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Something cool to find on a crashed Phase World Scout Ship?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:35 am
by Rifter_GM
Greetings, Rifters!

My players are about to explore a crashed ship, so I was trying to come up with something cool for them to discover inside. The idea is that it is a crashed scout ship on Earth and they find a cool artifact or something after clearing it out.

Thanks in advance for the help!

Re: Something cool to find on a crashed Phase World Scout Sh

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:14 pm
by taalismn
From my Random Spacewrecks charts:

H) Interior Surprises:
“Okay, show of hands! Who volunteers to explore the derelict alien spaceship?”

Okay, we get to the heart of the encounter; what’s inside waiting for anybody brave enough to enter. Roll 1d4 times.

01-15% Salvageable Parts----There’s still usable technology, bits and pieces, to be gleaned from the wreck. Even if the ship is of alien design, some principles of technology may be common enough that a good engineer can jury-rig something using the salvage.
16-20% Regressed Crew---The survivors, or their descendants, have reverted to a primitive state, and will likely regard outsiders as threats. Alternatively, deranged crewmember(s) who will attack any intruders.
21-25% Black Box---Emergency recorders(or the equivalent) still intact. Even if the ship is ancient, the recorders might be of value to historians.
26-30% Alien Lifeform---A (relatively) harmless, but inconveniencing, alien lifeform has taken up residence in the wreck, such as a colony of space coral clogging passageways, alien vegetation slowly breaking up the hull, or an extended family of rodent-analogues stealing and caching everything small and shiny.
31-35% Space Zombies---Reanimated dead populate the wreck. Spacing doesn’t affect them much.
36-45% Valuable Ore/Metal---Inside the wreck is a substantial amount of valuable mineral ore or salvageable metal.
46-50% Automated Defenses---Some of the ship’s weapons systems remain operational and have been programmed to fire on targets not ID’ing as friendly.
51-55% Salvageable Cargo---The wreck still holds a cargo(use the Random Cargo charts from Three Galaxies) that can be salvaged.
56-65% Radiation---Parts of the wreck are glowing with dangerous levels of nuclear radiation.
66-70% Booby-Trap---The wreck’s been rigged with some sort of device to trap the unwary. This could be a simple explosive on the airlocks or lockers, a tractor zone to disable the drive systems of any ship that comes too close, or a self-destruct that obliterates the entire wreck.
71-73% Navigational Data---The ship’s remains hold valuable navigation data(a shorter way across a dangerous area, coordinates of planets, or clues to a treasure) embedded in its circuitry, written in the ship’s log, or painted on the walls.
74-76% Insane Artificial Intelligence----A rogue computer system or robot is aboard. It may or may not have been responsible for the original wreck.
77-78% Usable Weapons---This can be lockers of charged energy rifles or magazines of ship-launched missiles, ready for the taking.
79-80% Predatory Alien Lifeform(s)----A violent alien organism responds to the intrusion and it’s hungry.
81-82% Pirate Trap---Pirates are using the wreck as a honeytrap to bring in prey.
83-84% Fuel or Consumables---The ship still holds a stock of usable fuel, water, or usable gases that can be tapped. Or maybe it’s still edible food or drugs.
85-86% Monster Lair---Some monstrous being has made the wreck its home; it doesn’t like its solitude being disturbed.
87-88% Hoard of Valuables----Collection of valuables; precious metals, jewels, or objects de art, held aboard the wreck.
89-90% Haunting Entities---A number of haunting entities lurk aboard, drawn by the psychic echoes of violent death.
91-93% Cryogenic Lifeboat---There’s survivors, in some form of stasis.
94-95% Virulent XenoPathogen---The wreck is permeated by a highly contagious alien disease vector.
96-97% Exotic Alien Technology or Magic---This can be load of magic weapons, or a teleporter, phase engine, or Dominator device, but it’s potentially VERY valuable and a potential game-changer.
98-00% Xeno-Trap---An alien species has set the wreck as a honeytrap to capture other starfaring sentients. The goal can be crude diplomacy, collecting for a galactic zoo, psychological testing, or biological experimentation.

Re: Something cool to find on a crashed Phase World Scout Sh

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:26 am
by Rifter_GM
Thanks for the chart. Lots of great ideas there!

Re: Something cool to find on a crashed Phase World Scout Sh

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 4:02 am
by Rifter_GM
I wound up having the group recover a Phase Beamer and an anti-grav harness. They don't have access to other Phase World tech, so this made for a nice discovery.