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Fun idea for a biker gang

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:56 am
by theran_mage
Hey everybody,

I’m in the middle of reading the Brand Gap by Marty Neumeier and he made an off-handed comment in the book, but it sparked a fun idea for me.

He’s talking about how brands have become identities we can put on like clothes. “You can belong to the Callaway tribe when you play golf, the VW tribe when you drive to work, and the Williams-Sonoma tribe when you cook a meal… Brands are the little gods of modern life, each ruling a different need, activity, mood, or situation.”

Below that, he says, “On Sundays they worship Harley, god of the open road.” And this line is what made me think about a biker gang that has this kind of divine connection.

A fun bit of flavor you can add.