags

UPDATE: Palladium Christmas Surprise Packages

Orders for the 2012 Christmas Surprise Packages are coming in at a nice, steady pace. Surprise Packages ship out every day, though to pull, sign and make them special, some don’t ship for 2-3 days after we receive the order. People are loving them and we’re getting many nice comments.

Apollo Okamura dropped by to sign some books this week, and we hope to get Mark Dudley, Chuck Walton and Ben Rodriguez in soon to do likewise.

What is the Christmas Surprise Package? A way for you to get a pile of Palladium product, original artwork, prints, out of print copies of The Rifter®, miniatures, autographs and surprises at low prices.

It involves you sending Santa Kevin a “Wish List” of 10-12 different in-stock products and a flat payment (+ shipping and handling). I then hand-pick items from that Wish List and I may include product you didn’t ask for (hence the nickname, “X-Mas Grab Bag”), but all things I think you’ll enjoy, and we ship it all off to you. Gamers have been loving this special offer for 14 or 15 years now. Order one or several for yourself and for your gaming buddies. For the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, or just to get cool stuff and signatures. Get all the information from the description in the online store.

Click here for complete details and to place your order.

UPDATE: Kevin’s Online Toy & Collectibles Store

Alex has added a bunch of new items to my online store, especially fanzines. I’ll be digging up some Palladium collectibles over the weekend. Take a look, there may be some items that are perfect as holiday gifts. Note: There are no more than five Rifts® Lemuria Emerald Editions earmarked for the store, and other items such as the Rifts® Machinations of Doom Gold Hardcover, Rifts® RPG Silver hardcovers, BTS Gold, Rifts® Ultimate Gold, Erick Wujcik’s Amberzine #11, etc., are also in short supply. In most cases, I have only a dozen or fewer to offer. That’s why we continue to dole them out one at a time. Once they are sold out, of course, they are GONE! Other collectibles include first printings of books, signed books, “proofreader” copies of books (a couple more coming your way soon), original artwork, and other collectible odds and ends.

There are also a large number of collectible toys and action figures in my online store. All are from my personal collection. More toys and collectibles are added on a weekly basis.

Closing thoughts

Man oh man, Everybody has been putting in long hours and giving it their all. I continue to juggle a number of product development items and work away at getting new books released. So much so, that I’ve had little time to post on Facebook or Murmurs from the Megaverse®, but I’ll try to post more. Continue to order and enjoy the goodies you get in your Christmas Surprise Packages, spread the word about them, and keep sending us those positive vibes.

– Kevin Siembieda, Publisher, Writer and Game Designer

Surprise Package comments from fans like you

Every year there is a section where the customer can offer comments and suggestions with his or her Surprise Package order. Every year, in acknowledgment of our fans, and because they are fun to read, we offer a sampling in the Weekly Updates. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you who have made 2012 a very good year for Palladium. Keep those imaginations burning bright, have a joyous holiday season and game on.

D.B. in Waterford, Michigan, writes: I received the Christmas Grab Bag that I ordered for this year and loved it so much that I am now ordering a second. Getting the books signed was awesome and I loved the personal touches like the little dragon profile that Kevin drew on the cover page of the PFRPG.

J.B. in Middletown, New York, writes: Thank you very much! This is the second year I’ve gotten a Christmas Surprise Package, and I really enjoyed the last one. I participated in the Northern Gun One incentive offer this year, and I’m really looking forward to a lot of things coming out soon. This is a great time to play Palladium games!

C.L. in White Sulphur Springs, Montana, writes: Keep up the fantastic work! Happy holidays from a long-time fan.

G.C. in Taichung, Taiwan, writes: Like someone else said, keep doing what you’re doing, but faster. Like Vampires Sourcebook, I’ve been waiting from last Christmas.

C.G. in Bakersfield, California, writes: Keep up the good work. I don’t mind books taking a little longer, because I know you’re taking the time to get it right.

T.D.P. in Annandale, Virginia, writes: Once again, I am ordering the X-Mas Surprise Package. I have not been disappointed.

M.M. in Port Huron, Michigan, writes: I have been a fan of Palladium since I picked up Robotech® back in the early 1990s. From there we branched off to Heroes Unlimited™ and Palladium Fantasy®. I know you guys went through a hard time and glad to see you are still alive and kicking ass.

J.P. at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, writes: I just want to say thank you for continuing to be my favorite RPG company (and thanks for still being in business!). Keep up the good work. Really looking forward to 2013 and some Beyond the Supernatural™ and Chaos Earth™ books.

B.T. in North Syracuse, New York, writes: Keep up the good work. You guys have been epic and awesome so far. Just hope new Nightbane® stuff hits the shelves soon.

