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CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:39 pm
by Aaryq
Howdy, folks.
I'm cooking up a CS Military Campaign in the borderlands/frontiers of Lone Star.

The players are stationed in a made-up base near the Pecos Empire lands border. There is a Brigade-sized element on their base and there is an Infantry Company and some support personnel in a Combat Outpost a ways away that sits on the border. Next to their base there is a small town that exists pretty much because there is a brigade there. They sell over priced cars, tattoos, sound systems, etc. Further down the road is a town recently taken over by the CS. The town is really 50/50 on accepting the CS. Think Belfast, Northern Ireland in the late 70's or so. It is also a hub for the black market. There isn't really much of a Military Garrison there, however. It's ISS and NTSET running the show out there. The Non-Military Law Enforcement leadership are a prideful bunch and, much like in the TV Cop shows, they have a big problem with jurisdiction issues and resist the military unless they need their help.

The start of the whole campaign consists of a squad being assigned to find a specific band of Pecos Raiders who have captured a new CS weapon system and the Officer assigned to train CS Troops in its entire function. Go out, keep a low profile, investigate, recover the weapons and the major and if possible kill those responsible.

I don't know any ideas beyond the initial mission. More background for you:
Their support is limited because this campaign happens during the Tolkeen War. Tolkeen Front has first priority. Supplies, replacement men, replacement parts, etc are all being funneled towards the front first. The Pecos Raiders have picked up on this and are trying to take advantage of the situation.

Can someone help me out with a few ideas to supplement this campaign if I'm not able to develop a follow-up scenario based off the first.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:09 pm
by say652
Pecos raiders. Wandering monsters. Native Americans.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:11 pm
by Aaryq
Hook/Line/Sinkers to share?

I lost a lot of my books from some poor weather and poor planning (and inadequate insurance). The Pecos Bandits are from Lonestar, right?

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:50 pm
by say652
Ok. Hook. A small group of tri-tops herders show up beaten bloody. Screaming about they took them!
Line. A Shifter is kidnapping folks and zombiefying them.
Sinker. He has a standing army of x many created zombies.
X equals enough to test the party or slaughter them outright.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 9:14 am
by Aaryq
Oooh! Wheels are turning now.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:38 am
by mobuttu
I once did a (unfinished due real life) campaign set on Lone Star. Here you are some plots I used (I know they are not CS focused but they might help anyway):

- PC are locked in Lore Star for their crimes or experimentation. Suddenly a blackout occurs in the complex that let them free to flee. But first they will meet a Psi-X Alien and the Ashiwarra (See Machinations of Doom). The Psi-X Alien is, in fact, a mutated son of Grey Fox (a Bandito Warlord of the Pecos Empire).

- Hook: An accident in the road with a medical attention already in place.
Line: One of the victims accuse the medical personnel of being monsters.
Sinker: They are actually vampires that transport boys and girls in ambulances to feed their masters.

- Hook: An ostrosaurus pack blocks the PC way to cross a river.
Line: The Ostrosaurus get nervous and attack the PC and/or get spread through the desert.
Sinker: The Ostrosauris pack is, in fact, property of Zimbex, a zimvan lider. Now, they must help the zimvan tribe to gather the ostrosaurus back or else. If they succeed they instead will be invited to hunt the great beast: the Ashiwarra escaped from Lone Star.

- The PC receive news of the warlords gathering that is taking place in a few days at Ciudad Juarez.
Hook: They want the bring back the Psi-X Alien to his father (Grey fox) in order to be paid a reward.
Line: Grey Fox is very grateful for the return of his son an invite the PC to join the gathering (which consist in partying and political meetings, where they know about the Juicer exodus to Newtown. ).
Sinker: In one of those meetings one of the PC trigger am hypnotic compulsion induced by Doctor Bradford when he/she was in Lone Star complex to kill Sabre Lassar (one of the most important Warlords). All is revealed as a Dr. Bradford plot to assassinate Sabre Lassar.

- Heading to Newtown to investigate the juicer issue,
Hook: the PC bump into a barracks town that surrounds an under construction pyramid.
Line: The city is ruled by a Lipoca demon and his Fire Demon lieutenants who has slaved the town to build a pyramid for him.
Sinker: An American Indian Shaman hidden in the town offers the PC a trip to the Spirit World where they will have to convince Bright Sky (the Sun American Indian God) to help their people at the town (insert here a suitable test to reach the God attention). If they succeed Bright Sky will produce a Solar Eclipse that will weaken the Lipoca demon to be slain by the PC.

