Robotech Crossover question

Whether it is a Veritech or a Valkyrie, Robotech or Macross II, Earth is in danger eitherway. Grab your mecha and fight the good fight.

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Unread post by taalismn »

"Hmmm...Doctor Akagi's hairdye seems to be wearing thin...her natural hair color is..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:...a dripping wet Gendo is wheeled onto a catwalk platform overlooking Unit-)1...Gendo is strapped into a metal chair festooned with electrical wires...As he looks at the looming front of Evangelion Unit-01 he notices an addition to the restraint cage holding the giant biomechanoid...a big red button near one of its hands..

SC Tech:(into recorder)"Proceeding with test of quiscent Evangelion Unit's perception and conscious acknowledgement of events around itself in non-dormant, but inactive, state using wired guinea-pig pain indicator, similar to arranegment previously used in university pleasure-pain studies, with indictator rigged for electrical shocks activated by Unit-01 consciously activating current enabler control..."

..Gendo's eyes widden when he sees Unit-01's hand clench into a fist and come down hammer-like at the red button even before the tech finishes his summary...


"Someone having a barbecue around here? I smell cooking swine..."

:lol: :lol: You guys are to much I tell you, to much! :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:"Hmmm...Doctor Akagi's hairdye seems to be wearing thin...her natural hair color is..."

This should make things EVEN more interesting. Cannot wait for her to explain that.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Doesn't Miriya have green hair? :D :::Scratchs head::: Nice of her to interrogate Gendo! Cool!! More Gendo interrogation please!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

"So lemme get this straight...UNit-01 has the soul of Ikari Yui...Shinji Ikari' Shinji Sterling...mother in it."
"And Unit-00 has the soul of Naoko Akagi, Ritsuko Akagi' a feline-obsessive emotionally regressed headcase in psych eval...mother in it..."
"Yep, again."
"...A woman who may or may not have been involved i Yui Ikari's absorption, was CERTAINLY doing Gendo Ikari, possibly even BEFORE Yui choked a small child to death..."
"Does it give you a headache too?"
"Five Advil a day."
"This isn't a conspiracy, it's a soap opera! Well, at least the worst's behind us in cleaning up this mess..."
(Meanwhile between the two GMP officers, Unit-01 has just right hooked Unit-00 in the face.)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL Cute! More Gendo and Edwards killing and maiming please! Love those point when those two evil people get what they deserve. So far they still need a lot more atonement! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

(A door opens up in the side of a backalley in Tokyo-3...a figure emerges and skulks out into the a wedge of light from a distant streetlamp, the figure pauses, pulls back its cloak...It's Ikari Gendo!)
Gendo: "The fools! I knew I was right to create those life-decoys! That will keep them occupied while I rebuild the Scenario! No one, but NO ONE, derails my genuis!"



Field Marshal Leonard: (sitting in back of speeding hover-limo) "What was that? Did we just hit something...oh, never mind,...We can't stop....Best nobody knows about this little visit! Drive on, corporal!(Settles back into his seat cushions)..Yes, it's good to be in charge!"

(Meanwhile, Gendo, who's been flipped into the air on a ballistic trajectory, comes down in front of a GMP guard post).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:(A door opens up in the side of a backalley in Tokyo-3...a figure emerges and skulks out into the a wedge of light from a distant streetlamp, the figure pauses, pulls back its cloak...It's Ikari Gendo!)
Gendo: "The fools! I knew I was right to create those life-decoys! That will keep them occupied while I rebuild the Scenario! No one, but NO ONE, derails my genuis!"



Field Marshal Leonard: (sitting in back of speeding hover-limo) "What was that? Did we just hit something...oh, never mind,...We can't stop....Best nobody knows about this little visit! Drive on, corporal!(Settles back into his seat cushions)..Yes, it's good to be in charge!"

(Meanwhile, Gendo, who's been flipped into the air on a ballistic trajectory, comes down in front of a GMP guard post).

Poor Gendo. :lol: NNNOOOTTTT!!!! :lol:
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Unread post by taalismn »

(A step back to show how we'd gotten here...)

...The small community just outside Monument had never seen such activity...not since the final days of New Macross...for miles around the landscape was buzzing with military craft and soldiers, but not in preparation for battle, or in retreat...No, it might have been a retreat though...
With the loss of General Emerson aboard his flagship, attempting a Fold maneuver to destroy the enemy, the Masters had been emboldened...striking in force once more directly at Monument....Even knowing they were the prime target, the Southern Cross forces had been caught surprised by the ferocity of the attack...No less than six destroyers, and a flock of landing craft and their bioroid troops had swarmed in, seeking to establish a beachhead....Troops and mecha had sortied out from Monument and surrounding bases into a meatgrinder, as the Masters sought to press their momentary advantage in driving a force through the compromised aerospace defense net...
Then, into the midst of the fight had appeared two massive machines, unlike anything ever seen in the Masters' arsenal before...One purple, one blue...those who first saw the massive mecha knew fear; they hadn't seen the dropcraft the giants had deployed from, only a flash of light and a 'rip' in the very air...Almost all were certain that the Masters were playing a trump card, some ultimate weapon of Robotechnology they'd been holding in reserve...
At least until somebody noticed that the giant mecha had ENGLISH lettering on the side....And EVERYBODY noticed that the Masters were as taken aback as the Southern Cross troops by the sudden appearance of the gargantua in their midst. The bioroids split their attention from the entrenched ASC and attacked the newcomers...

The battle only lasted five minutes, but once the two giants got their feet underneath them, they wreaked unholy havoc on the swarming enemy...Some sort of massive hexagonal forcefields had appeared, shielding them from the worst of the enemy fire, protected them long enough to lay their own fire from massive handguns onto three of the destroyers, bringing them down. Bioroids and attack corvettes had been swatted aside like insects, and one had even fallen to a giant KNIFE thrown through its bridge-cockpit.
Then the giants had begun to falter...

The Southern Cross had not been sleeping all this time. With the Tirolian invaders' attention split, the ASC had rallied, called up reinforcements, repositioned with the speed of hoverjets and jetpacks, and laid into the Masters' openning flank. Another destroyer had fallen under the fire, and scores of Bioroids skeeted from the sky.