S.B. in Waldorf, Maryland, writes: Palladium Fantasy® is the best. I am starting back up after a 10 year break. Found out a friend loves Palladium also. Thanks in advance.

J.L. in Madison, Wisconsin, writes: To Santa Kev and the Palladium Elves, thank you. You guys do a great job and a huge service to the gaming community. So fantastic to hear people saying Palladium is back. Your curent line of products are filled with awesomeness, and they keep getting better. That is the testament to the truth that Palladium is indeed back and getting stronger every day. Good luck to you all, and thanks for all the hard work.

From Kevin Siembieda & staff to all of you. I selected some of these to show people that we listen to what you say and want. And more product for all of our game lines is top on your list. We still struggle with getting new books out and release dates slipping. I’m working on that problem and hope it will be much diminished next year. We also plan to have books for many different game lines coming your way. For now, we’re trying to get the awesome books currently in the pipeline to the darn printer and in your hands. I promise they will be worthwhile. Keep the faith and thank you for the kind words. - Kevin Siembieda

The Rifter #60

NEW! The Rifter® #60 – Available NOW!

The Rifter® Number 60 is an extravaganza of source material that deals with the bizarre, gruesome and dangerous. There is page after page of useful new gadgets, weapons, gear, monsters, aliens, and adventure ideas, plus an excellent article on introducing youngsters to the world of role-playing games.

Every issue of The Rifter® offers new monsters, villains, characters, O.C.C.s, powers, magic, weapons, adventure and ideas for your use in games and campaigns. There is usually source material for at least 2-3 Palladium game lines, often more.

The Rifter® #60 includes:

  • Rifts® Black Market™ – Trust and Intimidate: A Way of Life for operatives, thugs and dealers in the Black Market. By Liam Gray.
  • Rifts®: Sorcerer’s Forge™ – A hidden community of Techno-Wizards with more than one secret to conceal. Many new and unique TW weapons, power armor and gear, as well as details about the place and some of the interesting inhabitants. By Timothy Dorman.
  • Splicers® – House Pandorum is one of the Splicer clans making moves. Get details about the house itself and a host of new Splicers weapons, armor, mutants and monsters. By Kris Tipping.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Superhero adventure that starts in space and brings a cadre of erstwhile alien heroes and their spaceship to Earth. By Thomas Morrison.
  • Modern Horror, Short Story – A tale of intrigue and mystery by J.V. Adams.
  • Gaming with Children – Step by step suggestions on how to introduce role-playing games to children by a Game Master with personal experience. Written by Hendrik Härterich.
  • News, coming attractions, and product descriptions.
  • 96 pages – still only $11.95 retail – Cat. No. 160. Available now.

The Rifter #50

The Rifter® #50, Anniversary Special – Available NOW!

– back in print due to popular demand

You might think of The Rifter® #50 as a special “all-star” anniversary issue with official source material for Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™, Nightbane® and many other Palladium RPG settings.

The Rifter® #50 includes:

  • Chaos Earth™ – Official source material that includes psionics and three new psychic O.C.C.s: Charismatic O.C.C., Reactionary O.C.C. and Teke Freak O.C.C. Written by Jason Richards. Art by Allen and Brian Manning.
  • Heroes Unlimited™ – Official source material about fame, glory and infamy for heroes and the legacy they create. Written by Mark Oberle. Art by Mark Dudley.
  • Nightbane® – Official source material on the new O.C.C. known as the Mortificant or Death Caller. Written by Irvin Jackson. Art by Kent Burles.
  • Ninjas & Superspies™ – Optional rules about combat, combat moves, modifiers and more. Written by Taylor White. Art by Nick Bradshaw.
  • Palladium Fantasy RPG® – Official source material that includes the Elven magic of the Zodiac Mage O.C.C. and Star Mage O.C.C. by Carl Gleba. Art by Amy L. Ashbaugh.
  • Phase World® – Official source material that includes a look at the Free World Council (FWC). Written by Braden Campbell. Art by Apollo Okamura.
  • Rifts® – Optional vehicle construction rules for the Rifts® Operator O.C.C. Written by Greg Diaczyk. Art by Nick Bradshaw.
  • Rifts® Comic Strip written and illustrated by Michael Leonard.
  • Splicers® – Official source material that includes three new O.C.C.s: The Geneticist O.C.C., Tormentor O.C.C., and the Gardener O.C.C., and more. Written by Brandon Aten and Matthew Orr. Art by Chuck Walton.
  • And more! 128 pages – $14.95 retail – Cat. No. 150. Back by popular request – Available now.

Rifts Vampires Sourcebook

Rifts® Vampires Sourcebook – Coming Next!