For additional information, you can find the sessions reviews and used characters here. Click on the upper-right button for an automatic google translation.

Hope it helps.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:54 pm
by Blue_Lion
Well sounds like they set up for the group is CS military stationed on the southern border.

Hook: SGT. Smith's Patrol is late reporting the PC group is sent to see what happened the lost patrol.

The line: They find evidence that the part of the patrol went rouge and killed the other part. The dog pack that was with the patrol was killed, 2 days before the group went dark, in a skirmish with raiders.

The sinker: A secondary vampire has used its powers to ensnare several key members of the group and use them to get control of the patrol.

Hook: A small band of bandits have defeated several small patrols, and quickly looted all gear before disappearing.

The line: The bandits have 1 type of heavy armor (tank, APC or Giant robot) and several heavy weapons. But disappear after they hit a patrol.

The sinker: The group works for the black market and is acquiring CS gear for sale to other bandit groups/tolkeen. They are using robots disguised as large beast that are found in area (see rifts black market.) to make their escape. The heavy armor is piloted by a TW, modified with armor of Ithan and improved invisibility with a self propelled tw floater mod (from SOT) think air speed is around 60 MPH.

The Hook: Two CS intelligence operatives have been captured by a small group of raiders. The CS has sent in line troops to surround and prevent their escape. The PCs will be sent in to try to get the operatives out alive.

The Line: The Intelligence operatives has vital information for on the pick up point for CS slaves being sold to Splorgoth slavers as well as the time of the exchange. It is believed that around 100 CS soldiers will be sold to the slavers at that time. A direct asualt by the CS forces will result in the death of both operatives.

The sinker: If they do not secure the hostages in 2 hours they will not get the Intel in time to stop the slavers and rescue the captured cs troopd.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:23 pm
by Alrik Vas
Hook: Pecos Bandits seem to let up around a certain area that was once troubled.

Line: The players investigate, finding the mercs hired to protect the town were actually bandits disguised to look respectable. They've taken the town without a fight and hold everyone hostage.

Sinker: The CS dispatches special ops to investigate, the players are put on the team and must gather intelligence to assess the threat and also assess if liberation will turn the town into joining the CS.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:43 pm
by Blue_Lion
Aaryq wrote:Hook/Line/Sinkers to share?

I lost a lot of my books from some poor weather and poor planning (and inadequate insurance). The Pecos Bandits are from Lonestar, right?

Not sure off the top of my head where they are highly detailed, but I think the region in question would be new west or Lone star for the Pecos Bandits.

If we knew which books you have to work with would make it easer to come up with ideas on how to use them.

Hook: Food supplies and weapons are going missing from the base.

Line: A hidden tunnel is found under the base, with a nest of rouge mutant rats.

The sinker: That rats where have an extensive tunnel network that runs underground for miles and several to point under a nexus. Several of the rats at the nexus are Witches and in the process of summing a alien Intelligence. (May require either dark conversions or the un revised conversion book 1.) They can either be physically stronger or use magic depending on your choice.

Hook: A bald woman in sunglasses wants transport to a safe town outside of CS territory.

Line: She is a blind warrior woman willing to trade knowledge of slaver barge routs for safe passage.

Sinker: She is being chased by group of bio-borgs, they will attack the group as they are escorting her to meet up with CS intelligence. The bio-borgs are escaped slaves and members of the residence in Atlantice and the Blind warrior woman is a plant to give CS fasle intel to trap and enslave several CS navy warships. (may require rifts atlantis)

Hook: Party sent to escort CSS medical personal to a friendly town to treat the local populace.

Line: A strange illness is has been in the town for several weeks.