The Masters, seemingly unstoppable minutes before, now turned in retreat, with a burst of fire launched from near-orbit by a Mothership to cover their flight....That last massive blast had caught both of the giant mecha full-on....Had cracked armor, and knocked them off their feet, but had not destroyed them....
Had it happened earlier in the battle, the Masters might have rallied and regained the initiative, but the precious few minutes bought had allowed the Southern Cross to reinforce their bulwarks...Already Defender shuttles and destroyers were inbound from New Portland and Mexico City, and reserve missile batteries were retargetting, a few even taking potshots at the retreating Masters as they struggled up out of atmosphere for the relative safety of space.

So now troops poured over the battlefield, inspecting wrecked Tirolian craft and downed bioroids. Another brigade encircled the place where the giant mecha had first appeared, drawn by anomalous energy readings and the observation of a persistant 'glow' in the imemdiate vicinity...

And around the downed three-hundred foot tall giant mecha themselves...a veritable cocoon of steel had been drawn up around them.....Recovery vehicles, lab trailors, TCH Tractors, cranes, flatbeds, battloids, and all manner of support vehicles were parked around the giants, while troopers and technicians clampered all over with cables and wires, looking for all the world like high-tech Lilliputians waylaying two alien Gullivers....

The official military word was mum, but already the latrine gossip, barracks chatter, and messline grapevine were abuzz with chatter...

Two pilots had been found and extracted from their damaged mecha...well-heated and slightly overboiled, but otherwise still alive...whisked away to a military hospital under close guard.

One appeared perfectly human, the other not so...but they were both YOUNG....

And so it was that that the second of the two pilots, already garnering an inordinate amount of attention for her unusual looks and interesting early blood test results, lay semi-conscious in a hospital room, hooked up to monitoring instruments. Had she known what a previous humanoid alien taken alive had been put through, she might have tried to run for it, even in her wounded condition, but fortunately for her , the medical officers on the spot were better inclined to treat an apparent heroine who'd helped save countless Southern Cross troops in battle with a bit more compassion.

Still, even Sister Teresa couldn't keep the GMP from their duty, and so several officers had taken up station in the hospital room...
All the more so, since, seeing that the patient under her care was in pain, and that blood tests had shown no apparent allergic reaction to general anesthetics, the attending military doctor has given the girl a mild painkiller....When that, and subsequently higher doses of other drugs had no apparent effect on the albino's suffering, the good doctor had taken a chance and perscribed a dose of synecaine...

Synecaine....wonderdrug of the post Rain of Death pharmecological industry...Synthetic, non-allergenic, non-addictive...and powerful enough to numb a full-sized Zentraedi into bonelessness...It had been tested as a sniper-tranq load by the REP, and was a staple of trauma wards...

It did the trick and then some....

The GMP interrogators had been expecting resistance, and a long fight to pry information out of the unknowns, as well as a fight with the attendings over 'necessary measures'....They needn't have bothered bringing the rubber hose and the electrodes, because Rei Ayanami had begun first spontaneously, then, once the astonished officers had brought in a Japanese language translator, to directed questions...

They'd ordered in more officers, taken over adjacent rooms, and begun working in shifts. A cartload of recording tape and notebooks had been brought in...A coffee machine disappeared from a nurse's lounge a few floors down and was re-installed nearby....

When a few days later, word came of the rediscovery of General Emerson and crew alive and safe, and the first word of some parallel Earth 'beyond the lightgate', the GMP interview team hardly took notice..And when word came of a supposedly dead organization, the UN, and some other group calling itself NERV, wanting their Pilots back, the paperwork for the transfer was delayed in transit, ...just long enough for a 'QUARANTINE' sign to show up on the ward doors...

The GMP was learning LOTS about NERV, and weren't about to give up the fount of information they had in Ward 51 just yet....

And already several thick folders, marked 'Subject: Ikari Gendo, NERV, Commander of' were making their way to certain high-level desks in Monument City...

For some reason, Gendo couldn't stop sneezing...It had started out early in the morning, and had only gotten worse, until every other breath was accentuated by a lung-hammering fit. Irritably, Gendo made a mental note to have Section 2 maim and decimate the ventilation maintenance crews for their negligence...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:(A step back to show how we'd gotten here...)

...The small community just outside Monument had never seen such activity...not since the final days of New Macross...for miles around the landscape was buzzing with military craft and soldiers, but not in preparation for battle, or in retreat...No, it might have been a retreat though...
With the loss of General Emerson aboard his flagship, attempting a Fold maneuver to destroy the enemy, the Masters had been emboldened...striking in force once more directly at Monument....Even knowing they were the prime target, the Southern Cross forces had been caught surprised by the ferocity of the attack...No less than six destroyers, and a flock of landing craft and their bioroid troops had swarmed in, seeking to establish a beachhead....Troops and mecha had sortied out from Monument and surrounding bases into a meatgrinder, as the Masters sought to press their momentary advantage in driving a force through the compromised aerospace defense net...
Then, into the midst of the fight had appeared two massive machines, unlike anything ever seen in the Masters' arsenal before...One purple, one blue...those who first saw the massive mecha knew fear; they hadn't seen the dropcraft the giants had deployed from, only a flash of light and a 'rip' in the very air...Almost all were certain that the Masters were playing a trump card, some ultimate weapon of Robotechnology they'd been holding in reserve...
At least until somebody noticed that the giant mecha had ENGLISH lettering on the side....And EVERYBODY noticed that the Masters were as taken aback as the Southern Cross troops by the sudden appearance of the gargantua in their midst. The bioroids split their attention from the entrenched ASC and attacked the newcomers...

The battle only lasted five minutes, but once the two giants got their feet underneath them, they wreaked unholy havoc on the swarming enemy...Some sort of massive hexagonal forcefields had appeared, shielding them from the worst of the enemy fire, protected them long enough to lay their own fire from massive handguns onto three of the destroyers, bringing them down. Bioroids and attack corvettes had been swatted aside like insects, and one had even fallen to a giant KNIFE thrown through its bridge-cockpit.
Then the giants had begun to falter...

The Southern Cross had not been sleeping all this time. With the Tirolian invaders' attention split, the ASC had rallied, called up reinforcements, repositioned with the speed of hoverjets and jetpacks, and laid into the Masters' openning flank. Another destroyer had fallen under the fire, and scores of Bioroids skeeted from the sky.