I’m working on this bad boy right now! Unknown to most humans, deep within Mexico the vampires have established entire kingdoms. There they live like tyrants and gods, dominating an underclass of cattle people used as slaves and food stock. Learn more about the vampires, their rivals, allies and the humans who willingly serve their supernatural masters for a chance to join the undead. A must-have guide for those who wish to travel deeper into the Vampire Kingdoms or play as vampires and their human minions. In final production right now with art and text coming in and final editing and writing restarting next week.

  • More human kingdoms within Mexico like the Tampico Military Protectorate and Durango, the Silver City.
  • Firefighting robots, hover firetrucks and more anti-vampire gear.
  • Magic based Vampire Hunters and human strongholds.
  • Techno-Wizard anti-vampire weapons and magical devices.
  • Profiles for Doc Reid and Reid’s Rangers, the world’s most famous Vampire Hunters.
  • Fort Reid, an entire city devoted to hunting the undead.
  • The Bloodwatch, a secret vampire intelligence agency that tracks down and exterminates Vampire Hunters.
  • The Yucatan Peninsula, a mysterious dimensional pocket overrun by strange demons known as Xibalbans.
  • The return of the Mayan god Camazotz, Lord of Bats and Darkness.
  • The werebeasts of Mexico and Central America; those who assist the vampires and those who fight against them.
  • New O.C.C.s like the Bloodwatch Vampire Operative, Silver Swords Militia, Werejaguar Vampire Hunter and the Vampire ‘Borg.
  • Cover by Michael C. Hayes. Interior art by various artists.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda, Matthew Clements and Braden Campbell.
  • 128 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 884. November release.

Robotech® Genesis Pits Sourcebook

This is an epic sourcebook that takes an in-depth look at the Invid Genesis Pits, their purpose, function and the mutants and monsters they unleash. It is packed with good stuff that will put a grin on the faces of Robotech fans.

  • Secrets of the Invid.
  • Notable Genesis Pits of Earth.
  • Genesis Pit mutations and monsters.
  • Different types of Genesis Pits from across the galaxy.
  • Inorganics and other war machines of the Invid Regent.
  • Ways to destroy a Genesis Pit.
  • Genesis Pit Monster creation tables and rules.
  • Bioroid and Zentraedi mutants, Simulagents and more.
  • Written by Irvin Jackson. 8½ x 11 inch book format. Available only in the USA and Canada.
  • $16.95 – 96 pages. Cat. No. 555 – November release.

Rifts Black Market Gold Hardcover

Rifts® Black Market Hardcover

Gold Contraband Edition – Available now!

Everything you want to know about the Black Market of Rifts® North America presented inside a pair of gorgeous black leatherette covers. Gold foil embossing on front cover and spine. Historically, gold collector editions only increase in value on the collector’s market, and often quickly. This is the lowest number of a Collector’s Gold Edition that Palladium has ever printed.

  • Striking Black leatherette cover with gold foil embossing.
  • Limited “Collector’s Edition” – only 250 signed and numbered copies.
  • 8 signatures, including main authors Kevin Siembieda, Matthew Clements and Carmen Bellaire, plus Chuck Walton and the Palladium staff.
  • Numbers to be sold, start with #5.
  • Exactly the same content as the softcover book described below.
  • Cover art by Chuck Walton.
  • Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda, Carmen Bellaire, Taylor White, Julius Rosenstein and Alex Marciniszyn.
  • 192 pages – $60.00 retail – Cat. No. 886HC. Available now. Sold ONLY from Palladium Books via our online store, or call the office order line (734-721-2903) weekdays from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Eastern time.

Rifts Black Market

Rifts® Black Market – Softcover Edition – Available now

See what everyone is talking about and order yours today. Rifts® Black Market™ is an epic, 192 page sourcebook that contains a wealth of information about the inner workings of the Black Market, the Five Factions, new Bandito Arms/Black Market weapons and gear, how to make any O.C.C. a Black Marketeer, special abilities of the Black Marketeer, criminal enterprises, Black Market loans, merc and crime jobs, and much more. This book has it all. AND best of all, a lot of it can be easily adapted to just about any world setting, not just Rifts Earth.