Sinker: A unknown super natural eviel has been feeding on the towns people at night draining them off energy while they sleep.
In the storm drains under the town are 2d4 of these monsters. **They have 400+5d6 MDC each Regenerate 1d4X10 MD per round, a hive mind with a shared PPE of 3d6X100+350 PPE SN str 43 Silver and cold forged Iron do MD to them and direct sun light causes them to stop regenerating for 1 hour and causes 3d12 MDC per round. They all know the same spells 4 spells from each level 1-6, 2 spells from levels 7-12. They have 6 attacks +5 to strike, +4 parry, +6 to dodge HF 16. They have telepathy at will (no ISP cost) and mind block auto defense. The appear are a race of slimy tentacle monsters there main body is a blob about 3 foot in diameter with 6 foot long tentacles. it can squeeze threw opening 1 inch wide.**

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:23 pm
by say652
Or a classic. Wild vampire raid. These "bug" hunts are just combat. Battle til dawn hope you live. Usually ends with a few dead pc's and angry players but starts out fun.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:50 am
by Aaryq
I've got a lot of books: Applicable to the situation: RUE, RMB, Sourcebook 1 (both), CS War Campaign, CS Navy, New West, Spirit West, Lone Star, Tolkeen Series, Xiticix, Vampire Kingdom, Juicer Uprising, Quebec, D-Bees of NA, Arzno, Black Market, GM Guide, and probably more that might be applicable. I have a decent collection.

All good ideas though. Please keep them coming.

Also, what about the CS wanting to expand their territories in the disputed territory? That is to take and hold more land in direct CS Support. Why would they do this during a time logistical scarcity due to Tolkeen? Because the Brigade Commanding General wants to impress the Emperor and his staff by "Doing so much with so few with so little."
As a result, he launches the offensive to secure cities and areas of key strategic importance or propaganda purposes (either inspire the troops or dishearten the Pecos troops).
Any good ideas for how you would utilize a squad of CS PC's in a mission like that?

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:17 pm
by Alrik Vas
Utilizing small squads are best in kidnapping, assassination, intelligence gathering, bounty hunting and relief missions. Be the peacekeepers in the area, do it better than the locals. The people will come to depend on you.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:05 pm
by Aaryq
Alrik Vas wrote:Utilizing small squads are best in kidnapping, assassination, intelligence gathering, bounty hunting and relief missions. Be the peacekeepers in the area, do it better than the locals. The people will come to depend on you.

That's kind of what I was thinking. But even with a more "Hearts and Minds" aspect to it.

Only one of the gamers in my group hasn't been in the military (Active or EAS'ed) so they understand a lot about the BS associated with rules of engagement and I think that would be a really cool angle to try. Imagine, you advance, hit definite military targets, seize the town, hill, base, camp, etc by force, and then hold it. When you're holding it, you want to make sure the locals know you're the good guy so you have to go out and build schools, set up mobile clinics, throw candy, and all that stuff. At the same time you can't stop whatever you're doing and start a gunfight with some shady lookin fellow that no more than a week ago was in a firefight with you and your squad.

I want to try to use the rules of engagement as an antagonist to the PC's as much as the actual bad guys and I think that it will make for some really great roleplay.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:18 pm
by Blue_Lion
Aaryq wrote:I've got a lot of books: Applicable to the situation: RUE, RMB, Sourcebook 1 (both), CS War Campaign, CS Navy, New West, Spirit West, Lone Star, Tolkeen Series, Xiticix, Vampire Kingdom, Juicer Uprising, Quebec, D-Bees of NA, Arzno, Black Market, GM Guide, and probably more that might be applicable. I have a decent collection.

All good ideas though. Please keep them coming.

Also, what about the CS wanting to expand their territories in the disputed territory? That is to take and hold more land in direct CS Support. Why would they do this during a time logistical scarcity due to Tolkeen? Because the Brigade Commanding General wants to impress the Emperor and his staff by "Doing so much with so few with so little."
As a result, he launches the offensive to secure cities and areas of key strategic importance or propaganda purposes (either inspire the troops or dishearten the Pecos troops).
Any good ideas for how you would utilize a squad of CS PC's in a mission like that?

Well there is a hearts and mind campaign where you send in a medic to treat locals and your engineers practice the there skills building things the town needs but those tend to cost money.

If the town has only a small mallita they can force a them to join the CS with threat of force. Option two would be to find or create a situation where your people replace the locals.

Hook: CS plans to have the PC group take over the roll of town law enforcement, in a town that is being harassed by raiders.