The Masters, seemingly unstoppable minutes before, now turned in retreat, with a burst of fire launched from near-orbit by a Mothership to cover their flight....That last massive blast had caught both of the giant mecha full-on....Had cracked armor, and knocked them off their feet, but had not destroyed them....
Had it happened earlier in the battle, the Masters might have rallied and regained the initiative, but the precious few minutes bought had allowed the Southern Cross to reinforce their bulwarks...Already Defender shuttles and destroyers were inbound from New Portland and Mexico City, and reserve missile batteries were retargetting, a few even taking potshots at the retreating Masters as they struggled up out of atmosphere for the relative safety of space.

So now troops poured over the battlefield, inspecting wrecked Tirolian craft and downed bioroids. Another brigade encircled the place where the giant mecha had first appeared, drawn by anomalous energy readings and the observation of a persistant 'glow' in the imemdiate vicinity...

And around the downed three-hundred foot tall giant mecha themselves...a veritable cocoon of steel had been drawn up around them.....Recovery vehicles, lab trailors, TCH Tractors, cranes, flatbeds, battloids, and all manner of support vehicles were parked around the giants, while troopers and technicians clampered all over with cables and wires, looking for all the world like high-tech Lilliputians waylaying two alien Gullivers....

The official military word was mum, but already the latrine gossip, barracks chatter, and messline grapevine were abuzz with chatter...

Two pilots had been found and extracted from their damaged mecha...well-heated and slightly overboiled, but otherwise still alive...whisked away to a military hospital under close guard.

One appeared perfectly human, the other not so...but they were both YOUNG....

And so it was that that the second of the two pilots, already garnering an inordinate amount of attention for her unusual looks and interesting early blood test results, lay semi-conscious in a hospital room, hooked up to monitoring instruments. Had she known what a previous humanoid alien taken alive had been put through, she might have tried to run for it, even in her wounded condition, but fortunately for her , the medical officers on the spot were better inclined to treat an apparent heroine who'd helped save countless Southern Cross troops in battle with a bit more compassion.

Still, even Sister Teresa couldn't keep the GMP from their duty, and so several officers had taken up station in the hospital room...
All the more so, since, seeing that the patient under her care was in pain, and that blood tests had shown no apparent allergic reaction to general anesthetics, the attending military doctor has given the girl a mild painkiller....When that, and subsequently higher doses of other drugs had no apparent effect on the albino's suffering, the good doctor had taken a chance and perscribed a dose of synecaine...

Synecaine....wonderdrug of the post Rain of Death pharmecological industry...Synthetic, non-allergenic, non-addictive...and powerful enough to numb a full-sized Zentraedi into bonelessness...It had been tested as a sniper-tranq load by the REP, and was a staple of trauma wards...

It did the trick and then some....

The GMP interrogators had been expecting resistance, and a long fight to pry information out of the unknowns, as well as a fight with the attendings over 'necessary measures'....They needn't have bothered bringing the rubber hose and the electrodes, because Rei Ayanami had begun first spontaneously, then, once the astonished officers had brought in a Japanese language translator, to directed questions...

They'd ordered in more officers, taken over adjacent rooms, and begun working in shifts. A cartload of recording tape and notebooks had been brought in...A coffee machine disappeared from a nurse's lounge a few floors down and was re-installed nearby....

When a few days later, word came of the rediscovery of General Emerson and crew alive and safe, and the first word of some parallel Earth 'beyond the lightgate', the GMP interview team hardly took notice..And when word came of a supposedly dead organization, the UN, and some other group calling itself NERV, wanting their Pilots back, the paperwork for the transfer was delayed in transit, ...just long enough for a 'QUARANTINE' sign to show up on the ward doors...

The GMP was learning LOTS about NERV, and weren't about to give up the fount of information they had in Ward 51 just yet....

And already several thick folders, marked 'Subject: Ikari Gendo, NERV, Commander of' were making their way to certain high-level desks in Monument City...

For some reason, Gendo couldn't stop sneezing...It had started out early in the morning, and had only gotten worse, until every other breath was accentuated by a lung-hammering fit. Irritably, Gendo made a mental note to have Section 2 maim and decimate the ventilation maintenance crews for their negligence...

:twisted: And so beginnes the fall of Gendo. :twisted: BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! :twisted:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL Excellent news for those of us who dispise Gendo! It's good to be watching this! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

The two angstiest characters of their respective universes, Ikari-Sterling Shinji and Zor Prime, meet at a sidewalk cafe in Tiresia...

Zor: "Young Sir."
Shinji: "Mister Zor."
(sitting down)
Zor: "I'll have a Tirol Gold..."
Shinji: "I'll have anything BUT a Yebitsu..."
Zor: " life is one pathetic tragedy..."
Shinji: "You think you got it bad? My life sucks so bad, I'm listed as an emotional blackhole on navigation charts...."
Zor: "Oh yeah? How so?"
Shinji: "MY biological dad is the premier jerkass of two universes, treated me like an old sock, didn't even think of me until he needed a pantsy, my first foster-parents treated me like somebopdy else's problem, my NERV-appointed guardian's in a coma, and I'm breaking in a new set of foster-parents..."
Zor: "Hah! I never HAD a father! I grew up in a test-tube, property of a bunch of megalomaniacs out to dominate the universe! They shot me, tortured me, threw me to the wolves! The closest thing I have to a father got himself killed a half century ago, and all he left me was a skull full of grief and a galaxy out for my butt!"
Shinji: "I hit on my biological half-sister."
Zor: "I have a memory-crush on one of my best friend's fiance!"
Shinji: "I almost killed my best friend!"
Zor: "I betrayed my people!"
"I love a horribly abusive violent maniac!"
"I betrayed Dana's trust so many times, I make Sean Phillips look committed!"
"I'm a pathetic wimp!"
"I keep changing sides!"
(Together) "You'll make a great brother-in-law."
Last edited by taalismn on Tue Nov 06, 2012 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alpha 11
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:The two angstiest characters of their respective universes, Ikari-Sterling Shinji and Zor Prime, meet at a sidewalk cafe in Tiresia...