  • Rules to make any O.C.C. (or R.C.C.) a Black Marketeer.
  • Special abilities and benefits of the Black Marketeer.
  • Specialized O.C.C.s of the Black Market.
  • Criminal enterprises, jobs, and inner workings of the Black Market.
  • The Five Black Market Factions that wield the greatest power in North America: Bandito Arms, The Chicago Network, The Immaterial Hand, El Oculta, and Le Marche Noir.
  • Black Market internal operations and security.
  • Black Market services, products, practices and customers.
  • New weapons and equipment of Bandito Arms/Black Market.
  • A wide range of BigBore weapons and other merc weapons.
  • New power armor, vehicles and robot riding animals.
  • Black Market criminal assignments, jobs and mercenary bounties.
  • Major Black Market smuggling corridors and routes.
  • Smuggling methods, both magical and conventional.
  • Traveling Shows: Freak Shows, Medicine Shows and Circuses.
  • Traveling Shows as fronts for the Black Market.
  • Traveling Black Market Merchants, Market Towns and Market Outlets.
  • Written by Matthew Clements, Kevin Siembieda, Carmen Bellaire, Taylor White, Julius Rosenstein and Alex Marciniszyn.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 886. Available now.

‘Tis the season for zombies! Dead Reign Zombie RPG.

Everyone I’ve ever talked to who has tried this game loves it, especially if they had a thing for post-apocalyptic games and zombies to begin with. Fans of zombies, horror and apocalyptic settings really should give this RPG a try. – Kevin Siembieda

Dead Reign RPG

Dead Reign RPG – ideal introductory role-playing game

Think you know zombies? Think again.

Can you survive in a world where the dead have risen and feed upon the living? Battle zombies, mad men and death cultists in a post-apocalyptic where world the last of humanity struggles to survive.

Dead Reign™ RPG is the aftermath of the zombie apocalypse. Civilization is gone, the dead reign, and the living fight to survive against impossible odds. Tales of zombies, human survival and horror as a fast-paced, easy to learn game and sourcebooks.

  • Easy to learn, easy to play, and fast paced.
  • Clean, simple rules and quick character generation, and a depth of information and setting.
  • 7 different types of zombies.
  • Zombie combat and survival tips.
  • 6 Apocalyptic Character Classes & Ordinary People. 40+ occupations to choose from.
  • 101 Random Scenarios, Encounters and Settings.
  • 100 Random Corpse Searches and other tables.
  • Weapons, vehicles, and places of note.
  • Death Cults, their Priests, power over zombies and goals.
  • Quick Roll Character Creation tables (10 minutes).
  • A complete role-playing game.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda, Josh Hilden and Joshua Sanford.
  • $22.95 retail – 224 pages – Cat. No. 230. Available now.

Civilization Gone

Civilization Gone – Dead Reign Sourcebook One

It has been months since the dead rose to attack the living. Civilization has crumbled. There is no army, no government, no help coming. You are on your own and things are only getting worse.

  • Madmen and Psychopaths including the Zombie Master, Ghost Walker, Backstabber, Messianic Leader, Zombie Lover, Deathbringer and others.
  • Bandits and Raiders who prey upon other survivors.
  • Street Gang Protectors and their mission to save lives.
  • Phobia and Obsession tables. Many adventure ideas.
  • House and home resource and encounter tables.
  • Random encounter and survivor camp creation tables.
  • Additional world information and survival advice.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • $12.92 retail – 64 pages – Cat. No. 231. Available now.

Dark Places

Dark Places – Dead Reign Sourcebook Two

Secrets of survival, including using railroad tracks and the urban underground to travel unseen and undetected by zombies.

  • Worm Meat, Bug Boy, Sewer Crawler and Impersonator Zombies.
  • “Live Bait” zombie lures with human beings as bait.
  • Traveling the rails and boxcar encounter tables.
  • Traveling sewer tunnels, steam tunnels & other dark places.
  • The pitfalls and dangers of the urban underground.
  • Diseases, infection and additional world information.
  • Random encounter tables, boxcar content tables, and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • $12.92 retail – 64 pages – Cat. No. 232. Available now.

Endless Dead

Endless Dead – Dead Reign Sourcebook 3

The zombie hordes grow in number and strangeness. Can humankind survive? Where is the military?

  • New types of zombies like Fused Zombies and Walking Mass Graves.
  • New O.C.C.s including Wheelman, Zombie Hunter & Zombie Researcher.
  • Info & tables for weaponizing vehicles and vehicle combat rules.
  • Random encounter tables for military bases, police stations, gun stores, buildings, suburbs, industrial parks, small towns, farmland and wilderness.
  • Tables for creating Survivor caravans, hideouts, Safe Havens & more.
  • Timetable for setting zombie campaigns and many adventure ideas.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Matthew Clements.
  • $16.95 retail – 96 pages – Cat. No. 233. Available now.

Rifts Northern Gun One

Rifts® World Book 33: Northern Gun One

Northern Gun™ is the largest independent manufacturer of high-tech weapons, robots and vehicles in North America. Outside of the Coalition States, one could argue, no other kingdom is as powerful or influential, at least when it comes to technology and weapons. The manufacture and sale of Northern Gun weapons and vehicles has given virtually every kingdom, town, colony of settlers and adventurer group a chance to survive and prosper. Located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, NG has been the premier outfitter of mercenaries, adventurers and upstart kingdoms for generations. Now, for the first time ever, learn Northern Gun’s history, goals and plans for the future. Of course, that means new weapons, robots, power armor, vehicles and gear.