Line: Evidence comes up that town sheriff and mayor are connected to the bandits. (Taking bribes ect.) CS offers to take care of the problem for the town if they accept CS rule and the PCs as 1 of two squads to enforced the laws.

Sinker: The bandits are really CS troops in disguise, and the evidence is false created by CS intelligence.

Hook: Pcs are to go under cover and track down and capture black market hospitals and cyber chop shops.

Line: The captured medical supplies will be given to the body fixer in town X to treat the towns people and help win over the people in the town.

Sinker: The doc, is part of a underground movement to coordinate medical supplies to the besieged city of state of Tolkeen. By handing over the supplies the PCs are supplying Tolkeen forces. (Option B is he is over charging for treatment and giving the officer that set it up a kick back.)

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:25 pm
by Aaryq
What a twist!

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 6:52 pm
by Morik
Hook: They have been ordered to go undercover and find out what has happened to a deep C.S. agent that infiltrated the Hammer Gang in El Paso.

Line : The agent they are looking for has started another branch of the gang in Juarez.

Sinker: The agent has been recruited by the Psykes (or whatever gang) and plans on double crossing the player character to show his loyalty.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 11:00 pm
by Alrik Vas
Rules of engagement are prefect for what you're planning, but remember, the CS doesn't put up with a lot of the same crap US forces do. Though if your theater commander OS going for the kid glove approach, it'll be interesting.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:08 am
by mobuttu
Oh Lord! This threat is boiling with good ideas! I have to compile them all in my Rifts blog to don't let them fade out!

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 7:24 am
by Blue_Lion
Alrik Vas wrote:Rules of engagement are prefect for what you're planning, but remember, the CS doesn't put up with a lot of the same crap US forces do. Though if your theater commander OS going for the kid glove approach, it'll be interesting.

If I recall rules of engagement for the CS (and most of rifts) are much closer to WWII all and no where as limiting as our media political driven ones. But some commanders may be the exception.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:11 am
by Aaryq
I understand that the CS has their own rules of engagement but I'm going to break canon as a plot development.

Also: According to the book, ISS and other CS Law Enforcement have jurisdiction and the military can only be requested to assist. Any ideas to create strife between Military and in the cop shows where they argue about jurisdiction.

First idea is the chief of police in a crime-ridden city refuses to allow his officers to cooperate with the players (military) that are on a mission to catch legit military targets. I was thinking casual harassment, blatant disrespect and such from the police leadership and then a few sergeants or patrolmen are secretly passing information onto the player characters.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:24 pm
by Alrik Vas
Police have jurisdiction in the cities, over crime and punishment and other forms of justice. The military keep order by killing people. Can't remember the name of the movie, but it was a city being quarantined and Bruce Willis was the army general tasked with the job. He told them, "Gentlemen, the US Army is a broadsword, not a scalpel."

Other bits, back in the riots of '92 in LA, the national guard was called in. I heard that at one point, the police called for the guardsman to cover them, thinking they'd wait for something to show up then take a shot. The guardsmen engaged in suppressive fire instead.

Sometimes there's a bit of a difference in a term.

Though when it comes to jurisdiction, if a target to be captured escapes into a city, the players should make it plain that they're in charge, but that they'll accomodate the local authorities in any way they can without compromising their mission. Either that, or the squad hasn't been given authorization to enter civilian areas to capture their target, which if that's the case, they wouldn't be having an issue until they were cleared, and even then, the superiors of the military and civillian sides would have to work out who was in charge.

Of course, this doesn't stop the police from being disruptive if they think their authority is being ignored.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:47 pm
by Aaryq
You're thinking of The Siege. Now I have to watch that movie again. Love that movie...

That's some nice insight to how to run the Army in ISS territory. This is going to be good.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:09 pm
by Aaryq
say652 wrote:Ok. Hook. A small group of tri-tops herders show up beaten bloody. Screaming about they took them!
Line. A Shifter is kidnapping folks and zombiefying them.
Sinker. He has a standing army of x many created zombies.
X equals enough to test the party or slaughter them outright.

I stole a piece of your idea and manipulated it. You inspired me so I must share. I started it out as a simple go here do this and kind of evolved into its own fun run.
Fort Tucker is the base they are stationed at in the SW.
Olympic Village is a CS town within walking distance of the base...most revenue for the town comes from CS troops (tattoos, booze, used car sales, barber shops, etc).
LT Abrams is the political officer assigned to the team

A group of eight men and one limping/bleeding dog approach the PC's beaten and bloody. They are Tri-Tops ranchers that work for the Bud Hoss, the number one supplier of meat for Fort Tucker and Olympic Village.