Zor: "Young Sir."
Shinji: "Mister Zor."
(sitting down)
Zor: "I'll have a Tirol Gold..."
Shinji: "I'll have anything BUT a Yebitsu..."
Zor: " life is one pathetic tragedy..."
Shinji: "You thing you got it bad? My life sucks so bad, I'm listed as an emotional blackhole on navigation charts...."
Zor: "Oh yeah? How so?"
Shinji: "MY biological dad is the premeier jerkass of two universes, treated me like an old sock, didn't even think of me until he needed a pantsy, my first foster-parents treated me like somebopdy else's problem, my NERV-appointed guardian's in a coma, and I'm breaking in a new set of foster-parents..."
Zor: "Hah! I never HAD a father! I grew up in a test-tube, property of a bunch of megalomaniacs out to dominate the universe! They shot me, tortured me, threw me to the wolves! The closest thing I have to a father got himself killed a half century ago, and all he left me was a skull full of grieve and a galaxy out for my butt!"
Shinji: "I hit on my biological half-sister."
Zor: "I have a memory-crush on one of my best friend's fiance!"
Shinji: "I almost killed my best friend!"
Zor: "I betrayed my people!"
"I love a horribly abusive violent maniac!"
"I betrayed Dana's trust so many times, I make Sean Phillips look committed!"
"I'm a pathetic wimp!"
"I keep changing sides!"
(Together) "You'll make a great brother-in-law."

:lol: :lol: That was to good! :lol: :lol:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! That was a great one! Please keep them coming! Especially the Anti Gendo and Anti Edwards ones! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

(A secret chamber, with monoliths)
SEELE-1: The appearance of these ‘Others’ is an unexpected and unwelcome development.
Seele-3: By their own admission, they are at war with aliens...Surely we can use this our advantage?
Seele-5: We can sway the UN to limit, if not outright sever, ties with the ‘Southern Cross’ in order not to get dragged into somebody else’s war.
Seele-2: Unlikely...if the reports of the effects of their weapons...this ‘Robotechnology’ ...on the Angels prove as consistant as the UN seems to think they are....Already, the UN is more than willing to negotiate with the Others for their weaponry.
Seele-4: And they are offering N2 weapons technology in exchange...Their weapons work on the Angels...Our weapons work on their enemies....Already, the Southern Cross has placed orders for N2 ordnance....The United States seems overly eager to again be an ‘arsenal of democracy’.
SEELE-1: Most likely due to the location of this ‘Southern Cross’ inside the analogue of their own North America. I suggest you curb the Americans’ enthusiasm for arming the Others on this sentimentality. We cannot afford any loss of control at this point. Ikari’s own obstinance is enough. Any further knowledge of additional points of correspondance between the two Earths that could cause us additional problems?
Seele-4: Few. Their older records have turned up a few points of coincidence; there was an Emil Lang, but he is believed to have disappeared during Second Impact...Henri Gloval was a Lithuanian captain in the Soviet Navy of little consequence... The Lynn family died in Korea during the post-Second Impact riots...There are others, but they have little bearing on our current situation...
SEELE-1: And of our on possible opposite numbers in this ‘other’ Earth?
Seele-3: None so far...Or they are very well hidden...We are still learning more about the ‘Anti-UEG’ and the EBSIS Eastern Bloc, that may tell us more...
Seele-2: If we are moving N2 ordnance through the Gates, perhaps we may be able to arrange something...An accident, fortuitously timed...
SEELE-1: As long as it does not lead back to us....Learn more about any disident factions and these ‘Robotech Masters’...We may be able to use them if and when N2 sabotage becomes a more viable option.

"There it is again, confound it!"
"What, Field Marshal?"
"That feeling that somebody's plotting against me again! It's like a brief stabbing sensation in my back, just above the kidneys!"
"If you say so, sir."
" opposed to somebody about to betray me...which is a tingling feeling in the middle of my back.."
"Feels bad, sir."
"Oh yeah...though if they're merely vexed and insulting me behind my back, it's a burning, itchy feeling in my buttocks, that starts out as just annoying, but sometimes can feel like somebody's..."
"You can stop right there, sir."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alpha 11
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:(A secret chamber, with monoliths)
SEELE-1: The appearance of these ‘Others’ is an unexpected and unwelcome development.
Seele-3: By their own admission, they are at war with aliens...Surely we can use this our advantage?
Seele-5: We can sway the UN to limit, if not outright sever, ties with the ‘Southern Cross’ in order not to get dragged into somebody else’s war.
Seele-2: Unlikely...if the reports of the effects of their weapons...this ‘Robotechnology’ ...on the Angels prove as consistant as the UN seems to think they are....Already, the UN is more than willing to negotiate with the Others for their weaponry.
Seele-4: And they are offering N2 weapons technology in exchange...Their weapons work on the Angels...Our weapons work on their enemies....Already, the Southern Cross has placed orders for N2 ordnance....The United States seems overly eager to again be an ‘arsenal of democracy’.
SEELE-1: Most likely due to the location of this ‘Southern Cross’ inside the analogue of their own North America. I suggest you curb the Americans’ enthusiasm for arming the Others on this sentimentality. We cannot afford any loss of control at this point. Ikari’s own obstinance is enough. Any further knowledge of additional points of correspondance between the two Earths that could cause us additional problems?
Seele-4: Few. Their older records have turned up a few points of coincidence; there was an Emil Lang, but he is believed to have disappeared during Second Impact...Henri Gloval was a Lithuanian captain in the Soviet Navy of little consequence... The Lynn family died in Korea during the post-Second Impact riots...There are others, but they have little bearing on our current situation...
SEELE-1: And of our on possible opposite numbers in this ‘other’ Earth?
Seele-3: None so far...Or they are very well hidden...We are still learning more about the ‘Anti-UEG’ and the EBSIS Eastern Bloc, that may tell us more...
Seele-2: If we are moving N2 ordnance through the Gates, perhaps we may be able to arrange something...An accident, fortuitously timed...
SEELE-1: As long as it does not lead back to us....Learn more about any disident factions and these ‘Robotech Masters’...We may be able to use them if and when N2 sabotage becomes a more viable option.

"There it is again, confound it!"
"What, Field Marshal?"
"That feeling that somebody's plotting against me again! It's like a brief stabbing sensation in my back, just above the kidneys!"
"If you say so, sir."
" opposed to somebody about to betray me...which is a tingling feeling in the middle of my back.."
"Feels bad, sir."
"Oh yeah...though if they're merely vexed and insulting me behind my back, it's a burning, itchy feeling in my buttocks, that starts out as just annoying, but sometimes can feel like somebody's..."
"You can stop right there, sir."