  • In-depth look at Northern Gun: its business operations and its community.
  • Bionic and cybernetic services.
  • Weapons and combat gear; new and old.
  • Northern Gun robot drones; new and old.
  • Northern Gun giant combat robots; new and old.
  • Northern Gun freighters and hover trains.
  • Northern Gun character classes and more.
  • 109 P.A. catalog of Northern Gun products!
  • Key locations, people and sales outlets in and around Northern Gun.
  • Northern Gun’s relationship with the Coalition States, Triax Industries, the Black Market and others.
  • The Kingdom of Ishpeming, a puppet-state propped up by NG.
  • The Ishpeming military and more.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Interior Artwork by Chuck Walton, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • Wraparound cover by Chuck Walton.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 887. November release.

Rifts Northern Gun Two

Rifts® World Book 34: Northern Gun Two

More information about the weapons, vehicles and practices of Northern Gun, including the new rage of robot gladiatorial combat.

  • Northern Gun power armors; new and old.
  • Northern Gun hovercycles & land vehicles; new and old.
  • Northern Gun aircraft; new and old.
  • Northern Gun boats, ships and submarines; new and old.
  • Northern Gun Robot Gladiatorial Arena; new!
  • Robot Gladiator O.C.C. and robot gladiators.
  • The NG Bounty Board, the largest collection of bounties and mercenary contracts anywhere on Rifts® Earth.
  • Mercenaries, pirates and more.
  • Written by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
  • Interior Artwork by Chuck Walton, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
  • Wraparound cover by John Zeleznik.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 retail – Cat. No. 888. December release.

Rifts® World Book 35: Megaverse® in Flames

The Minion War spills across Rifts Earth, where demons and infernals hope to recruit allies and use the Rifts as gateways of destruction. Their influence shakes things up across the planet, especially at locations where demons and Deevils already have a strong presence. Demons, Deevils and supernatural beings run rampant and wreak havoc across the world.

  • Demon plagues and mystic blights.
  • Soulmancy and Blood Magic revealed.
  • Magical and demonic weapons and war machines.
  • Demonic armies, strongholds and places of evil.
  • Hell Pits and Rune Forges.
  • Many Demon Lords, their minions and plans.
  • Calgary, the Kingdom of Monsters; in detail.
  • Ciudad de Diablo, Harpies’ Island and other notable Hell holes on Earth.
  • Lord Doom, Pain and other demonic leaders.
  • Horune treachery, Dimension Stormers and other villains.
  • Notable demonic generals, mercenaries, people and places.
  • Battleground: Earth – as demons and infernals amass their legions.
  • Global chaos and the places most dramatically affected by the Demon Plagues.
  • Epic battles and adventure ideas galore.
  • Written by Carl Gleba. Part of the Minion War “Crossover” series.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 retail – Cat. No. 876. December release.


PDF downloads from

This is a great resource for getting out of print Palladium titles and other select books. We’ve made 90 titles available as PDF digital downloads from This is a great way to try Palladium products and get access to out of print RPG source material. Some notable titles include.

What’s next?

The following are in development:

  • Robotech® sourcebooks
  • Rifts® Antarctica and other sourcebooks
  • Splicers® Sourcebooks
  • Heroes Unlimited™ Sourcebooks
  • Chaos Earth™ Sourcebooks
  • Palladium Fantasy®: Mysteries of Magic™ Two & Three
  • Palladium Fantasy®: Land of the Damned™ Three
  • Nightbane® Sourcebooks
  • Beyond the Supernatural™ Sourcebooks
  • And other good stuff.

Recent Product Releases – available now

Rifts Dice Bag - Black

Rifts® Dice Bag

– Back in print – Available now

Everyone at Palladium has a Rifts® Dice Bag, shouldn’t you? It is a good size, sturdy, drawstring bag made of imitation black velvet emblazoned with the famous Rifts® logo in gold. 

Rifts Mystic Russia

BACK IN PRINT: Rifts® World Book 18: Mystic Russia

– Available now

Russian mythology and magic come to life in this fan favorite Rifts® World Book. The book includes all kinds of demons, monsters, new magic character classes (O.C.C.s), and nine different types of gypsies – some of whom are adventurers, others mystics and mages, some psychics and one is even a beguiling shape-shifter. Plus more background about Russia and the Sovietski.

