Nightbane Slang

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One Hand Clapping
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Nightbane Slang

Post by One Hand Clapping »

Hey everybody,

I’m a big fan of creating lexicons for different settings. So do any of you have interesting slang used in your Nightbane games? Any nicknames for the Nightlords and their minions? Unique curse words or turns of phrase? Here are some that have been used in my previous games...

Night Name (n.) - A street name or handle used by many Nightbane, the purpose of which is usually to protect the ‘Bane’s human identity. The nickname often, but not always, describes some aspect of the Morphus. An example is the Resistance leader popularly known by the night name “Burger-Face,” but whose birth name is Brian Vaughn.

Blacktagged (adj.) - Having been officially identified as a “Nightbane” by the Ba’al. Once such information is known and catalogued by the Nightlords, the ‘Bane’s Facade/human identity is forever compromised and cannot provide adequate cover. Such Nightbane are typically forced to live in hiding or on the run.

Black Hats (n.) - NSB agents.

Going Loud (v.) - Engaging in an all-out attack, without concern for drawing Nightlord attention. This usually implies the use of Morphus, talents, magic, or other overt supernatural means. The act of “going loud” sometimes suggests desperation or making a last stand.

“Where the sun don’t shine” (n.) - A euphemism for the Nightlands. Technically inaccurate, as the Nightlands does have a sun.

Ticks (n.) - Vampires.

War Face (n.) - Morphus form. “Putting on your war face” means transforming from Facade to Morphus.

Mojo (n.) - Magic or magical power. Most serious magicians consider the term flippant.

Deporting (v.) - Killing a Nightlord minion on Earth.

Animal Control (n.) - The act of hunting Nightlord minions, particularly Hounds.

Half-Breed (n.) - An Athanatos.

Mime (n.) - A Doppleganger.

Sellspell/Sellpsi (n.) - A mercenary magic-user/psychic.

Bug (n.) - A Namtar.

Worm (n.) - An Ashmedai.

Flushing (v.) - Entering the Nightlands by pouring oneself into a mirror (i.e., the Mirrorwalk ability).

Seven Years Bad Luck (n.) - The tactic of breaking and destroying every mirror or reflective surface in a small area, so as to impede incoming Mirrorwalks from the Nightlands.
"I once heard that Kevin Siembieda shot a man... just to watch him die. "
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Re: Nightbane Slang

Post by CatchTheseHands »

I love this! Got some of my own:

Quislings: 'Bane who sell out to the Nightlords, usually assisting NSB agents in hunting down their own kind.

Snitchjacketing: Maliciously or carelessly accusing someone of being a snitch, infiltrator, or collaborator.
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Re: Nightbane Slang

Post by CatchTheseHands »

I love this! I've got a few of my own, borrowed from activist circles:

Quisling: A 'Bane who sells out their own kind, as a snitch/infiltrator/collaborator, etc. to the Nightlords, demons, or other baddies.

Snitchjacketing: Maliciously or carelessly accusing someone of being a quisling.
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