Man I really hate those SEELE guys. :lol: And I am glad that guy stopped the Field Marshal were he did. :D
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Unread post by taalismn »

Leonard has a bad rep for being depicted in the anime as a humorless, dour, sour-faced pimple-head only slightly more personable than Vladimir Harkonen....He's probably a pretty funny drunk, and has an earthy sense of humor when nobody's looking...In short, Leohard needs more laugh lines... :-D
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

Those are some great ones! Hmmmmmmmmm I wonder if either Leonard or Gendo could get drunk enough to do really embarassing things. You know the sort of thing Goering was accused of cross dressing! Of course if Edwards gets that drunk and dances with those two it would be a truly evil thing to do! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

I hope this continues, but let us bronden the topic a bit. I wander how Robotech would do in other Sci-fi universes? Examples, Star War, Star Trek, Star Gate, the Gundam Univeres, Battletech, ect.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

It's an intertesting idea! We'll have to wait and see if they do.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by Rathorc Lemenger »

Heya everyone, my brother wanted me to post this (using his exact words) considering the chaos that's going on for this one. So here it is:

Random Bar (somewhere in the Galaxy).
Shinji:(Slightly drunk) I hate my life. Everytime I find a girl I like, something pops up that ruins it.
Unknown Female Voice: Surly it can't be that bad. I have had worse myself.
Shinji: Oh ya? Try this: The first girl I had a crush on turned out to be a half clone of my mother. The next, Asuka, has one hell of a personality disorder, and she beat me whenever she had the chance. The Bridge Bunny I also liked turned out to like Dr. Akagi. And to top it all off, recently I got hit on by a trio of computers as well as a MALE Angel... My love life sucks...
Unknown Female Voice:... That is quite bad. But the fact that you've evolved beyond them shows great... portential.
Shinji: I'm actually thankfull that the prototype EVA carried spacefold booster Malfunctioned and brought me here. A shame we fought first though...
Unknown Female Voice: As am I. You are quite an... Interesting specimen Shinji Ikari, for a human. How about we continue this in my bedchambers?
Shnji: Sure, why not? Afterall sleeping with an alien isn't going to mess up my love life anymore then it is already.

*Six months later, back on earth, there's sirens blaring all over the complex.*

Shinji: What the hell is going on! Is there an another Angel attacking?
Max: Worse... Invid.
Kim (over the P.A system): Um, this is a bit odd, but will everyone please stand down and will Shinji Ikari Sterling please report to the main space port?
Shinji: Ok...?

*A Half-hour later.*

Rick: Lisa remind me [u]why[/u] exactly we are meeting with the Invid Regis with Shinji here??
Lisa: Because she has requisted it. Ah here she comes.
(The Regis appears followed by several enforcers.)
Regis: Ah! Good, Shinji is here.
Shinji: You're voice seems awfully familiar...
Regis: As well it should... I have someone for you to meet... Dear.
Shinji: What are yo- (Shinji is suddenly knocked down by a little green skinned girl with black hair and big blue eyes that are both one colour). Um, who are you?
Little Girl: Don't you recongnize me... Papa?
Shinji: Oh Shii... (faints).
Little Girl: Mommy are all humans like this?
Regis: No dear, only your father.
(Everyone except the Invid are looking on in surprise until Max breaks it.)
Max: Just one thing... Did he beat you in battle first??
Regis: He did indeed. However, what attracted me was he seems to be more evolved then a normal human... That and he's better in bed then both my ex-husband and Zor combined.
Mariya: Wait... If she's (points as the little girl) is Shinji's daughter then that means that... YES! I'M A GRAND-MOTHER BEFORE LISA! HA!
Lisa: Damn her... (Teeth grinds loudly).

Rathorc Lemenger.

P.S. This is, and was, my brother's idea. NOT MINE!!!!
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!! That was a great one! I wondered who the female voice was. Now we see who she was. Shinji has a child. His Mom would be so proud!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

I suddenly realized something..If Shinji is raised by the Sterlings, he could conceivably be a contemporary of Marcus and Marlene Rush, and Scott Bernard....

Could you see Scott and Shinji(or at the very least Shinji and Marcus) raising hell in military academy?
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Dairugger XV wrote:Personally, I think Leonard gets a bad rap. He is a hard-liner that, like any GOOD general, would rather see his enemy annihilated than have his own people, much less the people he's protecting, die. His competency as a general is questionable, but then again it is a VERY short list of high-level officials in Robotech that look competent.

On a lighter note:
Leonard: You know people think I'm a fool and a bastard for taking such a hard line. *hic* But at least I'm doing for all the right reasons. *hic*
Gendo: Your point.
Leonard *throws a bottle at Gendo's head just barely missing him*: You are a genocidal maniac. You know what, I think I'll have your own son kill you. Might do the boy some good, and fix some of that trauma you've been inflictin' on 'im. *hic* So, how's it feel knowing you'll be executed in four hours?
Gendo: Oh, just shut up.

Leonard: "Ah, it's good to be a cold-hearted bastard in a good cause..."
Gendo: "Well, at least I can still have a woman..."
Leonard: "Don't make me show you the hot tub pictures from my last side-trip to Aspen Base..."
Gendo: "...Gurk!..Please, shoot me now!"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:I hope this continues, but let us bronden the topic a bit. I wander how Robotech would do in other Sci-fi universes? Examples, Star War, Star Trek, Star Gate, the Gundam Univeres, Battletech, ect.

Cameos perhaps...the way N2 mines, reflex ordnance, and exploding Angels have been punching holes in space/time around Tokyo-3, it's certainly a possibility...

But remember folks, no hard stats, no conversions, and try to keep playing it up for yucks, even in the most grim and serious situations...a comic angle, or a light at the end of the tunnel(even if it's a Hovertank speeding on a headon collision course)...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Heya everyone, my brother wanted me to post this (using his exact words) considering the chaos that's going on for this one. So here it is:

P.S. This is, and was, my brother's idea. NOT MINE!!!!

We'll blame you anyway...