  • 36 Fire Magic spells.
  • 29 Nature Magic spells.
  • 18 Russian Demons, their powers and hierarchy.
  • 10 Russian Woodland spirits, including the Man-Wolf and Werebests.
  • The Night Witch, Hidden Witch and Born Mystic O.C.C.s.
  • Necromancy and Necromancers expanded and their place in Russia.
  • The Russian Ley Line Walker character class (O.C.C.).
  • The Russian Shifter/Summoner O.C.C. (and all those demons to call upon).
  • Mystic Kuznya O.C.C.: Warrior and maker of magic weapons.
  • Plus Gypsy O.C.C.s, combat vehicles of the Sovietski, and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 176 pages – $20.95 – Cat. No. 833. Available now.

Rifts Coalition Wars 1: Sedition

BACK IN PRINT: Rifts® Coalition Wars® One: Sedition

– Available now

Magic vs Technology. The infamous Coalition/Siege on Tolkeen story arc starts with this 160 page sourcebook. Not only does it lay the groundwork for the Coalition’s all-out siege on the kingdom of magic, but it includes a vast number of Techno-Wizard weapons and vehicles, powerful magic artifacts, demons, monsters, magic and a historic Crisis Time-Line from 12 P.A. to 106 P.A.

  • 15 Rift and Ley Line Magic spells.
  • 10 Spells of Legend and six powerful magic artifacts.
  • 50+ Techno-Wizard weapons including Goblin Bombs.
  • 12 Techno-Wizard vehicles and TW vehicle conversion rules.
  • Iron Juggernauts – Techno-Wizard giant combat robots.
  • The war plans of the Coalition Army.
  • Background on the Kingdom of Tolkeen and its inhuman allies.
  • Key places, maps, adventure ideas and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 – Cat. No. 839. Available now.

Rifts Coalition Wars 2: Coalition Overkill

BACK IN PRINT: Rifts® Coalition Wars® Two: Coalition Overkill

– Available now

The Siege on Tolkeen goes into full swing as the Coalition Army makes the first devastating attacks on Tolkeen. Coalition Generals, Special Forces squads, and strategies are presented with a wealth of adventure ideas.

  • Key Coalition leaders and power players and their stats.
  • The Dirty Thirty, the most vile and deadly of CS Special Forces.
  • Coalition Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries.
  • The Daemonix – one of Tolkeen’s unholy alliances.
  • Stats for Dozens of NPCs, adventure ideas, and more.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Bill Coffin.
  • 112 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 840. Available now.

Rifts Coalition Wars 4: Cyber-Knights

Rifts® Coalition Wars® Four: Cyber-Knights

– Available now

We didn’t want you to forget about this excellent sourcebook in the series. The Coalition’s siege on Tolkeen has had a devastating impact on people across North America. None have been more affected than the Cyber-Knights. This sourcebook reveals not only the history and secrets of the Cyber-Knights, but the schism the war has created among the fabled warriors.

  • Cyber-Knight O.C.C., secrets and powers revealed.
  • In-depth examination of the Code of Chivalry.
  • Cyber-Knight Factions and rules of combat.
  • Crusaders, Fallen Knights, Robber Knights and Despoilers.
  • Lord Coake statted out, along with stats for other Cyber-Knights.
  • Notable weapons and armor of the Cyber-Knights.
  • Story background, adventure outlines, ideas and more.
  • Interior art by Freddie Williams II, Wayne Breaux Jr. and Mike Wilson.
  • Cover by Dave Dorman.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 112 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 842. Available now.

Rifts Xiticix Invasion

Rifts® World Book 23: Xiticix Invasion

– Back in print – Available now

Earth is home to thousands of alien species from beyond the Rifts. One of the strangest and most dangerous is the Xiticix. A danger nobody seemed to realize until the sprawling Hivelands began to encroach on the territories of other people. Armed with new breeds of aggressive warriors, new weapons and legions of insectoids willing to fight to the death, people are beginning to wonder if they are the next threat to humanity.

  • 9 different types of Xiticix, their hierarchy and society.
  • Xiticix Hive Cities, defenses and plans for expansion.
  • Xiticix powers, abilities and weapons.
  • Psi-Stalker Tribes fighting the Xiticix. The Psi-Stalker R.C.C. revisited.
  • Heroes and Hardcases: groups and 15 Non-Player Characters.
  • Plots against the alien invaders by the Coalition States, Lazlo and others.
  • Fort Barron of the Coalition Army, mapped and described.
  • Adventures, maps and many adventure ideas.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda and Wayne Breaux Jr.
  • 160 pages – $20.95 – Cat. No. 838. Available now.