Herders say that they were bushwhacked by rustlers and left for dead. The rustlers traveled southwest, 20 miles inside Pecos Borders near the town of Gila. The team LT Abrams says that it would be a great public relations victory for the CS if they track down the rustlers and recover the Tri-Tops. Three of them in decent condition ask for permission to help recover the Tri-Tops. Bud Hoss offers them horses and recommends this because they know how herd the Tri-Tops. As they head out, the William's dog, Big Ben continues to follow them. He stopped the bleeding on his dog but it continues to limp. There is and obvious injury to the front left paw. No matter how hard they try, the dog continues to follow. Eventually he will put the dog on the back of the saddle if the PC's don't offer to put him up in the vehicle.

The herders are newly hired Cowboys, only working for Bud Hoss for three weeks and are little more than a bandit, gunslinger, and saddle tramp posing as cowboys. As they approach the hideout, they lead the PC's into an ambush and once contact is initiated they ride off away from danger only to turn around after 1 melee round to join in on the attack. The ambush is initiated by the lead vehicle/PC stepping on a Plasma Mini-Missile converted into a landmine (5D6-3 MDC) The attackers are:
2 Brodkil (Lone Star P. 164) riding Tri-Tops (New West P. 165)
One has an NG-E12 Plasma Ejector (10 E-Clips)
One has WI-23 mini-missile launcher (3 magazines)
A 60mm Mortar Team in refurbished Plastic Man Armor (Only 28 MDC) 200m away on the military crest of a nearby hill.
Mortar fires Fragmentation rounds but they're at -8 to strike at 2 rounds per melee. They have 12 rounds. Each round has a 01-15% of being a dud.
They are also equipped with C-18 Laser Pistols
2 Rustlers riding Speedster Hover Cycles (Lone Star P. 54) each armed with 4 fragmentation mini-missile tubes.
Wearing Bandito Armor (New West P 177)
Also packing Wilk's 320 Laser Pistol
Herders – Not wearing armor. All armed with what look like SDC Peacemaker Revolvers (5 shots – capacity for 6) and Winchester 1892 Rifles (10+1 shots). Weapons are actually CFT Laser Cartridge weapons (MDC). Each PC will have up to 2 opportunities (one for holstered pistol, one for sheathed rifle on horse) to spot the difference (Perception of 13 and 15 respectively).

-William Young – “Leader” of the group. Does most of the talking. Appears to be about 47 years old. Does not cuss but is completely focused on revenge. Speaks fluent Spanish and English (no accent). 4th Level gunslinger.
-Juan Rodriguez – Least injured. Only speaks when spoken to. Appears to be about 16 years old. Speaks no English. 1st Level Bandito
-Carlos Sanchez – Big mouth: will talk about anything to anyone forever. Only problem is his accent is severely thick and if he can't think of the English word, he'll use the Spanish word and keep talking (English skill at 70%). Appears to be about 22. 2nd Level Saddle Tramp.
-Big Ben – Not actually a dog. K9 Companion. New West P. 199 equipped with dual eye ion beams
Note 1: I have basic write ups for these guys but I'm sure y'all like to customize them best as you can.
Note 2: Bud Hoss is not written out at all. He's loud, crude, friendly, smokes cigars, drinks fine whiskey, and looks like John Goodman in the 90's.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 2:26 pm
by say652
Awesome. Imma muse ing. Lol.

I do my best adventures with a stack of books and a rough idea of what I'm doing. To much structure inhibits creativity which in my case makes for a boring adventure.

Re: CS Military Campaign - Southern Front

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:14 am
by say652
A posse of D-bees on bionic horses are running a cs ranger in to the ground, they shot out his jetpack and are basically chasing him until he dies. (Called a stag hunt irl)
He sees your group and unfortunately as the badguys crest the hill he collapses and dies in the pc's care. His last words are "dragon"

The bandit posse is about a hundred strong armed with various md weapons. They are pecos raiders Wandering around. You need Rifts Mercenary book to complete my idea. ;)