Remember folks, AT-fields are NOT considered adequate protection when dealing with Protoculture/Flower-of-Life Empowered Beings!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Alpha 11
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

Rathorc Lemenger wrote:Heya everyone, my brother wanted me to post this (using his exact words) considering the chaos that's going on for this one. So here it is:

Random Bar (somewhere in the Galaxy).
Shinji:(Slightly drunk) I hate my life. Everytime I find a girl I like, something pops up that ruins it.
Unknown Female Voice: Surly it can't be that bad. I have had worse myself.
Shinji: Oh ya? Try this: The first girl I had a crush on turned out to be a half clone of my mother. The next, Asuka, has one hell of a personality disorder, and she beat me whenever she had the chance. The Bridge Bunny I also liked turned out to like Dr. Akagi. And to top it all off, recently I got hit on by a trio of computers as well as a MALE Angel... My love life sucks...
Unknown Female Voice:... That is quite bad. But the fact that you've evolved beyond them shows great... portential.
Shinji: I'm actually thankfull that the prototype EVA carried spacefold booster Malfunctioned and brought me here. A shame we fought first though...
Unknown Female Voice: As am I. You are quite an... Interesting specimen Shinji Ikari, for a human. How about we continue this in my bedchambers?
Shnji: Sure, why not? Afterall sleeping with an alien isn't going to mess up my love life anymore then it is already.

*Six months later, back on earth, there's sirens blaring all over the complex.*

Shinji: What the hell is going on! Is there an another Angel attacking?
Max: Worse... Invid.
Kim (over the P.A system): Um, this is a bit odd, but will everyone please stand down and will Shinji Ikari Sterling please report to the main space port?
Shinji: Ok...?

*A Half-hour later.*

Rick: Lisa remind me why exactly we are meeting with the Invid Regis with Shinji here??
Lisa: Because she has requisted it. Ah here she comes.
(The Regis appears followed by several enforcers.)
Regis: Ah! Good, Shinji is here.
Shinji: You're voice seems awfully familiar...
Regis: As well it should... I have someone for you to meet... Dear.
Shinji: What are yo- (Shinji is suddenly knocked down by a little green skinned girl with black hair and big blue eyes that are both one colour). Um, who are you?
Little Girl: Don't you recongnize me... Papa?
Shinji: Oh Shii... (faints).
Little Girl: Mommy are all humans like this?
Regis: No dear, only your father.
(Everyone except the Invid are looking on in surprise until Max breaks it.)
Max: Just one thing... Did he beat you in battle first??
Regis: He did indeed. However, what attracted me was he seems to be more evolved then a normal human... That and he's better in bed then both my ex-husband and Zor combined.
Mariya: Wait... If she's (points as the little girl) is Shinji's daughter then that means that... YES! I'M A GRAND-MOTHER BEFORE LISA! HA!
Lisa: Damn her... (Teeth grinds loudly).

Rathorc Lemenger.

P.S. This is, and was, my brother's idea. NOT MINE!!!!

:lol: :lol: I loved it! :lol: :lol:
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taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote:I hope this continues, but let us bronden the topic a bit. I wander how Robotech would do in other Sci-fi universes? Examples, Star War, Star Trek, Star Gate, the Gundam Univeres, Battletech, ect.

Cameos perhaps...the way N2 mines, reflex ordnance, and exploding Angels have been punching holes in space/time around Tokyo-3, it's certainly a possibility...

But remember folks, no hard stats, no conversions, and try to keep playing it up for yucks, even in the most grim and serious situations...a comic angle, or a light at the end of the tunnel(even if it's a Hovertank speeding on a headon collision course)...

:twisted: Do not worry, we will not do it, much. :twisted:
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

And now for something completely different........ The Larch! :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

“What do you mean, it’s GONE?!”
“It’s gone....Just one moment it’s up there flinging pieces of itself at us, and then....just not there.”
“Don’t know yet....We’re trying every sensor including wide aperature telescopes...nothing..nil...zit...”
“I don’t get it! One moment that big flying eyeball is up there flinging parts of itself at us, and then ‘poof’, it’s gone! Could it have cloaked itself? It was jamming us before!”
“I think maybe...”
“Doctor Akagi? You have something?”
“Look at its orbital track....look where it last was....I think it inadvertantly crossed paths with the anomaly already in orbit...”
“The ‘Gate’ that Emerson’s Tristar came through?”
“...Entirely possible it may be now in the Southern Cross frame of reality.”
“You getting all this, Major Merryweather?”
“I’ve already got a messenger ready to go through the HomeGate, alerting them to be on the look-out.”

They would later call it the Battle of Sahaquiel.
Others just called it ‘Heaven’s Blast’.
When the giant Angel suddenly appeared in the midst of the Robotech Master fleet, it began dying almost immediately, caught in the midst of protoculture-tainted debris and surrounded by active protocuture systems. But confused and angered, it was perfectly willing and able to lash out at who it thought was responsible...and it had plenty of targets close at hand...Hyervelocity parts of its very self were flung out like a massive shotgun blast, ripping into the assembled Tirolian fleet.
For their part, the Masters’ fleet had immediately begun openning fire the moment the monstrousity had appeared in their midst, sensing a relationship of some sort between the spaceborne attacker and the micronian biomechs that had proven so vexing in denying the Masters their victory over the Earth. Reflex cannon, powered up to full, blasted into the 10th Angel, obliterating entire sections of the beast.
Had Sahaquiel been farther away when it stumbled through the Gate, the Masters might have readily dispatched the creature as handily as the Southern Cross had been killing Angels for NERV. But this fight was close-up, at virtual knife range, and was a virtual powderkeg waiting to explode.
Which it did, with a force greater than any terrestrial nuclear weapon, and rivaling that of the destruction of Dolza’s command fortress a few decades before...For a few seconds a second sun burned in the skies above Earth, and city hospitals were flooded with cases of temporary blindness...Up closer, the effects were more profound...An entire Tirolian Mothership was obliterated, two more heavily damaged...One of them began a barely controlled slide back down into Earth’s gravity well...and over half the auxiliary force fo destroyers, corvettes, and other small craft had been swept away...

Scoutships and observation posts further from the blast reported with incredulous awe of what had just happened....

Already, on Earth, military men were congratulating each other on a great victory, just as a courier came through a Gate in no-space, bearing a warning of possible dire danger.....

Meanwhile, on a rapidly descending Tirolian Mothership...
Musica: “I’ve got that sinking feeling...”
Octavia: “Me too...”
Allegra: “Not aggggaaaainnnn......”

Dana Sterling: “I hear they’re going to splash down in the Carribean...What are you looking at, Bowie?”
Bowie: “Looking to wrangle a temporary transfer to Sea Squad...Louie, can a Hovertank swim?”
Louie: “Theoretically, yes...practically, no...and it looks real funny with water wings attached..”

