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Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film development

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:37 am
by glitterboy2098 ... 1850546078

the art seems to mostly be from this guy's blog:
the only post i could find directly there isthis:

Edit: found the rest, they're on his artstation page
part 1:
part 2:
Starship building:
Canon defense:
Big Rigs:

the VF's are.. interesting. sorta F-15/F-22ish, which i kinda guessed. some odd features in the feet though.

and is it just me, or does that version of the SDF-1 feel a lot bigger than the mile long one from the Show?

Re: Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film developmen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 1:43 am
by Snake Eyes
That art is quite impressive. The SDF-1 does look a lot bigger

Re: Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film developmen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 2:56 am
by glitterboy2098
i like the idea of the oil rig gun platforms. those make a degree of sense, defensively. i'd guess they would have been anchored around Macross island as additional 'heavy' defense of the island. i'm guessing those oval things in the 1st image of part 2 were supposed to be transport airships of some kind. cargo zepplins maybe, like in the old comics?

the shanty town around Macross City feels really weird to me though.

Re: Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film developmen

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 4:14 pm
by xunk16
glitterboy2098 wrote:the shanty town around Macross City feels really weird to me though.

It's not unreasonable, but it certainly clashes with what we know of the anti-UN war era. Macross should be this gleaming place that receives all the budget to the detriment of the rest of the world being turned into shanty towns because of lack of adequate re-construction projects and the overall economic crisis. In fact, the economic crisis experienced by the rest of the world, with the money trail leading into Macross top secret projects, is more or less the justification why the anti-UN movement gets more than a false flag operation after a while. Though I suspect it's more civil unrest than anything by this point... there is still the treason of the New European Commonwealth.
While it might not seems like much, the idea was one of the few things Liu Cixin got right in his three bodies series. That is to say; constructing a fleet of spaceships and the infrastructure to lead a space war is a burden on the economy that doesn't really create anything. No food, no comfort, and certainly no efforts to rebuild on what is essentially the remains of the ruins left by the GCW. Of course some place would be hit harder than others, such as Pacifica and the surrounding California (Return to Macross), and the UKs; which had a tripartite armed conflict on their soil. The half neo-tsarist Russia and Exclusionist Oceania might also be recuperating from a mix of authoritarian rule forcing the people into guerrilla warfare against their own infrastructures. There is then, of course, the unknown extent of damages caused by the NEACPS conflict with China and the Western Alliance. Or the Trans-American States, Eastern United States, and Québec's attempts at independence.

I guess the movie was going to show the shanty towns directly on Macross to introduce this theme without having to build upon the rest of the planet in the movie. Possibly to save costs and screen time, but most probably to be able to deliver the idea fast and without diverging too much from the main plot of the first space war. Most probably, the shanty town could have been from clandestine migrants coming to Macross in the hope of fetching some waste disposal or construction work. The later being less and less relevant since... well, building a city on an island does have a limited space.

Re: Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film developmen

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:16 pm
by Peacebringer
glitterboy2098 wrote: Sun Jun 18, 2023 2:56 am . . .

the shanty town around Macross City feels really weird to me though.
The theme from District 9 played in my head when I saw those.

Re: Concept art from the early Sony Robotech Film development

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 10:02 am
by slade the sniper
Love that artwork.
Well, maybe third time's a charm for a live action movie.
That SDF-1 is enormous.