Rifts Triax Two

Rifts® World Book 31: Triax Two

– Back in print – Available now

The war between the people of the New German Republic and the Gargoyle Empire rages on, but only the heroes of the NGR seem to be getting the upper hand. See where things stand in the year 109 P.A. and get a closer look at the NGR Army, government, society and people. This World Book also presents the latest weapons, combat vehicles, power armor and robots of the NGR as well as commercial vehicles, robot helpers, and more.

  • 27 new Triax weapons plus new body armor and additional gear.
  • 10 new Triax giant robots including the Talon and Devastator II.
  • 10 cars and commercial vehicles plus more than 50 special features.
  • 9 new robot drones including robot assistants, pets and Spy ‘Bots.
  • 6 new Triax power armor suits, including the Predator II, Ulti-Max II, War Eagle, Fat Boy, and a flying Glitter Boy.
  • 5 new aircraft and other combat vehicles.
  • Mobile NGR forts and bases, cyborgs and more.
  • Information about the New German Republic and its society.
  • Information about the New German Republic’s military.
  • The latest on the Gargoyle War and Gargoyle Empire.
  • Mercenaries, adventurers, outsiders and surprises.
  • Ideas for adventure, combat and much, much more.
  • Written by Taylor White, Brandon Aten and Kevin Siembieda.
  • 192 pages – $24.95 – Cat. No. 881. Available now.

Rifts Sourcebook 2: The Mechanoids

Rifts® Sourcebook Two: The Mechanoids®

– Back in Print – Available now

Archie 3 and Hagan Lonovich are two of the most beloved villains (anti-heroes?) in the Rifts Earth setting. This sourcebook highlights their strange relationship, plots and blunders. One of which is inadvertently unleashing The Mechanoids® into the world!

The Mechanoids have one driving goal: To destroy all humanoid life! This book has it all. Source material, the Mechanoids, new equipment, monsters, adventure and cryptic prophecies.

  • The prophecies of the Seven Dangers.
  • 20+ Mechanoids and their robot legion.
  • Optional Mechanoids® Player Characters and character sheets.
  • Archie Three and Hagan: Heroes or villains?
  • The weapons and robot minions of Hagan Lonovich.
  • New creations from Archie Three and Hagan, plus more history and insight about the unlikely duo.
  • Five adventures, random encounter tables and adventure ideas.
  • Cover and some interior art by Kevin Long.
  • Written by Kevin Siembieda.
  • 112 pages – $16.95 – Cat. No. 805. Available now.

Other Recent Releases

New! Rifts® PencilCat. No. 2561 – 50 cents per each pencil. People love this item and often buy them in sets of 10. Enjoy.

New! Palladium Fantasy RPG® Coffee Mug – red on a black, 15.5 ounce mug – Cat. No. 2560 – $10.00.

New! Dead Reign™: “Survive or Die Trying” T-Shirt – Cat. No. 2556 – price varies with size: Medium: $18.95, Large: $18.95, XL: $18.95, 2XL: $20.95, 3XL: $22.95, 4XL: $24.95, 5XL: $26.95

New! Rifts® Wilk’s Laser Technologies™ Logo T-Shirt – Cat. No. 2557 – price varies with size: Medium: $18.95, Large: $18.95, XL: $18.95, 2XL: $20.95, 3XL: $22.95, 4XL: $24.95, 5XL: $26.95

New! Imagination Unleashed T-Shirt – black image on a red T-shirt – No. 2558 – price varies with size: Medium: $18.95, Large: $18.95, XL: $18.95, 2XL: $20.95, 3XL: $22.95, 4XL: $24.95, 5XL: $26.95

New! Rifts® Northern Gun™ Logo T-Shirt – Cat. No. 2559 – price varies with size: Medium: $18.95, Large: $18.95, XL: $18.95, 2XL: $20.95, 3XL: $22.95, 4XL: $24.95, 5XL: $26.95

Property of the Coalition™ T-Shirt – Cat. No. 2528 – price varies with size: Medium: $18.95, Large: $18.95, XL: $18.95, 2XL: $20.95, 3XL: $22.95, 4XL: $24.95, 5XL: $26.95

Back in Print – Available Now

New Rifts® Miniatures

The following new Rifts® miniatures have never before been released by Palladium Books.

  • Approximately 28 mm in size.
  • Each figure is an unpainted, pewter miniature. Some assembly and cleaning may be required.
  • Sold as a single, individual figure in a plastic bag and comes with a black, 30 mm or 40 mm plastic base.
  • Prices vary according to size, but range from $6-12 retail.
  • Sorry, not currently available in stores. Available only from Palladium Books.