“At least we have proper Type E equipment for this sort of thing...and I always wanted to see the American Carribean!”
“ just disturbed the bees and they’re coming out mad!”
“You keep them off my back...I’m going to open this hive open a bit more with my...DOUBLE BLADED CHAINSAW!!!!!”
Dana: (watching from a nearby LST)”Who in their right minds gives manic-depressive fourteen-year olds three-hundred foot mecha and eighty-foot long chainsaws?!”(in a nearby Beachmaster carrier, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi starts sneezing)
Dante: “Do they make those in Hovertank size, and where can I get one?”

“Dumbkoff! You were so busy swatting bioroids, you missed the REAL prize! That was the Masters’ escape ship!”
“Well, excuse me, but if you’d quit hacking apart hull and helped out with the REAL work!”
“I didn’t ask you, Fourth Child-Second Stooge.”
“You know, if we don’t damage this thing TOO much, it might make a nice offshore resort.”

"Bowie...I'm glad to see you again, too...excuse me...*BARF*"
"Okay...that's sad...Boy Meets Girl, Boy Loses Girl, Boy Meets Girl Again..Girl Gets SeaSick all over him..."
"Drammimine please?"
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:And now for something completely different........ The Larch! :D

Oh no...not the Larch...anything but the Larch...
We can't handle the Larch...

Anybody know what the heck the Larch are?!
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I tink it's some sort of giant robotech plant man! :::Said in an almost unintelligible accent::: :D
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

Aramanthus wrote:I tink it's some sort of giant robotech plant man! :::Said in an almost unintelligible accent::: :D

"Asuka? Can I borrow that double-bladed giant hedge trimmer? Or a weed whacker if you'd prefer..."
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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(Shot of the Masters' Mothership going down in the Carribean...Karno (or his surviving brother(s)) doing a fair imitation of the rich dude going down with the Titanic....)

...The clone survivors being welcomed ashore to a steel drum band....

...Bowie nearly flipping out after seeing what a soak in the water does to already formfitting Tirolian chiffon-bodysuit material...

...the 15th getting in a fight with the 'Squids'....

...Sea Squad getting some long overdue screen-time...

...Including Captain 'Jack' Sparrow of Sea Squad...the 'Sean Phillips' of the Navy...only much more self-preservation-inclined...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

:lol: Some more good lines! :lol:
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...stereotypical little desert isle with a wrecked bioroid at one end...a few palm trees/tropical trees at the other end...a single line of footprints connecting the two...and a Tirolian bioroid pilot sitting there in the shade looking forlorn...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Aramanthus »

LOL!!! :lol: Those are some great lines! Just pass the rum! And we can have ourselves a great party with the cast of characters you've assembled Taalismn!
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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"Behold! The Next Wonder of the World! -JET ALONE-!!!!"
(Triumphant Music as the giant robot is raised into view)

Southern Cross Observer: "You've gotta be kidding..."
SCO2: " That monster? Are my eyes deceiving me, or are those COOLING VANES? Is that thing FISSION powered?"
SCO3: "I don't see any armaments...Three hundred feet tall, and where are its guns? It should have big guns."
(JA Industries staffers are sweating)
JA Spokeman: "Well, you see..."
SCO1: "Can it do ANYTHING?"
JA Spokeman: "Glad you asked....just watch what it can do...You've never seen anything like it before..."

(twenty minutes later)....

(From inside a Ferret APC racing away from the demonstration grounds)

SCO1: " just went rogue, busted out of the testing area, went godzilla on the observation stands, is now going for a major population area, and your attempt to bring it back under control just resulted in us losing contact with Captain Katsuragi.....You're right, we've NEVER seen anything like this before...Not even the GMP Golems ever went berserk like that..."
JA Spokeman: "...I can't understand...why did this happen...It's not supposed to do this..."
SCO2: "I'm calling in our own guys...they're used to tackling giant targets..."

Mountain Offense Squad Srgt: " mission we got planned, boys and girls...we're supposed to insert ourselves aboard a giant ambulating nuclear reactor, climb up into it, find and extract the previous redshirt who went in and got herself both fragged and irradiated, and shut the thing down without getting ourselves fragged and irradiated in the process....Gremlin and Hannibal squads are rounding up enough steel cable to trip the thing if we can't shut it we BETTER figure out how to stop it if we don't want to ride that thing down.... Any questions?"

MOS Corporal: "Yeah,...can I get a transfer to someplace SAFE? Like the front lines around Monument?"

(The MOS make their second appearance...more than they do in most people's Southern Cross games!)
Last edited by taalismn on Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

ROFLMAO!!! That was great!

Just one question anyone know where we can get a snowspeeder with a harpoon gun? We have a rampaging giant mecha on the loose and we need to stop it.

"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by glitterboy2098 »

taalismn wrote:...stereotypical little desert isle with a wrecked bioroid at one end...a few palm trees/tropical trees at the other end...a single line of footprints connecting the two...and a Tirolian bioroid pilot sitting there in the shade looking forlorn...

he'll be happer when he finds Nene Romanova and Linna Yamazaki are also stranded on the island, after that little jaunt into space to save earth from Galatea.

of course, after introductions and the first few hours, he'll wish he was never decanted...nene will talk your ears off...
Last edited by glitterboy2098 on Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

That is a great one GB! I'm hoping they are from the Orginal version. They were better drawn in my opinion. 2040 just lacked something to me.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Aramanthus wrote:That is a great one GB! I'm hoping they are from the Orginal version. They were better drawn in my opinion. 2040 just lacked something to me.

has to be the 2040 version, i don't think the original had the whole space station thing at the end.
Author of Rifts: Deep Frontier (Rifter 70)
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taalismn wrote:"Behold! The Next Wonder of the World! -JET ALONE-!!!!"
(Triumphant Music as the giant robot is raised into view)

Southern Cross Observer: "You've gotta be kinding..."
SCO2: " That monster? Are my eyes deceiving me, or are those COOLING VANES? Is that thing FISSION powered?"
SCO3: "I don't see any armaments...Three hundred feet tall, and where are its guns? It should have big guns."
(JA Industries staffers are sweating)
JA Spokeman: "Well, you see..."
SCO1: "Can it do ANYTHING?"
JA Spokeman: "Glad you asked....just watch what it can do...You've never seen anything like it before..."

(twenty minutes later)....

(From inside a Ferret APC racing away from the demonstration grounds)

SCO1: " just went rogue, busted out of the testing area, went godzilla on the observation stands, is now going for a major population area, and your attempt to bring it back under control just resulted in us losing contact with Captain Katsuragi.....You're right, we've NEVER seen anything like this before...Not even the GMP Golems ever went berserk like that..."
JA Spokeman: "...I can't understand...why did this happen...It's not supposed to do this..."
SCO2: "I'm calling in our own guys...they're used to tackling giant targets..."

Mountain Offense Squad Srgt: " mission we got planned, boys and girls...we're supposed to insert ourselves aboard a giant ambulating nuclear reactor, climb up into it, find and extract the previous redshirt who went in and got herself both fragged and irradiated, and shut the thing down without getting ourselves fragged and irradiated in the process....Gremlin and Hannibal squads are rounding up enough steel cable to trip the thing if we can't shut it we BETTER figure out how to stop it if we don't want to ride that thing down.... Any questions?"

MOS Corporal: "Yeah,...can I get a transfer to someplace SAFE? Like the front lines around Monument?"

(The MOS make their second appearance...more than they do in most people's Southern Cross games!)

:lol: I LOVED that last line! :lol:
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Aramanthus wrote:That is a great one GB! I'm hoping they are from the Orginal version. They were better drawn in my opinion. 2040 just lacked something to me.

From what I remember of both, they were both preaty good IMO.
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Unread post by Aramanthus »

I'll always prefer the original! Sorry 2040 was a pale copy of the original to me. They didn't make any effort to get the original voice actors and actresses back. I do own 2040, but as stated before prefer the original. Sorry, but it's my opinion.
"Your Grace," she said, "I have only one question. Do you wish this man crippled or dead?"

"My Lady," the protector of Grayson told his Champion, "I do not wish him to leave this chamber alive."

"As you will it, your Grace."

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Unread post by taalismn »

glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote:...stereotypical little desert isle with a wrecked bioroid at one end...a few palm trees/tropical trees at the other end...a single line of footprints connecting the two...and a Tirolian bioroid pilot sitting there in the shade looking forlorn...

he'll be happer when he finds Nene Romanova and Linna Yamazaki are also stranded on the island, after that little jaunt into space to save earth from Galatea.

of course, after introductions and the first few hours, he'll wish he was never decanted...nene will talk your ears off...

Linna: "I get his shirt, you get his pants."
Clone Pilot: "Now WAITAminute!...."
Yep...crashlands on Earth, and the next thing he knows, he's already been mugged....

Frankly I found the original Priss to be utterly annoying..the 2040 version actually seemd to THINK once and a while...other than that, te rest of them were losses...
Actually, in a parallel universe I looked in on, Commisoner McNichols actually works for the GMP, Nene Romanova was his adjutant(former Tactical Corp, until she got permanently crippled when the food convoy her squad was escorting in the Southlands was attacked by wasteland gangers, the accompanying troops either killed or captured and tortured, then left for dead...she got a transfer to the GMP for her hacking skills, at McNichols' request, before she could be kicked out of the military on a medical discharge)...and Priss was the head of a vicious gang dealing in stolen mecha parts, weapons, and black market goods(and she happened to be Leon's nemesis and the one who personally disfigured Nene)
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote: :lol: I LOVED that last line! :lol:

Pity none of NGE took place in either the jungle of down at AntArctica....that would have given me an excuse to bring in Humid Climate Offense Squad, Jungle Squad, and the Cold Weather Offense Squad...THose poor guys get NO joy from the joining of the two Earths...
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

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Unread post by Alpha 11 »

taalismn wrote:
glitterboy2098 wrote:
taalismn wrote:...stereotypical little desert isle with a wrecked bioroid at one end...a few palm trees/tropical trees at the other end...a single line of footprints connecting the two...and a Tirolian bioroid pilot sitting there in the shade looking forlorn...

he'll be happer when he finds Nene Romanova and Linna Yamazaki are also stranded on the island, after that little jaunt into space to save earth from Galatea.

of course, after introductions and the first few hours, he'll wish he was never decanted...nene will talk your ears off...

Linna: "I get his shirt, you get his pants."
Clone Pilot: "Now WAITAminute!...."
Yep...crashlands on Earth, and the next thing he knows, he's already been mugged....

Frankly I found the original Priss to be utterly annoying..the 2040 version actually seemd to THINK once and a while...other than that, te rest of them were losses...
Actually, in a parallel universe I looked in on, Commisoner McNichols actually works for the GMP, Nene Romanova was his adjutant(former Tactical Corp, until she got permanently crippled when the food convoy her squad was escorting in the Southlands was attacked by wasteland gangers, the accompanying troops either killed or captured and tortured, then left for dead...she got a transfer to the GMP for her hacking skills, at McNichols' request, before she could be kicked out of the military on a medical discharge)...and Priss was the head of a vicious gang dealing in stolen mecha parts, weapons, and black market goods(and she happened to be Leon's nemesis and the one who personally disfigured Nene)

:lol: Auu..., the poor pilote. Nooottt! :lol:
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taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote: :lol: I LOVED that last line! :lol:

Pity none of NGE took place in either the jungle of down at AntArctica....that would have given me an excuse to bring in Humid Climate Offense Squad, Jungle Squad, and the Cold Weather Offense Squad...THose poor guys get NO joy from the joining of the two Earths...

That would be cool to them too. Though it looks like the REP could get along there no problem at all.
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Unread post by taalismn »

Alpha 11 wrote:
taalismn wrote:
Alpha 11 wrote: :lol: I LOVED that last line! :lol:

Pity none of NGE took place in either the jungle of down at AntArctica....that would have given me an excuse to bring in Humid Climate Offense Squad, Jungle Squad, and the Cold Weather Offense Squad...THose poor guys get NO joy from the joining of the two Earths...

That would be cool to them too. Though it looks like the REP could get along there no problem at all.

Well, beisdes the GMP, SOMEBODY'S gotta hunt down the SEELE members in their remote boltholes(if the mecha strikes on their offices don't get'em).
"Trouble rather the Tiger in his Lair,
Than the Sage among his Books,
For all the Empires and Kingdoms,
The Armies and Works that you hold Dear,
Are to him but the Playthings of the Moment,
To be turned over with the Flick of a Finger,
And the Turning of a Page"

--------Rudyard Kipling
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