MI8021 – Rifts® Shadow Beast – $12.00

MI8022 – Rifts® Mystic Knight – $6.00

MI8023 – Rifts® Lord Magus – $6.00

MI8024 – Rifts® High Magus – $6.00

MI8025 – Rifts® Coalition Psi-Stalker (new-style Dead Boy armor) – $6.00

MI8026 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy in DPM-D1 Armor – $6.00

MI8027 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #2 (with energy rifle) – $6.00

MI8028 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #3 (with rifle and Vibro-Knife) – $6.00

MI8029 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #4 (German Shepherd with rifle and Vibro-Claws) – $6.00

MI8030 – Rifts® Coalition Dog Boy #5 (Bulldog with energy rifle and Vibro-Claws) – $6.00

Classic Rifts® Miniatures – Back in stock

The following favorite Rifts® miniatures are back in stock. Some, like the Glitter Boy, have sold on the collector’s market for as much as $50-$120. They are being re-released for the first time in a decade.

  • Approximately 25 mm in size.
  • Each figure is an unpainted, pewter miniature. Some assembly and cleaning may be required.
  • Sold as a single, individual figure in a plastic bag and comes with a black, 30 mm or 40 mm plastic base.
  • Prices vary according to size, but range from $6-20 retail.
  • Sorry, not currently available in stores. Available only from Palladium Books.

MI8031 – Rifts® Glitter Boy Power Armor – $20.00; this is a large, heavy figure.

MI8032 – Rifts® Glitter Boy Pilot – $6.00

MI8033 – Rifts® Kydian Overlord (Atlantis) – $20.00; this is a large, heavy figure.

MI8034 – Rifts® Dragonsaurus (Atlantis) – $10.00

MI8035 – Rifts® Slaver and Slave (Atlantis); 2 figs, no plastic bases – $10.00

MI8036 – Rifts® Crazy – $6.00

MI8037 – Rifts® Juicer #1 (with laser pistol) – $6.00

MI8038 – Rifts® Juicer #2 (with Vibro-Sword) – $6.00

MI8039 – Rifts® Cyborg #1 (with Rail Gun) – $12.00

MI8040 – Rifts® Cyborg #2 (with gun hands) – $12.00

MI8041 – Rifts® Cyborg #3 – $6.00

MI8042 – Rifts® Coalition Officer (old armor) – $6.00

MI8043 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #1 (old armor) – $6.00

MI8044 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #2 (old armor) – $6.00

MI8045 – Rifts® Coalition Grunt #3 (old armor) – $6.00

Palladium Convention Calendar

YoumaCon – November 1-4 – Detroit, Michigan

This a rapidly exploding anime convention the could have 15,000+ people this year. It includes a wide range of amazing costumes, guests, events, cosplay, gaming and multi-media fun.

Palladium Books will be exhibiting in the dealers’ room and we’ll have members of the Palladium staff and other maniacs at the booth, including me (Kevin Siembieda), Wayne Smith, Alex Marciniszyn, Julius Rosenstein, Chuck Walton and maybe a few other Palladium madmen. Artist Ben Rodriguez will be there too, but he’ll have his own booth. It all happens at Cobo Hall, downtown Detroit, near the waterfront. Join the fun.

Anime North – May 24-26, 2013 – Toronto, Canada

Speaking of which, have I mentioned that I will be one of the guests at Anime North in Toronto next year? Well, I will. The event takes place Memorial Day weekend, May 24-26, 2013. This will be my first time back at a convention in Canada in something like 15 years. Too long.

Gen Con® Indy – August 15-18, 2013 – Indianapolis, Indiana

Oh yeah, we can hardly wait for Gen Con next year. We may even need to expand the size of our booth.

Note: No Palladium Open House in 2013 and right now, there are no plans for one in 2014.

© Copyright 2012 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars® and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. Beyond the Supernatural™, Chaos Earth, Coalition States, Dead Reign, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, Warpath, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

Robotech® and Robotech® The Shadow Chronicles® are Registered Trademarks of Harmony Gold USA, Inc.

This press release may be reprinted, reposted, linked and shared for the sole purpose of advertising, promotion and sales solicitation.

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© Copyright 2024 Palladium Books Inc. All rights reserved.| Site -Developed by Rex Barkdoll

Rifts®, The Rifter®, RECON®, Splicers®, Powers Unlimited®, Palladium Books®, The Palladium Fantasy Role-Playing Game®, Phase World®, Nightbane®, Megaverse®, The Mechanoids®, The Mechanoid Invasion®, Coalition Wars®, Chaos Earth®, Dead Reign®, and After the Bomb® are Registered Trademarks of Palladium Books Inc. RPG Tactics™, Beyond the Supernatural, Coalition States, Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Minion War, Mysteries of Magic, SAMAS, Thundercloud Galaxy, Three Galaxies, Vampire Kingdoms, and other published book titles, names, slogans and likenesses are trademarks of Palladium Books Inc., and Kevin Siembieda.

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